


seealso takes the name of an EMBOSS or EMBASSY program and returns a list of applications in the same functional group. Application names and short descriptions are listed. Optionally, the output is written to an HTML table.


Command line arguments

Input file format

Output file format

The result is header line 'SEE ALSO' then a simple list of program names followed by the one-line description of the program.

If the '-html' qualifier is used, then the result is an HTML-formatted table, lacking the HTML document structures such as <HTML>, <BODY>, </BODY>, </HTML> which the user is expected to provide as the table will usually be included in the middle of a larger HTML document.

Data files



The functional group of a program is set in its ACD file; this is an EMBOSS system file which specifies the application command-line interface such as required parameters, help on the parameters, one-line description of the program and so on. Normally the names of the groups are fairly specific. For example "NUCLEIC COMPOSITION" is a small group of applications for nucleotide sequence composition analysis.

The -explode qualifier will increase the number of groups that the program retrieves by splitting the group name at selected points to produce such groups as: "NUCLEIC", "NUCLEIC COMPOSITION" and "COMPOSITION". All programs with the exploded group names which also include "NUCLEIC" and "COMPOSITION" will now be reported. The result of this qualifier is thus a report of a larger number of programs with a more tenuous link to the specified program.

The groups that the program belongs to can be output by using the -groups qualifier.




The (optional) HTML-formatted table output lacks the HTML document structures such as , , , . It is expected the table will be included in the middle of a larger HTML document.

Diagnostic Error Messages

The error message:

FATAL ERROR: No application specified.

is output if a non-existent program name is specified.

Exit status

The program exits with exist status '0' unless a non-existent program name is specified, when the exit status is '1'.

Known bugs




Target users
