


mwcontam finds molecular weights that are common between a set of mass spectrometry result files at a specified ppm tolerance. Such molecular weights are usually a form of contamination resulting from autolysis of a protease, degradation of the matrix or presence of keratin from the sample preparer. The input is a comma-separated list of files each containing a list of experimental molecular weights. The output is a file with a list of the molecular weights common to all files.


Command line arguments

Input file format

The input is a comma-separated list of files containing simple list of experimental molecular weights.

There should be one weight per line.

Comments in the data file start with a '#' character in the first column.

Blank lines are ignored.

Output file format

The output is a list of the molecular weights common to all files.

Data files

mwcontam uses no data files.

The output of mwcontam, with minimal editing, can be added to the data file for the mwfilter program ('Emwfilter.dat'). For example you might like to fetch 'Emwfilter.dat' using embossdata (as described in the mwfilter documentation) and edit it to include the lines:

# data produced from the program mwcontam
mwcontam	67.000
mwcontam	415.000 


The output of mwcontam, with minimal editing, can be added to the data file for the mwfilter program (Emwfilter.dat), which will then remove these weights from its input file of molecular weights. For example you might like to fetch Emwfilter.dat using embossdata (as described in the mwfilter documentation) and edit it to include the lines: # data produced from the program mwcontam mwcontam 67.000 mwcontam 415.000





Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with status 0.

Known bugs




Target users
