


embossdata searches for a specified data file in all the directories which can hold them and writes the results of the search to screen or (optionally) to file. Optionally, all the files in the searched directories can be displayed. Optionally, it will also copy the file from the EMBOSS standard data directory to the current directory so that you can safely edit and use it.


Command line arguments

Input file format


Output file format

All output is to stdout by default.

Data files

No data files are read by this program.


Many EMBOSS programs use a data file. The data files are typically kept in a standard directory in the EMBOSS installation (.../emboss/emboss/data/). When an EMBOSS programs require a data file, it search for it in the following order of directories:

EMBOSS will use the data file it finds first from the above directories. For example, a data file in the current directory is used in preference to a file of the same name in the EMBOSS standard data directory.

It is sometimes necessary to modify a data file to change the behaviour of an EMBOSS program. To do this safely, you should copy the data file from the EMBOSS standard data directory to one of the other directories, such as the current directory or your home directory, before editing it. embossdata helps here by displaying the names of data files in all the directories which could hold them, and copying a data file from the EMBOSS standard data directory to the current directory.

By convention, all EMBOSS data file names start with the character 'E', to distinguish them from other files on your system. For example genetic codes to translate codons to amino acids are held in data files called "EGC.0", "EGC.1", "EGC.2", etc.

-filename option

Name of data file to search for or copy into the current directory from the EMBOSS standard data directory. The name of the file is not altered when it is fetched. (Any string is accepted).

-outfile option

Name of file containing the results of searching the data directories. By default this is written to the screen (stdout).

-reject option

The names of sub-directories of the EMBOSS data directory that should be ignored when displaying data directories.





Diagnostic Error Messages

When copying a file, this program will report if the file has been copied successfully, e.g.:
"'Epepcoil.dat' has been copied successfully."

Exit status

It always exits with status 0

Known bugs

None noted.



Target users
