/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX REG (ajax regular expression) functions ** ** Uses Henry Spencer's older regular expression library at present. ** The newer version appears to have some performance problems, ** especially in extracting substrings which we may need to use ** quite extensively. ** ** A major reason for adding this layer is to allow a future ** near-transparent switch to the POSIX version of the Henry Spencer ** library at some future date. ** ** Some extra tricks are added, such as simply returning the matched ** string or the nth substring. ** ** Possible extensions include a case-insensitive regcomp ... which ** would be useful in many places. Also a regcomp for prefices, ** suffices and exact matches which adds "^" and "$" to the pattern ** string. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @modified Jun 25 pmr First version ** @@ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" static ajlong regAlloc = 0; static ajlong regFree = 0; static ajlong regFreeCount = 0; static ajlong regCount = 0; static ajlong regTotal = 0; /* constructors */ /* @func ajRegComp ************************************************************ ** ** Compiles a regular expression. ** ** @param [r] exp [const AjPStr] Regular expression string. ** @return [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRegexp ajRegComp(const AjPStr exp) { return ajRegCompC(ajStrGetPtr(exp)); } /* @func ajRegCompC *********************************************************** ** ** Compiles a regular expression. ** ** @param [r] exp [const char*] Regular expression character string. ** @return [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRegexp ajRegCompC(const char* exp) { AjPRegexp ret; int options = 0; int errpos = 0; const char *errptr = NULL; const unsigned char *tableptr = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); AJCNEW0(ret->ovector, AJREG_OVECSIZE); ret->ovecsize = AJREG_OVECSIZE/3; ret->pcre = pcre_compile(exp, options, &errptr, &errpos, tableptr); if(!ret->pcre) { ajErr("Failed to compile regular expression '%s' at position %d: %s", exp, errpos, errptr); AJFREE(ret); return NULL; } regAlloc += sizeof(ret); regCount ++; regTotal ++; /*ajDebug("ajRegCompC %x size %d regexp '%s'\n", ret, (int) sizeof(ret), exp);*/ return ret; } /* @func ajRegCompCase ******************************************************** ** ** Compiles a case-insensitive regular expression. ** ** @param [r] exp [const AjPStr] Regular expression string. ** @return [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRegexp ajRegCompCase(const AjPStr exp) { return ajRegCompCaseC(ajStrGetPtr(exp)); } /* @func ajRegCompCaseC ******************************************************* ** ** Compiles a case-insensitive regular expression. ** ** @param [r] exp [const char*] Regular expression character string. ** @return [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRegexp ajRegCompCaseC(const char* exp) { AjPRegexp ret; int options = PCRE_CASELESS; int errpos = 0; const char *errptr = NULL; const unsigned char *tableptr = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); AJCNEW0(ret->ovector, AJREG_OVECSIZE); ret->ovecsize = AJREG_OVECSIZE/3; ret->pcre = pcre_compile(exp, options, &errptr, &errpos, tableptr); if(!ret->pcre) { ajErr("Failed to compile regular expression '%s' at position %d: %s", exp, errpos, errptr); AJFREE(ret); return NULL; } regAlloc += sizeof(ret); regCount ++; regTotal ++; /*ajDebug("ajRegCompCaseC %x size %d regexp '%s'\n", ret, (int) sizeof(ret), exp);*/ return ret; } /* execute expression match */ /* @func ajRegExec ************************************************************ ** ** Execute a regular expression search. ** The expression must first have been compiled with ajRegComp or ajRegCompC. ** ** Internal data structures in the expression will be set to substrings ** which other functions can retrieve. ** ** @param [u] prog [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to be compared. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a match was found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegExec(AjPRegexp prog, const AjPStr str) { int startoffset = 0; int options = 0; int status = 0; status = pcre_exec(prog->pcre, prog->extra, ajStrGetPtr(str), ajStrGetLen(str), startoffset, options, prog->ovector, 3*prog->ovecsize); if(status >= 0) { prog->orig = ajStrGetPtr(str); if(status == 0) ajWarn("ajRegExec too many substrings"); return ajTrue; } if(status < -1) /* -1 is a simple fail to match */ { /* others are recursion limits etc. */ ajDebug("ajRegExec returned unexpected status '%d'\n", status); prog->orig = ajStrGetPtr(str); /* needed for the trace */ ajRegTrace(prog); } prog->orig = NULL; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajRegExecC *********************************************************** ** ** Execute a regular expression search. ** The expression must first have been compiled with ajRegComp or ajRegCompC. ** ** Internal data structures in the expression will be set to substrings ** which other functions can retrieve. ** ** @param [u] prog [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [r] str [const char*] String to be compared. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a match was found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegExecC(AjPRegexp prog, const char* str) { int startoffset = 0; int options = 0; int status = 0; status = pcre_exec(prog->pcre, prog->extra, str, strlen(str), startoffset, options, prog->ovector, 3*prog->ovecsize); if(status >= 0) { prog->orig = str; if(status == 0) ajWarn("ajRegExecC too many substrings"); return ajTrue; } if(status < -1) /* -1 is a simple fail to match */ { /* others are recursion limits etc. */ ajDebug("ajRegExecC returned unexpected status '%d'\n", status); prog->orig = str; /* needed for the trace */ ajRegTrace(prog); } prog->orig = NULL; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajRegOffset ********************************************************** ** ** After a successful regular expression match, uses the regular ** expression and the original string to calculate the offset ** of the match from the start of the string. ** ** This information is normally lost during processing. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @return [ajint] Offset of match from start of string. ** -1 if the string and the expression do not match. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajRegOffset(const AjPRegexp rp) { return (rp->ovector[0]); } /* @func ajRegOffsetI ********************************************************* ** ** After a successful regular expression match, uses the regular ** expression and the original string to calculate the offset ** of a substring from the start of the string. ** ** This information is normally lost during processing. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number. ** @return [ajint] Offset of match from start of string. ** -1 if the string and the expression do not match. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajRegOffsetI(const AjPRegexp rp, ajint isub) { if(isub < 1) ajErr("Invalid substring number %d", isub);; if(isub >= (rp->ovecsize)) ajErr("Invalid substring number %d", isub);; return (rp->ovector[isub*2]); } /* @func ajRegLenI ************************************************************ ** ** After a successful comparison, returns the length of a substring. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number. ** @return [ajint] Substring length, or 0 if not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajRegLenI(const AjPRegexp rp, ajint isub) { ajint istart; ajint iend; istart = 2*isub; iend = istart+1; if(isub < 0) return 0; if(isub >= rp->ovecsize) return 0; if(rp->ovector[istart] < 0) return 0; return (rp->ovector[iend] - rp->ovector[istart]); } /* @func ajRegPost ************************************************************ ** ** After a successful match, returns the remainder of the string. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [w] post [AjPStr*] String to hold the result. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegPost(const AjPRegexp rp, AjPStr* post) { if(rp->ovector[1]) { ajStrAssignC(post, &rp->orig[rp->ovector[1]]); return ajTrue; } ajStrDelStatic(post); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajRegPostC *********************************************************** ** ** After a successful match, returns the remainder of the string. ** Result is a character string, which is set to point to the internal ** string data. This in turn is part of the original string. If this ** changes then the results are undefined. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [w] post [const char**] Character string to hold the result. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegPostC(const AjPRegexp rp, const char** post) { if(rp->ovector[1]) { *post = &rp->orig[rp->ovector[1]]; return ajTrue; } *post = 0; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajRegPre ************************************************************ ** ** After a successful match, returns the string before the match. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [w] dest [AjPStr*] String to hold the result. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegPre(const AjPRegexp rp, AjPStr* dest) { ajint ilen; ilen = rp->ovector[0]; ajStrSetRes(dest, ilen+1); if(ilen) { memmove((*dest)->Ptr, rp->orig, ilen); (*dest)->Len = ilen; (*dest)->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } ajStrDelStatic(dest); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajRegSubI ************************************************************ ** ** After a successful match, returns a substring. ** ** @param [r] rp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number. ** @param [w] dest [AjPStr*] String to hold the result. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a substring was defined ** ajFalse if the substring is not matched ** ajFalse if isub is out of range ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajRegSubI(const AjPRegexp rp, ajint isub, AjPStr* dest) { ajint ilen; ajint istart; ajint iend; istart = 2*isub; iend = istart+1; if(isub < 0) { ajStrDelStatic(dest); return ajFalse; } if(isub >= rp->ovecsize) { ajStrDelStatic(dest); return ajFalse; } if(rp->ovector[istart] < 0) { ajStrDelStatic(dest); return ajFalse; } ilen = rp->ovector[iend] - rp->ovector[istart]; ajStrSetRes(dest, ilen+1); if(ilen) memmove((*dest)->Ptr, &rp->orig[rp->ovector[istart]], ilen); (*dest)->Len = ilen; (*dest)->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; return ajTrue; } /* destructor */ /* @func ajRegFree ************************************************************ ** ** Clears and frees a compiled regular expression. ** ** @param [d] pexp [AjPRegexp*] Compiled regular expression. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajRegFree(AjPRegexp* pexp) { AjPRegexp exp; if(!pexp) return; if(!*pexp) return; exp = *pexp; /* ajDebug("ajRegFree %x size regexp %d\n", exp, (ajint) sizeof(exp)); */ regFreeCount += 1; regFree += sizeof(*exp); if(exp->pcre) regFree += sizeof(exp->pcre); if(exp->extra) regFree += sizeof(exp->extra); regTotal --; AJFREE(exp->pcre); AJFREE(exp->extra); AJFREE(exp->ovector); AJFREE(*pexp); return; } /* @func ajRegTrace *********************************************************** ** ** Traces a compiled regular expression with debug calls. ** ** @param [r] exp [const AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajRegTrace(const AjPRegexp exp) { ajint isub; ajint ilen; ajint ipos; ajint istart; ajint iend; static AjPStr str = NULL; ajDebug(" REGEXP trace\n"); if (!exp->orig) ajDebug("original string not saved - unable to trace string values\n"); for(isub=0; isub < exp->ovecsize; isub++) { istart = 2*isub; iend = istart+1; if (!exp->orig) { if(!isub) { ajDebug("original string from %d .. %d\n", exp->ovector[istart], exp->ovector[iend]); } else { ajDebug("substring %2d from %d .. %d\n", isub, exp->ovector[istart], exp->ovector[iend]); } continue; } if(exp->ovector[iend] >= exp->ovector[istart]) { ilen = exp->ovector[iend] - exp->ovector[istart]; ajStrSetRes(&str, ilen+1); memmove(str->Ptr, &exp->orig[exp->ovector[istart]], ilen); str->Len = ilen; str->Ptr[ilen] = '\0'; if(!isub) { ajDebug(" original string '%s'\n", exp->orig); ajDebug(" string match '%S'\n", str); } else { ipos = exp->ovector[istart]; ajDebug(" substring %2d '%S' at %d\n", isub, str, ipos); } } } ajDebug("\n"); ajStrDel(&str); return; } /* @func ajRegExit ************************************************************ ** ** Prints a summary of regular expression (AjPRegexp) usage with debug calls ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajRegExit(void) { ajDebug("Regexp usage (bytes): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed, %Ld in use (sizes change)\n", regAlloc, regFree, (regAlloc - regFree)); ajDebug("Regexp usage (number): %Ld allocated, %Ld freed %Ld in use\n", regCount, regFreeCount, regTotal); return; }