/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX maths functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Alan Bleasby ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #define AjRandomXmod 1000009711.0 #define AjRandomYmod 33554432.0 #define AjRandomTiny 1.0e-17 #define AJCRC64LEN 256 static ajulong seqCrcTable[256]; static AjBool aj_rand_i = 0; static ajint aj_rand_index; static double aj_rand_poly[101]; static double aj_rand_other; static void spcrc32gen(void); static void spcrc64calctab(unsigned long long *crctab); /* @func ajRound ************************************************************** ** ** Rounds an integer to be a multiple of a given number. ** ** @param [r] i [ajint] Integer to round. ** @param [r] round [ajint] Rounding multiple. ** @return [ajint] Result. ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajRound(ajint i, ajint round) { return round * ((ajint)(i+round-1)/round); } /* @func ajRoundF ************************************************************* ** ** Rounds a floating point number to have bits free for cumulative addition ** ** @param [r] a [float] Float to round. ** @param [r] nbits [ajint] Number of bits to free. ** @return [float] Result. ******************************************************************************/ float ajRoundF(float a, ajint nbits) { double w; double x; double y; double z; double b; double c; ajint i; ajint bitsused; /* save 16 bits for cumulative error */ bitsused = FLT_MANT_DIG - nbits; /* usually leave 8 bits */ if(bitsused < 8) bitsused = 8; /* a is between 0.5 and 1.0 */ x = frexp(a, &i); /* i is the power of two */ /* multiply by 2**n, convert to an integer, divide again */ /* so we only keep n (or whatever) bits */ y = ldexp(x, bitsused); /* multiply by 2**n */ z = modf(y, &w); /* change to an integer + remainder */ if(z > 0.5) w += 1.0; /* round up ?*/ if(z < -0.5) w -= 1.0; /* round down? */ b = ldexp(w, -bitsused); /* divide by 2**n */ c = ldexp(b, i); /* divide by the orig. power of two */ /* ajDebug("\najRoundF(%.10e) c: %.10e bitsused: %d\n", a, c, bitsused); ajDebug(" x: %f i: %d y: %f w: %.1f\n", x, i, y, w);*/ return (float) c; } /* @func ajRecToPol ********************************************************** ** ** Converts cartesian co-ordinates to polar ** ** @param [r] x [float] X co-ordinate ** @param [r] y [float] Y co-ordinate ** @param [w] radius [float*] Radius ** @param [w] angle [float*] Angle ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajRecToPol(float x, float y, float *radius, float *angle) { *radius = (float) sqrt((double)(x*x+y*y)); *angle = (float) ajRadToDeg((float)atan2((double)y,(double)x)); return; } /* @func ajPolToRec ********************************************************** ** ** Converts polar co-ordinates to cartesian ** ** @param [r] radius [float] Radius ** @param [r] angle [float] Angle ** @param [w] x [float*] X co-ordinate ** @param [w] y [float*] Y co-ordinate ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajPolToRec(float radius, float angle, float *x, float *y) { *x = radius*(float)cos((double)ajDegToRad(angle)); *y = radius*(float)sin((double)ajDegToRad(angle)); return; } /* @func ajDegToRad ********************************************************** ** ** Converts degrees to radians ** ** @param [r] degrees [float] Degrees ** @return [float] Radians ******************************************************************************/ float ajDegToRad(float degrees) { return degrees*(float)(AJM_PI/180.0); } /* @func ajRadToDeg ********************************************************* ** ** Converts radians to degrees ** ** @param [r] radians [float] Radians ** @return [float] Degrees ******************************************************************************/ float ajRadToDeg(float radians) { return radians*(float)(180.0/AJM_PI); } /* @func ajGaussProb ******************************************************** ** ** Returns a probability given a Gaussian distribution ** ** @param [r] mean [float] mean ** @param [r] sd [float] sd ** @param [r] score [float] score ** @return [double] probability ******************************************************************************/ double ajGaussProb(float mean, float sd, float score) { return pow(AJM_E,(double)(-0.5*((score-mean)/sd)*((score-mean)/sd))) / (sd * (float)2.0 * AJM_PI); } /* @func ajGeoMean ********************************************************** ** ** Calculate a geometric mean ** ** @param [r] s [const float*] array of values ** @param [r] n [ajint] number of values ** @return [float] geometric mean ******************************************************************************/ float ajGeoMean(const float *s, ajint n) { float x; ajint i; for(i=0,x=1.0;i= 0 ? seed : -seed) % 10000 + 1; iy = 2*ix+1; iz = 3*ix+1; for(i = -11; i < 101; ++i) { if(i >= 0) aj_rand_poly[i] = floor(AjRandomXmod*x); ix = (171*ix) % 30269; iy = (172*iy) % 30307; iz = (170*iz) % 30323; x = ((double)ix)/30269.0+((double)iy)/30307.0+((double)iz)/30323.0; x = x-floor(x); } aj_rand_other = floor(AjRandomYmod*x)/AjRandomYmod; aj_rand_index = 0; return; } /* @func ajRandomNumber ******************************************************* ** ** Generate a pseudo-random number between 0-32767 ** ** @return [ajint] Random number ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajRandomNumber(void) { double td; ajint rn; td = floor(ajRandomNumberD()*32768.0); rn = (ajint) td; return rn; } /* @func ajRandomNumberD ****************************************************** ** ** Generate a random number between 0-1.0 ** ** Based on dprand and sdprand and used with the permission of the ** author.... ** Copyright (C) 1992 N.M. Maclaren ** Copyright (C) 1992 The University of Cambridge ** ** This software may be reproduced and used freely, provided that all ** users of it agree that the copyright holders are not liable for any ** damage or injury caused by use of this software and that this condition ** is passed onto all subsequent recipients of the software, whether ** modified or not. ** ** @return [double] Random number ******************************************************************************/ double ajRandomNumberD(void) { static double offset = 1.0/AjRandomYmod; static double xmod2 = 2.0*AjRandomXmod; static double xmod4 = 4.0*AjRandomXmod; ajint n; double x, y; /* * This returns a uniform (0,1) random number, with extremely good * uniformity properties. It assumes that double precision provides * at least 33 bits of accuracy, and uses a power of two base. */ if(!aj_rand_i) ajRandomSeed(); /* * See [Knuth] for why this implements the algorithm described in the * paper. * Note that this code is tuned for machines with fast double precision, * but slow multiply and divide; many, many other options are possible. */ if((n = aj_rand_index-64) < 0) n += 101; x = aj_rand_poly[aj_rand_index]+aj_rand_poly[aj_rand_index]; x = xmod4-aj_rand_poly[n]-aj_rand_poly[n]-x-x-aj_rand_poly[aj_rand_index]; if(x <= 0.0) { if(x < -AjRandomXmod) x += xmod2; if(x < 0.0) x += AjRandomXmod; } else { if(x >= xmod2) { x = x-xmod2; if(x >= AjRandomXmod) x -= AjRandomXmod; } if(x >= AjRandomXmod) x -= AjRandomXmod; } aj_rand_poly[aj_rand_index] = x; if(++aj_rand_index >= 101) aj_rand_index = 0; /* * Add in the second generator modulo 1, and force to be non-zero. * The restricted ranges largely cancel themselves out. */ do { y = 37.0*aj_rand_other+offset; aj_rand_other = y-floor(y); } while(!aj_rand_other); if((x = x/AjRandomXmod+aj_rand_other) >= 1.0) x -= 1.0; return x+AjRandomTiny; } /* @funcstatic spcrc64calctab ************************************************* ** ** Initialise the crc table. ** Polynomial x64+x4+x3+x1+1 ** ** @param [w] crctab [unsigned long long*] CRC lookup table ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void spcrc64calctab(unsigned long long *crctab) { unsigned long long v; ajint i; ajint j; for(i=0;i>1); #else v = 0xd800000000000000 ^ (v>>1); #endif else v >>= 1; crctab[i] = v; } } /* @func ajSp32Crc ************************************************************ ** ** Calculates the SwissProt style CRC32 checksum for a protein sequence. ** This seems to be a bit reversal of a standard CRC32 checksum. ** ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] Sequence as a string ** @return [ajuint] CRC32 checksum. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajSp32Crc(const AjPStr seq) { register ajulong crc; ajint c; const char* cp; static ajint calls = 0; if(!calls) { spcrc32gen(); calls = 1; } cp = ajStrGetPtr(seq); crc = 0xFFFFFFFFL; while( *cp ) { c = toupper((ajint) *cp); crc = ((crc >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFFL) ^ seqCrcTable[ (crc^c) & 0xFF ]; cp++; } ajDebug("CRC32 calculated %08lX\n", crc); return (ajuint) crc; } /* @funcstatic spcrc32gen ***************************************************** ** ** Generates data for a CRC32 calculation in a static data structure. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void spcrc32gen(void) { ajulong crc; ajulong poly; ajint i; ajint j; poly = 0xEDB88320L; for(i=0; i<256; i++) { crc = i; for(j=8; j>0; j--) if(crc&1) crc = (crc >> 1) ^ poly; else crc >>= 1; seqCrcTable[i] = crc; } return; } /* @func ajSp64Crc ********************************************************* ** ** Calculate 64-bit crc ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPStr] sequence ** ** @return [unsigned long long] 64-bit CRC ******************************************************************************/ unsigned long long ajSp64Crc(const AjPStr thys) { static ajint initialised = 0; static unsigned long long crctab[AJCRC64LEN]; unsigned long long crc; ajint i; ajint len; const char *p = NULL; if(!initialised) { spcrc64calctab(crctab); ++initialised; } #ifndef WIN32 crc = 0ULL; #else crc = 0U; #endif p = ajStrGetPtr(thys); len = ajStrGetLen(thys); for(i=0;i>8); return crc; } /* @func ajMathPos ************************************************************ ** ** Converts a string position into a true position. If ipos is negative, ** it is counted from the end of the string rather than the beginning. ** ** @param [r] len [ajuint] String length. ** @param [r] ipos [ajint] Position (0 start, negative from the end). ** @return [ajuint] string position between 0 and (length minus 1). ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajMathPos(ajuint len, ajint ipos) { return ajMathPosI(len, 0, ipos); } /* @func ajMathPosI *********************************************************** ** ** Converts a position into a true position. If ipos is negative, ** it is counted from the end of the string rather than the beginning. ** ** imin is a minimum relative position. ** Usually this is the start position when the end of a range ** is being tested. ** ** @param [r] len [ajuint] maximum length. ** @param [r] imin [ajuint] Start position (0 start, no negative values). ** @param [r] ipos [ajint] Position (0 start, negative from the end). ** @return [ajuint] string position between 0 and (length minus 1). ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajMathPosI(ajuint len, ajuint imin, ajint ipos) { ajuint jpos; if(ipos < 0) jpos = len + ipos; else jpos = ipos; if(jpos >= len) jpos = len - 1; if(jpos < imin) jpos = imin; return jpos; } /* @func ajNumLengthDouble **************************************************** ** ** Returns the length of a number written as an integer ** ** @param [r] dnumber [double] Double precision value ** @return [ajuint] Number of digits ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajNumLengthDouble(double dnumber) { double dnum; ajuint ilen = 1; double td = 0.; dnum = fabs(dnumber); if(dnum >= 10.0) { td = log10(dnum); ilen += (ajuint) td; } if(dnumber < 0.0) ilen++; return ilen; } /* @func ajNumLengthFloat **************************************************** ** ** Returns the length of a number written as an integer ** ** @param [r] fnumber [float] Single precision value ** @return [ajuint] Number of digits ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajNumLengthFloat(float fnumber) { double dnum; ajuint ilen = 1; double td = 0.; dnum = fabs((double)fnumber); if(dnum >= 10.0) { td = log10(dnum); ilen += (ajuint) td; } if(fnumber < 0.0) ilen++; return ilen; } /* @func ajNumLengthInt **************************************************** ** ** Returns the length of a number written as an integer ** ** @param [r] inumber [ajlong] Integer ** @return [ajuint] Number of digits ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajNumLengthInt(ajlong inumber) { ajuint ilen = 1; ajulong maxnum = ULONG_MAX/10; ajulong i; ajulong iabs; if(inumber < 0) iabs = -inumber; else iabs = inumber; if(!iabs) return ilen; if(inumber < 0) ilen++; /* space for the sign */ for(i=10;i= i) ilen++; else break; } return ilen; } /* @func ajNumLengthUint **************************************************** ** ** Returns the length of a number written as an integer ** ** @param [r] inumber [ajulong] Unsigned integer ** @return [ajuint] Number of digits ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajNumLengthUint(ajulong inumber) { ajuint ilen = 1; ajulong maxnum = ULONG_MAX/10; ajulong i; if(!inumber) return ilen; for(i=10;i= i) ilen++; else return ilen; } return ilen; }