/**************************************************************************** ** ** @source ajpdb.h ** ** AJAX objects for handling protein structural data. ** Atom, Chain & Pdb objects. ** Hetent, Het, Vdwres, Vdwall, Cmap and Pdbtosp objects. ** ** @author: Copyright (C) 2004 Jon Ison (jison@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef ajpdb_h #define ajpdb_h /* @data AjPAtom ************************************************************ ** ** Ajax atom object. ** ** Holds protein atom data ** ** AjPAtom is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSAtom ** @alias AjOAtom ** ** ** ** @attr Mod [ajint] Model number. ** @attr Chn [ajint] Chain number. ** @attr Gpn [ajint] Group number. ** @attr Idx [ajint] Residue number - index into sequence. ** @attr Pdb [AjPStr] Residue number string from the original PDB file. ** @attr Id3 [AjPStr] Residue or group identifier. ** @attr Atm [AjPStr] Atom identifier. ** @attr X [float] X coordinate. ** @attr Y [float] Y coordinate. ** @attr Z [float] Z coordinate. ** @attr O [float] Occupancy. ** @attr B [float] B value thermal factor. ** @attr Id1 [char] Standard residue identifier or 'X' for unknown ** types or '.' for heterogens and water. ** @attr Type [char] 'P' (protein atom), 'H' ("heterogens") or 'W' ** (water). ** @attr Padding [char[2]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** @new ajAtomNew Default Atom constructor. ** @delete ajAtomDel Default Atom destructor. ** @assign ajAtomCopy Replicates an Atom object. ** @assign ajAtomListCopy Replicates a list of Atom objects. ** @use embAtomInContact Determines whether two atoms are in physical ** contact. ** @use embAtomDistance Returns the distance (Angstroms) between two ** atoms. ** @use embVdwRad Returns the van der Waals radius of an atom. ** @other embPdbListHeterogens Construct a list of arrays of Atom objects ** for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each ** ligand). ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSAtom { ajint Mod; ajint Chn; ajint Gpn; ajint Idx; AjPStr Pdb; AjPStr Id3; AjPStr Atm; float X; float Y; float Z; float O; float B; char Id1; char Type; char Padding[2]; } AjOAtom; #define AjPAtom AjOAtom* /* @data AjPResidue *********************************************************** ** ** Ajax Residue object. ** ** Holds data for an amino acid residue. ** ** AjPResidue is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** @alias AjSResidue ** @alias AjOResidue ** ** ** @attr Mod [ajint] Model number. ** @attr Chn [ajint] Chain number. ** @attr Idx [ajint] Residue number. Can be used to index into the ** polypeptide sequence (the Seq element of an AjSChain object). Idx numbers ** start at 1 and run sequentially. ** @attr eNum [ajint] Element serial number (for secondary structure ** from the PDB file). ** @attr Pdb [AjPStr] Residue number string from the original PDB file. ** @attr Id3 [AjPStr] 3-letter residue identifier code. ** @attr eId [AjPStr] Element identifier (for secondary structure from ** the PDB file). ** @attr eClass [ajint] Class of helix, an int from 1-10, from ** http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/docs/format/pdbguide2.2/guide2.2_frame.html (for secondary structure from the PDB file). ** ** @attr eStrideNum [ajint] Number of the element: sequential count from ** N-term (for secondary structure from STRIDE). ** @attr Phi [float] Phi angle. ** @attr Psi [float] Psi angle. ** @attr Area [float] Residue solvent accessible area. ** ** @attr all_abs [float] Absolute accessibility, all atoms. ** @attr all_rel [float] Relative accessibility, all atoms. ** @attr side_abs [float] Absolute accessibility, atoms in sidechain. ** @attr side_rel [float] Relative accessibility, atoms in sidechain. ** @attr main_abs [float] Absolute accessibility, atoms in mainchain. ** @attr main_rel [float] Relative accessibility, atoms in mainchain. ** @attr npol_abs [float] Absolute accessibility, nonpolar atoms. ** @attr npol_rel [float] Relative accessibility, nonpolar atoms. ** @attr pol_abs [float] Absolute accessibility, polar atoms. ** @attr pol_rel [float] Relative accessibility, polar atoms. ** @attr Id1 [char] Standard 1-letter residue identifier or 'X' for ** unknown types. ** @attr eType [char] Element type COIL ('C'), HELIX ('H'), SHEET ('E') ** or TURN ('T'). Has a default value of COIL (for secondary structure ** from the PDB file). ** @attr eStrideType [char] Element type: ALPHA HELIX ('H'), 3-10 HELIX ** ('G'), PI-HELIX ('I'), EXTENDED CONFORMATION ('E'), ISOLATED BRIDGE ** ('B' or 'b'), TURN ('T') or COIL (none of the above) ('C') (for ** secondary structure from STRIDE). ** @attr Padding [char[1]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** @new ajResidueNew Default Residue constructor. ** @delete ajResidueDel Default Residue destructor. ** @assign ajResidueCopy Replicates a Residue object. ** @assign ajResidueListCopy Replicates a list of Residue objects. ** @use ajResidueEnv1 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv2 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv3 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv4 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv5 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv6 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv7 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv8 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and ** secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv9 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv10 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv11 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv12 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv13 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv14 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv15 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueEnv16 Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility ** and secondary structure. ** @use ajResidueSSEnv Assigns secondary structure environment of a residue. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSResidue { ajint Mod; ajint Chn; ajint Idx; ajint eNum; AjPStr Pdb; AjPStr Id3; AjPStr eId; ajint eClass; ajint eStrideNum; float Phi; float Psi; float Area; float all_abs; float all_rel; float side_abs; float side_rel; float main_abs; float main_rel; float npol_abs; float npol_rel; float pol_abs; float pol_rel; char Id1; char eType; char eStrideType; char Padding[1]; } AjOResidue, *AjPResidue; /* @data AjPChain *********************************************************** ** ** Ajax chain object. ** ** Holds protein chain data ** ** AjPChain is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSChain ** @alias AjOChain ** ** ** ** @attr Nres [ajint] No. of amino acid residues. ** @attr Nlig [ajint] No. of groups which are non-covalently ** associated with the chain, excluding water ** ("heterogens"). ** @attr numHelices [ajint] No. of helices in the chain according to the ** PDB file. ** @attr numStrands [ajint] No. of strands in the chain according to the ** PDB file. ** @attr Seq [AjPStr] Protein sequence as string. ** @attr Atoms [AjPList] List of Atom objects for (potentially multiple ** models) of the polypeptide chain and any ** groups (ligands) that could be uniquely ** associated with a chain. ** @attr Residues [AjPList] List of Residue objects for (potentially multiple ** models) of the polypeptide chain. ** @attr Id [char] Chain id, ('.' if one wasn't specified in ** the PDB file). ** @attr Padding [char[7]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajChainNew Default Chain constructor. ** @delete ajChainDel Default Chain destructor. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSChain { ajint Nres; ajint Nlig; ajint numHelices; ajint numStrands; AjPStr Seq; AjPList Atoms; AjPList Residues; char Id; char Padding[7]; } AjOChain; #define AjPChain AjOChain* /* @data AjPPdb ************************************************************* ** ** Ajax pdb object. ** ** Holds arrays describing pdb data ** ** AjPPdb is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSPdb ** @alias AjOPdb ** ** ** ** @attr Pdb [AjPStr] PDB code. ** @attr Compnd [AjPStr] Text from COMPND records in PDB file. ** @attr Source [AjPStr] Text from SOURCE records in PDB file. ** @attr Method [ajint] Experiment type, either XRAY or NMR. ** @attr Reso [float] Resolution of an XRAY structure or 0. ** @attr Nmod [ajint] No. of models (always 1 for XRAY structures). ** @attr Nchn [ajint] No. polypeptide chains. ** @attr Chains [AjPChain*] Array of pointers to AjSChain structures. ** @attr gpid [AjPChar] Array of chain (group) id's for groups that ** could not be uniquely associated with a chain. ** @attr Groups [AjPList] List of Atom objects for groups that could not ** be uniquely associated with a chain. ** @attr Water [AjPList] List of Atom objects for water molecules. ** @attr Ngp [ajint] No. groups that could not be uniquely ** associated with a chain in the SEQRES records. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajPdbNew Default Pdb constructor. ** @new ajPdbReadRawNew Pdb constructor from reading pdb format file. ** @new ajPdbReadNew Pdb constructor from reading CCF format file. ** @new ajPdbReadFirstModelNew Pdb constructor from reading CCF format ** file (retrive data for 1st model only). ** @new ajPdbReadoldNew Pdb constructor from reading CCF format file ** lacking residue-level description in RE records. ** @new ajPdbReadoldFirstModelNew Pdb constructor from reading CCF format ** file lacking residue-level description in RE records. ** @delete ajPdbDel Default Pdb destructor. ** @assign ajPdbCopy Replicates a Pdb object. ** @use ajPdbGetEStrideType Reads a Pdb object and writes a string with ** the secondary structure. ** @use ajPdbChnidToNum Finds the chain number for a given chain ** identifier. ** @use embPdbToIdx Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer which gives ** the index into the protein sequence for a residue with a ** specified pdb residue number and a specified chain number. ** @use embPdbidToSp Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent ** swissprot identifier code. ** @use embPdbidToAcc Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent ** accession number. ** @use embPdbidToScop Writes a list of scop identifier codes for the ** domains that a Pdb object contains. ** @cast embPdbAtomIndexI Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array ** which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured ** residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for ** a given chain. ** @cast embPdbAtomIndexICA Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array ** which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured ** residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for ** a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are ** missing. ** @cast embPdbAtomIndexCCA Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array ** which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured ** residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for ** a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are ** missing. ** @output ajPdbWriteDomainRecordRaw Writes lines to a pdb format file for ** a domain. ** @output ajPdbWriteRecordRaw Writes lines to a pdb format file for a ** protein. ** @output ajPdbWriteAllRaw Writes a pdb-format file for a protein. ** @output ajPdbWriteDomainRaw Writes a pdb-format file for a SCOP domain. ** @output ajPdbWriteAll Writes a CCF-format file for a protein. ** @output ajPdbWriteDomain Writes a CCF-format file for a domain). ** @output ajPdbWriteSegment Writes a CCF-format file for a segment of a ** protein. ** @cast embPdbListHeterogens Construct a list of arrays of Atom objects ** for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each ** ligand). ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSPdb { AjPStr Pdb; AjPStr Compnd; AjPStr Source; ajint Method; float Reso; ajint Nmod; ajint Nchn; AjPChain *Chains; AjPChar gpid; AjPList Groups; AjPList Water; ajint Ngp; char Padding[4]; } AjOPdb; #define AjPPdb AjOPdb* /* @data AjPHetent ********************************************************** ** ** Ajax Hetent object. ** ** Holds a single entry from a dictionary of heterogen groups. ** ** AjPHetent is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSHetent ** @alias AjOHetent ** ** ** ** @attr abv [AjPStr] 3-letter abbreviation of heterogen. ** @attr syn [AjPStr] Synonym. ** @attr ful [AjPStr] Full name. ** @attr cnt [ajint] No. of occurences (files) of this heterogen in a ** directory. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajHetentNew Default Hetent constructor. ** @delete ajHetentDel Default Hetent destructor. ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSHetent { AjPStr abv; AjPStr syn; AjPStr ful; ajint cnt; char Padding[4]; } AjOHetent; #define AjPHetent AjOHetent* /* @data AjPHet ************************************************************* ** ** Ajax Het object. ** Holds a dictionary of heterogen groups. ** ** AjPHet is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSHet ** @alias AjOHet ** ** @attr entries [AjPHetent*] Array of entries. ** @attr n [ajint] Number of entries. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajHetNew Default Het constructor. ** @new ajHetReadRawNew Het constructor from reading dictionary of ** heterogen groups in raw format. ** @new ajHetReadNew Het constructor from reading dictionary of ** heterogen groups in embl-like format (see documentation for the ** EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @delete ajHetDel Default Het destructor. ** @output ajHetWrite Write Het object to file in embl-like format (see ** documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSHet { AjPHetent *entries; ajint n; char Padding[4]; } AjOHet; #define AjPHet AjOHet* /* @data AjPVdwres ********************************************************** ** ** Ajax Vdwres object. ** ** Holds the Van der Waals radius for atoms in a residue ** ** AjPVdwres is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSVdwres ** @alias AjOVdwres ** ** ** ** @attr Id3 [AjPStr] 3 character residue identifier. ** @attr Atm [AjPStr*] Array of atom identifiers. ** @attr Rad [float*] Array of van der Waals radii. ** @attr N [ajint] Nummber of atoms in residue. ** @attr Id1 [char] Standard residue identifier or 'X' for unknown. ** @attr Padding [char[3]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajVdwresNew Default Vdwres constructor. ** @delete ajVdwresDel Default Vdwres destructor. ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSVdwres { AjPStr Id3; AjPStr *Atm; float *Rad; ajint N; char Id1; char Padding[3]; } AjOVdwres; #define AjPVdwres AjOVdwres* /* @data AjPVdwall ********************************************************** ** ** Ajax Vdwall object. ** ** Holds the Van der Waals radii for all types of protein atoms ** ** AjPVdwall is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSVdwall ** @alias AjOVdwall ** ** ** ** @attr Res [AjPVdwres*] Array of Vdwres structures. ** @attr N [ajint] Number of residues. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajVdwallNew Default Vdwall constructor. ** @new ajVdwallReadNew Vdwall constructor from reading file in embl-like ** format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @delete ajVdwallDel Default Vdwall destructor. ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSVdwall { AjPVdwres *Res; ajint N; char Padding[4]; } AjOVdwall; #define AjPVdwall AjOVdwall* /* @data AjPCmap ************************************************************ ** ** Ajax Cmap object. ** ** Holds a contact map and associated data for a protein domain / chain ** (intra or inter-chain contacts) or between a protein / domain and a ** ligand. For ligand contacts, the first row / column only of the contact ** map is used. ** ** AjPCmap is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** @alias AjSCmap ** @alias AjOCmap ** ** ** for intra-chain, inter-chain and chain-ligand contacts respectively. ** @attr Id [AjPStr] Protein id code. ** @attr Domid [AjPStr] Domain id code. ** @attr Ligid [AjPStr] Ligand id code. ** @attr Chn1 [ajint] Chain number 1 (first chain) ** @attr Chn2 [ajint] Chain number 2 (second chain if available) ** @attr Nres1 [ajint] Number of residues in chain/domain 1 ** @attr Nres2 [ajint] Number of residues in chain/domain 2 ** @attr Seq1 [AjPStr] The sequence of the first domain or chain. ** @attr Seq2 [AjPStr] The sequence of the second domain or chain. ** @attr Mat [AjPUint2d] Contact map. ** @attr Dim [ajint] Dimension of contact map. ** @attr Ncon [ajint] No. of contacts (1's in contact map). ** @attr en [ajint] Entry number. ** @attr ns [ajint] No. of sites (ajLIGAND only) ** @attr sn [ajint] Site number (ajLIGAND only) ** @attr Type [ajint] Type of contact, either ajINTRA, ajINTER or ajLIGAND ** @attr Desc [AjPStr] Description of ligand (ajLIGAND only) ** @attr Chid1 [char] Chain identifier 1 (first chain) ** @attr Chid2 [char] Chain identifier 2 (second chain if available) ** @attr Padding [char[6]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** @new ajCmapNew Default Cmap constructor. ** @new ajCmapReadINew Cmap constructor from reading file in CON ** (embl-like)format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX ** package). ** @new ajCmapReadCNew Cmap constructor from reading file in CON ** format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @new ajCmapReadNew Cmap constructor from reading file in CON ** format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @new ajCmapReadAllNew Constructs list of Cmap objects from reading file ** in CON format (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package). ** @delete ajCmapDel Default Cmap destructor. ** @output ajCmapWrite Write Cmap object to file in CON format. ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSCmap { AjPStr Id; AjPStr Domid; AjPStr Ligid; ajint Chn1; ajint Chn2; ajint Nres1; ajint Nres2; AjPStr Seq1; AjPStr Seq2; AjPUint2d Mat; ajint Dim; ajint Ncon; ajint en; ajint ns; ajint sn; ajint Type; AjPStr Desc; char Chid1; char Chid2; char Padding[6]; } AjOCmap; #define AjPCmap AjOCmap* /* @data AjPPdbtosp ******************************************************* ** ** Ajax Pdbtosp object. ** ** Holds swissprot codes and accession numbers for a PDB code. ** ** AjPPdbtosp is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** ** ** @alias AjSPdbtosp ** @alias AjOPdbtosp ** ** ** ** @attr Pdb [AjPStr] PDB code ** @attr Acc [AjPStr*] Accession numbers ** @attr Spr [AjPStr*] Swissprot codes ** @attr n [ajint] No. entries for this pdb code ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** ** ** ** @new ajPdbtospNew Default Pdbtosp constructor. ** @new ajPdbtospReadAllRawNew Pdbtosp constructor from reading swissprot- ** pdb equivalence table in raw format. ** @new ajPdbtospReadNew Pdbtosp constructor from reading file in ** embl-like format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX ** package). ** @new ajPdbtospReadCNew Pdbtosp constructor from reading file in ** embl-like format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX ** package). ** @delete ajPdbtospDel Default Pdbtosp destructor. ** @new ajPdbtospReadAllNew Constructor for list of Pdbtosp objects from ** reading file in embl-like format (see documentation for the ** EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @output ajPdbtospWrite Write Pdbtosp object to file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package). ** @use ajPdbtospArrFindPdbid Binary search for Pdb element over array ** of Pdbtosp objects. ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSPdbtosp { AjPStr Pdb; AjPStr *Acc; AjPStr *Spr; ajint n; char Padding[4]; } AjOPdbtosp; #define AjPPdbtosp AjOPdbtosp* /* ** Prototype definitions */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Het objects ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPHet ajHetNew(ajint n); void ajHetDel(AjPHet *ptr); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Hetent object ============================ */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPHetent ajHetentNew(void); void ajHetentDel(AjPHetent *ptr); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Vdwall object ============================ */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPVdwall ajVdwallNew(ajint n); void ajVdwallDel(AjPVdwall *ptr); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Vdwres object ============================ */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPVdwres ajVdwresNew(ajint n); void ajVdwresDel(AjPVdwres *ptr); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Atom object ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPAtom ajAtomNew(void); void ajAtomDel(AjPAtom *ptr); ajint ajAtomCopy(AjPAtom *to, const AjPAtom from); ajint ajAtomListCopy(AjPList *to, const AjPList from); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Residue object ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPResidue ajResidueNew(void); void ajResidueDel(AjPResidue *ptr); ajint ajResidueCopy(AjPResidue *to, const AjPResidue from); AjBool ajResidueListCopy(AjPList *to, const AjPList from); ajint ajResidueEnv1(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv2(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv3(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv4(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv5(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv6(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv7(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv8(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv9(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv10(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv11(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv12(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv13(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv14(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv15(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueEnv16(const AjPResidue res, char SEnv, AjPStr *OEnv, AjPFile logf); ajint ajResidueSSEnv(const AjPResidue res, char *SEnv,AjPFile logf); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Pdbtosp object =========================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPPdbtosp ajPdbtospNew(ajint n); void ajPdbtospDel(AjPPdbtosp *ptr); ajint ajPdbtospArrFindPdbid(AjPPdbtosp const *arr, ajint siz, const AjPStr id); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Chain object ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPChain ajChainNew(void); void ajChainDel(AjPChain *ptr); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Pdb object =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPPdb ajPdbNew(ajint n); void ajPdbDel(AjPPdb *ptr); AjBool ajPdbCopy(AjPPdb *to, const AjPPdb from); AjBool ajPdbChnidToNum(char id, const AjPPdb pdb, ajint *chn); AjPPdb ajPdbReadNew(AjPFile inf, ajint mode); AjPPdb ajPdbReadAllModelsNew(AjPFile inf); AjPPdb ajPdbReadFirstModelNew(AjPFile inf); AjPPdb ajPdbReadoldNew(AjPFile inf); AjPPdb ajPdbReadoldFirstModelNew(AjPFile inf); AjBool ajPdbWriteAll(AjPFile out, const AjPPdb obj); AjBool ajPdbWriteSegment(AjPFile outf, const AjPPdb pdb, const AjPStr seq, char chn, const AjPStr domain, AjPFile errf); ajint ajPdbGetEStrideType(const AjPPdb obj, ajint chn, AjPStr *EStrideType); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ====================== Het & Hetent objects =========================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPHet ajHetReadRawNew(AjPFile inf); AjPHet ajHetReadNew(AjPFile inf); AjBool ajHetWrite(AjPFile outf, const AjPHet ptr, AjBool dogrep); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ================ Vdwall, Vdwres object ================================ */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPVdwall ajVdwallReadNew(AjPFile inf); /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== Cmap object =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPCmap ajCmapNew(ajint n); AjPCmap ajCmapReadCNew(AjPFile inf, char chn, ajint mod); AjPCmap ajCmapReadINew(AjPFile inf, ajint chn, ajint mod); AjPCmap ajCmapReadNew(AjPFile inf, ajint mode, ajint chn, ajint mod); AjPList ajCmapReadAllNew(AjPFile inf); void ajCmapDel(AjPCmap *ptr); AjBool ajCmapWrite(AjPFile outf, const AjPCmap cmap); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================== Pdbtosp object =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ AjPList ajPdbtospReadAllRawNew(AjPFile inf); AjPPdbtosp ajPdbtospReadNew(AjPFile inf, const AjPStr entry); AjPPdbtosp ajPdbtospReadCNew(AjPFile inf, const char *entry); AjPList ajPdbtospReadAllNew(AjPFile inf); AjBool ajPdbtospWrite(AjPFile outf, const AjPList list); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif