/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX list functions ** These functions create and control linked lists. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Ian Longden ** @version 1.0 ** @author Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Bleasby ** @version 2.0 Changed lists to be double-linked, completely rewrote ** iterator handling and added back-iteration functions. ** Operation of ajListInsert made more intuitive. ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /*Library* List Library ******************************************************* ** ** All lists consist of an initial header followed by the body ** of the list. The Header has three variables:- ** 1) First - a pointer to the linked list (see body) ** 2) Last - a pointer to the a dummy last node object with next = self ** 3) Count - which holds the number of objects in the linked list ** (NOT including the header) ** 4) Type - the list type ** ** The body of the linked list contains three variables:- ** 1) next - a pointer to the next linked list object or NULL ** 2) prev - a pointer to the previous linked list object or NULL ** 3) item - a void pointer to the data. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "ajax.h" #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS static ajint listNewCnt = 0; static ajint listDelCnt = 0; static ajuint listMaxNum = 0; static ajint listNodeCnt = 0; static ajint listIterNewCnt = 0; static ajint listIterDelCnt = 0; #endif static ajint listFreeNext = 0; static ajint listFreeMax = 0; static AjPListNode* listFreeSet = NULL; static AjPList listNew(AjEnum type); static void listInsertNode(AjPListNode * pnode, void* x); static AjPListNode listDummyNode(AjPListNode * pnode); static void listNodesTrace(const AjPListNode node); static AjBool listNodeDel(AjPListNode * pnode); static void* listNodeItem(const AjPListNode node); static void listArrayTrace(void** array); static void listFreeSetExpand (void); /* @filesection ajlist ********************************************************* ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** */ /* @datasection [AjPList] Lists *********************************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating lists with any value type. ** ** Some functions are specially designed to understand string (AjPStr) values. ** ** @nam2rule List */ /* @section Constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Constructors for lists ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @fcategory new ** ** @nam3rule New Constructor ** @nam4rule NewListref Copy constructor with pointers to source data ** ** @argrule NewListref list [const AjPList] Source list ** ** @valrule * [AjPList] New list ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListNew ************************************************************ ** ** Creates a new general list. ** ** @return [AjPList] new list; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajListNew(void) { return listNew(ajEListAny); } /* @func ajListNewListref ****************************************************** ** ** Copy a list. ** ** WARNING: pointers to the data are copied, NOT the data ** so be careful when cleaning up after copy. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be copied ** @return [AjPList] new copied list. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajListNewListref(const AjPList list) { AjPList newlist; AjPListNode node; if(!list) return NULL; newlist = ajListNew(); newlist->Type = list->Type; for( node=list->First; node->Next; node=node->Next) ajListPushAppend(newlist, node->Item); return newlist; } /* @obsolete ajListCopy ** @rename ajListNewListref */ __deprecated AjPList ajListCopy(const AjPList list) { return ajListNewListref(list); } /* @obsolete ajListNewArgs ** @remove Use explicit ajListPush calls instead */ __deprecated AjPList ajListNewArgs(void* x, ...) { AjPList list; va_list ap; ajint i = 0; void* y; list = ajListNew(); if(!x) return list; va_start(ap, x); y = x; for( i=0; y; y = va_arg(ap, void*),i++) ajListPushAppend(list, y); va_end(ap); return list; } /* @funcstatic listNew ******************************************************** ** ** Creates a new list. ** ** @param [r] type [AjEnum] Defined list type. ** @return [AjPList] new list; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPList listNew(AjEnum type) { AjPList list; AJNEW0(list); list->Type = type; list->Last = listDummyNode(&list->First); #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listNodeCnt--; /* dummy */ listNewCnt++; #endif return list; } /* @funcstatic listInsertNode ************************************************* ** ** Inserts a new node in a list at the current node position. ** ** @param [u] pnode [AjPListNode *] Current node. ** @param [u] x [void*] Data item to insert. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void listInsertNode(AjPListNode * pnode, void* x) { AjPListNode p; if(listFreeNext) p = listFreeSet[--listFreeNext]; else AJNEW0(p); p->Item = x; p->Next = (*pnode); p->Prev = (*pnode)->Prev; p->Next->Prev = p; *pnode = p; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listNodeCnt++; #endif return; } /* @funcstatic listDummyNode ************************************************** ** ** Creates a new empty node. ** ** @param [u] pnode [AjPListNode *] New node. ** @return [AjPListNode] Copy of current node. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPListNode listDummyNode(AjPListNode *pnode) { if(listFreeNext) { *pnode = listFreeSet[--listFreeNext]; (*pnode)->Item = NULL; (*pnode)->Prev = NULL; (*pnode)->Next = NULL; } else AJNEW0(*pnode); #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listNodeCnt++; #endif return *pnode; } /* @section Adding values ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @nam3rule Push Add new value ** @nam4rule PushAppend Add new value to end of list ** @nam3rule Pushlist Add new list of values ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Push x [void*] Pointer to data. ** @argrule Pushlist Plist [AjPList*] Source list to be deleted ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListPush *********************************************************** ** ** Add a new node at the start of the list and add the ** data pointer. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] list to be changed. ** @param [u] x [void*] Pointer to data. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListPush(AjPList list, void* x) { assert(list); listInsertNode(&list->First, x); if(!list->Count++) list->Last->Prev = list->First; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif return; } /* @func ajListPushAppend ***************************************************** ** ** Add a new node at the end of the list and add the ** data pointer. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List to be changed. ** @param [u] x [void*] Pointer to data to append. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListPushAppend(AjPList list, void* x) { /* ** cannot use listInsertNode because that needs a pointer to the ** penultimate node, so we use the dummy node and make a new dummy node ** instead */ AjPListNode tmp = NULL; assert(list); if(!list->Count) { ajListPush(list,x); return; } list->Last->Item = x; tmp = list->Last; list->Last = listDummyNode(&list->Last->Next); list->Last->Prev = tmp; list->Count++; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif return; } /* @obsolete ajListPushApp ** @rename ajListPushAppend */ __deprecated void ajListPushApp(AjPList list, void* x) { ajListPushAppend(list, x); return; } /* @func ajListPushlist ******************************************************* ** ** Adds a list to the start of the current list, then deletes the second list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List to be merged. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListPushlist(AjPList list, AjPList* Plist) { AjPList more = *Plist; if(more->Count) { /* more list has items */ if(list->Count) { /* master list has items */ more->Last->Item = list->First->Item; more->Last->Next = list->First->Next; list->First->Next->Prev = more->Last; } else { /* master list is empty */ list->Last = more->Last; } if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(list->First); else if(list->First) listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = list->First; list->First = more->First; list->Count += more->Count; list->First->Prev = NULL; more->First = NULL; more->Count=0; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif } ajListFree(Plist); /* free the list but not the nodes */ return; } /* @obsolete ajListPushList ** @rename ajListPushlist */ __deprecated void ajListPushList(AjPList list, AjPList* pmore) { ajListPushlist(list, pmore); return; } /* @section Modifiers ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Modifies a list ** ** @nam3rule Map Apply function to each node ** @nam3rule Purge Select and remove unwanted nodes ** @nam3rule Reverse Reverse the order of nodes ** @nam3rule Sort Apply function to each node ** @nam4rule Two Apply second function to each equal node ** @nam5rule Three Apply third function to each equal node ** @suffix Unique Remove non-unique valukes from the list ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Map apply [void function] Function to apply ** @argrule Map cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** @argrule Purge test [AjBool* function] Function to find unwanted values ** @argrule Purge nodedelete [void* function] Function to remove a value ** @argrule Sort sort1 [int* function] Function to compare values ** @argrule Two sort2 [int* function] Second function to compare equal values ** @argrule Three sort3 [int* function] Second function to compare equal values ** @argrule Unique nodedelete [void* function] Function to remove a value ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListMap ************************************************************ ** ** For each node in the list call function apply. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] apply [void function] Function to call for each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListMap(AjPList list, void apply(void** x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode rest; assert(apply); for(rest = list->First; rest->Next; rest = rest->Next) apply((void**) &rest->Item, cl); return; } /* @func ajListPurge *********************************************************** ** ** Garbage collect a list ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] test [AjBool* function] Function to test whether to delete ** @param [f] nodedelete [void* function] Wrapper function for item destructor ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListPurge(AjPList list, AjBool (*test)(const void *), void (*nodedelete)(void **)) { AjIList iter = NULL; void *ret; iter = ajListIterNew(list); while((ret=ajListIterGet(iter))) if(test(ret)) { nodedelete(&ret); ajListIterRemove(iter); } ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @obsolete ajListGarbageCollect ** @replace ajListPurge (1,2,3/1,3,2) */ __deprecated void ajListGarbageCollect(AjPList list, void (*destruct)(void **), AjBool (*compar)(const void *)) { ajListPurge(list, compar, destruct); return; } /* @func ajListReverse ******************************************************** ** ** Reverse the order of the nodes in an abstract list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListReverse(AjPList list) { AjPListNode head; AjPListNode savenext; AjPListNode node; if(!list) return; if(list->Count <= 1) return; head = list->Last; list->Last->Prev = list->First; for( node = list->First; node->Next; node = savenext) { savenext = node->Next; node->Prev = node->Next; node->Next = head; head = node; } list->First = head; list->First->Prev = NULL; return; } /* @func ajListSort *********************************************************** ** ** Sort the items in a list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] sort1 [int* function] Function to compare two list items. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListSort(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void*, const void*)) { void** array = NULL; ajint i = 0; AjPListNode node; /*ajDebug("ajListSort %d items\n", list->Count);*/ /*ajListTrace(list);*/ node = list->First; if(list->Count <= 1) return; ajListToarray(list, &array); /* listArrayTrace(array);*/ qsort(array, list->Count, sizeof(void*), sort1); while(node->Next) { node->Item = array[i++]; node = node->Next; } AJFREE(array); return; } /* @func ajListSortTwo ********************************************************* ** ** Sort the items in a list using 2 fields in the same object hierarchy. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] sort1 [int* function] 1st function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] sort2 [int* function] 2nd function to compare two list items. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListSortTwo(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort2) (const void*, const void*)) { AjPListNode node; void **ptrs = NULL; ajint len; ajint limit; ajint pos; ajint base; ajint n; node = list->First; ajListSort(list,sort1); len = ajListToarray(list,&ptrs); if(len<2) return; pos = base = 0; limit = len-2; while(pos < limit) { while(!sort1(&ptrs[pos],&ptrs[pos+1])) { ++pos; if(pos>limit) break; } ++pos; n = pos-base; if(n>1) qsort((void *)&ptrs[base],n,sizeof(void*),sort2); base = pos; } pos = 0; while(node->Next) { node->Item = ptrs[pos++]; node = node->Next; } AJFREE(ptrs); return; } /* @obsolete ajListSort2 ** @rename ajListSortTwo */ __deprecated void ajListSort2(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort2) (const void*, const void*)) { ajListSortTwo(list, sort1, sort2); return; } /* @func ajListSortTwoThree **************************************************** ** ** Sort the items in a list using 3 fields in the same object hierarchy. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] sort1 [int* function] 1st function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] sort2 [int* function] 2nd function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] sort3 [int* function] 3rd function to compare two list items. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListSortTwoThree(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort2) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort3) (const void*, const void*)) { AjPListNode node; void **ptrs = NULL; ajint len; ajint limit; ajint pos; ajint base; ajint n; node = list->First; len = ajListGetLength(list); if(len<2) return; ajListSortTwo(list,sort1,sort2); len = ajListToarray(list,&ptrs); pos = base = 0; limit = len-2; while(pos < limit) { while(!sort1(&ptrs[pos],&ptrs[pos+1]) && !sort2(&ptrs[pos],&ptrs[pos+1])) { ++pos; if(pos>limit) break; } ++pos; n = pos-base; if(n>1) qsort((void *)&ptrs[base],n,sizeof(void*),sort3); base = pos; } pos = 0; while(node->Next) { node->Item = ptrs[pos++]; node = node->Next; } AJFREE(ptrs); return; } /* @obsolete ajListSort3 ** @rename ajListSortTwoThree */ __deprecated void ajListSort3(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort2) (const void*, const void*), int (*sort3) (const void*, const void*)) { ajListSortTwoThree(list, sort1, sort2, sort3); return; } /* @func ajListSortTwoUnique *************************************************** ** ** Double-sort the items in a list, and remove duplicates ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] sort1 [int* function] Function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] sort2 [int* function] Function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] nodedelete [void* function] Function to delete an item ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListSortTwoUnique(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void* x, const void* cl), int (*sort2) (const void* x, const void* cl), void (*nodedelete) (void** x, void* cl)) { void* item; void* previtem = NULL; AjIList iter; ajDebug("ajListUnique %d items\n", list->Count); if(list->Count <= 1) /* no duplicates */ return; ajListSortTwo(list, sort1, sort2); ajListTrace(list); iter = ajListIterNew(list); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { item = ajListIterGet(iter); if(previtem && !sort1(&item, &previtem) && !sort2(&item, &previtem)) { nodedelete(&item, NULL); ajListIterRemove(iter); } else previtem=item; } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajDebug("ajListUnique result %d items\n", list->Count); ajListTrace(list); return; } /* @obsolete ajListUnique2 ** @rename ajListSortTwoUnique */ __deprecated void ajListUnique2(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void* x, const void* cl), int (*sort2) (const void* x, const void* cl), void (*nodedelete) (void** x, void* cl)) { ajListSortTwoUnique(list, sort1, sort2, nodedelete); return; } /* @func ajListSortUnique ****************************************************** ** ** Sort the items in a list, and remove duplicates ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] sort1 [int* function] Function to compare two list items. ** @param [f] nodedelete [void* function] Function to delete an item ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListSortUnique(AjPList list, int (*sort1) (const void* x, const void* cl), void (*nodedelete) (void** x, void* cl)) { void* item; void* previtem = NULL; AjIList iter; ajDebug("ajListSortUnique %d items\n", list->Count); if(list->Count <= 1) /* no duplicates */ return; ajListSort(list, sort1); /*ajListTrace(list);*/ iter = ajListIterNew(list); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { item = ajListIterGet(iter); if(previtem && !sort1(&item, &previtem)) { nodedelete(&item, NULL); ajListIterRemove(iter); } else previtem=item; } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajDebug("ajListSortUnique result %d items\n", list->Count); ajListTrace(list); return; } /* @obsolete ajListUnique ** @rename ajListSortUnique */ __deprecated void ajListUnique(AjPList list, int (*compar) (const void* x, const void* cl), void (*nodedelete) (void** x, void* cl)) { ajListSortUnique(list, compar, nodedelete); return; } /* @section Removing data ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Retrieves values from a list ** ** @nam3rule Pop Retrieve next value ** @nam4rule PopLast Retrieve last value ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Pop x [void**] Value ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @funcstatic listFreeSetExpand *********************************************** ** ** Expand the list of free nodes ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void listFreeSetExpand (void) { ajint newsize; if(!listFreeSet) { listFreeMax = 1024; AJCNEW0(listFreeSet,listFreeMax); return; } if(listFreeMax >= 65536) return; newsize = listFreeMax + listFreeMax; AJCRESIZE0(listFreeSet, listFreeMax, newsize); listFreeMax = newsize; return; } /* @func ajListPop ************************************************************ ** ** remove the first node but set pointer to data first. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPop(AjPList list, void** x) { if(!list) { if(x) *x = NULL; return ajFalse; } if(x) *x = listNodeItem(list->First); if(!listNodeDel(&list->First)) return ajFalse; list->First->Prev = NULL; list->Count--; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajListPopLast ******************************************************** ** ** remove the last node but set pointer to data first. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPopLast(AjPList list, void** x) { AjPListNode pthis = NULL; if(!list) { if(x) *x = NULL; return ajFalse; } if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; pthis = list->Last->Prev; if(x) *x = listNodeItem(pthis); if(list->Count==1) { list->Last->Prev = NULL; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(list->First); else if(list->First) listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = list->First; list->First = list->Last; } else { pthis->Prev->Next = list->Last; list->Last->Prev = pthis->Prev; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(pthis); else if(pthis) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = pthis; pthis = NULL; } } --list->Count; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajListPopEnd ** @rename ajListPopLast */ __deprecated AjBool ajListPopEnd(AjPList list, void** x) { return ajListPopLast(list, x); } /* @section Element retrieval ************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Retrieves attributes or values from a list without changing it ** ** @nam3rule Get Retrieve attribute ** @nam4rule GetLength Retrieve list length ** @nam3rule Mapread Apply function to each node without modifying list or data ** @nam3rule Mapfind Apply function to each node without modifying list ** or data ** @nam3rule Peek Pointer to nextvalue ** @nam4rule PeekFirst Pointer to first value ** @nam4rule PeekLast Pointer to last value ** @nam4rule PeekNumber Pointer to numbered value ** @nam3rule Toarray Build array of values ** ** @argrule * list [const AjPList] List ** @argrule Mapfind apply [AjBool function] Function to apply ** @argrule Mapread apply [void function] Function to apply ** @argrule Mapfind cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** @argrule Mapread cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** @argrule PeekNumber ipos [ajuint] Position in list ** @argrule Peek x [void**] Value ** @argrule Toarray array [void***] Array of values, ending with NULL ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** @valrule *Length [ajuint] List length ** @valrule *Mapfind [AjBool] True if function returns true ** @valrule *Mapread [void] ** @valrule *Toarray [ajuint] Array size, excluding final NULL ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListGetLength ****************************************************** ** ** get the number of nodes in the linked list. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @return [ajuint] Number of nodes in list. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajListGetLength(const AjPList list) { if(!list) return 0; return list->Count; } /* @obsolete ajListLength ** @rename ajListGetLength */ __deprecated ajuint ajListLength(const AjPList list) { return ajListGetLength(list); } /* @func ajListMapfind ***************************************************** ** ** For each node in the list call function 'apply' and return ** ajTrue when any node is matched by the function. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [f] apply [AjBool function] Function to call to test each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListMapfind(const AjPList list, AjBool apply(void** x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode listnode; assert(list); assert(apply); for( listnode = list->First; listnode->Next; listnode = listnode->Next) if(apply(&listnode->Item, cl)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajListFind ** @rename ajListMapfind */ __deprecated AjBool ajListFind(const AjPList list, AjBool apply(void** x, void* cl), void* cl) { return ajListMapfind(list, apply, cl); } /* @func ajListMapread ******************************************************** ** ** For each node in the list call function apply. ** The apply function must not modify the list elements. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List. ** @param [f] apply [void function] Function to call for each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListMapread(const AjPList list, void apply(void* x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode rest; assert(apply); for(rest = list->First; rest->Next; rest = rest->Next) apply((void*) rest->Item, cl); return; } /* @obsolete ajListMapRead ** @rename ajListMapread */ __deprecated void ajListMapRead(const AjPList list, void apply(void* x, void* cl), void* cl) { ajListMapread(list, apply, cl); return; } /* @func ajListPeek *********************************************************** ** ** Return the first node but keep it on the list ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPeek(const AjPList list, void** x) { if(!list) return ajFalse; if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; if(x) *x = listNodeItem(list->First); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajListPeekFirst ****************************************************** ** ** Set pointer to first node's data. Does NOT remove the first node. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPeekFirst(const AjPList list, void** x) { if(!list) return ajFalse; if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; if(x) *x = listNodeItem(list->First); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajListFirst ** @rename ajListPeekFirst */ __deprecated AjBool ajListFirst(const AjPList list, void** x) { return ajListPeekFirst(list, x); } /* @func ajListPeekLast ******************************************************* ** ** Set pointer to last node's data. Does NOT remove the last node. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPeekLast(const AjPList list, void** x) { AjPListNode rest; if(!list) return ajFalse; if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; for(rest = list->First; rest->Next; rest = rest->Next) if(!rest->Next->Next) break; if(x) *x = listNodeItem(rest); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajListLast ** @rename ajListPeekLast */ __deprecated AjBool ajListLast(const AjPList list, void** x) { return ajListPeekLast (list, x); } /* @func ajListPeekNumber ****************************************************** ** ** Set pointer to last node's nth data item. 0 <= n < number of elements. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [r] ipos [ajuint] element of the list ** @param [w] x [void**] pointer to pointer to data ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListPeekNumber(const AjPList list, ajuint ipos, void** x) { AjPListNode rest; ajuint len; ajuint i; if(!list) return ajFalse; len = ajListGetLength(list); if(ipos>=len) return ajFalse; for(i=0,rest = list->First; iNext) i++; if(x) *x = listNodeItem(rest); return ajTrue; } AjBool ajListNth(const AjPList list, ajuint ipos, void** x) { return ajListPeekNumber(list, ipos, x); } /* @func ajListToarray ******************************************************** ** ** Create an array of the pointers to the data. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] array [void***] Array of pointers to list items. ** @return [ajuint] Size of array of pointers. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajListToarray(const AjPList list, void*** array) { ajint i; ajint n; AjPListNode rest; n = list->Count; rest = list->First; if(!n) { *array = NULL; return 0; } if (*array) AJFREE(*array); *array = AJALLOC((n+1)*sizeof(array)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { (*array)[i] = rest->Item; rest = rest->Next; } (*array)[n] = 0; return n; } /* @obsolete ajListToArray ** @rename ajListToarray */ __deprecated ajuint ajListToArray(const AjPList list, void*** array) { return ajListToarray(list, array); } /* @funcstatic listArrayTrace ************************************************* ** ** Writes debug messages to trace an array generated from a list. ** ** @param [r] array [void**] Array to trace ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void listArrayTrace(void** array) { void** v = array; ajint i = 0; while(*v) ajDebug("array[%d] %x\n", i++, *v++); return; } /* @section Trace functions *************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @nam3rule Probe Test for memory allocation conflicts ** @nam4rule ProbeData Test data for memory allocation conflicts ** @nam3rule Print Trace contents to standard error ** @nam3rule Trace Trace contents to debug file ** ** @argrule Probe Plist [AjPList const*] Pointer to list ** @argrule Trace list [const AjPList] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListProbe *********************************************************** ** ** Test list for memory allocation conflicts ** ** @param [r] Plist [AjPList const*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListProbe(AjPList const * Plist) { AjPListNode next; AjPListNode *rest; AjPList list; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; /* don't free the data in the list (we don't know how) */ /* just free the nodes */ if(list->Count) for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { next = (*rest)->Next; AJMPROBE(*rest); } AJMPROBE(*rest); AJMPROBE(*Plist); return; } /* @func ajListProbeData ******************************************************* ** ** Test list and data for memory allocation conflicts ** ** @param [r] Plist [AjPList const*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListProbeData(AjPList const * Plist) { AjPListNode next; AjPListNode *rest; AjPList list; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; /* free the data for each node (just a simple free) */ /* as we free the nodes */ if(list->Count) { for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { AJMPROBE((*rest)->Item); next = (*rest)->Next; AJMPROBE(*rest); } AJMPROBE((*rest)->Item); } AJMPROBE(*rest); AJMPROBE(*Plist); return; } /* @func ajListTrace ********************************************************** ** ** Traces through a list and validates it ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be traced. ** @return [void] ** @category output [AjPList] Traces through a list and validates it ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListTrace(const AjPList list) { ajuint i = 0; AjPListNode node; if(!list) return; ajDebug("\nList Trace %x type %d count %d\n", list, list->Type, list->Count); ajDebug("first-> %x last-> %x\n", list->First, list->Last); for(node=list->First; node->Next; node=node->Next) { i++; ajDebug("Item[%d] item %x (data %x) rest -> %x prev -> %x\n", i, node, node->Item, node->Next, node->Prev); } if(i != list->Count) { ajDebug("*** list error expect %d items, found %d\n", list->Count, i); ajErr("*** list error expect %d items, found %d", list->Count, i); } if(list->Last != node) { ajDebug("*** list error expect end at %x, found at %x\n", list->Last, node); ajErr("*** list error expect end at %x, found at %x", list->Last, node); } return; } /* @obsolete ajListNodesNew ** @remove Use calls to ajListPush */ __deprecated AjPListNode ajListNodesNew(void* x, ...) { va_list ap; AjPListNode topnode; AjPListNode node; va_start(ap, x); topnode = listDummyNode(&node); /*ajDebug("ajListNodesNew topnode: %x -> %x\n", topnode, topnode->Next);*/ for( ; x; x = va_arg(ap, void *)) { node->Item = x; listDummyNode(&node->Next); node->Next->Prev = node; /*ajDebug("topnode: %x node: %x, item: %x -> %x\n", topnode, node, x, node->Next);*/ } va_end(ap); topnode->Prev = NULL; /*listNodesTrace(node);*/ return node; } /* @funcstatic listNodesTrace ************************************************* ** ** Writes debug messages to trace from the current list node. ** ** @param [r] node [const AjPListNode] Current node. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void listNodesTrace(const AjPListNode node) { const AjPListNode p = node; ajDebug("listNodesTrace %x\n", p); while(p->Next) { ajDebug("node %x item %x -> %x\n", p, p->Item, p->Next); p = p->Next; } return; } /* @obsolete ajListAppend ** @remove append data with ajListPushAppend */ __deprecated void ajListAppend(AjPList list, AjPListNode* morenodes) { AjPListNode more = *morenodes; assert(list); /*listNodesTrace(*morenodes);*/ more->Next->Prev = list->Last; list->Last->Next = more->Next; list->Last->Item = more->Item; while(more->Next) { /* need to get to the end of the list */ more = more->Next; list->Count++; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif } list->Last = more; /* now we can set the end of the list */ AJFREE(*morenodes); /* first extra node (only) was duplicated */ return; } /* @funcstatic listNodeItem *************************************************** ** ** Return the data item for a list node. ** ** @param [r] node [const AjPListNode] Current node. ** @return [void*] Data item. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void* listNodeItem(const AjPListNode node) { if(!node || !node->Next) return NULL; return node->Item; } /* @section Destructors ******************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Destructors can only deal with the list and cannot free complex data ** ** @nam3rule Del Delete list ** @nam3rule Free Delete list ** @nam4rule FreeData Delete list and free values ** ** @argrule * Plist [AjPList*] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListFree *********************************************************** ** ** Free all nodes in the list. ** NOTE: The data is only freed with a specified list type. ** For undefined data types we recommend you to ** use ajListMap with a routine to free the memory. ** ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListFree(AjPList* Plist) { AjPListNode next; AjPListNode *rest; AjPList list; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listDelCnt++; #endif list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; /* don't free the data in the list (we don't know how) */ /* just free the nodes */ if(list->Count) for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { next = (*rest)->Next; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } } if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } AJFREE(*Plist); return; } /* @func ajListFreeData ******************************************************* ** ** Free all nodes in the list. Free all the data values. ** For more complex data objects use ajListMap with a routine to ** free the object memory. ** ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListFreeData(AjPList* Plist) { AjPListNode next; AjPListNode *rest; AjPList list; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listDelCnt++; #endif list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; /* free the data for each node (just a simple free) */ /* as we free the nodes */ if(list->Count) { for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { AJFREE((*rest)->Item); next = (*rest)->Next; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } } AJFREE((*rest)->Item); } if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } AJFREE(*Plist); return; } /* @obsolete ajListDel ** @rename ajListFree */ __deprecated void ajListDel(AjPList* Plist) { AjPList list; AjPListNode *rest = NULL; AjPListNode next = NULL; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listDelCnt++; #endif list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; if(list->Count) for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { next = (*rest)->Next; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } } if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } AJFREE(*Plist); return; } /* @funcstatic listNodeDel **************************************************** ** ** Remove a node from the list. ** ** @param [d] pnode [AjPListNode*] Current node. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool listNodeDel(AjPListNode * pnode) { AjPListNode node; AjPListNode tmp; node = *pnode; if(!node || !node->Next) return ajFalse; tmp = node->Prev; node = node->Next; node->Prev = tmp; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*pnode); else if(*pnode) listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *pnode; *pnode = node; return ajTrue; } /* @section unused ************************************************************ ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @nam3rule Unused Contains dummy calls to unused functions to keep ** compilers happy ** ** @argrule Unused array [void**] Dummy array ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListUnused ********************************************************* ** ** Dummy function to catch all unused functions defined in ajlist ** ** @param [r] array [void**] Array needed by ajListArrayTrace ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajListUnused(void** array) { const AjPListNode p = NULL; listNodesTrace(p); listArrayTrace(array); return; } /* @section exit ************************************************************** ** ** Functions called on exit from the program by ajExit to do ** any necessary cleanup and to report internal statistics to the debug file ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** @fnote general exit functions, no arguments ** ** @nam3rule Exit Cleanup and report on exit ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc */ /* @func ajListExit *********************************************************** ** ** Prints a summary of list usage with debug calls ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListExit(void) { ajint i; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS ajDebug("List usage : %d opened, %d closed, %d maxsize %d nodes\n", listNewCnt, listDelCnt, listMaxNum, listNodeCnt); ajDebug("List iterator usage : %d opened, %d closed\n", listIterNewCnt, listIterDelCnt); #endif if(listFreeNext) for(i=0;iHead = list; iter->Back = ajFalse; iter->Here = list->First; iter->Modify = ajTrue; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listIterNewCnt++; #endif return iter; } /* @obsolete ajListIter ** @rename ajListIterNew */ __deprecated AjIList ajListIter(AjPList list) { return ajListIterNew(list); } /* @func ajListIterNewBack ***************************************************** ** ** Creates an iterator to operate from end to start of the list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** Not const - the iterator can insert and delete entries ** @return [AjIList] New list iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIList ajListIterNewBack(AjPList list) { AjIList iter; AjPListNode node = NULL; AjPListNode tmp = NULL; if(!list) return NULL; if(!list->Count) return NULL; for(node=list->First; node->Next; node = node->Next) tmp = node; list->Last->Prev = tmp; AJNEW0(iter); iter->Head = list; iter->Back = ajTrue; iter->Here = tmp->Next; iter->Modify = ajTrue; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listIterNewCnt++; #endif return iter; } /* @obsolete ajListIterBack ** @rename ajListIterNewBack */ __deprecated AjIList ajListIterBack(AjPList list) { return ajListIterNewBack(list); } /* @func ajListIterNewread ***************************************************** ** ** Creates an iterator to operate from start to end of list. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** Not const in practice - the iterator can insert ** and delete entries ** @return [AjIList] New list iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIList ajListIterNewread(const AjPList list) { AjIList iter; if(!list) return NULL; AJNEW0(iter); iter->ReadHead = list; iter->Back = ajFalse; iter->Here = list->First; iter->Modify = ajFalse; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listIterNewCnt++; #endif return iter; } /* @obsolete ajListIterRead ** @rename ajListIterNewread */ __deprecated AjIList ajListIterRead(const AjPList list) { return ajListIterNewread(list); } /* @func ajListIterNewreadBack ************************************************* ** ** Creates an iterator to operate from end to start of the list. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @return [AjIList] New list iterator ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjIList ajListIterNewreadBack(const AjPList list) { AjIList iter; AjPListNode node = NULL; AjPListNode tmp = NULL; if(!list) return NULL; if(!list->Count) return NULL; for(node=list->First; node->Next; node = node->Next) tmp = node; list->Last->Prev = tmp; AJNEW0(iter); iter->ReadHead = list; iter->Back = ajTrue; iter->Here = tmp->Next; iter->Modify = ajFalse; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listIterNewCnt++; #endif return iter; } /* @obsolete ajListIterBackRead ** @rename ajListIterNewreadBack */ __deprecated AjIList ajListIterBackRead(const AjPList list) { return ajListIterNewreadBack(list); } /* @section tests ************************************************************* ** @fdata [AjIList] ** @nam4rule Done Check whether iteration has ended (no more ** characters). ** @nam5rule DoneBack Reverse iterator ** ** @argrule Done iter [const AjIList] Iterator ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] Result of test ** ** @fcategory use */ /* @func ajListIterDone ******************************************************* ** ** Tests whether an iterator has completed yet. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the iterator is exhausted. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListIterDone(const AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; if(!iter) return ajTrue; p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Next) return ajTrue; } else if(!p->Next->Next || !p->Next->Next->Next) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajListIterMore ** @remove use ajListIterDone */ __deprecated AjBool ajListIterMore(const AjIList iter) { return (!ajListIterDone(iter)); } /* @obsolete ajListIterMoreBack ** @remove use ajListIterDoneBack */ __deprecated AjBool ajListIterMoreBack(const AjIList iter) { return (!ajListIterDoneBack(iter)); } /* @func ajListIterDoneBack *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a backwards iterator has completed yet. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the iterator is exhausted. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListIterDoneBack(const AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; if(!iter) return ajTrue; p = iter->Here; if(!p->Prev) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajListIterBackDone ** @rename ajListIterDoneBack */ __deprecated AjBool ajListIterBackDone(const AjIList iter) { return ajListIterDoneBack(iter); } /* @section destructors ******************************************************* ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Del Destructor ** ** @argrule Del iter [AjIList*] List iterator ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete */ /* @func ajListIterDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for a list iterator. ** ** @param [d] iter [AjIList*] List iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListIterDel(AjIList* iter) { AJFREE(*iter); #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listIterDelCnt++; #endif return; } /* @obsolete ajListIterFree ** @rename ajListIterDel */ __deprecated void ajListIterFree(AjIList* iter) { ajListIterDel(iter); return; } /* @obsolete ajListIterBackMore ** @remove use ajListIterDoneBack */ __deprecated AjBool ajListIterBackMore(const AjIList iter) { return (!ajListIterDoneBack(iter)); } /* @section stepping ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Get Next value. ** @nam5rule GetBack Next value in reverse direction ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIList] String iterator ** ** @valrule * [void*] Value ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajListIterGet ******************************************************** ** ** Returns next item using iterator, or steps off the end. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [void*] Data item returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void* ajListIterGet(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; void *ret; if(!iter) return NULL; p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Next) return NULL; ret = p->Item; iter->Here = p->Next; } else { if(!p->Next->Next || !p->Next->Next->Next) return NULL; iter->Back = ajFalse; ret = p->Next->Item; iter->Here = p->Next->Next; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajListIterNext ** @rename ajListIterGet */ __deprecated void* ajListIterNext(AjIList iter) { return ajListIterGet(iter); } /* @func ajListIterGetBack ************************************************* ** ** Returns next item using back iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [void*] Data item returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void* ajListIterGetBack(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; void* ret; if(!iter) return NULL; p = iter->Here; if(!p->Prev) return NULL; if(!iter->Back) { ret = p->Prev->Prev->Item; iter->Here = p->Prev->Prev; iter->Back = ajTrue; } else { ret = p->Prev->Item; iter->Here = p->Prev; } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajListIterBackNext ** @rename ajListIterGetBack */ __deprecated void* ajListIterBackNext(AjIList iter) { return ajListIterGetBack(iter); } /* @section modifiers ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Insert Insert a new value at iterator position ** @nam4rule Remove Remove value at iterator position ** @nam4rule Rewind Rewind list to start ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIList] String iterator ** @argrule Insert x [void*] Value ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajListIterInsert ****************************************************** ** ** Insert an item in a list, using an iterator (if not null) ** to show which position to insert. Otherwise, simply push. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @param [u] x [void*] Data item to insert. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListIterInsert(AjIList iter, void* x) { AjPList list = iter->Head; AjPListNode p; /* ajDebug("ajListInsert\n");*/ if (!iter->Modify) { ajErr("ajListIterInsert called on a read-only iterator"); return; } p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Prev) listInsertNode(&list->First,x); else listInsertNode(&p->Prev->Next,x); iter->Here = p->Prev; } else { if(!p->Next) ajFatal("Cannot add a new node for unused back iterator\n"); if(!p->Prev) listInsertNode(&list->First,x); else listInsertNode(&p->Prev->Next,x); } list->Count++; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif /*ajListTrace(list);*/ /*ajListIterTrace(iter);*/ return; } /* @obsolete ajListInsert ** @rename ajListIterInsert */ __deprecated void ajListInsert(AjIList iter, void* x) { ajListIterInsert(iter, x); return; } /* @func ajListIterRemove ***************************************************** ** ** Remove an item from a list, using an iterator (if not null) ** to show which item. Otherwise remove the first item. ** ** We want to remove the item just fetched by the iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListIterRemove(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; /* ajDebug("ajListIterRemove\n");*/ if(!iter->Modify) { ajDie("Attempt to modify read-only iterator with ajListIterRemove\n"); return; } p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Prev) ajDie("Attempt to delete from unused iterator\n"); if(!p->Prev->Prev) listNodeDel(&(iter->Head->First)); else listNodeDel(&p->Prev->Prev->Next); } else listNodeDel(&p->Prev->Prev->Next); iter->Head->Count--; return; } /* @obsolete ajListRemove ** @rename ajListIterRemove */ __deprecated void ajListRemove(AjIList iter) { ajListIterRemove(iter); return; } /* @func ajListIterRewind ****************************************************** ** ** Resets iterator to start position ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListIterRewind(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode node = NULL; AjPListNode tmp = NULL; const AjPList list; if(!iter) return; if(iter->Modify) list = iter->Head; else list = iter->ReadHead; if(iter->Back) { for(node=list->First; node->Next; node = node->Next) tmp = node; iter->Here = tmp->Next; } else { iter->Here = list->First; } return; } /* @section Trace functions *************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Trace Trace contents to debug file ** ** @argrule * iter [const AjIList] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListIterTrace ****************************************************** ** ** Traces a list iterator and validates it. ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIList] list iterator to be traced. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListIterTrace(const AjIList iter) { ajuint icount = 0; if(!iter) { ajDebug("\nIterator NULL\n"); return; } if(iter->Head) icount = iter->Head->Count; else if(iter->ReadHead) icount = iter->ReadHead->Count; ajDebug("\nIter Head %x ReadHead %x Here %x Back %B Modify %B Len: %d\n", iter->Head,iter->ReadHead,iter->Here,iter->Back, iter->Modify, icount); return; } /* @datasection [AjPList] String lists ***************************************** ** ** Functions working on lists of string values ** ** @nam2rule Liststr ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @section Constructors ****************************************************** ** ** Constructors for lists ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @fcategory new ** ** @nam3rule New Constructor ** @nam4rule NewList Copy constructor with its own copy of the data ** @nam4rule NewListref Copy constructor with pointers to source data ** ** @argrule NewList list [const AjPList] Source list ** @argrule NewListref list [const AjPList] Source list ** ** @valrule * [AjPList] New list ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrNew ********************************************************* ** ** Creates a new string list. ** ** @return [AjPList] new list; ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajListstrNew(void) { return listNew(ajEListStr); } /* @func ajListstrNewList ****************************************************** ** ** Copy a list, with copies of all the string values. ** ** General data cannot be copied so this is a string-only function ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be copied ** @return [AjPList] new copied list. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajListstrNewList(const AjPList list) { AjPList newlist; AjPListNode node; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!list) return NULL; newlist = ajListNew(); newlist->Type = list->Type; for( node=list->First; node->Next; node=node->Next) { tmpstr = ajStrNewS(node->Item); ajListstrPushAppend(newlist, tmpstr); } return newlist; } /* @obsolete ajListstrClone ** @remove use ajListstrNewList */ __deprecated ajuint ajListstrClone(const AjPList list, AjPList newlist) { AjPListNode node; ajint ret = 0; AjPStr newstr; if(!list) return 0; if(!newlist) return 0; for( node=list->First; node->Next; node=node->Next) { newstr = NULL; ajStrAssignS(&newstr, node->Item); ajListPushAppend(newlist, newstr); ret++; } return ret; } /* @func ajListstrNewListref ************************************************** ** ** Copy a string list. ** ** WARNING: pointers to the data are copied, NOT the data ** so be careful when cleaning up after copy. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List to be copied ** @return [AjPList] New, copied, list. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajListstrNewListref(const AjPList list) { return ajListNewListref(list); } /* @obsolete ajListstrCopy ** @rename ajListstrNewList */ __deprecated AjPList ajListstrCopy(const AjPList list) { return ajListstrNewListref(list); } /* @section Adding values ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @nam3rule Push Add new key and value ** @nam4rule PushAppend Add to end of list ** @nam3rule Pushlist Add new list of values ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Push x [AjPStr] Pointer to data. ** @argrule Pushlist Plist [AjPList*] Source list to be deleted ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrPush ******************************************************** ** ** Add a new node at the start of a string list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] list to be changed. ** @param [u] x [AjPStr] String data. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrPush(AjPList list, AjPStr x) { ajListPush(list, (void*) x); return; } /* @func ajListstrPushAppend *************************************************** ** ** Add a new node at the end of the list and add the ** data pointer. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List to be changed. ** @param [u] x [AjPStr] String to append. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrPushAppend(AjPList list, AjPStr x) { ajListPushAppend(list, (void*) x); return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrPushApp ** @rename ajListstrPushAppend */ __deprecated void ajListstrPushApp(AjPList list, AjPStr x) { ajListstrPushAppend(list, x); return; } /* @func ajListstrPushlist **************************************************** ** ** Adds a list to the start of the current list, then deletes the second list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List to be merged. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrPushlist(AjPList list, AjPList* Plist) { ajListPushlist(list, Plist); return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrPushList ** @rename ajListstrPushlist */ __deprecated void ajListstrPushList(AjPList list, AjPList* Plist) { ajListstrPushlist(list, Plist); return; } /* @section Modifiers ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Modifies a list ** ** @nam3rule Map Apply function to each node ** @nam3rule Reverse Reverse the order of nodes ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Map apply [void function] Function to apply ** @argrule Map cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrMap ********************************************************* ** ** For each node in the list call function apply, ** with the address of the string and a client pointer. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List. ** @param [f] apply [void function] Function to call for each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrMap(AjPList list, void apply(AjPStr* x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode rest; assert(apply); for(rest=list->First; rest->Next; rest = rest->Next) apply((AjPStr*) &rest->Item, cl); return; } /* @func ajListstrReverse ***************************************************** ** ** Reverse the order of the nodes in a string list. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrReverse(AjPList list) { ajListReverse(list); return; } /* @section Removing data ****************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Retrieves values from a list ** ** @nam3rule Pop Retrieve next value ** @nam4rule PopLast Retrieve last value ** ** @argrule * list [AjPList] List ** @argrule Pop Pstr [AjPStr*] Value ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrPop ********************************************************* ** ** Remove the first node but set pointer to data first. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListstrPop(AjPList list, AjPStr* Pstr) { if(!list) return ajFalse; if(Pstr) *Pstr = (AjPStr) listNodeItem(list->First); if(!listNodeDel(&list->First)) return ajFalse; list->First->Prev = NULL; list->Count--; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajListstrPopLast ***************************************************** ** ** Remove the last node but set pointer to data first. ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListstrPopLast(AjPList list, AjPStr *Pstr) { AjPListNode pthis = NULL; if(!list) return ajFalse; if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; pthis = list->Last->Prev; if(Pstr) *Pstr = (AjPStr) listNodeItem(pthis); if(list->Count==1) { list->Last->Prev = NULL; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(list->First); else if(list->First) listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = list->First; list->First = list->Last; } else { pthis->Prev->Next = list->Last; list->Last->Prev = pthis->Prev; if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(pthis); else if(pthis) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = pthis; pthis = NULL; } } --list->Count; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajListstrPopEnd ** @rename ajListstrPopLast */ __deprecated AjBool ajListstrPopEnd(AjPList list, AjPStr *x) { return ajListstrPopLast(list, x); } /* @section Element retrieval ************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Retrieves attributes or values from a list without changing it ** ** @nam3rule Get Retrieve attribute ** @nam4rule GetLength Retrieve list length ** @nam3rule Mapfind Apply function to each node without modifying list ** or data ** @nam3rule Mapread Apply function to each node without modifying list or data ** @nam3rule Peek Pointer to nextvalue ** @nam4rule PeekFirst Pointer to first value ** @nam4rule PeekLast Pointer to last value ** @nam4rule PeekNumber Pointer to numbered value ** @nam3rule Toarray Build array of values ** @nam4rule ToarrayAppend Append to array of values ** ** @argrule * list [const AjPList] List ** @argrule Mapfind apply [AjBool function] Function to apply ** @argrule Mapfind cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** @argrule Mapread apply [void* function] Function to apply ** @argrule Mapread cl [void*] Data (usually NULL) to be passed to apply. ** @argrule PeekNumber ipos [ajuint] Position in list ** @argrule Peek Pstr [AjPStr*] Value ** @argrule Toarray array [AjPStr**] Array of values, ending with NULL ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** @valrule *Length [ajuint] List length ** @valrule *Mapfind [AjBool] ** @valrule *Mapread [void] ** @valrule *Toarray [ajuint] Array size, excluding final NULL ** ** @fcategory cast ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrGetLength *************************************************** ** ** get the number of nodes in the linked list. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @return [ajuint] Number of nodes in list. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajListstrGetLength(const AjPList list) { return ajListGetLength(list); } /* @obsolete ajListstrLength ** @rename ajListstrGetLength */ __deprecated ajuint ajListstrLength(const AjPList list) { return ajListstrGetLength(list); } /* @func ajListstrMapfind ************************************************** ** ** For each node in the list call function apply and return ** ajTrue when any node is matched by the function. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [f] apply [AjBool function] Function to call to test each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListstrMapfind(const AjPList list, AjBool apply(AjPStr* x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode listnode; assert(list); assert(apply); for(listnode = list->First; listnode->Next; listnode = listnode->Next) if(apply((AjPStr*) &listnode->Item, cl)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @obsolete ajListstrFind ** @rename ajListstrMapfind */ __deprecated AjBool ajListstrFind(const AjPList list, AjBool apply(AjPStr* x, void* cl), void* cl) { return ajListstrMapfind(list, apply, cl); } /* @func ajListstrMapread ***************************************************** ** ** For each node in the list call function apply, ** with the address of the string and a client pointer. ** The apply function must not modify the list elements. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List. ** @param [f] apply [void* function] Function to call for each list item. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Standard, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrMapread(const AjPList list, void (*apply)(AjPStr x, void* cl), void* cl) { AjPListNode rest; assert(apply); for(rest=list->First; rest->Next; rest = rest->Next) apply((AjPStr) rest->Item, cl); return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrMapRead ** @rename ajListstrMapread */ __deprecated void ajListstrMapRead(const AjPList list, void apply(AjPStr x, void* cl), void* cl) { ajListstrMapread(list, apply, cl); return; } /* @func ajListstrPeek ******************************************************** ** ** Return the first node but keep it on the list. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajListstrPeek(const AjPList list, AjPStr* Pstr) { if(!list) return ajFalse; if(!list->Count) return ajFalse; if(Pstr) *Pstr = (AjPStr) listNodeItem(list->First); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajListstrToarray ***************************************************** ** ** create an array of the pointers to the data. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] array [AjPStr**] Array of Strings. ** ** @return [ajuint] Size of array of pointers. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajListstrToarray(const AjPList list, AjPStr** array) { ajint i; ajint n; AjPListNode rest; n = list->Count; rest = list->First; if(!n) { *array = NULL; return 0; } *array = AJALLOC((n+1)*sizeof(array)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { (*array)[i] = (AjPStr) rest->Item; rest = rest->Next; } (*array)[n] = 0; return n; } /* @obsolete ajListstrToArray ** @rename ajListstrToarray */ __deprecated ajuint ajListstrToArray(const AjPList list, AjPStr** array) { return ajListstrToarray(list, array); } /* @func ajListstrToarrayAppend ************************************************ ** ** append to an array of the pointers to the data. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List ** @param [w] array [AjPStr**] Array of Strings. ** ** @return [ajuint] Size of array of pointers. ** ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajuint ajListstrToarrayAppend(const AjPList list, AjPStr** array) { ajint i; ajint n; ajint j; AjPListNode rest; rest = list->First; if (*array) { for (j=0; array[j]; j++) continue; } else j = 0; n = list->Count + j; if(!n) { *array = NULL; return 0; } AJCRESIZE(*array, (n+1)); for(i = j; i < n; i++) { (*array)[i] = (AjPStr) rest->Item; rest = rest->Next; } (*array)[n] = 0; return n; } /* @obsolete ajListstrToArrayApp ** @rename ajListstrToarrayAppend */ __deprecated ajuint ajListstrToArrayApp(const AjPList list, AjPStr** array) { return ajListstrToarrayAppend(list, array); } /* @section Trace functions *************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** @nam3rule Print Trace contents to standard error ** @nam3rule Trace Trace contents to debug file ** ** @argrule * list [const AjPList] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrTrace ******************************************************* ** ** Traces through a string list and validates it ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be traced. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrTrace(const AjPList list) { ajuint i = 0; AjPListNode node; if(!list) return; ajDebug("\nList Trace %x type %d count %d\n", list, list->Type, list->Count); ajDebug("rest-> %x last-> %x\n", list->First, list->Last); for(node=list->First; node->Next; node=node->Next) { i++; ajDebug("Item[%d] item %x '%S' rest -> %x prev -> %x\n", i, node, (AjPStr) node->Item, node->Next, node->Prev); } if(i != list->Count) { ajDebug("*** list error expect %d items, found %d\n", list->Count, i); ajErr("*** list error expect %d items, found %d", list->Count, i); } if(list->Last != node) { ajDebug("*** list error expect end at %x, found at %x\n", list->Last, node); ajErr("*** list error expect end at %x, found at %x", list->Last, node); } return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrNewArgs ** @remove Use ajListstrNew and ajListPush */ __deprecated AjPList ajListstrNewArgs(AjPStr x, ...) { AjPList list; va_list ap; ajint i = 0; AjPStr y; list = ajListstrNew(); if(!x) return list; va_start(ap, x); y = x; for( i=0; y; y = va_arg(ap, AjPStr),i++) ajListstrPushAppend(list, y); va_end(ap); return list; } /* @section Destructors ******************************************************* ** ** @fdata [AjPList] ** ** Destructors can only deal with the list and cannot free complex data ** ** @nam3rule Del Delete list ** @nam3rule Free Delete list ** @nam4rule FreeData Delete list and free values ** ** @argrule * Plist [AjPList*] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory delete ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrFree ********************************************************* ** ** Free the list. Do not attempt to free the nodes. ** For use where the node data has been saved elsewhere, for example ** by ajListToarray or where the list is a temporary structure ** referring to permanent data. ** ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrFree(AjPList* Plist) { ajListFree(Plist); return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrDel ** @rename ajListstrFree */ __deprecated void ajListstrDel(AjPList* pthis) { ajListstrFree(pthis); return; } /* @func ajListstrFreeData ***************************************************** ** ** Free all nodes in a string list. ** Also deletes all the strings. If these are to be preserved, ** use ajListstrDel instead. ** ** @param [d] Plist [AjPList*] List ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrFreeData(AjPList* Plist) { AjPListNode next; AjPListNode *rest; AjPList list; if(!Plist) return; if(!*Plist) return; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS listDelCnt++; #endif list = *Plist; rest = &list->First; if(list->Count) { /* free the data in the list (if we know how) */ for( ; (*rest)->Next; *rest = next) { next = (*rest)->Next; ajStrDel((AjPStr*) &(*rest)->Item); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest=NULL; } } ajStrDel((AjPStr*) &(*rest)->Item); } if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) listFreeSetExpand(); if(listFreeNext >= listFreeMax) AJFREE(*rest); else if(*rest) { listFreeSet[listFreeNext++] = *rest; *rest = NULL; } AJFREE(*Plist); return; } /* @datasection [AjIList] String list iterators ******************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating lists with string values. ** ** Some functions are specially designed to understand string (AjPStr) values. ** ** @nam2rule Liststr String list data ** @nam3rule Iter Iterator ** *******************************************************************************/ /* @section stepping ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Get Next value. ** @nam5rule GetBack Next value in reverse direction ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIList] String iterator ** ** @valrule * [AjPStr] Value ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajListstrIterGet ***************************************************** ** ** Returns next item using iterator, or steps off the end. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [AjPStr] Data item returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajListstrIterGet(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; void *ret; if(!iter) return NULL; p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Next) return NULL; ret = p->Item; iter->Here = p->Next; } else { if(!p->Next->Next || !p->Next->Next->Next) return NULL; iter->Back = ajFalse; ret = p->Next->Item; iter->Here = p->Next->Next; } return (AjPStr) ret; } /* @func ajListstrIterGetBack ************************************************* ** ** Returns next item using back iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [AjPStr] Data item returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajListstrIterGetBack(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; void* ret; if(!iter) return NULL; p = iter->Here; if(!p->Prev) return NULL; if(!iter->Back) { ret = p->Prev->Prev->Item; iter->Here = p->Prev->Prev; iter->Back = ajTrue; } else { ret = p->Prev->Item; iter->Here = p->Prev; } return (AjPStr) ret; } /* @section modifiers ********************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Insert Insert a new value at iterator position ** @nam4rule Remove Remove value at iterator position ** ** @argrule * iter [AjIList] String iterator ** @argrule Insert str [AjPStr] Value ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory modify */ /* @func ajListstrIterInsert *************************************************** ** ** Insert an item in a list, using an iterator (if not null) ** to show which position to insert. Otherwise, simply push. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @param [u] str [AjPStr] String to insert. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrIterInsert(AjIList iter, AjPStr str) { AjPList list = iter->Head; AjPListNode p; /*ajDebug("ajListstrInsert\n");*/ ajListstrTrace(list); ajListstrIterTrace(iter); if (!iter->Modify) { ajErr("ajListInsert called on a read-only iterator"); return; } p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Prev) listInsertNode(&list->First,str); else listInsertNode(&p->Prev->Next,str); iter->Here = p->Prev; } else { if(!p->Next) ajFatal("Cannot add a new node for unused back iterator\n"); if(!p->Prev) listInsertNode(&list->First,str); else listInsertNode(&p->Prev->Next,str); } list->Count++; #ifdef AJ_SAVESTATS if(list->Count > listMaxNum) listMaxNum = list->Count; #endif ajListstrTrace(list); ajListstrIterTrace(iter); return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrInsert ** @rename ajListstrIterInsert */ __deprecated void ajListstrInsert(AjIList iter, AjPStr str) { ajListstrIterInsert(iter, str); return; } /* @func ajListstrIterRemove ************************************************** ** ** Remove an item from a list, using an iterator (if not null) ** to show which item. Otherwise remove the first item. ** ** We want to remove the item just fetched by the iterator. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrIterRemove(AjIList iter) { AjPListNode p; /* ajDebug("ajListstrIterRemove\n");*/ if (!iter->Modify) { ajErr("ajListstrIterRemove called on a read-only iterator"); return; } p = iter->Here; if(!iter->Back) { if(!p->Prev) ajFatal("Attempt to delete from unused iterator\n"); if(!p->Prev->Prev) { ajStrDel((AjPStr *)&(iter->Head->First->Item)); listNodeDel(&(iter->Head->First)); } else { ajStrDel((AjPStr *)&p->Prev->Prev->Next->Item); listNodeDel(&p->Prev->Prev->Next); } } else { ajStrDel((AjPStr *)&p->Prev->Prev->Next->Item); listNodeDel(&p->Prev->Prev->Next); } iter->Head->Count--; return; } /* @obsolete ajListstrRemove ** @rename ajListstrIterRemove */ __deprecated void ajListstrRemove(AjIList iter) { ajListstrIterRemove(iter); return; } /* @section Trace functions *************************************************** ** ** @fdata [AjIList] ** ** @nam4rule Trace Trace contents to debug file ** ** @argrule * iter [const AjIList] List ** ** @valrule * [void] ** ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajListstrIterTrace *************************************************** ** ** Traces a list iterator and validates it ** ** @param [r] iter [const AjIList] List iterator to be traced. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajListstrIterTrace(const AjIList iter) { if(!iter) return; ajDebug("\nIterator Head %x ReadHead %x Here %x Back %B Item %S\n", iter->Head, iter->ReadHead, iter->Here,iter->Back, (AjPStr)iter->Here->Item); return; }