#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef ajseqreport_h #define ajseqreport_h /* @data AjPReport ************************************************************ ** ** Ajax Report Output object. ** ** Holds definition of feature report output. ** ** @alias AjSReport ** @alias AjOReport ** ** @other AjPSeqout Sequence output ** @other AjPFile Input and output files ** ** @attr Name [AjPStr] As "Source" for features, usually empty ** @attr Type [AjPStr] "P" Protein or "N" Nucleotide ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Report format (-rformat) ** @attr Fttable [AjPFeattable] Feature table to use (obsolete?) ** @attr Ftquery [AjPFeattabOut] Output definition for features ** @attr Extension [AjPStr] Output file extension ** @attr File [AjPFile] Output file object ** @attr Tagnames [AjPList] List of extra tag names (from ACD) ** @attr Tagprints [AjPList] List of extra tag printnames (from ACD) ** @attr Tagtypes [AjPList] List of extra tag datatypes (from ACD) ** @attr Header [AjPStr] Text to add to header with newlines ** @attr SubHeader [AjPStr] Text to add to subheader with newlines ** @attr Tail [AjPStr] Text to add to tail with newlines ** @attr SubTail [AjPStr] Text to add to subtail with newlines ** @attr FileNames [AjPList] Names of extra files (see FileTypes) ** @attr FileTypes [AjPList] Types of extra files (see FileNames) ** @attr Precision [ajint] Floating precision for score ** @attr Showacc [AjBool] Report accession number ** @attr Showdes [AjBool] Report sequence description ** @attr Showusa [AjBool] Report USA (-rusa) or only seqname ** @attr Showscore [AjBool] Report score (if optional for format) ** @attr Showstrand [AjBool] Report nucleotide strand (if optional for format) ** @attr Multi [AjBool] if true, assume >1 sequence ** @attr Mintags [ajint] Minimum number of tags to report ** @attr CountSeq [ajint] Number of sequences reported so far ** @attr CountHit [ajint] Number of features reported so far ** @attr MaxHitAll [ajint] Maximum number of hits to report overall ** @attr MaxHitSeq [ajint] Maximum number of hits to report for each sequence ** @attr Format [AjEnum] Report format (index number) ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** @new ajReportNew Default constructor ** @delete ajReportDel Default destructor ** @output ajReportWrite Master sequence output routine ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSReport { AjPStr Name; AjPStr Type; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPFeattable Fttable; AjPFeattabOut Ftquery; AjPStr Extension; AjPFile File; AjPList Tagnames; AjPList Tagprints; AjPList Tagtypes; AjPStr Header; AjPStr SubHeader; AjPStr Tail; AjPStr SubTail; AjPList FileNames; AjPList FileTypes; ajint Precision; AjBool Showacc; AjBool Showdes; AjBool Showusa; AjBool Showscore; AjBool Showstrand; AjBool Multi; ajint Mintags; ajint CountSeq; ajint CountHit; ajint MaxHitAll; ajint MaxHitSeq; AjEnum Format; char Padding[4]; } AjOReport; #define AjPReport AjOReport* /* ** Prototype definitions */ void ajReportClose (AjPReport pthys); void ajReportDel (AjPReport* pthys); void ajReportDummyFunction(void); void ajReportExit(void); void ajReportFileAdd (AjPReport thys, AjPFile file, const AjPStr type); AjBool ajReportFindFormat (const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat); AjBool ajReportFormatDefault (AjPStr* pformat); ajint ajReportLists (const AjPReport thys, AjPStr** types, AjPStr** names, AjPStr** prints, ajuint** tagsizes); AjPReport ajReportNew (void); AjBool ajReportOpen (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr name); void ajReportPrintFormat (AjPFile outf, AjBool full); const AjPStr ajReportSeqName (const AjPReport thys, const AjPSeq seq); void ajReportAppendHeader (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr header); void ajReportAppendHeaderC (AjPReport thys, const char* header); void ajReportSetHeader (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr header); void ajReportSetHeaderC (AjPReport thys, const char* header); void ajReportAppendSubHeader (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr header); void ajReportAppendSubHeaderC (AjPReport thys, const char* header); void ajReportSetSubHeader (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr header); void ajReportSetSubHeaderC (AjPReport thys, const char* header); AjBool ajReportSetTags (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr taglist); void ajReportAppendTail (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajReportAppendTailC (AjPReport thys, const char* tail); void ajReportSetTail (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajReportSetTailC (AjPReport thys, const char* tail); void ajReportAppendSubTail (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajReportAppendSubTailC (AjPReport thys, const char* tail); void ajReportSetSubTail (AjPReport thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajReportSetSubTailC (AjPReport thys, const char* tail); void ajReportSetType (AjPReport thys, const AjPFeattable ftable, const AjPSeq seq); AjBool ajReportValid (AjPReport thys); AjBool ajReportWrite (AjPReport thys, const AjPFeattable ftable, const AjPSeq seq); void ajReportWriteHeader (AjPReport thys, const AjPFeattable ftable, const AjPSeq seq); void ajReportWriteTail (AjPReport thys, const AjPFeattable ftable, const AjPSeq seq); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif