/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX message functions ** ** @author Richard Durbin and Ed Griffiths from ACEdb (messubs.c) ** @version 1.0 ** @modified Ian Longden for EMBOSS ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "ajax.h" #include #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #define fopen(a,b) ajSysFuncFopen(a,b) #endif /* next three moved from acd for library splitting */ AjBool acdDebugSet = 0; AjBool acdDebugBuffer = 0; AjBool acdDebug = 0; AjPStr acdProgram = NULL; AjOError AjErrorLevel = { AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE }; /***************************************************/ AjPTable errorTable = 0; static ajint errorCount = 0; static char *messErrorFile; static AjBool fileDebug = 0; static AjPFile fileDebugFile = NULL; static AjPStr fileDebugName = NULL; static char* messErrMess = NULL; static char* messGetFilename(const char *path); /*============================================================================ **======================== Macros ============================================ =============================================================================*/ /* @macro ajFatal ************************************************************* ** ** Fatal error message to standard error. ** Includes filename and line number in the source code that invokes it. ** Newline is added automatically at the end of the format string. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @macro ajMessCrash ********************************************************* ** ** Crash error message to standard error. ** Includes filename and line number in the source code that invokes it. ** Newline is added automatically at the end of the format string. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajMessInvokeDebugger ************************************************* ** ** Used to trace in a debugger as a breakpoint ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessInvokeDebugger(void) { static AjBool reentrant = AJFALSE; if(!reentrant) { reentrant = AJTRUE; reentrant = AJFALSE; } return; } /****************************************************************************** ** Constraints on message buffer size. ** ** BUFSIZE: size of message buffers (messbuf, a global buffer for general ** message stuff and a private one in ajMessDump). ** PREFIX: length of message prefix (used to report details such as the ** file/line info. for where the error occurred. ** MAINTEXT: space left in buffer is the rest after the prefix and string ** terminator (NULL) are subtracted. ******************************************************************************/ enum {BUFSIZE = 32768, PREFIXSIZE = 1024, MAINTEXTSIZE = BUFSIZE - PREFIXSIZE - 1}; /****************************************************************************** ** This buffer is used by just about all of the below routines and has the ** obvious problem that strings can run over the end of it, we can only ** detect this after the event with vsprintf. ******************************************************************************/ static char messbuf[BUFSIZE]; /****************************************************************************** ** Format strings using va_xx calls. ** Arguments to the macro must have the following types: ** FORMAT_ARGS: va_list used to get the variable argument list. ** FORMAT: char * to a string containing the printf format string. ** TARGET_PTR: char * the formatted string will be returned in this ** string pointer, N.B. do not put &TARGET_PTR ** PREFIX: char * to a string to be used as a prefix to the rest ** of the string, or NULL. ******************************************************************************/ #define AJAXFORMATSTRING(FORMAT_ARGS, FORMAT, TARGET_PTR, PREFIX) \ va_start(FORMAT_ARGS, FORMAT); \ TARGET_PTR = messFormat(FORMAT_ARGS, FORMAT, PREFIX); \ va_end(FORMAT_ARGS); #define AJAXVFORMATSTRING(FORMAT_ARGS, FORMAT, TARGET_PTR, PREFIX) \ TARGET_PTR = messFormat(FORMAT_ARGS, FORMAT, PREFIX); static char *messFormat(va_list args, const char *format, const char *prefix); static void messDump(const char *message); /* Some standard defines for titles/text for messages: */ /* */ #define MESG_TITLE "EMBOSS" #define ERROR_PREFIX "Error: " #define WARNING_PREFIX "Warning: " #define EXIT_PREFIX " An error spotted (non-EMBOSS): " #define DIE_PREFIX "Died: " #define CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT "\n %s An error in %s at line %d:\n" #define FULL_CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT "\n %s Program cannot continue " \ "(%s, in file %s, at line %d):\n" #define SYSERR_FORMAT "Something wrong with a system call (%d - %s)" #define SYSERR_OK "Successful system call (%d - %s)" /****************************************************************************** ** ajMessCrash now reports the file/line no. where ajMessCrash was issued ** as an aid to debugging. We do this using a static structure which holds ** the information and a macro version of ajMessCrash (see regular.h), the ** structure elements are retrieved using access functions. ******************************************************************************/ /* @datastatic MessPErrorInfo ************************************************* ** ** Message error information ** ** @alias MessSErrorInfo ** @alias MessOErrorInfo ** ** @attr progname [char*] Name of executable reporting error ** @attr filename [char*] Filename where error was reported ** @attr line_num [ajint] line number of file where error was reported. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct MessSErrorInfo { char* progname; char* filename; ajint line_num; char Padding[4]; } MessOErrorInfo; #define MessPErrorInfo MessOErrorInfo* static MessOErrorInfo messageG = {NULL, NULL, 0, ""}; static ajint messGetErrorLine(void); static char *messGetErrorFile(void); static char *messGetErrorProgram(void); /***************************************************************/ /********* call backs and functions to register them ***********/ static AjMessVoidRoutine beepRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine outRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine dumpRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine errorRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine exitRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine crashRoutine = 0; static AjMessOutRoutine warningRoutine = 0; /* @func ajMessRegBeep ******************************************************** ** ** Sets a function to process beeps ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessVoidRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessVoidRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessVoidRoutine ajMessRegBeep(AjMessVoidRoutine func) { AjMessVoidRoutine old; old = beepRoutine; beepRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegOut ********************************************************* ** ** Sets a function to write messages ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegOut(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = outRoutine; outRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegDump ******************************************************** ** ** Sets a function to dump data ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegDump(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = dumpRoutine; dumpRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegErr ********************************************************* ** ** Sets a function to report errors ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegErr(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = errorRoutine; errorRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegExit ******************************************************** ** ** Sets a function to exit ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegExit(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = exitRoutine; exitRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegCrash ******************************************************* ** ** Sets a function to crash ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegCrash(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = crashRoutine; crashRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessRegWarn ******************************************************** ** ** Sets a function to print warnings ** ** @param [f] func [AjMessOutRoutine] Function to be registered ** @return [AjMessOutRoutine] Previously defined function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjMessOutRoutine ajMessRegWarn(AjMessOutRoutine func) { AjMessOutRoutine old; old = warningRoutine; warningRoutine = func; return old; } /* @func ajMessBeep *********************************************************** ** ** Calls the defined beep function, if any. Otherwise prints ASCII 7 to ** standard error. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessBeep(void) { if(beepRoutine) (*beepRoutine)(); else { printf("%c",0x07); fflush(stdout); } return; } /* @func ajUser *************************************************************** ** ** Formats a message. Calls the defined output function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with an extra newline. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajUser(const char *format,...) { va_list args; const char *mesg_buf; AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, NULL); if(outRoutine) (*outRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); return; } /* @func ajUserDumpC *********************************************************** ** ** Prints a string unchanged. Calls the defined output function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with an extra newline. ** ** @param [r] txt [const char*] String to print unchanged ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajUserDumpC(const char* txt) { if(outRoutine) (*outRoutine)(txt); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", txt); return; } /* @func ajUserDumpS *********************************************************** ** ** Prints a string unchanged. Calls the defined output function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with an extra newline. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String to print unchanged ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajUserDumpS(const AjPStr str) { const char *mesg_buf = ajStrGetPtr(str); if(outRoutine) (*outRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); return; } /* @func ajMessOut ************************************************************ ** ** Formats a message. Calls the defined output function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with no newline. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessOut(const char *format,...) { va_list args; char *mesg_buf; AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, NULL); if(outRoutine) (*outRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s", mesg_buf); return; } /* @func ajVUser ************************************************************** ** ** Formats a message. Calls the defined output function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajVUser(const char *format, va_list args) { char *mesg_buf; AJAXVFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, NULL); if(outRoutine) (*outRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); return; } /* @func ajMessDump *********************************************************** ** ** Formats a message. Calls the dump function (if any). ** Otherwise no further action. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] format string. ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessDump(const char *format,...) { static char dumpbuf[BUFSIZE]; /* BEWARE limited buffer size. */ char *mesg_buf; va_list args; mesg_buf = &dumpbuf[0]; AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, NULL); strcat(mesg_buf, "\n"); /* assume we are writing to a file */ if(dumpRoutine) (*dumpRoutine)(mesg_buf); return; } /* @funcstatic messDump ******************************************************* ** ** Calls the dump function (if any) to dump text followed by a newline. ** ** @param [r] message [const char*] Message text ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void messDump(const char *message) { if(dumpRoutine) { (*dumpRoutine)(message); (*dumpRoutine)("\n"); } return; } /* @func ajMessErrorCount ***************************************************** ** ** Returns the number of times the error routines have been called. ** ** @return [ajint] Error function call count. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajMessErrorCount(void) { return errorCount; } /* @func ajErr **************************************************************** ** ** Formats an error message. Calls the error function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** ** The error message count is incremented by 1 for each call. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajErr(const char *format, ...) { const char *prefix = ERROR_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; va_list args; ++errorCount; if(AjErrorLevel.error) { AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(errorRoutine) (*errorRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); } return; } /* @func ajVErr *************************************************************** ** ** Formats an error message. Calls the error function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** ** The error message count is incremented by 1 for each call. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajVErr(const char *format, va_list args) { const char *prefix = ERROR_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; ++errorCount; AJAXVFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(errorRoutine) (*errorRoutine)(mesg_buf); else { if(AjErrorLevel.error) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); } ajMessInvokeDebugger(); return; } /* @func ajDie **************************************************************** ** ** Formats an error message. Calls the error function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** Then kills the application. ** ** The error message count is incremented by 1 for each call. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn void ajDie(const char *format, ...) { const char *prefix = DIE_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; va_list args; ++errorCount; if(AjErrorLevel.die) { AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(errorRoutine) (*errorRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* @func ajVDie *********************************************************** ** ** Formats an error message. Calls the error function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** Then kills the application. ** ** The error message count is incremented by 1 for each call. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajVDie(const char *format, va_list args) { const char *prefix = DIE_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; ++errorCount; AJAXVFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(errorRoutine) (*errorRoutine)(mesg_buf); else ajMessCrash(mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); return; } /* @func ajWarn *************************************************************** ** ** Formats a warning message. Calls the warning function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajWarn(const char *format, ...) { const char *prefix = WARNING_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; va_list args; if(AjErrorLevel.warning) { AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(warningRoutine) (*warningRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); } return; } /* @func ajVWarn ************************************************************** ** ** Formats a warning message. Calls the warning function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajVWarn(const char *format, va_list args) { const char *prefix = WARNING_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; AJAXVFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(warningRoutine) (*warningRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); return; } /* @func ajMessExitmsg ******************************************************** ** ** Formats an exit message and calls the exit function (if any). ** Otherwise prints the message to standard error with a trailing newline ** and exist with code EXIT_FAILURE. ** ** Use this function for errors that while being unrecoverable are not a ** problem with the AJAX code. ** ** Note that there errors are logged but that this routine will exit without ** any chance to interrupt it (see the crash routine in ajMessCrashFL), this ** could be changed to allow the application to register an exit handler. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn void ajMessExitmsg(const char *format, ...) { const char *prefix = EXIT_PREFIX; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; va_list args; AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(exitRoutine) (*exitRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* @func ajMessCrashFL ******************************************************** ** ** This is the routine called by the ajFatal macro and others. ** ** This routine may encounter errors itself, in which case it will attempt ** to call itself to report the error. To avoid infinite recursion we limit ** this to just one reporting of an internal error and then we abort. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] [...] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn void ajMessCrashFL(const char *format, ...) { enum {MAXERRORS = 1}; static ajint internalErrors = 0; static char prefix[1024]; ajint rc; const char *mesg_buf = NULL; va_list args; if(internalErrors > MAXERRORS) abort(); else internalErrors++; /* Construct the message prefix, adding the program name if possible. */ if(messGetErrorProgram() == NULL) rc = sprintf(prefix, CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT, MESG_TITLE, messGetErrorFile(), messGetErrorLine()); else rc = sprintf(prefix, FULL_CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT, MESG_TITLE, messGetErrorProgram(), messGetErrorFile(), messGetErrorLine()); if(rc < 0) ajMessCrash("sprintf failed"); if(AjErrorLevel.fatal) { AJAXFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(crashRoutine) (*crashRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* @func ajMessVCrashFL ******************************************************* ** ** This is the routine called by the ajVFatal macro and others. ** ** This routine may encounter errors itself, in which case it will attempt ** to call itself to report the error. To avoid infinite recursion we limit ** this to just one reporting of an internal error and then we abort. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn void ajMessVCrashFL(const char *format, va_list args) { enum {MAXERRORS = 1}; static ajint internalErrors = 0; static char prefix[1024]; ajint rc; char *mesg_buf = NULL; if(internalErrors > MAXERRORS) abort(); else internalErrors++; /* Construct the message prefix, adding the program name if possible. */ if(messGetErrorProgram() == NULL) rc = sprintf(prefix, CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT, MESG_TITLE, messGetErrorFile(), messGetErrorLine()); else rc = sprintf(prefix, FULL_CRASH_PREFIX_FORMAT, MESG_TITLE, messGetErrorProgram(), messGetErrorFile(), messGetErrorLine()); if(rc < 0) ajMessCrash("sprintf failed"); AJAXVFORMATSTRING(args, format, mesg_buf, prefix); messDump(mesg_buf); if(crashRoutine) (*crashRoutine)(mesg_buf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mesg_buf); ajMessInvokeDebugger(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* @func ajMessCaughtMessage ************************************************** ** ** Returns the current message text. ** ** @return [char*] Message text ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajMessCaughtMessage(void) { return messbuf; } /* @func ajMessSysErrorText *************************************************** ** ** Returns the system message text from 'strerror' from the standard C ** library. ** ** @return [char*] System error message. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ char* ajMessSysErrorText(void) { char *mess; if(errno) mess = ajFmtString(SYSERR_FORMAT, errno, strerror(errno)); else mess = ajFmtString(SYSERR_OK, errno, strerror(errno)); /* must make copy - will be used when mess* calls itself */ AJFREE(messErrMess); messErrMess = ajSysFuncStrdup(mess); AJFREE(mess); return messErrMess; } /************************* message formatting ********************************/ /* This routine does the formatting of the message string using vsprintf, */ /* it copes with the format string accidentally being our internal buffer. */ /* */ /* This routine does its best to check that the vsprintf is successful, if */ /* not the routine bombs out with an error message. Note that num_bytes is */ /* the return value from vsprintf. */ /* Failures trapped: */ /* num_bytes less than 0 = vsprintf failed, reason is reported. */ /* num_bytes + 1 more than BUFSIZE = our internal buffer size was */ /* exceeded. */ /* (vsprintf returns number of bytes written */ /* _minus_ terminating NULL) */ /* */ /* @funcstatic messFormat ***************************************************** ** ** Used by the AJAXFORMAT macros to format messages. ** ** This routine does the formatting of the message string using vsprintf, ** it copes with the format string accidentally being our internal buffer. ** ** This routine does its best to check that the vsprintf is successful, if ** not the routine bombs out with an error message. Note that num_bytes is ** the return value from vsprintf. ** ** Failures trapped: ** num_bytes less than 0 = vsprintf failed, reason is reported. ** num_bytes + 1 more than BUFSIZE = our internal buffer size was exceeded. ** (vsprintf returns number of bytes written ** _minus_ terminating NULL) ** ** @param [v] args [va_list] Variable length argument list ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format string ** @param [r] prefix [const char*] Message prefix ** @return [char*] Formatted message text ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static char* messFormat(va_list args, const char *format, const char *prefix) { static char *new_buf = NULL; char *buf_ptr; ajint num_bytes; ajint prefix_len; if(format == NULL) ajMessCrash("invalid call, no format string."); if(prefix == NULL) prefix_len = 0; else { prefix_len = strlen(prefix); if((prefix_len + 1) > PREFIXSIZE) ajMessCrash("prefix string is too long."); } /* If they supply our internal buffer as an argument, e.g. because they */ /* used ajFmtString as an arg, then make a copy, otherwise use internal */ /* buffer. */ if(format == messbuf) { if(new_buf != NULL) AJFREE(new_buf); buf_ptr = new_buf = ajSysFuncStrdup(format); } else buf_ptr = messbuf; /* Add the prefix if there is one. */ if(prefix != NULL) { if(!strcpy(buf_ptr, prefix)) ajMessCrash("strcpy failed"); } num_bytes = prefix_len + 1; num_bytes += ajFmtVPrintCL((buf_ptr + prefix_len),BUFSIZE, format, args); /* ** Check the result. This should never happen using the ** ajFmtVPrintCL routine instead of the vsprintf routine */ if(num_bytes < 0) ajMessCrash("vsprintf failed: %s", ajMessSysErrorText()); else if(num_bytes > BUFSIZE) ajMessCrash("messubs internal buffer size (%d) exceeded, " "a total of %d bytes were written", BUFSIZE, num_bytes); return(buf_ptr); } /* @funcstatic messGetFilename ************************************************ ** ** Converts a filename into a base file name. Used for filenames passed ** by macros from __FILE__ which could include part or all of the path ** depending on how the source code was compiled. ** ** @param [r] path [const char*] File name, possibly with full path. ** @return [char*] Base file name ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static char* messGetFilename(const char *path) { static char *path_copy = NULL; const char *path_delim = SUBDIR_DELIMITER_STR; char *result = NULL; char *tmp; if(path != NULL) { if(strcmp((path + strlen(path) - 1), path_delim) != 0) { /* Last char = "/" ?? */ if(path_copy != NULL) AJFREE(path_copy); path_copy = ajSysFuncStrdup(path); tmp = ajSysFuncStrtok(path_copy, path_delim); while(tmp != NULL) { result = tmp; /* Keep results of previous strtok */ tmp = ajSysFuncStrtok(NULL, path_delim); } } } return(result); } /* ** When AJAX needs to crash because there has been an unrecoverable ** error we want to output the file and line number of the code that ** detected the error. Here are the functions to do it. ** ** Applications can optionally initialise the error handling section of the ** message package, currently the program name can be set (argv[0] in the ** main routine) as there is no easy way to get at this at run time except ** from the main. ** */ /* @func ajMessErrorInit ****************************************************** ** ** Initialises the stored program name. ** ** @param [r] progname [const char*] Program name. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessErrorInit(const char *progname) { if(progname != NULL) messageG.progname = ajSysFuncStrdup(messGetFilename(progname)); return; } /* @func ajMessSetErr ********************************************************* ** ** Stores the source file name (converted to a base name) ** and the source line number to be ** reported by the crash routines. ** ** Invoked automatically by a macro (e.g. ajFatal) where needed. ** ** @param [r] filename [const char*] source filename, __FILE__ ** @param [r] line_num [ajint] source line number, __LINE__ ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessSetErr(const char *filename, ajint line_num) { assert(filename != NULL && line_num != 0); /* ** We take the basename here because __FILE__ can be a path rather ** than just a filename, depending on how a module was compiled. */ messageG.filename = ajSysFuncStrdup(messGetFilename(filename)); messageG.line_num = line_num; ajUtilCatch(); return; } /* Access functions for message error data. */ /* @funcstatic messGetErrorProgram ******************************************** ** ** Returns the stored program name. ** ** @return [char*] Program name ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static char* messGetErrorProgram(void) { return(messageG.progname); } /* @funcstatic messGetErrorFile *********************************************** ** ** Returns the stored error file name. ** ** @return [char*] Error file name ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static char* messGetErrorFile(void) { return(messageG.filename); } /* @funcstatic messGetErrorLine *********************************************** ** ** Returns the stored error source line number. ** ** @return [ajint] Original source code line number ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint messGetErrorLine(void) { return(messageG.line_num); } /* set a file to read for all the messages. NB if this is not set Then a default one will be read */ /* @func ajMessErrorSetFile *************************************************** ** ** Opens a file and sets this to be the error file. ** ** @param [r] errfile [const char*] Error file name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajMessErrorSetFile(const char *errfile) { FILE *fp = 0; if(errfile) { if((fp = fopen(errfile,"r"))) { messErrorFile = ajSysFuncStrdup(errfile); fclose(fp); return ajTrue; } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic ajMessReadErrorFile ******************************************** ** ** Reads the error message file (with a default of ** $EMBOSS_ROOT/messages/messages.english) ** and loads the results into an internal table. ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool ajMessReadErrorFile(void) { char line[512]; char name[12]; char message[200]; FILE *fp=0; char *mess; char *cp; char *namestore; char *messstore; if(messErrorFile) fp = fopen(messErrorFile,"r"); if(!fp) { messErrorFile = ajFmtString("%s/messages/messages.english", getenv("EMBOSS_ROOT")); fp = fopen(messErrorFile,"r"); } if(!fp) return ajFalse; errorTable = ajTablecharNew(); while(fgets(line, 512, fp)) { if(sscanf(line,"%s %s",name,message)!=2) ajFatal("Library sscanf1"); cp = strchr(line,'"'); cp++; mess = &message[0]; while(*cp != '"') { *mess = *cp; cp++; /* *mess++; Looks wrong to me. Replaced by below. AJB */ mess++; } *mess = '\0'; namestore = ajFmtString("%s",name); messstore = ajFmtString("%s",message); mess = (char *) ajTableFetch(errorTable, namestore); if(mess) ajErr("%s is listed more than once in file %s", name,messErrorFile); else ajTablePut(errorTable, namestore, messstore); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajMessOutCode ******************************************************** ** ** Writes an output message for a given message code. ** ** @param [r] code [const char*] Message code ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessOutCode(const char *code) { char *mess=0; if(errorTable) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajMessOut(mess); else ajMessOut("could not find error code %s",code); } else { if(ajMessReadErrorFile()) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajMessOut(mess); else ajMessOut("could not find error code %s",code); } else ajMessOut("Could not read the error file hence no reference to %s", code); } return; } /* @func ajMessErrorCode ****************************************************** ** ** Writes an error message for a given message code. ** ** @param [r] code [const char*] Error code ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessErrorCode(const char *code) { char *mess = 0; if(errorTable) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajErr(mess); else ajErr("could not find error code %s",code); } else { if(ajMessReadErrorFile()) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajErr(mess); else ajErr("could not find error code %s",code); } else ajErr("Could not read the error file, " "hence no reference to %s", code); } return; } /* @func ajMessCrashCodeFL **************************************************** ** ** Writes an error message for a given message code and crashes. ** ** @param [r] code [const char*] Error code ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn void ajMessCrashCodeFL(const char *code) { char *mess = 0; if(errorTable) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajMessCrashFL(mess); else ajMessCrashFL("could not find error code %s",code); } else { if(ajMessReadErrorFile()) { mess = ajTableFetch(errorTable, code); if(mess) ajMessCrashFL(mess); else ajMessCrashFL("could not find error code %s",code); } else ajMessCrashFL("Could not read the error file " "hence no reference to %s", code); } } /* @func ajMessCodesDelete **************************************************** ** ** Deletes the message codes table. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessCodesDelete(void) { void **keyarray = NULL; void **valarray = NULL; ajint i; if(!errorTable) return; ajTableToarray(errorTable, &keyarray, &valarray); for(i = 0; keyarray[i]; i++) { AJFREE(keyarray[i]); AJFREE(valarray[i]); } AJFREE(keyarray); AJFREE(valarray); ajTableFree(&errorTable); errorTable = 0; return; } /* @func ajDebug ************************************************************** ** ** Writes a debug message to the debug file if debugging is on. ** Typically, debugging is turned on by adding '-debug' to the command line ** or by defining a variable prefix_DEBUG ** ** Avoid using this call in any code which can be invoked before the command ** line processing is complete as it can be a problem to find a reasonable ** file name for debug output under these circumstances. ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format. ** @param [v] [...] Variable argument list. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajDebug(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; static ajint debugset = 0; static ajint depth = 0; AjPStr bufstr = NULL; if(depth) { /* recursive call, get out quick */ if(fileDebugFile) { va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintF(fileDebugFile, fmt, args); va_end(args); } return; } depth++; if(!debugset && acdDebugSet) { fileDebug = acdDebug; if(fileDebug) { ajFmtPrintS(&fileDebugName, "%s.dbg", ajStrGetPtr(acdProgram)); fileDebugFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(fileDebugName); if(!fileDebugFile) ajFatal("Cannot open debug file %S",fileDebugName); if(ajNamGetValueC("debugbuffer", &bufstr)) { ajStrToBool(bufstr, &acdDebugBuffer); } if(!acdDebugBuffer) ajFileSetUnbuffer(fileDebugFile); ajFmtPrintF(fileDebugFile, "Debug file %F buffered:%B\n", fileDebugFile, acdDebugBuffer); ajStrDel(&bufstr); } debugset = 1; } if(fileDebug) { va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintF(fileDebugFile, fmt, args); va_end(args); } depth--; return; } /* @func ajDebugFile ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the file used for debug output, or NULL if no debug file is open. ** ** @return [FILE*] C runtime library file handle for debug output. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ FILE* ajDebugFile(void) { if(!fileDebugFile) return NULL; return ajFileGetFileptr(fileDebugFile); } /* @func ajUserGet ************************************************************ ** ** Writes a prompt to the terminal and reads one line from the user. ** ** @param [w] pthis [AjPStr*] Buffer for the user response. ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Variable argument list. ** @return [ajint] Length of response string. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajUserGet(AjPStr* pthis, const char* fmt, ...) { AjPStr thys; const char *cp; char *buff; va_list args; ajint ipos; ajint isize; ajint ilen; ajint jlen; ajint fileBuffSize = ajFileValueBuffsize(); va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVError(fmt, args); va_end(args); if(ajFileValueRedirectStdin()) { ajUser("(Standard input in use: using default)"); ajStrAssignC(pthis, ""); return ajStrGetLen(*pthis); } ajStrSetRes(pthis, fileBuffSize); buff = ajStrGetuniquePtr(pthis); thys = *pthis; isize = ajStrGetRes(thys); ilen = 0; ipos = 0; /*ajDebug("ajUserGet buffer len: %d res: %d ptr: %x\n", ajStrGetLen(thys), ajStrGetRes(thys), thys->Ptr);*/ while(buff) { #ifndef __ppc__ cp = fgets(&buff[ipos], isize, stdin); #else cp = ajSysFuncFgets(&buff[ipos], isize, stdin); #endif if(!cp && !ipos) { if(feof(stdin)) { ajErr("Unable to get reply from user - end of standard input"); ajExitBad(); } else ajFatal("Error reading from user: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); } jlen = strlen(&buff[ipos]); ilen += jlen; /* ** We need to read again if: ** We have read the entire buffer ** and we don't have a newline at the end ** (must be careful about that - we may just have read enough) */ ajStrSetValidLen(pthis, ilen); thys = *pthis; if((jlen == (isize-1)) && (ajStrGetCharLast(thys) != '\n')) { ajStrSetRes(pthis, ajStrGetRes(thys)+fileBuffSize); thys = *pthis; /*ajDebug("more to do: jlen: %d ipos: %d isize: %d ilen: %d " "Size: %d\n", jlen, ipos, isize, ilen, ajStrGetRes(thys));*/ ipos += jlen; buff = ajStrGetuniquePtr(pthis); isize = ajStrGetRes(thys) - ipos; /* ajDebug("expand to: ipos: %d isize: %d Size: %d\n", ipos, isize, ajStrGetRes(thys)); */ } else buff = NULL; } ajStrSetValidLen(pthis, ilen); if(ajStrGetCharLast(*pthis) == '\n') ajStrCutEnd(pthis, 1); /* PC files have \r\n Macintosh files have just \r : this fixes both */ if(ajStrGetCharLast(*pthis) == '\r') { /*ajDebug("Remove carriage-return characters from PC-style files\n");*/ ajStrCutEnd(pthis, 1); } ajStrTrimWhite(pthis); return ajStrGetLen(*pthis); } /* @func ajMessExit *********************************************************** ** ** Delete any static initialised values ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajMessExit(void) { ajFileClose(&fileDebugFile); ajStrDel(&fileDebugName); AJFREE(messErrMess); return; }