/* ** This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" static AjBool seqABIReadInt4(AjPFile fp,ajlong *i4); static AjBool seqABIReadFloat4(AjPFile fp,float* f4); static AjBool seqABIReadInt2(AjPFile fp, ajshort *i2); static AjBool seqABIGetFlag(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong flagInstance, ajlong word, ajlong* val); static AjBool seqABIGetFlagF(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong flagInstance, ajlong word,float* val); static AjBool seqABIGetFlagW(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong word, ajshort* val); static ajshort seqABIBaseIdx(char B); /* @func ajSeqABITest ********************************************************* ** ** Test file type is ABI format - look for 'ABIF' flag (which may be in one ** of 2 places). ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqABITest(AjPFile fp) { char pabi[5]; pabi[4] = '\0'; ajDebug("ajSeqABITest file %F end: %B\n", fp, fp->End); if (fp->End && ajFileIsStdin(fp)) { ajDebug("EOF: ajSeqABITest already at end file %F\n", fp); return ajFalse; } if(ajFileSeek(fp,0,SEEK_SET) >= 0) if(ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,4,(void *)pabi)) { ajDebug("ajSeqABITest was at '%s'\n", pabi); if(ajCharPrefixC(pabi,"ABIF")) return ajTrue; } if(ajFileSeek(fp,26,SEEK_SET) >= 0) { ajDebug("ajSeqABITest seek to pos 26\n"); if(ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,4,(void*)pabi)) { ajDebug("ajSeqABITest seek to '%s'\n", pabi); if(ajCharPrefixC(pabi,"ABIF")) return ajTrue; } } return ajFalse; } /* @func ajSeqABIReadSeq ****************************************************** ** ** Read in a sequence from an ABI trace file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format input file ** @param [r] baseO [ajlong] BASE offset in an ABI file ** @param [r] numBases [ajlong] number of bases ** @param [w] nseq [AjPStr*] read sequence ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqABIReadSeq(AjPFile fp,ajlong baseO,ajlong numBases, AjPStr* nseq) { ajint i; char pseq; ajDebug("ajSeqABIReadSeq base0 %Ld numBases %Ld\n", baseO, numBases); ajFileSeek(fp,baseO,SEEK_SET); for (i=0;i<(ajint)numBases;i++) { ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,1,&pseq); ajStrAppendK(nseq,pseq); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajSeqABIMachineName ************************************************** ** ** Get the name of the machine used to obtain an ABI trace file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [w] machine [AjPStr*] machine name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqABIMachineName(AjPFile fp,AjPStr *machine) { ajlong mchn; ajlong MCHNtag; unsigned char l; MCHNtag = ((ajlong) ((((('M'<<8)+'C')<<8)+'H')<<8)+'N'); if(seqABIGetFlag(fp,MCHNtag,1,5,&mchn)) { if (ajFileSeek(fp,mchn,SEEK_SET) >= 0) { ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,sizeof(char),&l); *machine = ajStrNewRes(l+1); ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,l,(void*)ajStrGetuniquePtr(machine)); *(ajStrGetuniquePtr(machine)+l)='\0'; } else return ajFalse; } else return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetNData ***************************************************** ** ** Find 'DATA' tag and get the number of data points. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] Number of data points in file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetNData(AjPFile fp) { ajlong numPoints; ajlong DATAtag; ajshort TRACE_INDEX; DATAtag = ((ajlong) ((((('D'<<8)+'A')<<8)+'T')<<8)+'A'); TRACE_INDEX = 9; if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,DATAtag,TRACE_INDEX,3,&numPoints)) ajFatal("Error - locating DATA tag"); return numPoints; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetNBase ***************************************************** ** ** Find the 'BASE' tag in an ABI trace file and get the number of bases. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] Number of bases in file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetNBase(AjPFile fp) { ajlong numBases; ajlong BASEtag; BASEtag = ((ajlong) ((((('P'<<8)+'B')<<8)+'A')<<8)+'S'); if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,BASEtag,1,3,&numBases)) ajFatal("Error - locating BASE tag"); return numBases; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetData ****************************************************** ** ** Read in the processed trace data from an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] Offset [const ajlong*] data offset in ABI file ** @param [r] numPoints [ajlong] number of data points ** @param [w] trace [AjPInt2d] (4xnumPoints) array of trace data ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqABIGetData(AjPFile fp,const ajlong *Offset,ajlong numPoints, AjPInt2d trace) { ajint i; ajint j; ajshort traceValue; /* Read in data */ for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (ajFileSeek(fp,Offset[i],SEEK_SET)) ajFatal("Error - reading trace"); for (j=0;j<(ajint)numPoints;j++) if (seqABIReadInt2(fp,&traceValue)) ajInt2dPut(&trace,i,j,(ajint)traceValue); else ajFatal("Error - reading trace"); } return; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetBasePosition ********************************************** ** ** Read in the base positions from an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] numBases [ajlong] number of bases to be read ** @param [w] basePositions [AjPShort*] base positions output ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqABIGetBasePosition(AjPFile fp,ajlong numBases, AjPShort* basePositions) { ajint i; ajshort bP; /* Read in base positions */ for (i=0;i<(ajint)numBases;i++) { if (!seqABIReadInt2(fp,&bP)) ajFatal("Error - in finding Base Position"); ajShortPut(basePositions,i,bP); } return; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetSignal **************************************************** ** ** Read in the signal strength information from an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] fwo_ [ajlong] field order ** @param [w] sigC [ajshort*] average signal strength for C ** @param [w] sigA [ajshort*] average signal strength for A ** @param [w] sigG [ajshort*] average signal strength for G ** @param [w] sigT [ajshort*] average signal strength for T ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajSeqABIGetSignal(AjPFile fp,ajlong fwo_, ajshort *sigC,ajshort *sigA, ajshort *sigG,ajshort *sigT) { ajlong signalO; ajshort* base[4]; ajlong SIGNALtag; SIGNALtag = ((ajlong) ((((('S'<<8)+'/')<<8)+'N')<<8)+'%'); /* Get signal strength info */ if (seqABIGetFlag(fp,SIGNALtag,1,5,&signalO)) { base[0] = sigC; base[1] = sigA; base[2] = sigG; base[3] = sigT; if (ajFileSeek(fp, signalO, SEEK_SET) >= 0 && seqABIReadInt2(fp, base[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>24&255))]) && seqABIReadInt2(fp, base[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>16&255))]) && seqABIReadInt2(fp, base[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>8&255))]) && seqABIReadInt2(fp, base[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_&255))])) { /* ajUser("avg_signal_strength = C:%d A:%d G:%d T:%d",sigC,sigA, sigG,sigT); */ } } return; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetBaseSpace ************************************************* ** ** Read in the base spacing from an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [float] base spacing ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ float ajSeqABIGetBaseSpace(AjPFile fp) { float spacing = 0.; ajlong SPACINGtag; SPACINGtag = ((ajlong) ((((('S'<<8)+'P')<<8)+'A')<<8)+'C'); seqABIGetFlagF(fp,SPACINGtag,1,5,&spacing); return spacing; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetBaseOffset ************************************************ ** ** Routine to get the 'BASE' tag offset in an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] 'BASE' tag offset in an ABI file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetBaseOffset(AjPFile fp) { ajlong baseO; ajlong BASEtag; BASEtag = ((ajlong) ((((('P'<<8)+'B')<<8)+'A')<<8)+'S'); /* Find BASE tag & get offset */ if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,BASEtag,1,5,&baseO)) ajFatal("Error - in finding Base Offset"); return baseO; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetBasePosOffset ********************************************* ** ** Routine to get the 'PLOC', base position, tag offset in an ABI file ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] base position offset in an ABI file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetBasePosOffset(AjPFile fp) { ajlong basePosO; ajlong BASEPOStag; BASEPOStag = ((ajlong) ((((('P'<<8)+'L')<<8)+'O')<<8)+'C'); /* Find BASEPOS tag & get base position offset */ if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,BASEPOStag,1,5,&basePosO)) ajFatal("Error - in finding Base Pos Offset"); return basePosO; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetFWO ******************************************************* ** ** Routine to get the "FWO" tag, field order ("GATC"), tag. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] field order ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetFWO(AjPFile fp) { ajlong fwo_; ajlong FWO_tag; FWO_tag = ((ajlong) ((((('F'<<8)+'W')<<8)+'O')<<8)+'_'); /* Find FWO tag */ if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,FWO_tag,1,5,&fwo_)) ajFatal("Error - in finding field order"); return fwo_; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetPrimerOffset ********************************************** ** ** Routine to get the primer offset in an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] primer offset ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetPrimerOffset(AjPFile fp) { ajshort primerPos; ajlong PPOStag; PPOStag = ((ajlong) ((((('P'<<8)+'P')<<8)+'O')<<8)+'S'); /* Find PPOS tag (Primer Position) & get offset */ if (!seqABIGetFlagW(fp,PPOStag,6,&primerPos)) ajFatal("Error - in finding primer offset"); return primerPos; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetPrimerPosition ******************************************** ** ** Routine to get the primer position in an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @return [ajint] primer position ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajSeqABIGetPrimerPosition(AjPFile fp) { ajlong primerPosition; ajlong PPOStag; PPOStag = ((ajlong) ((((('P'<<8)+'P')<<8)+'O')<<8)+'S'); if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,PPOStag,1,5,&primerPosition)) ajFatal("Error - in getting primer position"); { /* ppos stored in MBShort of pointer */ primerPosition = primerPosition>>16; } return primerPosition; } /* @func ajSeqABIGetTraceOffset *********************************************** ** ** Get the processed trace data ('DATA' tag) offset in an ABI file. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [w] Offset [ajlong *] trace data offset, used in ajSeqABIGetData ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajSeqABIGetTraceOffset(AjPFile fp, ajlong *Offset) { ajlong dataxO[4]; ajlong fwo_; /* BYTE[i] is a byte mask for byte i */ const ajlong BYTE[] = { 0x000000ff }; ajshort TRACE_INDEX; ajlong DATAtag; TRACE_INDEX = 9; DATAtag = ((ajlong) ((((('D'<<8)+'A')<<8)+'T')<<8)+'A'); /* Find FWO tag - Field order "GATC" */ fwo_ = ajSeqABIGetFWO(fp); /* Get data trace offsets */ if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,DATAtag,TRACE_INDEX, 5,&dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>24&BYTE[0]))])) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,DATAtag,TRACE_INDEX+1, 5,&dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>16&BYTE[0]))])) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,DATAtag,TRACE_INDEX+2, 5,&dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>8&BYTE[0]))])) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIGetFlag(fp,DATAtag,TRACE_INDEX+3, 5,&dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_&BYTE[0]))])) return ajFalse; Offset[0]=dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>24&BYTE[0]))]; Offset[1]=dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>16&BYTE[0]))]; Offset[2]=dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_>>8&BYTE[0]))]; Offset[3]=dataxO[seqABIBaseIdx((char)(fwo_&BYTE[0]))]; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIReadInt4 ************************************************ ** ** Routine to read 4 bytes from a file and return the integer. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [w] i4 [ajlong *] ajlong integer read in from ABI file ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIReadInt4(AjPFile fp,ajlong *i4) { unsigned char buf[sizeof(ajlong)]; if (ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,4,(void *)buf) != 1) return ajFalse; *i4 = (ajlong) (((ajulong)buf[3]) + ((ajulong)buf[2]<<8) + ((ajulong)buf[1]<<16) + ((ajulong)buf[0]<<24)); /*ajDebug("seqABIReadInt4 %Ld, %x %x %x %x\n", *i4, (int) buf[0],(int) buf[1], (int) buf[2],(int) buf[3]);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIReadFloat4 *********************************************** ** ** Routine to read 4 bytes from a file and return the float. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [w] f4 [float *] float read in from ABI file ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIReadFloat4(AjPFile fp,float* f4) { unsigned char buf[sizeof(ajlong)]; ajulong res; if (ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,4,(void *)buf) != 1) return ajFalse; res = (ajulong) (((ajulong)buf[3]) + ((ajulong)buf[2]<<8) + ((ajulong)buf[1]<<16) + ((ajulong)buf[0]<<24)); *f4 = (float) res; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIReadInt2 ************************************************* ** ** Routine to read 2 bytes from a file and return the short integer. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [w] i2 [ajshort *] short integer read in from ABI file ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIReadInt2(AjPFile fp, ajshort *i2) { unsigned char buf[sizeof(ajshort)]; if (ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,2,(void *)buf) != 1) return ajFalse; *i2 = (ajshort) (((ajushort)buf[1]) + ((ajushort)buf[0]<<8)); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIGetFlag ************************************************** ** ** Routine to read through an ABI trace file until it reaches a flag ** (flagLabel). If there are multiple flags in the file it will search ** to find the correct instance of that flag (flagInstance). ** It will then return the *integer* value (val) of the word+1 from ** that flag record. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] flagLabel [ajlong] flag in the ABI file ** @param [r] flagInstance [ajlong] flag instance in the ABI file ** @param [r] word [ajlong] number of fields to ignore in this record ** @param [w] val [ajlong*] integer value of the word+1 ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIGetFlag(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong flagInstance, ajlong word, ajlong* val) { ajint flagNum = -1; ajint i; ajlong Label; ajlong Instance; ajlong indexO; ajint INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH; INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH= 28; if(ajFileSeek(fp,26,SEEK_SET) || (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &indexO))) ajFatal("Error - in finding flag"); do { flagNum++; if (ajFileSeek(fp,indexO+(flagNum*INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH),SEEK_SET) != 0) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &Label)) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &Instance)) return ajFalse; } while (!(Label == (ajlong)flagLabel && Instance == (ajlong)flagInstance)); for (i=2; i<=word; i++) { if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, val)) return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIGetFlagF ************************************************* ** ** Routine to read through an ABI trace file until it reaches a flag ** (flagLabel). If there are multiple flags in the file it will search ** to find the correct instance of that flag (flagInstance). ** It will then return the *float* value (val) of the word+1 from ** that flag record. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] flagLabel [ajlong] flag in the ABI file ** @param [r] flagInstance [ajlong] flag instance in the ABI file ** @param [r] word [ajlong] number of fields to ignore in this record ** @param [w] val [float*] integer value of the word+1 ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIGetFlagF(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong flagInstance, ajlong word,float* val) { ajint flagNum = -1; ajint i; ajlong Label; ajlong Instance; ajlong indexO; ajint INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH; INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH= 28; if(ajFileSeek(fp,26,SEEK_SET) || (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &indexO))) ajFatal("Error - in finding flag"); do { flagNum++; if (ajFileSeek(fp,indexO+(flagNum*INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH),SEEK_SET) != 0) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &Label)) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &Instance)) return ajFalse; } while (!(Label == (ajlong)flagLabel && Instance == (ajlong)flagInstance)); for (i=2; i<=word; i++) if (!seqABIReadFloat4(fp, val)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic seqABIGetFlagW ************************************************* ** ** Routine to read through an ABI trace file until it reaches a flag ** (flagLabel). If there are multiple flags in the file it will search ** to find the correct instance of that flag (flagInstance). ** It will then return the *short ajint* value (val) of the word+1 from ** that flag record. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] ABI format file ** @param [r] flagLabel [ajlong] flag in the ABI file ** @param [r] word [ajlong] number of fields to ignore in this record ** @param [w] val [ajshort*] integer value of the word+1 ** @return [AjBool] true if read successfully ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool seqABIGetFlagW(AjPFile fp, ajlong flagLabel, ajlong word, ajshort* val) { ajint flagNum = -1; ajint i; ajlong Label; ajlong jval; ajlong indexO; ajint INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH; INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH= 28; if(ajFileSeek(fp,26,SEEK_SET) || (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &indexO))) ajFatal("Error - in finding flag"); do { flagNum++; if (ajFileSeek(fp, indexO+(flagNum*INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH), SEEK_SET) != 0) return ajFalse; if (!seqABIReadInt4(fp, &Label)) return ajFalse; } while (Label != (ajlong)flagLabel); for (i=2; i= 0)) { ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,sizeof(char),&l); *sample = ajStrNewRes(l+1); ajReadbinBinary(fp,1,l,(void*)ajStrGetuniquePtr(sample)); *(ajStrGetuniquePtr(sample)+l)='\0'; } return ajTrue; }