application: pasteseq [ documentation: "Insert one sequence into another" groups: "Edit" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] sequence: asequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "gapany" ] sequence: bsequence [ parameter: "Y" information: "Sequence to insert" type: "@($(acdprotein) ? gapstopprotein : gapnucleotide)" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] integer: pos [ standard: "Y" default: "$(asequence.end)" maximum: "$(asequence.end)" minimum: "0" information: "Position to insert after" help: "The position in the main input sequence to insert after. \ To insert before the start use the position 0." ] endsection: required section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] seqout: outseq [ parameter: "Y" ] endsection: output