/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX Phylogeny functions ** These functions create and control linked lists. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" static AjPRegexp phyloRegDistFloat = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegFreqFloat = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegFreqInt = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegFreqIndiv = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegPropProp = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegStateState = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegStateInt = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegStateChar = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeTree = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeRoot = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeUnroot = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeMulti = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeQuart = NULL; static AjPRegexp phyloRegTreeLength = NULL; /* @func ajPhyloDistNew ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPPhyloDist ** ** @return [AjPPhyloDist] AjPPhyloDist object ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloDist ajPhyloDistNew(void) { AjPPhyloDist ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloFreqNew ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPPhyloFreq ** ** @return [AjPPhyloFreq] AjPPhyloFreq object ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloFreq ajPhyloFreqNew(void) { AjPPhyloFreq ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloPropNew ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPPhyloProp ** ** @return [AjPPhyloProp] AjPPhyloProp object ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloProp ajPhyloPropNew(void) { AjPPhyloProp ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloStateNew ***************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPPhyloState ** ** @return [AjPPhyloState] AjPPhyloState object ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloState ajPhyloStateNew(void) { AjPPhyloState ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloTreeNew ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPPhyloTree ** ** @return [AjPPhyloTree] AjPPhyloTree object ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloTree ajPhyloTreeNew(void) { AjPPhyloTree ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloDistDel ****************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloDist ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloDist*] Distance object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloDistDel(AjPPhyloDist* pthis) { AjPPhyloDist thys; ajint i; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; if(thys->Names) { for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajStrDel(&thys->Names[i]); AJFREE(thys->Names); } AJFREE(thys->Data); AJFREE(thys->Replicates); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloFreqDel ****************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloFreq ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloFreq*] fequency object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloFreqDel(AjPPhyloFreq* pthis) { AjPPhyloFreq thys; ajint i; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; if(thys->Names) { for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajStrDel(&thys->Names[i]); AJFREE(thys->Names); } AJFREE(thys->Locus); AJFREE(thys->Allele); AJFREE(thys->Species); AJFREE(thys->Individuals); AJFREE(thys->Data); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloPropDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloProp ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloProp*] Properties object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloPropDel(AjPPhyloProp* pthis) { AjPPhyloProp thys; ajint i; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; if(thys->Str) for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajStrDel(&thys->Str[i]); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloStateDel ****************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloState ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloState*] Discrete states object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloStateDel(AjPPhyloState* pthis) { AjPPhyloState thys; ajint i; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; if(thys->Names) { for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajStrDel(&thys->Names[i]); AJFREE(thys->Names); } if(thys->Str) { for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajStrDel(&thys->Str[i]); AJFREE(thys->Str); } ajStrDel(&thys->Characters); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloStateDelarray ************************************************* ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloState array ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloState**] States object array ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloStateDelarray(AjPPhyloState** pthis) { ajuint i = 0; if(!pthis) return; if(!*pthis) return; while((*pthis)[i]) { ajPhyloStateDel(&(*pthis)[i]); i++; } AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloTreeDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloTree ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloTree*] Trees object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloTreeDel(AjPPhyloTree* pthis) { AjPPhyloTree thys; if(!pthis) return; thys = *pthis; if(!thys) return; ajStrDel(&thys->Tree); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloTreeDelarray ************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPPhyloTree array ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPPhyloTree**] Trees object array ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloTreeDelarray(AjPPhyloTree** pthis) { ajuint i = 0; if(!pthis) return; if(!*pthis) return; while((*pthis)[i]) { ajPhyloTreeDel(&(*pthis)[i]); i++; } AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @func ajPhyloDistRead ****************************************************** ** ** Reads phylogenetic distance matrix from a file ** ** @param [r] filename [const AjPStr] input filename ** @param [r] size [ajint] Number of rows in distance matrix ** @param [r] missing [AjBool] Missing values (replicates zero) allowed ** @return [AjPPhyloDist*] Phylogenetic distances object on success ** NULL on failure ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloDist* ajPhyloDistRead(const AjPStr filename, ajint size, AjBool missing) { AjPPhyloDist* ret = NULL; AjPPhyloDist dist = NULL; AjPFile distfile = NULL; AjPList distlist = NULL; AjPStr rdline = NULL; ajint count; ajint irow = 0 ; ajint icol = 0; ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; ajint k = 0; ajint ncells; float dval; ajint ival; ajint ipos = 0; ajint iend; ajint idiag; ajint jpos; AjBool done = ajFalse; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpval = NULL; AjBool lowertri = ajFalse; AjBool uppertri = ajFalse; if(!phyloRegDistFloat) phyloRegDistFloat = ajRegCompC("^\\s*([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)\\s+(([0-9]+)[^0-9.])?"); distlist = ajListNew(); distfile = ajFileNewInNameS(filename); if(!distfile) return NULL; ajReadlineTrim(distfile, &rdline); if(!ajStrToInt(rdline, &count)) { ajErr("Distance file '%S' bad header record '%S'", filename, rdline); return NULL; } ajDebug("DistRead: row count: %d\n", count); if(size && (count != size)) { ajErr("Distance file '%S' found %d expected %d rows '%S'", filename, count, size); return NULL; } done = ajTrue; while(ajReadline(distfile, &rdline)) { if(done) { irow = -1; icol = 0; i = 0; done = ajFalse; dist = ajPhyloDistNew(); dist->Size = count; AJCNEW0(dist->Names, count); ncells = count*count; AJCNEW0(dist->Data,ncells); AJCNEW0(dist->Replicates,ncells); } /*ajDebug("DistRead line: %S", rdline); */ if(!i || !ajRegExec(phyloRegDistFloat, rdline)) { if(ajStrGetLen(rdline) < 11) /* skip this line? */ continue; if(!irow) /* how long was that first row */ { if(!icol) /* empty - lower triangular */ { lowertri = ajTrue; ajDebug("DistRead: ++Lower-Triangular form++\n"); } else if(icol == (count - 1)) /* one short - upper triangular */ { uppertri = ajTrue; ajDebug("DistRead: ++Upper-Triangular form++\n"); /* now we need to move along one */ for(j=count-1; j; j--) { dist->Data[j] = dist->Data[j-1]; dist->Replicates[j] = dist->Replicates[j-1]; } } else if(icol != count) /* something wrong */ { ajErr("Distance file %S: Row '%S' has %d values", filename, dist->Names[irow], icol); } } else if(irow > 0) /* later rows - we know what to expect */ { if(lowertri) { /*ajDebug("DistRead Lower irow: %d i: %d\n", irow, i);*/ if(icol != irow) ajErr("Distance file %S: Row '%S' has %d values" " in lower-triangular format", filename, dist->Names[irow], icol); } else if(uppertri) { /*ajDebug("DistRead Upper irow: %d i: %d\n", irow, i);*/ if(i) ajErr("Distance file %S: Row '%S' has %d values" " in upper-triangular format", filename, dist->Names[irow], icol - irow - 1); } else { /*ajDebug("DistRead Square irow: %d i: %d\n", irow, i);*/ if(icol != count) ajErr("Distance file %S: Row '%S' has %d values" " in square format", filename, dist->Names[irow], icol); } } irow++; if(irow > count) { ajErr("Distances file read beyond %d rows", count); return NULL; } ajStrAssignSubS(&dist->Names[irow], rdline, 0, 9); ajStrCutStart(&rdline, 10); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&dist->Names[irow]); ajDebug("DistRead name [%d] '%S' i: %d\n", irow, dist->Names[irow], i); if(uppertri) { icol = irow + 1; i = irow + 1; } else { i = 0; icol = 0; } } while(ajRegExec(phyloRegDistFloat, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegDistFloat, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToFloat(tmpval, &dval); ajRegSubI(phyloRegDistFloat, 3, &tmpval); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpval)) { ajStrToInt(tmpval, &ival); if(ival) dist->HasReplicates = ajTrue; else { if(!missing) { ajErr("Distances file %S: Zero (%S) replicates for %S", filename, tmpval, dist->Names[irow]); return NULL; } dist->HasMissing = ajTrue; } /*ajDebug("DistRead row %2d [%d] %.3f %d\n", irow, i, dval, ival);*/ } else { ival = 1; /*ajDebug("DistRead row %2d [%d] %.3f .\n", irow, i, dval);*/ } ipos = irow*count + i; dist->Data[ipos] = dval; dist->Replicates[ipos] = ival; i++; icol++; if(i == count) i = 0; ajRegPost(phyloRegDistFloat, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); /*ajDebug("irow: %d icol: %d\n", irow, icol);*/ } if(irow == (count-1)) { done = ajTrue; if(lowertri) /* fill in the rest */ { for(k=0; k < count; k++) { idiag = k*count + k; /* diagonal */ dist->Data[idiag] = 0.0; dist->Replicates[idiag] = 1; iend = k*count+count; /* end of row */ ipos = idiag + 1; jpos = ipos + count - 1; while(ipos < iend) { dist->Data[ipos] = dist->Data[jpos]; dist->Replicates[ipos] = dist->Replicates[jpos]; ipos++; jpos += count; } } } if(uppertri) /* fill in the rest */ { for(k=0; k < count; k++) { idiag = k*count + i; /* diagonal */ dist->Data[idiag] = 0.0; dist->Replicates[idiag] = 1; ipos = k*count; /* start of row*/ jpos = k; while(ipos < idiag) { dist->Data[ipos] = dist->Data[jpos]; dist->Replicates[ipos] = dist->Replicates[jpos]; ipos++; jpos += count; } } } ajListPushAppend(distlist, dist); dist = NULL; } } if(irow != (count-1)) { ajErr("Distances file found %d rows, expected %d", irow, count); return NULL; } ajDebug("Distances file '%S' has %d (%d) distance matrices\n", filename, i, ajListGetLength(distlist)); ajFileClose(&distfile); ajListToarray(distlist, (void***) &ret); /*ret = (AjPPhyloTree*) trees;*/ ajListFree(&distlist); for(i=0; ret[i]; i++) ajPhyloDistTrace(ret[i]); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloDistTrace ***************************************************** ** ** Reports phylogenetic distance data to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloDist] Phylogenetic frequencies object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloDistTrace(const AjPPhyloDist thys) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint jend; ajDebug("ajPhyloDistTrace\n"); ajDebug("================\n"); ajDebug(" Count: %d HasReplicates: %B HasMissing: %B\n", thys->Size, thys->HasReplicates, thys->HasMissing); jend = 0; j = 0; ajDebug("%-10.10s", "Name"); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajDebug(" %6d ++", (i+1)); ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug("=========="); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) ajDebug(" ====== =="); ajDebug("\n"); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { jend += thys->Size; ajDebug("%-10.10S", thys->Names[i]); while(j < jend) { ajDebug(" %6.3f %2d", thys->Data[j], thys->Replicates[j]); j++; } ajDebug("\n"); } return; } /* @func ajPhyloFreqRead ****************************************************** ** ** Reads phylogenetic frequencies from a file ** ** @param [r] filename [const AjPStr] input filename ** @param [r] contchar [AjBool] Continuous character data expected ** @param [r] genedata [AjBool] Gene frequence data expected ** @param [r] indiv [AjBool] Multiple individuals for one name ** only for continuous character data. ** @return [AjPPhyloFreq] Phylogenetic frequencies object on success ** NULL on failure ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloFreq ajPhyloFreqRead(const AjPStr filename, AjBool contchar, AjBool genedata, AjBool indiv) { AjPPhyloFreq ret = NULL; AjPFile freqfile = NULL; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr tmpline = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpval = NULL; ajint count; ajint len; ajint ncells; ajint nfreq = 0; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint jnew; ajint jold; ajint misspos; ajint irow; ajint icol; ajint ipos = 0; ajint jpos = 0; float jtot; float jrest; AjBool done = ajFalse; AjBool alldata = ajFalse; ajint totfreq; ajint totsp; ajint isp; float dval; float** pvals = NULL; (void) indiv; /* make it used */ if(!phyloRegFreqFloat) phyloRegFreqFloat = ajRegCompC("^\\s*([-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)\\s+"); if(!phyloRegFreqInt) phyloRegFreqInt = ajRegCompC("^\\s*([1-9][0-9]*)(\\s+[0-9\\s]*)$"); if(!phyloRegFreqIndiv) phyloRegFreqIndiv = ajRegCompC("^(\\S.........)\\s+([1-9][0-9]*)\\s*$"); freqfile = ajFileNewInNameS(filename); if(!freqfile) return NULL; ajReadline(freqfile, &rdline); /* process header */ if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqInt, rdline)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Bad header line '%S'", filename, rdline); return NULL; } ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqInt, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &count); ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqInt, 2, &tmpstr); if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqInt, tmpstr)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Bad header line '%S'", filename, rdline); return NULL; } ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqInt, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &len); ret = ajPhyloFreqNew(); ret->Size = count; ret->Loci = len; AJCNEW0(ret->Names,count); AJCNEW0(ret->Allele,len); /* process alleles counts, if any */ ajReadline(freqfile, &rdline); if(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqInt, rdline)) /* allele counts */ { if(contchar) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Has gene frequency data", filename); return NULL; } ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, rdline); for(i=0; i < len; i++) { if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqInt, rdline)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Bad allele header," " expected %d allele counts, found %d", filename, len, i); return NULL; } ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqInt, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &ret->Allele[i]); ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqInt, 2, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); nfreq += ret->Allele[i]; /* assume all values */ } if(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqInt, rdline)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Bad allele header," " more than expected %d allele counts", filename, len); return NULL; } ret->Len = nfreq; AJCNEW0(ret->Locus,nfreq); jpos = 0; for(i=0; i < len; i++) { for(j=0; j < ret->Allele[i]; j++) ret->Locus[jpos++] = i; } ncells = count*nfreq; AJCNEW0(ret->Data,ncells); ajReadline(freqfile, &rdline); } else { if(genedata) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Has continuous character data", filename); return NULL; } ret->ContChar = ajTrue; alldata = ajTrue; nfreq = len; ncells = count*nfreq; ret->Len = nfreq; AJCNEW0(ret->Data,ncells); AJCNEW0(ret->Locus,nfreq); for(i=0; i < len; i++) { ret->Locus[i] = i; ret->Allele[i] = 2; } if(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqIndiv, rdline)) { ret->Within = ajTrue; AJCNEW0(ret->Individuals, count); AJCNEW0(pvals, count); } } irow = -1; icol = 0; i = 0; done = ajFalse; if(ret->Within) { totfreq = 0; totsp = 0; while(!done) { if(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqIndiv, rdline)) { irow++; if(irow && icol != nfreq) ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Read %d values" " for '%S', expected %d", filename, icol, ret->Names[irow], nfreq); ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqIndiv, 1, &ret->Names[irow]); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&ret->Names[irow]); ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqIndiv, 2, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &ret->Individuals[irow]); nfreq = ret->Individuals[irow]*len; totfreq += nfreq; totsp += ret->Individuals[irow]; AJCNEW0(pvals[irow],ret->Individuals[irow]); icol = 0; } while(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqFloat, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqFloat, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToFloat(tmpval, &dval); pvals[irow][icol] = dval; ajRegPost(phyloRegFreqFloat, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); icol++; ipos++; } if(!ajReadline(freqfile, &rdline)) break; } if(irow != (count-1)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: found %d rows, expected %d", filename, irow, count); return NULL; } AJCNEW0(ret->Data, totfreq); AJCNEW0(ret->Species, totsp); isp = 0; ipos = 0; for(i=0; i < count; i++) { for(j=0; j < ret->Individuals[i]; j++) ret->Species[isp++] = i; nfreq = ret->Individuals[i]*len; for(j=0; j < nfreq; j++) ret->Data[ipos++] = pvals[i][j]; AJFREE(pvals[i]); } ajDebug("FreqRead: wrote %d values\n", ipos); AJFREE(pvals); ajPhyloFreqTrace(ret); return ret; } /* We read, for each 'species', a 10-character name and 'nfreq' values */ while(!done) { /*ajDebug("FreqRead line: %S", rdline);*/ if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqFloat, rdline)) { irow++; if(irow == 1) { if(icol == nfreq) alldata = ajTrue; else if(!ret->ContChar && icol == (nfreq - len)) alldata = ajFalse; else { if(ret->ContChar) ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Read %d values," " expected %d", filename, icol, nfreq); else ajErr("Frequencies file %S: Read %d values," " expected %d or %d", filename, icol, nfreq, (nfreq - len)); return NULL; } } if(irow > count) { ajErr("Frequencies file read beyond %d rows", count); return NULL; } if(irow) { if(alldata) { if(icol != nfreq) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S:" " read only %d rows for %S", filename, icol, ret->Names[irow-1]); return NULL; } } else { if(icol != (nfreq - len)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S:" " read only %d rows for %S", filename, icol, ret->Names[irow-1]); return NULL; } } } ajStrAssignSubS(&ret->Names[irow], rdline, 0, 9); ajStrCutStart(&rdline, 10); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&ret->Names[irow]); ajDebug("FreqRead name [%d] '%S' i: %d\n", irow, ret->Names[irow], i); icol = 0; ipos = irow * nfreq; } while(ajRegExec(phyloRegFreqFloat, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegFreqFloat, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToFloat(tmpval, &dval); ret->Data[ipos] = dval; ajRegPost(phyloRegFreqFloat, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); icol++; ipos++; } if(!ajReadline(freqfile, &rdline)) break; } if(irow != (count-1)) { ajErr("Frequencies file %S: found %d rows, expected %d", filename, irow, count); return NULL; } if(!alldata) /* fill in the missing frequencies */ { for(i=0; i < count; i++) /* for each row (Name) */ { misspos = i*nfreq + nfreq - 1; jnew = misspos - 1; jold = misspos - ret->Loci; for(j=ret->Loci; j; j--) { jtot = 0.0; for(k=1; k < ret->Allele[j-1]; k++) { jtot += ret->Data[jold]; ret->Data[jnew--] = ret->Data[jold--]; } jrest = (float) 1.0 - jtot; ret->Data[misspos] = jrest; misspos -= ret->Allele[j-1]; jnew--; } } } ajPhyloFreqTrace(ret); ajStrDel(&tmpline); ajStrDel(&tmpval); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&rdline); ajFileClose(&freqfile); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloFreqTrace ***************************************************** ** ** Reports phylogenetic frequencies data to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloFreq] Phylogenetic frequencies object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloFreqTrace(const AjPPhyloFreq thys) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint ipos; ajint isp; ajDebug("ajPhyloFreqTrace\n"); ajDebug("================\n"); ajDebug(" Count: %d Len: %d Loci: %d ContChar: %B Within: %B\n", thys->Size, thys->Len, thys->Loci, thys->ContChar, thys->Within); if(thys->ContChar) /* no alleles */ { ajDebug(" Continuous frequency data\n"); ajDebug(" -------------------------\n"); ajDebug("%-10.10s", "Name"); for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" %7d", 1+thys->Locus[j]); ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug("=========="); for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" ======="); ajDebug("\n"); if(thys->Species) { isp = 0; ipos = 0; for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { for(k=0; k < thys->Individuals[i]; k++) { if(k) ajDebug("sp.%3d %3d", thys->Species[isp]+1, k+1); else ajDebug("%-10.10S", thys->Names[i]); for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" %7.3f", thys->Data[ipos++]); ajDebug("\n"); isp++; } } } else { for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { ajDebug("%-10.10S", thys->Names[i]); ipos = i*thys->Len; for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" %7.3f", thys->Data[ipos++]); ajDebug("\n"); } } } else { ajDebug(" Allele frequency data\n"); ajDebug(" ---------------------\n"); for(j=0; j < thys->Loci; j++) ajDebug("Locus %d Alleles %d\n", j+1, thys->Allele[j]); ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug("%-10.10s", "Name"); for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" Loc. %2d", 1+thys->Locus[j]); ajDebug("\n"); ajDebug("=========="); for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" ======="); ajDebug("\n"); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { ajDebug("%-10.10S", thys->Names[i]); ipos = i*thys->Len; for(j=0; j < thys->Len; j++) ajDebug(" %7.3f", thys->Data[ipos++]); ajDebug("\n"); } } return; } /* @func ajPhyloPropRead ****************************************************** ** ** Reads phylogenetic properties (weights, factors, ancestral states) ** from a file ** ** @param [r] filename [const AjPStr] input filename ** @param [r] propchars [const AjPStr] Valid property characters ** @param [r] len [ajint] Length of properties string ** @param [r] size [ajint] Number of property sets expected ** If zero, read first only or whatever the file says ** @return [AjPPhyloProp] Phylogenetic properties object on success ** NULL on failure ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloProp ajPhyloPropRead(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr propchars, ajint len, ajint size) { AjPPhyloProp ret = NULL; AjPFile propfile = NULL; AjPList proplist = NULL; AjBool propok = ajFalse; AjPStr token = NULL; void ** props = NULL; ajint i; ajint ilen; const char* cp; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr proppat = NULL; AjPStr propstr = NULL; ajint count; ajint dosize; ret = ajPhyloPropNew(); if(ajStrMatchC(propchars, "")) ajFmtPrintS(&proppat, "\\S+"); else ajFmtPrintS(&proppat, "[%S]+", propchars); ajRegFree(&phyloRegPropProp); phyloRegPropProp = ajRegComp(proppat); ajDebug("ajPhyloPropRead '%S' propchars: '%S' len: %d size: %d\n", filename, propchars, len, size); proplist = ajListstrNew(); dosize = size; if (size) count = size; else count = 1; propfile = ajFileNewInNameS(filename); if(!propfile) /* read the filename string as data */ { if (size > 1) { ajErr("Bad properties string '%S':" " valid filename required to read %d sets", filename, size); return NULL; } ajStrAssignS(&rdline, filename); /*ajStrFmtUpper(&rdline);*/ /* keep to catch names without '.' */ if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegPropProp, rdline)) return NULL; ajRegSubI(phyloRegPropProp, 0, &token); if(!ajStrMatchS(rdline, token)) return NULL; dosize = 1; ilen = ajStrGetLen(token); if(ilen != len) { ajErr("Bad properties string (not valid filename) '%S':" " read %d properties, expected %d", filename, ilen, len); return NULL; } AJCNEW0(ret->Str, 2); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Str[0], token); ret->Size = 1; ret->Len = ilen; } else /* read data from the file */ { i = 0; while (!dosize || i < count) { propstr = ajStrNewRes(len+1); propok = ajFalse; ilen = 0; while(!propok && ajReadlineTrim(propfile, &rdline)) { ajStrFmtUpper(&rdline); cp = ajStrGetPtr(rdline); while(cp && ajRegExecC(phyloRegPropProp, cp)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegPropProp, 0, &token); ajStrAppendS(&propstr, token); ilen += ajStrGetLen(token); ajRegPostC(phyloRegPropProp, &cp); } if(ilen == len) propok = ajTrue; else if(ilen > len) ajErr("Bad properties file '%S':" " read %d properties, expected %d", filename, ilen, len); } if(!propok) { if (ilen) ajErr("End of properties file '%S':" " after %d properties, expected %d", filename, ilen, len); else if (size) ajErr("End of properties file '%S':" " after %d sets, expected %d", filename, i, size); else if (ajFileIsEof(propfile)) break; } ajListstrPushAppend(proplist, propstr); i++; } ajFileClose(&propfile); ajListToarray(proplist, (void***) &props); ret->Str = (AjPStr*) props; ret->Size = ajListGetLength(proplist);; ret->Len = len; } ajListFree(&proplist); ajStrDel(&proppat); ajStrDel(&token); ajStrDel(&rdline); ajPhyloPropTrace(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloPropGetSize *************************************************** ** ** Returns size (number of property strings) ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloProp] Properties object ** @return [ajint] Number of property strings ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajPhyloPropGetSize(const AjPPhyloProp thys) { if(!thys) return 0; return thys->Size; } /* @func ajPhyloPropTrace ***************************************************** ** ** Reports phylogenetic property data to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloProp] Phylogenetic frequencies object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloPropTrace(const AjPPhyloProp thys) { ajint i; ajDebug("ajPhyloPropTrace\n"); ajDebug("================\n"); ajDebug(" Len: %d Size: %d IsWeight: %B IsFactor: %B\n", thys->Len, thys->Size, thys->IsWeight, thys->IsFactor); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { ajDebug("%3d: '%S'",i, thys->Str[i]); ajDebug("\n"); } return; } /* @func ajPhyloStateRead ***************************************************** ** ** Reads phylogenetic discrete states from a file ** ** @param [r] filename [const AjPStr] input filename ** @param [r] statechars [const AjPStr] Valid state characters ** @return [AjPPhyloState*] Phylogenetic discrete states object on success ** NULL on failure ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloState* ajPhyloStateRead(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr statechars) { AjPPhyloState* ret = NULL; AjPPhyloState state = NULL; AjPFile statefile = NULL; AjPList statelist = NULL; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpval = NULL; AjPStr charpat = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; ajint size; ajint len; ajint count; ajint i; ajint j; ajint ilen; const char* cp; void **states = NULL; if(!phyloRegStateInt) phyloRegStateInt = ajRegCompC("^\\s+([1-9][0-9]*)\\s+([1-9][0-9]*)" "\\s+([1-9][0-9]*)?\\s*$"); if(!phyloRegStateState) phyloRegStateState = ajRegCompC("^(\\S.........)\\s*(\\S.*)$"); if(ajStrMatchC(statechars, "")) ajFmtPrintS(&charpat, "\\S+"); else ajFmtPrintS(&charpat, "[%S]+", statechars); ajRegFree(&phyloRegStateChar); phyloRegStateChar = ajRegComp(charpat); statelist = ajListNew(); statefile = ajFileNewInNameS(filename); if(!statefile) return NULL; while(ajReadline(statefile, &rdline)) { if(!ajRegExec(phyloRegStateInt, rdline)) { ajErr("Discrete states file %S: Bad header line '%S'", filename, rdline); return NULL; } ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateInt, 1, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &size); ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateInt, 2, &tmpval); ajStrToInt(tmpval, &len); ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateInt, 3, &tmpval); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpval)) ajStrToInt(tmpval, &count); else count = 1; state = ajPhyloStateNew(); state->Size = size; state->Len = len; state->Count = count; AJCNEW0(state->Names,size); AJCNEW0(state->Str,size); /* process alleles counts, if any */ ilen = 0; i = 0; while(ajReadline(statefile, &rdline)) { if(ilen == 0 && ajRegExec(phyloRegStateState, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateState, 1, &state->Names[i]); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&state->Names[i]); ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateState, 2, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); } ajStrFmtUpper(&rdline); cp = ajStrGetPtr(rdline); j = 0; while(cp && ajRegExecC(phyloRegStateChar, cp)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegStateChar, 0, &token); ajRegPre(phyloRegStateChar, &tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(&state->Str[i], token); ilen += ajStrGetLen(token); ajRegPostC(phyloRegStateChar, &cp); if(!j++ && !ajStrIsWhite(tmpstr)) { ajStrRemoveWhite(&tmpstr); ajErr("found bad state character(s) '%S' for '%S', expected [%S]", tmpstr, state->Names[i], statechars); } if(*cp && !isspace(*cp)) ajErr("found bad state character '%c' for '%S', expected [%S]", *cp, state->Names[i], statechars); } if(ilen == len) { ilen = 0; i++; } else if(ilen > len) { ajErr("Bad discrete states file b '%S':" " read %d states for '%S', expected %d", filename, ilen, state->Names[i], len); return NULL; } } if(i != size) { ajErr("Bad discrete states file '%S':" " read %d species, expected %d", filename, i, len); return NULL; } ajListPushAppend(statelist, state); } ajFileClose(&statefile); ajListToarray(statelist, (void***) &states); ret = (AjPPhyloState*) states; ajListFree(&statelist); ajStrDel(&tmpval); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&rdline); ajStrDel(&charpat); ajStrDel(&token); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloStateTrace **************************************************** ** ** Reports phylogenetic discrete state data to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloState] Phylogenetic discrete states object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloStateTrace(const AjPPhyloState thys) { ajint i; ajDebug("ajPhyloStateTrace\n"); ajDebug("=================\n"); ajDebug(" Len: %d Size: %d Count: %d Characters: '%S'\n", thys->Len, thys->Size, thys->Count, thys->Characters); for(i=0; i < thys->Size; i++) { ajDebug("%S: %S\n", thys->Names[i], thys->Str[i]); } return; } /* @func ajPhyloTreeRead ****************************************************** ** ** Reads phylogenetic trees from a file. ** ** For background see the NESCent Hackathon Wiki ** https://www.nescent.org/wg_phyloinformatics/Main_Page ** ** Programs using or producing trees include: ** ** Editors in http://bioinfo.unice.fr/biodiv/Tree_editors.html ** ** Packages PHYLIP, GARLI, MrBayes, PROTML, TREE-PUZZLE ** PAUP ** ** Tree fomrats include: ** ** Newick (New Hampshire) is a simple string with parentheses ** see http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newicktree.html ** and http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newick_doc.html ** Newick format is used by PHYLIP, GARLI, MrBayes, PROTML, TREE-PUZZLE ** In PAUP the format is called "phylip" ** Phylip includes weights for multiple input trees as a final comment ** containing only a floating point number e.g. [0.5]; ** ** Nexus files use Translate to define numbers, and then have a ** Newick string using the numbers, or simply define the Newick string ** with names. The branch lengths appear as in Newick. ** http://workshop.molecularevolution.org/resources/fileformats/tree_formats.php ** Test files (including malformed ones) are available from ** https://www.nescent.org/wg_phyloinformatics/Supporting_NEXUS ** ** nhx (New Hampshire Extended) includes annotation using specially formatted ** comments after the name:length in the form [&&NHX:code=value;code=value] ** where codes are documented in ** http://www.phylosoft.org/forester/NHX.html ** according to some documentation, ATV and FORESTER can read NHX with the [] ** removed but this is deprecated (naturally, as this would be a valid Newick ** tree with proper comments). ** NHX also bans the use of empty nodes so names are required. ** Apparently PHYLIP can read trees with no names. ** ** svggraph is an output format only ** (or at least, no sign of anything reading it) ** ** tabtree is an ASCII text representation used for output only by ** BioPerl::TreeIO ** ** lintree is a program output format. The program is available from ** http://www.bio.psu.edu/People/Faculty/Nei/Lab/lintre/lintre.unix.tar.Z ** ** phyloXML is an effort to define an XML format, still in progress ** http://www.phyloxml.org/ ** ** TGF treegraph format ** http://www.math.uni-bonn.de/people/jmueller/extra/treegraph/docu.pdf ** ** TGF TreeDyn format ... not the same as treegraph ** http://www.treedyn.org/ ** ** @param [r] filename [const AjPStr] input filename ** @param [r] size [ajint] Number of trees expected ** If zero, read all trees ** @return [AjPPhyloTree*] Phylogenetic tree object array on success ** NULL on failure ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloTree* ajPhyloTreeRead(const AjPStr filename, ajint size) { AjPPhyloTree* ret = NULL; AjPPhyloTree tree = NULL; AjPTree mytree = NULL; AjPFile treefile = NULL; AjPList treelist = NULL; AjBool treeok; ajint i; ajint count; ajint headcount = 0; const char* cp; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr treecopy = NULL; AjPStr pretoken = NULL; AjPStr posttoken = NULL; if(!phyloRegTreeTree) /* tree definition */ phyloRegTreeTree = ajRegCompC("\\S+"); if(!phyloRegTreeRoot) /* (a,b) node to be trimmed */ phyloRegTreeRoot = ajRegCompC("^(.+)(\\([^\\)]+\\))"); if(!phyloRegTreeUnroot) /* remaining unrooted (a,b,c); */ phyloRegTreeUnroot = ajRegCompC("^\\([^,]*,[^,]*,.*\\);$"); if(!phyloRegTreeMulti) /* multifurcating (a,b,c) anywhere */ phyloRegTreeMulti = ajRegCompC("^\\([^,]*,[^,]*,.*\\)$"); if(!phyloRegTreeQuart) /* unrooted quartet ((a,b),(c,d)); */ phyloRegTreeQuart = ajRegCompC("^\\(\\.*\\)\\);$"); if(!phyloRegTreeLength) /* unrooted quartet ((a,b),(c,d)); */ phyloRegTreeLength = ajRegCompC(":[0-9][0-9.]*"); treelist = ajListNew(); count = size; if(count < 1) count = 1; treefile = ajFileNewInNameS(filename); if(!treefile) return NULL; if(treefile) { treeok = ajFalse; i = 0; while(!treeok) { ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead i: %d count: %d size: %d\n", i, count, size); tree = ajPhyloTreeNew(); while(ajReadlineTrim(treefile, &rdline)) { if(!i && !ajStrGetLen(tree->Tree)) { if(ajStrToInt(rdline, &headcount)) { ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead count: %d\n", headcount); if(size) { if(size < headcount) ajWarn("Tree file '%S' has %d trees," " expected %d", filename, headcount, size); if(size > headcount) ajErr("Tree file '%S' has %d trees," " required %d", filename, headcount, size); } ajReadlineTrim(treefile, &rdline); count = headcount; } } cp = ajStrGetPtr(rdline); /*ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead rdline '%S'\n", rdline);*/ while(cp && ajRegExecC(phyloRegTreeTree, cp)) { if(!size && !headcount && !ajStrGetLen(tree->Tree)) { count++; ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead count++ %d\n", count); } ajRegSubI(phyloRegTreeTree, 0, &token); ajStrAppendS(&tree->Tree, token); ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead token '%S'\n", token); ajRegPostC(phyloRegTreeTree, &cp); } if(ajStrGetCharLast(tree->Tree) == ';') break; ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead processing tree->Tree '%S'\n", tree->Tree); } if(ajStrGetLen(tree->Tree) && ajStrGetCharLast(tree->Tree) == ';') { ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead tree done tree->Tree '%S'\n", tree->Tree); tree->Size = 1 + ajStrCalcCountK(tree->Tree, ','); tree->BaseBifurcated = ajTrue; if(ajRegExec(phyloRegTreeQuart, tree->Tree)) { tree->BaseBifurcated = ajFalse; /* but rooted for phylip */ tree->BaseQuartet = ajTrue; } if(ajRegExec(phyloRegTreeLength, tree->Tree)) { tree->HasLengths = ajTrue; } tree->Multifurcated = ajFalse; ajStrAssignS(&treecopy, tree->Tree); while(ajRegExec(phyloRegTreeRoot, treecopy)) { ajRegSubI(phyloRegTreeRoot, 1, &pretoken); ajRegSubI(phyloRegTreeRoot, 2, &token); ajRegPost(phyloRegTreeRoot, &posttoken); ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead root match '%S': '%S'\n", treecopy, token); if(ajRegExec(phyloRegTreeMulti, token)) { tree->Multifurcated = ajTrue; ajDebug("ajPhyloTree multifurcated node '%S'\n", token); } ajStrAssignS(&treecopy, pretoken); ajStrAppendS(&treecopy, posttoken); } if(ajRegExec(phyloRegTreeUnroot, treecopy)) tree->BaseBifurcated = ajFalse; ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeRead tree '%S' rooted: %B " "basetrifurcated: %B" " treecopy: '%S'\n", tree->Tree, tree->BaseBifurcated, tree->BaseTrifurcated, treecopy); ajListPushAppend(treelist, tree); tree = NULL; i++; if(i == headcount) treeok = ajTrue; else if(size && size == i) treeok = ajTrue; } else { if(ajFileIsEof(treefile)) treeok = ajTrue; else { ajErr("Tree file %S: Unexpected end of file", filename); return NULL; } } } if(size && size != i) { ajErr("Tree file '%S' has %d trees," " required %d", filename, i, size); return NULL; } ajDebug("Tree file '%S' has %d (%d) trees," " required %d\n", filename, i, ajListGetLength(treelist), size); ajFileClose(&treefile); ajListToarray(treelist, (void***) &ret); /*ret = (AjPPhyloTree*) trees;*/ ajListFree(&treelist); } for(i=0;ret[i];i++) { mytree = ajTreeNewNewick(ret[i]->Tree); ajTreeTrace(mytree); ajTreeFree(&mytree); } ajStrDel(&rdline); ajStrDel(&token); ajStrDel(&treecopy); ajStrDel(&pretoken); ajStrDel(&posttoken); return ret; } /* @func ajPhyloTreeTrace **************************************************** ** ** Reports phylogenetic discrete state data to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPPhyloTree] Phylogenetic discrete states object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloTreeTrace(const AjPPhyloTree thys) { ajDebug("ajPhyloTreeTrace\n"); ajDebug("================\n"); ajDebug(" Multifurcated: %B BaseTrifurcated: %B BaseBifurcated: %B" " BaseQuartet: %B Tree: '%S'\n", thys->Multifurcated, thys->BaseTrifurcated, thys->BaseBifurcated, thys->BaseQuartet, thys->Tree); return; } /* @func ajPhyloExit ******************************************************** ** ** Cleans up phylogenetic data internal memory ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajPhyloExit(void) { ajRegFree(&phyloRegDistFloat); ajRegFree(&phyloRegFreqFloat); ajRegFree(&phyloRegFreqInt); ajRegFree(&phyloRegFreqIndiv); ajRegFree(&phyloRegPropProp); ajRegFree(&phyloRegStateState); ajRegFree(&phyloRegStateInt); ajRegFree(&phyloRegStateChar); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeTree); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeRoot); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeUnroot); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeMulti); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeQuart); ajRegFree(&phyloRegTreeLength); return; }