primersearch reads in primer pairs from an input file and searches them against DNA sequence(s) specified by the user. Each of the primers in a pair is searched against the sequence and potential amplimers are reported. The output file is in the format of Whitehead primer3_core program. The user can specify a maximum percent mismatch level; for example, 10% mismatch on a primer of length 20bp means that the program will classify a primer as matching a sequence if 18 of the 20 base pairs matches. It will only report matches if both primers in the pair have a match in opposite orientations.
Each primer pair is specified in the input file by a name, followed by two primer sequences, primerA and primerB. The program first compares primerA to the forward strand and if it matches, primerB is compared to the reverse strand. The approach is then reversed, with the primerB being compared to the forward strand and primerA to the reverse. In this way all possible amplimers are reported.
The input primer file has the following format:
Comment lines start with a '#'
Lines with primer information have three fields separated by spaces or TAB characters. The columns contain:
Empty files will cause primersearch to note that no primers have been found, and to exit.
Every potential amplimer will be reported; if one primer matches the forward strand twice and the other matches the reverse strand only once, two potential amplimers are reported. If the reverse primer matches twice, four potential amplimers are reported.
This program is processor-intensive. You should probably not use it, for example, to search the whole of EMBL or even the human section of EMBL. It will take longer with more primer pairs and if mismatches are allowed.
stssearch does something similar, but doesn't allow you to find mismatches and will report any match in any orientation and doesn't require you to have both primers matching.