#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef ajseqalign_h #define ajseqalign_h /* @data AjPAlign ************************************************************* ** ** Ajax Align Output object. ** ** Holds definition of feature align output. ** ** @new ajAlignNew Default constructor ** @delete ajAlignDel Default destructor ** @modify ajAlignReset Resets ready for reuse. ** @output ajAlignWrite Master alignment output routine ** @output ajAlignWriteHeader Master header output routine ** @output ajAlignWriteTail Master footer output routine ** @cast ajAlignGetFormat Returns the format of an alignment ** ** @other AjPSeqout Sequence output ** @other AjPFeatout Feature output ** @other AjPReport Report output ** @other AjPFile Input and output files ** ** @attr Type [AjPStr] "P" Protein or "N" Nucleotide ** @attr Formatstr [AjPStr] Report format (-aformat qualifier) ** @attr File [AjPFile] Output file object ** @attr Header [AjPStr] Text to add to header with newlines ** @attr SubHeader [AjPStr] Text to add to align subheader with newlines ** @attr Tail [AjPStr] Text to add to tail with newlines ** @attr SubTail [AjPStr] Text to add to subtail with newlines ** @attr Showacc [AjBool] Report accession number if ajTrue ** @attr Showdes [AjBool] Report sequence description if ajTrue ** @attr Showusa [AjBool] Report full USA (-ausaqualifier) if ajTrue ** or only seqname if ajFalse ** @attr Multi [AjBool] if true, assume >1 alignment ** @attr Global [AjBool] if true, show full sequence beyond match ** @attr Format [AjEnum] Report format (index number) ** @attr Data [AjPList] Alignment specific data - see ajalign.c ** @attr Nseqs [ajint] Number of sequences in all alignments ** @attr Nmin [ajint] Minimum number of sequences e.g. 2 ** @attr Nmax [ajint] Maximum number of sequences e.g. 2 ** @attr Width [ajint] Output width (minimum 10) ** @attr IMatrix [AjPMatrix] Integer matrix (see also FMatrix) ** @attr FMatrix [AjPMatrixf] Floating Pt matrix (see also IMatrix) ** @attr Matrix [AjPStr] Matrix name ** @attr GapPen [AjPStr] Gap penalty (converted to string) ** @attr ExtPen [AjPStr] Gap extend penalty (converted to string) ** @attr SeqOnly [AjBool] Sequence output only, no head or tail ** @attr SeqExternal [AjBool] Sequence is non-local, do not delete ** @attr Count [ajint] Use count ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSAlign { AjPStr Type; AjPStr Formatstr; AjPFile File; AjPStr Header; AjPStr SubHeader; AjPStr Tail; AjPStr SubTail; AjBool Showacc; AjBool Showdes; AjBool Showusa; AjBool Multi; AjBool Global; AjEnum Format; AjPList Data; ajint Nseqs; ajint Nmin; ajint Nmax; ajint Width; AjPMatrix IMatrix; AjPMatrixf FMatrix; AjPStr Matrix; AjPStr GapPen; AjPStr ExtPen; AjBool SeqOnly; AjBool SeqExternal; ajint Count; char Padding[4]; } AjOAlign; #define AjPAlign AjOAlign* /* ** Prototype definitions */ void ajAlignClose (AjPAlign thys); AjBool ajAlignConsAmbig(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPStr *cons); AjBool ajAlignConsAmbigNuc(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPStr *cons); AjBool ajAlignConsAmbigProt(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPStr *cons); AjBool ajAlignConsStats(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPMatrix mymatrix, AjPStr *cons, ajint* retident, ajint* retsim, ajint* retgap, ajint* retlen); AjBool ajAlignDefine (AjPAlign pthys, AjPSeqset seqset); AjBool ajAlignDefineSS (AjPAlign pthys, AjPSeq seqa, AjPSeq seqb); AjBool ajAlignDefineCC (AjPAlign pthys, const char* seqa, const char* seqb, const char* namea,const char* nameb); void ajAlignDel (AjPAlign* pthys); void ajAlignExit(void); AjBool ajAlignFindFormat (const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat); AjBool ajAlignFormatDefault (AjPStr* pformat); ajint ajAlignGetLen(const AjPAlign thys); const char* ajAlignGetFilename(const AjPAlign thys); const AjPStr ajAlignGetFormat(const AjPAlign thys); AjPAlign ajAlignNew (void); AjBool ajAlignOpen (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr name); void ajAlignPrintFormat (AjPFile outf, AjBool full); void ajAlignReset (AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignSetExternal (AjPAlign thys, AjBool external); void ajAlignSetHeader (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr header); void ajAlignSetHeaderApp (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr header); void ajAlignSetHeaderC (AjPAlign thys, const char* header); void ajAlignSetGapI (AjPAlign thys, ajint gappen, ajint extpen); void ajAlignSetGapR (AjPAlign thys, float gappen, float extpen); void ajAlignSetMatrixName (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr matrix); void ajAlignSetMatrixNameC (AjPAlign thys, const char* matrix); void ajAlignSetMatrixInt (AjPAlign thys, AjPMatrix matrix); void ajAlignSetMatrixFloat (AjPAlign thys, AjPMatrixf matrix); AjBool ajAlignSetRange (AjPAlign thys, ajint start1, ajint end1, ajint len1, ajint off1, ajint start2, ajint end2, ajint len2, ajint off2); void ajAlignSetScoreI (AjPAlign thys, ajint score); void ajAlignSetScoreL (AjPAlign thys, ajlong score); void ajAlignSetScoreR (AjPAlign thys, float score); void ajAlignSetStats (AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint len, ajint ident, ajint sim, ajint gaps, const AjPStr score); AjBool ajAlignSetSubRange (AjPAlign thys, ajint substart1, ajint start1, ajint end1, AjBool rev1, ajint len1, ajint substart2, ajint start2, ajint end2, AjBool rev2, ajint len2); void ajAlignSetSubHeader (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader); void ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader); void ajAlignSetSubHeaderC (AjPAlign thys, const char* subheader); void ajAlignSetSubHeaderPre (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader); void ajAlignSetSubStandard (AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); void ajAlignSetSubTail(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajAlignSetSubTailC(AjPAlign thys, const char* tail); void ajAlignSetSubTailApp(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajAlignSetTail (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajAlignSetTailApp (AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail); void ajAlignSetTailC (AjPAlign thys, const char* tail); void ajAlignSetType (AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignTrace (const AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignTraceT (const AjPAlign thys, const char* title); AjBool ajAlignValid (AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignWrite (AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignWriteHeader (AjPAlign thys); void ajAlignWriteTail (AjPAlign thys); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif