


garnier is an implementation of the original Garnier Osguthorpe Robson algorithm (GOR I) for predicting protein secondary structure. It reads an input protein sequence and writes a standard EMBOSS report file with the predicted secondary structure. The Garnier method is not regarded as the most accurate prediction, but is simple to calculate on most workstations.


The '-idc' option sets offsets to the weights applied to the helix and sheet terms used in the GOR algorithm to assign a residue to a secondary structure state. The option has a value from 0 - 6. This gives an index into a set of arrays, dharr[] and dsarr[], which provide 'decision constants' (dch, dcs), which are offsets that are applied to the weights for the helix and sheet (extend) terms. So, idc=0 says don't use the decision constant offsets, and idc=1 to 6 indicates that various combinations of dch,dcs offsets should be used.


Command line arguments

The meaning and use of the parameter 'idc' is currently being investigated. The original author, Bill Pearson writes:

"In their paper, GOR mention that if you know something about the secondary structure content of the protein you are analyzing, you can do better in prediction. "idc" is an index into a set of arrays, dharr[] and dsarr[], which provide "decision constants" (dch, dcs), which are offsets that are applied to the weights for the helix and sheet (extend) terms. So, idc=0 says don't use the decision constant offsets, and idc=1 to 6 indicates that various combinations of dch,dcs offsets should be used. I don't remember what they are, but I must have gotten the values from their paper."

Input file format

garnier read any protein sequence USA.

Output file format

By default garnier writes a 'tagseq' report file.

Data files



The Garnier method is not regarded as the most accurate prediction, but is simple to calculate on most workstations.

The Web servers for PHD, DSC, and others are generally preferred.

Do not rely on this (or any other) program alone to make your predictions with. Use several programs and take a consensus of the results.

The 3D structure for the example sequence is known, although the 2D structure elements were not in the SwissProt feature table for release 38 when the test data was extracted.

DSSP shows:

 From     To   Structure
    9     13   E beta sheet
   21     39   H alpha helix
   50     54   E beta sheet
   60     72   H alpha helix
   78     81   E beta sheet
   85     97   H alpha helix
  101    104   E beta sheet
  117    119   E beta sheet
  128    136   H alpha helix
  142    148   E beta sheet
  151    166   H alpha helix
  170    177   E beta sheet
  183    196   H alpha helix
  200    204   E beta sheet
  208    221   H alpha helix
  229    231   E beta sheet
  236    239   H alpha helix
  244    247   H alpha helix
  251    254   E beta sheet
  263    273   H alpha helix
  284    303   H alpha helix
  308    315   H alpha helix
  320    322   E beta sheet
  325    329   E beta sheet
  336    337   E beta sheet
  341    345   E beta sheet
  351    356   E beta sheet


  1. Garnier J, Osguthorpe DJ, Robson B Analysis of the accuracy and implications of simple methods for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins. J Mol Biol 1978 Mar 25;120(1):97-120


The accuracy of most stand-alone secondary structure prediction programs is not much better than 70% to 80% at best. The GOR I alogorithm is one of the first semi-successful methods, and will probably not predict with much better than about 65% accuracy. Do not rely on this (or any other) program alone to make your predictions with. Use several programs and take a consensus of the results. The Web servers for PHD, DSC, and others are generally preferred.

Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with a status of 0.

Known bugs



This program ('GARNIER') was originally written by William Pearson ( and released as part of his FASTA package.

This application was modified for inclusion in EMBOSS by


Target users
