application: primers [ documentation: "Simple version of primer3 to pick PCR primers" groups: "Nucleic:Primers" external: "primer3_core" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "dna" help: "The sequence from which to choose primers. The sequence must be presented 5' -> 3'" ] endsection: input section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] range: target [ additional: "Y" default: "" information: "Target region(s)" help: "If one or more Targets is specified then a legal primer pair must flank at least one of them. A Target might be a simple sequence repeat site (for example a CA repeat) or a single-base-pair polymorphism. The value should be a space-separated list of \ , \ pairs where is the index of the first base of a Target, and is the last \ E.g. 50,51 requires primers to surround the 2 bases at positions 50 and 51." ] integer: minsize [ additional: "Y" default: "18" minimum: "1" information: "Primer minimum size" help: "Minimum acceptable length of a primer. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to MAX-SIZE." ] integer: maxsize [ additional: "Y" default: "27" minimum: "$(MinSize)" maximum: "35" information: "Primer maximum size" help: "Maximum acceptable length (in bases) of a primer. Currently this parameter cannot be larger than 35. This limit is governed by the maximum oligo size for which Primer3's melting-temperature is valid." ] float: maxdifftm [ additional: "Y" default: "100.0" information: "Maximum difference in Tm of primers" help: "Maximum acceptable (unsigned) difference between the melting temperatures of the forward and reverse primers." ] endsection: additional section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] boolean: explainflag [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Explain flag" help: "If this flag is non-0, produce LEFT-EXPLAIN and RIGHT-EXPLAIN, output, which are intended to provide information on the number of primer pairs that Primer3 examined, and statistics on the number discarded for various reasons." ] integer: numreturn [ additional: "Y" default: "5" minimum: "0" information: "Number of results to return" help: "The maximum number of primer pairs to return. Primer pairs returned are sorted by their 'quality', in other words by the value of the objective function (where a lower number indicates a better primer pair). Caution: setting this parameter to a large value will increase running time." ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "primer3 output" information: "Whitehead primer3_core program output file" ] endsection: output