/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX seqtype functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2002 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" /* @datastatic SeqPType ******************************************************* ** ** Sequence types data structure, used to test input sequence against ** a defined sequence type ** ** @alias SeqSType ** @alias SeqOType ** ** @attr Name [const char*] sequence type name ** @attr Gaps [AjBool] allow gap characters ** @attr Ambig [AjBool] True if ambiguity codes are allowed ** @attr Type [ajuint] enumerated ISANY=0 ISNUC=1 ISPROT=2 ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr ConvertFrom [const char*] Convert each of these characters to the ** ConvertTo equivalent ** @attr ConvertTo [const char*] Equivalent for each sequence character in ** ConvertFrom ** @attr Badchars [(AjPRegexp*)] Test function ** @attr Goodchars [(AjPStr*)] Test function ** @attr Desc [const char*] Description for documentation purposes ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SeqSType { const char *Name; AjBool Gaps; AjBool Ambig; ajuint Type; ajint Padding; const char *ConvertFrom; const char *ConvertTo; AjPRegexp (*Badchars) (void); AjPStr (*Goodchars) (void); const char *Desc; } SeqOType; #define SeqPType SeqOType* enum ProtNuc {ISANY=0, ISNUC=1, ISPROT=2}; static char* seqNewGapChars = NULL; /* ** gaps only allowed if it says so ** gap conversion is a separate attribute, along with case convserion */ static AjBool seqFindType(const AjPStr type_name, ajint* typenum); static void seqGapSL(AjPStr* seq, char gapc, char padc, ajuint ilen); static AjBool seqTypeFix(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype); static AjBool seqTypeFixReg(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype, char fixchar); static void seqTypeSet(AjPSeq thys, const AjPStr Type); static AjBool seqTypeStopTrimS(AjPStr* pthys); static char seqTypeTest(const AjPStr thys, AjPRegexp badchars); static AjBool seqTypeTestI(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype); static char seqTypeTestS(const AjPStr thys, const AjPStr goodchars); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharAny(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharAnyGap(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNuc(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucGap(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucPure(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProt(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtGap(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtGapPhylo(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtPure(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtStop(void); static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtStopGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrAny(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrAnyGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrDnaGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrNuc(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucPure(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProt(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtAny(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtPure(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtStop(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtStopGap(void); static AjPStr seqTypeStrRnaGap(void); static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegAny = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegAnyGap = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegDnaGap = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegNuc = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegNucGap = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegNucGapPhylo = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegNucPure = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProt = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtAny = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtGap = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtGapPhylo = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtPure = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtStop = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegProtStopGap = NULL; static AjPRegexp seqtypeRegRnaGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetAny = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetAnyGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetDnaGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetNuc = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetNucGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetNucGapPhylo = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetNucPure = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProt = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtAny = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtGapPhylo = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtPure = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtStop = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetProtStopGap = NULL; static AjPStr seqtypeCharsetRnaGap = NULL; /* ** gap characters known are: ** ** . GCG and most others ** - Phylip and some alignment output ** ~ GCG for gaps at ends ** * Staden for DNA but stop for protein (fix on input?) ** O Phylip (fix on input?) - no longer possible: O is pyrrolysine in proteins */ /* char seqCharProt[] = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYacdefghiklmnpqrstvwyBUXZbuxz*?"; */ char seqCharProtPure[] = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"; char seqCharProtAmbig[] = "BJOUXZ?"; /* convert unwanted ones to Xx */ char seqCharProtStop[] = "*"; char seqCharNuc[] = "ACGTUBDHKMNRSVWXY?"; char seqCharNucPure[] = "ACGTU"; char seqCharNucAmbig[] = "BDHKMNRSVWXY?"; char seqCharGap[] = ".~-"; /* phylip used O in old versions */ char seqCharNucDna[] = "ACGTBDHKMNRSVWXY?"; char seqCharNucRna[] = "ACGUBDHKMNRSVWXY?"; char seqCharGapany[] = ".~-"; /* phylip used O in old versions*/ char seqCharGapdash[] = "-"; char seqCharGapdot[] = "."; char seqGap = '-'; /* the (only) EMBOSS gap character */ char seqCharGapTest[] = " .~-"; /* phylip used O - don't forget space */ char seqCharPhylo[] = "?"; /* phylip uses ? for unknown or gap */ /* @funclist seqType ********************************************************** ** ** Functions to test each sequence type ** ******************************************************************************/ static SeqOType seqType[] = { /* "name" Gaps Ambig Type Padding CvtFrom CvtTo BadcharsFunction GoodCharsFunction Description */ {"any", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISANY, 0, "?", "X", seqTypeCharAny, seqTypeStrAny, "any valid sequence"}, /* reset type */ {"gapany", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISANY, 0, "?", "X", seqTypeCharAnyGap, seqTypeStrAnyGap, "any valid sequence with gaps"}, /* reset type */ {"dna", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?XxUu", "NNnTt", seqTypeCharNuc, seqTypeStrNuc, "DNA sequence"}, {"puredna", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, ISNUC, 0, "Uu", "Tt", seqTypeCharNucPure, seqTypeStrNucPure, "DNA sequence, bases ACGT only"}, {"gapdna", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?XxUu", "NNnTt", seqTypeCharNucGap, seqTypeStrNucGap, "DNA sequence with gaps"}, {"gapdnaphylo", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "Uu", "Tt", seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo, seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo, "DNA sequence with gaps and queries"}, {"rna", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?XxTt", "NNnUu", seqTypeCharNuc, seqTypeStrNuc, "RNA sequence"}, {"purerna", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, ISNUC, 0, "Tt", "Uu", seqTypeCharNucPure, seqTypeStrNucPure, "RNA sequence, bases ACGU only"}, {"gaprna", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?XxTt", "NNnUu", seqTypeCharNucGap, seqTypeStrNucGap, "RNA sequence with gaps"}, {"gaprnaphylo", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "Tt", "Uu", seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo, seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo, "RNA sequence with gaps and queries"}, {"nucleotide", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?Xx", "NNn", seqTypeCharNuc, seqTypeStrNuc, "nucleotide sequence"}, {"purenucleotide", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, ISNUC, 0, NULL, NULL, seqTypeCharNucPure, seqTypeStrNucPure, "nucleotide sequence, bases ACGTU only"}, {"gapnucleotide", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, "?Xx", "NNn", seqTypeCharNucGap, seqTypeStrNucGap, "nucleotide sequence with gaps"}, {"gapnucleotidephylo", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISNUC, 0, NULL, NULL, seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo, seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo, "nucleotide sequence with gaps and queries"}, {"gapnucleotidesimple",AJTRUE, AJTRUE , ISNUC, 0, "BbDdHhKkMmRrSsVvWwXxYy?", "NnNnNnNnNnNnNnNnNnNnNnN", seqTypeCharNucGap, seqTypeStrNucGap, "nucleotide sequence with gaps but only N for ambiguity"}, {"protein", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?*", "XX", seqTypeCharProt, seqTypeStrProt, "protein sequence"}, {"pureprotein", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, ISPROT, 0, NULL, NULL, seqTypeCharProtPure, seqTypeStrProtPure, "protein sequence without BZ U X or *"}, {"stopprotein", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?", "X", seqTypeCharProtStop, seqTypeStrProtStop, "protein sequence with possible stops"}, {"gapprotein", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?*", "XX", seqTypeCharProtGap, seqTypeStrProtGap, "protein sequence with gaps"}, {"gapstopprotein", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?", "X", seqTypeCharProtStopGap, seqTypeStrProtStopGap, "protein sequence with gaps and possible stops"}, {"gapproteinphylo", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, NULL, NULL, seqTypeCharProtGapPhylo, seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo, "protein sequence with gaps, stops and queries"}, {"proteinstandard",AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?*UuJjOo", "XXXxXxXx", seqTypeCharProt, seqTypeStrProt, "protein sequence with no selenocysteine"}, {"stopproteinstandard",AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?UuJjOo", "XXxXxXx", seqTypeCharProtStop, seqTypeStrProtStop, "protein sequence with a possible stop but no selenocysteine"}, {"gapproteinstandard", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?*UuJjOo", "XXXxXxXx", seqTypeCharProtGap, seqTypeStrProtGap, "protein sequence with gaps but no selenocysteine"}, {"gapproteinsimple", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ISPROT, 0, "?*BbZzUuJjOo", "XXXxXxXxXxXx", seqTypeCharProtGap, seqTypeStrProtGap, "protein sequence with gaps but no selenocysteine"}, {NULL, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ISANY, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* @funcstatic seqTypeTestI *************************************************** ** ** Tests the type of a sequence is compatible with a defined type. ** If the type can have gaps, also tests for gap characters. ** Used only for testing, so never writes any error message ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] itype [ajint] Sequence type index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if compatible. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqTypeTestI(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype) { /* ** We have a known type, now we need to either show the sequence ** matches it, or fix it so it does (or, of course, give up) */ /* ** First we test the type - predefined by a database, ** or by checking the sequence characters */ if(seqType[itype].Gaps) { ajDebug("Convert gaps to '-'\n"); ajSeqGap(thys, seqGap, 0); } else { ajDebug("Remove all gaps\n"); ajStrRemoveGap(&thys->Seq); } if(seqType[itype].Type == ISPROT && !ajSeqIsProt(thys)) { ajDebug("Sequence is not a protein\n"); return ajFalse; } if(seqType[itype].Type == ISNUC && !ajSeqIsNuc(thys)) { ajDebug("Sequence is not nucleic\n"); return ajFalse; } if(ajStrIsCharsetCaseS(thys->Seq, seqType[itype].Goodchars())) { if(seqType[itype].ConvertFrom) { ajDebug("Convert '%s' to '%s'\n", seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); ajStrExchangeSetCC(&thys->Seq, seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); } return ajTrue; } ajDebug("seqTypeTestI: Sequence must be %s: found bad character\n", seqType[itype].Desc); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeFix ***************************************************** ** ** Fixes (if possible) unacceptable sequence characters by removing gaps ** (if no gaps are allowed) and by setting ambiguity codes (if they ** are allowed). ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] itype [ajint] Sequence type index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the type can be fixed ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqTypeFix(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype) { ajDebug("seqTypeFix '%s' '%S'\n", seqType[itype].Name, thys->Seq); /* ** if ungapped, remove any gap characters */ if(!seqType[itype].Gaps) ajStrRemoveGap(&thys->Seq); if (ajCharMatchC(seqType[itype].Name, "pureprotein")) seqTypeStopTrimS(&thys->Seq); if(seqType[itype].Ambig) { /* ** list the bad characters, change to 'X' or 'N' */ switch(seqType[itype].Type) { case ISPROT: if (ajCharMatchC(seqType[itype].Name, "protein")) seqTypeStopTrimS(&thys->Seq); seqTypeFixReg(thys, itype, 'X'); break; case ISNUC: seqTypeFixReg(thys, itype, 'N'); break; case ISANY: if(ajSeqIsNuc(thys)) seqTypeFixReg(thys, itype, 'N'); else seqTypeFixReg(thys, itype, 'X'); break; default: ajDie("Unknown sequence type code for '%s'", seqType[itype].Name); return ajFalse; } } if (ajCharMatchC(seqType[itype].Name, "pureprotein")) seqTypeStopTrimS(&thys->Seq); ajDebug("seqTypeFix done '%S'\n", thys->Seq); return seqTypeTestI(thys, itype); } /* @funcstatic seqTypeFixReg ************************************************** ** ** Fixes (if possible) unacceptable sequence characters by removing gaps ** (if no gaps are allowed) and by setting ambiguity codes (if they ** are allowed). ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] itype [ajint] Sequence type index ** @param [r] fixchar [char] Character to replace with ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the type can be fixed ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqTypeFixReg(AjPSeq thys, ajint itype, char fixchar) { ajDebug("seqTypeFixReg '%s' '%S'\n", seqType[itype].Name, thys->Seq); /*ajDebug("Seq old '%S'\n", thys->Seq);*/ return ajStrExchangeSetRestSK(&thys->Seq, seqType[itype].Goodchars(), fixchar); } /* @funcstatic seqTypeSet ***************************************************** ** ** Sets the sequence type. Uses the first character of the type ** which can be N or P ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] Type [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void seqTypeSet(AjPSeq thys, const AjPStr Type) { const char* cp; ajDebug("seqTypeSet '%S'\n", Type); cp = ajStrGetPtr(Type); switch(*cp) { case 'P': case 'p': ajSeqSetProt(thys); break; case 'N': case 'n': ajSeqSetNuc(thys); break; case '\0': break; default: ajDie("Unknown sequence type '%c'", *cp); } return; } /* @func ajSeqTypeCheckS ****************************************************** ** ** Tests the type of a sequence is compatible with a defined type. ** If the type can have gaps, also tests for gap characters. ** Used for input validation - writes error message if the type check fails ** ** @param [u] pthys [AjPStr*] Sequence string ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if compatible. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeCheckS(AjPStr* pthys, const AjPStr type_name) { /* AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; */ ajint itype = -1; /* ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckS type '%S' seq '%S'\n", type_name, *pthys); */ if(!ajStrGetLen(type_name)) /* nothing given - anything goes */ { ajSeqGapS(pthys, seqGap); return ajTrue; } if(!seqFindType(type_name, &itype)) { ajDie("Sequence type '%S' unknown", type_name); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckS type '%s' found (%s)\n", seqType[itype].Name, seqType[itype].Desc); if(seqType[itype].Gaps) { ajDebug("Convert gaps to '-'\n"); ajSeqGapS(pthys, seqGap); } else { ajDebug("Remove all gaps\n"); ajStrRemoveGap(pthys); } /* no need to test sequence type, we will test every character below */ if(ajStrIsCharsetCaseS(*pthys, seqType[itype].Goodchars())) { if(seqType[itype].ConvertFrom) { ajDebug("Convert '%s' to '%s'\n", seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); ajStrExchangeSetCC(pthys, seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); } return ajTrue; } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajSeqTypeCheckIn ***************************************************** ** ** Tests the type of a sequence is compatible with a defined type. ** If the type can have gaps, also tests for gap characters. ** Used for input validation - writes error message if the type check fails ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] seqin [const AjPSeqin] Sequence input object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if compatible. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeCheckIn(AjPSeq thys, const AjPSeqin seqin) { ajint itype = -1; AjPStr Type; ajint i; ajDebug("testing sequence '%s' '%S' type '%S' IsNuc %B IsProt %B\n", ajSeqGetNameC(thys), thys->Seq, seqin->Inputtype, seqin->IsNuc, seqin->IsProt); Type = seqin->Inputtype; /* ACD file had a predefined seq type */ if(seqin->IsNuc) ajSeqSetNuc(thys); if(seqin->IsProt) ajSeqSetProt(thys); if(seqin->Query && ajStrGetLen(seqin->Query->DbType)) seqTypeSet(thys, seqin->Query->DbType); if(!ajStrGetLen(Type)) /* nothing given - anything goes */ { ajSeqGap(thys, seqGap, 0); ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: OK - no type, gaps converted to '-'\n"); return ajTrue; } if(!seqFindType(Type, &itype)) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: rejected - unknown type\n"); ajDie("Sequence type '%S' unknown", Type); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn type '%s' found (%s)\n", seqType[itype].Name, seqType[itype].Desc); if(seqType[itype].Gaps) { ajDebug("Convert gaps to '-'\n"); ajSeqGap(thys, seqGap, 0); } else { ajDebug("Remove all gaps\n"); ajStrRemoveGap(&thys->Seq); } if(seqType[itype].Type == ISPROT) { if (ajSeqIsProt(thys)) { ajSeqSetProt(thys); } else { ajErr("Sequence is not a protein\n"); ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: rejected - not a protein\n"); return ajFalse; } } if(seqType[itype].Type == ISNUC) { if (ajSeqIsNuc(thys)) { ajSeqSetNuc(thys); } else { ajErr("Sequence is not nucleic\n"); ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: rejected - not nucleic\n"); return ajFalse; } } if(ajStrIsCharsetCaseS(thys->Seq, seqType[itype].Goodchars())) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: bad characters test passed, convert\n"); if(seqType[itype].ConvertFrom) { ajDebug("Convert '%s' to '%s'\n", seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); ajStrExchangeSetCC(&thys->Seq, seqType[itype].ConvertFrom, seqType[itype].ConvertTo); } ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: OK - no badchars\n"); return ajTrue; } if(seqTypeFix(thys, itype)) /* this will reuse badchars */ { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: OK - type fixed\n"); return ajTrue; } i = ajStrFindRestCaseS(thys->Seq, seqType[itype].Goodchars()); if(i >= 0) { ajErr("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: Sequence must be %s: " "found bad character '%c'", seqType[itype].Desc, ajStrGetCharPos(thys->Seq, i)); ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: rejected - still had badchars\n"); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("ajSeqTypeCheckIn: OK - fixed finally\n"); ajDebug("Final sequence '%S' type '%S' IsNuc %B IsProt %B\n", thys->Seq, seqin->Inputtype, seqin->IsNuc, seqin->IsProt); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajSeqTypeNucS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for nucleotide without gaps. ** ** RNA and DNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeNucS(const AjPStr thys) { char ret; ajDebug("ajSeqTypeNucS test\n"); ret = seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNuc()); if (ret) return ret; return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNucGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeDnaS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for DNA without gaps. ** ** RNA and DNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeDnaS(const AjPStr thys) { char ret; ajDebug("ajSeqTypeDnaS test\n"); ret = seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNuc()); if (ret) return ret; return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrDnaGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeRnaS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for Rna without gaps ** ** RNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeRnaS(const AjPStr thys) { char ret; ajDebug("ajSeqTypeRnaS test\n"); ret = seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNuc()); if (ret) return ret; return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrRnaGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeGapdnaS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for Dna with gaps ** ** DNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeGapdnaS(const AjPStr thys) { char ret; ajDebug("ajSeqTypeGapdnaS test\n"); ret = seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNucGap()); if (ret) return ret; return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrDnaGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeGaprnaS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for Rna with gaps ** ** RNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeGaprnaS(const AjPStr thys) { char ret; ajDebug("ajSeqTypeGaprnaS test\n"); ret = seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNucGap()); if (ret) return ret; return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrRnaGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeGapnucS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for nucleotide with gaps. ** ** RNA and DNA codes are accepted as is. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeGapnucS(const AjPStr thys) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeGapnucS test\n"); return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrNucGap()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeAnyprotS **************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for anything that can be in a protein sequence ** ** Stop codes are replaced with gaps. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeAnyprotS(const AjPStr thys) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeAnyprotS test\n"); return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrProtAny()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeProtS **************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for anything that can be in a protein sequence ** ** Stop codes are replaced with gaps. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeProtS(const AjPStr thys) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeProtS test\n"); return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrProt()); } /* @func ajSeqTypeGapanyS ***************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence type for any sequence with gaps. ** ** Stops ('*') are allowed so this could be a 3 frame translation of DNA. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string (unchanged at present) ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char ajSeqTypeGapanyS(const AjPStr thys) { ajDebug("ajSeqTypeGapanyS test\n"); return seqTypeTestS(thys, seqTypeStrAnyGap()); } /* @func ajSeqGap ************************************************************* ** ** Sets non-sequence characters to valid gap characters, ** and pads with extra gaps if necessary to a specified length ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence ** @param [r] gapc [char] Standard gap character ** @param [r] padc [char] Gap character for ends of sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqGap(AjPSeq thys, char gapc, char padc) { seqGapSL(&thys->Seq, gapc, padc, 0); return; } /* @func ajSeqGapLen ********************************************************** ** ** Sets non-sequence characters to valid gap characters, ** and pads with extra gaps if necessary to a specified length ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence ** @param [r] gapc [char] Standard gap character ** @param [r] padc [char] Gap character for ends of sequence ** @param [r] ilen [ajint] Sequence length. Expanded if longer than ** current length ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqGapLen(AjPSeq thys, char gapc, char padc, ajint ilen) { seqGapSL(&thys->Seq, gapc, padc, ilen); return; } /* @func ajSeqGapS ************************************************************ ** ** Sets non-sequence characters to valid gap characters, ** and pads with extra gaps if necessary to a specified length ** ** @param [u] seq [AjPStr*] Sequence ** @param [r] gapc [char] Standard gap character ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqGapS(AjPStr* seq, char gapc) { seqGapSL(seq, gapc, 0, 0); return; } /* @funcstatic seqGapSL ******************************************************* ** ** Sets non-sequence characters in a string to valid gap characters, ** and pads with extra gaps if necessary to a specified length ** ** @param [u] seq [AjPStr*] String of sequence characters ** @param [r] gapc [char] Standard gap character ** @param [r] padc [char] Gap character for ends of sequence ** @param [r] ilen [ajuint] Sequence length. Expanded if longer than ** current length ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void seqGapSL(AjPStr* seq, char gapc, char padc, ajuint ilen) { ajuint i; static ajuint igap; char* cp; char endc = gapc; igap = strlen(seqCharGapTest); if(!seqNewGapChars) { seqNewGapChars = ajCharNewRes(igap); seqNewGapChars[0] = '\0'; } /* Set the seqNewGapChars string to match gapc */ if(*seqNewGapChars != gapc) { for(i=0; i < igap; i++) seqNewGapChars[i] = gapc; seqNewGapChars[igap] = '\0'; } if(ilen) ajStrSetRes(seq, ilen+1); else ajStrGetuniqueStr(seq); ajStrExchangeSetCC(seq, seqCharGapTest, seqNewGapChars); if(padc) { /* start and end characters updated */ endc = padc; /* pad start */ for(cp = ajStrGetuniquePtr(seq); strchr(seqCharGapTest, *cp); cp++) *cp = padc; cp = ajStrGetuniquePtr(seq); for(i=ajStrGetLen(*seq) - 1; i && strchr(seqCharGapTest, cp[i]); i--) cp[i] = padc; } if(ajStrGetLen(*seq) < ilen) /* ilen can be zero to skip this */ { cp = ajStrGetuniquePtr(seq); for(i=ajStrGetLen(*seq); i < ilen; i++) cp[i] = endc; cp[ilen] = '\0'; ajStrSetValid(seq); } /* ajDebug("seqGapSL after '%S'\n", *seq); */ return; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStopTrimS *********************************************** ** ** Removes a trailing stop (asterisk) from a protein sequence ** ** @param [u] pthys [AjPStr*] Sequence string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a stop was removed. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqTypeStopTrimS(AjPStr* pthys) { if(strchr(seqCharProtStop,ajStrGetCharLast(*pthys))) { ajDebug("Trailing stop removed %c\n", ajStrGetCharLast(*pthys)); ajStrCutEnd(pthys, 1); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqSetNuc ********************************************************** ** ** Sets a sequence type to "nucleotide" ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPSeq] Sets sequence to be nucleotide ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqSetNuc(AjPSeq thys) { if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Type, "N")) return; ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "N"); if(thys->Fttable) ajFeattableSetNuc(thys->Fttable); /* set N as the ambiguity code */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&thys->Seq, "xX", "nN"); return; } /* @func ajSeqSetProt ********************************************************* ** ** Sets a sequence type to "protein" ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPSeq] Sets sequence to be protein ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqSetProt(AjPSeq thys) { if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Type, "P")) return; ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "P"); if(thys->Fttable) ajFeattableSetProt(thys->Fttable); return; } /* @func ajSeqsetSetNuc ******************************************************* ** ** Sets a sequence set type to "nucleotide" ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeqset] Sequence set object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqsetSetNuc(AjPSeqset thys) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "N"); return; } /* @func ajSeqsetSetProt ****************************************************** ** ** Sets a sequence set type to "protein" ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeqset] Sequence set object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqsetSetProt(AjPSeqset thys) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "P"); return; } /* @func ajSeqType ************************************************************ ** ** Sets the type of a sequence if it has not yet been defined. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPSeq] Sets the sequence type ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqType(AjPSeq thys) { ajDebug("ajSeqType current: %S\n", thys->Type); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Type)) return; if(ajSeqIsNuc(thys)) { ajSeqSetNuc(thys); ajDebug("ajSeqType nucleotide: %S\n", thys->Type); return; } if(ajSeqIsProt(thys)) { ajSeqSetProt(thys); ajDebug("ajSeqType protein: %S\n", thys->Type); return; } ajDebug("ajSeqType unknown: %S\n", thys->Type); return; } /* @func ajSeqPrintType ******************************************************* ** ** Prints the seqType definitions. ** For EMBOSS entrails output ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full output ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqPrintType(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajuint i; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajuint maxtmp = 0; const char* typeName[] = {"ANY", "NUC", "PRO"}; (void) full; /* make used - no extra detail reported */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n# Sequence Types\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Gap Ambig N/P " "From To Description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "seqType {\n"); for(i=0; seqType[i].Name; i++) { if (seqType[i].ConvertFrom) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-20s %3B %3B %3s", seqType[i].Name, seqType[i].Gaps, seqType[i].Ambig, typeName[seqType[i].Type]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", seqType[i].ConvertFrom); if(maxtmp > ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-8S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", seqType[i].ConvertTo); if(maxtmp > ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-8S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"\n", seqType[i].Desc); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-20s %3B %3B %s \"\" \"\" " "\"%s\"\n", seqType[i].Name, seqType[i].Gaps, seqType[i].Ambig, typeName[seqType[i].Type], seqType[i].Desc); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n"); if(maxtmp > 8) ajWarn("ajSeqPrintType max tmpstr len %d", maxtmp); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeTest **************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence contains only expected characters. ** ** Returns an invalid character for failure, or a null character for success. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string ** @param [u] badchars [AjPRegexp] Regular expression for ** sequence characters disallowed ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ******************************************************************************/ static char seqTypeTest(const AjPStr thys, AjPRegexp badchars) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; char ret = '\0'; if(!ajStrGetLen(thys)) return ret; /*ajDebug("seqTypeTest, Sequence '%S'\n", thys);*/ if(!ajRegExec(badchars, thys)) return ret; ajRegSubI(badchars, 1, &tmpstr); ret = ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpstr); ajDebug("seqTypeTest, Sequence had bad character '%c' (%x) " "at %d of %d/%d\n '%S'\n", ret, ret, ajRegOffset(badchars), ajStrGetLen(thys), strlen(ajStrGetPtr(thys)), tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeTestS *************************************************** ** ** Checks sequence contains only expected characters. ** ** Returns an invalid character for failure, or a null character for success. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] Sequence string ** @param [r] goodchars [const AjPStr] String of ** sequence characters allowed ** @return [char] invalid character if any. ******************************************************************************/ static char seqTypeTestS(const AjPStr thys, const AjPStr goodchars) { char ret = '\0'; ajint i; if(!ajStrGetLen(thys)) return ret; ajDebug("seqTypeTest, len %d goodchars '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys), goodchars); if(ajStrIsCharsetCaseS(thys, goodchars)) return ret; i = ajStrFindRestCaseS(thys, goodchars); if (i < 0) return ret; ret = ajStrGetCharPos(thys, i); ajDebug("seqTypeTest, Sequence had bad character '%c' (%x) " "at %d of %d/%d\n", ret, ret, i, ajStrGetLen(thys), strlen(ajStrGetPtr(thys))); return ret; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharAny ************************************************* ** ** Returns regular expression to test for type Any ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharAny(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegAny) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrAny()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrAny()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegAny = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegAny; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharAnyGap ********************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for type Any with gaps ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharAnyGap(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegAnyGap) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrAnyGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegAnyGap = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegAnyGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharNuc ************************************************* ** ** Returns regular expression to test for nucleotide bases ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNuc(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegNuc) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrNuc()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrNuc()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegNuc = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegNuc; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharNucGap ********************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for nucleotide bases with gaps ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucGap(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegNucGap) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrNucGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegNucGap = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegNucGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo ***************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for nucleotide bases with gaps ** and queries ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucGapPhylo(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegNucGapPhylo) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegNucGapPhylo = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegNucGapPhylo; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharNucPure ********************************************* ** ** Returns regular expression to test for nucleotide bases ** with no ambiguity ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharNucPure(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegNucPure) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrNucPure()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrNucPure()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegNucPure = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegNucPure; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProt ************************************************ ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProt(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProt) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProt()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProt()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProt = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProt; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProtGap ********************************************* ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues or gaps ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtGap(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProtGap) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProtGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProtGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProtGap = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProtGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProtGapPhylo **************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues or gaps ** stops and queries ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtGapPhylo(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProtGapPhylo) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProtGapPhylo = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProtGapPhylo; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProtPure ******************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues ** with no ambiguity ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtPure(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProtPure) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProtPure()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProtPure()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProtPure = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProtPure; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProtStop ******************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues or stop codons ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtStop(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProtStop) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProtStop()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProtStop()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProtStop = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProtStop; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeCharProtStopGap ***************************************** ** ** Returns regular expression to test for protein residues or stop codons ** or gap characters ** ** @return [AjPRegexp] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPRegexp seqTypeCharProtStopGap(void) { AjPStr regstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!seqtypeRegProtStopGap) { regstr = ajStrNewRes(256); tmpstr = ajStrNewS(seqTypeStrProtStopGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "([^"); ajStrKeepSetAlpha(&tmpstr); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(®str, seqTypeStrProtStopGap()); ajStrAppendC(®str, "+])"); seqtypeRegProtStopGap = ajRegComp(regstr); ajStrDel(®str); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } return seqtypeRegProtStopGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrAny ************************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Any ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrAny(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetAny) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetAny, "%s%s%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop, seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig); return seqtypeCharsetAny; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrAnyGap *********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Anygap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrAnyGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetAnyGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetAnyGap, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop, seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetAnyGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrDnaGap *********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Dnagap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrDnaGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetDnaGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetDnaGap, "%s%s%s", seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetDnaGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrNuc ************************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Nuc ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrNuc(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetNuc) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetNuc, "%s%s", seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig); return seqtypeCharsetNuc; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrNucGap *********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Nucgap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetNucGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetNucGap, "%s%s%s", seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetNucGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo ****************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Nucgapphylo ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucGapPhylo(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetNucGapPhylo) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetNucGapPhylo, "%s%s%s%s", seqCharNucPure, seqCharNucAmbig, seqCharPhylo, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetNucGapPhylo; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrNucPure ********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Nucpure ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrNucPure(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetNucPure) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetNucPure, "%s", seqCharNucPure); return seqtypeCharsetNucPure; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProt ************************************************* ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Prot ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProt(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProt) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProt, "%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig); return seqtypeCharsetProt; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtAny ********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protany ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtAny(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtAny) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtAny, "%s%s%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop, seqCharPhylo, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetProtAny; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtGap ********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protgap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtGap, "%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetProtGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo ***************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protgapphylo ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtGapPhylo(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtGapPhylo) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtGapPhylo, "%s%s%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop, seqCharPhylo, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetProtGapPhylo; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtPure ********************************************* ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protpure ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtPure(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtPure) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtPure, "%s", seqCharProtPure); return seqtypeCharsetProtPure; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtStop ********************************************* ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protstop ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtStop(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtStop) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtStop, "%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop); return seqtypeCharsetProtStop; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrProtStopGap ****************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Protstopgap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrProtStopGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetProtStopGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetProtStopGap, "%s%s%s%s", seqCharProtPure, seqCharProtAmbig, seqCharProtStop, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetProtStopGap; } /* @funcstatic seqTypeStrRnaGap *********************************************** ** ** Returns string of valid characters to test for type Rnagap ** ** @return [AjPStr] valid characters ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr seqTypeStrRnaGap(void) { if(!seqtypeCharsetRnaGap) ajFmtPrintS(&seqtypeCharsetRnaGap, "%s%s", seqCharNucRna, seqCharGap); return seqtypeCharsetRnaGap; } /* @funcstatic seqFindType **************************************************** ** ** Returns sequence type index and ajTrue if type was found ** ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @param [w] typenum [ajint*] Sequence type index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence type was found ** ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqFindType(const AjPStr type_name, ajint* typenum) { ajint i; ajint itype = -1; for(i = 0; seqType[i].Name; i++) if(ajStrMatchCaseC(type_name, seqType[i].Name)) { itype = i; break; } if(itype <0) { *typenum = i; return ajFalse; } *typenum = itype; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajSeqTypeIsProt ****************************************************** ** ** Returns ajTrue is sequence type can be a protein (or 'any') ** ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence can be protein ** ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeIsProt(const AjPStr type_name) { ajint itype; if(seqFindType(type_name, &itype)) switch(seqType[itype].Type) { case ISNUC: return ajFalse; default: return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqTypeIsNuc ******************************************************* ** ** Returns ajTrue is sequence type can be a nucleotide (or 'any') ** ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence can be nucleotide ** ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeIsNuc(const AjPStr type_name) { ajint itype; if(seqFindType(type_name, &itype)) switch(seqType[itype].Type) { case ISPROT: return ajFalse; default: return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqTypeIsAny ******************************************************* ** ** Returns ajTrue is sequence type can be a protein or nucleotide ** ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence can be protein or nucleotide ** ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeIsAny(const AjPStr type_name) { ajint itype; if(seqFindType(type_name, &itype)) switch(seqType[itype].Type) { case ISNUC: return ajFalse; case ISPROT: return ajFalse; default: return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqTypeSummary ***************************************************** ** ** Returns ajTrue is sequence type can be a protein or nucleotide ** ** @param [r] type_name [const AjPStr] Sequence type ** @param [w] Ptype [AjPStr*] Sequence type 'protein' 'nucleotide' or 'any' ** @param [w] gaps [AjBool*] True if gap characters are preserved ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence can be protein or nucleotide ** ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqTypeSummary(const AjPStr type_name, AjPStr* Ptype, AjBool* gaps) { ajint itype; if(seqFindType(type_name, &itype)) { *gaps = seqType[itype].Gaps; switch(seqType[itype].Type) { case ISNUC: ajStrAssignC(Ptype, "nucleotide"); break; case ISPROT: ajStrAssignC(Ptype, "protein"); break; default: ajStrAssignClear(Ptype); break; } return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqTypeExit ******************************************************** ** ** Cleans up sequence type processing internal memory ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqTypeExit(void) { ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegAny); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegAnyGap); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegDnaGap); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegNuc); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegNucGap); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegNucPure); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegProt); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegProtAny); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegProtGap); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegProtPure); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegProtStop); ajRegFree(&seqtypeRegRnaGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetAny); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetAnyGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetDnaGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetNuc); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetNucGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetNucGapPhylo); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetNucPure); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProt); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProtAny); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProtGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProtPure); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProtStop); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetProtStopGap); ajStrDel(&seqtypeCharsetRnaGap); ajCharDel(&seqNewGapChars); return; } /* @func ajSeqTypeUnused ****************************************************** ** ** Dummy function to catch all unused functions defined in the ajseqtype ** source file. ** ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqTypeUnused(void) { AjPStr ajpstr=NULL; AjPRegexp ajpregexp = NULL; seqTypeTest(ajpstr, ajpregexp); return; }