/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX nexus file parsing functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" /* TO DO ********************************************************* ** ** Quoted strings converted to words with underscores ** Allow '' to be ' ** ******************************************************************************/ static const char* nexusCharactersDataTypes[] = { "standard", "dna", "rna", "nucleotide", "protein", "continuous", NULL }; static const char* nexusCharactersStatesFormat[] = { "statespresent", "individuals", "count", "frequency", NULL }; static const char* nexusUnalignedDataTypes[] = { "standard", "dna", "rna", "nucleotide", "protein", NULL }; static const char* nexusAssumptionsDefType[] = { "unord", "ord", "irrev", "irrev.up", "irrev.dn", "dollo", "dollo.up", "dollo.dn", "strat", NULL }; static const char* nexusAssumptionsPolyTCount[] = { "minsteps", "maxsteps", NULL }; static const char* nexusAssumptionsGapMode[] = { "missing", "newstate", NULL }; static const char* nexusDistancesTriangle[] = { "lower", "upper", "both", NULL }; static void nexusArrayDel(AjPStr** pthis); static AjBool nexusBlockSave(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list, const AjPStr blockname); static AjBool nexusCommand(AjPList list, AjPStr* command, AjPStr* cmdstr); static void nexusAssumptionsDel(AjPNexusAssumptions* pthys); static AjPNexusAssumptions nexusAssumptionsNew(void); static void nexusCharactersDel(AjPNexusCharacters* pthys); static AjPNexusCharacters nexusCharactersNew(void); static void nexusCodonsDel(AjPNexusCodons* pthys); static AjPNexusCodons nexusCodonsNew(void); static void nexusDistancesDel(AjPNexusDistances* pthys); static AjPNexusDistances nexusDistancesNew(void); static void nexusNotesDel(AjPNexusNotes* pthys); static AjPNexusNotes nexusNotesNew(void); static void nexusSetsDel(AjPNexusSets* pthys); static AjPNexusSets nexusSetsNew(void); static void nexusTaxaDel(AjPNexusTaxa* pthys); static AjPNexusTaxa nexusTaxaNew(void); static void nexusTreesDel(AjPNexusTrees* pthys); static AjPNexusTrees nexusTreesNew(void); static void nexusUnalignedDel(AjPNexusUnaligned* pthys); static AjPNexusUnaligned nexusUnalignedNew(void); static AjBool nexusParseAssumptions(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseCharacters(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list, AjBool newtaxa); static AjBool nexusParseCodons(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseDistances(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseNotes(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseSets(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseTaxa(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseTrees(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusParseUnaligned(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list); static AjBool nexusGetBool(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, AjBool* dest); static AjBool nexusGetInt(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, ajuint* dest); static AjBool nexusGetChar(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, char* dest); static AjBool nexusGetStr(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, AjPStr* dest); static ajint nexusGetArray(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, AjPStr** dest); static AjBool nexusVocab(const char* title, const AjPStr src, const char* vocab[]); static AjBool nexusSetSequences(AjPNexus thys); /* @func ajNexusParse ********************************************************* ** ** Parses a nexus buffered file ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Input buffered file ** @return [AjPNexus] Nexus data object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPNexus ajNexusParse(AjPFilebuff buff) { AjPNexus ret; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPList blocklist = NULL; ajint ok; ajint commentlevel = 0; AjBool block; AjPStr prestr = NULL; AjPStr poststr = NULL; AjPStr blockname = NULL; static AjPRegexp commexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp begcommexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp endcommexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp begexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp endexp = NULL; if (!commexp) commexp = ajRegCompC("[\\[]([^&][^\\[\\]]+)[\\]]$"); if (!endcommexp) endcommexp = ajRegCompC("^([^\\]]*)[\\]]"); if (!begcommexp) begcommexp = ajRegCompC("[\\[]([^\\[\\]]*)$"); if (!begexp) begexp = ajRegCompC("^\\s*[Bb][Ee][Gg][Ii][Nn]\\s+(\\S+)\\s*;\\s*$"); if (!endexp) endexp = ajRegCompC("^\\s*[Ee][Nn][Dd]\\S*;\\s*$"); ajDebug("ajNexusParse\n"); ajBuffreadLine(buff, &rdline); if(!ajStrPrefixCaseC(rdline, "#NEXUS")) { /* first line test */ ajFilebuffReset(buff); return NULL; } ajDebug("ajNexusParse: First line ok '%S'\n", rdline); ok = ajBuffreadLine(buff, &rdline); if(!ok) return NULL; block = ajFalse; commentlevel = 0; blocklist = ajListstrNew(); ret = ajNexusNew(); while(ok) { ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&rdline); /* first trim any comments from the input string */ while (commentlevel && ajRegExec(endcommexp, rdline)) { ajRegPost(endcommexp, &poststr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, poststr); --commentlevel; ajDebug("end comment found: %S\n", rdline); } while (ajRegExec(commexp, rdline)) { ajRegPre(commexp, &prestr); ajRegPost(commexp, &poststr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, prestr); ajStrAppendS(&rdline, poststr); ajDebug("comment found: %S\n", rdline); } while (ajRegExec(begcommexp, rdline)) { ajRegPre(begcommexp, &prestr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, prestr); ++commentlevel; ajDebug("begin comment found: %S\n", rdline); } if (commentlevel) { ajDebug("comments only ... skipping\n"); } else if (!block && ajRegExec(begexp, rdline)) /* begin line */ { block = ajTrue; ajRegSubI(begexp, 1, &blockname); } else if (block && ajRegExec(endexp, rdline)) /* end line */ { if (!nexusBlockSave(ret, blocklist, blockname)) return NULL; ajStrAssignClear(&blockname); block = ajFalse; } else if (block) /* the rest */ { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&rdline); if (ajStrGetLen(rdline)) { ajListstrPushAppend(blocklist, rdline); } rdline = NULL; } ok = ajBuffreadLine(buff, &rdline); } if (block) { ajDebug("ajNexusParse unclosed block '%S'\n", blockname); return NULL; } ajNexusTrace(ret); return ret; } /* @func ajNexusNew *********************************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexus ** ** @return [AjPNexus] New AjPNexus object ** @category new [AjPNexus] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ AjPNexus ajNexusNew(void) { AjPNexus thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusTaxaNew *********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusTaxa ** ** @return [AjPNexusTaxa] New AjPNexusTaxa object ** @category new [AjPNexusTaxa] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusTaxa nexusTaxaNew(void) { AjPNexusTaxa thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusCharactersNew ********************************************* ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusCharacters ** ** @return [AjPNexusCharacters] New AjPNexusCharacters object ** @category new [AjPNexusCharacters] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusCharacters nexusCharactersNew(void) { AjPNexusCharacters thys; AJNEW0(thys); ajStrAssignC(&thys->DataType, "standard"); thys->NewTaxa = ajFalse; thys->Missing = '?'; ajStrAssignC(&thys->Symbols, "0 1"); thys->Labels = ajTrue; thys->Interleave = ajFalse; thys->Tokens = ajTrue; return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusUnalignedNew ********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusUnaligned ** ** @return [AjPNexusUnaligned] New AjPNexusUnaligned object ** @category new [AjPNexusUnaligned] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusUnaligned nexusUnalignedNew(void) { AjPNexusUnaligned thys; AJNEW0(thys); thys->NewTaxa = ajFalse; ajStrAssignC(&thys->DataType, "standard"); thys->Missing = '?'; thys->Labels = ajTrue; return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusDistancesNew ********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusDistances ** ** @return [AjPNexusDistances] New AjPNexusDistances object ** @category new [AjPNexusDistances] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusDistances nexusDistancesNew(void) { AjPNexusDistances thys; AJNEW0(thys); thys->NewTaxa = ajFalse; thys->Missing = '?'; ajStrAssignC(&thys->Triangle, "lower"); thys->Diagonal = ajTrue; thys->Labels = ajTrue; thys->Interleave = ajFalse; return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusSetsNew *********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusSets ** ** @return [AjPNexusSets] New AjPNexusSets object ** @category new [AjPNexusSets] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusSets nexusSetsNew(void) { AjPNexusSets thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusAssumptionsNew ******************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusAssumptions ** ** @return [AjPNexusAssumptions] New AjPNexusAssumptions object ** @category new [AjPNexusAssumptions] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusAssumptions nexusAssumptionsNew(void) { AjPNexusAssumptions thys; AJNEW0(thys); ajStrAssignC(&thys->DefType, "unord"); ajStrAssignC(&thys->GapMode, "missing"); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusCodonsNew *********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusCodons ** ** @return [AjPNexusCodons] New AjPNexusCodons object ** @category new [AjPNexusCodons] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusCodons nexusCodonsNew(void) { AjPNexusCodons thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusTreesNew *********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusTrees ** ** @return [AjPNexusTrees] New AjPNexusTrees object ** @category new [AjPNexusTrees] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusTrees nexusTreesNew(void) { AjPNexusTrees thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @funcstatic nexusNotesNew *********************************************** ** ** Constructor for AjPNexusNotes ** ** @return [AjPNexusNotes] New AjPNexusNotes object ** @category new [AjPNexusNotes] Default constructor ******************************************************************************/ static AjPNexusNotes nexusNotesNew(void) { AjPNexusNotes thys; AJNEW0(thys); return thys; } /* @func ajNexusDel *********************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexus ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexus*] AjPNexus object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexus] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ void ajNexusDel(AjPNexus* pthys) { AjPNexus thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusTaxaDel(&thys->Taxa); nexusCharactersDel(&thys->Characters); nexusUnalignedDel(&thys->Unaligned); nexusDistancesDel(&thys->Distances); nexusSetsDel(&thys->Sets); nexusAssumptionsDel(&thys->Assumptions); nexusCodonsDel(&thys->Codons); nexusTreesDel(&thys->Trees); nexusNotesDel(&thys->Notes); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusTaxaDel *************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusTaxa ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusTaxa*] AjPNexusTaxa object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusTaxa] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusTaxaDel(AjPNexusTaxa* pthys) { AjPNexusTaxa thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusArrayDel(&thys->TaxLabels); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusCharactersDel ********************************************* ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusCharacters ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusCharacters*] AjPNexusCharacters object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusCharacters] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusCharactersDel(AjPNexusCharacters* pthys) { AjPNexusCharacters thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; ajStrDel(&thys->DataType); ajStrDel(&thys->Symbols); ajStrDel(&thys->Equate); ajStrDel(&thys->Items); ajStrDel(&thys->StatesFormat); ajStrDel(&thys->Eliminate); nexusArrayDel(&thys->CharStateLabels); nexusArrayDel(&thys->CharLabels); nexusArrayDel(&thys->StateLabels); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Matrix); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Sequences); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusUnalignedDel ********************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusUnaligned ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusUnaligned*] AjPNexusUnaligned object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusUnaligned] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusUnalignedDel(AjPNexusUnaligned* pthys) { AjPNexusUnaligned thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; ajStrDel(&thys->DataType); ajStrDel(&thys->Symbols); ajStrDel(&thys->Equate); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Matrix); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusDistancesDel ********************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusDistances ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusDistances*] AjPNexusDistances object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusDistances] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusDistancesDel(AjPNexusDistances* pthys) { AjPNexusDistances thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; ajStrDel(&thys->Triangle); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Matrix); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusSetsDel *************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusSets ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusSets*] AjPNexusSets object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusSets] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusSetsDel(AjPNexusSets* pthys) { AjPNexusSets thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusArrayDel(&thys->CharSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->StateSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->ChangeSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->TaxSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->TreeSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->CharPartition); nexusArrayDel(&thys->TaxPartition); nexusArrayDel(&thys->TreePartition); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusAssumptionsDel ******************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusAssumptions ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusAssumptions*] AjPNexuAssumptionss object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusAssumptions] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusAssumptionsDel(AjPNexusAssumptions* pthys) { AjPNexusAssumptions thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; ajStrDel(&thys->DefType); ajStrDel(&thys->PolyTCount); ajStrDel(&thys->GapMode); nexusArrayDel(&thys->UserType); nexusArrayDel(&thys->TypeSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->WtSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->ExSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->AncStates); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusCodonsDel ************************************************* ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusCodons ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusCodons*] AjPNexusCodons object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusCodons] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusCodonsDel(AjPNexusCodons* pthys) { AjPNexusCodons thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusArrayDel(&thys->CodonPosSet); nexusArrayDel(&thys->GeneticCode); nexusArrayDel(&thys->CodeSet); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusTreesDel ************************************************** ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusTrees ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusTrees*] AjPNexusTrees object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusTrees] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusTreesDel(AjPNexusTrees* pthys) { AjPNexusTrees thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusArrayDel(&thys->Translate); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Tree); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusNotesDel ************************************************ ** ** Destructor for AjPNexusNotes ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPNexusNotes*] AjPNexusNotes object ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPNexusNotes] Default destructor ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusNotesDel(AjPNexusNotes* pthys) { AjPNexusNotes thys; if (!*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; nexusArrayDel(&thys->Text); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Picture); AJFREE(*pthys); } /* @funcstatic nexusBlockSave ************************************************* ** ** Saves a nexus block in the appropriate block type ** ** Note: data is saved as a character block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [w] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @param [r] blockname [const AjPStr] Block name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusBlockSave(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list, const AjPStr blockname) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "taxa")) { if (!nexusParseTaxa(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "characters")) { if (!nexusParseCharacters(thys, list, ajFalse)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "unaligned")) { if (!nexusParseUnaligned(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "distances")) { if (!nexusParseDistances(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "sets")) { if (!nexusParseSets(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "assumptions")) { if (!nexusParseAssumptions(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "codons")) { if (!nexusParseCodons(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "trees")) { if (!nexusParseTrees(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "notes")) { if (!nexusParseNotes(thys, list)) return ajFalse; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(blockname, "data")) { if (!nexusParseCharacters(thys, list, ajTrue)) return ajFalse; } else ajDebug("nexusBlockSave: unknown block '%S'\n", blockname); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusCommand ******************************************** ** ** Finds the next command and command string in a block ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @param [w] command [AjPStr*] Command name ** @param [w] cmdstr [AjPStr*] Command kstring ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusCommand(AjPList list, AjPStr* command, AjPStr* cmdstr) { AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp begcommand = NULL; static AjPRegexp endcommand = NULL; AjBool incommand = ajFalse; if (!begcommand) begcommand = ajRegCompC("^\\s*(\\S*)\\s*"); if (!endcommand) endcommand = ajRegCompC(";\\s*$"); while (ajListstrPop(list, &rdline)) { if (!incommand) { if (ajRegExec(begcommand, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(begcommand, 1, command); ajRegPost(begcommand, cmdstr); if (ajRegExec(endcommand, *cmdstr)) { ajRegPre(endcommand, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(cmdstr, tmpstr); return ajTrue; } incommand = ajTrue; } } else if (incommand) { if (ajRegExec(endcommand, rdline)) { ajRegPre(endcommand, &tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(cmdstr, tmpstr); return ajTrue; } else { if (ajStrGetLen(*cmdstr)) ajStrAppendK(cmdstr, '\n'); ajStrAppendS(cmdstr, rdline); } } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseTaxa ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Taxa block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseTaxa(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; ajuint i; static AjPRegexp dimexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp taxlabexp = NULL; if (!dimexp) dimexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bntax\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); if (!taxlabexp) taxlabexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\S+"); if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "dimensions")) { if (!ajRegExec(dimexp, cmdstr)) { ajDebug("Invalid Taxa '%S'\n", command); break; } if (nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp, 1, &thys->Taxa->Ntax)) { if (!thys->Ntax) thys->Ntax = thys->Taxa->Ntax; } } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxlabels")) { if (!thys->Taxa->Ntax) { ajDebug("nexusParseTaxa failed: dimension Ntax not found\n"); return ajFalse; } i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, taxlabexp, &thys->Taxa->TaxLabels); if (i != thys->Taxa->Ntax) { ajDebug("nexusParseTaxa failed: Ntax %d read %d TaxLabels\n", thys->Taxa->Ntax, i); return ajFalse; } } } if (!thys->Taxa->Ntax) { ajDebug("nexusParseTaxa failed: taxa data not found\n"); return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseCharacters ******************************************* ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Characters block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @param [r] newtaxa [AjBool] If true, set NewTaxa ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseCharacters(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list, AjBool newtaxa) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; ajuint i; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp3 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp3 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp4 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp5 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp6 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp7 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp8 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp9 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp10 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp11 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp12 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp13 = NULL; static AjPRegexp taxlabexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp chstlabexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp chlabexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp optexp1 = NULL; if (!newlinexp) { newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); dimexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bnewtaxa\\b"); dimexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bntax\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); dimexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bnchar\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); formexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bdatatype\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\brespectcase\\b"); formexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bmissing\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp4 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bgap\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp5 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bsymbols\\s*=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)[\"']"); formexp6 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bequate\\s*=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]"); formexp7 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bmatchchar\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp8 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\b(no)?labels"); formexp9 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\btranspose\\b"); formexp10 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\binterleave\\b"); formexp11 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bitems\\s*=\\s*[(]([^)]+)[)]\\b"); formexp12 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bstatesformat\\s*=\\s*[{]([^}]+)[}]\\b"); formexp13 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\b(no)?tokens"); taxlabexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\S+"); chstlabexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\d+\\s+[^,]+"); chlabexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\S+"); optexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bgapmode\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); } if (!thys->Characters) thys->Characters = nexusCharactersNew(); if(newtaxa) thys->Characters->NewTaxa = ajTrue; while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "dimensions")) { if(ajRegExec(dimexp1, cmdstr)) thys->Characters->NewTaxa = ajTrue; if(nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp2, 1, &thys->Characters->Ntax)) { if (thys->Ntax) ajDebug("nexus characters dimension ntax - " "taxlabels already done\n"); else { if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); thys->Ntax = thys->Taxa->Ntax = thys->Characters->Ntax; } } if(!nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp3, 1, &thys->Characters->Nchar)) { ajDebug("nexusParseCharacters failed: nchar undefined\n"); return ajFalse; } } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "format")) { if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp1, 1, &thys->Characters->DataType)) nexusVocab("characters format datatype", thys->Characters->DataType, nexusCharactersDataTypes); if(ajRegExec(formexp2, cmdstr)) thys->Characters->RespectCase = ajTrue; nexusGetChar(cmdstr, formexp3, 1, &thys->Characters->Missing); nexusGetChar(cmdstr, formexp4, 1, &thys->Characters->Gap); nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp5, 1, &thys->Characters->Symbols); nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp6, 1, &thys->Characters->Equate); nexusGetChar(cmdstr, formexp7, 1, &thys->Characters->MatchChar); nexusGetBool(cmdstr, formexp8, 1, &thys->Characters->Labels); if(ajRegExec(formexp9, cmdstr)) thys->Characters->Transpose = ajTrue; if(ajRegExec(formexp10, cmdstr)) thys->Characters->Interleave = ajTrue; nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp11, 0, &thys->Characters->Items); if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp12, 0, &thys->Characters->StatesFormat)) nexusVocab("characters format statesformat", thys->Characters->StatesFormat, nexusCharactersStatesFormat); nexusGetBool(cmdstr, formexp13, 0, &thys->Characters->Tokens); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "eliminate")) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&cmdstr); ajStrAssignS(&thys->Characters->Eliminate, cmdstr); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxlabels")) { if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, taxlabexp, &thys->Taxa->TaxLabels); if (i != thys->Taxa->Ntax) { ajDebug("nexusParseCharacters " "failed: Ntax %d read %d TaxLabels\n", thys->Taxa->Ntax, i); return ajFalse; } } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "charstatelabels")) { i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, chstlabexp, &thys->Characters->CharStateLabels); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "charlabels")) { i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, chlabexp, &thys->Characters->CharLabels); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "statelabels")) { i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, chstlabexp, &thys->Characters->StateLabels); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "matrix")) { i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Characters->Matrix); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "options")) /* not 1997 standard */ { if (!thys->Assumptions) thys->Assumptions = nexusAssumptionsNew(); if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, optexp1, 1, /* should be in assumptions */ &thys->Assumptions->GapMode)) nexusVocab("characters options gapmode", thys->Assumptions->GapMode, nexusAssumptionsGapMode); } else { ajDebug("nexusParseCharacters unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } if (!thys->Characters->Nchar) { ajDebug("nexusParseCharacters failed: dimension nchar undefined\n"); return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseUnaligned ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Unaligned block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseUnaligned(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp3 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp5 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp6 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp8 = NULL; if (!dimexp1) { dimexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bnewtaxa\\b"); dimexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bntax\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); formexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bdatatype\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\brespectcase\\b"); formexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bmissing\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp5 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bsymbols\\s*=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]"); formexp6 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bequate\\s*=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]"); formexp8 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\b(no)?labels"); } if (!thys->Unaligned) thys->Unaligned = nexusUnalignedNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "dimensions")) { if(ajRegExec(dimexp1, cmdstr)) thys->Unaligned->NewTaxa = ajTrue; if(nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp2, 1, &thys->Unaligned->Ntax)) { if (thys->Ntax) ajDebug("nexus unaligned dimension ntax - " "taxlabels already done\n"); else { if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); thys->Ntax = thys->Taxa->Ntax = thys->Unaligned->Ntax; } } } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "format")) { if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp1, 1, &thys->Unaligned->DataType)) nexusVocab("unaligned format datatype", thys->Unaligned->DataType, nexusUnalignedDataTypes); if(ajRegExec(formexp2, cmdstr)) thys->Unaligned->RespectCase = ajTrue; nexusGetChar(cmdstr, formexp3, 1, &thys->Unaligned->Missing); nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp5, 1, &thys->Unaligned->Symbols); nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp6, 1, &thys->Unaligned->Equate); nexusGetBool(cmdstr, formexp8, 1, &thys->Unaligned->Labels); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "matrix")) { nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Unaligned->Matrix); } else { ajDebug("nexusParseUnaligned unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseDistances ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Distances block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseDistances(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; ajuint i; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp dimexp3 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp3 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp4 = NULL; static AjPRegexp formexp5 = NULL; static AjPRegexp taxlabexp = NULL; if (!dimexp1) { dimexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bnewtaxa\\b"); dimexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bntax\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); dimexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bnchar\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)"); formexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\btriangle\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\b(no)?diagonal\\b"); formexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\b(no)?labels\\b"); formexp4 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bmissing\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); formexp5 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\binterleave\\b"); taxlabexp = ajRegCompCaseC("\\S+"); } if (!thys->Distances) thys->Distances = nexusDistancesNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "dimensions")) { if(ajRegExec(dimexp1,cmdstr)) thys->Distances->NewTaxa = ajTrue; if(nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp2, 1, &thys->Distances->Ntax)) { if (thys->Ntax) ajDebug("nexus distances dimension ntax - " "taxlabels already done\n"); else { if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); thys->Ntax = thys->Taxa->Ntax = thys->Distances->Ntax; } } /* nchar is optional for distances only */ nexusGetInt(cmdstr, dimexp3, 1, &thys->Distances->Nchar); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "format")) { if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, formexp1, 1, &thys->Distances->Triangle)) nexusVocab("distances format triangle", thys->Distances->Triangle, nexusDistancesTriangle); nexusGetBool(cmdstr, formexp2, 1, &thys->Distances->Diagonal); nexusGetBool(cmdstr, formexp3, 1, &thys->Distances->Labels); nexusGetChar(cmdstr, formexp4, 1, &thys->Distances->Missing); if(ajRegExec(formexp5,cmdstr)) thys->Distances->Interleave = ajTrue; } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxlabels")) { if (!thys->Taxa) thys->Taxa = nexusTaxaNew(); i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, taxlabexp, &thys->Taxa->TaxLabels); if (i != thys->Taxa->Ntax) { ajDebug("nexusParseCharacters failed: " "Ntax %d read %d TaxLabels\n", thys->Taxa->Ntax, i); return ajFalse; } } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "matrix")) i = nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Characters->Matrix); else { ajDebug("nexusParseDistances unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseSets ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Sets block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseSets(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; if (!newlinexp) newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); if (!thys->Sets) thys->Sets = nexusSetsNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { ajDebug("nexusParseSets %S: '%S'\n", command, cmdstr); if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "charset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->CharSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "stateset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->StateSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "changeset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->ChangeSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->TaxSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "treeset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->TreeSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "charpartition")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->CharPartition); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxpartition")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->TaxPartition); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "treepartition")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->TreePartition); else { ajDebug("nexusParseSets unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseAssumptions ****************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Assumptions block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseAssumptions(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp optexp1 = NULL; static AjPRegexp optexp2 = NULL; static AjPRegexp optexp3 = NULL; if (!newlinexp) { newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); optexp1 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bdeftype\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); optexp2 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bpolycount\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); optexp3 = ajRegCompCaseC("\\bgapmode\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)"); } if (!thys->Assumptions) thys->Assumptions = nexusAssumptionsNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "options")) { if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, optexp1, 1, &thys->Assumptions->DefType)) nexusVocab("assumptions options deftype", thys->Assumptions->DefType, nexusAssumptionsDefType); if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, optexp2, 1, &thys->Assumptions->PolyTCount)) nexusVocab("assumptions options polytcount", thys->Assumptions->PolyTCount, nexusAssumptionsPolyTCount); if(nexusGetStr(cmdstr, optexp3, 1, &thys->Assumptions->GapMode)) nexusVocab("assumptions options gapmode", thys->Assumptions->GapMode, nexusAssumptionsGapMode); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "usertype")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Assumptions->UserType); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "typeset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Assumptions->TypeSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "wtset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Assumptions->WtSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "exset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Assumptions->ExSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "ancstates")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Assumptions->AncStates); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "taxset")) /* not 1997 standard */ { if (!thys->Sets) thys->Sets = nexusSetsNew(); nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->TaxSet); } else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "charset")) /* not 1997 standard */ { if (!thys->Sets) thys->Sets = nexusSetsNew(); nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Sets->CharSet); } else { ajDebug("nexusParseAssumptions unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseCodons ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Codons block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseCodons(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; if (!newlinexp) newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); if (!thys->Codons) thys->Codons = nexusCodonsNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "codonposset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Codons->CodonPosSet); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "geneticcode")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Codons->GeneticCode); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "codeset")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Codons->CodeSet); else { ajDebug("nexusParseCodons unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseTrees ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Trees block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseTrees(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; if (!newlinexp) newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); if (!thys->Trees) thys->Trees = nexusTreesNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "translate")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Trees->Translate); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "tree")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Trees->Tree); else { ajDebug("nexusParseTrees unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusParseNotes ******************************************** ** ** Parses Nexus commands for a Notes block ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of block records ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusParseNotes(AjPNexus thys, AjPList list) { AjPStr command = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; static AjPRegexp newlinexp = NULL; if (!newlinexp) newlinexp = ajRegCompC("[^\n]+"); if (!thys->Notes) thys->Notes = nexusNotesNew(); while (nexusCommand(list, &command, &cmdstr)) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "text")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Notes->Text); else if (ajStrMatchCaseC(command, "picture")) nexusGetArray(cmdstr, newlinexp, &thys->Notes->Picture); else { ajDebug("nexusParseNotes unknown command '%S' ignored\n", command); } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusGetArray ************************************************** ** ** Gets an array of strings from a parsed nexus command ** Appends to an existing array to handle multiple commands ** ** @param [w] src [AjPStr] Command string ** @param [u] exp [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression for parsing ** @param [w] dest [AjPStr**] Array generated ** @return [ajint] Number of strings returned ******************************************************************************/ static ajint nexusGetArray(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, AjPStr** dest) { AjPList strlist; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpsrc = NULL; ajint i; strlist = ajListstrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&tmpsrc, src); while (ajRegExec(exp, tmpsrc)) { ajRegSubI(exp, 0, &tmpstr); ajListstrPushAppend(strlist, tmpstr); tmpstr = NULL; ajRegPost(exp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpsrc, tmpstr); } i = ajListstrToarrayAppend(strlist, dest); ajListstrFree(&strlist); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpsrc); return i; } /* @funcstatic nexusGetStr **************************************************** ** ** Gets a string from a parsed nexus command ** ** @param [w] src [AjPStr] Command string ** @param [u] exp [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression for parsing ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number to extract ** @param [w] dest [AjPStr*] String generated ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusGetStr(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, AjPStr* dest) { if (ajRegExec(exp, src)) { ajRegSubI(exp, isub, dest); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic nexusGetChar *************************************************** ** ** Gets a single character from a parsed nexus command ** ** @param [w] src [AjPStr] Command string ** @param [u] exp [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression for parsing ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number to extract ** @param [w] dest [char*] String generated ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusGetChar(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, char* dest) { static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if (ajRegExec(exp, src)) { ajRegSubI(exp, isub, &tmpstr); if (ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { *dest = ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpstr); return ajTrue; } *dest = '\0'; return ajFalse; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic nexusGetInt **************************************************** ** ** Gets an integer from a parsed nexus command ** ** @param [w] src [AjPStr] Command string ** @param [u] exp [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression for parsing ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number to extract ** @param [w] dest [ajuint*] Integer generated ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusGetInt(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, ajuint* dest) { static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if (ajRegExec(exp, src)) { ajRegSubI(exp, isub, &tmpstr); return (ajStrToUint(tmpstr, dest)); } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic nexusGetBool ************************************************** ** ** Sets a nexus bool from a parsed nexus command in the form [no]name. ** We know name is found, we test for the "no" part. ** ** @param [w] src [AjPStr] Command string ** @param [u] exp [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression for parsing ** @param [r] isub [ajint] Substring number to extract ** @param [w] dest [AjBool*] Boolean generated ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusGetBool(AjPStr src, AjPRegexp exp, ajint isub, AjBool* dest) { static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if (ajRegExec(exp, src)) { if (!ajRegSubI(exp, isub, &tmpstr)) *dest = ajTrue; else *dest = ajFalse; return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic nexusVocab *************************************************** ** ** Tests a string against a controlled vocabulary ** ** @param [r] title [const char*] Vocabulary title ** @param [r] src [const AjPStr] String to be tested ** @param [r] vocab [const char* []] List of known values, ending in a NULL ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusVocab(const char* title, const AjPStr src, const char* vocab[]) { ajint i; for (i=0; vocab[i]; i++) { if (ajStrMatchCaseC(src, vocab[i])) return ajTrue; } ajDebug("nexus vocab failed: '%S' unknown for %s\n", src, title); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajNexusTrace ********************************************************* ** ** Reports the contents of a Nexus object to the debug file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPNexus] nexus object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajNexusTrace(const AjPNexus thys) { ajint i; ajDebug("Nexus trace\n"); ajDebug("===========\n"); ajDebug (" Ntax: %d\n", thys->Ntax); if (!thys->Taxa) ajDebug("Taxa: \n"); else { ajDebug("Taxa\n"); ajDebug("----\n"); ajDebug(" Ntax: %d\n", thys->Taxa->Ntax); if (thys->Taxa->TaxLabels) { ajDebug(" TaxLabels:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i]); } else ajDebug(" TaxLabels: \n"); } if (!thys->Characters) ajDebug("Characters: \n"); else { ajDebug("Characters\n"); ajDebug("----------\n"); ajDebug(" NewTaxa: %B\n", thys->Characters->NewTaxa); ajDebug(" Ntax: %d\n", thys->Characters->Ntax); ajDebug(" Nchar: %d\n", thys->Characters->Nchar); if (thys->Characters->DataType) ajDebug(" DataType: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->DataType); else ajDebug(" DataType: \n"); ajDebug(" RespectCase: %B\n", thys->Characters->RespectCase); if (thys->Characters->Missing) ajDebug(" Missing: '%c'\n", thys->Characters->Missing); else ajDebug(" Missing: \n"); if (thys->Characters->Gap) ajDebug(" Gap: '%c'\n", thys->Characters->Gap); else ajDebug(" Gap: \n"); if (thys->Characters->Symbols) ajDebug(" Symbols: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->Symbols); else ajDebug(" Symbols: \n"); if (thys->Characters->Equate) ajDebug(" Equate: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->Equate); else ajDebug(" Equate: \n"); if (thys->Characters->MatchChar) ajDebug(" MatchChar: '%c'\n", thys->Characters->MatchChar); else ajDebug(" MatchChar: \n"); ajDebug(" Labels: %B\n", thys->Characters->Labels); ajDebug(" Transpose: %B\n", thys->Characters->Transpose); ajDebug(" Interleave: %B\n", thys->Characters->Interleave); if (thys->Characters->Items) ajDebug(" Items: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->Items); else ajDebug(" Items: \n"); if (thys->Characters->StatesFormat) ajDebug(" StatesFormat: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->StatesFormat); else ajDebug(" StatesFormat: \n"); ajDebug(" Tokens: %B\n", thys->Characters->Tokens); if (thys->Characters->Eliminate) ajDebug(" Eliminate: '%S'\n", thys->Characters->Eliminate); else ajDebug(" Eliminate: \n"); if (thys->Characters->CharStateLabels) { ajDebug(" CharStateLabels:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Characters->CharStateLabels[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Characters->CharStateLabels[i]); } else ajDebug(" CharStateLabels: \n"); if (thys->Characters->CharLabels) { ajDebug(" CharLabels:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Characters->CharLabels[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Characters->CharLabels[i]); } else ajDebug(" CharLabels: \n"); if (thys->Characters->StateLabels) { ajDebug(" StateLabels:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Characters->StateLabels[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Characters->StateLabels[i]); } else ajDebug(" StateLabels: \n"); if (thys->Characters->Matrix) { ajDebug(" Matrix:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Characters->Matrix[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Characters->Matrix[i]); } else ajDebug(" Matrix: \n"); } if (!thys->Unaligned) ajDebug("Unaligned: \n"); else { ajDebug("Unaligned\n"); ajDebug("---------\n"); ajDebug(" NewTaxa: %B\n", thys->Unaligned->NewTaxa); ajDebug(" Ntax: %d\n", thys->Unaligned->Ntax); if (thys->Unaligned->DataType) ajDebug(" DataType: '%S'\n", thys->Unaligned->DataType); else ajDebug(" DataType: \n"); ajDebug(" RespectCase: %B\n", thys->Unaligned->RespectCase); if (thys->Unaligned->Missing) ajDebug(" Missing: '%c'\n", thys->Unaligned->Missing); else ajDebug(" Missing: \n"); if (thys->Unaligned->Symbols) ajDebug(" Symbols: '%S'\n", thys->Unaligned->Symbols); else ajDebug(" Symbols: \n"); if (thys->Unaligned->Equate) ajDebug(" Equate: '%S'\n", thys->Unaligned->Equate); else ajDebug(" Equate: \n"); ajDebug(" Labels: %B\n", thys->Unaligned->Labels); if (thys->Unaligned->Matrix) { ajDebug(" Matrix:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Unaligned->Matrix[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Unaligned->Matrix[i]); } else ajDebug(" Matrix: \n"); } if (!thys->Distances) ajDebug("Distances: \n"); else { ajDebug("Distances\n"); ajDebug("---------\n"); ajDebug("NewTaxa: %B\n", thys->Distances->NewTaxa); ajDebug(" Ntax: %d\n", thys->Distances->Ntax); ajDebug(" Nchar: %d\n", thys->Distances->Nchar); if (thys->Distances->Triangle) ajDebug(" Triangle: '%S'\n", thys->Distances->Triangle); else ajDebug(" Triangle: \n"); ajDebug(" Diagonal: %B\n", thys->Distances->Diagonal); ajDebug(" Labels: %B\n", thys->Distances->Labels); if (thys->Distances->Missing) ajDebug(" Missing: '%c'\n", thys->Distances->Missing); else ajDebug(" Missing: \n"); ajDebug(" Interleave: %B\n", thys->Distances->Interleave); if (thys->Distances->Matrix) { ajDebug(" Matrix:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Distances->Matrix[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Distances->Matrix[i]); } else ajDebug(" Matrix: \n"); } if (!thys->Sets) ajDebug("Sets: \n"); else { ajDebug("Sets\n"); ajDebug("----\n"); if (thys->Sets->CharSet) { ajDebug(" CharSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->CharSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->CharSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" CharSet: \n"); if (thys->Sets->StateSet) { ajDebug(" StateSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->StateSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->StateSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" StateSet: \n"); if (thys->Sets->ChangeSet) { ajDebug(" ChangeSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->ChangeSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->ChangeSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" ChangeSet: \n"); if (thys->Sets->TaxSet) { ajDebug(" TaxSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->TaxSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->TaxSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" TaxSet: \n"); if (thys->Sets->TreeSet) { ajDebug(" TreeSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->TreeSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->TreeSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" TreeSet: \n"); if (thys->Sets->CharPartition) { ajDebug(" CharPartition:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->CharPartition[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->CharPartition[i]); } else ajDebug(" CharPartition: \n"); if (thys->Sets->TaxPartition) { ajDebug(" TaxPartition:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->TaxPartition[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->TaxPartition[i]); } else ajDebug(" TaxPartition: \n"); if (thys->Sets->TreePartition) { ajDebug(" TreePartition:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Sets->TreePartition[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Sets->TreePartition[i]); } else ajDebug(" TreePartition: \n"); } if (!thys->Assumptions) ajDebug("Assumptions: \n"); else { ajDebug("Assumptions\n"); ajDebug("-----------\n"); if (thys->Assumptions->DefType) ajDebug(" DefType: '%S'\n", thys->Assumptions->DefType); else ajDebug(" DefType: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->PolyTCount) ajDebug(" PolyTCount: '%S'\n", thys->Assumptions->PolyTCount); else ajDebug(" PolyTCount: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->GapMode) ajDebug(" GapMode: '%S'\n", thys->Assumptions->GapMode); else ajDebug(" GapMode: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->UserType) { ajDebug(" UserType:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Assumptions->UserType[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Assumptions->UserType[i]); } else ajDebug(" UserType: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->TypeSet) { ajDebug(" TypeSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Assumptions->TypeSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Assumptions->TypeSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" TypeSet: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->WtSet) { ajDebug(" WtSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Assumptions->WtSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Assumptions->WtSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" WtSet: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->ExSet) { ajDebug(" ExSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Assumptions->ExSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Assumptions->ExSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" ExSet: \n"); if (thys->Assumptions->AncStates) { ajDebug(" AncStates:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Assumptions->AncStates[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Assumptions->AncStates[i]); } else ajDebug(" AncStates: \n"); } if (!thys->Codons) ajDebug("Codons: \n"); else { ajDebug("Codons\n"); ajDebug("------\n"); if (thys->Codons->CodonPosSet) { ajDebug(" CodonPosSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Codons->CodonPosSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Codons->CodonPosSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" CodonPosSet: \n"); if (thys->Codons->GeneticCode) { ajDebug(" GeneticCode:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Codons->GeneticCode[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Codons->GeneticCode[i]); } else ajDebug(" GeneticCode: \n"); if (thys->Codons->CodeSet) { ajDebug(" CodeSet:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Codons->CodeSet[i]; i++) ajDebug(" CodeSet [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Codons->CodeSet[i]); } else ajDebug(" CodeSet: \n"); } if (!thys->Trees) ajDebug("Trees: \n"); else { ajDebug("Trees\n"); ajDebug("-----\n"); if (thys->Trees->Translate) { ajDebug(" Translate:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Trees->Translate[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Trees->Translate[i]); } else ajDebug(" Translate: \n"); if (thys->Trees->Tree) { ajDebug(" Tree:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Trees->Tree[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Trees->Tree[i]); } else ajDebug(" Tree: \n"); } if (!thys->Notes) ajDebug("Notes: \n"); else { ajDebug("Notes\n"); ajDebug("-----\n"); if (thys->Notes->Text) { ajDebug(" Text:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Notes->Text[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Notes->Text[i]); } else ajDebug(" Text: \n"); if (thys->Notes->Picture) { ajDebug(" Picture:\n"); for (i=0; thys->Notes->Picture[i]; i++) ajDebug(" [%d] '%S'\n", i, thys->Notes->Picture[i]); } else ajDebug(" Picture: \n"); } return; } /* @func ajNexusGetTaxa ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the taxa as a string array ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @return [AjPStr*] taxa string array, NULL terminated, read only ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr* ajNexusGetTaxa(const AjPNexus thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; if (thys->Taxa) return thys->Taxa->TaxLabels; return NULL; } /* @func ajNexusGetNtaxa ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the number of taxa ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @return [ajuint] Number of taxa ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajNexusGetNtaxa(const AjPNexus thys) { if(!thys) return 0; if (thys->Taxa) return thys->Taxa->Ntax; return 0; } /* @func ajNexusGetSequences ************************************************** ** ** Returns the sequences from the character matrix as a string array. ** ** Sequences are in the same order as the taxa returned by ajNexusGetTaxa. ** Sequences may need to be set if not already done. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @return [AjPStr*] taxa string array, NULL terminated, read only ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr* ajNexusGetSequences(AjPNexus thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; nexusSetSequences(thys); if (thys->Characters) return thys->Characters->Sequences; return NULL; } /* @funcstatic nexusSetSequences ********************************************** ** ** Sets the sequences from the character matrix as a string array ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPNexus] Nexus object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool nexusSetSequences(AjPNexus thys) { AjPTable seqtab; AjPStr firstseq = NULL; ajint i; AjPStr taxlabel = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStr seqstr = NULL; AjBool havetaxa = ajFalse; ajuint itax=0; AjPRegexp word; char gapch; ajDebug("nexusSetSequences\n"); if(!thys) return ajFalse; if (!thys->Characters) /* no characters defined */ { ajDebug("Failed - No characters defined\n"); return ajFalse; } if (thys->Characters->Sequences) /* already done */ { ajDebug("Success - Sequences already done\n"); return ajTrue; } if (!thys->Characters->Nchar) /* must have been defined */ { ajDebug("Failed - must have been defined\n"); return ajFalse; } if (!thys->Ntax) /* taxa required */ { ajDebug("Failed - number of taxa required\n"); return ajFalse; } if (!thys->Taxa) /* taxa required */ { ajDebug("Failed - taxa names required\n"); return ajFalse; } if (!thys->Characters->Matrix) /* matrix required */ { ajDebug("Failed - matrix required\n"); return ajFalse; } if (ajStrMatchCaseC(thys->Characters->DataType, /* must be sequence data */ "continuous") || ajStrMatchCaseC(thys->Characters->DataType, /* must be sequence data */ "standard")) { ajDebug("Failed - not sequence data\n"); return ajFalse; } if(thys->Characters->Gap) gapch = thys->Characters->Gap; else gapch = '.'; word = ajRegCompC("\\S+"); seqtab = ajTablestrNewLen(thys->Taxa->Ntax); if (thys->Taxa->TaxLabels) { havetaxa = ajTrue; for (i=0; thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i]; i++) { seqstr = ajStrNewRes(thys->Characters->Nchar+1); ajTablePut(seqtab, thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i], seqstr); seqstr = NULL; } } else { AJCNEW0(thys->Taxa->TaxLabels, (thys->Ntax+1)); } taxlabel = NULL; itax=0; for (i=0; thys->Characters->Matrix[i]; i++) { ajStrAssignS(&rdline, thys->Characters->Matrix[i]); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&rdline); if (!taxlabel || thys->Characters->Interleave || (ajStrGetLen(seqstr) >= thys->Characters->Nchar)) { /* next taxlabel */ if (!ajRegExec(word, rdline)) continue; ajRegSubI(word, 0, &taxlabel); ajRegPost(word, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); ajStrQuoteStripAll(&taxlabel); if (!havetaxa) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[itax], taxlabel); seqstr = ajStrNewRes(thys->Characters->Nchar+1); ajTablePut(seqtab, thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[itax], seqstr); seqstr = NULL; itax++; if (itax >= thys->Ntax) havetaxa = ajTrue; } seqstr = ajTableFetch(seqtab, taxlabel); if (!seqstr) { ajErr("Unknown taxon '%S' in nexus data", taxlabel); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Characters->Sequences); ajTableFree(&seqtab); return ajFalse; } } if (!i) ajStrAssignS(&firstseq, taxlabel); while (ajRegExec(word, rdline)) { ajRegSubI(word, 0, &tmpstr); ajStrAppendS(&seqstr, tmpstr); ajTablePut(seqtab, taxlabel, seqstr); /* just to make sure */ ajRegPost(word, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rdline, tmpstr); } ajStrExchangeKK(&seqstr, gapch, '-'); } ajRegFree(&word); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&rdline); AJCNEW0(thys->Characters->Sequences, (thys->Ntax+1)); for (i=0; thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i]; i++) { thys->Characters->Sequences[i] = ajTableFetch(seqtab, thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i]); if (ajStrGetLen(thys->Characters->Sequences[i]) != thys->Characters->Nchar) { ajErr("Nexus sequence length for '%S' is %d, expected %d\n", thys->Taxa->TaxLabels[i], ajStrGetLen(thys->Characters->Sequences[i]), thys->Characters->Nchar); nexusArrayDel(&thys->Characters->Sequences); ajTableFree(&seqtab); return ajFalse; } } ajTableFree(&seqtab); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic nexusArrayDel ************************************************** ** ** Default destructor for AJAX string arrays. ** Called for each element in the array, which must end with a NULL. ** ** If the given string is NULL, or a NULL pointer, simply returns. ** ** @param [d] pthis [AjPStr**] Pointer to the string array to be deleted. ** The pointer is always deleted. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void nexusArrayDel(AjPStr** pthis) { AjPStr* thys; ajint i; thys = pthis ? *pthis : 0; if(!pthis) return; if(!*pthis) return; for (i=0; thys[i];i++) { ajStrDel(&thys[i]); } AJFREE(*pthis); return; }