#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef ajfile_h #define ajfile_h #include "ajlist.h" #include /* @data AjPFile ************************************************************** ** ** Ajax file object. Holds information for an open (unbuffered) ** input or output file. ** ** On output, conversion code "%F" writes the filename. ** ** @alias AjSFile ** @alias AjOFile ** ** @attr fp [FILE*] C file pointer ** @attr Name [AjPStr] File name as used when opening ** @attr List [AjPList] List of file names (first is open) ** @attr End [AjBool] True if EOF has been reached ** @attr App [AjBool] True if file was opened for append. ** @attr Buff [AjPStr] Buffer for latest line read ** @attr Workbuffer [char*] Block as a buffer for fgets etc ** @attr Readblock [char*] Block as a buffer for fread ** @attr Blocksize [ajuint] Read block maximum size ** @attr Blockpos [ajuint] Read block position ** @attr Blocklen [ajuint] Read block length used ** @attr Buffsize [ajuint] Buffer size (zero for default size) ** @attr Handle [ajint] AJAX file number 0 if unused ** @attr Filepos [ajlong] File offset for start of latest read ** @attr Pid [pid_t] Process PID if any ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFile { FILE *fp; AjPStr Name; AjPList List; AjBool End; AjBool App; AjPStr Buff; char *Workbuffer; char *Readblock; ajuint Blocksize; ajuint Blockpos; ajuint Blocklen; ajuint Buffsize; ajint Handle; ajlong Filepos; #ifndef WIN32 pid_t Pid; #endif } AjOFile; #define AjPFile AjOFile* /* @data AjPFilebufflist ****************************************************** ** ** Ajax file buffer, holding a simple linked list of buffered lines. ** This does not use the AjPList objects. ** ** This is a substructure of the AjPFilebuff object. ** ** @attr Line [AjPStr] String : this line ** @attr Next [struct AjSFilebufflist*] Next line in the list, NULL for last ** @attr Fpos [ajlong] File offset for start of this line ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFilebufflist { AjPStr Line; struct AjSFilebufflist* Next; ajlong Fpos; } AjOFilebufflist; #define AjPFilebufflist AjOFilebufflist* /* @data AjPFilebuff ********************************************************** ** ** Ajax buffered file object. Holds information for a buffered input file. ** ** @alias AjSFilebuff ** @alias AjOFilebuff ** ** @attr File [AjPFile] The input file - data to be buffered ** @attr Lines [AjPFilebufflist] All lines ... where the data really is ** @attr Freelines [AjPFilebufflist] Free list of lines for reuse ** @attr Curr [AjPFilebufflist] Current line in Lines list ** @attr Prev [AjPFilebufflist] Previous line (points to Curr for delete) ** @attr Last [AjPFilebufflist] Last line for quick appending ** @attr Freelast [AjPFilebufflist] Last free line for quick append ** @attr Nobuff [AjBool] if true, do not buffer the file ** @attr Pos [ajint] Position in list ** @attr Size [ajint] Size of list ** @attr FreeSize [ajint] Size of free list ** @attr Fpos [ajlong] File position in File ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSFilebuff { AjPFile File; AjPFilebufflist Lines; AjPFilebufflist Freelines; AjPFilebufflist Curr; AjPFilebufflist Prev; AjPFilebufflist Last; AjPFilebufflist Freelast; AjBool Nobuff; ajint Pos; ajint Size; ajint FreeSize; ajlong Fpos; } AjOFilebuff; #define AjPFilebuff AjOFilebuff* /* @data AjPDir ************************************************************** ** ** Ajax directory object. Holds information for an open ** input directory. ** ** @alias AjSDir ** @alias AjODir ** ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Path ** @attr Prefix [AjPStr] Default filename prefix ** @attr Extension [AjPStr] Default file extension ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSDir { AjPStr Name; AjPStr Prefix; AjPStr Extension; } AjODir; #define AjPDir AjODir* /* @data AjPDirout *********************************************************** ** ** Ajax output directory object. Holds information for an open ** output directory. ** ** @alias AjSDirout ** @alias AjODirout ** ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Path ** @attr Extension [AjPStr] Default file extension ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSDirout { AjPStr Name; AjPStr Extension; } AjODirout; #define AjPDirout AjODirout* /* @data AjPOutfile *********************************************************** ** ** Ajax file object. Holds information for an open (unbuffered) ** input or output file. ** ** On output, conversion code "%F" writes the filename. ** ** @alias AjSOutfile ** @alias AjOOutfile ** ** @attr File [AjPFile] File object ** @attr Type [AjPStr] Named data file type ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Format specific for this data type ** @attr Itype [ajint] Index number for Type ** @attr Format [ajint] Index for Formatstr for this data type ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOutfile { AjPFile File; AjPStr Type; AjPStr Formatstr; ajint Itype; ajint Format; } AjOOutfile; #define AjPOutfile AjOOutfile* enum AjEOutfileType { OUTFILE_UNKNOWN, /* Unknown - none of these */ OUTFILE_CODON, /* Codon usage */ OUTFILE_CPDB, /* Clean PDB */ OUTFILE_DISCRETE, /* Discrete data */ OUTFILE_DISTANCE, /* Distance matrix data */ OUTFILE_FREQ, /* Frequency data */ OUTFILE_MATRIX, /* Integer matrix data */ OUTFILE_MATRIXF, /* Floating point matrix data */ OUTFILE_PROPERTIES, /* Phylogenetic properties */ OUTFILE_SCOP, /* SCOP data */ OUTFILE_TREE /* Phylogenetic tree data */ }; /* ** Prototype definitions */ void ajDirDel(AjPDir* pthis); void ajDiroutDel(AjPDirout* pthis); const AjPStr ajDirGetExt(const AjPDir thys); const AjPStr ajDirGetPath(const AjPDir thys); const AjPStr ajDirGetPrefix(const AjPDir thys); const AjPStr ajDiroutGetExt(const AjPDirout thys); const AjPStr ajDiroutGetPath(const AjPDirout thys); AjPDir ajDirNewPath(const AjPStr path); AjPDir ajDirNewPathExt(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr ext); AjPDir ajDirNewPathPreExt(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr prefix, const AjPStr ext); AjPDirout ajDiroutNewPath(const AjPStr name); AjPDirout ajDiroutNewPathExt(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext); ajint ajFilelistAddPathWildRecursiveIgnore(AjPList list, const AjPStr path, const AjPStr wildname, AjPList ignorelist); void ajDirnamePrintRecursiveIgnore(const AjPStr path, AjPList ignorelist, AjPFile outfile); ajint ajFilelistAddPath(AjPList list, const AjPStr path); ajint ajFilelistAddPathDir(AjPList list, const AjPStr path); ajint ajFilelistAddPathWild(AjPList list, const AjPStr path, const AjPStr filename); ajint ajFilelistAddPathWildDir(AjPList list, const AjPStr path, const AjPStr filename); void ajFilebuffDel(AjPFilebuff* pthis); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewNofile(void); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewNameS(const AjPStr name); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewNamePathC(const char* filename, const AjPStr dir); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewNamePathS(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr dir); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewPathWild(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr wildname); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewPathWildExclude(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr wildname, const AjPStr exclude); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewFromCfile(FILE *fp); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewFromFile(AjPFile file); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewLine(const AjPStr line); AjPFilebuff ajFilebuffNewListinList(AjPList list); AjBool ajFilebuffSetBuffered(AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffClear(AjPFilebuff thys, ajint lines); void ajFilebuffClearStore(AjPFilebuff thys, ajint lines, const AjPStr rdline, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr); AjBool ajFilebuffIsEmpty(const AjPFilebuff thys); AjBool ajFilebuffIsEnded(const AjPFilebuff thys); AjBool ajFilebuffIsEof(const AjPFilebuff thys); AjPFile ajFilebuffGetFile(const AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffFix(AjPFilebuff thys); FILE* ajFilebuffGetFileptr(const AjPFilebuff thys); AjBool ajFilebuffIsBuffered(const AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffLoadAll(AjPFilebuff buff); void ajFilebuffLoadC(AjPFilebuff thys, const char* str); void ajFilebuffLoadS(AjPFilebuff thys, const AjPStr str); AjBool ajFilebuffSetUnbuffered(AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffTraceTitle(const AjPFilebuff thys, const char* title); void ajFilebuffReset(AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffResetPos(AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffResetStore(AjPFilebuff thys, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr); AjBool ajFilebuffReopenFile(AjPFilebuff* Pbuff, AjPFile file); void ajFilebuffHtmlStrip(AjPFilebuff thys); AjBool ajFilebuffHtmlPre(AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffTrace(const AjPFilebuff thys); void ajFilebuffTraceFull(const AjPFilebuff thys, size_t nlines, size_t nfree); void ajFileClose(AjPFile *pthis); AjBool ajDirnameFixExists(AjPStr* dir); void ajDirnameFix(AjPStr* dir); AjBool ajDirnameUp(AjPStr* dir); AjBool ajDirnameFillPath(AjPStr* dir); AjBool ajFileDirTrim(AjPStr* name); AjBool ajFileExtnTrim(AjPStr* name); AjBool ajFileDirExtnTrim(AjPStr* name); AjBool ajFileIsEof(const AjPFile thys); void ajFileExit(void); ajint ajFilelistAddListname(AjPList list, const AjPStr files); FILE* ajFileGetFileptr(const AjPFile thys); const AjPStr ajFileValueCwd(void); AjBool ajFileIsAppend(const AjPFile thys); const AjPStr ajFileGetName(const AjPFile thys); AjBool ajFilenameHasPath(const AjPStr name); ajlong ajFilenameGetSize(const AjPStr fname); AjBool ajFilenameTrimPathExt(AjPStr* Pfilename); AjBool ajFilenameTrimPath(AjPStr* Pfilename); AjBool ajFilenameTrimExt(AjPStr* Pfilename); const char* ajFileGetNameC(const AjPFile thys); const AjPStr ajFileGetNameS(const AjPFile thys); AjBool ajFilenameReplacePathS(AjPStr* filename, const AjPStr dir); AjBool ajFilenameReplacePathC(AjPStr* filename, const char* dir); AjBool ajFilenameReplaceExtS(AjPStr* filename, const AjPStr extension); AjBool ajFilenameReplaceExtC(AjPStr* filename, const char* extension); AjBool ajFilenameTrimAll(AjPStr *fname); AjPFile ajFileNewOutappendNameS(const AjPStr name); AjPFile ajFileNewListinList(AjPList list); AjPFile ajFileNewListinDirPre(const AjPDir dir, const AjPStr prefix); AjPFile ajFileNewListinNameDirS(const AjPStr name, const AjPDir dir); AjPFile ajFileNewListinPathWild(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr wildname); AjPFile ajFileNewListinPathWildExclude(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr wildname, const AjPStr exclude); AjPFile ajFileNewFromCfile(FILE* file); AjPFile ajFileNewInC(const char *name); AjPFile ajFileNewInNameS(const AjPStr name); AjPFile ajFileNewInBlockS(const AjPStr name, ajuint blocksize); AjPFile ajFileNewInPipe(const AjPStr name); AjPFile ajFileNewInNamePathC(const char* name, const AjPStr path); AjPFile ajFileNewInNamePathS(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr path); AjPFile ajFileNewOutNameC(const char *name); AjPFile ajFileNewOutNameS(const AjPStr name); AjPFile ajFileNewOutNameDirS(const AjPStr name, const AjPDirout dir); AjPFile ajFileNewOutNamePathS(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr path); void ajFileOutHeader(AjPFile thys); AjBool ajFileReopenName(AjPFile thys, const AjPStr name); AjBool ajFileReopenNext(AjPFile thys); ajint ajFileScan(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr filename, AjPList *result, AjBool show, AjBool dolist, AjPList *list, AjPList rlist, AjBool recurs, AjPFile outf); ajint ajFileSeek(AjPFile thys, ajlong offset, ajint wherefrom); AjBool ajFilenameExists(const AjPStr filename); AjBool ajFilenameExistsDir(const AjPStr filename); AjBool ajFilenameExistsExec(const AjPStr filename); AjBool ajFilenameExistsRead(const AjPStr filename); AjBool ajFilenameExistsWrite(const AjPStr filename); AjBool ajFileValueRedirectStderr(void); AjBool ajFileValueRedirectStdin(void); AjBool ajFileValueRedirectStdout(void); AjBool ajFileIsStderr(const AjPFile file); AjBool ajFileIsStdin(const AjPFile file); AjBool ajFileIsStdout(const AjPFile file); AjBool ajFileFix(AjPFile file); AjBool ajFileResetEof(AjPFile thys); ajlong ajFileResetPos(AjPFile thys); AjBool ajFilenameSetTempname(AjPStr* Pfilename); AjBool ajFilenameSetTempnamePathC(AjPStr* Pfilename,const char* txt); AjBool ajFilenameSetTempnamePathS(AjPStr* Pfilename, const AjPStr str); AjBool ajFilenameTestExclude(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr exclude, const AjPStr include); AjBool ajFilenameTestInclude(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr exclude, const AjPStr include); AjBool ajFilenameTestExcludePath(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr exclude, const AjPStr include); AjBool ajFilenameTestIncludePath(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr exclude, const AjPStr include); void ajFileTrace(const AjPFile thys); void ajFileSetUnbuffer(AjPFile thys); ajuint ajFileValueBuffsize(void); AjPOutfile ajOutfileNewNameS(const AjPStr name); void ajOutfileClose(AjPOutfile* pthis); AjPFile ajOutfileGetFile(const AjPOutfile thys); FILE* ajOutfileGetFileptr(const AjPOutfile thys); const AjPStr ajOutfileGetFormat(const AjPOutfile thys); __deprecated ajint ajFileBuffSize(void); __deprecated void ajFileBuffClearStore(AjPFilebuff buff, ajint lines, const AjPStr rdline, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffBuff (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffEmpty (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffEnd (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffEof (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileBuffFile (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffFix (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffIsBuffered (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated FILE* ajFileBuffFp (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffTrace (const AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffLoadC(AjPFilebuff thys, const char* str); __deprecated void ajFileBuffLoadS(AjPFilebuff thys, const AjPStr str); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffNobuff (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffPrint (const AjPFilebuff thys, const char* title); __deprecated void ajFileBuffReset (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffResetPos (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated void ajFileBuffResetStore (AjPFilebuff thys, AjBool store, AjPStr *astr); __deprecated void ajFileBuffTraceFull (const AjPFilebuff thys, size_t nlines, size_t nfree); __deprecated AjBool ajFileGetwd (AjPStr* dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileHasDir (const AjPStr name); __deprecated ajlong ajFileLength (const AjPStr fname); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameShorten(AjPStr *fname); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameTrim(AjPStr *fname); __deprecated const char* ajFileTempName (const char *dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileTestSkip (const AjPStr fullname, const AjPStr exc, const AjPStr inc, AjBool keep, AjBool ignoredirectory); __deprecated AjBool ajFileDir (AjPStr* dir); __deprecated void ajFileDirFix (AjPStr* dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileDirPath (AjPStr* dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileDirUp (AjPStr* dir); __deprecated ajint ajDirScan(const AjPStr path, const AjPStr filename, AjPList *result); __deprecated AjBool ajFileSetDir (AjPStr *pname, const AjPStr dir); __deprecated FILE* ajOutfileFp (const AjPOutfile thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameValid (const AjPStr filename); __deprecated AjBool ajFileStat (const AjPStr filename, ajint mode); __deprecated AjPFile ajOutfileFile (const AjPOutfile thys); __deprecated AjPStr ajOutfileFormat (const AjPOutfile thys); __deprecated void ajOutfileDel(AjPOutfile* pthis); __deprecated AjPOutfile ajOutfileNew(const AjPStr name); __deprecated void ajFileBuffStripHtml (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffStripHtmlPre (AjPFilebuff thys); __deprecated const AjPStr ajFileNameS (const AjPFile thys); __deprecated const char* ajFileName (const AjPFile thys); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewS(const AjPStr data); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewList(AjPList list); __deprecated AjBool ajFileEof (const AjPFile thys); __deprecated FILE* ajFileFp (const AjPFile thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileStderr (const AjPFile file); __deprecated AjBool ajFileStdin (const AjPFile file); __deprecated AjBool ajFileStdout (const AjPFile file); __deprecated void ajFileBuffDel (AjPFilebuff* pthis); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNew (void); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewF (FILE *fp); __deprecated void ajFileBuffClear (AjPFilebuff thys, ajint lines); __deprecated AjBool ajFileBuffSetFile (AjPFilebuff* pthys, AjPFile file, AjBool samefile); __deprecated AjBool ajFileGetApp (const AjPFile thys); __deprecated ajlong ajFileTell (AjPFile thys); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNext (AjPFile thys); __deprecated FILE* ajFileReopen (AjPFile thys, const AjPStr name); __deprecated const AjPStr ajDirExt(const AjPDir thys); __deprecated const AjPStr ajDirName(const AjPDir thys); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirNew (const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirNewS (const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirNewSS (const AjPStr name, const AjPStr prefix, const AjPStr ext); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNew(void); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewIn(const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewIn(const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewInList(AjPList list); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewDW(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewDWE(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile, const AjPStr exclude); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewFile(AjPFile file); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewDW(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewDWE(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile, const AjPStr exclude); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewApp(const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewOut(const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewOutD (const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewOutDir(const AjPDirout dir, const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewF (FILE* file); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirOutNew(const AjPStr name); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirOutNewS(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext); __deprecated AjPDir ajDirOutNewSS(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr prefix, const AjPStr ext); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewDC (const AjPStr dir, const char* filename); __deprecated AjPFilebuff ajFileBuffNewDF (const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr filename); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewDC (const AjPStr dir, const char* filename); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewDF (const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr filename); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameDirSet (AjPStr* filename, const AjPStr dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameDirSetC (AjPStr* filename, const char* dir); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameExt (AjPStr* filename, const AjPStr extension); __deprecated AjBool ajFileNameExtC (AjPStr* filename, const char* extension); __deprecated AjPFile ajFileNewDirF(const AjPDir dir, const AjPStr filename); __deprecated void ajFileUnbuffer (AjPFile thys); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ #define MAJFILETELL(file) (file->fp ? ftell(file->fp) : 0L) /* ============= definitions =========================*/ #ifndef WIN32 #define AJ_FILE_R S_IRUSR #define AJ_FILE_W S_IWUSR #define AJ_FILE_X S_IXUSR #else #define AJ_FILE_R S_IREAD #define AJ_FILE_W S_IWRITE #define AJ_FILE_X S_IEXEC #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif