application: megamerger [ documentation: "Merge two large overlapping DNA sequences" groups: "Alignment:Consensus" gui: "yes" batch: "yes" cpu: "medium" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] sequence: asequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "DNA" ] sequence: bsequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "DNA" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] integer: wordsize [ standard: "Y" default: "20" minimum: "2" information: "Word size" ] endsection: required section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] boolean: prefer [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Use the first sequence when there is a mismatch" help: "When a mismatch between the two sequence is discovered, one or other of the two sequences must be used to create the merged sequence over this mismatch region. The default action is to create the merged sequence using the sequence where the mismatch is closest to that sequence's centre. If this option is used, then the first sequence (seqa) will always be used in preference to the other sequence when there is a mismatch." ] endsection: additional section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] seqout: outseq [ parameter: "Y" extension: "merged" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" extension: "megamerger" knowntype: "megamerger output" ] endsection: output