/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX file routines ** ** @version 1.0 ** @modified May 14 Jon Ison Added ajFileExtnTrim & ajFileDirExtnTrim ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" static void filebuffLineAdd(AjPFilebuff thys, const AjPStr line); /* @filesection ajfile ******************************************************** ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** */ /* @datasection [AjPFile] File object ***************************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating input files and returns or takes at least ** one AjPFile argument. ** */ /* @section file line read operations ** ** @fdata [AjPFile] ** ** These functions read data directly from a file using system functions. ** Integer data is by default assumed to be stored as little-endian ** so that binary files with integers are portable across systems ** ** @nam2rule Readline ** @nam3rule Trim Remove trailing newline and linefeed characters ** @nam3rule Append Append to existing buffer ** @suffix Pos Return file position after read ** ** @argrule * file [AjPFile] Input file object ** @argrule * Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer (expanded automatically) for results ** @argrule Pos Ppos [ajlong*] File position after read ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory input */ /* @func ajReadline *********************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a file and returns the initial file position. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold the current line. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @category modify [AjPFile] Reads a record from a file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajReadline(AjPFile file, AjPStr* Pdest) { ajlong fpos = 0; return ajReadlinePos(file, Pdest, &fpos); } /* @obsolete ajFileGets ** @rename ajReadline */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileGets(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pdest) { return ajReadline(thys, pdest); } /* @func ajReadlineAppend ***************************************************** ** ** Reads a record from a file and appends it to the user supplied buffer. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [u] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajReadlineAppend(AjPFile file, AjPStr* Pdest) { static AjPStr locbuff = 0; AjBool ok; if(!locbuff) locbuff = ajStrNewRes(512); ok = ajReadline(file, &locbuff); if(ok) ajStrAppendS(Pdest, locbuff); ajStrDel(&locbuff); return ok; } /* @obsolete ajFileReadAppend ** @rename ajReadlineAppend */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileReadAppend(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pbuff) { return ajReadlineAppend(thys, pbuff); } /* @func ajReadlinePos ******************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a file. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold the current line. ** @param [w] Ppos [ajlong*] File position before the read. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @category modify [AjPFile] Reads a record from a file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajReadlinePos(AjPFile file, AjPStr* Pdest, ajlong* Ppos) { const char *cp; char *buff; ajint isize; ajint ilen; ajint jlen; ajint ipos; ajuint buffsize; size_t iread; const char* pnewline = NULL; MAJSTRDEL(Pdest); if(file->Buffsize) buffsize = file->Buffsize; else buffsize = ajFileValueBuffsize(); if(!file->Buff) ajStrAssignResC(&file->Buff, buffsize, ""); else if(buffsize > MAJSTRGETRES(file->Buff)) ajStrSetRes(&file->Buff, buffsize); if(MAJSTRGETUSE(file->Buff) == 1) buff = MAJSTRGETPTR(file->Buff); else buff = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&file->Buff); isize = MAJSTRGETRES(file->Buff); ilen = 0; ipos = 0; if(!file->fp) ajWarn("ajFileGets file not found"); *Ppos = file->Filepos; while(buff) { if(file->End) { ajStrAssignClear(Pdest); ajDebug("at EOF: File already read to end %F\n", file); return ajFalse; } #ifndef __ppc__ if(file->Readblock) { if(file->Blockpos >= file->Blocklen) { iread = fread(file->Readblock, 1, file->Blocksize, file->fp); if(!iread && ferror(file->fp)) ajFatal("fread failed with error:%d '%s'", ferror(file->fp), strerror(ferror(file->fp))); file->Blockpos = 0; file->Blocklen = iread; file->Readblock[iread] = '\0'; /*ajDebug("++ fread %u Ppos:%Ld\n", iread, *Ppos);*/ } if(file->Blockpos < file->Blocklen) { /* we know we have something in Readblock to process */ pnewline = strchr(&file->Readblock[file->Blockpos], '\n'); if(pnewline) jlen = pnewline - &file->Readblock[file->Blockpos] + 1; else jlen = file->Blocklen - file->Blockpos; /*ajDebug("ipos:%d jlen:%d pnewline:%p " "Readblock:%p blockpos:%d blocklen:%d\n", ipos, jlen, pnewline, file->Readblock, file->Blockpos, file->Blocklen);*/ memmove(&buff[ipos], &file->Readblock[file->Blockpos], jlen); buff[ipos+jlen]='\0'; cp = &buff[ipos]; file->Blockpos += jlen; } else { jlen = 0; cp = NULL; } } else { cp = fgets(&buff[ipos], isize, file->fp); jlen = strlen(&buff[ipos]); } #else cp = ajSysFuncFgets(&buff[ipos], isize, file->fp); jlen = strlen(&buff[ipos]); #endif if(!cp && !ipos) { if(feof(file->fp)) { file->End = ajTrue; ajStrAssignClear(Pdest); ajDebug("EOF ajFileGetsL file %F\n", file); return ajFalse; } else ajFatal("Error reading from file '%S'\n", ajFileGetNameS(file)); } ilen += jlen; file->Filepos += jlen; /* ** We need to read again if: ** We have read the entire buffer ** and we don't have a newline at the end ** (must be careful about that - we may just have read enough) */ if(((file->Readblock && !pnewline) ||(jlen == (isize-1))) && (buff[ilen-1] != '\n')) { MAJSTRSETVALIDLEN(&file->Buff, ilen); /* fix before resizing! */ ajStrSetResRound(&file->Buff, ilen+buffsize+1); /*ajDebug("more to do: jlen: %d ipos: %d isize: %d ilen: %d " "Size: %d\n", jlen, ipos, isize, ilen, ajStrGetRes(file->Buff));*/ ipos += jlen; buff = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&file->Buff); isize = ajStrGetRes(file->Buff) - ipos; /*ajDebug("expand to: ipos: %d isize: %d Size: %d\n", ipos, isize, ajStrGetRes(file>Buff));*/ } else buff = NULL; } MAJSTRSETVALIDLEN(&file->Buff, ilen); if (ajStrGetCharLast(file->Buff) != '\n') { /*ajDebug("Appending missing newline to '%S'\n", file->Buff);*/ ajStrAppendK(&file->Buff, '\n'); } ajStrAssignRef(Pdest, file->Buff); /* if(file->Readblock) ajDebug("ajFileGetsL done blocklen:%d blockpos:%d readlen:%u\n", file->Blocklen, file->Blockpos, ajStrGetLen(file->Buff)); */ return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajFileGetsL ** @rename ajReadlinePos */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileGetsL(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pdest, ajlong* fpos) { return ajReadlinePos(thys, pdest, fpos); } /* @func ajReadlineTrim ******************************************************* ** ** Reads a line from a file and removes any trailing newline. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold the current line. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @category modify [AjPFile] Reads a record from a file and removes ** newline characters ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajReadlineTrim(AjPFile file, AjPStr* Pdest) { ajlong fpos=0; return ajReadlineTrimPos(file, Pdest, &fpos); } /* @obsolete ajFileGetsTrim ** @rename ajReadlineTrim */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileGetsTrim(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pdest) { ajlong fpos=0; return ajReadlineTrimPos(thys, pdest, &fpos); } /* @obsolete ajFileReadLine ** @rename ajReadlineTrim */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileReadLine(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pdest) { ajlong fpos=0; return ajReadlineTrimPos(thys, pdest, &fpos); } /* @func ajReadlineTrimPos **************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a file and removes any trailing newline. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold the current line. ** @param [w] Ppos [ajlong*] File position before the read. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @category modify [AjPFile] Reads a record from a file and removes ** newline characters ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajReadlineTrimPos(AjPFile file, AjPStr* Pdest, ajlong* Ppos) { AjBool ok; ok = ajReadlinePos(file, Pdest, Ppos); if(!ok) return ajFalse; MAJSTRDEL(Pdest); /* trim any trailing newline */ /*ajDebug("Remove carriage-return characters from PC-style files\n");*/ if(ajStrGetCharLast(file->Buff) == '\n') ajStrCutEnd(&file->Buff, 1); /* PC files have \r\n Macintosh files have just \r : this fixes both */ if(ajStrGetCharLast(file->Buff) == '\r') ajStrCutEnd(&file->Buff, 1); ajStrAssignRef(Pdest, file->Buff); return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajFileGetsTrimL ** @rename ajReadlineTrimPos */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileGetsTrimL(AjPFile thys, AjPStr* pdest, ajlong* fpos) { return ajReadlineTrimPos(thys, pdest, fpos); } /* @section file binary read operations ** ** @fdata [AjPFile] ** ** These functions read data directly from a file using system functions. ** Integer data is by default assumed to be stored as little-endian ** so that binary files with integers are portable across systems ** ** @nam2rule Readbin ** @nam3rule Binary Binary read into a buffer ** @nam3rule Char Binary read of a character string ** @nam4rule CharTrim Trim trailing space from a character string ** @nam3rule Int Binary read of an integer ** @nam3rule Int2 Binary read of a 2 byte integer ** @nam3rule Int4 Binary read of a 4 byte integer ** @nam3rule Int8 Binary read of an 8 byte integer ** @nam3rule Uint Binary read of an unsigned integer ** @nam3rule Uint2 Binary read of a 2 byte unsigned integer ** @nam3rule Uint4 Binary read of a 4 byte unsigned integer ** @nam3rule Uint8 Binary read of an 8 byte unsigned integer ** @nam3rule Str Binary read of a string ** @suffix Endian Data in file is big-endian ** @suffix Local Data in file is in local endianness ** ** @argrule Readbin file [AjPFile] File object ** @argrule Binary count [size_t] Number of elements to read ** @argrule Binary size [size_t] Size of each element ** @argrule Binary buffer [void*] Buffer for binary read ** @argrule Char size [size_t] Size of each element ** @argrule Char buffer [char*] Buffer for binary read ** ** @argrule Int Pi [ajint*] Integer value ** @argrule Int2 Pi2 [ajshort*] Integer 2 byte value ** @argrule Int4 Pi4 [ajint*] Integer 4 byte value ** @argrule Int8 Pi8 [ajlong*] Integer 8 byte value ** @argrule Uint Pu [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @argrule Uint2 Pu2 [ajushort*] Unsigned integer 2 byte value ** @argrule Uint4 Pu4 [ajuint*] Unsigned integer 4 byte value ** @argrule Uint8 Pu8 [ajulong*] Unsigned integer 8 byte value ** ** @valrule * [size_t] Number of elements read. Zero for failure. ** ** @fcategory input ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajReadbinBinary ***************************************************** ** ** Binary read from an input file object using the C 'fread' function. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [r] count [size_t] Number of elements to read. ** @param [r] size [size_t] Number of bytes per element. ** @param [w] buffer [void*] Buffer for output. ** @return [size_t] Return value from 'fread' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinBinary(AjPFile file, size_t count,size_t size, void* buffer) { return fread(buffer, size, count, file->fp); } /* @obsolete ajFileRead ** @replace ajReadbinBinary (1,2,3,4/4,3,2,1) */ __deprecated size_t ajFileRead(void* ptr, size_t element_size, size_t count, AjPFile file) { return ajReadbinBinary(file, count, element_size, ptr); } /* @func ajReadbinChar **************************************************** ** ** Reads a character string from a file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] File object. ** @param [r] size[size_t] Number of bytes to read from index file. ** @param [w] buffer[char*] Buffer to read into ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinChar(AjPFile file, size_t size, char* buffer) { size_t ret; ret = fread(buffer, 1, size, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinCharTrim ************************************************* ** ** Reads a character string from a file and trims trailing spaces ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] File object. ** @param [r] size[size_t] Number of bytes to read from index file. ** @param [w] buffer[char*] Buffer to read into ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinCharTrim(AjPFile file, size_t size, char* buffer) { size_t ret; char* sp; ret = fread(buffer, 1, size, file->fp); buffer[size] = '\0'; sp = &buffer[strlen(buffer)]; while(sp > buffer) { sp--; if(*sp != ' ') break; *sp = '\0'; } return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt ******************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN ajByteRevLen4(Pi); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinIntEndian ************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinIntEndian(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN ajByteRevLen4(Pi); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinIntLocal ************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinIntLocal(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi, 4, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt2 ******************************************************* ** ** Binary read of a 2 byte integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi2 [ajshort*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt2(AjPFile file, ajshort *Pi2) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi2, 2, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN ajByteRevLen2(Pi2); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt2Endian ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi2 [ajshort*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt2Endian(AjPFile file, ajshort *Pi2) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi2, 2, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN ajByteRevLen2(Pi2); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt2Local ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi2 [ajshort*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt2Local(AjPFile file, ajshort *Pi2) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi2, 2, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt4 ******************************************************* ** ** Binary read of a 4 byte integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi4 [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt4(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi4) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi4, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN ajByteRevLen4(Pi4); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt4Endian ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi4 [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt4Endian(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi4) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi4, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN ajByteRevLen4(Pi4); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt4Local ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi4 [ajint*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt4Local(AjPFile file, ajint *Pi4) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi4, 4, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt8 ******************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an 8 byte integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi8 [ajlong*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt8(AjPFile file, ajlong *Pi8) { long ret; ret = fread(Pi8, 8, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN ajByteRevLen8(Pi8); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt8Endian ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi8 [ajlong*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt8Endian(AjPFile file, ajlong *Pi8) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi8, 8, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN ajByteRevLen8(Pi8); #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinInt8Local ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pi8 [ajlong*] Integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinInt8Local(AjPFile file, ajlong *Pi8) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pi8, 8, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint ******************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu) { size_t ret; #ifdef BENDIAN ajint val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN val2 = *Pu; ajByteRevLen4(&val2); *Pu = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUintEndian ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUintEndian(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu) { ajuint ret; #ifdef LENDIAN ajint val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN val2 = *Pu; ajByteRevLen4(&val2); *Pu = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUintLocal ************************************************* ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUintLocal(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu) { ajuint ret; ret = fread(Pu, 4, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint2 ****************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu2 [ajushort*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint2(AjPFile file, ajushort *Pu2) { size_t ret; #ifdef BENDIAN ajshort val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu2, 2, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN val2 = *Pu2; ajByteRevLen2(&val2); *Pu2 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint2Endian ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu2 [ajushort*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint2Endian(AjPFile file, ajushort *Pu2) { size_t ret; #ifdef LENDIAN ajshort val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu2, 2, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN val2 = *Pu2; ajByteRevLen2(&val2); *Pu2 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint2Local ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu2 [ajushort*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint2Local(AjPFile file, ajushort *Pu2) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pu2, 2, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint4 ****************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu4 [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint4(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu4) { size_t ret; #ifdef BENDIAN ajint val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu4, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN val2 = *Pu4; ajByteRevLen4(&val2); *Pu4 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint4Endian ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from a big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu4 [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint4Endian(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu4) { size_t ret; #ifdef LENDIAN ajint val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu4, 4, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN val2 = *Pu4; ajByteRevLen4(&val2); *Pu4 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint4Local ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu4 [ajuint*] Unsigned integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint4Local(AjPFile file, ajuint *Pu4) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pu4, 4, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint8 ****************************************************** ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from little-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu8 [ajulong*] Unsigned long integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint8(AjPFile file, ajulong *Pu8) { size_t ret; #ifdef BENDIAN ajlong val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu8, 8, 1, file->fp); #ifdef BENDIAN val2 = *Pu8; ajByteRevLen8(&val2); *Pu8 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint8Endian ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. Converts from big-endian. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu8 [ajulong*] Unsigned long integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint8Endian(AjPFile file, ajulong *Pu8) { size_t ret; #ifdef LENDIAN ajlong val2; #endif ret = fread(Pu8, 8, 1, file->fp); #ifdef LENDIAN val2 = *Pu8; ajByteRevLen8(&val2); *Pu8 = val2; #endif return ret; } /* @func ajReadbinUint8Local ************************************************ ** ** Binary read of an unsigned integer from an input file object using ** the C 'fread' function. No conversion (assumes integer was written ** on the same system). ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Input file. ** @param [w] Pu8 [ajulong*] Unsigned long integer value ** @return [size_t] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajReadbinUint8Local(AjPFile file, ajulong *Pu8) { size_t ret; ret = fread(Pu8, 8, 1, file->fp); return ret; } /* @datasection [AjPFile] File object ***************************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating files open for output and returns or ** takes at least one AjSFile argument. ** */ /* @section file binary write operations ** ** @fdata [AjPFile] ** ** These functions write data directly to a file using system functions ** ** @nam2rule Writebin Write binary data to a file ** @nam3rule Binary Binary write from a buffer ** @nam3rule Byte Write a single byte (character) ** @nam3rule Char Write a C character string ** @nam3rule Int Binary read of an integer ** @nam3rule Int2 Binary read of a 2 byte integer ** @nam3rule Int4 Binary read of a 4 byte integer ** @nam3rule Int8 Binary read of an 8 byte integer ** @nam3rule Str Write a string object ** ** @argrule Writebin file [AjPFile] Output file object ** @argrule Binary count [size_t] Number of elements to write ** @argrule Binary size [size_t] Size of each element ** @argrule Binary buffer [const void*] Buffer for binary write ** @argrule Byte ch [char] Byte to be written ** @argrule Char txt [const char*] Character string (length passed separately) ** @argrule Char len [size_t] Character string length to be written ** @argrule Int i [ajint] Integer value ** @argrule Int2 i2 [ajshort] Integer 2 byte value ** @argrule Int4 i4 [ajint] Integer 4 byte value ** @argrule Int8 i8 [ajlong] Integer 8 byte value ** @argrule Uint u [ajuint] Unsigned integer value ** @argrule Str str [const AjPStr] String (length passed separately) ** @argrule Str len [size_t] String length to be written ** ** @valrule * [size_t] Number of elements written ** ** @fcategory output ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @obsolete ajFileOutHeader ** @remove Not used */ __deprecated void ajFileOutHeader(AjPFile file) { ajFmtPrintF(file, "Standard output header ...\n"); return; } /* @func ajWritebinBinary **************************************************** ** ** Binary write to an output file object using the C 'fwrite' function. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file. ** @param [r] count [size_t] Number of elements to write. ** @param [r] size [size_t] Number of bytes per element. ** @param [r] buffer [const void*] Buffer for output. ** @return [size_t] Return value from 'fwrite' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinBinary(AjPFile file, size_t count, size_t size, const void* buffer) { return fwrite(buffer, size, count, file->fp); } /* @obsolete ajFileWrite ** @replace ajWritebinBinary (1,2,3,4/1,4,3,2) */ __deprecated size_t ajFileWrite(AjPFile file, const void* ptr, size_t element_size, size_t count) { return ajWritebinBinary(file,count,element_size,ptr); } /* @func ajWritebinByte ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a single byte to a binary file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] ch [char] Character ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinByte(AjPFile file, char ch) { return fwrite(&ch, 1, 1, file->fp); } /* @obsolete ajFileWriteByte ** @rename ajWritebinByte */ __deprecated ajint ajFileWriteByte(AjPFile thys, char ch) { return ajWritebinByte(thys, ch); } /* @func ajWritebinChar ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a text string to a binary file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Text string ** @param [r] len [size_t] Length (padded) to write to the file ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinChar(AjPFile file, const char* txt, size_t len) { size_t ret; size_t i; size_t j; i = strlen(txt) + 1; if(i >= len) return fwrite(txt, len, 1, file->fp); ret = fwrite(txt, i, 1, file->fp); j = len-i; for(i=0;ifp); return ret; } /* @func ajWritebinInt2 ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a 2 byte integer to a binary file, with the correct byte orientation ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] i2 [ajshort] Integer ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinInt2(AjPFile file, ajshort i2) { #ifdef BENDIAN short j; j = i2; ajByteRevLen2(&j); return fwrite(&j, 2, 1, file->fp); #else return fwrite(&i2, 2, 1, file->fp); #endif } /* @obsolete ajFileWriteInt2 ** @rename ajWritebinInt2 */ __deprecated ajint ajFileWriteInt2(AjPFile thys, ajshort i) { return ajWritebinInt2(thys, i); } /* @func ajWritebinInt4 ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a 4 byte integer to a binary file, with the correct byte orientation ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] i4 [ajint] Integer ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinInt4(AjPFile file, ajint i4) { #ifdef BENDIAN ajint j; j = i4; ajByteRevLen4(&j); return fwrite(&j, 4, 1, file->fp); #else return fwrite(&i4, 4, 1, file->fp); #endif } /* @obsolete ajFileWriteInt4 ** @rename ajWritebinInt4 */ __deprecated ajint ajFileWriteInt4(AjPFile thys, ajint i) { return ajWritebinInt4(thys, i); } /* @func ajWritebinInt8 ****************************************************** ** ** Writes an 8 byte long to a binary file, with the correct byte orientation ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] i8 [ajlong] Integer ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinInt8(AjPFile file, ajlong i8) { #ifdef BENDIAN ajlong j; j = i8; ajByteRevLen8(&j); return fwrite(&j, 8, 1, file->fp); #else return fwrite(&i8, 8, 1, file->fp); #endif } /* @func ajWritebinStr ******************************************************* ** ** Writes a string to a binary file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String ** @param [r] len [size_t] Length (padded) to use in the file ** @return [size_t] Return value from fwrite ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ size_t ajWritebinStr(AjPFile file, const AjPStr str, size_t len) { size_t ret; ajuint ilen; ajuint i; ajuint j; ilen = ajStrGetRes(str); if(ilen >= len) return fwrite(ajStrGetPtr(str), len, 1, file->fp); ret = fwrite(ajStrGetPtr(str), ilen, 1, file->fp); j = len - ilen; for(i=0;ifp); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajFileWriteStr ** @rename ajWritebinStr */ __deprecated ajint ajFileWriteStr(AjPFile thys, const AjPStr str, ajuint len) { return ajWritebinStr(thys, str, len); } /* @section file line write operations ** ** @fdata [AjPFile] ** ** These functions read data directly from a file using system functions. ** Integer data is by default assumed to be stored as little-endian ** so that binary files with integers are portable across systems ** ** @nam2rule Writeline ** ** @argrule * file [AjPFile] Output file ** @argrule * line [const AjPStr] Output line with trailing newline ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory output ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajWriteline ******************************************************* ** ** Writes a string to a file, including any newline characters ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] String to be written ** @return [AjBool] True on success ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajWriteline(AjPFile file, const AjPStr line) { if(ajWritebinStr(file, line, ajStrGetLen(line))) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @datasection [AjPFilebuff] Buffered file object ***************************** ** ** Function is for manipulating ibuffered nput files and returns or ** takes at least one AjPFilebuff argument. ** */ /* @section buffered file line read operations ** ** @fdata [AjPFilebuff] ** ** These functions read data directly from a file using system functions. ** Integer data is by default assumed to be stored as little-endian ** so that binary files with integers are portable across systems ** ** @nam2rule Buffread ** @nam3rule Line Read next line from buffer ** @nam4rule Trim Remove trailing newline and linefeed characters ** @suffix Pos Return file position after read ** @suffix Store Append line to store buffer ** ** @argrule * buff [AjPFilebuff] Input buffered file object ** @argrule Line Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer (expanded automatically) for results ** @argrule Pos Ppos [ajlong*] File position after read ** @argrule Store dostore [AjBool] If true, use store buffer ** @argrule Store Pstore [AjPStr*] Buffer to store text from file ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] True on success ** ** @fcategory input */ /* @func ajBuffreadLine ******************************************************* ** ** Reads a line from a buffered file. If the buffer has data, reads from the ** buffer. If the buffer is exhausted, reads from the file. If the file is ** exhausted, sets end of file and returns. If end of file was already set, ** looks for another file to open. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Buffered input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if data was read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajBuffreadLine(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* Pdest) { ajlong fpos = 0; return ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, Pdest, &fpos); } /* @obsolete ajFileBuffGet ** @rename ajBuffreadLine */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffGet(AjPFilebuff thys, AjPStr* pdest) { return ajBuffreadLine(thys, pdest); } /* @func ajBuffreadLinePos ***************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a buffered file. If the buffer has data, reads from the ** buffer. If the buffer is exhausted, reads from the file. If the file is ** exhausted, sets end of file and returns. If end of file was already set, ** looks for another file to open. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Buffered input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @param [w] Ppos [ajlong*] File position before the read. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if data was read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajBuffreadLinePos(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* Pdest, ajlong* Ppos) { AjBool ok; /* read from the buffer if it is not empty */ *Ppos = 0; if(buff->Pos < buff->Size) { ajStrAssignS(Pdest, buff->Curr->Line); *Ppos = buff->Curr->Fpos; buff->Prev = buff->Curr; buff->Curr = buff->Curr->Next; buff->Pos++; return ajTrue; } /* file has been closed */ if(!buff->File->Handle) return ajFalse; /* buffer used up - try reading from the file */ ok = ajReadlinePos(buff->File, Pdest, &buff->Fpos); if(!ok) { if(buff->File->End) { if(buff->Size) { /* we have data in the buffer - fail */ ajDebug("End of file - data in buffer - return ajFalse\n"); return ajFalse; } else { /* buffer clear - try another file */ if(ajFileReopenNext(buff->File)) { /* OK - read the new file */ ok = ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, Pdest, Ppos); ajDebug("End of file - trying next file ok: %B " "fpos: %Ld %Ld\n", ok, *Ppos, buff->Fpos); return ok; } else { /* no new file, fail again */ ajDebug("End of file - no new file to read - " "return ajFalse\n"); return ajFalse; } } } else ajFatal("Error reading from file '%S'\n", ajFileGetNameS(buff->File)); } if(buff->Nobuff) { *Ppos = buff->Fpos; /*ajDebug("ajBuffreadLinePos unbuffered fpos: %Ld\n", *Ppos);*/ return ajTrue; } filebuffLineAdd(buff, *Pdest); *Ppos = buff->Fpos; return ajTrue; } /* @obsolete ajFileBuffGetL ** @rename ajBuffreadLinePos */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffGetL(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* pdest, ajlong* fpos) { return ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, pdest, fpos); } /* @func ajBuffreadLinePosStore ************************************************ ** ** Reads a line from a buffered file. Also appends the line to ** a given string if the append flag is true. A double NULL character ** is added afterwards. If the buffer has data, reads from the ** buffer. If the buffer is exhausted, reads from the file. If the file is ** exhausted, sets end of file and returns. If end of file was already set, ** looks for another file to open. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Buffered input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @param [w] Ppos [ajlong*] File position before the read. ** @param [r] dostore [AjBool] append if true ** @param [w] Pstore [AjPStr*] string to append to ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if data was read. ** @category modify [AjPFilebuff] Reads a line from a buffered file ** with append. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajBuffreadLinePosStore(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* Pdest, ajlong* Ppos, AjBool dostore, AjPStr *Pstore) { AjBool ret; ret = ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, Pdest, Ppos); if(dostore && ret) { ajDebug("ajBuffreadLinePosStore:\n%S", *Pdest); ajStrAppendS(Pstore,*Pdest); } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajFileBuffGetStoreL ** @rename ajBuffreadLinePosStore */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffGetStoreL(AjPFilebuff thys, AjPStr* pdest, ajlong* fpos, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr) { return ajBuffreadLinePosStore(thys, pdest, fpos, store, astr); } /* @func ajBuffreadLineStore *************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a buffered file. Also appends the line to ** a given string if the append flag is true. A double NULL character ** is added afterwards. If the buffer has data, reads from the ** buffer. If the buffer is exhausted, reads from the file. If the file is ** exhausted, sets end of file and returns. If end of file was already set, ** looks for another file to open. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Buffered input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @param [r] dostore [AjBool] append if true ** @param [w] Pstore[AjPStr*] string to append to ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if data was read. ** @category modify [AjPFilebuff] Reads a line from a buffered file ** with append. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajBuffreadLineStore(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* Pdest, AjBool dostore, AjPStr *Pstore) { ajlong fpos = 0; AjBool ret; ret = ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, Pdest, &fpos); if(dostore && ret) { ajDebug("ajBuffreadLineStore: '%S'", *Pdest); ajStrAppendS(Pstore,*Pdest); } return ret; } /* @obsolete ajFileBuffGetStore ** @rename ajBuffreadLineStore */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffGetStore(AjPFilebuff thys, AjPStr* pdest, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr) { return ajBuffreadLineStore(thys, pdest, store, astr); } /* @func ajBuffreadLineTrim **************************************************** ** ** Reads a line from a buffered file. If the buffer has data, reads from the ** buffer. If the buffer is exhausted, reads from the file. If the file is ** exhausted, sets end of file and returns. If end of file was already set, ** looks for another file to open. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] Buffered input file. ** @param [w] Pdest [AjPStr*] Buffer to hold results. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if data was read. ** @category modify [AjPFilebuff] Reads a line from a buffered file. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajBuffreadLineTrim(AjPFilebuff buff, AjPStr* Pdest) { AjBool ret; ajlong fpos = 0; AjPStr dest; ret = ajBuffreadLinePos(buff, Pdest, &fpos); /* trim any trailing newline */ dest = *Pdest; /*ajDebug("Remove carriage-return characters from PC-style files\n");*/ if(ajStrGetCharLast(dest) == '\n') ajStrCutEnd(Pdest, 1); /* PC files have \r\n Macintosh files have just \r : this fixes both */ if(ajStrGetCharLast(dest) == '\r') ajStrCutEnd(Pdest, 1); return ret; } /* @obsolete ajFileBuffGetTrim ** @rename ajBuffreadLineTrim */ __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffGetTrim(AjPFilebuff thys, AjPStr* pdest) { return ajBuffreadLineTrim(thys, pdest); } /* @funcstatic filebuffLineAdd ************************************************ ** ** Appends a line to a buffer. ** ** @param [u] buff [AjPFilebuff] File buffer ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Line ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void filebuffLineAdd(AjPFilebuff buff, const AjPStr line) { /* ajDebug("fileBuffLineAdd '%S'\n", line);*/ if(buff->Freelines) { if(!buff->Lines) { /* Need to set first line in list */ buff->Lines = buff->Freelines; } else buff->Last->Next = buff->Freelines; buff->Last = buff->Freelines; buff->Freelines = buff->Freelines->Next; if(!buff->Freelines) { /* Free list now empty */ buff->Freelast = NULL; } } else { /* No Free list, make a new string */ if(!buff->Lines) buff->Lines = AJNEW0(buff->Last); else buff->Last = AJNEW0(buff->Last->Next); } ajStrAssignS(&buff->Last->Line, line); buff->Prev = buff->Curr; buff->Curr = buff->Last; buff->Last->Next = NULL; buff->Last->Fpos = buff->Fpos; buff->Pos++; buff->Size++; return; }