/* @source abiview application ** ** Display an ABI trace file and write out the sequence. ** @author Copyright (C) Tim Carver (tcarver@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** The sequence is taken from a ABI trace file and written to a ** sequence file. ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static AjPGraphPlpData abiview_graphDisplay(AjPGraph graphs, const AjPInt2d trace, ajint nstart, ajint nstop, const AjPShort basePositions, ajint base, ajint colour, float tmax, ajint* ntrace); static AjPGraphPlpData abiview_graphTextDisplay(AjPGraph graphs, ajint nstart, ajint nstop, const AjPShort basePositions, const AjPStr nseq, float tmax, float scale, ajint nt); static void abiview_TextDisplay(AjPGraph graphs, ajint nstart, ajint nstop, const AjPStr nseq, float tmax, float scale); static AjBool abiview_drawbase(const char* res, const AjPStr baseN); static ajint abiview_getResColour(char B); /* @prog abiview ************************************************************** ** ** Reads ABI file and display the trace ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPStr fname; AjPFile fp; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seqo; AjPStr nseq; AjPStr baseN; AjPInt2d trace = NULL; AjPShort basePositions = NULL; AjPGraph graphs = NULL; AjBool graph1; AjBool graph2; AjBool graph3; AjBool graph4; AjBool overlay; AjBool separate; AjBool yticks; AjBool dseq; AjPGraphPlpData gd1 = NULL; AjPGraphPlpData gd2 = NULL; AjPGraphPlpData gd3 = NULL; AjPGraphPlpData gd4 = NULL; AjPGraphPlpData gd5 = NULL; ajint ntrace; ajint strace; ajlong fwo_; float tmax; ajint base_start; ajint base_end; ajint nstart; ajint nstop; ajint window; ajint iloop; ajint ibase; ajint nbases; ajlong baseO; ajlong numBases; ajlong basePosO; ajlong numPoints; ajlong dataOffset[4]; char res1; char res2; char res3; char res4; ajint ti; /* BYTE[i] is a byte mask for byte i */ const ajlong BYTE[] = { 0x000000ff }; float scale = 1.0; ajGraphInit("abiview", argc, argv); fp = ajAcdGetInfile("infile"); graphs = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); base_start = ajAcdGetInt("startbase"); base_end = ajAcdGetInt("endbase"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqout("outseq"); separate = ajAcdGetBoolean("separate"); yticks = ajAcdGetBoolean("yticks"); dseq = ajAcdGetBoolean("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); baseN = ajAcdGetString("bases"); fname = ajStrNewC(ajFileGetNameC(fp)); ajStrFmtUpper(&baseN); nbases = ajStrGetLen(baseN); overlay = !separate; if(!ajSeqABITest(fp)) ajFatal("%s not an ABI file",ajFileGetNameC(fp)); numBases = ajSeqABIGetNBase(fp); baseO = ajSeqABIGetBaseOffset(fp); /* find BASE tag & get offset */ nseq = ajStrNew(); /* read in sequence */ if(base_end != 0 && base_end < numBases) /* define end base */ numBases = base_end; if(numBases < base_start) ajFatal("-startbase (%d) larger than the number of bases (%d).", base_start,numBases); /* For data, all in one 'plot' */ if(ajGraphIsData(graphs)) window = numBases+1; trace = ajInt2dNew(); basePositions = ajShortNew(); numPoints = ajSeqABIGetNData(fp); /* find DATA tag & get no. of points */ /* get data trace offsets */ ajSeqABIGetTraceOffset(fp,dataOffset); ajSeqABIGetData(fp,dataOffset,numPoints,trace); /* read in trace data */ fwo_ = ajSeqABIGetFWO(fp); /* find FWO tag - field order GATC */ res1 = (char)(fwo_>>24&BYTE[0]); res2 = (char)(fwo_>>16&BYTE[0]); res3 = (char)(fwo_>>8&BYTE[0]); res4 = (char)(fwo_&BYTE[0]); /* decide whether to draw graph for each base */ graph1 = abiview_drawbase(&res1,baseN); graph2 = abiview_drawbase(&res2,baseN); graph3 = abiview_drawbase(&res3,baseN); graph4 = abiview_drawbase(&res4,baseN); ajSeqABIReadSeq(fp,baseO,numBases,&nseq); basePosO = ajSeqABIGetBasePosOffset(fp); /* find PLOC tag & get offset */ ajFileSeek(fp,basePosO,SEEK_SET); ajSeqABIGetBasePosition(fp,numBases,&basePositions); /* find trace max */ tmax = 0.; for(iloop=0;iloop -1) nstart = base_start; else nstart = 0; nstop = window+1+nstart; ajGraphSetTitlePlus(graphs,fname); ajGraphSetYTitleC(graphs,"Signal"); if(yticks) { ajGraphxySetYTick(graphs,ajTrue); ajGraphxySetYInvTicks(graphs,ajTrue); } else ajGraphxySetYTick(graphs,ajFalse); ajGraphxySetXInvTicks(graphs,ajTrue); ntrace = 0; strace = 0; /* loop over pages to be displayed */ while(nstart < numBases-1) { if(nstop > numBases) nstop = numBases; ajGraphSetMulti(graphs,nbases+1); ajGraphxySetOverLap(graphs,overlay); if(graph1) gd1 = abiview_graphDisplay(graphs,trace,nstart,nstop,basePositions, 0,abiview_getResColour(res1), tmax,&ntrace); ntrace = strace; if(graph2) gd2 = abiview_graphDisplay(graphs,trace,nstart,nstop,basePositions, 1,abiview_getResColour(res2), tmax,&ntrace); ntrace = strace; if(graph3) gd3 = abiview_graphDisplay(graphs,trace,nstart,nstop,basePositions, 2,abiview_getResColour(res3), tmax,&ntrace); ntrace = strace; if(graph4) gd4 = abiview_graphDisplay(graphs,trace,nstart,nstop,basePositions, 3,abiview_getResColour(res4), tmax,&ntrace); /* Sequence text display */ if(dseq) { scale = (40.0 / (float) window); if(!overlay) gd5 = abiview_graphTextDisplay(graphs,nstart,nstop, basePositions,nseq, tmax,scale, strace); else abiview_TextDisplay(graphs,nstart,nstop,nseq,tmax, scale); } strace = ntrace; ajGraphxyDisplay(graphs,ajFalse); /* Clean up */ if(nstop0) lastbP = ajShortGet(basePositions,nstart-1); else lastbP = 0; bstart = *nt; for(i=nstart;ix[*nt-bstart] = (float)i + (float)(*nt+1-lastbP)/ (float)(bP-lastbP); ti = ajInt2dGet(trace,base,*nt); gdata->y[*nt-bstart] = (float)ti; *nt = *nt+1; } lastbP = bP; } ajGraphPlpDataSetColour(gdata,colour); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxMin(gdata,(float)nstart+(float)1., (float)nstop,(float)0.,tmax+(float)80.); /* add graph to list in a multiple graph */ ajGraphDataAdd(graphs,gdata); return gdata; } /* @funcstatic abiview_graphTextDisplay *************************************** ** ** Draw sequence in a separate graph if the trace data is plotted ** in separate graphs (i.e. not overlayed). ** ** @param [u] graphs [AjPGraph] Graph ** @param [r] nstart [ajint] Start ** @param [r] nstop [ajint] Stop ** @param [r] basePositions [const AjPShort] Base positions ** @param [r] nseq [const AjPStr] Sequence number ** @param [r] tmax [float] Maximum ** @param [r] scale [float] Character scale ** @param [r] nt [ajint] Nt data ** @return [AjPGraphPlpData] graph data object containing the sequence text ** ******************************************************************************/ static AjPGraphPlpData abiview_graphTextDisplay(AjPGraph graphs, ajint nstart, ajint nstop, const AjPShort basePositions, const AjPStr nseq, float tmax, float scale, ajint nt) { ajint i; ajint colres; AjPGraphPlpData gdata; char res[2]; res[1]='\0'; /* create graph data object */ gdata = ajGraphPlpDataNewI(ajShortGet(basePositions,nstop-1)-nt); for(i=nstart;i