/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX string functions ** ** AjPStr objects are reference counted strings ** Any change will need a new string object if the use count ** is greater than 1, so the original ajStr provided so that it can ** be reallocated in any routine where string modification is possible. ** ** In many cases ** the text is always a copy, even of a constant original, so ** that it can be simply freed. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @modified Jun 25 pmr First version ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== include files =========================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE #include /* @header memmove ************************************************************ ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* memmove(void *dst, const void* src, size_t len) { return (void *)bcopy(src, dst, len); } #endif #include #include "ajax.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== private data ============================ */ /* ==================================================================== */ #define STRSIZE 32 #define LONGSTR 512 #define NULL_USE 1 char charNULL[1] = ""; AjOStr strONULL = { 1,0,charNULL,NULL_USE,0}; /* use set to avoid changes */ AjPStr strPNULL = &strONULL; static char* strParseCp = NULL; /* ==================================================================== */ /* ======================== private functions ========================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ static AjPStr strNew(ajuint size); static AjPStr strClone(AjPStr* Pstr); static void strCloneL(AjPStr* pthis, ajuint size); #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS static ajlong strAlloc = 0; static ajlong strFree = 0; static ajlong strFreeCount = 0; static ajlong strCount = 0; static ajlong strTotal = 0; #endif /* @filesection ajstr ******************************************************** ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** ** @suffix Len Length ** @suffix C C character string ** @suffix S string object ** @suffix K single character */ /* @datasection [char*] C character string *********************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating C-type (char*) strings and ** takes at least one char* argument. ** ** @nam2rule Char */ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Functions for constructing C-type (char*) strings, ** possibly with a starting string. ** ** @fdata [char*] ** @fnote Same argrule as "String constructor functions" ** ** @nam3rule New Construct a new string. ** @nam4rule NewRes Minimum reserved size. ** @nam3rule Null Return an internal empty string ** ** @argrule C txt [const char*] C character string ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Text string ** @argrule NewRes size [ajuint] Reserved size ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Length of string ** ** @valrule * [char*] New C-style string ** @fcategory new ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajCharNewC *********************************************************** ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string ** and initialises it with the text string provided. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Initial text, possibly shorter than the ** space allocated. ** @return [char*] A new text string. ** @ure The text provided must fit in the specified length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewC(const char* txt) { char* cp; ajuint len; if(txt) { len = strlen(txt); cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(len+1); memmove(cp, txt, len+1); } else { cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(1); } return cp; } /* @func ajCharNewS *********************************************************** ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string ** and initialises it with the string provided. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object as initial value and size ** for the text. ** @return [char*] A new text string. ** @ure The text provided must fit in the specified length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewS(const AjPStr str) { static char* cp; cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(str->Len+1); memmove(cp, str->Ptr, str->Len+1); return cp; } /* @obsolete ajCharNew ** @rename ajCharNewS */ __deprecated char *ajCharNew(const AjPStr str) { return ajCharNewS(str); } /* @func ajCharNewRes ********************************************************* ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string of the ** specified length and intialises the contents as an empty string. ** ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Length of the Cstring, excluding the trailing NULL. ** @return [char*] A new text string with no contents. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewRes(ajuint size) { static char* cp; cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(size+1); cp[0] = '\0'; return cp; } /* @obsolete ajCharNewL ** @rename ajCharNewRes */ __deprecated char *ajCharNewL(size_t size) { return ajCharNewRes(size); } /* @func ajCharNewResC ******************************************************** ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string of the ** specified length and initialises it with the text string provided. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String object as initial value and size ** for the text. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Maximum string length, as returned by strlen ** @return [char*] A new text string. ** @ure The text provided must fit in the specified length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewResC(const char* txt, ajuint size) { static char* cp; ajuint isize; ajuint ilen; isize = size; if(txt) { ilen = strlen(txt); if(ilen >= isize) isize = ilen + 1; cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(isize); memmove(cp, txt, ilen+1); } else { cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(isize); } return cp; } /* @func ajCharNewResS ******************************************************** ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string of the ** specified length and initialises it with the string provided. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object as initial value and size ** for the text. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Maximum string length, as returned by strlen ** @return [char*] A new text string. ** @ure The text provided must fit in the specified length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewResS(const AjPStr str, ajuint size) { static char* cp; ajuint isize; isize = size; if(str->Len >= isize) isize = str->Len + 1; cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(isize); memmove(cp, str->Ptr, str->Len+1); return cp; } /* @obsolete ajCharNewLS ** @replace ajStrNewResS (1,2/2,1) */ __deprecated char *ajCharNewLS(size_t size, const AjPStr thys) { return ajCharNewResS(thys, size); } /* @func ajCharNewResLenC ***************************************************** ** ** A text string constructor which allocates memory for a string of the ** specified length and initialises it with the text string provided. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String object as initial value and size ** for the text. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Maximum string length, as returned by strlen ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length of txt to save calculation time. ** @return [char*] A new text string. ** @ure The text provided must fit in the specified length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNewResLenC(const char* txt, ajuint size, ajuint len) { static char* cp; ajuint isize; isize = size; if(len >= isize) isize = len + 1; cp = (char*) AJALLOC0(isize); if(len) memmove(cp, txt, len); return cp; } /* @func ajCharNull *********************************************************** ** ** Returns a pointer to an empty string ** ** @return [char*] Empty string ******************************************************************************/ char* ajCharNull (void) { return charNULL; } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** ** Functions for destruction of C-type (char*) strings. ** ** @fdata [char*] ** @fnote None. ** @nam3rule Del Destroy (free) an existing string. ** @argrule Del Ptxt [char**] Pointer to character string to be deleted ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory delete ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajCharDel *********************************************************** ** ** A text string destructor to free memory for a text string. ** ** @param [d] Ptxt [char**] Text string to be deallocated. ** @return [void] ** @ure The string is freed using free in the C RTL, so it ** must have been allocated by malloc in the C RTL ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajCharDel(char** Ptxt) { AJFREE(*Ptxt); return; } /* @obsolete ajCharFree ** @rename ajCharDel */ __deprecated void ajCharFree(char** txt) { ajCharDel(txt); } /* @section formatting ** ** Functions for formatting C-type (char*) strings). ** ** @fdata [char*] ** @fnote Same namrule as "String formatting functions" ** ** @nam3rule Fmt Change the format of a string. ** @nam4rule FmtLower Convert to lower case. ** @nam4rule FmtTitle Convert to title case. ** @nam4rule FmtUpper Convert to upper case. ** ** @argrule * txt [char*] Character string ** @valrule * [AjBool] ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajCharFmtLower ******************************************************* ** ** Converts a text string to lower case. ** ** @param [u] txt [char*] Text string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharFmtLower(char* txt) { char* cp; cp = txt; while(*cp) { /* * AJB: function ajSysItoC was there as some really fussy compilers * complained about casting ajint to char. However, for conversion of * large databases it's too much of an overhead. Think about a macro * later. In the meantime revert to the standard system call * *cp = ajSysCastItoc(tolower((ajint) *cp)); */ *cp = (char)tolower((ajint) *cp); cp++; } return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajCharToLower ** @rename ajCharFmtLower */ __deprecated void ajCharToLower(char* txt) { ajCharFmtLower(txt); } /* @func ajCharFmtUpper ******************************************************* ** ** Converts a text string to upper case. ** ** @param [u] txt [char*] Text string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharFmtUpper(char* txt) { char* cp; cp = txt; while(*cp) { /* * AJB: function ajSysItoC was there as some really fussy compilers * complained about casting ajint to char. However, for conversion of * large databases it's too much of an overhead. Think about a macro * later. In the meantime revert to the standard system call * *cp = ajSysCastItoc(toupper((ajint) *cp)); */ *cp = (char) toupper((ajint) *cp); cp++; } return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajCharToUpper ** @rename ajCharFmtUpper */ __deprecated void ajCharToUpper(char* txt) { ajCharFmtUpper(txt); } /* @section comparison ******************************************************** ** ** Functions for comparing C-type (char*) strings. ** ** @fdata [char*] ** @fnote Same namrule as "String comparison functions". ** @nam3rule Match Compare two complete strings. ** @nam3rule Prefix Compare start of string to given prefix. ** @nam3rule Suffix Compare end of string to given suffix. ** @nam4rule MatchCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam4rule MatchWild Comparison using wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule MatchWildCase Case-insensitive comparison using ** wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule MatchWildNext Comparison using wildcard characters to ** next word in a string ** @nam6rule MatchWildNextCase Case-insensitive comparison using ** wildcard characters to next word in a string ** @nam5rule MatchWildWord Comparison using wildcard characters to ** whole words within a string. ** @nam6rule MatchWildWordCase Case-insensitive comparison using ** wildcard characters to whole words within a string. ** @nam4rule PrefixCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam4rule SuffixCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** ** @argrule * txt [const char*] Character string ** @argrule C txt2 [const char*] Character string to compare ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Character string to compare ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajCharMatchC ********************************************************* ** ** Simple test for matching two text strings. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if text completely matches the start of String ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { if(!txt || !txt2) return ajFalse; if(!strcmp(txt, txt2)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchCC ** @rename ajCharMatchC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchCC(const char* thys, const char* text) { return ajCharMatchC(thys, text); } /* @func ajCharMatchCaseC ***************************************************** ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching two text strings. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two strings are exactly the same excluding case ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; cp = txt; cq = txt2; if(!*cp && !*cq) return ajTrue; if(!*cp || !*cq) return ajFalse; while(*cp && *cq) if(toupper((ajint) *cp++) != toupper((ajint) *cq++)) return ajFalse; if(*cp || *cq) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchCaseCC ** @rename ajCharMatchCaseC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchCaseCC(const char* thys, const char* text) { return ajCharMatchCaseC(thys, text); } /* @func ajCharMatchWildC ***************************************************** ** ** Simple case-sensitive test for matching two text strings using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { ajint i; i = ajCharCmpWild(txt, txt2); /* ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildC' '%s' cmp: %d\n", str, text, i); */ if(i) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchWildCC ** @rename ajCharMatchWildC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchWildCC(const char* str, const char* text) { return ajCharMatchWildC(str, text); } /* @func ajCharMatchWildS ***************************************************** ** ** Simple case-sensitive test for matching a text string and a string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Wildcard text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { return ajCharMatchWildC(txt, str->Ptr); } /* @func ajCharMatchWildCaseC ************************************************* ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching two text strings using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { ajint i; i = ajCharCmpWildCase(txt, txt2); ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildCaseC '%s' '%s' cmp: %d\n", txt, txt2, i); if(i) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajCharMatchWildCaseS ************************************************* ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching a text string and a string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Wildcard text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildCaseS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { return ajCharMatchWildCaseC(txt, str->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchWildCO ** @rename ajCharMatchWildS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchWildCO(const char* str, const AjPStr wild) { return ajCharMatchWildS(str, wild); } /* @func ajCharMatchWildNextC ************************************************* ** ** Test for matching the next 'word' in two text strings using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildNextC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; const char* savecp; char lastch = '\0'; ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildNextC '%s' '%s'\n", txt, txt2); cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return ajTrue; /* both empty */ if(!*cp) return ajFalse; /* no query text */ while(*cp && !isspace((int) *cp)) { if(!*cq && *cp != '*') return ajFalse; switch(*cp) { case '?': /* skip next character and continue */ lastch = *cq; cp++; cq++; break; case '*': cp++; /* recursive call to test the rest */ if(!*cp) { ajDebug("...matches at end +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp); return ajTrue; /* just match the rest */ } if(!*cq) /* no more string to compare */ { savecp = cp; while(*cp == '*') { savecp = cp++; /* may be ***... savecp is last '*' */ } if(!*cp) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchWildNextC(cq,savecp); } while(*cq) { /* wildcard in mid name, look for the rest */ if(ajCharMatchWildNextC(cq, cp)) /* recursive + repeats */ return ajTrue; ajDebug("...'*' at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' continuing\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp); cq++; } return ajFalse; /* if we're still here, it failed */ /* always returns once '*' is found */ default: /* for all other characters, keep checking */ if(*cp != *cq) return ajFalse; cp++; if(*cq) { lastch = *cq; cq++; } } } ajDebug("...done comparing at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' lastch '%c'\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp, lastch); if(!isalnum((int) lastch)) { ajDebug("not a word boundary at '%c'\n", lastch); return ajFalse; } if(*cp) { ajDebug("...incomplete cp, FAILED\n"); return ajFalse ; } if(*cq) { if(isalnum((int) *cq)) { ajDebug("word continues, failed\n"); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("word end ... success\n"); return ajTrue; } ajDebug("...all finished and matched\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC ********************************************* ** ** Test for matching the next 'word' in two text strings using ** wildcard characters, case-insensitive. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; const char* savecp; char lastch = '\0'; ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC '%s' '%s'\n", txt, txt2); cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return ajTrue; /* both empty */ if(!*cp) return ajFalse; /* no query text */ while(*cp && !isspace((int) *cp)) { if(!*cq && *cp != '*') return ajFalse; switch(*cp) { case '?': /* skip next character and continue */ lastch = *cq; cp++; cq++; break; case '*': cp++; /* recursive call to test the rest */ if(!*cp) { ajDebug("...matches at end +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp); return ajTrue; /* just match the rest */ } if(!*cq) /* no more string to compare */ { savecp = cp; while(*cp == '*') { savecp = cp++; /* may be ***... savecp is last '*' */ } if(!*cp) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC(cq,savecp); } while(*cq) { /* wildcard in mid name, look for the rest */ if(ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC(cq, cp)) /* recursive + repeats */ return ajTrue; ajDebug("...'*' at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' continuing\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp); cq++; } return ajFalse; /* if we're still here, it failed */ /* always returns once '*' is found */ default: /* for all other characters, keep checking */ if(toupper((ajint) *cp) != toupper((ajint) *cq)) return ajFalse; cp++; if(*cq) { lastch = *cq; cq++; } } } ajDebug("...done comparing at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' lastch '%c'\n", (cq - txt), cq, (cp - txt2), cp, lastch); if(!isalnum((int) lastch)) { ajDebug("not a word boundary at '%c'\n", lastch); return ajFalse; } if(*cp) { ajDebug("...incomplete cp, FAILED\n"); return ajFalse ; } if(*cq) { if(isalnum((int) *cq)) { ajDebug("word continues, failed\n"); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("word end ... success\n"); return ajTrue; } ajDebug("...all finished and matched\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajCharMatchWildWordC ************************************************* ** ** Case-sensitive test for matching a text string 'word' against any ** word in a test text string using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard word ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildWordC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; AjBool word = ajFalse; ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildWordC('%s', '%s')\n", txt, txt2); cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return ajTrue; if(!*cp) return ajFalse; ajDebug("something to test, continue...\n"); /* unlike ajCharMatchWild, we step through the string (str) not the query (text) */ while(*cq) { if(!word) { if(isalnum((int) *cq)) { /* start of word */ word = ajTrue; if(ajCharMatchWildNextC(cq, txt2)) return ajTrue; } } else { if(!isalnum((int) *cq)) word = ajFalse; } cq++; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajCharMatchWildWordCaseC ********************************************* ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching a text string 'word' against any ** word in a text string using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard word ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharMatchWildWordCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; AjBool word = ajFalse; ajDebug("ajCharMatchWildWordCaseC('%s', '%s')\n", txt, txt2); cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return ajTrue; if(!*cp) return ajFalse; ajDebug("something to test, continue...\n"); /* unlike ajCharMatchWild, we step through the string (str) not the query (text) */ while(*cq) { if(!word) { if(isalnum((int) *cq)) { /* start of word */ word = ajTrue; if(ajCharMatchWildNextCaseC(cq, txt2)) return ajTrue; } } else { if(!isalnum((int) *cq)) word = ajFalse; } cq++; } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchWordCC ** @rename ajCharMatchWildWordS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchWordCC (const char* str, const char* txt) { return ajCharMatchWildWordC(str, txt); } /* @func ajCharPrefixC ******************************************************** ** ** Test for matching the start of a text string against a given prefix text ** string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Test string as text ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Prefix as text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharPrefixC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { ajuint ilen; if(!txt) return ajFalse; if(!txt2) return ajFalse; ilen = strlen(txt2); if(!ilen) /* no prefix */ return ajFalse; if(ilen > strlen(txt)) /* pref longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(txt, txt2, ilen)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefixCC ** @rename ajCharPrefixC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefixCC(const char* str, const char* pref) { return ajCharPrefixC(str, pref); } /* @func ajCharPrefixS ******************************************************** ** ** Test for matching the start of a text string against a given prefix string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Test string as text ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Prefix as string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharPrefixS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { if(!txt) return ajFalse; if(str->Len > strlen(txt)) /* pref longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(txt, str->Ptr, str->Len)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefixCO ** @rename ajCharPrefixS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefixCO(const char* str, const AjPStr thys) { return ajCharPrefixS(str, thys); } /* @func ajCharPrefixCaseC **************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the start of a text string against a ** given prefix text string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharPrefixCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; cp = txt; cq = txt2; /* ajDebug("ajCharPrefixCaseC '%s' '%s'\n", txt, txt2); */ if(!*cq) return ajFalse; while(*cp && *cq) { if(toupper((ajint) *cp) != toupper((ajint) *cq)) return ajFalse; cp++;cq++; } if(*cq) return ajFalse; /* ajDebug("ajStrPrefixCaseCC ..TRUE..\n"); */ return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefixCaseCC ** @rename ajCharPrefixCaseC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefixCaseCC(const char* thys, const char* pref) { return ajCharPrefixCaseC(thys, pref); } /* @func ajCharPrefixCaseS **************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching start of a text string against a given ** prefix string, ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharPrefixCaseS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { return ajCharPrefixCaseC(txt, str->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefixCaseCO ** @rename ajCharPrefixCaseS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefixCaseCO(const char* thys, const AjPStr pref) { return ajCharPrefixCaseS(thys, pref); } /* @func ajCharSuffixC ******************************************************** ** ** Test for matching the end of a text string against a given suffix text ** string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Suffix as text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharSuffixC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint jlen; ajuint jstart; ilen = strlen(txt2); jlen = strlen(txt); jstart = jlen - ilen; if(ilen > jlen) /* suff longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(&txt[jstart], txt2, ilen)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrSuffixCC ** @rename ajCharSuffixC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSuffixCC(const char* str, const char* suff) { return ajCharSuffixC(str, suff); } /* @func ajCharSuffixS ******************************************************** ** ** Test for matching the end of a text string against a given suffix string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Test string as text ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Suffix as string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharSuffixS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { ajuint jlen; ajuint jstart; jlen = strlen(txt); jstart = jlen - str->Len; if(str->Len > jlen) /* suff longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(&txt[jstart], str->Ptr, str->Len)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrSuffixCO ** @rename ajCharSuffixS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSuffixCO(const char* txt, const AjPStr suff) { return ajCharSuffixS(txt, suff); } /* @func ajCharSuffixCaseC **************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the end of a text string against a given ** suffix text string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Suffix as text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharSuffixCaseC(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint jlen; ajuint jstart; const char* cp; const char* cq; ilen = strlen(txt2); jlen = strlen(txt); jstart = jlen - ilen; if(ilen > jlen) /* suff longer */ return ajFalse; cp = &txt[jstart]; cq = txt2; while (*cp) { if(toupper((ajint)*cp) != toupper((ajint)*cq)) return ajFalse; cp++; cq++; } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajCharSuffixCaseS **************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the end of a text string against a given ** suffix string. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Test string as text ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Suffix as string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajCharSuffixCaseS(const char* txt, const AjPStr str) { ajuint jlen; ajuint jstart; const char* cp; const char* cq; jlen = strlen(txt); jstart = jlen - str->Len; if(str->Len > jlen) /* suff longer */ return ajFalse; cp = &txt[jstart]; cq = str->Ptr; while (cp) { if(toupper((ajint)*cp) != toupper((ajint)*cq)) return ajFalse; cp++; cq++; } return ajTrue; } /* @section comparison (sorting) ** ** Functions for sorting strings (including C-type char* strings). ** ** @fdata [char*] ** @fnote namrule same as "String comparison (sorting) functions". ** ** @nam3rule Cmp Compare two complete strings & return sort order. ** @nam4rule CmpCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam4rule CmpWild Comparison using wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule CmpWildCase Case-insensitive comparison using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @argrule * txt [const char*] Character string ** @argrule * txt2 [const char*] Comparison string ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Number of characters to compare ** @valrule * [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajCharCmpCase ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort order of two text strings. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text string ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajCharCmpCase(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; for(cp = txt, cq = txt2; *cp && *cq; cp++, cq++) { if(toupper((ajint) *cp) != toupper((ajint) *cq)) { if(toupper((ajint) *cp) > toupper((ajint) *cq)) return 1; else return -1; } } if(*cp) return 1; if(*cq) return -1; return 0; } /* @obsolete ajStrCmpCaseCC ** @rename ajCharCmpCase */ __deprecated int ajStrCmpCaseCC(const char* str1, const char* str2) { return ajCharCmpCase (str1, str2); } /* @func ajCharCmpCaseLen ***************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort order of substrings from the start of two text strings. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text string ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] length ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajCharCmpCaseLen(const char* txt, const char* txt2, ajuint len) { const char* cp; const char* cq; ajuint i; for(cp=txt,cq=txt2,i=0;*cp && *cq && i toupper((ajint) *cq)) return 1; else return -1; } if(i==len) return 0; if(*cp) return 1; return -1; } /* @obsolete ajStrNCmpCaseCC ** @rename ajCharCmpCaseLen */ __deprecated int ajStrNCmpCaseCC(const char* str1, const char* str2, ajint len) { return ajCharCmpCaseLen(str1, str2, len); } /* @func ajCharCmpWild ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case insensitive) of two text strings using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajCharCmpWild(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; /*ajDebug("ajCharCmpWild('%s', '%s')\n", str, text);*/ cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return 0; if(!*cp) return -1; /*ajDebug("something to test, continue...\n");*/ while(*cp) { if(!*cq && *cp != '*') return 1; switch(*cp) { case '?': /* skip next character and continue */ cp++; cq++; break; case '*': cp++; if(!*cp) { /* ajDebug("...matches at end +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ return 0; /* just match the rest */ } if(!*cq) { /*ajDebug("...test match to null string just in case\n");*/ return ajCharCmpWild(cq, cp); } while(*cq) { /* wildcard in mid name, look for the rest */ if(ajCharMatchWildC(cq, cp)) return 0; /* recursive + repeats */ /* ajDebug("...'*' at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' continuing\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ cq++; } return 1; /* always returns once '*' is found */ default: /* for all other characters, keep checking */ if(*cp != *cq) { if(*cp > *cq) return -1; else return 1; } cp++; if(*cq) cq++; } } /*ajDebug("...done comparing at +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ if(*cp) { /*ajDebug("...incomplete cp, FAILED\n");*/ return -1 ; } if(*cq) { /*ajDebug("...incomplete cq, FAILED\n");*/ return 1; } /*ajDebug("...all finished and matched\n");*/ return 0; } /* @func ajCharCmpWildCase **************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case sensitive) of two text strings using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajCharCmpWildCase(const char* txt, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; ajDebug("ajCharCmpWildCase('%s', '%s')\n", txt, txt2); cp = txt2; cq = txt; if(!*cp && !*cq) return 0; if(!*cp) return -1; /*ajDebug("something to test, continue...\n");*/ while(*cp) { if(!*cq && *cp != '*') return 1; switch(*cp) { case '?': /* skip next character and continue */ cp++; cq++; break; case '*': cp++; if(!*cp) { /* ajDebug("...matches at end +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ return 0; /* just match the rest */ } if(!*cq) { /*ajDebug("...test match to null string just in case\n");*/ return ajCharCmpWildCase(cq, cp); } while(*cq) { /* wildcard in mid name, look for the rest */ if(ajCharMatchWildCaseC(cq, cp)) return 0; /* recursive + repeats */ /* ajDebug("...'*' at +%d '%s' +%d '%s' continuing\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ cq++; } return 1; /* always returns once '*' is found */ default: /* for all other characters, keep checking */ if(toupper((ajint) *cp) != toupper((ajint) *cq)) { if(toupper((ajint) *cp) > toupper((ajint) *cq)) return -1; else return 1; } cp++; if(*cq) cq++; } } /*ajDebug("...done comparing at +%d '%s' +%d '%s'\n", (cq - str), cq, (cp - text), cp);*/ if(*cp) { /*ajDebug("...incomplete cp, FAILED\n");*/ return -1 ; } if(*cq) { /*ajDebug("...incomplete cq, FAILED\n");*/ return 1; } /*ajDebug("...all finished and matched\n");*/ return 0; } /* @obsolete ajStrCmpWildCC ** @rename ajCharCmpWild */ __deprecated ajint ajStrCmpWildCC(const char* str, const char* text) { return ajCharCmpWild (str, text); } /* @section parsing functions ************************************************* ** ** Simple token parsing of strings ** ** @fdata [char*] ** ** @nam3rule Parse Parsing ** @argrule * txt [const char*] Text to be parsed ** @argrule C txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter set ** @valrule * [AjPStr] String token result, now owned by calling function. ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajCharParseC ********************************************************* ** ** Simple token parsing from text string using a specified set of delimiters. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String to be parsed (first call) or ** NULL for followup calls using the same string, as for the ** C RTL function strtok which is eventually called. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter(s) to be used between tokens. ** @return [AjPStr] Token ** @error NULL if no further token is found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajCharParseC (const char* txt, const char* txtdelim) { static AjPStr strp = NULL; /* internal AjPStr - do not try to destroy */ static char* cp = NULL; if (!strp) { if (!txt) { ajWarn("Error in ajCharParseC: NULL argument and not initialised"); ajUtilCatch(); return NULL; } AJNEW0(strp); strp->Use = 1; } if (txt) { if (cp) ajCharDel(&cp); cp = ajCharNewC(txt); strp->Ptr = ajSysFuncStrtok(cp, txtdelim); } else { strp->Ptr = ajSysFuncStrtok(NULL, txtdelim); } if (strp->Ptr) { strp->Len = strlen(strp->Ptr); strp->Res = strp->Len + 1; return strp; } else { strp->Len=0; strp->Res=1; strp->Use=0; } return NULL; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokCC ** @rename ajCharParseC */ __deprecated const AjPStr ajStrTokCC (const char* txt, const char* delim) { return ajCharParseC(txt, delim); } /* @datasection [AjPStr] String *********************************************** ** ** Functions for manipulating AJAX (AjPStr) strings ** ** @nam2rule Str Function is for manipulating strings ** */ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Functions for constructing string objects, possibly with a starting string. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote Same namrule as "String constructor functions: ** C-type (char*) strings" ** @nam3rule New Construct a new string. ** @nam4rule NewClear Construct with an empty string. ** @nam4rule NewRef Construct making a reference counted copy of ** an existing string. ** @nam4rule NewRes Construct with reserved size. ** ** @argrule C txt [const char*] Text string ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Text string ** @argrule NewRes size [ajuint] Reserved size ** @argrule NewRef refstr [AjPStr] Text string to be duplicated ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Length of string ** @valrule * [AjPStr] New string ** @fcategory new */ /* @func ajStrNew ************************************************************* ** ** Default string constructor which allocates memory for a string. ** ** The null string usage pointer is incremented. ** ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to an empty string ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNew(void) { return ajStrNewRef(strPNULL); } /* @func ajStrNewC ************************************************************ ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string and initialises it ** with the text string provided. ** ** The string size is set just large enough to hold the supplied text. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Null-terminated character string to initialise ** the new string. ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to a string containing the supplied text ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewC(const char* txt) { ajuint i; ajuint j; AjPStr thys; i = strlen(txt); j = ajRound(i + 1, STRSIZE); thys = ajStrNewResLenC(txt, j, i); return thys; } /* @func ajStrNewS ************************************************************ ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string and initialises it ** with the string provided. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be cloned ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to a string of the specified size ** containing the supplied text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewS(const AjPStr str) { if(str) return ajStrNewResLenC(str->Ptr, str->Res, str->Len); else return ajStrNewResLenC("",1,0); } /* @func ajStrNewRef ********************************************************** ** ** String referencing function which returns a pointer to the string passed in ** and increases its reference count. ** ** Not a true string copy, but if modified the new string will behave ** as a copy. ** ** @param [u] refstr [AjPStr] AJAX string object ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to the string passed as an argument, ** with its use count increased by 1. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewRef(AjPStr refstr) { if(!refstr) ajFatal("ajStrNewRef source string NULL"); refstr->Use++; return refstr; } /* @obsolete ajStrDup ** @rename ajStrNewRef */ __deprecated AjPStr ajStrDup(AjPStr thys) { return ajStrNewRef(thys); } /* @func ajStrNewRes ********************************************************** ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string of an initial ** reserved size (including a possible null). ** ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Reserved size (including a possible null). ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to an empty string of specified size. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewRes(ajuint size) { AjPStr thys; thys = ajStrNewResLenC("", size, 0); return thys; } /* @obsolete ajStrNewL ** @rename ajStrNewRes */ __deprecated AjPStr ajStrNewL(size_t size) { return ajStrNewRes(size); } /* @func ajStrNewResC ********************************************************* ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string of an initial ** reserved size (including a possible null) and initialises it with the text ** string provided. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Null-terminated character string to initialise ** the new string. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Reserved size (including a possible null). ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to a string of the specified size ** containing the supplied text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewResC(const char* txt, ajuint size) { ajuint i; AjPStr thys; i = strlen(txt); thys = ajStrNewResLenC(txt, size, i); return thys; } /* @obsolete ajStrNewCL ** @rename ajStrNewResC */ __deprecated AjPStr ajStrNewCL(const char* txt, size_t size) { return ajStrNewResC(txt, size); } /* @func ajStrNewResS ********************************************************* ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string of an initial ** reserved size (including a possible null) and initialises it with the string ** provided. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to initialise ** the new string. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Reserved size (including a possible null). ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to a string of the specified size ** containing the supplied text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewResS(const AjPStr str, ajuint size) { AjPStr thys; thys = ajStrNewResLenC(str->Ptr, size, str->Len); return thys; } /* @func ajStrNewResLenC ****************************************************** ** ** String constructor which allocates memory for a string of a given length ** and of an initial reserved size (including a possible null) and initialises ** it with the text string provided. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Null-terminated character string to initialise ** the new string. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Reserved size, including a trailing null and ** possible space for expansion ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length of txt to save calculation time. ** @return [AjPStr] Pointer to a string of the specified size ** containing the supplied text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrNewResLenC(const char* txt, ajuint size, ajuint len) { AjPStr thys; ajuint minlen; minlen = size; if(size <= len) minlen = len+1; thys = strNew(minlen); thys->Len = len; if(txt) memmove(thys->Ptr, txt, len+1); thys->Ptr[len] = '\0'; return thys; } /* @obsolete ajStrNewCIL ** @rename ajStrNewResLenC */ __deprecated AjPStr ajStrNewCIL(const char* txt, ajint len, size_t size) { return ajStrNewResLenC (txt, size, len); } /* @funcstatic strClone ******************************************************* ** ** Makes a new clone of a string with a usage count of one and unchanged ** reserved size. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjPStr] New String ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr strClone(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; AjPStr ret; thys = *Pstr; ret = ajStrNewResLenC(thys->Ptr, thys->Res, thys->Len); if(thys) { if(thys->Use <= 1) ajStrDel(Pstr); else thys->Use--; } *Pstr = ret; return ret; } /* @funcstatic strCloneL ****************************************************** ** ** Makes a new clone of a string with a usage count of one and a minimum ** reserved size. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Minimum reserved size. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void strCloneL(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint size) { AjPStr thys; AjPStr ret; thys = *Pstr; ret = ajStrNewResLenC(thys->Ptr, size, thys->Len); if(thys) { if(thys->Use <= 1) ajStrDel(Pstr); else thys->Use--; } *Pstr = ret; return; } /* @funcstatic strNew ****************************************************** ** ** Internal constructor for modifiable AJAX strings. Used by all the string ** parameterized contructors to allocate the space for the text string. ** The only exception is ajStrNew which returns a clone of the null string. ** ** @param [rE] size [ajuint] size of the reserved space, including the ** terminating NULL character. Zero uses a default string size STRSIZE. ** @return [AjPStr] A pointer to an empty string ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr strNew(ajuint size) { AjPStr ret; if(!size) size = STRSIZE; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Res = size; ret->Ptr = AJALLOC0(size); ret->Len = 0; ret->Use = 1; ret->Ptr[0] = '\0'; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS strAlloc += size; strCount++; strTotal++; #endif return ret; } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** ** Functions for destruction of string objects. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote Return type could be standardised. ** ** @nam3rule Del Destroy (free) an existing string. ** @nam3rule Delarray Destroy (free) an array of strings ** @nam4rule DelStatic Destroy (clear) a string without freeing memory ** to save reallocation of static string variables ** ** @argrule Del Pstr [AjPStr*] ** @argrule Delarray PPstr [AjPStr**] ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @valrule *DelStatic [AjBool] True if the string still exists as empty ** False if the string was reference counted ** and this instance was deleted ** @fcategory delete ******************************************************************************/ /* @macro MAJSTRDEL *********************************************************** ** ** Default string destructor which frees memory for a string. ** ** Decrements the use count. When it reaches zero, the string is removed from ** memory. If the given string is NULL, or a NULL pointer, simply returns. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrDel} available in case it is needed for speed. ** ** @param [d] Pstr [AjPStr*] Pointer to the string to be deleted. ** The pointer is always deleted. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajStrDel ************************************************************* ** ** Default string destructor which frees memory for a string. ** ** Decrements the use count. When it reaches zero, the string is removed from ** memory. If the given string is NULL, or a NULL pointer, simply returns. ** ** @param [d] Pstr [AjPStr*] Pointer to the string to be deleted. ** The pointer is always deleted. ** @return [void] ** @cre The default null string must not be deleted. Calling this ** routine for copied pointers could cause this. An error message ** is issued and the null string use count is restored. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrDel(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!Pstr) return; if(!*Pstr) return; thys = *Pstr; --thys->Use; if(!thys->Use) { /* any other references? */ if(thys == strPNULL) { ajErr("Error - trying to delete the null string constant\n"); thys->Use = NULL_USE; /* restore the original value */ } else { AJFREE(thys->Ptr); /* free the string */ #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS strFree += thys->Res; strFreeCount++; strCount--; #endif thys->Res = 0; /* in case of copied pointers */ thys->Len = 0; AJFREE(*Pstr); /* free the object */ } } *Pstr = NULL; return; } /* @func ajStrDelStatic ******************************************************* ** ** String dereferencing function which sets a string pointer to NULL and ** decrements the use count of the string to which it referred. Strings with a ** use count of 1 are *not* freed to avoid freeing and reallocating memory when ** they are reused. ** ** Memory reserved for the string is never deleted and can always be ** reused by any remaining AjPStr that points to it even if this pointer ** is cleared. ** ** Use for more efficient memory management for static strings, to avoid ** reallocation when used in a subsequent call. ** ** If the given string is NULL, or a NULL pointer, simply returns. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Pointer to the string to be deleted. ** @return [AjBool] True if the string exists and can be reused ** False if the string was deleted. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrDelStatic(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) return ajFalse; thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use == 1) { /* last reference - clear the string */ *thys->Ptr = '\0'; thys->Len = 0; return ajTrue; } else { --thys->Use; *Pstr = NULL; } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrDelReuse ** @rename ajStrDelStatic */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrDelReuse(AjPStr* pthis) { ajStrDelStatic(pthis); if(*pthis) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajStrDelarray ******************************************************** ** ** Default string destructor which frees memory for an array of strings. ** ** Decrements the use count. When it reaches zero, the string is removed from ** memory. If the given string is NULL, or a NULL pointer, simply returns. ** ** @param [d] PPstr [AjPStr**] Pointer to the string array to be deleted. ** The last string is a NULL pointer ** The pointer is always deleted. ** @return [void] ** @cre The default null string must not be deleted. Calling this ** routine for copied pointers could cause this. An error message ** is issued and the null string use count is restored. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrDelarray(AjPStr** PPstr) { ajuint i = 0; if(!PPstr) return; if(!*PPstr) return; for(i=0;(*PPstr)[i];i++) ajStrDel(&(*PPstr)[i]); AJFREE(*PPstr); return; } /* @section assignment ******************************************************** ** ** Functions for assigning a string. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote Memory for the string is allocated if necessary. ** ** @nam3rule Assign Assign a string (or substring) either by reference ** or duplication. ** @nam4rule AssignRef Copy by setting pointer reference only. ** @nam4rule AssignSub Copy a substring. ** @nam4rule AssignRes Copy into string of a reserved size (at least). ** @nam4rule AssignMax Copy up to a maximum number of characters only. ** @nam4rule AssignEmpty Copy only if existing string is empty. ** @nam4rule AssignClear Assign an empty string ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] Modifiable string ** @argrule Ref refstr [AjPStr] Master string ** @argrule Res size [ajuint] Reserved maximum size ** @argrule C txt [const char*] Text string ** @argrule K chr [char] Single character ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Text string ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Length of string ** @argrule Sub pos1 [ajint] Start position, negative value counts ** from end ** @argrule Sub pos2 [ajint] End position, negative value counts from end ** @valrule * [AjBool] ** ** @fcategory assign */ /* @func ajStrAssignC ********************************************************* ** ** Copy a text string to a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint i; ajuint ires; if(!*Pstr) { if(txt) *Pstr = ajStrNewC(txt); else *Pstr = ajStrNew(); return ajTrue; } if (!txt) i = 0; else i = strlen(txt); ires = i+1; thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use != 1 || thys->Res <= i) { ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, ires); thys = *Pstr; } thys->Len = i; if(i) memmove(thys->Ptr, txt, ires); else thys->Ptr[0] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssC ** @rename ajStrAssignC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* text) { return ajStrAssignC (pthis, text); } /* @func ajStrAssignK ********************************************************* ** ** Copy a single character to a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] chr [char] Source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignK(AjPStr* Pstr, char chr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr=ajStrNewRes(2); thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use != 1 || thys->Res <= 1) { ret = ajStrSetRes(Pstr, 2); thys = *Pstr; } thys->Ptr[0] = chr; thys->Ptr[1] = '\0'; thys->Len = 1; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssK ** @rename ajStrAssignK */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssK(AjPStr* pthis, const char text) { return ajStrAssignK(pthis, text); } /* @func ajStrAssignS ********************************************************* ** ** Copy a string to a string. ** ** This is a genuine copy (reference count isn't used). Useful where both ** strings will be separately overwritten later so that they can both remain ** modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [rN] str [const AjPStr] Source string. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) { *Pstr = ajStrNewS(str); return ajTrue; } if(!str) return ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use != 1 || thys->Res <= str->Len) { ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, str->Len+1); /* min. reserved size OR more */ thys = *Pstr; } thys->Len = str->Len; memmove(thys->Ptr, str->Ptr, str->Len+1); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssS ** @rename ajStrAssignS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssS(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr str) { return ajStrAssignS(pthis, str); } /* @obsolete ajStrAssI ** @replace ajStrAssignS (1,2,3/1,2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssI(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, size_t i) { (void) i; return ajStrAssignS(Pstr, str); } /* @func ajStrAssignClear ***************************************************** ** ** Clear the string value ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignClear(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) { *Pstr = strNew(0); return ajTrue; } thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use != 1) { ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ret = ajTrue; } thys->Len = 0; thys->Ptr[0] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @func ajStrAssignEmptyC **************************************************** ** ** Ensures a string is set (has a value). If the string is set it is left ** alone, otherwise it is initialised with a text string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string which is overwritten. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignEmptyC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; if(!*Pstr) ret = ajStrAssignC(Pstr, txt); else if(!(*Pstr)->Len) ret = ajStrAssignC(Pstr, txt); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrSetC ** @rename ajStrAssignEmptyC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSetC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* str) { return ajStrAssignEmptyC(pthis, str); } /* @func ajStrAssignEmptyS **************************************************** ** ** Ensures a string is set (has a value). If the string is set it is left ** alone, otherwise it is initialised with a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string which is overwritten. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string object. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignEmptyS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; /* true if ajStrDup is used */ if(!*Pstr) ret = ajStrAssignS(Pstr, str); else if(!(*Pstr)->Len) ret = ajStrAssignS(Pstr, str); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrSet ** @rename ajStrAssignEmptyS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSet(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajDebug("ajStrSet pthis:%x '%S' str:%x '%S'\n", *pthis, *pthis, str, str); ret = ajStrAssignEmptyS(pthis, str); ajDebug("ajStrSet ret:%B pthis:%x '%S' str:%x '%S'\n", ret, *pthis, *pthis, str, str); return ret; } /* @func ajStrAssignLenC ****************************************************** ** ** Copy a text string of a given length to a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [rN] txt [const char*] Source text. ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length of source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignLenC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, ajuint len) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; if (!txt) ajFatal("ajStrAssignLenC source text NULL"); thys = *Pstr; if(!thys) { ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, len+1); thys = *Pstr; } else if(thys->Res < len+1) { ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, len+1); thys = *Pstr; } thys->Len = len; if (len) memmove(thys->Ptr, txt, len); thys->Ptr[len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssCI ** @rename ajStrAssignLenC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssCI(AjPStr* pthis, const char* txt, size_t ilen) { return ajStrAssignLenC(pthis, txt, ilen); } /* @func ajStrAssignRef ******************************************************* ** ** String referencing function which makes a string point to another. ** Increases the reference count of the string pointed to. ** ** Not a true string copy, but if modified the new string will behave ** as a copy. ** ** Sets the destination string to NULL if the source string is NULL. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string which is overwritten. ** @param [u] refstr [AjPStr] Source string object ** Copy by reference count so not const. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @cre If both arguments point to the same string object, nothing happens. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignRef(AjPStr* Pstr, AjPStr refstr) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; /* true if ajStrDup is used */ if(*Pstr) { if((*Pstr)->Use <= 1) ajStrDel(Pstr); else (*Pstr)->Use--; } if(!refstr) ajFatal("ajStrAssignRef source string NULL"); *Pstr = ajStrNewRef(refstr); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrCopy ** @rename ajStrAssignRef */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrCopy(AjPStr* pthis, AjPStr str) { return ajStrAssignRef(pthis, str); } /* @func ajStrAssignResC ****************************************************** ** ** Copy a text string to a string with a minimum reserved size. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Space to reserve. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignResC(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint size, const char* txt) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint ilen; ajuint isize; if (txt) ilen = strlen(txt); else ilen = 0; isize = size; if(ilen >= isize) isize = ilen + 1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, isize); thys = *Pstr; thys->Len = ilen; if(ilen) memmove(thys->Ptr, txt, ilen); thys->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssCL ** @replace ajStrAssignResC (1,2,3/1,3,2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssCL(AjPStr* pthis, const char* txt, size_t i) { return ajStrAssignResC(pthis, i, txt); } /* @func ajStrAssignResS ****************************************************** ** ** Copy a string to a string with a minimum reserved size. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Size of new string. ** @param [rN] str [const AjPStr] Source text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignResS(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint size, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint isize; isize = size; if (str) { if(isize <= str->Len) isize = str->Len+1; } ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, isize); thys = *Pstr; if (str) { thys->Len = str->Len; memmove(thys->Ptr, str->Ptr, str->Len); thys->Ptr[str->Len] = '\0'; } else { thys->Len = 0; thys->Ptr[0] = '\0'; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssL ** @replace ajStrAssignResS (1,2,3/1,3,2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssL(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr str, size_t i) { return ajStrAssignResS(pthis, i, str); } /* @func ajStrAssignSubC ****************************************************** ** ** Copies a substring of a text string to a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source text ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position for substring ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position for substring ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignSubC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajuint ilen; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; AjPStr thys; ibegin = pos1; iend = pos2; if(pos1 < 0) ibegin = strlen(txt) + pos1; if(pos2 < 0) iend = strlen(txt) + pos2; ilen = iend - ibegin + 1; if(!*Pstr) ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, ilen+1); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); if((*Pstr)->Res < ilen+1) ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, ilen+1); thys = *Pstr; thys->Len = ilen; if (ilen) memmove(thys->Ptr, &txt[ibegin], ilen); thys->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssSubC ** @rename ajStrAssignSubC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssSubC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* txt, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrAssignSubC(pthis, txt, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrAssignSubS ****************************************************** ** ** Copies a substring of a string to a string. ** ** The substring is defined from character positions beginpos to endpos. ** ** ajTrue is returned if target was ** (re)allocated, ajFalse is returned otherwise. ** ** @short Copies a substring of a string to a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** {memory will be automatically allocated if required} ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Start position in src of substring ** {negative values count from the end of the string ** with -1 as the last position} ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] End position in src of substring ** {negative values count from the end of the string ** with -1 as the last position} ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if pthis was (re)allocated, ajFalse otherwise ** @release 1.0.0 ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAssignSubS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajuint ilen; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; AjPStr thys; ibegin = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(str->Len, ibegin, pos2); if(iend == str->Len) iend--; ilen = iend - ibegin + 1; if(!*Pstr) ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, ilen+1); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); if((*Pstr)->Res < ilen+1) ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, ilen+1); thys = *Pstr; thys->Len = ilen; if (ilen) memmove(thys->Ptr, &str->Ptr[ibegin], ilen); thys->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAssSub ** @rename ajStrAssignSubS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAssSub(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr src, ajint beginpos, ajint endpos) { return ajStrAssignSubS(pthis, src, beginpos, endpos); } /* @section combination functions ********************************************* ** ** Functions for appending, inserting or overwriting a string ** or substring to another. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote Memory for the object is allocated if necessary ** ** @nam3rule Append Append one string to another. ** @nam4rule AppendSub Append substring. ** @nam4rule AppendCount Append number of characters. ** @nam3rule Join Append one string to another after cutting strings. ** @nam3rule Insert Insert one string into another. ** @nam3rule Paste Overwrite one string with another. ** @nam4rule PasteCount Overwrite with a number of single characters ** @nam4rule PasteMax Length of overwrite string specified ** @nam3rule Mask Mask a range of characters. ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] Modifiable string ** @argrule Insert pos [ajint] Position in string to start inserting, ** negative values count from the end ** @argrule Paste pos [ajint] Position in string to start inserting, ** negative values count from the end ** @argrule Join pos [ajint] Position in string to start inserting, ** negative values count from the end ** @argrule C txt [const char*] Text string ** @argrule K chr [char] Single character ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Text string ** @argrule Count num [ajuint] Number of single characters to copy ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Number of characters to copy from string ** @argrule Max len [ajuint] Length of string ** @argrule Sub pos1 [ajint] Start position, negative value counts ** from end ** @argrule Mask pos1 [ajint] Start position, negative value counts ** from end ** @argrule Sub pos2 [ajint] End position, negative value counts from end ** @argrule Mask pos2 [ajint] End position, negative value counts from end ** @argrule Join posb [ajint] Position in source string ** negative values count from the end ** @argrule Mask maskchr [char] Masking character ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] ** ** @fcategory modify ** @@ */ /* @func ajStrAppendC ********************************************************* ** ** Appends a text string to the end of a string. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { ajuint i; i = strlen(txt); return ajStrAppendLenC(Pstr, txt, i); } /* @obsolete ajStrAppC ** @rename ajStrAppendC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAppC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* txt) { return ajStrAppendC(pthis, txt); } /* @func ajStrAppendK ********************************************************* ** ** Appends a character to the end of a string. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [rN] chr [char] Source character ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendK(AjPStr* Pstr, char chr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; thys = *Pstr; if(thys) j = AJMAX(thys->Res, thys->Len+2); else j = 2; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = chr; thys->Ptr[++thys->Len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAppK ** @rename ajStrAppendK */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAppK(AjPStr* pthis, const char chr) { return ajStrAppendK(pthis, chr); } /* @func ajStrAppendS ********************************************************* ** ** Appends a string to the end of another string. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; if(!str) return ajFalse; thys = *Pstr; if(thys) { j = AJMAX(thys->Res, thys->Len+str->Len+1); } else j = str->Len+1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ memmove(thys->Ptr+thys->Len, str->Ptr, str->Len+1); /* include the null */ thys->Len += str->Len; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrApp ** @rename ajStrAppendS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrApp(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr src) { return ajStrAppendS(pthis, src); } /* @func ajStrAppendCountK **************************************************** ** ** Appends any number of a given character to the end of a string. ** ** Equivalent to a repeat count for ajStrAppK. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] chr [char] Source character ** @param [r] num [ajuint] Repeat count ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendCountK(AjPStr* Pstr, char chr, ajuint num) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint i; ajuint j; char* cp; thys = *Pstr; if(thys) j = AJMAX(thys->Res, (thys->Len+num+1)); else j = num+1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ cp = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len]; for(i=0; iLen += num; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAppKI ** @rename ajStrAppendCountK */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAppKI(AjPStr* pthis, const char chr, ajint number) { return ajStrAppendCountK(pthis, chr, number); } /* @func ajStrAppendLenC ****************************************************** ** ** Appends a text string of a given length to the end of a string. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [rN] txt [const char*] Source text ** @param [r] len [ajuint] String length ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendLenC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, ajuint len) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; thys = *Pstr; if(!txt) return ajFalse; if(*Pstr) j = AJMAX(thys->Res, (thys->Len+len+1)); else j = len+1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ memmove(thys->Ptr+thys->Len, txt, len+1); thys->Len += len; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAppCI ** @rename ajStrAppendLenC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAppCI(AjPStr* pthis, const char* txt, size_t i) { return ajStrAppendLenC(pthis, txt, i); } /* @func ajStrAppendSubC ****************************************************** ** ** Appends a substring of a string to the end of another string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Source string ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position for substring ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position for substring ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendSubC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint jlen; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; thys = *Pstr; jlen = strlen(txt); ibegin = ajMathPos(jlen, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(jlen, ibegin, pos2); ilen = iend - ibegin + 1; if(thys) { j = AJMAX(thys->Res, thys->Len+ilen+1); } else j = ilen+1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ memmove(thys->Ptr+thys->Len, &txt[ibegin], ilen); thys->Len += ilen; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @func ajStrAppendSubS ****************************************************** ** ** Appends a substring of a string to the end of another string. ** ** Uses {ajStrSetRes} to make sure target string is modifiable. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position for substring ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position for substring ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrAppendSubS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(str->Len, ibegin, pos2); ilen = iend - ibegin + 1; if(thys) { j = AJMAX(thys->Res, thys->Len+ilen+1); } else j = ilen+1; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ memmove(thys->Ptr+thys->Len, &str->Ptr[ibegin], ilen); thys->Len += ilen; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrAppSub ** @rename ajStrAppendSubS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAppSub(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr src, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrAppendSubS(pthis, src, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrInsertC ********************************************************* ** ** Insert a text string into a string at a specified postion. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Position where text is to be inserted. ** Negative position counts from the end ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text to be inserted ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrInsertC(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const char* txt ) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint j = 0; ajuint y = 0; ajuint ibegin; char* ptr1; const char* ptr2; ajuint len; len = strlen(txt); thys = *Pstr; if(!thys) { ajStrAssignResC(Pstr, len+1, ""); thys = *Pstr; } /* can be at start or after end */ ibegin = ajMathPosI(thys->Len+1, 0, pos); j = thys->Len+len+1; if(j > thys->Res) { ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, j); } else { if(thys->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); ret = ajTrue; } thys = *Pstr; /* possible new location */ /* move characters "i" places up to leave place for insertion */ ptr1 = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len+len]; ptr2 = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len]; for(y=0; y<=thys->Len-ibegin ; y++) { *ptr1 = *ptr2; ptr1--; ptr2--; } thys->Len += len; /* set the new length */ thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; /* ### was Len+1 ### add the end character */ /* add the new text */ ptr1 = & thys->Ptr[ibegin]; ptr2 = txt; for(y=0; y< len; y++) { *ptr1 = *ptr2; ptr1++; ptr2++; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrInsertK ********************************************************* ** ** Inserts a character into a string at a specified postion. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Position where text is to be inserted. ** Negative position counts from the end ** @param [r] chr [char] Text to be inserted ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrInsertK(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, char chr ) { char tmpstr[2] = "?"; *tmpstr = chr; return ajStrInsertC(Pstr, pos, tmpstr); } /* @func ajStrInsertS ********************************************************* ** ** Inserts a text string into a string at a specified postion. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Position where text is to be inserted. ** Negative position counts from the end ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be inserted ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on successful completion else ajFalse; ** @error ajFalse if the insert failed. Currently this happens if ** pos is negative, but this could be reassigned to a position ** from the end of the string in future. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrInsertS(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const AjPStr str ) { return ajStrInsertC(Pstr, pos, str->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrInsert ** @rename ajStrInsertS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrInsert(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const AjPStr str ) { return ajStrInsertS(Pstr, pos, str); } /* @func ajStrJoinC *********************************************************** ** ** Cut down string at pos1 and add string2 from position pos2. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Number of characters to keep in target string. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text to append. ** @param [r] posb [ajint] Position of first character to copy from text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrJoinC(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const char* txt, ajint posb) { AjPStr thys; ajuint len; ajuint ibegin; ajuint ibegin2; ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajuint newlen = 0; len = strlen(txt); if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos); ibegin2 = ajMathPos(len, posb); if(thys->Len < ibegin || len < ibegin2) return ajFalse; newlen = ibegin + len - ibegin2 + 1; if(newlen > thys->Res) { ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, newlen); thys = *Pstr; } for(i=ibegin,j=ibegin2; j <= len; i++,j++) thys->Ptr[i] = txt[j]; thys->Len = i-1; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrJoinS *********************************************************** ** ** Appends one string to another after cutting both strings. ** ** Cuts down string at pos1 and add string2 from position pos2. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Start position in target string, ** negative numbers count from the end. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to append. ** @param [r] posb [ajint] Starts position to copy, ** negative numbers count from the end. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrJoinS(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const AjPStr str, ajint posb) { ajuint ibegin1; ajuint ibegin2; ibegin1 = ajMathPos((*Pstr)->Len, pos); ibegin2 = ajMathPos(str->Len, posb); return ajStrJoinC(Pstr, ibegin1, str->Ptr, ibegin2); } /* @func ajStrMask ************************************************************ ** ** Masks out characters from a string over a specified range. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position to be masked ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position to be masked ** @param [r] maskchr [char] masking character ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success, ajFalse if begin is out of range ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMask(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos1, ajint pos2, char maskchr) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(thys->Len, ibegin, pos2); /* ajDebug("ajStrMask %d %d len: %d ibegin: %d iend: %d char '%c'\n", begin, end, thys->Len, ibegin, iend, maskchar); */ if(iend < ibegin) return ajFalse; for(i=ibegin; i<=iend; i++) thys->Ptr[i] = maskchr; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrPasteS ********************************************************** ** ** Overwrite one string with another. ** ** Replace string at pos1 with new string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Number of characters of target string to keep. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to replace. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPasteS( AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const AjPStr str) { return ajStrPasteMaxC(Pstr, pos, str->Ptr, str->Len); } /* @obsolete ajStrReplaceS ** @rename ajStrPasteS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrReplaceS( AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, const AjPStr overwrite) { return ajStrPasteS(pthis, begin, overwrite); } /* @func ajStrPasteCountK ***************************************************** ** ** Overwrites a string with a number of single characters. ** ** Replace string at pos and add num copies of character chr. Or to the end ** of the existing string ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Number of characters of target string to keep. ** @param [r] chr [char] Character to replace. ** @param [r] num [ajuint] Number of characters to copy from text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPasteCountK( AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, char chr, ajuint num) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; char* ptr1 = 0; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos); iend = ibegin + num; if(iend > thys->Len) /* can't fit */ iend = thys->Len - 1; ptr1 = &thys->Ptr[ibegin]; for(i=ibegin;iUse > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos); iend = ibegin + len; if((iend > thys->Len) || (len > slen) ) /* can't fit */ return ajFalse; ptr1 = &thys->Ptr[ibegin]; ptr2 = txt; for(ilen=len;ilen>0;ilen--) *ptr1++ = *ptr2++; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrReplaceC ** @rename ajStrPasteMaxC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrReplaceC( AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, const char* overwrite, ajint ilen) { return ajStrPasteMaxC(pthis, begin, overwrite, ilen); } /* @func ajStrPasteMaxS ******************************************************* ** ** Overwrite one string with a specifed number of characters from another ** string. ** Replaces string at pos and add len characters from string str. ** Or to the end of the existing string ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Start position in tagret string. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Replacement string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Number of characters to copy from text. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPasteMaxS(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos, const AjPStr str, ajuint len) { return ajStrPasteMaxC(Pstr, pos, str->Ptr, len); } /* @obsolete ajStrReplace ** @rename ajStrPasteMaxS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrReplace( AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, const AjPStr overwrite, ajint ilen) { return ajStrPasteMaxS(pthis, begin, overwrite, ilen); } /* @section cutting *********************************************************** ** ** Functions for removing characters or regions (substrings) from a string. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** @nam3rule Cut Remove region(s) from a string. ** @nam4rule CutComments Remove comment lines. ** @nam5rule CutCommentsStart Remove comment lines beginning with '#' only. ** @nam5rule CutCommentsRestpos Remove comment lines and note start position ** @nam4rule CutEnd Remove one end or another. ** @nam4rule CutRange Remove a substring. ** @nam4rule CutStart Remove one end or another. ** @nam4rule CutWild Remove end from first wildcard character. ** @nam4rule CutHtml Remove HTML (i.e. everything between ** '<' and '>'). ** @nam3rule Keep Keep part of a string. ** @nam4rule KeepRange Keep range of character positions. ** @nam4rule KeepSet Keep only characters in a set. ** @nam5rule KeepSetAlpha Also remove non-alphabetic. ** @nam6rule KeepSetAlphaRest Also remove non-alphabetic and report non-space ** @nam3rule Quote Editing quotes in qtrings ** @nam4rule QuoteStrip Removing quotes ** @nam5rule QuoteStripAll Removing internal and external quotes ** @nam3rule Remove Remove individual characters from a string. ** @nam4rule RemoveGap Remove non-sequence characters. ** @nam4rule RemoveHtml Remove HTML tags. ** @nam4rule RemoveLast Remove last character. ** @nam5rule RemoveLastNewline Remove last character if a newline only. ** @nam4rule RemoveNonseq Remove non-sequence characters ** (all chars except alphabetic & '*') ** @nam4rule RemoveSet Remove a set of characters. ** @nam4rule RemoveWhite Remove all whitespace characters. ** @nam5rule RemoveWhiteExcess Remove excess whitespace only. ** @nam5rule RemoveWhiteSpaces Remove excess space characters only. ** @nam4rule RemoveWild Remove characters after a wildcard. ** @nam3rule Trim Remove region(s) of a given character ** composition only from start and / or end ** of a string. ** @nam4rule TrimEnd Trim from end only. ** @nam4rule TrimStart Trim from start only. ** @nam3rule Truncate Intuitively named end-cut function. ** @nam4rule TruncateLen Truncate to a specified length ** @nam4rule TruncatePos Truncate after a specified position ** @nam4rule TrimWhite Trim whitespace only. ** @nam5rule TrimWhiteEnd Trim whitespace from end. ** @nam5rule TrimWhiteStart Trim whitespace from start. ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] Modifiable string ** @argrule Pos pos [ajint] First position to be deleted. Negative values count from the end ** @argrule Restpos Pcomment [AjPStr*] Removed (comment) characters ** @argrule Restpos Pstartpos [ajuint*] Position at start of comment ** @argrule C txt [const char*] Text string ** @argrule K chr [char] Single character ** @argrule S str [const AjPStr] Text string ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Number of characters to copy ** @argrule CutEnd len [ajuint] Number of characters to copy ** @argrule CutStart len [ajuint] Number of characters to copy ** @argrule Range pos1 [ajint] Start position in string, negative ** numbers count from end ** @argrule Range pos2 [ajint] End position in string, negative ** numbers count from end ** @argrule Rest Prest [AjPStr*] Excluded characters ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrCutComments ***************************************************** ** ** Removes comments from a string. ** ** A comment begins with a "#" character and may appear anywhere in the string. ** See ajStrCutCommentsStart for alternative definition of a comment. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Line of text from input file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if there is some text remaining ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutComments(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; char *cp; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!thys->Len) /* empty string */ return ajFalse; cp = strchr(thys->Ptr, '#'); if(cp) { /* comment found and removed */ *cp = '\0'; thys->Len = cp - thys->Ptr; } if(!thys->Len) /* no text before the comment */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrUncomment ** @rename ajStrCutComments */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrUncomment(AjPStr* text) { return ajStrCutComments(text); } /* @func ajStrCutCommentsRestpos ********************************************** ** ** Removes comments from a string. ** ** A comment begins with a "#" character and may appear anywhere in the string. ** See ajStrCutCommentsStart for alternative definition of a comment. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Line of text from input file ** @param [w] Pcomment [AjPStr*] Comment characters deleted ** @param [w] Pstartpos [ajuint*] Comment start position ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if there is some text remaining ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutCommentsRestpos(AjPStr* Pstr, AjPStr* Pcomment, ajuint* Pstartpos) { AjPStr thys; char *cp; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; *Pstartpos=0; ajStrAssignClear(Pcomment); if(!thys->Len) /* empty string */ return ajFalse; cp = strchr(thys->Ptr, '#'); if(cp) { /* comment found and removed */ *Pstartpos = cp -thys->Ptr; ajStrAssignC(Pcomment, cp); *cp = '\0'; thys->Len = cp - thys->Ptr; } if(!thys->Len) /* no text before the comment */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrCutCommentsStart ************************************************ ** ** Removes comments from a string. ** ** A comment is a blank line or any text starting with a "#" character. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Line of text from input file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if there is some text remaining ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutCommentsStart(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)) /* empty string */ return ajFalse; if(thys->Ptr[0] == '#') { /* comment found */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrUncommentStart ** @rename ajStrCutCommentsStart */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrUncommentStart(AjPStr* text) { return ajStrCutCommentsStart(text); } /* @func ajStrCutEnd ********************************************************** ** ** Removes a number of characters from the end of a string ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Number of characters to delete from the end ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutEnd(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint len) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!len) return ajTrue; if(len > thys->Len) thys->Len = 0; else thys->Len -= len; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrTrim ** @replace ajStrCutStart (1,+/1,2) ** @replace ajStrCutEnd (1,-/1,-2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrTrim(AjPStr* pthis, ajint num) { AjBool ret; if(num >= 0) ret = ajStrCutStart(pthis, num); else ret = ajStrCutEnd(pthis, -num); return ret; } /* @func ajStrCutRange ******************************************************** ** ** Removes a substring from a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position to be cut ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position to be cut ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success, ajFalse if begin is out of range ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutRange(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ilen; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; ajuint irest; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(thys->Len, ibegin, pos2) + 1; ilen = iend - ibegin; /*ajDebug("ajStrCut %d %d len: %d ibegin: %d iend: %d\n", begin, end, thys->Len, ibegin, iend);*/ irest = thys->Len - iend + 1; if(irest > 0) memmove(&thys->Ptr[ibegin], &thys->Ptr[iend], irest); thys->Len -= ilen; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrCut ** @rename ajStrCutRange */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrCut(AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrCutRange(pthis, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrCutStart ******************************************************** ** ** Removes a number of characters from the start of a string ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Number of characters to delete from the start ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrCutStart(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint len) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!len) return ajTrue; if(len > thys->Len) thys->Len = 0; else { memmove(thys->Ptr, &thys->Ptr[len], thys->Len - len); thys->Len -= len; thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrKeepRange ******************************************************* ** ** Reduces target string to a substring of itself by deleting all except ** a range of character positions. ** ** The end is allowed to be before begin, in which case the output is an ** empty string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Start position for substring. ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] End position for substring. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepRange(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr str; ajuint ibegin; ajuint ilen; ajuint iend; str = *Pstr; if(str->Use > 1) str = ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); ibegin = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos2); if(iend == str->Len) iend--; if(iend < ibegin) ilen = 0; else ilen = iend - ibegin + 1; if(ilen) { if(ibegin) ajMemMove(str->Ptr, &str->Ptr[ibegin], ilen); str->Len = ilen; str->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; } else { str->Len = 0; str->Ptr[0] = '\0'; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrSub ** @rename ajStrKeepRange */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSub(AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrKeepRange(pthis, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrKeepSetC *************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not in a given set. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Character set to keep ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(strchr(txt, *p)) *q++=*p; p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrKeepSetS *************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not in a given set. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Character set to keep ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; const char* txt; if(!str) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(*Pstr)) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; txt = MAJSTRGETPTR(str); p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(strchr(txt, *p)) *q++=*p; p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrKeepC ** @rename ajStrKeepSetC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrKeepC(AjPStr* s, const char* charset) { return ajStrKeepSetC (s, charset); } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlpha **************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlpha(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(isalpha((ajint)*p)) *q++=*p; p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlphaC *************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic and ** are not in a given set. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Non-alphabetic character set to keep ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlphaC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(isalpha((ajint)*p)) *q++=*p; else if(strchr(txt, *p)) *q++=*p; p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrKeepAlphaC ** @rename ajStrKeepSetAlphaC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrKeepAlphaC(AjPStr* s, const char* charset) { return ajStrKeepSetAlphaC(s, charset); } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlphaS *************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic and ** are not in a given set. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Non-alphabetic character set to keep ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlphaS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str) { return ajStrKeepSetAlphaC(Pstr, str->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlphaRest ************************************************ ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic. ** ** Also returns any non-whitespace characters in the strings ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [u] Prest [AjPStr *] Excluded non-whitespace characters. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlphaRest(AjPStr* Pstr, AjPStr* Prest) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; ajStrAssignClear(Prest); if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(isalpha((ajint)*p)) *q++=*p; else if(!isspace((ajint)*p)) ajStrAppendK(Prest, *p); p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlphaRestC *********************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic and ** are not in a given set. ** ** Also returns any non-whitespace characters in the strings ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Non-alphabetic character set to keep ** @param [u] Prest [AjPStr *] Excluded non-whitespace characters. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlphaRestC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, AjPStr* Prest) { AjPStr thys; char *p; char *q; ajStrAssignClear(Prest); if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(isalpha((ajint)*p)) *q++=*p; else if(strchr(txt, *p)) *q++=*p; else if(!isspace((ajint)*p)) ajStrAppendK(Prest, *p); p++; } *q='\0'; thys->Len = q - thys->Ptr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrKeepSetAlphaRestS *********************************************** ** ** Removes all characters from a string that are not alphabetic and ** are not in a given set. ** ** Also returns any non-whitespace characters in the strings ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Non-alphabetic character set to keep ** @param [u] Prest [AjPStr *] Excluded non-whitespace characters. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrKeepSetAlphaRestS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, AjPStr* Prest) { return ajStrKeepSetAlphaRestC(Pstr, str->Ptr, Prest); } /* @func ajStrQuoteStrip ****************************************************** ** ** Removes any double quotes from a string. ** ** Internal escaped or double quotes are converted to single quotes. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] string ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrQuoteStrip(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(ajStrGetCharLast(thys) == '"') ajStrCutEnd(Pstr, 1); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(thys) == '"') ajStrCutStart(Pstr, 1); ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "\"\"", "\""); /* doubled quotes to single */ ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "\\\"", "\""); /* escaped quotes to single */ if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrQuoteStripAll *************************************************** ** ** Removes any single or double quotes from a string. ** ** Internal escaped or doubled-up quotes are converted to single quotes. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] string ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrQuoteStripAll(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(ajStrGetCharLast(thys) == '"') { ajStrCutEnd(Pstr, 1); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(thys) == '"') ajStrCutStart(Pstr, 1); ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "\"\"", "\""); /* doubled quotes to single */ ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "\\\"", "\""); /* escaped quotes to single */ } else if(ajStrGetCharLast(thys) == '\'') { ajStrCutEnd(Pstr, 1); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(thys) == '\'') ajStrCutStart(Pstr, 1); ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "''", "'"); /* doubled quotes to single */ ajStrExchangeCC(Pstr, "\\'", "'"); /* escaped quotes to single */ } if (!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrRemoveGap ******************************************************* ** ** Removes non-sequence characters (all but alphabetic characters and asterisk) ** from a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] True if string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveGap(AjPStr* Pstr) { char *p; char *q; ajuint i; ajuint len; char c; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = q = thys->Ptr; len = thys->Len; for(i=0;i='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c=='*')) *(q++) = c; else --thys->Len; } thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrDegap ** @rename ajStrRemoveGap */ __deprecated void ajStrDegap(AjPStr* thys) { ajStrRemoveGap(thys); } /* @func ajStrRemoveHtml ****************************************************** ** ** Removes html from a string. ** ** html is defined as all substrings between and including angle brackets. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveHtml(AjPStr* Pstr) { char *p; char *q; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = q = thys->Ptr; while(*p) { if(*p!='<') { *q++=*p++; continue; } while(*p) { --thys->Len; if(*p=='>') { ++p; break; } ++p; } } *q='\0'; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrRemoveLastNewline *********************************************** ** ** Removes last character from a string if it is a newline character. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] True is string is not empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveLastNewline(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Len) if(thys->Ptr[thys->Len-1]=='\n') { thys->Ptr[thys->Len-1]='\0'; --thys->Len; } if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrRemoveNewline ** @rename ajStrRemoveLastNewline */ __deprecated void ajStrRemoveNewline(AjPStr* thys) { ajStrRemoveLastNewline(thys); } /* @func ajStrRemoveSetC *************************************************** ** ** Removes all of a given set of characters from a string. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] characters to remove ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveSetC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char *txt) { char *p = NULL; char *q = NULL; char *r = NULL; AjPStr thys = NULL; if(!(*Pstr)) return ajFalse; thys = *Pstr; if(!MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)) return ajFalse; p = thys->Ptr; q = p; while((r=strpbrk(p,txt))) { while(p!=r) *(q++) = *(p++); ++p; --thys->Len; *q = '\0'; } while(*p) *(q++) = *(p++); *q = '\0'; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrRemoveCharsC ** @rename ajStrRemoveSetC */ __deprecated void ajStrRemoveCharsC(AjPStr* pthis, const char *strng) { ajStrRemoveSetC(pthis, strng); } /* @func ajStrRemoveWhite ***************************************************** ** ** Removes all whitespace characters from a string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveWhite(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajuint len; char *p; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; len = thys->Len; for(i=0;iLen; p[j]='\0'; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrCleanWhite ** @rename ajStrRemoveWhite */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrCleanWhite(AjPStr* s) { return ajStrRemoveWhite(s); } /* @func ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess *********************************************** ** ** Removes excess whitespace characters from a string. ** ** Leading/trailing whitespace removed. Multiple spaces replaced by single ** spaces. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajuint len; char *p; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; /* if string was already empty, no need to do anything */ len = thys->Len; if(!len) return ajFalse; /* tabs converted to spaces */ for(i=0;iLen = 0; return ajFalse; } } /* remove newline at the end (if any) */ if(p[len-1]=='\n') { --len; p[len]='\0'; } if(!len) { /* if that emptied it, so be it */ thys->Len = 0; return ajFalse; } /* clean up any space at the end */ for(i=len;i>0;--i) if(p[i-1]!=' ') break; p[i]='\0'; len=strlen(p); for(i=j=0;iLen = j; if(!MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)) return ajFalse; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrClean ** @rename ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrClean(AjPStr* s) { return ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(s); } /* @func ajStrRemoveWhiteSpaces *********************************************** ** ** Removes excess space characters from a string. ** ** Leading/trailing whitespace removed. Multiple spaces replaced by single ** spaces. Tabs converted to spaces. Newlines left unchanged ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] String to clean. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveWhiteSpaces(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajuint len; char *p; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; p = thys->Ptr; /* if string was already empty, no need to do anything */ len = thys->Len; if(!len) return ajFalse; /* tabs converted to spaces */ for(i=0;iLen = 0; return ajFalse; } } /* remove newline at the end (if any) */ if(p[len-1]=='\n') { --len; p[len]='\0'; } if(!len) { /* if that emptied it, so be it */ thys->Len = 0; return ajFalse; } /* clean up any space at the end */ for(i=len;i>0;--i) if(p[i-1]!=' ') break; p[i]='\0'; len=strlen(p); for(i=j=0;iLen = j; if(!MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)) return ajFalse; return ret; } /* @func ajStrRemoveWild ****************************************************** ** ** Removes all characters after the first wildcard character (if found). ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string contained a wildcard and was ** truncated. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRemoveWild(AjPStr* Pstr) { char* cp; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; cp = thys->Ptr; while(*cp) { switch(*cp) { case '?': case '*': *cp = '\0'; thys->Len = cp - thys->Ptr; return ajTrue; default: cp++; } } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrWildPrefix ** @rename ajStrRemoveWild */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrWildPrefix(AjPStr* str) { return ajStrRemoveWild(str); } /* @func ajStrTrimC *********************************************************** ** ** Removes regions with a given character composition from start and end of a ** string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Characters to delete from each end ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTrimC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjPStr thys; const char* cp; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; cp = thys->Ptr; i = strspn(cp, txt); if(i) { thys->Len -= i; if(thys->Len) memmove(thys->Ptr, &thys->Ptr[i], thys->Len); else *thys->Ptr = '\0'; } if(i) thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; cp = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len-1]; i = 0; while(thys->Len && strchr(txt, *cp)) { i++; thys->Len--; if(thys->Len) cp--; } if(i) thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrTrimEndC ******************************************************** ** ** Removes a region with a given character composition from end of a string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Characters to delete from the end ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTrimEndC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjPStr thys; const char* cp; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; cp = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len-1]; i = 0; while(thys->Len && strchr(txt, *cp)) { i++; thys->Len--; if(thys->Len) cp--; } if(i) thys->Ptr[thys->Len] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrTrimStartC ****************************************************** ** ** Removes a region with a given character composition from start of a string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] string ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Characters to delete from the end ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTrimStartC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt) { AjPStr thys; const char* cp; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(!thys->Len) return ajFalse; cp = thys->Ptr; i = 0; while(thys->Len && strchr(txt, *cp)) { i++; thys->Len--; cp++; } if(i) memmove(thys->Ptr, &thys->Ptr[i], thys->Len+1); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrTrimWhite ******************************************************* ** ** Removes regions composed of white space characters only from the start and ** end of a string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTrimWhite(AjPStr* Pstr) { return ajStrTrimC(Pstr, "\t \n\r"); } /* @obsolete ajStrChomp ** @rename ajStrTrimWhite */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrChomp(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrTrimWhite(pthis); } /* @obsolete ajStrChompC ** @rename ajStrTrimC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrChompC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* delim) { return ajStrTrimC(pthis, delim); } /* @obsolete ajStrChop ** @replace ajStrCutEnd (1/1,'1') */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrChop(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrCutEnd(pthis, 1); } /* @func ajStrTrimWhiteEnd **************************************************** ** ** Removes regions composed of white space characters only from the end of a ** string. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(AjPStr* Pstr) { return ajStrTrimEndC(Pstr, "\t \n\r"); } /* @obsolete ajStrChompEnd ** @rename ajStrTrimWhiteEnd */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrChompEnd(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(pthis); } /* @func ajStrTruncateLen ***************************************************** ** ** Removes the end from a string reducing it to a defined length. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length of required string. ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTruncateLen(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint len) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(len > thys->Len) return ajTrue; thys->Ptr[len] = '\0'; thys->Len = len; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrTruncatePos ************************************************* ** ** Removes the end from a string by cutting at a defined position. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] target string ** @param [r] pos [ajint] First position to be deleted. Negative values ** count from the end ** @return [AjBool] True is string was feallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTruncatePos(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ibegin; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = 1 + ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos); thys->Ptr[ibegin] = '\0'; thys->Len = ibegin; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrTruncate @rename ajStrTruncateLen */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrTruncate(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos) { return ajStrTruncateLen(Pstr, pos); } /* @section substitution ****************************************************** ** ** Functions for substitutions of characters or regions (substrings) ** within a string. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** ** @nam3rule Exchange Substitute substrings in a string with other ** strings. ** @nam3rule Random Randomly rearrange characters. ** @nam3rule Reverse Reverse order of characters. ** @nam4rule ExchangePos Substitute character(s) at a set position ** @nam4rule ExchangeSet Substitute character(s) in a string with ** other character(s). ** @nam5rule ExchangeSetRest Substitute character(s) in a string with ** other character(s). ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String to be edited ** @argrule Pos ipos [ajint] String position to be edited ** @arg1rule C txt [const char*] Text to be replaced ** @arg1rule K chr [char] Text to be replaced ** @arg1rule S str [const AjPStr] Text to be replaced ** @arg2rule C txtnew [const char*] New text ** @arg2rule K chrnew [char] New text ** @arg2rule S strnew [const AjPStr] New text ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True if string was reallocated ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrExchangeCC **************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one substring with another. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] string to replace. ** @param [r] txtnew [const char*] string to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeCC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, const char* txtnew) { AjBool cycle = ajTrue; ajint findpos = 0; ajuint tlen = strlen(txt); ajuint newlen = strlen(txtnew); ajint lastpos = 0; /* make sure we don't loop forever */ if(!tlen && !newlen) return ajFalse; if(*txt) { while(cycle) { findpos = ajStrFindC(*Pstr, txt); if(findpos >= lastpos) { ajStrCutRange(Pstr,findpos,findpos+tlen-1); ajStrInsertC(Pstr,findpos,txtnew); lastpos = findpos+newlen; } else cycle = ajFalse; } } return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrSubstituteCC ** @rename ajStrExchangeCC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSubstituteCC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* replace, const char* putin) { return ajStrExchangeCC(pthis, replace, putin); } /* @func ajStrExchangeCS **************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one substring with another. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] string to replace. ** @param [r] strnew [const AjPStr] string to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeCS(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, const AjPStr strnew) { AjBool cycle = ajTrue; ajint findpos = 0; ajuint tlen = strlen(txt); ajuint newlen = strnew->Len; ajint lastpos = 0; /* make sure we don't loop forever */ if(!tlen && !newlen) return ajFalse; if(*txt) { while(cycle) { findpos = ajStrFindC(*Pstr, txt); if(findpos >= lastpos) { ajStrCutRange(Pstr,findpos,findpos+tlen-1); ajStrInsertS(Pstr,findpos,strnew); lastpos = findpos+newlen; } else cycle = ajFalse; } } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrExchangeKK ****************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one character with another. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] chr [char] Character to replace. ** @param [r] chrnew [char] Character to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeKK(AjPStr* Pstr, char chr, char chrnew) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr thys; char* cp; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; cp = thys->Ptr; while(*cp) { if(*cp == chr) *cp = chrnew; cp++; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrSubstituteKK ** @rename ajStrExchangeKK */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSubstituteKK(AjPStr* pthis, char replace, char putin) { return ajStrExchangeKK(pthis, replace, putin); } /* @func ajStrExchangeSC **************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one substring with another. ** ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] string to replace. ** @param [r] txtnew [const char*] string to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSC(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, const char* txtnew) { AjBool cycle = ajTrue; ajint findpos = 0; if(str->Len) { while(cycle) { findpos = ajStrFindS(*Pstr, str); if(findpos >= 0) { ajStrCutRange(Pstr,findpos,findpos+str->Len-1); ajStrInsertC(Pstr,findpos,txtnew); } else cycle = ajFalse; } } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrExchangeSS ****************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one substring with another. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] string to replace. ** @param [r] strnew [const AjPStr] string to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, const AjPStr strnew) { AjBool cycle = ajTrue; ajint findpos = 0; if(str->Len !=0) { while(cycle) { findpos = ajStrFindC(*Pstr, str->Ptr); if(findpos >= 0) { ajStrCutRange(Pstr,findpos,findpos+str->Len-1); ajStrInsertS(Pstr,findpos,strnew); } else cycle = ajFalse; } } return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrSubstitute ** @rename ajStrExchangeSS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSubstitute(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr replace, const AjPStr putin) { return ajStrExchangeSS(pthis, replace, putin); } /* @func ajStrExchangePosCC *************************************************** ** ** Replace one substring with another at a given position in the text. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string. ** @param [r] ipos [ajint] Position in the string, negative values are ** from the end of the string. ** @param [r] txt [const char*] string to replace. ** @param [r] txtnew [const char*] string to insert. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangePosCC(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint ipos, const char* txt, const char* txtnew) { ajuint tlen = strlen(txt); ajint jpos = ajMathPos((*Pstr)->Len, ipos); if(ajCharPrefixC(&(*Pstr)->Ptr[jpos], txt)) { ajStrCutRange(Pstr,jpos,jpos+tlen-1); ajStrInsertC(Pstr,jpos,txtnew); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrExchangeSetCC *************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one set of characters with another ** set. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Unwanted characters ** @param [r] txtnew [const char*] Replacement characters ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSetCC(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, const char* txtnew) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ ajuint i; const char *co; const char *cn; char* cp; AjPStr thys; co = txt; cn = txtnew; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; i = strlen(txtnew); if(strlen(txt) > i) { ajErr("ajStrExchangeSetCC new char set '%s' shorter than old '%s'", txt, txtnew); } while(*co) { if(!*cn) /* oops, too short, use first */ filter[(ajint)*co++] = *txtnew; else filter[(ajint)*co++] = *cn++; } for(cp = thys->Ptr; *cp; cp++) if(filter[(ajint)*cp]) *cp = filter[(ajint)*cp]; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrConvertCC ** @rename ajStrExchangeSetCC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrConvertCC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* oldc, const char* newc) { return ajStrExchangeSetCC(pthis, oldc, newc); } /* @func ajStrExchangeSetSS *************************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one set of characters with another ** set. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Unwanted characters ** @param [r] strnew [const AjPStr] Replacement characters ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSetSS(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, const AjPStr strnew) { return ajStrExchangeSetCC(Pstr, str->Ptr, strnew->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrConvert ** @rename ajStrExchangeSetSS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrConvert(AjPStr* pthis, const AjPStr oldc, const AjPStr newc) { return ajStrExchangeSetSS(pthis, oldc, newc); } /* @func ajStrExchangeSetRestCK *********************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string of one set of characters with ** a substitute character ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Wanted characters ** @param [r] chrnew [char] Replacement character ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSetRestCK(AjPStr* Pstr, const char* txt, char chrnew) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ const char *co; char* cp; AjPStr thys; /*ajDebug("ajStrExchangeSetRestCK '%s' => '%c' for '%S\n", txt, chrnew, *Pstr);*/ co = txt; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; while(*co) { filter[(ajint)toupper(*co)] = chrnew; filter[(ajint)tolower(*co++)] = chrnew; } for(cp = thys->Ptr; *cp; cp++) if(!filter[(ajint)*cp]) *cp = chrnew; /*ajDebug("ajStrExchangeSetRestCK returns '%S\n", *Pstr);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrExchangeSetRestSK *********************************************** ** ** Replace all occurrences in a string not in one set of characters with ** a substitute character. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Wanted characters ** @param [r] chrnew [char] Replacement character ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExchangeSetRestSK(AjPStr* Pstr, const AjPStr str, char chrnew) { return ajStrExchangeSetRestCK(Pstr, str->Ptr, chrnew); } /* @func ajStrRandom ********************************************************** ** ** Randomly rearranges the characters in a string. ** ** The application code must first call ajRandomSeed(). ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] string ** ** @return [AjBool] True unless string is empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrRandom(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr copy = NULL; AjPStr thys; const char *p; char *q; ajuint *rn = NULL; ajuint *na = NULL; ajuint len; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ajStrAssignS(©, thys); p=copy->Ptr; q=thys->Ptr; len = thys->Len; AJCNEW(na, len); AJCNEW(rn, len); for(i=0;iLen) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrReverse ********************************************************* ** ** Reverses the order of characters in a string ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrReverse(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; char *cp; char *cq; char tmp; AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; cp = thys->Ptr; cq = cp + thys->Len - 1; while(cp < cq) { tmp = *cp; *cp = *cq; *cq = tmp; cp++; cq--; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrRev ** @rename ajStrReverse */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrRev(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrReverse(pthis); } /* @section query ************************************************************* ** ** Functions for querying the properties of strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** @nam3rule Calc Calculate a value (not in categories above) derived from ** elements of a string object. ** @nam4rule CalcCount Counts occurence of character(s) in string. ** @nam4rule CalcWhole Tests whether range refers to whole string. ** @nam3rule Has Check whether string contains certain character(s). ** @nam4rule HasParentheses Contains parentheses. ** @nam4rule HasWild Contains wildcard character(s). ** @nam3rule Is Check whether string value represents a datatype or is ** of a certain character composition. ** @nam4rule IsAlnum Alphanumeric characters only. ** @nam4rule IsAlpha Alphabetic characters only. ** @nam4rule IsBool Represents Boolean value. ** @nam4rule IsCharset Specified characters only. ** @nam5rule IsCharsetCase Specified characters only. ** @nam4rule IsDouble Represents double value. ** @nam4rule IsFloat Represents float value. ** @nam4rule IsHex Represents hex value. ** @nam4rule IsInt Represents integer value. ** @nam4rule IsLong Represents long value. ** @nam4rule IsLower No uppercase alphabetic characters. ** @nam4rule IsNum Decimal digits only. ** @nam4rule IsUpper No lowercase alphabetic characters. ** @nam4rule IsWhite Whitespace characters only. ** @nam4rule IsWild One or more wildcard characters. ** @nam4rule IsWord Non-whitespace characters only. ** @nam3rule Whole Specified range covers whole string. ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @arg2rule S str2 [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule Whole pos1 [ajint] Start position, negative values count from end ** @argrule Whole pos2 [ajint] End position, negative values count from end ** @argrule CountC txt [const char*] Text to count ** @argrule CountK chr [char] Character to count ** @argrule IsCharsetC txt [const char*] Characters to test ** @argrule IsCharsetS str2 [const AjPStr] Characters to test ** @argrule IsCharsetCaseC txt [const char*] Characters to test ** @argrule IsCharsetCaseS str2 [const AjPStr] Characters to test ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] Result of query ** @valrule *Count [ajuint] Number of occurrences ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrCalcCountC ****************************************************** ** ** Counts occurrences of set of characters in a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Characters to count ** @return [ajuint] Number of times characters were found in string ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrCalcCountC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt) { ajuint ret = 0; const char* cp; cp = txt; while(*cp) { ret += ajStrCalcCountK(str, *cp); cp++; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrCountC ** @rename ajStrCalcCountC */ __deprecated ajint ajStrCountC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt) { return ajStrCalcCountC(str, txt); } /* @func ajStrCalcCountK ****************************************************** ** ** Counts occurrences of a character in a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] chr [char] Character to count ** @return [ajuint] Number of times character was found in string ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrCalcCountK(const AjPStr str, char chr) { ajuint ret = 0; const char* cp; if(!str) return 0; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) { if(*cp == chr) ret++; cp++; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrCountK ** @rename ajStrCalcCountK */ __deprecated ajint ajStrCountK(const AjPStr str, char ch) { return ajStrCalcCountK(str, ch); } /* @func ajStrHasParentheses ************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string contains (possibly nested) pairs of parentheses. ** ** Pairs of parentheses are difficult to test for with regular expressions. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to test ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string has zero or more () pairs ** with possibly other text ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrHasParentheses(const AjPStr str) { ajuint left = 0; const char *cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; /* if string was already empty, no need to do anything */ while (*cp) { switch (*cp++) { case '(': left++; break; case ')': if (!left) return ajFalse; left--; break; default: break; } } if (left) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrParentheses ** @rename ajStrHasParentheses */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrParentheses(const AjPStr s) { return ajStrHasParentheses(s); } /* @func ajStrIsAlnum ********************************************************* ** ** Test whether a string contains alphanumeric characters only (no white ** space). ** ** The test is defined by isalnum in the C RTL plus underscores. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely alphanumeric ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsAlnum(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; for(cp = str->Ptr;*cp;cp++) if(*cp != '_' && !isalnum((ajint)*cp)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsAlpha ********************************************************* ** ** Test whether a string contains alphabetic characters only (no white space). ** ** Test is defined by isalpha in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely alphabetic ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsAlpha(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(!isalpha((ajint)*cp++)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsBool ********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid Boolean value. ** ** The string must be a single character boolean value, or one of "yes, "no", ** "true" or "false". ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as a boolean. ** @see ajStrToBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsBool(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; if(!strchr("YyTt1NnFf0", *cp)) return ajFalse; if(str->Len == 1) /* one character only */ return ajTrue; /* longer strings - test they really match */ if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "yes")) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "no")) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "true")) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "false")) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajStrIsCharsetC ****************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains specified characters only. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Character set to test ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely composed of characters ** in the specified set ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsCharsetC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ const char* cp; const char* cq; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cq = txt; while (*cq) filter[(int)*cq++] = 1; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(!filter[(int)*cp++]) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsCharsetS ****************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains specified characters only. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Character set to test ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely composed of characters ** in the specified set ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsCharsetS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ const char* cp; const char* cq; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; if(!str2) return ajFalse; cq = str2->Ptr; while (*cq) filter[(int)*cq++] = 1; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(!filter[(int)*cp++]) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsCharsetCaseC ************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains specified characters only. ** The test is case-insensitive ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Character set to test ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely composed of characters ** in the specified set ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsCharsetCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ const char* cp; const char* cq = txt; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; while (*cq) filter[toupper((int)*cq++)] = 1; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(!filter[toupper((int)*cp++)]) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsCharsetCaseS ************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains specified characters only. ** The test is case-insensitive ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Character set to test ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely composed of characters ** in the specified set ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsCharsetCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { char filter[256] = {'\0'}; /* should make all zero */ const char* cp; const char* cq; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; if(!str2) return ajFalse; cq = str2->Ptr; while (*cq) filter[(int)*cq++] = 1; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(!filter[toupper((int)*cp++)]) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsDouble ******************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid double precision value, ** ** Test uses the strtod call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as a double ** precision number. ** @cre an empty string always returns false. ** @see ajStrTokIntBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsDouble(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; char* ptr = NULL; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; strtod(cp, &ptr); if(*ptr || errno == ERANGE) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsFloat ********************************************************* ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid floating point value. ** ** Test uses the strtod call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as a floating ** point number. ** @cre an empty string always returns false. ** @see ajStrTokIntBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsFloat(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; char* ptr = NULL; double d; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; d = strtod(cp, &ptr); if(*ptr || errno == ERANGE) return ajFalse; if(d > FLT_MAX) return ajFalse; if(d < -FLT_MAX) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsHex *********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid hexadecimal value. ** ** Test uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as a hexadecimal value. ** @cre an empty string always returns false. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsHex(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; char* ptr = NULL; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; strtol(cp, &ptr, 16); if(*ptr || errno == ERANGE) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsInt *********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid integer value. ** ** Test uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as an integer. ** @cre an empty string always returns false. ** @see ajStrTokIntBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsInt(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; char* ptr = NULL; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; strtol(cp, &ptr, 10); if(*ptr || errno == ERANGE) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsLong ********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string represents a valid ajlong integer value. ** ** Test uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is acceptable as an integer. ** @cre an empty string always returns false. ** @see ajStrTokIntBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsLong(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; char* ptr = NULL; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; strtol(cp, &ptr, 10); if(*ptr || errno == ERANGE) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsLower ********************************************************* ** ** Tests whether a string contains no upper case alphabetic characters. ** ** Test is defined by isupper in the C RTL.. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely alphabetic ** @cre an empty string returns ajTrue ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsLower(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajTrue; if(!str->Len) return ajTrue; cp =str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(isupper((ajint)*cp++)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsNum *********************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains decimal digits only. ** ** Test is defined by isdigit in the C RTL.. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is entirely numeric ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsNum(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; for(cp = str->Ptr;*cp;cp++) if(!isdigit((ajint)*cp)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsUpper ********************************************************* ** ** Test whether a string contains no lower case alphabetic characters. ** ** Test is defined by islower in the C RTL.. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string has no lower case characters. ** @cre an empty string returns ajTrue ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsUpper(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(islower((ajint)*cp++)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsWhite ******************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains whitespace characters only. ** ** The test is made using the strtod call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string is only white space (or empty). ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsWhite(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajTrue; cp = str->Ptr; while (*cp) { if (!isspace((int)*cp)) return ajFalse; cp++; } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrIsWild ********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string contains the standard wildcard characters * or ?. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string has wildcards. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsWild(const AjPStr str) { if(ajStrFindAnyC(str, "*?") >= 0) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajStrIsWord ********************************************************** ** ** Test whether a string contains no white space characters. ** ** Test is defined by isspace in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string has no white space ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIsWord(const AjPStr str) { const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; while(*cp) if(isspace((ajint)*cp++)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrIsSpace ** @rename ajStrIsWhite */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrIsSpace(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrIsWhite(thys); } /* @func ajStrWhole *********************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a range refers to the whole string ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Begin position (0 start, negative from the end) ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] Begin position (0 start, negative from the end) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue is range covers the whole string ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrWhole(const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { ajuint ibeg; ajuint iend; ibeg = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); if(ibeg) return ajFalse; iend = ajMathPosI(str->Len, ibeg, pos2); if(iend != (str->Len - 1)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @section element retrieval ************************************************* ** ** Functions for returning elements of a string object. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote The last word of the ajStrGet family of functions is the ** element variable name. ** @fnote Each ajXxxGet function should be provided as a macro. ** ** @nam3rule Get Retrieve an unmodified element of a string object. ** @nam4rule GetChar Retrieve first single character ** @nam5rule GetCharFirst Retrieve first single character ** @nam5rule GetCharLast Retrieve last single character ** @nam5rule GetCharPos Retrieve a single character ** @nam4rule GetLen Retrieve length ** @nam4rule GetPtr Retrieve char* pointer ** @nam4rule GetRes Retrieve eserved memory size ** @nam4rule GetPtr Retrieve additional space available ** @nam4rule GetRoom Retrieve additional space available ** @nam4rule GetUse Retrieve use (reference) count ** @nam4rule GetValid Test string is valid ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule GetCharPos pos [ajint] Position, negative values count from the end ** ** @valrule GetChar [char] Single character ** @valrule GetLen [ajuint] String length ** @valrule GetRes [ajuint] Reserved size ** @valrule GetPtr [const char*] read-only C string pointer to internal string ** @valrule GetuniquePtr [char*] Modifiable C string pointer to internal string ** @valrule GetUse [ajuint] Reference (use) count ** @valrule GetRoom [ajuint] Remaining space to extend string ** without reallocating ** @valrule GetValid [AjBool] True if string is valid ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrGetCharFirst **************************************************** ** ** Returns the first character from a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [char] First character or null character if empty. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajStrGetCharFirst(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return '\0'; return str->Ptr[0]; } /* @func ajStrGetCharLast **************************************************** ** ** Returns the last character from a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [char] Last character or null character if empty. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajStrGetCharLast(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return '\0'; if(!str->Len) return '\0'; return str->Ptr[str->Len - 1]; } /* @func ajStrGetCharPos ****************************************************** ** ** Returns a single character at a given position from a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Position in the string, negative values are ** from the end of the string. ** @return [char] Character at position pos or null character if out of range. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajStrGetCharPos(const AjPStr str, ajint pos) { ajuint ipos; if(!str) return '\0'; if(pos < 0) ipos = str->Len + pos; else ipos = pos; if(ipos > str->Len) return '\0'; return str->Ptr[ipos]; } /* @obsolete ajStrChar ** @replace ajStrGetCharFirst (1,'0'/1) ** @replace ajStrGetCharLast (1,'-1'/1) ** @replace ajStrGetCharPos (1,2/1,2) */ __deprecated char ajStrChar(const AjPStr thys, ajint pos) { if(pos == 0) ajStrGetCharFirst(thys); if(pos == -1) ajStrGetCharLast(thys); return ajStrGetCharPos(thys, pos); } /* @func ajStrGetLen ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the current length of the C (char *) string. ** ** The length will remain valid unless the string is resized or deleted. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajuint] Current string length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrGetLen(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return 0; else return str->Len; } /* @macro MAJSTRGETLEN ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the current length of the C (char *) string. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrGetLen} available in case it is needed for speed. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajuint] Current string length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @obsolete ajStrLen ** @rename ajStrGetLen */ __deprecated ajint ajStrLen(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrGetLen(thys); } /* @obsolete MAJSTRLEN ** @rename MAJSTRGETLEN */ __deprecated ajint MAJSTRLEN(const AjPStr thys) { return MAJSTRGETLEN(thys); } /* @func ajStrGetPtr ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the current pointer to C (char *) string. ** ** The pointer will remain valid unless the string is resized or deleted. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [const char*] Current string pointer, or a null string if undefined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* ajStrGetPtr(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return charNULL; return str->Ptr; } /* @macro MAJSTRGETPTR ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the current pointer to C (char *) string. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrGetPtr} available in case it is needed for speed. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [const char*] Current string pointer, or a null string if undefined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @obsolete ajStrStr ** @rename ajStrGetPtr */ __deprecated const char *ajStrStr(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrGetPtr(thys); } /* @obsolete MAJSTRSTR ** @rename MAJSTRGETPTR */ __deprecated const char *MAJSTRSTR(const AjPStr thys) { return MAJSTRGETPTR(thys); } /* @func ajStrGetRes ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the current reserved size of the C (char *) string. ** ** The reserved size will remain valid unless the string is resized or deleted. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajuint] Current string reserved size ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrGetRes(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return 0; return str->Res; } /* @macro MAJSTRGETRES ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the current reserved size of the C (char *) string. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrGetRes} available in case it is needed for speed. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajint] Current string reserved size ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @obsolete ajStrSize ** @rename ajStrGetRes */ __deprecated ajint ajStrSize(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrGetRes(thys); } /* @obsolete MAJSTRSIZE ** @rename MAJSTRGETRES */ __deprecated ajint MAJSTRSIZE(const AjPStr thys) { return MAJSTRGETRES(thys); } /* @func ajStrGetRoom ********************************************************* ** ** Returns the additional space available in a string before it would require ** reallocating. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [ajuint] Space available for additional characters. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrGetRoom(const AjPStr str) { return (str->Res - str->Len - 1); } /* @obsolete ajStrRoom ** @rename ajStrGetRoom */ __deprecated ajint ajStrRoom(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrGetRoom(thys); } /* @func ajStrGetUse ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the current usage count of the C (char *) string. ** ** The usage count will remain valid unless the string is resized or deleted. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajuint] Current string usage count ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrGetUse(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) return 0; return str->Use; } /* @macro MAJSTRGETUSE ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the current usage count of the C (char *) string. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrGetUse} available in case it is needed for speed. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [ajuint] Current string usage count ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @obsolete ajStrRef ** @rename ajStrGetUse */ __deprecated ajint ajStrRef(const AjPStr thys) { return ajStrGetUse(thys); } /* @obsolete MAJSTRREF ** @rename MAJSTRGETUSE */ __deprecated ajint MAJSTRREF(const AjPStr thys) { return MAJSTRGETUSE(thys); } /* @func ajStrGetValid ******************************************************** ** ** Checks a string object for consistency. ** ** Intended for debugging and testing of these routines, but made publicly ** available. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if no errors were found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrGetValid(const AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; if(!str) { ajErr("ajStrGetValid: NULL string pointer"); ret = ajFalse; } if(str->Res < 1) { ajErr("ajStrGetValid: Bad size value %d", str->Res); ret = ajFalse; } if(str->Len >= str->Res) { ajErr("ajStrGetValid: Size %d too small for length %d\n", str->Res, str->Len); ret = ajFalse; } if(!str->Ptr) { ajErr("ajStrGetValid: NULL pointer\n"); ret = ajFalse; } else { if(str->Len != strlen(str->Ptr)) { ajErr("ajStrGetValid: Len %d differs from strlen %d\n", str->Len, strlen(str->Ptr)); ret = ajFalse; } } return ret; } /* @section modifiable string retrieval *************************************** ** ** Functions for returning elements of a string object. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote The last word of the ajStrGet family of functions is the ** element variable name. ** @fnote Each ajXxxGet function should be provided as a macro. ** ** @nam3rule Getunique Single copy strings ** @nam4rule GetuniquePtr Retrieve char* pointer as single copy ** @nam4rule GetuniqueStr Retrieve string pointer as single copy ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** ** @valrule GetuniqueStr [AjPStr] Modifiable string pointer to internal string ** @valrule GetuniquePtr [char*] Modifiable C string pointer to internal string ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrGetuniquePtr **************************************************** ** ** Makes the string value unique by copying any string with a reference count ** of more than 1, and returns the current C (char *) pointer. ** ** As the input string is not const, the calling program must be able ** to modify it in order to call this function. ** ** If the length of the string is changed, it is the responsibility of ** the caller to reset it with ajStrSetValid ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Source string ** @return [char*] Current string pointer, or a null string if undefined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajStrGetuniquePtr(AjPStr *Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; return thys->Ptr; } /* @obsolete ajStrStrMod ** @rename ajStrGetuniquePtr */ __deprecated char *ajStrStrMod(AjPStr *pthis) { return ajStrGetuniquePtr(pthis); } /* @macro MAJSTRGETUNIQUESTR ************************************************** ** ** Make certain a string is modifiable by checking it has no other references, ** or by making a new real copy of the string. ** ** Uses strCloneL to copy without copying the reference count. ** ** The target string is guaranteed to have a reference count of exactly 1. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrGetuniqueStr} in case it is needed for speed ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjPStr] The new string pointer, or NULL for failure ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajStrGetuniqueStr **************************************************** ** ** Make certain a string is modifiable by checking it has no other references, ** or by making a new real copy of the string. ** ** Uses strCloneL to copy without copying the reference count. ** ** The target string is guaranteed to have a reference count of exactly 1. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjPStr] The new string pointer, or NULL for failure ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajStrGetuniqueStr(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) { *Pstr = ajStrNew(); return *Pstr; } thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use > 1) { strClone(Pstr); } return *Pstr; } /* @obsolete ajStrMod ** @rename ajStrGetUniqueStr */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMod(AjPStr* pthis) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; if ((*pthis)->Use == 1) ret = ajFalse; ajStrGetuniqueStr(pthis); return ret; } /* @section element assignment ************************************************ ** ** Functions for assigning elements of a string object. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote The last word of the ajStrGet family of functions is the ** element variable name. ** @fnote Each ajXXXSet function should be provided as a macro. ** @nam3rule Set Set elements (attributes) ** @nam4rule SetClear Clear all elements (empty string, length zero) ** @nam4rule SetLen ** @nam4rule SetRes Set (increase) reserved memory ** @nam5rule SetResRound Maximum rounded up by a standard amount (32) ** @nam4rule SetUnique Set reference count to 1, making a copy if needed ** @nam4rule SetValid Sets the string elements to be valid, ** for example adjusting the string length after editing. ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @argrule Res size [ajuint] Reserved size ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Correct string length ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrSetClear ******************************************************** ** ** Clears all elemements in a string object. ** ** If the string is already empty nothing happens. If the string has data, ** it makes sure the string is modifiable and sets it to empty. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Pointer to the string to be deleted. ** The pointer is always deleted. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSetClear(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) return ajTrue; thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use > 1) thys = ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys->Ptr[0] = '\0'; thys->Len = 0; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrClear ** @rename ajStrSetClear */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrClear(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrSetClear(pthis); } /* @func ajStrSetRes ********************************************************** ** ** Ensures a string is modifiable and big enough for its intended purpose. ** ** The target string is guaranteed to have a reference count of 1 and a ** minimum reserved size. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Minimum reserved size. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSetRes(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint size) { AjPStr thys; ajuint savesize; savesize = size; /* often part of *Pstr, about to vanish */ if(!*Pstr) { *Pstr = ajStrNewRes(savesize); return ajTrue; } thys = *Pstr; if((thys->Use > 1) || (thys->Res < savesize)) { strCloneL(Pstr, savesize); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrModL ** @rename ajStrSetRes */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrModL(AjPStr* pthis, size_t size) { return ajStrSetRes(pthis, size); } /* @func ajStrSetResRound ***************************************************** ** ** Ensures a string is modifiable and big enough for its intended purpose. ** ** The target string is guaranteed to have a reference count of 1, ** and a minimum reserved size. The string size is rounded up. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] size [ajuint] Minimum reserved size. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSetResRound(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint size) { AjPStr thys; ajuint trysize; ajuint roundsize; if(!*Pstr) { roundsize = ajRound(size, STRSIZE); *Pstr = ajStrNewRes(roundsize); return ajTrue; } thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Res < size) { if(size >= LONGSTR) { trysize = thys->Res; while(trysizeUse > 1) { strCloneL(Pstr, size); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrModMinL ** @rename ajStrSetResRound */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrModMinL(AjPStr* pthis, ajuint size) { return ajStrSetResRound(pthis, size); } /* @func ajStrSetValid ******************************************************** ** ** Reset string length when some nasty caller may have edited it ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String. ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSetValid(AjPStr *Pstr) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; AjPStr thys = *Pstr; if(thys->Use > 1) { ajWarn("ajStrSetValid called for string in use %d times\n", thys->Use); ret = ajFalse; } thys->Len = strlen(thys->Ptr); if(thys->Len > (thys->Res - 1)) /* ouch someone went off the end */ { ajWarn("ajStrSetValid found string with length %d in size %d", thys->Len, thys->Res); ret = ajFalse; ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, thys->Len+1); } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrFix ** @rename ajStrSetValid */ __deprecated void ajStrFix(AjPStr *pthis) { ajStrSetValid(pthis); return; } /* @func ajStrSetValidLen ***************************************************** ** ** Reset string length when some nasty caller may have edited it ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length expected. ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSetValidLen(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint len) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; AjPStr thys = *Pstr; /* check 2 error conditions */ if(thys->Use > 1) { ajWarn("ajStrSetValidLen called for string in use %d times\n", thys->Use); ret = ajFalse; } if(len >= thys->Res) { ajWarn("ajStrSetValidLen called with length %d for string size %d\n", len, thys->Res); thys->Ptr[thys->Res-1] = '\0'; len = strlen(thys->Ptr); ret = ajFalse; } thys->Ptr[len] = '\0'; thys->Len = len; return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrFixI ** @rename ajStrSetValidLen */ __deprecated void ajStrFixI(AjPStr* pthis, ajint ilen) { ajStrSetValidLen(pthis, ilen); return; } /* @section string to datatype conversion functions *************************** ** ** Functions for converting strings to other datatypes. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** ** @nam3rule To Convert string value to a different datatype. ** @nam4rule ToBool Convert to boolean ** @nam4rule ToDouble Convert to double ** @nam4rule ToFloat Convert to float ** @nam4rule ToHex Convert to hexadecimal ** @nam4rule ToInt Convert to integer ** @nam4rule ToLong Convert to long ** @nam4rule ToUint Convert to unsigned integer ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule ToBool Pval [AjBool*] Boolean return value ** @argrule ToDouble Pval [double*] Double return value ** @argrule ToFloat Pval [float*] Float return value ** @argrule ToHex Pval [ajint*] Integer return value ** @argrule ToInt Pval [ajint*] Integer return value ** @argrule ToLong Pval [ajlong*] Long integer return value ** @argrule ToUint Pval [ajuint*] Unsigned integer return value ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory cast */ /* @func ajStrToBool ********************************************************** ** ** Converts a string into a Boolean value. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [AjBool*] ajTrue if the string is "true" as a boolean. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid boolean value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToBool(const AjPStr str, AjBool* Pval) { const char* cp; ajuint i; *Pval = ajFalse; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(str->Len < 1) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; if(strchr("YyTt1", *cp)) { *Pval = ajTrue; if(str->Len == 1) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "yes")) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "true")) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } else if(strchr("NnFf", *cp)) { *Pval = ajFalse; if(!ajStrGetCharPos(str, 1)) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "no")) return ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, "false")) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } else if(strchr("123456789", *cp)) { *Pval = ajTrue; if(ajStrIsFloat(str)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } else if(strchr("0+-", *cp)) { i = strcspn(cp, "123456789"); /* e.g. 0.1, 0007 */ if(cp[i]) *Pval = ajTrue; else *Pval = ajFalse; if(ajStrIsFloat(str)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajStrToDouble ******************************************************** ** ** Converts a string into a double precision value. ** ** Uses the strtod call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [double*] String represented as a double precision number. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid double precision value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToDouble(const AjPStr str, double* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; double d; char* ptr = NULL; *Pval = 0.0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; d = strtod(cp, &ptr); if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { *Pval = d; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrToFloat ********************************************************* ** ** Converts a string into a floating point value. ** ** Uses the strtod call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [float*] String represented as a floating point number. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid floating point value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToFloat(const AjPStr str, float* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; double d; char* ptr = NULL; *Pval = 0.0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; d = strtod(cp, &ptr); if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { if(d > FLT_MAX) return ajFalse; if(d < -FLT_MAX) return ajFalse; *Pval = (float) d; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrToHex *********************************************************** ** ** Converts a string from hexadecimal into an integer value. ** ** Uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [ajint*] String represented as an integer. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid hexadecimal value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsHex ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToHex(const AjPStr str, ajint* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; ajlong l; char* ptr; *Pval = 0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; l = strtol(cp, &ptr, 16); if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { l = AJMAX(INT_MIN, l); l = AJMIN(INT_MAX, l); *Pval =(ajint) l; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrToInt *********************************************************** ** ** Converts a string into an integer value. ** ** Uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [ajint*] String represented as an integer. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid integer value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToInt(const AjPStr str, ajint* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; ajlong l; char* ptr; *Pval = 0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; l = strtol(cp, &ptr, 10); if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { l = AJMAX(INT_MIN, l); l = AJMIN(INT_MAX, l); *Pval =(ajint) l; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrToLong ********************************************************** ** ** Converts a string into an integer value. ** ** Uses the strtol call in the C RTL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [ajlong*] String represented as an integer. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid integer value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToLong(const AjPStr str, ajlong* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; ajlong l; char* ptr; *Pval = 0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; l = strtol(cp, &ptr, 10); if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { *Pval = l; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @func ajStrToUint ********************************************************** ** ** Converts a string into an unsigned integer value. ** ** Uses the strtol call in the C RTL. There is a strtoul call in C89 onwards. ** Negative values are rejected. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] Pval [ajuint*] String represented as an unsigned integer. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string had a valid unsigned integer value. ** @cre an empty string returns ajFalse. ** @see ajStrIsInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrToUint(const AjPStr str, ajuint* Pval) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const char* cp; ajlong l; char* ptr; *Pval = 0; if(!str) return ret; if(!str->Len) return ret; cp = str->Ptr; errno = 0; l = strtol(cp, &ptr, 10); if(l < 0) return ret; if(!*ptr && errno != ERANGE) { l = AJMAX(0, l); l = AJMIN(INT_MAX, l); *Pval =(ajuint) l; ret = ajTrue; } return ret; } /* @section datatype to string conversion functions *************************** ** ** Functions for converting datatypes to strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote See also "String to datatype conversion functions: C-type (char*) ** strings" ** @nam3rule From Convert a datatype value to a string. ** @nam4rule FromBool Convert from boolean ** @nam4rule FromDouble Convert from double ** @nam5rule FromDoubleExp Convert from double in exponential form ** @nam4rule FromFloat Convert from float ** @nam4rule FromInt Convert from integer ** @nam4rule FromLong Convert from long ** @nam4rule FromUint Convert from unsigned integer ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String result ** @argrule FromBool val [AjBool] boolean value ** @argrule FromDouble val [double] Double value ** @argrule FromFloat val [float] Float value ** @argrule FromInt val [ajint] Integer value ** @argrule FromLong val [ajlong] Long integer value ** @argrule FromDouble precision [ajint] Floating point precision ** @argrule FromFloat precision [ajint] Floating point precision ** @argrule FromUint val [ajuint] Unsigned integer value ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory derive */ /* @func ajStrFromBool ******************************************************** ** ** Converts a Boolean value into a 1-letter string. ** ** Can be used to print boolean values, but the ajFmt library has better ways. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String to hold the result. ** @param [r] val [AjBool] Boolean value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromBool(AjPStr* Pstr, AjBool val) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; static char bool_y[] = "Y"; static char bool_n[] = "N"; if(val) ret = ajStrAssignC(Pstr, bool_y); else ret = ajStrAssignC(Pstr, bool_n); return ret; } /* @func ajStrFromDouble ****************************************************** ** ** Converts a double precision value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [double] Double precision value ** @param [r] precision [ajint] Precision (number of decimal places) to use. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromDouble(AjPStr* Pstr, double val, ajint precision) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; long long i; char fmt[12]; if(val) i = precision + ajNumLengthDouble(val) + 3; else i = precision + 4; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, (ajuint)i); sprintf(fmt, "%%.%df", precision); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, fmt, val); return ret ; } /* @func ajStrFromDoubleExp *************************************************** ** ** Converts a double precision value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. Uses ** exponential form. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [double] Double precision value ** @param [r] precision [ajint] Precision (number of decimal places) to use. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromDoubleExp(AjPStr* Pstr, double val, ajint precision) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; long long i; char fmt[12]; if(val) i = precision + ajNumLengthDouble(val) + 8; else i = precision + 8; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, (ajuint)i); sprintf(fmt, "%%.%de", precision); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, fmt, val); return ret ; } /* @obsolete ajStrFromDoubleE ** @rename ajStrFromDoubleExp */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrFromDoubleE(AjPStr* Pstr, double val, ajint precision) { return ajStrFromDoubleExp(Pstr, val, precision); } /* @func ajStrFromFloat ******************************************************* ** ** Converts a floating point value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [float] Floating point value ** @param [r] precision [ajint] Precision (number of decimal places) to use. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromFloat(AjPStr* Pstr, float val, ajint precision) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajuint i; char fmt[12]; if(val) i = precision + ajNumLengthFloat(val) + 4; else i = precision + 4; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, i); sprintf(fmt, "%%.%df", precision); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, fmt, val); return ret; } /* @func ajStrFromInt ********************************************************* ** ** Converts an integer value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [ajint] Integer value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromInt(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint val) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajuint i; if(val) i = ajNumLengthInt(val) + 2; else i = 2; if(val < 0) i++; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, i); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, "%d", val); return ret ; } /* @func ajStrFromLong ******************************************************** ** ** Converts an ajlong integer value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [ajlong] Long integer value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromLong(AjPStr* Pstr, ajlong val) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajlong i; if(val) i = ajNumLengthUint(val) + 2; else i = 2; if(val < 0) i++; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, i); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, "%ld", (long)val); return ret; } /* @func ajStrFromUint ******************************************************** ** ** Converts an unsigned integer value into a string. ** ** The string size is set to be just large enough to hold the value. ** ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] val [ajuint] Integer value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFromUint(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint val) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; ajuint i; AjPStr thys; if(val) i = ajNumLengthUint(val) + 1; else i = 2; ret = ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, i); thys = *Pstr; thys->Len = sprintf(thys->Ptr, "%u", val); ajFmtPrintS(Pstr, "%u", val); return ret ; } /* @section formatting ******************************************************** ** ** Functions for formatting strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote Same namrule as "String formatting functions: C-type (char*) ** strings". ** @nam3rule Fmt Change the format of a string. ** @nam4rule FmtBlock Format in blocks ** @nam4rule FmtLower Convert to lower case. ** @nam5rule FmtLowerSub Convert sub-string. ** @nam4rule FmtQuote Enclose in double quotes ** @nam4rule FmtTitle Convert first character of string to uppercase. ** @nam4rule FmtUpper Convert to upper case. ** @nam5rule FmtUpperSub Substring only ** @nam4rule FmtWrap Wrap with newlines ** @nam5rule FmtWrapAt Wrap with newlines at a preferred character ** @nam5rule FmtWrapLeft Wrap with newlines and left margin of spaces ** ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @argrule FmtBlock len [ajuint] Block length ** @argrule Sub pos1 [ajint] Start position, negative value counts from end ** @argrule Sub pos2 [ajint] End position, negative value counts from end ** @argrule Wrap width [ajuint] Line length ** @argrule WrapAt ch [char] Preferred last character on line ** @argrule WrapLeft margin [ajuint] Left margin ** @argrule WrapLeft indent [ajuint] Indentation on later lines ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrFmtBlock ******************************************************** ** ** Splits a string into words (blocks) of a given size by inserting spaces. ** ** Mainly intended for sequence ouput formats ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String. ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Block size ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtBlock(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint len) { ajuint i; char* cp; char* cq; AjPStr thys; ajuint j; i = (*Pstr)->Len + ((*Pstr)->Len-1)/len; ajStrSetResRound(Pstr, i+1); thys = *Pstr; /* ajDebug("ajStrBlock len: %d blksize: %d i: %d\n", thys->Len, blksize, i); */ cp = &thys->Ptr[thys->Len]; cq = &thys->Ptr[i]; for(j=thys->Len-1; j; j--) { *(--cq) = *(--cp); if(!(j%len)) *(--cq) = ' '; } thys->Ptr[i]='\0'; thys->Len = i; ajStrTrace(thys); /* ajDebug("result '%S'\n", thys); */ return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrBlock ** @rename ajStrFmtBlock */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrBlock(AjPStr* pthis, ajint blksize) { return ajStrFmtBlock(pthis, blksize); } /* @func ajStrFmtLower ******************************************************** ** ** Converts a string to lower case. ** ** If the string has multiple references, a new string is made first. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtLower(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ajCharFmtLower(thys->Ptr); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrToLower ** @rename ajStrFmtLower */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToLower(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrFmtLower(pthis); } /* @func ajStrFmtLowerSub ***************************************************** ** ** Converts a substring of a string to lower case. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position for conversion ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position for conversion ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtLowerSub(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(thys->Len, ibegin, pos2); for (i=ibegin; i<=iend;i++) thys->Ptr[i] = (char)tolower((ajint) thys->Ptr[i]); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrToLowerII ** @rename ajStrFmtLowerSub */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToLowerII(AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrFmtLowerSub(pthis, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrFmtQuote ******************************************************** ** ** Ensures a string is quoted with double quotes. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr *] string ** ** @return [AjBool] True if string is not empty. ** As it is at least quoted, it will always return true. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtQuote(AjPStr* Pstr) { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(*Pstr) != '"') ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "\""); /* careful: could be an empty string that is now '"' */ /* this is the only way to have a length of 1 */ if((*Pstr)->Len == 1 || ajStrGetCharLast(*Pstr) != '"') ajStrAppendK(Pstr, '"'); if(!(*Pstr)->Len) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrQuote ** @rename ajStrFmtQuote */ __deprecated void ajStrQuote(AjPStr* s) { ajStrFmtQuote(s); } /* @func ajStrFmtTitle ******************************************************** ** ** Converts the first character of a string to upper case. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtTitle(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; char* cp; ajStrFmtLower(Pstr); if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; cp = thys->Ptr; while(*cp) { if(isalpha(*cp)) { *cp = (char) toupper((int)*cp); return ajTrue; } cp++; } return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrToTitle ** @rename ajStrFmtTitle */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToTitle(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrFmtTitle(pthis); } /* @func ajStrFmtUpper ******************************************************** ** ** Converts a string to upper case. ** ** If the string has multiple references, a new string is made first. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtUpper(AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStr thys; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ajCharFmtUpper(thys->Ptr); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrToUpper ** @rename ajStrFmtUpper */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToUpper(AjPStr* pthis) { return ajStrFmtUpper(pthis); } /* @func ajStrFmtUpperSub ***************************************************** ** ** Converts a substring of a string to upper case. ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] start position for conversion ** @param [r] pos2 [ajint] end position for conversion ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtUpperSub(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint pos1, ajint pos2) { AjPStr thys; ajuint ibegin; ajuint iend; ajuint i; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; ibegin = ajMathPos(thys->Len, pos1); iend = ajMathPosI(thys->Len, ibegin, pos2); for (i=ibegin; i<=iend;i++) thys->Ptr[i] = (char)toupper((ajint) thys->Ptr[i]); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrToUpperII ** @rename ajStrFmtUpperII */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToUpperII(AjPStr* pthis, ajint begin, ajint end) { return ajStrFmtUpperSub(pthis, begin, end); } /* @func ajStrFmtWrap ********************************************************* ** ** Formats a string so that it wraps when printed. ** ** Newline characters are inserted, at white space if possible, ** with a break at whitespace following the preferred character ** if found, or at the last whitespace, or just at the line width if there ** is no whitespace found (it does happen with long hyphenated enzyme names) ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] width [ajuint] Line width ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on successful completion else ajFalse; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtWrap(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint width ) { AjPStr thys; char* cq; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint k; ajuint imax; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(width > (*Pstr)->Len) /* already fits on one line */ return ajTrue; cq = thys->Ptr; i=0; imax = thys->Len - width; ajDebug("ajStrFmtWrap imax:%u len:%u '%S'\n", imax, MAJSTRGETLEN(thys), *Pstr); while(i < imax) { j = i+width+1; if(j > thys->Len) j = thys->Len; k = j; while(i < j) { if(isspace((ajint)*cq)) { k = i; if(*cq == '\n') break; } cq++; i++; } if(*cq != '\n') { if(k == j) { ajStrInsertC(Pstr, k, "\n"); imax++; } else thys->Ptr[k] = '\n'; } i=k+1; cq=&thys->Ptr[i]; ajDebug("k:%u len:%u i:%u imax:%u '%s'\n", k, MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)-k-1, i, imax, &thys->Ptr[k+1]); } ajDebug("Done i:%u\n", i); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrWrap ** @rename ajStrFmtWrap */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrWrap(AjPStr* Pstr, ajint width ) { return ajStrFmtWrap(Pstr, width); } /* @func ajStrFmtWrapAt ******************************************************* ** ** Formats a string so that it wraps when printed. ** Breaks are at a preferred character (for example ',' for author lists) ** ** Newline characters are inserted, at white space if possible, ** with a break at whitespace following the preferred character ** if found, or at the last whitespace, or just at the line width if there ** is no whitespace found (it does happen with long hyphenated enzyme names) ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] width [ajuint] Line width ** @param [r] ch [char] Preferred last character on line ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on successful completion else ajFalse; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtWrapAt(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint width, char ch) { AjPStr thys; char* cq; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint k; ajuint kk; ajuint imax; if(!*Pstr) *Pstr = ajStrNewResLenC("", 1, 0); else if((*Pstr)->Use > 1) ajStrGetuniqueStr(Pstr); thys = *Pstr; if(width > (*Pstr)->Len) /* already fits on one line */ return ajTrue; cq = thys->Ptr; i=0; imax = thys->Len - width; ajDebug("ajStrFmtWrapPref '%c' imax:%u len:%u '%S'\n", ch, imax, MAJSTRGETLEN(thys), *Pstr); while(i < imax) { j = i+width+1; if(j > thys->Len) j = thys->Len; k = j; kk = j; while(i < j) { if(isspace((ajint)*cq)) { k = i; if(*cq == '\n') break; if(i && thys->Ptr[i-1] == ch) kk = i; } cq++; i++; } if(*cq != '\n') { if(kk < j) { thys->Ptr[kk] = '\n'; k = kk; } else if(k == j) { ajStrInsertC(Pstr, k, "\n"); imax++; } else thys->Ptr[k] = '\n'; } i=k+1; cq=&thys->Ptr[i]; ajDebug("k:%u len:%u i:%u imax:%u '%s'\n", k, MAJSTRGETLEN(thys)-k-1, i, imax, &thys->Ptr[k+1]); } ajDebug("Done i:%u\n", i); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrFmtWrapLeft ***************************************************** ** ** Formats a string so that it wraps and has a margin of space characters ** and an additional indent when printed. ** ** Newline characters are inserted, at white space if possible, ** ** @param [u] Pstr [AjPStr*] Target string ** @param [r] width [ajuint] Line width ** @param [r] margin [ajuint] Left margin ** @param [r] indent [ajuint] Left indentation on later lines ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on successful completion else ajFalse; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrFmtWrapLeft(AjPStr* Pstr, ajuint width, ajuint margin, ajuint indent) { AjPStr newstr = NULL; char* cp; ajuint len; ajuint i = 0; ajuint j; ajuint isp = 0; ajuint leftmargin = margin; ajuint maxwidth = width + indent; /* ajDebug("ajStrFmtWrapLeft %d %d %d\n'%S'\n", width, margin, indent, *Pstr); */ len = 1 + (*Pstr)->Len + (indent + margin + 1) * (*Pstr)->Len / width; ajStrAssignS(&newstr, *Pstr); ajStrAssignResC(Pstr, len, ""); ajStrAppendCountK(Pstr, ' ', margin); for(cp = newstr->Ptr; *cp; cp++) { switch(*cp) { case '\n': ajStrAppendK(Pstr, '\n'); for(j=0; jLen; /* ajDebug("can split at %d\n", isp); */ default: if(++i >= maxwidth) { /* too wide, time to split */ /* ajDebug("split at i: %d isp: %d\n'%S'\n", i, isp, *Pstr); */ if(isp) { if(isp == (*Pstr)->Len) ajStrAppendK(Pstr, '\n'); else (*Pstr)->Ptr[isp] = '\n'; leftmargin = margin + indent; } else { ajStrAppendK(Pstr, *cp); /* keep going */ break; } for(j=0; jLen - isp + indent; isp = 0; if(!isspace((ajint)*cp)) ajStrAppendK(Pstr, *cp); } else ajStrAppendK(Pstr, *cp); break; } } ajStrDel(&newstr); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrWrapLeft ** @rename ajStrFmtWrapLeft */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrWrapLeft(AjPStr* pthis, ajint width, ajint left) { return ajStrFmtWrapLeft(pthis, width, 0, left); } /* @section comparison ******************************************************** ** ** Functions for comparing strings ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** ** @nam3rule Match Compare two complete strings. ** @nam4rule MatchCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam4rule MatchWild Comparison using wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule MatchWildCase Case-insensitive comparison ** using wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule MatchWildWord Case-sensitive wildcard comparison of ** first words within two strings. ** @nam6rule MatchWildWordCase Case-insensitive wildcard comparison of ** first words within two strings. ** @nam4rule MatchWord Comparison using whole words. ** @nam5rule MatchWordOne Comparison using whole words matching any one. ** @nam5rule MatchWordAll Comparison using whole words matching every one. ** @nam3rule Prefix Compare start of string to given prefix. ** @nam4rule PrefixCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam3rule Suffix Compare end of string to given suffix. ** @nam4rule SuffixCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule C txt2 [const char*] String ** @argrule S str2 [const AjPStr] String ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrMatchC ********************************************************** ** ** Simple test for matching a string and a text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two complete strings are the same ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { if(!str || !txt2) return ajFalse; if(!strcmp(str->Ptr, txt2)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajStrMatchS ********************************************************** ** ** Simple test for matching two strings. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Second String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two complete strings are the same ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { if(!str || !str2) return ajFalse; if(!strcmp(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajStrMatch ** @rename ajStrMatchS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatch(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrMatchS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrMatchCaseC ****************************************************** ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching a string and a text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two strings are exactly the same excluding case ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { if(!str || !txt2) return ajFalse; return ajCharMatchCaseC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrMatchCaseS ****************************************************** ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching two strings. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Second String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two strings are exactly the same excluding case ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { if(!str || !str2) return ajFalse; return ajCharMatchCaseC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchCase ** @rename ajStrMatchCaseS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchCase(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrMatchCaseS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildC ****************************************************** ** ** Simple case-sensitive test for matching a string and a text string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharMatchWildC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildS ****************************************************** ** ** Simple case-sensitive test for matching two strings using wildcard ** characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Wildcard string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharMatchWildC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchWild ** @rename ajStrMatchWildS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchWild(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrMatchWildS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildCaseC ************************************************** ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching a string and a text string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharMatchWildCaseC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildCaseS ************************************************** ** ** Simple case-insensitive test for matching two strings using wildcard ** characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Wildcard string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if two strings match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharMatchWildCaseC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildWordC ************************************************** ** ** Case-sensitive test for matching a text string "word" against a string ** using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildWordC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharMatchWildWordC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildWordS ************************************************** ** ** Case-sensitive test for matching a string "word" against a string ** using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildWordS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharMatchWildWordC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildWordCaseC ********************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching a text string "word" against a string ** using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildWordCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharMatchWildWordCaseC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWildWordCaseS ********************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching a string "word" against a string ** using wildcard characters. ** ** 'Word' is defined as starting and ending with an alphanumeric character ** (A-Z a-z 0-9) with no white space. ** ** The query text can use '*' or '?' as a wildcard. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWildWordCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharMatchWildWordCaseC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrMatchWord ** @rename ajStrMatchWildWordS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrMatchWord(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrMatchWildWordS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrMatchWordAllS ************************************************** ** ** Test for matching all words within a string. ** Matches can be to parts of words in the original string. ** ** 'Word' is defined as no white space. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWordAllS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; const AjPStr teststr = NULL; teststr = ajStrParseWhite(str2); if(!teststr) return ajFalse; while (teststr) { if(ajStrFindS(str, teststr) == -1) ret = ajFalse; teststr = ajStrParseWhite(NULL); } return ret; } /* @func ajStrMatchWordOneS ************************************************** ** ** Test for matching a word within a string. ** Matches can be to parts of words in the original string. ** ** 'Word' is defined as no white space. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrMatchWordOneS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; const AjPStr teststr = NULL; teststr = ajStrParseWhite(str2); if(!teststr) return ajFalse; while (teststr) { if(ajStrFindS(str, teststr) != -1) ret = ajTrue; teststr = ajStrParseWhite(NULL); } return ret; } /* @func ajStrPrefixC ********************************************************* ** ** Test for matching the start of a string against a given prefix text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Prefix as text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPrefixC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajuint ilen; if(!str) return ajFalse; ilen = strlen(txt2); if(!ilen) /* no prefix */ return ajFalse; if(ilen > MAJSTRGETLEN(str)) /* pref longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(str->Ptr, txt2, ilen)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrPrefixS ********************************************************* ** ** Test for matching the start of a string against a given prefix string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPrefixS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str2) return ajFalse; if(!str2->Len) /* no prefix */ return ajFalse; if(str2->Len > MAJSTRGETLEN(str)) /* pref longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr, str2->Len)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefix ** @rename ajStrPrefixS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefix(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrPrefixS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrPrefixCaseC ***************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the start of a string against a ** given prefix text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPrefixCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharPrefixCaseC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrPrefixCaseS ***************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the start of a string against a ** given prefix string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string begins with the prefix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrPrefixCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharPrefixCaseC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrPrefixCase ** @rename ajStrPrefixCaseS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrPrefixCase(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrPrefixCaseS(str,str2); } /* @func ajStrSuffixC ********************************************************* ** ** Test for matching the end of a string against a given suffix text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Suffix as text ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSuffixC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint istart; if(!str) return ajFalse; ilen = strlen(txt2); istart = str->Len - ilen; if(ilen > MAJSTRGETLEN(str)) /* suff longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(&str->Ptr[istart], txt2, ilen)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrSuffixS ********************************************************* ** ** Test for matching the end of a string against a given suffix string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Suffix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSuffixS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { ajuint ilen; ajuint istart; if(!str) return ajFalse; ilen = MAJSTRGETLEN(str2); istart = str->Len - ilen; if(ilen > MAJSTRGETLEN(str)) /* suffix longer */ return ajFalse; if(strncmp(&str->Ptr[istart], str2->Ptr, ilen)) /* +1 or -1 for a failed match */ return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrSuffix ** @rename ajStrSuffixS */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrSuffix(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrSuffixS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrSuffixCaseC ***************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the end of a string against a ** given suffix text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSuffixCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharSuffixCaseC(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrSuffixCaseS ***************************************************** ** ** Case-insensitive test for matching the end of a string against a ** given suffix string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Prefix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string ends with the suffix ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrSuffixCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharSuffixCaseC(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @section comparison (sorting) ********************************************** ** ** Functions for sorting strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote namrule same as "String comparison (sorting) functions (C-type ** char* strings)". ** @nam3rule Cmp Compare two complete strings & return sort order. ** @nam4rule CmpCase Case-insensitive comparison. ** @nam4rule CmpWild Comparison using wildcard characters. ** @nam5rule CmpWildCase Case-insensitive comparison ** using wildcard characters. ** @nam3rule Vcmp Compare string using void arguments. ** ** @argrule Cmp str [const AjPStr] String to compare ** @argrule C txt2 [const char*] String to compare ** @argrule S str2 [const AjPStr] String to compare ** @argrule Len len [ajuint] Number of characters to compare ** @argrule Vcmp str [const void*] String ** @argrule Vcmp str2 [const void*] String to compare ** ** @valrule * [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @macro MAJSTRCMPC ********************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort order of a string and a text string. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrCmpC} in case it is needed for speed ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajStrCmpC ************************************************************ ** ** Finds the sort order of a string and a text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return strcmp(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrCmpLenC ********************************************************* ** ** Finds the sort order of a string and a text string comparing the first ** n characters only. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Text string ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length to compare ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpLenC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2, ajuint len) { return strncmp(str->Ptr, txt2, len); } /* @obsolete ajStrNCmpC ** @rename ajStrCmpLenC */ __deprecated int ajStrNCmpC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt, ajint len) { return ajStrCmpLenC(str, txt, len); } /* @macro MAJSTRCMPS ********************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort order of two strings. ** ** A macro version of {ajStrCmpS} in case it is needed for speed ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] First string ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Second string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajStrCmpS ************************************************************ ** ** Finds the sort order of two strings. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] First string ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Second string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return strcmp(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrCmpO ** @rename ajStrCmpS */ __deprecated int ajStrCmpO(const AjPStr thys, const AjPStr anoth) { return ajStrCmpS(thys, anoth); } /* @func ajStrCmpCaseS ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort order of two strings using a case-insensitive comparison. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] text string ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Text string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { const char* cp; const char* cq; for(cp = str->Ptr, cq = str2->Ptr; *cp && *cq; cp++, cq++) if(toupper((ajint) *cp) != toupper((ajint) *cq)) { if(toupper((ajint) *cp) > toupper((ajint) *cq)) return 1; else return -1; } if(*cp) return 1; if(*cq) return -1; return 0; } /* @obsolete ajStrCmpCase ** @rename ajStrCmpCaseS */ __deprecated int ajStrCmpCase(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrCmpCaseS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrCmpLenS ********************************************************* ** ** Finds the sort order of two strings comparing the first ** n characters only. ** Compares the first n characters of two strings ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String object ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Second string object ** @param [r] len [ajuint] Length to compare ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpLenS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2, ajuint len) { return strncmp(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr, len); } /* @obsolete ajStrNCmpO ** @rename ajStrCmpLenS */ __deprecated int ajStrNCmpO(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2, ajint len) { return ajStrCmpLenS(str, str2, len); } /* @func ajStrCmpWildC ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case insensitive) of string and a text string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard text ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpWildC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharCmpWild(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrCmpWildS ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case insensitive) of two strings using wildcard ** characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Wildcard string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpWildS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharCmpWild(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrCmpWildCaseC **************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case sensitive) of string and a text string using ** wildcard characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] Wildcard text ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpWildCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { return ajCharCmpWildCase(str->Ptr, txt2); } /* @func ajStrCmpWildCaseS **************************************************** ** ** Finds the sort-order (case sensitive) of two strings using wildcard ** characters. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] Wildcard string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrCmpWildCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajCharCmpWildCase(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrCmpWild ** @rename ajStrCmpWildS */ __deprecated int ajStrCmpWild(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrCmpWildS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrVcmp ********************************************************* ** ** Finds the sort order of two strings cast as void. ** ** For use with {ajListSort}, {ajListUnique} and other functions which ** require a general function with void arguments. ** ** @param [r] str [const void*] First string ** @param [r] str2 [const void*] Second string ** @return [int] -1 if first string should sort before second, +1 if the ** second string should sort first. 0 if they are identical ** in length and content. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ int ajStrVcmp(const void* str, const void* str2) { return strcmp((*(AjPStr const *)str)->Ptr, (*(AjPStr const *)str2)->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrCmp ** @rename ajStrVcmp */ __deprecated int ajStrCmp(const void* str, const void* str2) { return ajStrVcmp(str, str2); } /* @section comparison (search) functions ************************************* ** ** Functions for finding substrings or characters in strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** ** @nam3rule Find Locate first occurence of a string ** within another string. ** @nam4rule FindAny Any in a set of characters from the start ** @nam4rule FindCase Case insensitive ** @nam4rule FindNext Next in a set of characters from a given position ** @nam4rule FindRest Any not in a set of characters ** @nam5rule FindRestCase Any not in a set of characters, case insensitive ** @nam3rule Findlast Locate last occurence of a string ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule FindNext pos1 [ajint] String position to search from ** @argrule C txt2 [const char*] Text to find ** @argrule K chr [char] Character ** @argrule S str2 [const AjPStr] Text to find ** ** @valrule * [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrFindC *********************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of a second (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { const char* cp; cp = strstr(str->Ptr, txt2); if(!cp) return -1; return(cp - str->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrFindS *********************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of a second string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { const char* cp; cp = strstr(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); if(!cp) return -1; return (cp - str->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrFind ** @rename ajStrFindS */ __deprecated ajint ajStrFind(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrFindS(str, str2); } /* @func ajStrFindAnyC ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character in a second ** (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindAnyC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajuint i; i = strcspn(str->Ptr, txt2); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindAnyK ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of a specified character. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] chr [char] character to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindAnyK(const AjPStr str, char chr) { const char* cp; cp = strchr(str->Ptr, (ajint) chr); if(!cp) return -1; return(cp - str->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrFindK ** @rename ajStrFindAnyK */ __deprecated ajint ajStrFindK(const AjPStr thys, const char chr) { return ajStrFindAnyK(thys, chr); } /* @func ajStrFindAnyS ******************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character in a second ** string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindAnyS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { ajuint i; i = strcspn(str->Ptr, str2->Ptr); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindCaseC ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of a second (text) string using a ** case-insensitive search. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** @error -1 Text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char *txt2) { AjPStr t1; AjPStr t2; ajint v; t1 = ajStrNewC(str->Ptr); t2 = ajStrNewC(txt2); ajStrFmtUpper(&t1); ajStrFmtUpper(&t2); v = ajStrFindS(t1,t2); ajStrDel(&t1); ajStrDel(&t2); return v; } /* @func ajStrFindCaseS ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of a second string using a ** case-insensitive search. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** -1 if not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrFindCaseC(str,str2->Ptr); } /* @obsolete ajStrFindCase ** @rename ajStrFindCaseS */ __deprecated ajint ajStrFindCase(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrFindCaseS(str,str2); } /* @func ajStrFindNextC ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the next occurrence in a string of any character in a second ** (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Start position in string ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindNextC(const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, const char* txt2) { ajuint i; ajuint jpos; jpos = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); i = jpos + strcspn(&str->Ptr[jpos], txt2); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindNextK ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the next occurrence in a string of a specified character. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Start position in string ** @param [r] chr [char] character to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindNextK(const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, char chr) { const char* cp; ajuint jpos; jpos = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); cp = strchr(&str->Ptr[jpos], (ajint) chr); if(!cp) return -1; return(cp - str->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrFindNextS ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the next occurrence in a string of any character in a second ** string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] pos1 [ajint] Start position in string ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindNextS(const AjPStr str, ajint pos1, const AjPStr str2) { ajuint i; ajuint jpos; jpos = ajMathPos(str->Len, pos1); i = jpos + strcspn(&str->Ptr[jpos], str2->Ptr); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindRestC ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character not in a second ** (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindRestC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajuint i; i = strspn(str->Ptr, txt2); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindRestS ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character not in a second ** (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindRestS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrFindRestC(str, str2->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrFindRestCaseC *************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character not in a second ** (text) string (case-insensitive). ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindRestCaseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajuint i; AjPStr tmpstr = ajStrNewS(str); AjPStr tmptxt = ajStrNewC(txt2); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmptxt); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpstr); i = strspn(tmpstr->Ptr, tmptxt->Ptr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmptxt); if(i == str->Len) return -1; return i; } /* @func ajStrFindRestCaseS *************************************************** ** ** Finds the first occurrence in a string of any character not in a second ** (text) string (case-insensitive). ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] str2 [const AjPStr] text to find ** @return [ajint] Position of the start of text in string if found. ** Or -1 for text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindRestCaseS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr str2) { return ajStrFindRestCaseC(str, str2->Ptr); } /* @func ajStrFindlastC ******************************************************* ** ** Finds the last occurrence in a string of a second (text) string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to search ** @param [r] txt2 [const char*] text to look for ** @return [ajint] Position of the text string if found. ** @error -1 Text not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajStrFindlastC(const AjPStr str, const char* txt2) { ajint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajuint len = 0; const char* ptr1 = 0; const char* ptr2 = 0; AjBool found = ajTrue; len = strlen(txt2); for(i=str->Len-len;i>=0;i--) { ptr1 = &str->Ptr[i]; ptr2 = txt2; found = ajTrue; for(j=0;jLen-str2->Len;i>=0;i--) { ptr1 = &str->Ptr[i]; ptr2 = &str2->Ptr[i]; found = ajTrue; for(j=0;jLen;j++) { if(*ptr1 != *ptr2) { found = ajFalse; break; } ptr2++; ptr1++; } if(found) return i; } return -1; } /* @section parsing functions ************************************************* ** ** Functions for parsing tokens from strings. ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote None. ** ** @nam3rule Extract Return token(s) from a string and return ** the remainder ** @nam4rule ExtractFirst Remove first word from a string, no leading spaces ** @nam4rule ExtractWord Remove first word from a string, skipping spaces ** @nam3rule Parse Parse tokens using strtok ** @nam4rule ParseCount Count tokens using string token functions ** @nam5rule ParseCountMulti Multiple (reentrant) version (obsolete?) ** @nam4rule ParseSplit Parse into array of strings ** @nam4rule ParseWhite Count tokens using string token functions ** ** @argrule * str [const AjPStr] String ** @argrule C txtdelim [const char*] Text to find ** @argrule K chr [char] Character ** @argrule S strdelim [const AjPStr] Text to find ** @argrule Split PPstr [AjPStr**] String array of results ** @argrule Extract Prest [AjPStr*] Remainder of string ** @argrule First Pword [AjPStr*] First word of string ** @argrule Word Pword [AjPStr*] First word of string ** ** @valrule * [const AjPStr] Latest string parsed. ** @valrule *Count [ajuint] Number of string matches. ** @valrule *Split [ajuint] Number of string matches. ** @valrule *Extract [AjBool] True if a match was found ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrExtractFirst **************************************************** ** ** Returns a word from the start of a string, and the remainder of the string ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be parsed ** @param [w] Prest [AjPStr*] Remainder of string ** @param [w] Pword [AjPStr*] First word of string ** @return [AjBool] True if parsing succeeded ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExtractFirst(const AjPStr str, AjPStr* Prest, AjPStr* Pword) { ajuint i=0; ajuint j=0; const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; if(isspace(*cp++)) return ajFalse; while(*cp && !isspace(*cp)) /* look for end of first word */ { cp++; i++; } j = i+1; while(*cp && isspace(*cp)) { cp++; j++; } ajStrAssignSubS(Pword, str, 0, i); if(cp) ajStrAssignSubS(Prest, str, j, str->Len); else ajStrAssignClear(Prest); /*ajDebug("ajStrExtractFirst i:%d j:%d len:%d word '%S'\n", i, j, str->Len, *Pword);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrExtractWord ***************************************************** ** ** Returns a word from the start of a string, and the remainder of the string. ** Leading spaces are skipped. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be parsed ** @param [w] Prest [AjPStr*] Remainder of string ** @param [w] Pword [AjPStr*] First word of string ** @return [AjBool] True if parsing succeeded ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrExtractWord(const AjPStr str, AjPStr* Prest, AjPStr* Pword) { ajuint i=0; ajuint istart=0; ajuint j=0; const char* cp; if(!str) return ajFalse; if(!str->Len) return ajFalse; cp = str->Ptr; while(isspace(*cp)) { cp++; istart++; } if(!*cp) return ajFalse; i = istart-1; while(*cp && !isspace(*cp)) /* look for end of first word */ { cp++; i++; } j = i+1; while(*cp && isspace(*cp)) { cp++; j++; } ajStrAssignSubS(Pword, str, istart, i); if(cp) ajStrAssignSubS(Prest, str, j, str->Len); else ajStrAssignClear(Prest); /*ajDebug("ajStrExtractWord i:%d j:%d len:%d word '%S'\n", i, j, str->Len, *Pword);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrParseC ********************************************************** ** ** Tokenise a string using a specified set of delimiters and return tokens ** from the string. ** ** This function uses the C run time library strtok function. This makes it ** necessary to only call it from one string at a time as strtok and this ** function have internal memories of the last position. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be parsed (first call) or ** NULL for followup calls using the same string, as for the ** C RTL function strtok which is eventually called. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter(s) to be used betwen tokens. ** @return [const AjPStr] Token returned, when all tokens are parsed ** a NULL is returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajStrParseC(const AjPStr str, const char* txtdelim) { static AjOStr strParseStr = { 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0}; static AjPStr strp = &strParseStr; if(!strp->Ptr) { if(!str) { ajWarn("Error in ajStrParseC: NULL argument and not initialised"); ajUtilCatch(); return NULL; } } if(str) { if(strParseCp) ajCharDel(&strParseCp); strParseCp = ajCharNewC(str->Ptr); strp->Ptr = ajSysFuncStrtok(strParseCp, txtdelim); } else strp->Ptr = ajSysFuncStrtok(NULL, txtdelim); if(strp->Ptr) { strp->Len = strlen(strp->Ptr); strp->Res = strp->Len + 1; return strp; } else { strp->Len=0; strp->Res=1; ajCharDel(&strParseCp); } return NULL; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokC ** @rename ajStrParseC */ __deprecated const AjPStr ajStrTokC(const AjPStr thys, const char* delim) { return ajStrParseC(thys, delim); } /* @func ajStrParseCount ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the number of tokens in a string, delimited by whitespace ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to examine. ** @return [ajuint] The number of tokens ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrParseCount(const AjPStr str) { AjPStrTok t = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajuint count; count = 0; ajStrTokenAssignC(&t, str, " \t\n\r"); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&t, &tmp)) ++count; ajStrTokenDel(&t); ajStrDel(&tmp); return count; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenCount ** @rename ajStrParseCountC */ __deprecated ajint ajStrTokenCount(const AjPStr line, const char *delim) { return ajStrParseCountC(line, delim); } /* @func ajStrParseCountC ***************************************************** ** ** Returns the number of tokens in a string using a specified set of ** delimiters held in a text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to examine. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char *] String of delimiter characters. ** @return [ajuint] The number of tokens ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrParseCountC(const AjPStr str, const char *txtdelim) { AjPStrTok t = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajuint count; count = 0; ajStrTokenAssignC(&t, str, txtdelim); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&t, &tmp)) ++count; ajStrTokenDel(&t); ajStrDel(&tmp); return count; } /* @func ajStrParseCountS ***************************************************** ** ** Returns the number of tokens in a string using a specified set of ** delimiters held in a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to examine. ** @param [r] strdelim [const AjPStr] String of delimiter characters. ** @return [ajuint] The number of tokens ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrParseCountS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr strdelim) { AjPStrTok t = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajuint count; count = 0; ajStrTokenAssignS(&t, str, strdelim); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&t, &tmp)) ++count; ajStrTokenDel(&t); ajStrDel(&tmp); return count; } /* @func ajStrParseCountMultiC ************************************************ ** ** Returns the number of tokens in a string. ** ** Uses reentrant {ajSysStrtokR} in place of the C RTL strtok function. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to examine. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char *] String of delimiter characters. ** @return [ajuint] The number of tokens ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrParseCountMultiC(const AjPStr str, const char *txtdelim) { AjPStr buf = NULL; ajuint count; char *p; const char *save = NULL; AjPStr mystr = NULL; if(!str) return 0; buf = ajStrNew(); mystr = ajStrNewS(str); p = ajSysFuncStrtokR(ajStrGetuniquePtr(&mystr),txtdelim,&save,&buf); if(!p) { ajStrDel(&buf); return 0; } count = 1; while(ajSysFuncStrtokR(NULL,txtdelim,&save,&buf)) ++count; ajStrDel(&buf); ajStrDel(&mystr); return count; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenCountR ** @rename ajStrParseCountMultiC */ __deprecated ajint ajStrTokenCountR(const AjPStr line, const char *delim) { return ajStrParseCountMultiC(line, delim); } /* @func ajStrParseSplit ****************************************************** ** ** Splits a newline-separated multi-line string into an array of strings. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [w] PPstr [AjPStr**] pointer to array of AjPStrs ** ** @return [ajuint] Number of array elements created ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajStrParseSplit(const AjPStr str, AjPStr **PPstr) { ajuint c; ajuint len; ajuint i; ajuint n; const char *p = NULL; const char *q = NULL; if(!str) return 0; if(!str->Len) return 0; p = q = str->Ptr; len = str->Len; c=0; n=0; for(i=0;iPtr); AJMPROBE(*Pstr); } return; } /* @func ajStrStat ************************************************************ ** ** Prints a summary of string usage with debug calls. ** ** @param [r] title [const char*] Title for this summary ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrStat(const char* title) { #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS static ajlong statAlloc = 0; static ajlong statCount = 0; static ajlong statFree = 0; static ajlong statFreeCount = 0; static ajlong statTotal = 0; ajDebug("String usage statistics since last call %s:\n", title); ajDebug("String usage (bytes): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed\n", strAlloc - statAlloc, strFree - statFree); ajDebug("String usage (number): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed, %Ld in use\n", strTotal - statTotal, strFreeCount - statFreeCount, strCount - statCount); statAlloc = strAlloc; statCount = strCount; statFree = strFree; statFreeCount = strFreeCount; statTotal = strTotal; #else (void) title; #endif return; } /* @func ajStrTrace *********************************************************** ** ** Checks a string object for consistency and reports its contents. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTrace(const AjPStr str) { if(!str) { ajDebug("String trace NULL\n"); return; } if(!ajStrGetValid(str)) ajDebug("ajStrGetValid problems: see warning messages\n"); ajDebug("String trace use: %d size: %d len: %d string: ", str->Use, str->Res, str->Len); if(str->Ptr) { if(str->Len <= 20) ajDebug("<%s>\n", str->Ptr); else ajDebug("<%10.10s>..<%s>\n", str->Ptr, str->Ptr + str->Len-10); } else ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug(" ptr: %x charptr: %x\n", str, str->Ptr); return; } /* @func ajStrTraceFull ****************************************************** ** ** Checks a string object for consistency and reports its contents character ** by character. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTraceFull(const AjPStr str) { ajuint i; if(!str) { ajDebug("String tracechars NULL\n"); return; } if(!ajStrGetValid(str)) ajDebug("ajStrGetValid problems: see warning messages\n"); ajDebug("String tracechars use: %d size: %d len: %d string: ", str->Use, str->Res, str->Len); if(str->Len) { ajDebug("\n"); for(i=0; i < str->Len; i++) ajDebug(" '%c' %20x [%d]\n", str->Ptr[i], (ajint) str->Ptr[i], i); } else ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug(" ptr: %x charptr: %x\n", str, str->Ptr); return; } /* @func ajStrTraceTitle ****************************************************** ** ** Checks a string object for consistency and reports its contents using a ** defined title for the report. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] title [const char*] Report title ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTraceTitle(const AjPStr str, const char* title) { ajDebug("%s\n",title); ajStrTrace(str); return; } /* @section exit ************************************************************** ** ** Functions called on exit from the program by ajExit to do ** any necessary cleanup and to report internal statistics to the debug file ** ** @fdata [AjPStr] ** @fnote general exit functions, no arguments ** ** @nam3rule Exit Cleanup and report on exit ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc */ /* @func ajStrExit ************************************************************ ** ** Prints a summary of string usage with debug calls. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrExit(void) { #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS ajDebug("String usage (bytes): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed, %Ld in use\n", strAlloc, strFree, (strAlloc - strFree)); ajDebug("String usage (number): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed %Ld in use\n", strTotal, strFreeCount, strCount); #endif ajCharDel(&strParseCp); return; } /* @obsolete ajStrFill ** @replace ajStrAppendCountK (1,2,3/1,3,*) */ __deprecated void ajStrFill(AjPStr* pthys, ajint len, char fill) { ajint icount; icount = len - (*pthys)->Len; ajStrAppendCountK(pthys, fill, icount); return; } /* @obsolete ajStrPos ** @replace ajMathPos (1,2/'ajStrGetLen[1]',2) */ __deprecated ajint ajStrPos(const AjPStr thys, ajint ipos) { return ajMathPos(thys->Len, ipos); } /* @obsolete ajStrPosI ** @replace ajMathPosI (1,2,3/'ajStrGetLen[1]',2,3) */ __deprecated ajint ajStrPosI(const AjPStr thys, ajint imin, ajint ipos) { return ajMathPosI(thys->Len, imin, ipos); } /* @obsolete ajStrPosII ** @rename ajMathPosI */ __deprecated ajint ajStrPosII(ajint ilen, ajint imin, ajint ipos) { return ajMathPosI(ilen, imin, ipos); } /* @obsolete ajCharPos ** @replace ajMathPos (1,2/'strlen[1]',2) */ __deprecated ajint ajCharPos(const char* thys, ajint ipos) { return ajMathPos(strlen(thys), ipos); } /* @datasection [AjIStr] String iterator ************************************* ** ** String iterators point to successive characters in a string ** ** @nam2rule Str String ** @nam3rule Iter Iterator ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule New String iterator constructor. ** @nam5rule NewBack String iterator reverse direction constructor. ** ** @argrule New str [const AjPStr] Original string ** ** @valrule * [AjIStr] String iterator ** ** @fcategory new ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajStrIterNew ********************************************************* ** ** String iterator constructor which allocates memory for a string iterator, ** used to iterate over the characters in a string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Original string ** ** @return [AjIStr] String Iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIStr ajStrIterNew(const AjPStr str) { AjIStr iter; if(!str) ajFatal("ajStrIterNew source string NULL"); AJNEW0(iter); iter->Start = iter->Ptr = str->Ptr; iter->End = iter->Start + MAJSTRGETLEN(str) - 1; return iter; } /* @obsolete ajStrIter ** @rename ajStrIterNew */ __deprecated AjIStr ajStrIter(const AjPStr str) { return ajStrIterNew(str); } /* @func ajStrIterNewBack ***************************************************** ** ** String iterator constructor which allocates memory for a string iterator, ** used to iterate over the characters in a string, from end to start. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Original string ** @return [AjIStr] String Iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIStr ajStrIterNewBack(const AjPStr str) { AjIStr iter; if(!str) ajFatal("ajStrIterNewBack source string NULL"); AJNEW0(iter); iter->Start = str->Ptr; iter->End = iter->Ptr = iter->Start + MAJSTRGETLEN(str) - 1; return iter; } /* @obsolete ajStrIterBack ** @rename ajStrIterNewBack */ __deprecated AjIStr ajStrIterBack(const AjPStr str) { return ajStrIterNewBack(str); } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule Del Destructor ** ** @argrule Del iter [AjIStr*] String iterator ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete */ /* @func ajStrIterDel ******************************************************** ** ** String iterator destructor which frees memory for a string iterator. ** ** @param [d] iter [AjIStr*] String iterator ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrIterDel(AjIStr* iter) { AJFREE(*iter); return; } /* @obsolete ajStrIterFree ** @rename ajStrIterDel */ __deprecated void ajStrIterFree(AjIStr* iter) { ajStrIterDel(iter); } /* @section tests ************************************************************* ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** @nam4rule Done Check whether iteration has ended (no more ** characters). ** @nam5rule DoneBack Reverse iterator ** ** @argrule Done iter [const AjIStr] Iterator ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] Result of test ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajStrIterDone ****************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string iterator has completed yet. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] true if complete ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIterDone(const AjIStr iter) { return (iter->Ptr > iter->End); } /* @func ajStrIterDoneBack **************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a string iterator (from end to start) has completed yet. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] true if complete ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrIterDoneBack(const AjIStr iter) { return (iter->Ptr < iter->Start); } /* @obsolete ajStrIterBackDone ** @rename ajStrIterDoneBack */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrIterBackDone(AjIStr iter) { return ajStrIterDoneBack(iter); } /* @section resets ************************************************************ ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule Begin Resets iterator to start (first character). ** @nam4rule End Resets iterator to end (last character). ** @argrule * iter [AjIStr] String iterator ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrIterBegin ******************************************************* ** ** Sets a string iterator to its start condition, ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrIterBegin(AjIStr iter) { iter->Ptr = iter->Start; return; } /* @func ajStrIterEnd ******************************************************** ** ** Sets a string iterator to its stop condition. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrIterEnd(AjIStr iter) { iter->Ptr = iter->End; } /* @section attributes ******************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule Get Return element ** ** @argrule Get iter [const AjIStr] Iterator ** @valrule GetC [const char*] ** @valrule GetK [char] ** ** @fcategory cast */ /* @func ajStrIterGetC ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the remainder of the string at the current string iterator ** position. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [const char*] Current text string within iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* ajStrIterGetC(const AjIStr iter) { return iter->Ptr; } /* @func ajStrIterGetK ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the value (character) at the current string iterator position. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [char] Current character within iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajStrIterGetK(const AjIStr iter) { return *(iter->Ptr); } /* @section modifiers ********************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule Put Replace an element ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIStr] ** @argrule K chr [char] Character to put at current position ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrIterPutK ******************************************************** ** ** Replaces the character at the current string iterator position. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIStr] String iterator. ** @param [r] chr [char] Character ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrIterPutK(AjIStr iter, char chr) { *iter->Ptr = chr; return; } /* @section stepping ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIStr] ** ** @nam4rule Next Iterate to next character. ** @nam5rule NextBack Reverse iterator ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIStr] String iterator ** ** @valrule * [AjIStr] Updated iterator ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrIterNext ******************************************************** ** ** Step to next character in string iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjIStr] Updated iterator duplicated as return value. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIStr ajStrIterNext(AjIStr iter) { iter->Ptr++; if(iter->Ptr > iter->End) return NULL; return iter; } /* @func ajStrIterNextBack **************************************************** ** ** Step to previous character in string iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjIStr] Updated iterator duplicated as return value. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIStr ajStrIterNextBack(AjIStr iter) { iter->Ptr--; if(iter->Ptr < iter->Start) return NULL; return iter; } /* @obsolete ajStrIterBackNext ** @rename ajStrIterNextBack */ __deprecated AjIStr ajStrIterBackNext(AjIStr iter) { return ajStrIterNextBack(iter); } /* @obsolete ajStrIterMore ** @replace ajStrIterDone (1/!1) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrIterMore(AjIStr iter) { return (!ajStrIterDone(iter)); } /* @obsolete ajStrIterMoreBack ** @rename ajStrIterDoneBack */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrIterMoreBack(AjIStr iter) { return (!ajStrIterDoneBack(iter)); } /* @datasection [AjPStrTok] String token parser ******************************* ** ** @nam2rule Str String ** @nam3rule Token Token parser ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section constructors ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule New Constructor ** ** @argrule New str [const AjPStr] string ** @argrule C txtdelim [const char*] Text delimiter ** @argrule S strdelim [const AjPStr] Text delimiter ** @valrule * [AjPStrTok] String token parser ** ** @fcategory new */ /* @func ajStrTokenNewC ******************************************************* ** ** String token parser constructor which allocates memory for a string token ** parser object from a string and a set of default delimiters defined in a ** text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Default delimiter(s) ** @return [AjPStrTok] A new string token parser. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStrTok ajStrTokenNewC(const AjPStr str, const char* txtdelim) { AjPStrTok ret; AJNEW0(ret); ajStrAssignS(&ret->String, str); ret->Delim = ajStrNewC(txtdelim); ret->Pos = 0; /* GFF parsing needed this change */ return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenInit ** @rename ajStrTokenNewC */ __deprecated AjPStrTok ajStrTokenInit(const AjPStr thys, const char* delim) { return ajStrTokenNewC(thys, delim); } /* @func ajStrTokenNewS ******************************************************* ** ** String token parser constructor which allocates memory for a string token ** parser object from a string and an optional set of default delimiters ** defined in a text string. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] strdelim [const AjPStr] Default delimiter(s) ** @return [AjPStrTok] A new string token parser. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStrTok ajStrTokenNewS(const AjPStr str, const AjPStr strdelim) { AjPStrTok ret; AJNEW0(ret); ajStrAssignS(&ret->String, str); ret->Delim = ajStrNewS(strdelim); ret->Pos = 0; /* GFF parsing needed this change */ return ret; } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule Del Destructor ** ** @argrule Del Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parser ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete */ /* @func ajStrTokenDel ****************************************************** ** ** String token parser destructor which frees memory for a string token ** parser. ** ** @param [d] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] Token parser ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTokenDel(AjPStrTok* Ptoken) { if(!*Ptoken) return; ajStrDel(&(*Ptoken)->String); ajStrDel(&(*Ptoken)->Delim); AJFREE(*Ptoken); return; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenClear ** @rename ajStrTokenDel */ __deprecated void ajStrTokenClear(AjPStrTok* token) { ajStrTokenDel(token); return; } /* @section assignment ******************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule Assign Assignment of string and/or delimiter(s) ** ** @argrule Assign Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] Token parser ** @argrule Assign str [const AjPStr] String to be parsed ** @argrule C txtdelim [const char*] delimiter ** @argrule S strdelim [const AjPStr] delimiter ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory assign */ /* @func ajStrTokenAssign **************************************************** ** ** Generates a string token parser object from a string without a specific ** set of delimiters. ** ** @param [w] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token object ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenAssign(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const AjPStr str) { AjPStrTok tok; if(*Ptoken) tok = *Ptoken; else { AJNEW0(tok); *Ptoken = tok; } ajStrAssignS(&tok->String, str); ajStrAssignClear(&tok->Delim); tok->Pos = 0; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenAss ** @rename ajStrTokenAssignC */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrTokenAss(AjPStrTok* ptok, const AjPStr thys, const char* delim) { return ajStrTokenAssignC(ptok, thys, delim); } /* @func ajStrTokenAssignC **************************************************** ** ** Generates a string token parser object from a string and an optional ** set of default delimiters defined in a text string. ** ** The string token can be either an existing token to be overwritten ** or a NULL. ** ** @param [w] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token object ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Default delimiter(s) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenAssignC(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const AjPStr str, const char* txtdelim) { AjPStrTok tok; if(*Ptoken) tok = *Ptoken; else { AJNEW0(tok); *Ptoken = tok; } ajStrAssignS(&tok->String, str); ajStrAssignC(&tok->Delim, txtdelim); tok->Pos = strspn(tok->String->Ptr, tok->Delim->Ptr); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajStrTokenAssignS **************************************************** ** ** Generates a string token parser object from a string and an optional ** set of default delimiters defined in a string. ** ** @param [w] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token object ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string ** @param [r] strdelim [const AjPStr] Default delimiter(s) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenAssignS(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const AjPStr str, const AjPStr strdelim) { AjPStrTok tok; if(*Ptoken) tok = *Ptoken; else { AJNEW0(tok); *Ptoken = tok; } ajStrAssignS(&tok->String, str); ajStrAssignS(&tok->Delim, strdelim); tok->Pos = strspn(tok->String->Ptr, tok->Delim->Ptr); return ajTrue; } /* @section reset ************************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule Reset Reset the token parser internals ** ** @argrule * Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parser ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrTokenReset ****************************************************** ** ** Clears the strings from a string token parser object. ** ** @param [w] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTokenReset(AjPStrTok* Ptoken) { AjPStrTok tok; if(!Ptoken) return; if(!*Ptoken) return; tok = *Ptoken; ajStrDelStatic(&tok->String); ajStrDelStatic(&tok->Delim); return; } /* @section debugging ********************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule Trace Write internals to debug file ** ** @argrule * token [const AjPStrTok] String token parser ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc */ /* @func ajStrTokenTrace ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a debug trace of a string token parser object. ** ** @param [r] token [const AjPStrTok] String token object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajStrTokenTrace(const AjPStrTok token) { ajDebug("ajStrTokenTrace %x\n", token); if(!token) return; ajDebug("... String:\n"); ajStrTrace(token->String); ajDebug("... Delim:\n"); ajStrTrace(token->Delim); return; } /* @section parsing *********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPStrTok] ** ** @nam4rule Next Return next token ** @nam5rule NextFind Use delimiter as a set of characters ** @nam5rule NextParse Use delimiter as a string ** @nam4rule Rest Return remainder of string ** @nam5rule RestParse Return remainder of string ** ** @argrule * Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parser ** @argrule C txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter ** @argrule S strdelim [const AjPStr] Delimiter ** @argrule * Pstr [AjPStr*] String result ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajStrTokenNextFind ************************************************* ** ** Parses tokens from a string using a string token parser. Treats the ** delimiter as a set of characters. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] Token parser. Updated with the delimiter ** string (if any) in delim. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Token found ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if another token was found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenNextFind(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, AjPStr* Pstr) { ajuint ilen; AjPStrTok token; char* cp; char* cq; token = *Ptoken; if(!*Ptoken) { /* token already cleared */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } if(token->Pos >= token->String->Len) { /* all done */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); ajStrTokenDel(Ptoken); return ajFalse; } cp = &token->String->Ptr[token->Pos]; cq = strstr(cp, token->Delim->Ptr); if(cq) { ilen = cq - cp; ajStrAssignSubS(Pstr, token->String, token->Pos, token->Pos + ilen - 1); token->Pos += ilen; token->Pos += token->Delim->Len; return ajTrue; } /* delimiter not found - return rest of string */ ilen = token->String->Len - token->Pos; ajStrAssignLenC(Pstr, cp, ilen); token->Pos += ilen; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrDelim ** @replace ajStrTokenNextFind (1,2,n/2,1) ** @replace ajStrTokenNextFindC (1,2,3/2,3,1) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrDelim(AjPStr* pthis, AjPStrTok* ptoken, const char* delim) { if(delim) return ajStrTokenNextFindC(ptoken, delim, pthis); else return ajStrTokenNextFind(ptoken, pthis); } /* @func ajStrTokenNextFindC ************************************************* ** ** Parses tokens from a string using a string token parser. Uses characters ** from a defined text string as a delimiter. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] Token parser. Updated with the delimiter ** string in delim. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter string. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Token found ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if another token was found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenNextFindC(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const char* txtdelim, AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStrTok token; token = *Ptoken; ajStrAssignC(&token->Delim, txtdelim); return ajStrTokenNextFind(Ptoken, Pstr); } /* @func ajStrTokenNextParse ************************************************** ** ** Parses tokens from a string using a string token parser. Treats the ** delimiter as a string. ** ** The test uses the C function 'strcspn'. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parsing object. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Next token returned, may be empty if the ** delimiter has changed. ** @return [AjBool] True if successfully parsed. ** False (and string set to empty) if there is nothing ** more to parse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenNextParse(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, AjPStr* Pstr) { ajuint ilen; AjPStrTok token; char* cp; token = *Ptoken; if(!*Ptoken) { /* token already cleared */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } if(token->Pos >= token->String->Len) { /* all done */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); ajStrTokenDel(Ptoken); return ajFalse; } cp = &token->String->Ptr[token->Pos]; ilen = strcspn(cp, token->Delim->Ptr); if(ilen) { ajStrAssignSubS(Pstr, token->String, token->Pos, token->Pos + ilen - 1); } else { ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); } token->Pos += ilen; token->Pos += strspn(&token->String->Ptr[token->Pos], token->Delim->Ptr); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrToken ** @replace ajStrTokenNextParse (1,2,n/2,1) ** @replace ajStrTokenNextParseC (1,2,3/2,3,1) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrToken(AjPStr* pthis, AjPStrTok* ptoken, const char* delim) { if(delim) return ajStrTokenNextParseC(ptoken, delim, pthis); else return ajStrTokenNextParse(ptoken, pthis); } /* @func ajStrTokenNextParseC ************************************************* ** ** Parses tokens from a string using a string token parser. Uses characters ** from a defined text string as a delimiter. ** ** Returns the next token parsed from a string token parsing object ** ** Note: This can return "true" but an empty string in cases where the ** delimiter has changed since the previous call. ** ** The test uses the C function 'strcspn'. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parsing object. ** @param [r] txtdelim [const char*] Delimiter character set. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Next token returned, may be empty if the ** delimiter has changed. ** @return [AjBool] True if successfully parsed. ** False (and string set to empty) if there is nothing ** more to parse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenNextParseC(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const char* txtdelim, AjPStr* Pstr) { if(!*Ptoken) { ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignC(&(*Ptoken)->Delim, txtdelim); return ajStrTokenNextParse(Ptoken, Pstr); } /* @func ajStrTokenNextParseS ************************************************* ** ** Parses tokens from a string using a string token parser. Uses characters ** from a defined string as a delimiter. ** ** Note: This can return "true" but an empty string in cases where the ** delimiter has changed since the previous call. ** ** The test uses the C function 'strcspn'. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parsing object. ** @param [r] strdelim [const AjPStr] Delimiter character set. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Next token returned, may be empty if the ** delimiter has changed. ** @return [AjBool] True if successfully parsed. ** False (and string set to empty) if there is nothing ** more to parse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenNextParseS(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, const AjPStr strdelim, AjPStr* Pstr) { if(!*Ptoken) { ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignS(&(*Ptoken)->Delim, strdelim); return ajStrTokenNextParse(Ptoken, Pstr); } /* @func ajStrTokenRestParse ************************************************** ** ** Returns the remainder of a string that's been partially parsed using a ** string token parser. ** ** @param [u] Ptoken [AjPStrTok*] String token parsing object. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Next token returned. ** @return [AjBool] True if successfully parsed. ** False (and string set to empty) if there is nothing ** more to parse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajStrTokenRestParse(AjPStrTok* Ptoken, AjPStr* Pstr) { AjPStrTok token; token = *Ptoken; if(!*Ptoken) { /* token already cleared */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); return ajFalse; } if(token->Pos >= token->String->Len) { /* all done */ ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); ajStrTokenDel(Ptoken); return ajFalse; } if(token->Pos < token->String->Len) ajStrAssignSubS(Pstr, token->String, token->Pos, token->String->Len); else ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); token->Pos = token->String->Len; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajStrTokenRest ** @replace ajStrTokenRestParse (1,2/2,1) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrTokenRest(AjPStr* pthis, AjPStrTok* ptoken) { return ajStrTokenRestParse(ptoken, pthis); } /* @obsolete ajStrNull ** @remove Make a local empty string instead */ __deprecated const AjPStr ajStrNull(void) { return strPNULL; } /* @obsolete ajStrArrayDel ** @remove Make a local copy if needed - ** no need for full set of array functions */ __deprecated void ajStrArrayDel(AjPStr** pthis) { AjPStr* thys; ajint i; thys = pthis ? *pthis : 0; if(!pthis) return; if(!*pthis) return; for (i=0; thys[i];i++) { ajStrDel(&thys[i]); } AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @obsolete ajStrAss ** @replace ajStrAssignC (1,n/1,'""') ** @replace ajStrAssignRef (1,2/1,2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrAss(AjPStr* pthis, AjPStr str) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; /* always true for now */ ajStrDel(pthis); /* we just use the ref count of str */ if(str) ajStrAssignRef(pthis, str); else ajStrAssignClear(pthis); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajStrCopyC ** @replace ajStrDel (1,n/1) ** @replace ajStrAssignC (1,2/1,2) */ __deprecated AjBool ajStrCopyC(AjPStr* pthis, const char* str) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; /* true if ajStrDup is used */ if(!str) ajStrDel(pthis); else ajStrAssignC(pthis, str); return ret; }