/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX time functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Ian Longden ** @author Copyright (C) 2003 Jon Ison ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "ajax.h" /* @datastatic TimePFormat **************************************************** ** ** Internal structure for known Ajax time formats ** ** @alias TimeSFormat ** @alias TimeOFormat ** ** @attr Name [const char*] format name ** @attr Format [const char*] C run time library time format string ** @attr Uppercase [AjBool] Convert to upper case on output ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct TimeSFormat { const char* Name; const char* Format; AjBool Uppercase; ajint Padding; } TimeOFormat; #define TimePFormat TimeOFormat* static AjPTime timeTodayData = NULL; static AjPTime timeTodaySaved = NULL; static TimeOFormat timeFormat[] = /* formats for strftime */ { {"GFF", "%Y-%m-%d", AJFALSE, 0}, {"yyyy-mm-dd", "%Y-%m-%d", AJFALSE, 0}, {"dd Mon yyyy", "%d %b %Y", AJFALSE, 0}, {"day", "%d-%b-%Y", AJFALSE, 0}, {"time", "%H:%M:%S", AJFALSE, 0}, {"daytime", "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M", AJFALSE, 0}, {"log", "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", AJFALSE, 0}, #ifndef WIN32 {"report", "%a %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S", AJFALSE, 0}, #else {"report", "%a %#d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", AJFALSE, 0}, #endif {"dbindex", "%d/%m/%y", AJFALSE, 0}, {"dtline", "%d-%b-%Y", AJTRUE, 0}, { NULL, NULL, AJFALSE, 0} }; static const char* TimeFormat(const char *timefmt, AjBool* makeupper); /* @filesection ajtime ******************************************************* ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** */ /* @datasection [AjPTime] Time object **************************************** ** ** @nam2rule Time Function is for handling time and usually processes an ** AjSTime object. */ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Functions for constructing time objects. ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule New Construct a new time object. ** @nam4rule NewDay Construct with specified day. ** @nam5rule NewDayFmt Construct with specified day in specified format. ** @nam4rule NewToday Construct with current time in default format. ** @nam5rule NewTodayFmt Construct with current time in specified format. ** @nam4rule NewTime Copy constructor ** ** @argrule Fmt timefmt [const char*] Known EMBOSS time format ** @argrule Day mday [ajint] Day of the month (1-31) ** @argrule Day mon [ajint] Day of the month (1-12) ** @argrule Day year [ajint] Year as a 4 digit number ** @argrule NewTime src [const AjPTime] Time object to be copied ** ** @valrule * [AjPTime] New time object. ** @fcategory new ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeNew ************************************************************ ** ** Constructor for AjPTime object. ** ** @return [AjPTime] An AjPTime object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPTime ajTimeNew(void) { AjPTime thys = NULL; AJNEW0(thys); return thys ; } /* @func ajTimeNewDayFmt ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for user specification of an arbitrary AjPTime object. ** Except for 'timefmt', the arguments are based upon the UNIX ** 'tm' time structure defined in the time.h header file. ** The range validity of numbers given are not checked. ** ** @param [rN] timefmt [const char*] Time format to use ** @param [rN] mday [ajint] Day of the month [1-31] ** @param [rN] mon [ajint] Month [1-12] ** @param [rN] year [ajint] Four digit year ** @return [AjPTime] An AjPTime object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPTime ajTimeNewDayFmt( const char *timefmt, ajint mday, ajint mon, ajint year) { AjPTime thys; thys = ajTimeNewTodayFmt(timefmt) ; thys->time.tm_mday = mday ; thys->time.tm_mon = mon-1; if(year > 1899) year = year-1900; thys->time.tm_year = year ; mktime(&thys->time); return thys ; } /* @obsolete ajTimeSet ** @rename ajTimeNewDayFmt */ __deprecated AjPTime ajTimeSet(const char *timefmt, ajint mday, ajint mon, ajint year) { return ajTimeNewDayFmt(timefmt, mday, mon, year); } /* @func ajTimeNewTime ******************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPTime object, making a copy of an existing time object ** ** @param [r] src [const AjPTime] Time object to be copied ** @return [AjPTime] An AjPTime object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPTime ajTimeNewTime(const AjPTime src) { AjPTime thys = NULL; AJNEW0(thys); thys->time = src->time; thys->format = src->format; thys->uppercase = src->uppercase; return thys ; } /* @func ajTimeNewToday ******************************************************* ** ** AJAX function to return today's time as an AjPTime object ** @return [AjPTime] Pointer to time object containing today's date/time ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPTime ajTimeNewToday(void) { AjPTime thys = NULL; time_t tim; tim = time(0); AJNEW0(thys); if(!ajTimeSetLocal(thys, tim)) return NULL; thys->format = NULL; return thys; } /* @obsolete ajTimeToday ** @rename ajTimeNewToday */ __deprecated AjPTime ajTimeToday(void) { return ajTimeNewToday(); } /* @func ajTimeNewTodayFmt **************************************************** ** ** AJAX function to return today's time as an AjPTime object ** with a specified output format ** ** @param [r] timefmt [const char*] A controlled vocabulary of time formats ** ** @return [] [AjPTime] Pointer to time object containing today's date/time ** @@ ** ******************************************************************************/ AjPTime ajTimeNewTodayFmt(const char* timefmt) { AjPTime thys = NULL; time_t tim; tim = time(0); if(!thys) AJNEW0(thys); if(!ajTimeSetLocal(thys, tim)) return NULL; thys->format = TimeFormat(timefmt, &thys->uppercase); return thys; } /* @obsolete ajTimeTodayF ** @rename ajTimeNewTodayFmt */ __deprecated AjPTime ajTimeTodayF(const char* timefmt) { return ajTimeNewTodayFmt(timefmt); } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** ** Functions for destructing time objects. ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Del Destruct a time object. ** ** @argrule * Ptime [AjPTime*] Time object to be deleted ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeDel ************************************************************ ** ** Destructor for AjPTime object. ** ** @param [w] Ptime [AjPTime*] Time object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajTimeDel(AjPTime *Ptime) { /* Check arg's */ if(*Ptime==NULL) return; AJFREE(*Ptime); *Ptime = NULL; return; } /* @section get time ********************************************************** ** ** Functions for retrieving elements of a time object ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Get Return elements from a time object. ** @nam4rule GetTimetype Return time as a standard C time_t structure ** ** @argrule Get thys [const AjPTime] Time object ** ** @valrule * [time_t] Standard C time_t structure ** @fcategory use ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeGetTimetype **************************************************** ** ** An AjPTime object version of the mktime function that returns ** a standard time_t value ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPTime] Time object ** @return [time_t] Standard time value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ time_t ajTimeGetTimetype(const AjPTime thys) { struct tm tm = thys->time; /* mktime resets wday and yday */ return mktime(&tm); } /* @obsolete ajTimeMake ** @rename ajTimeGetTimetype */ __deprecated time_t ajTimeMake(const AjPTime thys) { return ajTimeGetTimetype(thys); } /* @section get reference to internals **************************************** ** ** Functions for retrieving references to tiome internals ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Ref Reference time object. ** @nam4rule RefToday Reference time object with current time in ** default format. ** @nam5rule RefTodayFmt Reference time in defined format. ** ** @argrule Fmt timefmt [const char*] A controlled vocabulary of time formats ** ** @valrule * [const AjPTime] Reference to Time object. ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeRefToday ******************************************************* ** ** AJAX function to return today's time as an AjPTime object reference ** @return [const AjPTime] Pointer to static time object containing ** today's date/time ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPTime ajTimeRefToday(void) { time_t tim; tim = time(0); if(!timeTodaySaved) AJNEW0(timeTodaySaved); if(!ajTimeSetLocal(timeTodaySaved, tim)) return NULL; timeTodaySaved->format = NULL; return timeTodaySaved; } /* @obsolete ajTimeTodayRef ** @rename ajTimeRefToday */ __deprecated const AjPTime ajTimeTodayRef(void) { return ajTimeRefToday(); } /* @func ajTimeRefTodayFmt **************************************************** ** ** AJAX function to return today's time as a static AjPTime object ** with a specified output format ** ** @param [r] timefmt [const char*] A controlled vocabulary of time formats ** ** @return [] [const AjPTime] Pointer to static time object containing ** today's date/time ** @@ ** ******************************************************************************/ const AjPTime ajTimeRefTodayFmt(const char* timefmt) { time_t tim; tim = time(0); if(!timeTodayData) AJNEW0(timeTodayData); if(!ajTimeSetLocal(timeTodayData, tim)) return NULL; timeTodayData->format = TimeFormat(timefmt, &timeTodayData->uppercase); return timeTodayData; } /* @obsolete ajTimeTodayRefF ** @rename ajTimeRefTodayFmt */ __deprecated const AjPTime ajTimeTodayRefF(const char* timefmt) { return ajTimeRefTodayFmt(timefmt); } /* @section set time *********************************************************** ** ** Functions for setting the time. ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Set Set the time. ** @nam4rule SetLocal A localtime()/localtime_r() replacement for AjPTime ** objects ** @suffix C Char* argument ** @suffix S AjPStr argument ** ** @argrule * thys [AjPTime] Time object to set. ** @argrule Local timer [const time_t] Populated standard C time structure ** @argrule C timestr [const char*] Time as a string ** @argrule S timestr [const AjPStr] Time as a string ** RefF ** @valrule * [AjBool] True if time was set. ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeSetC *********************************************************** ** ** Constructor for user specification of an AjPTime object. ** using the time set as a string in format ** yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ** ** used so that graphs which include the date can remain constant for ** documentation and testing. ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPTime] Time object ** @param [r] timestr [const char*] Time in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajTimeSetC(AjPTime thys, const char* timestr) { ajint year; ajint mon; ajint mday; ajint hour; ajint min; ajint sec; if(!timestr) return ajFalse; if(!ajFmtScanC(timestr, "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", &year, &mon, &mday, &hour, &min, &sec)) return ajFalse; if(year > 1899) year = year-1900; thys->time.tm_year = year ; thys->time.tm_mon = mon-1; thys->time.tm_mday = mday ; thys->time.tm_hour = hour; thys->time.tm_min = min; thys->time.tm_sec = sec; thys->time.tm_isdst = -1; mktime(&thys->time); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajTimeSetS *********************************************************** ** ** Constructor for user specification of an AjPTime object. ** using the time set as a string in format ** yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ** ** used so that graphs which include the date can remain constant for ** documentation and testing. ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPTime] Time object ** @param [r] timestr [const AjPStr] Time in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajTimeSetS(AjPTime thys, const AjPStr timestr) { ajint year; ajint mon; ajint mday; ajint hour; ajint min; ajint sec; if(!ajStrGetLen(timestr)) return ajFalse; if(!ajFmtScanS(timestr, "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", &year, &mon, &mday, &hour, &min, &sec)) return ajFalse; if(year > 1899) year = year-1900; thys->time.tm_year = year ; thys->time.tm_mon = mon-1; thys->time.tm_mday = mday ; thys->time.tm_hour = hour; thys->time.tm_min = min; thys->time.tm_sec = sec; thys->time.tm_isdst = -1; mktime(&thys->time); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajTimeSetLocal ******************************************************* ** ** A localtime()/localtime_r() replacement for AjPTime objects ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPTime] Time object ** @param [r] timer [const time_t] Populated standard C time structure ** ** @return [AjBool] true if successful ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajTimeSetLocal(AjPTime thys, const time_t timer) { struct tm *result; AjPStr timestr = NULL; if(ajNamGetValueC("timetoday", ×tr)) { if(ajTimeSetS(thys, timestr)) { ajStrDel(×tr); return ajTrue; } ajStrDel(×tr); } #if defined(__ppc__) || defined(WIN32) result = localtime(&timer); if(!result) return ajFalse; thys->time.tm_sec = result->tm_sec; thys->time.tm_min = result->tm_min; thys->time.tm_mday = result->tm_mday; thys->time.tm_hour = result->tm_hour; thys->time.tm_mon = result->tm_mon; thys->time.tm_year = result->tm_year; #else result = (struct tm *)localtime_r(&timer,&thys->time); if(!result) return ajFalse; #endif return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajTimeLocal ** @replace ajTimeSetLocal (1,2/2,1) */ __deprecated AjBool ajTimeLocal(const time_t timer, AjPTime thys) { return ajTimeSetLocal(thys, timer); } /* @section comparison ******************************************************** ** ** Functions for comparing time objects. ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Diff Return time difference. ** ** @argrule * thys [const AjPTime] Time object. ** @argrule * newtime [const AjPTime] Later time object. ** ** @valrule Diff [double] Time difference in seconds ** @fcategory use ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeDiff *********************************************************** ** ** Difference between two time objects ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPTime] Original time object ** @param [r] newtime [const AjPTime] Later time object ** @return [double] Difference in seconds ******************************************************************************/ double ajTimeDiff(const AjPTime thys, const AjPTime newtime) { double ret = 0.0; struct tm oldt; struct tm newt; time_t oldtm; time_t newtm; oldt = thys->time; newt = newtime->time; oldtm = mktime(&oldt); newtm = mktime(&newt); ret = difftime(newtm,oldtm); return ret; } /* @funcstatic TimeFormat ***************************************************** ** ** AJAX function to return the ANSI C format for an AJAX time string ** ** @param [r] timefmt [const char*] AJAX time format ** @param [w] makeupper [AjBool*] If true, convert time to upper case ** @return [const char*] ANSI C time format, or NULL if none found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const char* TimeFormat(const char *timefmt, AjBool* makeupper) { ajint i; AjBool ok = ajFalse; const char *format = NULL ; for(i=0; timeFormat[i].Name; i++) if(ajCharMatchCaseC(timefmt, timeFormat[i].Name)) { ok = ajTrue; break; } if(ok) { format = timeFormat[i].Format; *makeupper = timeFormat[i].Uppercase; } else { *makeupper = ajFalse; ajWarn("Unknown date/time format %s", timefmt); } return format; } /* @section debug ************************************************************* ** ** Functions for debugging time objects. ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** ** @nam3rule Trace Write information on contents of AjPTime object to ** debug file. ** ** @argrule * thys [const AjPTime] Time object to debug. ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory use ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajTimeTrace ********************************************************** ** ** Debug report on the contents of an AjPTime object ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPTime] Time object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajTimeTrace(const AjPTime thys) { ajDebug("Time value trace '%D'\n", thys); ajDebug("format: '%s'\n", thys->format); return; } /* @section exit ** ** Functions called on exit from the program by ajExit to do ** any necessary cleanup and to report internal statistics to the debug file ** ** @fdata [AjPTime] ** @fnote general exit functions, no arguments ** ** @nam3rule Exit Cleanup and report on exit ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc */ /* @func ajTimeExit *********************************************************** ** ** Cleans up time processing internal memory ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajTimeExit(void) { ajTimeDel(&timeTodayData); ajTimeDel(&timeTodaySaved); return; }