/* @source ******************************************************************** ** ** These functions control all aspects of AJAX command definition ** syntax, command line handling and prompting of the user. ** ** The only major functions visible to callers are the initialisation ** function ajAcdInit and a series of retrieval functions ajGetAcdObject ** for each defined object type (integer, sequence, and so on). ** ** Future extensions are planned, including the ability to write out ** the ACD internal structures in a number of other interface formats. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice ** @version 1.0 ** @modified Jun 25 pmr First version ** @modified May 06 2004 Jon Ison Minor mods. ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ajax.h" #define DEFDLIST "." #define DEFBLOSUM "EBLOSUM62" #define DEFDNA "EDNAFULL" #define ACD_SEQ_BEGIN 0 #define ACD_SEQ_END 1 #define ACD_SEQ_LENGTH 2 #define ACD_SEQ_PROTEIN 3 #define ACD_SEQ_NUCLEIC 4 #define ACD_SEQ_NAME 5 #define ACD_SEQ_USA 6 #define ACD_SEQ_WEIGHT 7 #define ACD_SEQ_COUNT 8 #define ACD_SEQ_MULTICOUNT 9 #define USED_GET 1 #define USED_ACD 2 /*static AjBool acdDebug = 0;*/ /*static AjBool acdDebugSet = 0;*/ /*static AjPStr acdProgram = NULL;*/ static AjBool acdDoHelp = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdDoLog = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdDoWarnRange =AJTRUE; static AjBool acdDoPretty = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdDoTable = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdDoTrace = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdDoValid = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdVerbose = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdCommandLine = AJTRUE; static AjBool acdAuto = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdFilter = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdOptions = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdStdout = AJFALSE; static AjBool acdCodeSet = AJFALSE; static AjPTable acdCodeTable = NULL; static AjBool acdKnowntypeSet = AJFALSE; static AjPTable acdKnowntypeTypeTable = NULL; static AjPTable acdKnowntypeDescTable = NULL; /* static AjBool acdQualTestSkip = AJFALSE; */ static ajint acdInFile = 0; static ajint acdInFileSet = AJFALSE; static ajint acdOutFile = 0; static ajint acdPromptTry = 2; static AjPStr acdTmpStr = NULL; static AjPStr acdTmpStr2 = NULL; static AjPStr acdArgSave = NULL; static AjPStr acdInputSave = NULL; static AjPStr acdInputName = NULL; static ajint acdInputLen = 0; static AjPStr acdInFName = NULL; static AjPStr acdInTypeFeatName = NULL; static AjPStr acdInTypeSeqName = NULL; static AjPStr acdOutFName = NULL; static AjPStr acdOutFExt = NULL; static AjPStr acdTmpOutFName = NULL; /*static AjPStr acdOutFName = NULL;*/ static AjPList acdListComments = NULL; static AjPList acdListCommentsCount = NULL; static AjPList acdListCommentsColumn = NULL; static AjPStr acdLogFName = NULL; static AjPFile acdLogFile = NULL; static AjPList acdSecList = NULL; static AjPTable acdSecTable = NULL; static AjPStr acdOutFullFName = NULL; static AjPStr acdPrettyFName = NULL; static AjPFile acdPrettyFile = NULL; static ajint acdPrettyMargin = 0; static ajint acdPrettyIndent = 2; static AjPStr acdFName = NULL; static ajint acdLineNum = 0; static ajint acdCmtWord = 0; static ajint acdWordNum = 0; static ajint acdWordSave = 0; static ajint acdErrorCount = 0; static AjPStr acdStrName = NULL; static AjPStr acdVarAcdProtein = NULL; static ajint acdUseData = 0; static ajint acdUseFeatures = 0; static ajint acdUseInfile = 0; static ajint acdUseIn = 0; static ajint acdUseSeq = 0; static ajint acdUseAlign = 0; static ajint acdUseFeatout = 0; static ajint acdUseOut = 0; static ajint acdUseOutfile = 0; static ajint acdUseReport = 0; static ajint acdUseSeqout = 0; static ajint acdUseGraph = 0; static ajint acdUseMisc = 0; static AjPRegexp acdRegQualParse = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegResolveVar = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegResolveFun = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegVarTest = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpPlusI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpPlusD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpMinusI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpMinusD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpStarI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpStarD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpDivI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpDivD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpEqualI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpEqualD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpEqualT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpNeI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpNeD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpNeT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpGtI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpGtD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpGtT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpLtI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpLtD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpLtT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpOrI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpOrD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpOrT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpAndI = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpAndD = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpAndT = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpCond = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpNot = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpOneofCase = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpOneofList = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpCaseCase = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpCaseList = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpFilename = NULL; static AjPRegexp acdRegExpFileExists = NULL; static AjPStr acdParseReturn = NULL; static AjPStr acdReply = NULL; static AjPStr acdReplyDef = NULL; static AjPStr acdReplyPrompt = NULL; static AjPStr acdUserMsg = NULL; static AjPStr acdUserReplyDef = NULL; static AjPStr acdDirectoryDef = NULL; static AjPStr acdQNameTmp = NULL; static AjPStr acdQTypeTmp = NULL; static AjPStr acdAttrValTmp = NULL; static AjPStr acdQualNameTmp = NULL; static AjPStr acdQualNumTmp = NULL; static AjBool acdParseQuotes = AJFALSE; /* static ajint acdLineCount = 0; static AjPList acdListCount = NULL; */ /* keywords (other than qualifier types) */ typedef enum { QUAL_STAGE, APPL_STAGE, VAR_STAGE, REL_STAGE, SEC_STAGE, ENDSEC_STAGE, BAD_STAGE, NO_STAGE } AcdEStage ; static AcdEStage acdCurrentStage = NO_STAGE; /* Levels as defined in the ACD structure */ enum AcdELevel { ACD_APPL, /* application definition */ ACD_PARAM, /* parameter */ ACD_QUAL, /* qualifier */ ACD_VAR, /* variable */ ACD_RELATION, /* relation */ ACD_SEC, /* start new section */ ACD_ENDSEC /* end section */ }; /* Levels as text, only for use in logging report */ static const char* acdLevel[] = { "APPL", "PARAM", "QUAL", "VAR", "IF", "SEC", "ENDSEC" }; /* Attribute value types */ enum AcdEValtype { VT_APPL, VT_STR, VT_WORD, VT_BOOL, VT_INT, VT_FLOAT, VT_CHAR, VT_NULL }; enum AcdEReftype { REF_NONE=0, REF_ALL, REF_SINGLE }; /* Attribute value types as text for use in logging report */ static const char* acdValNames[] = { "application", "string", "word", "boolean", "integer", "float", NULL }; /* @filesection ajacd ******************************************************** ** ** @nam1rule aj Function belongs to the AJAX library. ** */ /* @datasection [none] ACD internals *********************************** ** ** Function is for processing ACD internals. ** ** @nam2rule Acd ACD processing ** @suffix P [char*] Package name provided */ /* @section data definitions ************************************************** ** ** Data definitions and function lists ** ** @fdata [none] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @datastatic AcdPAttrAlias ************************************************** ** ** ACD attribute old names and their new equivalents ** ** Commonly used abbreviations of the old names are also included. ** ** @alias AcdSAttrAlias ** @alias AcdOAttrAlias ** ** @attr OldName [const char*] Attribute name in a previous EMBOSS/AJAX release ** @attr NewName [const char*] Current attribute name ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSAttrAlias { const char* OldName; const char* NewName; } AcdOAttrAlias; #define AcdPAttrAlias AcdOAttrAlias* static AcdOAttrAlias acdAttrAlias[] = { {"required", "standard"}, {"req", "standard"}, {"optional", "additional"}, {"option", "additional"}, {"opt", "additional"}, {"standardtype", "knowntype"}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* @datastatic AcdPAttr ******************************************************* ** ** ACD attribute definition structure ** ** @alias AcdSAttr ** @alias AcdOAttr ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Attribute name ** @attr Type [enum AcdEValtype] Type code ** @attr Padding [ajint] padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Default [const char*] Default value as a string for help ** and documentation ** @attr Help [const char*] Descriptive short text for documentation ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSAttr { const char* Name; enum AcdEValtype Type; ajint Padding; const char* Default; const char* Help; } AcdOAttr; #define AcdPAttr AcdOAttr* /* @datastatic AcdPQual ******************************************************* ** ** ACD qualifier definition structure ** ** @alias AcdSQual ** @alias AcdOQual ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Qualifier name ** @attr Default [const char*] Default value as a string for help ** and documentation ** @attr Type [const char*] Type boolean, integer, float or string ** @attr Help [const char*] Help text for documentation and for -help output ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSQual { const char* Name; const char* Default; const char* Type; const char* Help; } AcdOQual; #define AcdPQual AcdOQual* /* @datastatic AcdPTableItem ************************************************** ** ** Help table structure ** ** @alias AcdSTableItem ** @alias AcdOTableItem ** ** @attr Qual [AjPStr] Qualifier name ** @attr Help [AjPStr] Help text ** @attr Valid [AjPStr] Valid input ** @attr Expect [AjPStr] Expected value(s) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSTableItem { AjPStr Qual; AjPStr Help; AjPStr Valid; AjPStr Expect; } AcdOTableItem; #define AcdPTableItem AcdOTableItem* /* @datastatic AcdPAcd ******************************************************** ** ** AJAX Command Definition item data. ** ** ACDs are built as an ACD file is parsed, and are processed as a ** list in sequential order. ** ** ACDs contain type information. Some functions will only work on certain ** types of ACDs. ** ** All ACD items are in a list. The base ACD item points to the next, ** and so on until the Next pointer is NULL. ** ** There is currently no destructor. No need for one at present. ** ** @new acdNewQual Creates a qualifier ACD ** @new acdNewQualQual Creates an associated qualifier ACD ** @new acdNewAppl Creates an ACD application ** @new acdNewVar Creates an ACD variable ** @new acdNewAcd General constructor ** ** @attr Next [struct AcdSAcd*] Pointer to next ACD item ** @attr Name [AjPStr] ACD item name ** @attr Token [AjPStr] Command line qualifier (usually the same as Name) ** @attr PNum [ajint] Parameter number, or zero if not a parameter ** @attr Level [enum AcdELevel] ACD type class (qual/param, var, appl, etc.) ** @attr Type [ajint] Index into acdType or acdKeywords ** @attr NAttr [ajint] Number of ACD type-specific attributes ** @attr AttrStr [AjPStr*] Definitions of ACD type-specific attributes ** @attr SetAttr [AcdPAttr] Definitions of calculated attributes ** @attr SetStr [AjPPStr] Values for the calculated attributes (SetAttr) ** @attr DefStr [AjPPStr] Values for the default attributes ** @attr Defined [AjBool] Set when a value is defined on the commandline ** or by an associated qualifier ACD attribute ** @attr UserDefined [AjBool] Set when a value is defined by the user ** including replies to prompts ** @attr Used [ajint] Use count, saved for a possible diagnostic message to ** catch ACD items declared and never referenced by the ** calling program. ** @attr Assoc [AjBool] ajTrue if this is an associated qualifier, listed ** in the AssocQuals structure of another ACD item ** @attr AssocQuals [struct AcdSAcd*] Associated qualifiers list, or ** NULL if there are none for this ACD type ** @attr StdPrompt [AjPStr] Standard prompt set for some types by ** an acdPrompt function ** @attr OrigStr [AjPStr] Original string saved for later processing ** @attr ValStr [AjPStr] Value as a string for printing ** @attr Value [void*] Value as a pointer to the native object to be ** returned by an ajAcdGet function call ** @attr SAttr [ajint] Number of calculated attributes for this ACD type ** @attr RefPassed [ajint] Enumerated value for reference 0= not passed, ** 1= values only passed, ** 2= values and reference passed ** @attr LineNum [ajint] Source file line number of definition start, ** saved for use in diagnostic messages ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSAcd { struct AcdSAcd* Next; AjPStr Name; AjPStr Token; ajint PNum; enum AcdELevel Level; ajint Type; ajint NAttr; AjPStr* AttrStr; AcdPAttr SetAttr; AjPPStr SetStr; AjPPStr DefStr; AjBool Defined; AjBool UserDefined; ajint Used; AjBool Assoc; struct AcdSAcd* AssocQuals; AjPStr StdPrompt; AjPStr OrigStr; AjPStr ValStr; void* Value; ajint SAttr; ajint RefPassed; ajint LineNum; ajint Padding; } AcdOAcd; #define AcdPAcd AcdOAcd* /* @datastatic AcdPSection **************************************************** ** ** ACD section definition ** ** @alias AcdSSection ** @alias AcdOSection ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Section name ** @attr Description [const char*] Section description ** @attr Type [const char*] Section type "page" ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSSection { const char* Name; const char* Description; const char* Type; } AcdOSection; #define AcdPSection AcdOSection* AcdOSection acdSecInput[] = { {"input", "Input section", "page"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOSection acdSecRequired[] = { {"required", "Required section", "page"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOSection acdSecAdditional[] = { {"additional", "Additional section", "page"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOSection acdSecAdvanced[] = { {"advanced", "Advanced section", "page"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOSection acdSecOutput[] = { {"output", "Output section", "page"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdPSection acdSections[] = { acdSecInput, acdSecRequired, acdSecAdditional, acdSecAdvanced, acdSecOutput, NULL }; /* @datastatic AcdPType ******************************************************* ** ** ACD data type structure ** ** @alias AcdSType ** @alias AcdOType ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Attribute type name ** @attr Group [const char*] Attribute group name ** @attr Section [AcdPSection] Expected section ** @attr Attr [AcdPAttr] Type-specific attributes ** @attr Quals [AcdPQual] Type-specific associated qualifiers ** @attr TypeSet [(void*)] Function to set value and prompt user ** @attr HelpSet [(void*)] Function to set help text ** @attr TypeDel [(void*)] Function to delete value ** @attr PassByRef [AjBool] Pass by reference - so caller owns the object ** @attr Stdprompt [AjBool] Expect a standard prompt ** @attr Prompt [(const AjPStr*)] Function to set standard prompt ** @attr UseCount [ajint*] Number of times this type has been used ** @attr UseClassCount [ajint*] Number of times this class of types ** has been used ** @attr Valid [const char*] Valid data help message and description for ** documentation ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSType { const char* Name; const char* Group; AcdPSection Section; AcdPAttr Attr; AcdPQual Quals; void (*TypeSet)(AcdPAcd thys); void (*HelpSet)(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* msg); void (*TypeDel)(void**); AjBool PassByRef; AjBool Stdprompt; const AjPStr (*Prompt)(AcdPAcd thys); ajint* UseCount; ajint* UseClassCount; const char* Valid; } AcdOType; #define AcdPType AcdOType* static AjBool* acdParamSet; static AcdPAcd acdNewCurr = NULL; static AcdPAcd acdMasterQual = NULL; /* AcdOAcd acdList = {NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ACD_APPL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}; */ static AcdPAcd acdList = NULL; static AcdPAcd acdListLast = NULL; static AcdPAcd acdListCurr = NULL; static AcdPAcd acdProcCurr = NULL; static AcdPAcd acdSetCurr = NULL; static ajint acdNParam=0; static AjPTable acdGrpTable = NULL; static void acdAmbigApp(AjPStr* pambiglist, const AjPStr str); static void acdAmbigAppC(AjPStr* pambiglist, const char* txt); static void acdArgsParse(ajint argc, char * const argv[]); static void acdArgsScan(ajint argc, char * const argv[]); static ajint acdAttrCount(ajint itype); static ajint acdAttrKeyCount(ajint ikey); static ajint acdAttrListCount(const AcdPAttr attr); static AjBool acdAttrResolve(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjPStr *result); static AjBool acdAttrToBool(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjBool defval, AjBool *result); static AjBool acdAttrToBoolTest(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjBool defval, AjBool *result); static AjBool acdAttrToFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, float defval, float *result); static AjBool acdAttrTest(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib); static AjBool acdAttrTestDefined(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib); static AjBool acdAttrTestValue(const AcdPAcd thys,const char *attrib); static AjBool acdAttrToChar(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, char defval, char *result); static AjBool acdAttrToInt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, ajint defval, ajint *result); static AjBool acdAttrToStr(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, const char* defval, AjPStr *result); static AjBool acdAttrToUint(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, ajuint defval, ajuint *result); static const AjPStr acdAttrValue(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib); static AjBool acdAttrValueStr(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib, const char* def, AjPStr *str); static void acdBadRetry(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdBadVal(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool required, const char *fmt, ...); static AjBool acdCodeDef(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *msg); static AjBool acdCodeGet(const AjPStr code, AjPStr *msg); static void acdCodeInit(void); static ajint acdCountType(const char* type); static AjBool acdDataFilename(AjPStr* datafname, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext, AjBool nullok); static AjBool acdDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value); static void acdDel(AcdPAcd *Pacd); static AjBool acdDefinedEmpty (const AcdPAcd thys); __noreturn static void acdError(const char* fmt, ...); __noreturn static void acdErrorAcd(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* fmt, ...); /* expression processing */ static AjBool acdExpPlus(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpMinus(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpStar(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpDiv(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpNot(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpEqual(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpNotEqual(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpGreater(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpLesser(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpAnd(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpOr(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpCond(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpOneof(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpCase(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpFilename(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdExpExists(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AcdPAcd acdFindAcd(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint pnum); static AcdPAcd acdFindAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr altname); static ajint acdFindAttr(const AcdPAttr attr, const AjPStr attrib); static ajint acdFindAttrC(const AcdPAttr attr, const char* attrib); static AcdPAcd acdFindItem(const AjPStr item, ajint number); static ajint acdFindKeyC(const char* key); static AcdPAcd acdFindParam(ajint PNum); static AcdPAcd acdFindQual(AjPStr* pqual); static AcdPAcd acdFindQualAssoc(const AcdPAcd pa, const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, ajint PNum); static AcdPAcd acdFindQualDetail(const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, const AjPStr master, ajint PNum, ajint *iparam); static AcdPAcd acdFindQualMaster(const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, const AjPStr master, ajint PNum); static ajint acdFindType(const AjPStr type); static ajint acdFindTypeC(const char* type); static void acdFree(void** PPval); static AjBool acdFunResolve(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdGetAttr(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr attrib); static void* acdGetValue(const char *token, const char* type); static void* acdGetValueRef(const char *token, const char* type); static void* acdGetValueSingle(const char *token, const char* type); static AjBool acdGetValueAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *token, AjPStr *result); static void* acdGetValueNumC(const char *token, const char* type, ajint pnum, AjBool passbyref); static void* acdGetValueNumS(const AjPStr token, const char* type, ajint pnum, AjBool passbyref); static const AjPStr acdGetValDefault(const char *token); static const AjPStr acdGetValStr(const char *token); static void acdHelp(void); static void acdHelpAppend(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* str, char flag); static void acdHelpAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *str, const char *name); static void acdHelpAssocTable(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPList tablist); static AjBool acdHelpCodeDef(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *msg); static void acdHelpExpect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr *str); static void acdHelpShow(const AjPStr str, const char* title); static void acdHelpTable(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPList tablist); static void acdHelpTableShow(const AjPList tablist, const char* title); static void acdHelpText(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* msg); static void acdHelpValid(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr *str); static AjBool acdHelpVarResolve(AjPStr* str, const AjPStr src); static AjBool acdInFilename(AjPStr* infname); static AjBool acdInFileSave(const AjPStr infname, AjBool reset); static AjBool acdInTypeFeat(AjPStr* intype); static AjBool acdInTypeFeatSave(const AjPStr intype); static AjBool acdInTypeFeatSaveC(const char* intype); static AjBool acdInTypeSeq(AjPStr* intype); static AjBool acdInTypeSeqSave(const AjPStr intype); static AjBool acdIsLeftB(AjPList listwords); static AjBool acdIsParam(const char* arg, AjPStr* param, ajint* iparam, AcdPAcd* acd); static AjBool acdIsParamValue(const AjPStr pval); static ajint acdIsQual(const char* arg, const char* arg2, ajint *iparam, AjPStr *pqual, AjPStr *pnoqual, AjPStr *pvalue, ajint* number, AjPStr *pmaster, AcdPAcd* acd); static AjBool acdIsQtype(const AcdPAcd thys); static AjBool acdIsRequired(const AcdPAcd thys); static AjBool acdIsRightB(AjPStr* pstr, AjPList listwords); static AjBool acdIsStype(const AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdKnowntypeDesc(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdKnowntypeInit(void); static void acdListAttr(const AcdPAttr attr, const AjPPStr valstr, ajint nattr); static void acdListPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdListReport(const char *title); static AjPStr* acdListValue(const AcdPAcd thys, ajint min, ajint max, const AjPStr reply); static void acdLog(const char *fmt, ...); static AcdPAcd acdNewAcd(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint itype); static AcdPAcd acdNewAcdKey(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint ikey); static AcdPAcd acdNewAppl(const AjPStr name); static AcdPAcd acdNewEndsec(const AjPStr name); static AcdPAcd acdNewQual(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, AjPStr* type, ajint pnum); static AcdPAcd acdNewQualQual(const AjPStr name, AjPStr* type); static AcdPAcd acdNewRel(const AjPStr name); static AcdPAcd acdNewSec(const AjPStr name); static AcdPAcd acdNewVar(const AjPStr name); static ajint acdNextParam(ajint pnum); static AjBool acdNotLeftB(const AjPList listwords); static AjBool acdOutDirectory(AjPStr* outdir); static AjBool acdOutFilename(AjPStr* outfname, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext); static ajint acdOutFormatCpdb(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatData(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatDiscrete(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatDistance(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatFreq(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatMatrix(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatMatrixf(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatProperties(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatScop(const AjPStr format); static ajint acdOutFormatTree(const AjPStr format); static void acdParse(AjPList listwords, AjPList listcount); static void acdParseAlpha(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword); static void acdParseAttributes(const AcdPAcd acd, AjPList listwords); static void acdParseName(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword); static AjPStr acdParseValue(AjPList listwords); static void acdPretty(const char *fmt, ...); static void acdPrettyClose(void); static void acdPrettyComment(const AjPStr comment); static void acdPrettyShift(void); static void acdPrettyWrap(ajint left, const char *fmt, ...); static void acdPrettyUnShift(void); static void acdPrintCalcattr(AjPFile outf, const char* acdtype, const AcdOAttr calcattr[]); static void acdPrintUsed(void); static void acdProcess(void); static const AjPStr acdPromptAlign(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptCodon(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptCpdb(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptDatafile(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptDirectory(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptDirlist(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptDiscretestates(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptDistances(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptFeatout(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptFeatures(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptFilelist(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptFrequencies(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptGraph(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptInfile(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptMatrix(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutcodon(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutcpdb(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdata(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdir(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdiscrete(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdistance(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfile(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfileall(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfreq(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutmatrix(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutproperties(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOutscop(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptOuttree(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptPattern(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptProperties(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptRegexp(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptReport(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptScop(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptSeq(AcdPAcd thys); static const AjPStr acdPromptSeqout(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdPromptStandard(AcdPAcd thys, const char* type, ajint* count); static void acdPromptStandardS(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr str); static void acdPromptStandardAlt(AcdPAcd thys, const char* firsttype, const char* type, ajint* count); static void acdPromptStandardAppend(AcdPAcd thys, const char* str); static const AjPStr acdPromptTree(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdQualParse(AjPStr* pqual, AjPStr* pnoqual, AjPStr* pqmaster, ajint* number); static AjBool acdQualToBool(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, AjBool defval, AjBool *result, AjPStr* valstr); static AjBool acdQualToFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, float defval, ajint precision, float *result, AjPStr* valstr); static AjBool acdQualToInt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr); static AjBool acdQualToSeqbegin(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr); static AjBool acdQualToSeqend(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr); static AjPTable acdReadGroups(void); static AjPTable acdReadKeywords(void); static void acdReadKnowntype(AjPTable* desctable, AjPTable* infotable); static void acdReadSections(AjPTable* typetable, AjPTable* infotable); static AjBool acdReplyInit(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *defval, AjPStr* reply); static void acdReset(void); static AjBool acdSet(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* attrib, const AjPStr value); static void acdSetAll(void); static AjBool acdSetDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value); static AjBool acdSetDefC(AcdPAcd thys, const char* value); static AjPOutfile acdSetOutType(AcdPAcd thys, const char* type); static AjBool acdSetQualAppl(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool val); static AjBool acdSetQualDefBool(AcdPAcd thys, const char* name, AjBool value); static AjBool acdSetQualDefInt(AcdPAcd thys, const char* name, ajint value); static AjBool acdSetKey(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* attrib, const AjPStr value); static AjBool acdSetVarDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value); static void acdSelectPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys); static AjPStr* acdSelectValue(const AcdPAcd thys, ajint min, ajint max, const AjPStr reply); static AcdEStage acdStage(const AjPStr token); static AcdPAcd acdTestAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr altname); static void acdTestAssocUnknown(const AjPStr name); static AjBool acdTestDebugIsSet(void); static AjBool acdTestDebug(void); static AjBool acdTestFilter(void); static AjBool acdTestQualC(const char *name); static AjBool acdTestStdout(void); static void acdTestUnknown(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr alias, ajint pnum); static AjBool acdTextFormat(AjPStr* text); static void acdTextTrim(AjPStr* text); static void acdTokenToLowerS(AjPStr *token, ajint* number); static AjBool acdUserGet(AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* reply); static AjBool acdUserGetPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* assocqual, const char* prompt, AjPStr* reply); static void acdUserSavereply(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* assocqual, AjBool userset, const AjPStr reply); static void acdValidAppl(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdValidApplGroup(const AjPStr groups); static void acdValidApplKeywords(const AjPStr groups); static void acdValidKnowntype(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdValidRelation(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdValidSection(const AcdPAcd thys); static void acdValidSectionFull(AjPStr* secname); static AjBool acdValidSectionMatch(const char* secname); static void acdValidQual(AcdPAcd thys); static AjBool acdValIsBool(const char* arg); static AjBool acdVarResolve(AjPStr* str); static AjBool acdVarSimple(AjPStr var, AjPStr* varname); static AjBool acdVarSplit(const AjPStr var, AjPStr* name, AjPStr* attrname); static AjBool acdVarTest(const AjPStr var); static AjBool acdVarTestValid(const AjPStr var, AjBool* toggle); static AjBool acdVocabCheck(const AjPStr str, const char** vocab); static void acdWarn(const char* fmt, ...); static void acdWarnObsolete(const AjPStr str); static AjBool acdWordNext(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword); static AjBool acdWordNextLower(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword); static AjBool acdWordNextName(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword); /* @datastatic AcdPExpList **************************************************** ** ** Exression list structure for named expressions @plus etc. ** ** @alias AcdSExpList ** @alias AcdOExpList ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Expression name ** @attr Func [(AjBool*)] Function to evaluate expression ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSExpList { const char* Name; AjBool (*Func) (AjPStr *result, const AjPStr str); } AcdOExpList; #define AcdPExpList AcdOExpList* /* @funclist acdExpList ******************************************************* ** ** Functions for processing expressions in ACD dependencies ** ******************************************************************************/ static AcdOExpList explist[] = { {"plus", acdExpPlus}, {"minus", acdExpMinus}, {"star", acdExpStar}, {"div", acdExpDiv}, {"not", acdExpNot}, {"equal", acdExpEqual}, {"notequal", acdExpNotEqual}, {"greater", acdExpGreater}, {"lesser", acdExpLesser}, {"or", acdExpOr}, {"and", acdExpAnd}, {"cond", acdExpCond}, {"oneof", acdExpOneof}, {"case", acdExpCase}, {"filename", acdExpFilename}, {"exists", acdExpExists}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* Dummy model routine for new data types - but these must not be static and wil be defined in ajacd.h instead */ /*static void* ajAcdGetXxxx (const char *token);*/ static void acdHelpExpectCodon(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectDirlist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectData(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectFeatout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectFeatures(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectFilelist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectGraph(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectIn(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectInt(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectMatrix(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectOut(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectRange(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectRegexp(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpExpectString(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpTextSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpTextSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidCodon(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidDirlist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidData(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidFeatout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidFeatures(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidFilelist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidGraph(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidIn(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidInt(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidList(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidMatrix(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidOut(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidRange(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidRegexp(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidSelect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static void acdHelpValidString(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); static AjBool acdKnownValueList(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* value); static AjBool acdKnownValueSelect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* value); static AjBool acdResourceList(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr list, AjPStr* value); /* Type-specific routines to prompt user and set the value. each new ** type requires one of these routines */ static void acdDelAlign(void** PPval); static void acdDelCod(void** PPval); static void acdDelDir(void** PPval); static void acdDelDirout(void** PPval); static void acdDelFeattabOut(void** PPval); static void acdDelFeattable(void** PPval); static void acdDelFile(void** PPval); static void acdDelFloat(void** PPval); static void acdDelList(void** PPval); static void acdDelMatrix(void** PPval); static void acdDelMatrixf(void** PPval); static void acdDelOutfile(void** PPval); static void acdDelPatlist(void** PPval); static void acdDelPhyloDist(void** PPval); static void acdDelPhyloFreq(void** PPval); static void acdDelPhyloProp(void** PPval); static void acdDelPhyloState(void** PPval); static void acdDelPhyloTree(void** PPval); static void acdDelRange(void** PPval); static void acdDelReg(void** PPval); static void acdDelReport(void** PPval); static void acdDelSeq(void** PPval); static void acdDelSeqall(void** PPval); static void acdDelSeqout(void** PPval); static void acdDelSeqset(void** PPval); static void acdDelSeqsetArray(void** PPval); static void acdDelStr(void** PPval); static void acdDelStrArray(void** PPval); static void acdSetXxxx(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetAppl(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetEndsec(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetRel(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSec(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetVar(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetAlign(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetArray(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetBoolean(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetCodon(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetCpdb(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetDirlist(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetDatafile(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetDirectory(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetDiscretestates(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetDistances(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetFeatout(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetFeatures(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetFilelist(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetFloat(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetFrequencies(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetGraph(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetGraphxy(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetInt(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetInfile(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetList(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetMatrix(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetMatrixf(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutcodon(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutcpdb(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutdata(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutdir(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutdiscrete(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutdistance(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutfile(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutfileall(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutfreq(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutmatrix(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutmatrixf(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutproperties(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOutscop(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetOuttree(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetPattern(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetProperties(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetRange(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetRegexp(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetReport(AcdPAcd thys); /*static void acdSetRegions(AcdPAcd thys);*/ static void acdSetScop(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSelect(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeq(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqall(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqout(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqoutall(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqoutset(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqset(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetSeqsetall(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetString(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetToggle(AcdPAcd thys); static void acdSetTree(AcdPAcd thys); /* ** Known item types ** ** Each has 2 functions, used below in the definition of "types" ** The first is global, and passes the results to the application. ** The other is static and are used in command line and user management ** ** The argument definiion is the same for each. ** Items have a type and undefined pointers to the actual data. ** Each function knows the structure they must use, and the validations ** needed. ** ** Type ajAcdGetType : globally available. returns the value ** ** ajBool acdSetType : sets the value using the default value (if any) ** */ /* Default attributes available for all types */ static ajint nDefAttr = 18; enum AcdEDef { DEF_DEFAULT, DEF_INFO, DEF_PROMPT, DEF_CODE, DEF_HELP, DEF_PARAMETER, DEF_STANDARD, DEF_ADDITIONAL, DEF_MISSING, DEF_VALID, DEF_EXPECTED, DEF_NEEDED, DEF_KNOWNTYPE, DEF_RELATIONS, DEF_OUTPUTMODIFIER, DEF_STYLE, DEF_QUALIFIER, DEF_TEMPLATE, DEF_COMMENT }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDef[] = { {"default", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default value"}, {"information", VT_STR, 0, "", "Information for menus etc., and default prompt"}, {"prompt", VT_STR, 0, "", "Prompt (if information string is unclear)"}, {"code", VT_STR, 0, "", "Code name for information/prompt to be looked up in standard table"}, {"help", VT_STR, 0, "", "Text for help documentation"}, {"parameter", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Command line parameter. " "Can be on the command line with no qualifier name. " "Implies 'standard' qualifier"}, {"standard", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Standard qualifier, value required. Interactive prompt if missing"}, {"additional", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Additional qualifier. " "Value required if -options is on the command line, " "or set by default"}, {"missing", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Allow with no value on the command line to set to ''"}, {"valid", VT_STR, 0, "", "Help: String description of allowed values for -help output, " "used if the default help is nuclear"}, {"expected", VT_STR, 0, "", "Help: String description of the expected value for -help output, " "used if the default help is nuclear"}, {"needed", VT_BOOL, 0, "y", "Include in GUI form, " "used to hide options if they are unclear in GUIs"}, {"knowntype", VT_STR, 0, "", "Known standard type, " "used to define input and output types for workflows"}, {"relations", VT_STR, 0, "", "Relationships between this ACD item and others, " "defined as specially formatted text"}, {"outputmodifier", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Modifies the output in ways that can break parsers"}, {"style", VT_STR, 0, "", "Style for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {"qualifier", VT_STR, 0, "", "Qualifier name for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {"template", VT_STR, 0, "", "Commandline template for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {"comment", VT_STR, 0, "", "Comment for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* Type-specific attributes ** each must end with "NULL, VT_NULL" to define the end of the list */ AcdOAttr acdAttrXxxx[] = { {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrAppl[] = { {"documentation", VT_STR, 0, "", "Short description of the application function"}, {"groups", VT_STR, 0, "", "Standard application group(s) for wossname and GUIs"}, {"keywords", VT_STR, 0, "", "Standard application group(s) for wossname and GUIs"}, {"gui", VT_STR, 0, "", "Suitability for launching in a GUI"}, {"batch", VT_STR, 0,"", "Suitability for running in batch"}, {"obsolete", VT_STR, 0,"", "Reason for obsolete status"}, {"embassy", VT_STR, 0,"", "EMBASSY package name"}, {"external", VT_STR, 0, "", "Third party tool(s) required by this program"}, {"cpu", VT_STR, 0, "", "Estimated maximum CPU usage"}, {"supplier", VT_STR, 0, "", "Supplier name"}, {"version", VT_STR, 0, "", "Version number"}, {"nonemboss", VT_STR, 0, "", "Non-emboss application name for SoapLab"}, {"executable", VT_STR, 0,"", "Non-emboss executable for SoapLab"}, {"template", VT_STR, 0, "", "Commandline template for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {"comment", VT_STR, 0, "", "Comment for SoapLab's ACD files"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrAlign[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "[P]rotein or [N]ucleotide"}, {"taglist", VT_STR, 0, "", "Extra tags to report"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"multiple", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "More than one alignment in one file"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrArray[] = { {"minimum", VT_FLOAT, 0, "(-FLT_MAX)", "Minimum value"}, {"maximum", VT_FLOAT, 0, "(FLT_MAX)", "Maximum value"}, {"increment", VT_FLOAT, 0, "0", "(Not used by ACD) Increment for GUIs"}, {"precision", VT_INT, 0, "0", "(Not used by ACD) Floating precision for GUIs"}, {"warnrange", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Warning if values are out of range"}, {"size", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of values required"}, {"sum", VT_FLOAT, 0, "1.0", "Total for all values"}, {"sumtest", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Test sum of all values"}, {"tolerance", VT_FLOAT, 0, "0.01", "Tolerance (sum +/- tolerance) of the total"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrBool[] = { {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrCodon[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "Ehum.cut", "Codon table name"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrCpdb[] = { {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDatafile[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file base name"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"directory", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default installed data directory"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDirectory[] = { {"fullpath", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Require full path in value"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDirlist[] = { {"fullpath", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Require full path in value"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDiscretestates[] = { {"length", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Number of discrete state values per set"}, {"size", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of discrete state set"}, {"characters", VT_STR, 0, "01", "Allowed discrete state characters (default is '' for all non-space characters"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrDistances[] = { {"size", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of rows"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"missval", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can have missing values (replicates zero)"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrEndsec[] = { {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrFeatures[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Feature type (protein, nucleotide, etc.)"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrFeatout[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default base file name (use of -ofname preferred)"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension (use of -offormat preferred)"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Feature type (protein, nucleotide, etc.)"}, {"multiple", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Features for multiple sequences"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null UFO as 'no output'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrFilelist[] = { {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "File contains binary data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrFloat[] = { {"minimum", VT_FLOAT, 0, "(-FLT_MAX)", "Minimum value"}, {"maximum", VT_FLOAT, 0, "(FLT_MAX)", "Maximum value"}, {"increment", VT_FLOAT, 0, "1.0", "(Not used by ACD) Increment for GUIs"}, {"precision", VT_INT, 0, "3", "Precision for printing values"}, {"warnrange", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Warning if values are out of range"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrFrequencies[] = { {"length", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Number of frequency loci/values per set"}, {"size", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of frequency sets"}, {"continuous", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Continuous character data only"}, {"genedata", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Gene frequency data only"}, {"within", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Continuous data for multiple individuals"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrGraph[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null graph type as 'no graph'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrGraphxy[] = { {"multiple", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of graphs"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null graph type as 'no graph'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrInt[] = { {"minimum", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MIN)", "Minimum value"}, {"maximum", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum value"}, {"increment", VT_INT, 0, "0", "(Not used by ACD) Increment for GUIs"}, {"warnrange", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Warning if values are out of range"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrInfile[] = { {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"trydefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Default filename may not exist if nullok is true"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "File contains binary data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrList[] = { {"minimum", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of selections"}, {"maximum", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Maximum number of selections"}, {"button", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "(Not used by ACD) Prefer checkboxes in GUI"}, {"casesensitive", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Case sensitive"}, {"header", VT_STR, 0, "", "Header description for list"}, {"delimiter", VT_STR, 0, ";", "Delimiter for parsing values"}, {"codedelimiter", VT_STR, 0, ":", "Delimiter for parsing"}, {"values", VT_STR, 0, "", "Codes and values with delimiters"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrMatrix[] = { {"pname", VT_STR, 0, "EBLOSUM62", "Default name for protein matrix"}, {"nname", VT_STR, 0, "EDNAFULL", "Default name for nucleotide matrix"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Protein matrix"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrMatrixf[] = { {"pname", VT_STR, 0, "EBLOSUM62", "Default name for protein matrix"}, {"nname", VT_STR, 0, "EDNAFULL", "Default name for nucleotide matrix"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "Y", "Protein matrix"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutcodon[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file name"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutcpdb[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutdata[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Data type"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "File contains binary data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutdir[] = { {"fullpath", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Require full path in value"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Files contain binary data"}, {"temporary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Scratch directory for temporary files deleted on completion"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutdiscrete[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutdistance[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutfile[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file name"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"append", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Append to an existing file"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "File contains binary data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutfileall[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file name"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {"binary", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Files contains binary data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutfreq[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutmatrix[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutmatrixf[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutproperties[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOutscop[] = { {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrOuttree[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file name"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Default file extension"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrPattern[] = { {"minlength", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum pattern length"}, {"maxlength", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum pattern length"}, {"maxsize", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of patterns"}, {"upper", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to upper case"}, {"lower", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to lower case"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "string", "Type (nucleotide, protein)"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrProperties[] = { {"length", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Number of property values per set"}, {"size", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Number of property sets"}, {"characters", VT_STR, 0, "", "Allowed property characters (default is '' for all non-space characters)"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrRange[] = { {"minimum", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum value"}, {"maximum", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum value"}, {"size", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Exact number of values required"}, {"minsize", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Minimum number of values required"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrRegexp[] = { {"minlength", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum pattern length"}, {"maxlength", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum pattern length"}, {"maxsize", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of patterns"}, {"upper", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to upper case"}, {"lower", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to lower case"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "string", "Type (string, nucleotide, protein)"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrRel[] = { {"relations", VT_STR, 0, "", "Relationships between this ACD item and others, " "defined as specially formatted text"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrReport[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "[P]rotein or [N]ucleotide"}, {"taglist", VT_STR, 0, "", "Extra tag names to report"}, {"multiple", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Multiple sequences in one report"}, {"precision", VT_INT, 0, "3", "Score precision"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrScop[] = { {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSec[] = { {"information", VT_STR, 0, "", "(Not used by ACD) Section description"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "(Not used by ACD) Type (frame, page)"}, {"comment", VT_STR, 0, "", "(Not used by ACD) Free text comment"}, {"border", VT_INT, 0, "1", "(Not used by ACD) Border width"}, {"side", VT_STR, 0, "", "(Not used by ACD) Side (top, bottom, left, right) " "for type:frame"}, {"folder", VT_STR, 0, "", "(Not used by ACD) Folder name for type:page"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSelect[] = { {"minimum", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of selections"}, {"maximum", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Maximum number of selections"}, {"button", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "(Not used by ACD) Prefer radiobuttons in GUI"}, {"casesensitive", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Case sensitive matching"}, {"header", VT_STR, 0, "", "Header description for selection list"}, {"delimiter", VT_STR, 0, ":", "Delimiter for parsing values"}, {"values", VT_STR, 0, "", "Values with delimiters"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeq[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Input sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read features if any"}, {"entry", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read whole entry text"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqall[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Input sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read features if any"}, {"entry", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read whole entry text"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqout[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output base name (use of -osname preferred)"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output extension (use of -osextension preferred)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Write features if any"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null USA as 'no output'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqoutall[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output base name (use of -osname preferred)"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output extension (use of -osextension preferred)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Write features if any"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null USA as 'no output'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqoutset[] = { {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output base name (use of -osname preferred)"}, {"extension", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output extension (use of -osextension preferred)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Write features if any"}, {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Output sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null USA as 'no output'"}, {"aligned", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Sequences are aligned"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqset[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Input sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read features if any"}, {"aligned", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Sequences are aligned"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrSeqsetall[] = { {"type", VT_STR, 0, "", "Input sequence type (protein, gapprotein, etc.)"}, {"features", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Read features if any"}, {"aligned", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Sequences are aligned"}, {"minseqs", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequences"}, {"maxseqs", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequences"}, {"minsets", VT_INT, 0, "1", "Minimum number of sequence sets"}, {"maxsets", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum number of sequence sets"}, {"nulldefault", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Defaults to 'no file'"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrString[] = { {"minlength", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Minimum length"}, {"maxlength", VT_INT, 0, "(INT_MAX)", "Maximum length"}, {"pattern", VT_STR, 0, "", "Regular expression for validation"}, {"upper", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to upper case"}, {"lower", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Convert to lower case"}, {"word", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Disallow whitespace in strings"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrToggle[] = { {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrTree[] = { {"size", VT_INT, 0, "0", "Number of trees (0 means any number)"}, {"nullok", VT_BOOL, 0, "N", "Can accept a null filename as 'no file'"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOAttr acdAttrVar[] = { {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* Calculated attributes */ static AcdOAttr acdCalcDiscrete[] = { {"discretelength", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of discrete state values per set"}, {"discretesize", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of discrete state sets"}, {"discretecount", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of sets of discrete states"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcDistances[] = { {"distancecount", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of distance matrices"}, {"distancesize", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of distance rows"}, {"replicates", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Replicates data found in input"}, {"hasmissing", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Missing values found(replicates=N)"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcFeat[] = { {"fbegin", VT_INT, 0, "(0 if unspecified)", "Start of the features to be used"}, {"fend", VT_INT, 0, "(0 if unspecified)", "End of the features to be used"}, {"flength", VT_INT, 0, "", "Total length of sequence (fsize is feature count)"}, {"fprotein", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Feature table is protein"}, {"fnucleic", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Feature table is nucleotide"}, {"fname", VT_STR, 0, "", "The name of the feature table"}, {"fsize", VT_STR, 0, "", "Integer, number of features"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcFrequencies[] = { {"freqlength", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of frequency values per set"}, {"freqsize", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of frequency sets"}, {"freqloci", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of frequency loci"}, {"freqgenedata", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Gene frequency data"}, {"freqcontinuous", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Continuous frequency data"}, {"freqwithin", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Individual within species frequency data"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcProperties[] = { {"propertylength", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of property values per set"}, {"propertysize", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of property sets"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcRegexp[] = { {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "The length of the regular expression"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcSeq[] = { {"begin", VT_INT, 0, "", "Start of the sequence used"}, {"end", VT_INT, 0, "", "End of the sequence used"}, {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "Total length of the sequence"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence is protein"}, {"nucleic", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence is DNA"}, {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "The name/ID/accession of the sequence"}, {"usa", VT_STR, 0, "", "The USA of the sequence"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcSeqall[] = { {"begin", VT_INT, 0, "", "Start of the first sequence used"}, {"end", VT_INT, 0, "", "End of the first sequence used"}, {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "Total length of the first sequence"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence is protein"}, {"nucleic", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence is DNA"}, {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "The name/ID/accession of the sequence"}, {"usa", VT_STR, 0, "", "The USA of the sequence"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcSeqset[] = { {"begin", VT_INT, 0, "", "The beginning of the selection of the sequence"}, {"end", VT_INT, 0, "", "The end of the selection of the sequence"}, {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "The maximum length of the sequence set"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence set is protein"}, {"nucleic", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence set is DNA"}, {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "The name of the sequence set"}, {"usa", VT_STR, 0, "", "The USA of the sequence"}, {"totweight", VT_FLOAT, 0, "", "Float, total sequence weight for a set"}, {"count", VT_INT, 0, "", "Integer, number of sequences in the set"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcSeqsetall[] = { {"begin", VT_INT, 0, "", "The beginning of the selection of the sequence"}, {"end", VT_INT, 0, "", "The end of the selection of the sequence"}, {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "The maximum length of the sequence set"}, {"protein", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence set is protein"}, {"nucleic", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Boolean, indicates if sequence set is DNA"}, {"name", VT_STR, 0, "", "The name of the sequence set"}, {"usa", VT_STR, 0, "", "The USA of the sequence"}, {"totweight", VT_FLOAT, 0, "", "Float, total sequence weight for each set"}, {"count", VT_INT, 0, "", "Integer, number of sequences in each set"}, {"multicount", VT_INT, 0, "", "Integer, number of sets of sequences"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcString[] = { {"length", VT_INT, 0, "", "The length of the string"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static AcdOAttr acdCalcTree[] = { {"treecount", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of trees"}, {"speciescount", VT_INT, 0, "", "Number of species"}, {"haslengths", VT_BOOL, 0, "", "Branch lengths defined"}, {NULL, VT_NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* @datastatic AcdPKey ******************************************************** ** ** Keywords data structure for non-ACD types (application, variable, section, ** endsection) data ** ** @alias AcdSKey ** @alias AcdOKey ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Keyword name ** @attr Stage [AcdEStage] Enumerated stage ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Attr [AcdPAttr] Type-specific attributes ** @attr KeySet [(void*)] Function to set value and prompt user ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSKey { const char* Name; AcdEStage Stage; ajint Padding; AcdPAttr Attr; void (*KeySet)(AcdPAcd thys); } AcdOKey; #define AcdPKey AcdOKey* /* @funclist acdKeywords ****************************************************** ** ** Processing predefined ACD keywords (application, variable, section, ** endsection) ** ******************************************************************************/ AcdOKey acdKeywords[] = { {"qualifier", QUAL_STAGE, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"application", APPL_STAGE, 0, acdAttrAppl, acdSetAppl}, {"variable", VAR_STAGE, 0, acdAttrVar, acdSetVar}, {"relations", REL_STAGE, 0, acdAttrRel, acdSetRel}, {"section", SEC_STAGE, 0, acdAttrSec, acdSetSec}, {"endsection", ENDSEC_STAGE, 0, acdAttrEndsec, acdSetEndsec}, {NULL, BAD_STAGE, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* @datastatic AcdPOuttype **************************************************** ** ** Output types data structure for utput data types and format validation ** ** @alias AcdSOuttype ** @alias AcdOouttype ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Output type name ** @attr Format [const char*] Default format (needs to be stored elsewhere) ** @attr Type [ajint] Enumerated type (see AjEOutfileType in ajfile.h) ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Prompt [(const AjPStr*)] Function to define standard prompt ** @attr Outformat [(ajint*)] Function to test output format ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSOuttype { const char* Name; const char* Format; ajint Type; ajint Padding; const AjPStr (*Prompt)(AcdPAcd thys); ajint (*Outformat)(const AjPStr format); } AcdOOuttype; #define AcdPOuttype AcdOOuttype* /* @funclist acdOuttype ****************************************************** ** ** Processing output types and their formats ** ******************************************************************************/ AcdOOuttype acdOuttype[] = { {"outcodon", "cut", OUTFILE_CODON, 0, acdPromptOutcodon, ajCodOutFormat}, {"outcpdb", "cpdb", OUTFILE_CPDB, 0, acdPromptOutcpdb, acdOutFormatCpdb}, {"outdata", "text", OUTFILE_UNKNOWN, 0, acdPromptOutdata, acdOutFormatData}, {"outdiscrete", "phylip", OUTFILE_DISCRETE, 0, acdPromptOutdiscrete, acdOutFormatDiscrete}, {"outdistance", "phylip", OUTFILE_DISTANCE, 0, acdPromptOutdistance, acdOutFormatDistance}, {"outfreq", "phylip", OUTFILE_FREQ, 0, acdPromptOutfreq, acdOutFormatFreq}, {"outmatrix", "emboss", OUTFILE_MATRIX, 0, acdPromptOutmatrix, acdOutFormatMatrix}, {"outmatrixf", "emboss", OUTFILE_MATRIXF, 0, acdPromptOutmatrix, acdOutFormatMatrixf}, {"outproperties", "phylip", OUTFILE_PROPERTIES, 0, acdPromptOutproperties,acdOutFormatProperties}, {"outscop", "scop", OUTFILE_SCOP, 0, acdPromptOutscop, acdOutFormatScop}, {"outtree", "phylip", OUTFILE_TREE, 0, acdPromptOuttree, acdOutFormatTree}, {NULL, NULL, OUTFILE_UNKNOWN, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* Type-specific associated qualifiers which can be used positionally ** or numbered if tied to a parameter */ /* "qualifier" "default" "type" */ AcdOQual acdQualAppl[] = /* careful: index numbers used in */ /* acdSetQualAppl */ { {"auto", "N", "boolean", "Turn off prompts"}, {"stdout", "N", "boolean", "Write first file to standard output"}, {"filter", "N", "boolean", "Read first file from standard input, " "write first file to standard output"}, /* after auto and stdout so it can replace */ {"options", "N", "boolean", "Prompt for standard and additional values"}, {"debug", "N", "boolean", "Write debug output to program.dbg"}, /* deprecated - to be removed in a future version */ /* removed in 2.8.0 {"acdlog", "N", "boolean", "Write ACD processing log " "to program.acdlog"}, {"acdpretty", "N", "boolean", "Rewrite ACD file as program.acdpretty"}, {"acdtable", "N", "boolean", "Write HTML table of options"}, */ /* end of deprecated set */ {"verbose", "N", "boolean", "Report some/full command line options"}, {"help", "N", "boolean", "Report command line options. " "More information on associated and " "general qualifiers " "can be found with -help -verbose"}, {"warning", "Y", "boolean", "Report warnings"}, {"error", "Y", "boolean", "Report errors"}, {"fatal", "Y", "boolean", "Report fatal errors"}, {"die", "Y", "boolean", "Report dying program messages"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualAlign[] = { {"aformat", "", "string", "Alignment format"}, {"aextension", "", "string", "File name extension"}, {"adirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"aname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"awidth", "0", "integer", "Alignment width"}, {"aaccshow", "N", "boolean", "Show accession number in the header"}, {"adesshow", "N", "boolean", "Show description in the header"}, {"ausashow", "N", "boolean", "Show the full USA in the alignment"}, {"aglobal", "N", "boolean", "Show the full sequence in alignment"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualCodon[] = { {"format", "", "string", "Data format"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualCpdb[] = { {"format", "", "string", "Data format"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualFeatures[] = { {"fformat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"fopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {"fask", "N", "boolean", "Prompt for begin/end/reverse"}, {"fbegin", "0", "integer", "Start of the features to be used"}, {"fend", "0", "integer", "End of the features to be used"}, {"freverse", "N", "boolean", "Reverse (if DNA)"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualFeatout[] = { {"offormat", "", "string", "Output feature format"}, {"ofopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {"ofextension","", "string", "File name extension"}, {"ofdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {"ofname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"ofsingle", "N", "boolean", "Separate file for each entry"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualGraph[] = { {"gprompt", "N", "boolean", "Graph prompting"}, {"gdesc", "", "string", "Graph description"}, {"gtitle", "", "string", "Graph title"}, {"gsubtitle", "", "string", "Graph subtitle"}, {"gxtitle", "", "string", "Graph x axis title"}, {"gytitle", "", "string", "Graph y axis title"}, {"goutfile", "", "string", "Output file for non interactive displays"}, {"gdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualGraphxy[] = { {"gprompt", "N", "boolean", "Graph prompting"}, {"gdesc", "", "string", "Graph description"}, {"gtitle", "", "string", "Graph title"}, {"gsubtitle", "", "string", "Graph subtitle"}, {"gxtitle", "", "string", "Graph x axis title"}, {"gytitle", "", "string", "Graph y axis title"}, {"goutfile", "", "string", "Output file for non interactive displays"}, {"gdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutcodon[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutcpdb[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutdata[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutdiscrete[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutdistance[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutfile[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutfileall[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutfreq[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutmatrix[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutmatrixf[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutproperties[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOutscop[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualOuttree[] = { {"odirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"oformat", "", "string", "Output format specific to this data type"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualPattern[] = { {"pformat", "", "string", "File format"}, {"pmismatch", "0", "integer", "Pattern mismatch"}, {"pname", "", "string", "Pattern base name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualRegexp[] = { {"pformat", "", "string", "File format"}, {"pname", "", "string", "Pattern base name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualReport[] = { {"rformat", "", "string", "Report format"}, {"rname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"rextension", "", "string", "File name extension"}, {"rdirectory", "", "string", "Output directory"}, {"raccshow", "N", "boolean", "Show accession number in the report"}, {"rdesshow", "N", "boolean", "Show description in the report"}, {"rscoreshow", "Y", "boolean", "Show the score in the report"}, {"rstrandshow","Y", "boolean", "Show the nucleotide strand in the report"}, {"rusashow", "N", "boolean", "Show the full USA in the report"}, {"rmaxall", "0", "integer", "Maximum total hits to report"}, {"rmaxseq", "0", "integer", "Maximum hits to report for one sequence"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualScop[] = { {"format", "", "string", "Data format"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeq[] = { {"sbegin", "0", "integer", "Start of the sequence to be used"}, {"send", "0", "integer", "End of the sequence to be used"}, {"sreverse", "N", "boolean", "Reverse (if DNA)"}, {"sask", "N", "boolean", "Ask for begin/end/reverse"}, {"snucleotide","N", "boolean", "Sequence is nucleotide"}, {"sprotein", "N", "boolean", "Sequence is protein"}, {"slower", "N", "boolean", "Make lower case"}, {"supper", "N", "boolean", "Make upper case"}, {"sformat", "", "string", "Input sequence format"}, /* {"sopenfile", "", "string", "Input filename"},*/ /* obsolete */ {"sdbname", "", "string", "Database name"}, {"sid", "", "string", "Entryname"}, {"ufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"fformat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"fopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqset[] = { {"sbegin", "0", "integer", "Start of each sequence to be used"}, {"send", "0", "integer", "End of each sequence to be used"}, {"sreverse", "N", "boolean", "Reverse (if DNA)"}, {"sask", "N", "boolean", "Ask for begin/end/reverse"}, {"snucleotide","N", "boolean", "Sequence is nucleotide"}, {"sprotein", "N", "boolean", "Sequence is protein"}, {"slower", "N", "boolean", "Make lower case"}, {"supper", "N", "boolean", "Make upper case"}, {"sformat", "", "string", "Input sequence format"}, /* {"sopenfile", "", "string", "Input filename"},*/ /* obsolete */ {"sdbname", "", "string", "Database name"}, {"sid", "", "string", "Entryname"}, {"ufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"fformat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"fopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqsetall[] = { {"sbegin", "0", "integer", "Start of each sequence to be used"}, {"send", "0", "integer", "End of each sequence to be used"}, {"sreverse", "N", "boolean", "Reverse (if DNA)"}, {"sask", "N", "boolean", "Ask for begin/end/reverse"}, {"snucleotide","N", "boolean", "Sequence is nucleotide"}, {"sprotein", "N", "boolean", "Sequence is protein"}, {"slower", "N", "boolean", "Make lower case"}, {"supper", "N", "boolean", "Make upper case"}, {"sformat", "", "string", "Input sequence format"}, /* {"sopenfile", "", "string", "Input filename"},*/ /* obsolete */ {"sdbname", "", "string", "Database name"}, {"sid", "", "string", "Entryname"}, {"ufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"fformat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"fopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqall[] = { {"sbegin", "0", "integer", "Start of each sequence to be used"}, {"send", "0", "integer", "End of each sequence to be used"}, {"sreverse", "N", "boolean", "Reverse (if DNA)"}, {"sask", "N", "boolean", "Ask for begin/end/reverse"}, {"snucleotide","N", "boolean", "Sequence is nucleotide"}, {"sprotein", "N", "boolean", "Sequence is protein"}, {"slower", "N", "boolean", "Make lower case"}, {"supper", "N", "boolean", "Make upper case"}, {"sformat", "", "string", "Input sequence format"}, /* {"sopenfile", "", "string", "Input filename"},*/ /* obsolete */ {"sdbname", "", "string", "Database name"}, {"sid", "", "string", "Entryname"}, {"ufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"fformat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"fopenfile", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqout[] = { {"osformat", "", "string", "Output seq format"}, {"osextension","", "string", "File name extension"}, {"osname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"osdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {"osdbname", "", "string", "Database name to add"}, {"ossingle", "N", "boolean", "Separate file for each entry"}, {"oufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"offormat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"ofname", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {"ofdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqoutset[] = { {"osformat", "", "string", "Output seq format"}, {"osextension","", "string", "File name extension"}, {"osname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"osdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {"osdbname", "", "string", "Database name to add"}, {"ossingle", "N", "boolean", "Separate file for each entry"}, {"oufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"offormat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"ofname", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {"ofdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; AcdOQual acdQualSeqoutall[] = { {"osformat", "", "string", "Output seq format"}, {"osextension","", "string", "File name extension"}, {"osname", "", "string", "Base file name"}, {"osdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {"osdbname", "", "string", "Database name to add"}, {"ossingle", "N", "boolean", "Separate file for each entry"}, {"oufo", "", "string", "UFO features"}, {"offormat", "", "string", "Features format"}, {"ofname", "", "string", "Features file name"}, {"ofdirectory","", "string", "Output directory"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* Type definitions - must be after attributes and functions are defined ** Add new types here as needed ** Create attribute list acdAttrType */ /* "Type" Attributes Function Qualifiers "Help Text" */ /* @funclist acdType ********************************************************** ** ** Processing for ACD types ** ** Includes the acdSet functions for each ACD type ** ******************************************************************************/ AcdOType acdType[] = { /* Name Group Section ** Attributes Qualifiers ** SetFunction HelpFunction Destructor ** PassRef StdPrompt PromptFunction UseCount UseClassCount ** Description of valid string for help */ {"align", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrAlign, acdQualAlign, acdSetAlign, NULL, acdDelAlign, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptAlign, &acdUseAlign, &acdUseOut, "Alignment output file" }, {"array", "simple", NULL, acdAttrArray, NULL, acdSetArray, NULL, acdDelFloat, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "List of floating point numbers" }, {"boolean", "simple", NULL, acdAttrBool, NULL, acdSetBoolean, NULL, acdFree, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Boolean value Yes/No" }, {"codon", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrCodon, acdQualCodon, acdSetCodon, NULL, acdDelCod, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptCodon, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Codon usage file in EMBOSS data path" }, {"cpdb", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrCpdb, acdQualCpdb, acdSetCpdb, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptCpdb, &acdUseInfile, &acdUseIn, "Clean PDB file" }, {"datafile", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrDatafile, NULL, acdSetDatafile, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptDatafile, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Data file" }, {"directory", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrDirectory, NULL, acdSetDirectory, NULL, acdDelDir, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptDirectory, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseIn, "Directory" }, {"dirlist", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrDirlist, NULL, acdSetDirlist, NULL, acdDelList, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptDirlist, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseIn, "Directory with files" }, {"discretestates", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrDiscretestates, NULL, acdSetDiscretestates, NULL, acdDelPhyloState, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptDiscretestates, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Discrete states file" }, {"distances", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrDistances, NULL, acdSetDistances, NULL, acdDelPhyloDist, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptDistances, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Distance matrix" }, {"featout", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrFeatout, acdQualFeatout, acdSetFeatout, NULL, acdDelFeattabOut, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptFeatout, &acdUseFeatout, &acdUseOut, "Writeable feature table" }, {"features", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrFeatures, acdQualFeatures, acdSetFeatures, NULL, acdDelFeattable, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptFeatures, &acdUseFeatures, &acdUseIn, "Readable feature table" }, {"filelist", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrFilelist, NULL, acdSetFilelist, NULL, acdDelList, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptFilelist, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseIn, "Comma-separated file list" }, {"float", "simple", NULL, acdAttrFloat, NULL, acdSetFloat, NULL, acdFree, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Floating point number" }, {"frequencies", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrFrequencies, NULL, acdSetFrequencies, NULL, acdDelPhyloFreq, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptFrequencies, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Frequency value(s)" }, {"graph", "graph", acdSecOutput, acdAttrGraph, acdQualGraph, acdSetGraph, NULL, acdFree, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptGraph, &acdUseGraph, &acdUseOut, "Graph device for a general graph" }, {"infile", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrInfile, NULL, acdSetInfile, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptInfile, &acdUseInfile, &acdUseIn, "Input file" }, {"integer", "simple", NULL, acdAttrInt, NULL, acdSetInt, NULL, acdFree, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Integer" }, {"list", "selection", NULL, acdAttrList, NULL, acdSetList, NULL, acdDelStrArray, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Choose from menu list of values" }, {"matrix", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrMatrix, NULL, acdSetMatrix, NULL, acdDelMatrix, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, acdPromptMatrix, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Comparison matrix file in EMBOSS data path" }, {"matrixf", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrMatrixf, NULL, acdSetMatrixf, NULL, acdDelMatrixf, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, acdPromptMatrix, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Comparison matrix file in EMBOSS data path" }, {"outcodon", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutcodon, acdQualOutcodon, acdSetOutcodon, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutcodon, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Codon usage file" }, {"outcpdb", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutcpdb, NULL, acdSetOutcpdb, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutcpdb, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Cleaned PDB file" }, {"outdata", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutdata, acdQualOutdata, acdSetOutdata, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutdata, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Formatted output file" }, {"outdir", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutdir, NULL, acdSetOutdir, NULL, acdDelDirout, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutdir, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseOut, "Output directory" }, {"outdiscrete", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutdiscrete, acdQualOutdiscrete, acdSetOutdiscrete, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutdiscrete, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Discrete states file" }, {"outdistance", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutdistance, NULL, acdSetOutdistance, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutdistance, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Distance matrix" }, {"outfile", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutfile, acdQualOutfile, acdSetOutfile, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutfile, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Output file" }, {"outfileall", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutfileall, acdQualOutfileall, acdSetOutfileall, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutfileall, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Multiple output files" }, {"outfreq", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutfreq, acdQualOutfreq, acdSetOutfreq, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutfreq, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Frequency value(s)" }, {"outmatrix", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutmatrix, acdQualOutmatrix, acdSetOutmatrix, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutmatrix, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Comparison matrix file" }, {"outmatrixf", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutmatrixf, acdQualOutmatrixf, acdSetOutmatrixf, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutmatrix, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Comparison matrix file" }, {"outproperties", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutproperties, acdQualOutproperties, acdSetOutproperties, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutproperties, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Property value(s)" }, {"outscop", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOutscop, acdQualOutscop, acdSetOutscop, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOutscop, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Scop entry" }, {"outtree", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrOuttree, acdQualOuttree, acdSetOuttree, NULL, acdDelOutfile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptOuttree, &acdUseOutfile, &acdUseOut, "Phylogenetic tree" }, {"pattern", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrPattern, acdQualPattern, acdSetPattern, NULL, acdDelPatlist, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptPattern, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Property value(s)" }, {"properties", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrProperties, NULL, acdSetProperties, NULL, acdDelPhyloProp, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptProperties, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Property value(s)" }, {"range", "simple", NULL, acdAttrRange, NULL, acdSetRange, NULL, acdDelRange, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Sequence range" }, {"regexp", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrRegexp, acdQualRegexp, acdSetRegexp, NULL, acdDelReg, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptRegexp, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseIn, "Regular expression pattern" }, {"report", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrReport, acdQualReport, acdSetReport, NULL, acdDelReport, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptReport, &acdUseReport, &acdUseOut, "Report output file" }, {"scop", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrScop, acdQualScop, acdSetScop, NULL, acdDelFile, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptScop, &acdUseInfile, &acdUseIn, "Clean PDB file" }, {"selection", "selection", NULL, acdAttrSelect, NULL, acdSetSelect, NULL, acdDelStrArray, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Choose from selection list of values" }, {"sequence", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrSeq, acdQualSeq, acdSetSeq, acdHelpTextSeq, acdDelSeq, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeq, &acdUseSeq, &acdUseIn, "Readable sequence" }, {"seqall", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrSeqall, acdQualSeqall, acdSetSeqall, acdHelpTextSeq, acdDelSeqall, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeq, &acdUseSeq, &acdUseIn, "Readable sequence(s)" }, {"seqout", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrSeqout, acdQualSeqout, acdSetSeqout, acdHelpTextSeqout, acdDelSeqout, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeqout, &acdUseSeqout, &acdUseOut, "Writeable sequence" }, {"seqoutall", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrSeqoutall, acdQualSeqoutall, acdSetSeqoutall, acdHelpTextSeqout, acdDelSeqout, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeqout, &acdUseSeqout, &acdUseOut, "Writeable sequence(s)" }, {"seqoutset", "output", acdSecOutput, acdAttrSeqoutset, acdQualSeqoutset, acdSetSeqoutset, acdHelpTextSeqout, acdDelSeqout, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeqout, &acdUseSeqout, &acdUseOut, "Writeable sequences" }, {"seqset", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrSeqset, acdQualSeqset, acdSetSeqset, acdHelpTextSeq, acdDelSeqset, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeq, &acdUseSeq, &acdUseIn, "Readable set of sequences" }, {"seqsetall", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrSeqsetall, acdQualSeqsetall, acdSetSeqsetall, acdHelpTextSeq, acdDelSeqsetArray, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptSeq, &acdUseSeq, &acdUseIn, "Readable sets of sequences" }, {"string", "simple", NULL, acdAttrString, NULL, acdSetString, NULL, acdDelStr, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "String value" }, {"toggle", "simple", NULL, acdAttrToggle, NULL, acdSetToggle, NULL, acdFree, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, NULL, &acdUseMisc, &acdUseMisc, "Toggle value Yes/No" }, {"tree", "input", acdSecInput, acdAttrTree, NULL, acdSetTree, NULL, acdDelPhyloTree, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptTree, &acdUseData, &acdUseIn, "Phylogenetic tree" }, {"xygraph", "graph", acdSecOutput, acdAttrGraphxy, acdQualGraphxy, acdSetGraphxy, NULL, acdFree, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, acdPromptGraph, &acdUseGraph, &acdUseOut, "Graph device for a 2D graph" }, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* @datastatic AcdPValid ****************************************************** ** ** ACD valid input structure. For each ACD type, stores functions ** that reports on valid input and expected values ** ** @alias AcdSValid ** @alias AcdOValid ** ** @attr Name [const char*] ACD type name ** @attr Valid [(void*)] Function to report valid values in general ** @attr Expect [(void*)] Function to report expected values ** for this definition ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AcdSValid { const char* Name; void (*Valid) (const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); void (*Expect) (const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str); } AcdOValid; #define AcdPValid AcdOValid* /* @funclist acdValue ********************************************************* ** ** ACD type help processing, includes functions to describe valid ** values and expected values in -help output and -acdtable output ** ******************************************************************************/ AcdOValid acdValue[] = { {"align", acdHelpValidOut, acdHelpExpectOut}, {"codon", acdHelpValidCodon, acdHelpExpectCodon}, {"datafile", acdHelpValidData, acdHelpExpectData}, {"dirlist", acdHelpValidDirlist, acdHelpExpectDirlist}, {"featout", acdHelpValidFeatout, acdHelpExpectFeatout}, {"features", acdHelpValidFeatures, acdHelpExpectFeatures}, {"filelist", acdHelpValidFilelist, acdHelpExpectFilelist}, {"float", acdHelpValidFloat, acdHelpExpectFloat}, {"graph", acdHelpValidGraph, acdHelpExpectGraph}, {"infile", acdHelpValidIn, acdHelpExpectIn}, {"integer", acdHelpValidInt, acdHelpExpectInt}, {"list", acdHelpValidList, NULL}, {"matrix", acdHelpValidMatrix, acdHelpExpectMatrix}, {"matrixf", acdHelpValidMatrix, acdHelpExpectMatrix}, {"outfile", acdHelpValidOut, acdHelpExpectOut}, {"regexp", acdHelpValidRegexp, acdHelpExpectRegexp}, {"report", acdHelpValidOut, acdHelpExpectOut}, {"select", acdHelpValidSelect, NULL}, {"seqall", acdHelpValidSeq, acdHelpExpectSeq}, {"seqset", acdHelpValidSeq, acdHelpExpectSeq}, {"seqsetall", acdHelpValidSeq, acdHelpExpectSeq}, {"sequence", acdHelpValidSeq, acdHelpExpectSeq}, {"seqout", acdHelpValidSeqout, acdHelpExpectSeqout}, {"seqoutall", acdHelpValidSeqout, acdHelpExpectSeqout}, {"seqoutset", acdHelpValidSeqout, acdHelpExpectSeqout}, {"string", acdHelpValidString, acdHelpExpectString}, {"range", acdHelpValidRange, acdHelpExpectRange}, {"xygraph", acdHelpValidGraph, acdHelpExpectGraph}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static const char* acdResource[] = { "genetic code", NULL }; /*** command line retrieval routines ***/ /* @section initialisation **************************************************** ** ** Initialises everything needed for ACD processing. ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Init Initialise internals ** ** @argrule Init pgm [const char*] Program name ** @argrule Init argc [ajint] Number of command line arguments ** @argrule Init argv [char* const[]] Command line arguments ** @argrule P package [const char*] Package name (empty for default name) ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdInit ************************************************************ ** ** Initialises everything. Reads an ACD (AJAX Command Definition) file ** prompts the user for any missing information, reads all sequences ** and other input into local structures which applications can request. ** ** @param [r] pgm [const char*] Application name, used as the name ** of the ACD file ** @param [r] argc [ajint] Number of arguments provided on the command line, ** usually passsed as-is by the calling application. ** @param [r] argv [char* const[]] Actual arguments as an array of text. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdInit(const char *pgm, ajint argc, char * const argv[]) { ajAcdInitP(pgm, argc, argv, ""); return; } /* @func ajAcdInitP *********************************************************** ** ** Initialises everything. Reads an ACD (AJAX Command Definition) file ** prompts the user for any missing information, reads all sequences ** and other input into local structures which applications can request. ** ** @param [r] pgm [const char*] Application name, used as the name ** of the ACD file ** @param [r] argc [ajint] Number of arguments provided on the command line, ** usually passsed as-is by the calling application. ** @param [r] argv [char* const[]] Actual arguments as an array of text. ** @param [r] package [const char*] Package name, used to find the ACD file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdInitP(const char *pgm, ajint argc, char * const argv[], const char *package) { static AjPFile acdFile = NULL; static AjPStr acdLine = NULL; static AjPStr acdRoot = NULL; static AjPStr acdRootInst = NULL; static AjPStr acdPack = NULL; static AjPStr acdPackRoot = NULL; static AjPStr acdPackRootName = NULL; static AjPStr acdUtilRoot = NULL; AjPStr comment = NULL; AjPStrTok tokenhandle = NULL; char white[] = " \t\n\r"; AjPList acdListWords = NULL; AjPList acdListCount = NULL; AjPStr tmpword = NULL; /* words to add to acdListWords */ ajint i; ajint *k = NULL; ajint *kc = NULL; ajuint *kp = NULL; ajuint pos; acdProgram = ajStrNewC(pgm); acdSecList = ajListstrNew(); acdSecTable = ajTablestrNewCaseLen(50); acdLog("testing acdprompts"); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdprompts", &acdTmpStr)) { acdLog("acdprompts '%S'", acdTmpStr); if(ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &i)) acdPromptTry = i; if(acdPromptTry < 1) acdPromptTry = 1; acdLog("acdPromptTry %d", acdPromptTry); } if(ajNamGetValueC("acdlog", &acdTmpStr)) ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &acdDoLog); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdwarnrange", &acdTmpStr)) ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &acdDoWarnRange); /* pre-parse the command line for special options */ acdArgsScan(argc, argv); ajDebug("ajAcdInitP pgm '%s' package '%s'\n", pgm, package); /* open the command definition file */ ajStrAssignS(&acdPack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(&acdRootInst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&acdRootInst); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", &acdRoot)) { /* _acdroot variable defined */ ajDirnameFix(&acdRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%S%s.acd", acdRoot, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (acdroot)\n", acdFName); acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); } else if(*package) { /* separate package */ /* ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/%s.acd", acdRootInst, acdPack, pgm);*/ ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%Sshare/EMBOSS/acd/%s.acd", acdRootInst, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (package '%s' installed)\n", acdFName, package); acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); if(!acdFile) { acdLog("acdfile '%S' not opened\n", acdFName); ajStrAssignC(&acdPack, package); /* package name for acdInitP */ ajStrFmtLower(&acdPack); ajStrAssignS(&acdPackRootName, acdPack); ajStrAppendC(&acdPackRootName, "acdroot"); if(ajNamGetValue(acdPackRootName, &acdPackRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&acdPackRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%S%s.acd", acdPackRoot, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (package %sacdroot)\n", acdFName, package); } else { ajStrAssignS(&acdPackRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameUp(&acdPackRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%Sembassy/%S/emboss_acd/%s.acd", acdPackRoot, acdPack, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (package %s source)\n", acdFName, package); } acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); } } else { /* main package */ ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/%s.acd", acdRootInst, acdPack, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (installed)\n", acdFName); acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); if(!acdFile) { acdLog("acdfile '%S' not opened\n", acdFName); ajStrAssignC(&acdPack, package); /* package name for acdInitP */ ajStrFmtLower(&acdPack); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdutilroot", &acdUtilRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&acdUtilRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%S%s.acd", acdUtilRoot, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (acdutilroot)\n", acdFName); acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); } } if(!acdFile) { acdLog("acdfile '%S' not opened\n", acdFName); ajStrAssignS(&acdRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(&acdRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&acdFName, "%Sacd/%s.acd", acdRoot, pgm); acdLog("Trying acdfile '%S' (original main source)\n", acdFName); acdFile = ajFileNewInNameS(acdFName); if(!acdFile) { acdLog("acdfile '%S' not opened\n", acdFName); } } } if(!acdFile) /* test by nofile.acd */ acdError("ACD file not opened\n"); /* read the whole file into a string [change to use a list later] */ acdListWords = ajListstrNew(); acdListCount = ajListNew(); acdListComments = ajListstrNew(); acdListCommentsCount = ajListNew(); acdListCommentsColumn = ajListNew(); while(ajReadlineTrim(acdFile, &acdLine)) { AJNEW0(k); *k = ajListGetLength(acdListWords); ajListPushAppend(acdListCount, k); if(ajStrCutCommentsRestpos(&acdLine, &comment, &pos)) { tokenhandle = ajStrTokenNewC(acdLine, white); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&tokenhandle, &tmpword)) { if(ajStrGetLen(tmpword)) /* nothing before first whitespace */ { ajListstrPushAppend(acdListWords, tmpword); tmpword = NULL; } else { ajStrDel(&tmpword); } } ajStrTokenDel(&tokenhandle); ajStrDel(&tmpword); /* empty token at the end */ } if (ajStrGetLen(comment)) { ajListstrPushAppend(acdListComments, comment); comment = NULL; AJNEW(kc); *kc = ajListGetLength(acdListWords); ajListPushAppend(acdListCommentsCount, kc); kc = NULL; AJNEW(kp); *kp = pos; ajListPushAppend(acdListCommentsColumn, kp); kp = NULL; } } ajFileClose(&acdFile); ajStrDel(&acdLine); AJNEW0(k); *k = ajListGetLength(acdListWords); ajListPushAppend(acdListCount, k); acdCodeInit(); acdKnowntypeInit(); /* Parse the input to set the initial definitions */ acdParse(acdListWords, acdListCount); ajListstrFreeData(&acdListWords); ajListFreeData(&acdListCount); if(acdDoPretty || acdDoValid) ajExit(); /* Fill in incomplete information like parameter numbers */ acdProcess(); AJCNEW0(acdParamSet, acdNParam+1); /* report on what we have so far */ acdListReport("Definitions in ACD file"); /* parse the command line and update the values */ acdArgsParse(argc, argv); /* report on what we have so far */ acdListReport("Results of parsing command line arguments"); /* set the true values and prompt for missing standard values */ if(acdDoTable) acdHelp(); acdSetAll(); /* report on what we have now */ acdListReport("Final results after setting values and prompting the user"); /* all done */ ajStrDel(&acdRoot); ajStrDel(&acdRootInst); ajStrDel(&acdPack); ajStrDel(&acdPackRoot); ajStrDel(&acdPackRootName); ajStrDel(&acdFName); ajStrDel(&comment); return; } /*===========================================================================*/ /*========================= ACD File Parsing ================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* @funcstatic acdStage ******************************************************* ** ** Tests next token to set the next parsing stage. ** ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Current token ** @return [AcdEStage] Stage enumerated code ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdEStage acdStage(const AjPStr token) { ajint i; ajint ifound=0; AcdEStage j=BAD_STAGE; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); if(!ajStrGetLen(token)) return BAD_STAGE; i = QUAL_STAGE + 1; while(acdKeywords[i].Name) /* ACD keywords */ { if(ajStrMatchC(token, acdKeywords[i].Name)) return acdKeywords[i].Stage; if(ajCharPrefixS(acdKeywords[i].Name, token)) { ifound++; j = acdKeywords[i].Stage; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, acdKeywords[i].Name); } i++; } i = 0; while(acdType[i].Name) /* ACD types as qualifiers */ { if(ajStrMatchC(token, acdType[i].Name)) return QUAL_STAGE; if(ajCharPrefixS(acdType[i].Name, token)) { ifound++; j = QUAL_STAGE; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, acdType[i].Name); } i++; } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated stage '%S' (%S)", token, ambigList); return j; } if(ifound > 1) { /* test ambigtype.acd */ acdError("ambiguous acd type %S (%S)", token, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return BAD_STAGE; } /* @funcstatic acdParse ******************************************************* ** ** Parse the command line definition and build data structures from it. ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words (as strings) ** from ACD file. List empty on completion ** @param [u] listcount [AjPList] List of word count before each line. ** List empty on completion ** @return [void] ** @see acdNewAppl ** @see acdNewQual ** @see acdNewVar ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdParse(AjPList listwords, AjPList listcount) { AjPStr acdStrType = NULL; AjPStr acdStrAlias = NULL; AjPStr acdStrValue = NULL; AjPStr secname = NULL; ajint linecount = 0; ajint lineword = 0; ajint *iword = NULL; ajint *icword = NULL; ajint *icpos = NULL; AjPStr cmtstr = NULL; AjPTime today = NULL; /* initialise the global line number counter to zero */ acdLineNum = 0; while(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && !acdCmtWord) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); acdCmtWord = *icword; if(!acdCmtWord) { ajStrDel(&cmtstr); ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); acdPrettyComment(cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); } } if(ajStrGetLen(cmtstr)) { acdPretty("\n"); ajStrDel(&cmtstr); } while(ajListGetLength(listcount) && (!lineword)) { ajListPeek(listcount, (void**) &iword); if(*iword) lineword = *iword; else { ajListPop(listcount, (void**) &iword); linecount++; acdLineNum = linecount - 1; AJFREE(iword); } } lineword = 0; acdWordNum = 0; while(ajListGetLength(listwords)) { acdWordNextName(listwords, &acdStrType); while(ajListGetLength(listcount) && (lineword < acdWordNum)) { ajListPop(listcount, (void**) &iword); lineword = *iword; linecount++; acdLineNum = linecount - 1; AJFREE(iword); } acdCurrentStage = acdStage(acdStrType); if(acdWordNum == 1) if(acdCurrentStage != APPL_STAGE) /* test noappl.acd */ acdError("Application definition required at start"); switch(acdCurrentStage) { case APPL_STAGE: if(acdWordNum != 1) acdError("Application definition allowed only at start"); /* application: then the appl name */ acdParseName(listwords, &acdStrName); if (!ajStrMatchS(acdStrName, acdProgram)) acdError("Application name '%S' does not match filename '%S'", acdStrName, acdProgram); acdNewCurr = acdNewAppl(acdStrName); acdWordNum++; /* add one for '[' */ acdPretty("%s: %S [\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName); acdWordNum--; /* not yet parsed '[' */ acdParseAttributes(acdNewCurr, listwords); acdValidAppl(acdNewCurr); /* automatic $(today) variable */ ajStrAssignC(&acdStrName, "today"); today = ajTimeNewToday(); ajFmtPrintS(&acdStrValue, "%D", today); ajTimeDel(&today); acdNewCurr = acdNewVar(acdStrName); acdSetVarDef(acdNewCurr, acdStrValue); break; /* type: qualname alias[ attr: value ] ** ** The alias name is optional (defaults to the qualifier name) ** The [] are required so the token can be detected. Attributes ** are defined for each "type", as are associated ** qualifiers. There is no distinction between them here. The ** difference is that the qualifier values are defaults which ** can be overridden on the command line */ case QUAL_STAGE: acdParseAlpha(listwords, &acdStrName); if(acdNotLeftB(listwords)) { /* test badalias.acd */ if(!acdWordNextLower(listwords, &acdStrAlias) || !ajStrIsAlpha(acdStrAlias)) acdError("Bad syntax qualifier alias name '%S'", acdStrAlias); } else /* we have an alternate name before the '[' */ ajStrAssignS(&acdStrAlias, acdStrName); acdNewCurr = acdNewQual(acdStrName, acdStrAlias, &acdStrType, 0); acdWordNum++; /* add one for '[' */ if(!ajStrMatchS(acdStrName, acdStrAlias)) acdPretty("\n%S: %S %S [\n", acdStrType, acdStrName, acdStrAlias); else acdPretty("\n%S: %S [\n", acdStrType, acdStrName); acdWordNum--; /* not yet parsed '[' */ acdParseAttributes(acdNewCurr, listwords); acdValidQual(acdNewCurr); break; case SEC_STAGE: /* section: name [ attrlist ] */ acdParseName(listwords, &acdStrName); acdNewCurr = acdNewSec(acdStrName); acdWordNum++; /* add one for '[' */ acdPretty("\n%s: %S [\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName); acdWordNum--; /* not yet parsed '[' */ acdParseAttributes(acdNewCurr, listwords); acdValidSection(acdNewCurr); acdPrettyShift(); break; case ENDSEC_STAGE: /* endsection: name */ /* remove from list of current sections */ acdParseName(listwords, &acdStrName); acdNewCurr = acdNewEndsec(acdStrName); acdValidSection(acdNewCurr); acdPrettyUnShift(); acdPretty("\n%s: %S\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName); break; /* catch-all for failed parsing */ case VAR_STAGE: /* then the variable name and the value */ acdParseName(listwords, &acdStrName); ajStrAssignS(&acdStrValue, acdParseValue(listwords)); acdNewCurr = acdNewVar(acdStrName); acdSetVarDef(acdNewCurr, acdStrValue); acdPretty("\n%s: %S \"%S\"\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName, acdStrValue); break; case REL_STAGE: /* relation: name [ attrlist ] */ acdParseName(listwords, &acdStrName); acdNewCurr = acdNewRel(acdStrName); acdWordNum++; /* add one for '[' */ acdPretty("\n%s: %S [\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName); acdWordNum--; /* not yet parsed '[' */ acdParseAttributes(acdNewCurr, listwords); acdValidRelation(acdNewCurr); acdPrettyShift(); break; case BAD_STAGE: /* test badstage.acd */ default: /* Fatal - should never happen */ acdError("Unrecognized token '%S'\n", acdStrType); break; } } acdLog("-- All Done --\n"); acdLog("-- All Done : acdSecList length %d\n", ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)); acdLineNum = linecount; if(ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)) /* fatal error, unclosed section(s) */ { while(ajListstrPop(acdSecList, &secname)) { ajDebug("Section '%S' has no endsection\n", secname); ajErr("Section '%S' has no endsection", secname); /* fails below */ ajStrDel(&secname); } acdLog("Unclosed sections in ACD file\n"); acdError("Unclosed sections in ACD file"); /* test noendsec.acd */ } acdPrettyClose(); ajStrDel(&acdStrName); /* the global string ... no longer needed */ ajStrDel(&acdStrAlias); ajStrDel(&acdStrType); ajStrDel(&acdStrValue); ajListstrFreeData(&acdSecList); acdLineNum = 0; while(ajListGetLength(listcount)) { ajListPop(listcount, (void**) &iword); AJFREE(iword); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdParseValue ************************************************** ** ** Uses ajStrTok to complete a (possibly) quoted value. ** Note that ajStrTok has a stored internal copy of the text string ** which is set up at the start of acdParse and is being used here. ** ** Quotes can be single or double. ** ** The early versions also allowed any kind of parentheses, ** depending on the first character of the next token examined. ** This is now obsolete, to simplify the syntax and to allow ** future reuse of parentheses. ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of strings for each word ** to be parsed ** @return [AjPStr] String containing next value from list ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr acdParseValue(AjPList listwords) { AjPStr strp=NULL; char endq[]=" "; ajint iquote; char *cq; AjBool done = ajFalse; const char *quotes = "\"'"; const char *endquotes = "\"'"; acdParseQuotes = ajFalse; if(!acdWordNext(listwords, &strp)) /* test: novalue.acd */ acdErrorAcd(acdNewCurr, "Unexpected end of file, attribute value not found\n"); cq = strchr(quotes, ajStrGetCharFirst(strp)); if(!cq) /* no quotes, simple return */ { ajStrAssignS(&acdParseReturn, strp); ajStrDel(&strp); return acdParseReturn; } acdParseQuotes = ajTrue; /* quote found: parse up to closing quote then strip white space */ iquote = cq - quotes; endq[0] = endquotes[iquote]; ajStrCutStart(&strp, 1); ajStrDel(&acdParseReturn); while(!done) { if(ajStrSuffixC(strp, endq)) { /* check for trailing quotes */ ajStrCutEnd(&strp, 1); done = ajTrue; } if(ajStrGetLen(strp)) { if(ajStrGetLen(acdParseReturn)) { ajStrAppendC(&acdParseReturn, " "); ajStrAppendS(&acdParseReturn, strp); } else ajStrAssignS(&acdParseReturn, strp); } if(!done) if(!acdWordNext(listwords, &strp)) /* test noquote.acd */ acdErrorAcd(acdNewCurr, "Unexpected end of file, no closing quote\n"); } ajStrDel(&strp); return acdParseReturn; } /* @funcstatic acdWordNext **************************************************** ** ** Returns the next word from a list ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @param [w] pword [AjPStr*] Next word from the list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdWordNext(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword) { ajStrDel(pword); if(ajListstrPop(listwords, pword)) { acdWordNum++; return ajTrue; } ajStrAssignClear(pword); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdWordNextLower *********************************************** ** ** Returns the next word from a list, in lower case. ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @param [w] pword [AjPStr*] Next word from the list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdWordNextLower(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword) { if(acdWordNext(listwords, pword)) { if(!ajStrIsLower(*pword)) { acdWarn("Automatically converting '%S' to lower case", *pword); ajStrFmtLower(pword); } return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdWordNextName *********************************************** ** ** Returns the next word from a list, in lower case ** ** This must be an ACD name (type or attribute) alphabetic only, ** with a trailing ':' ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @param [w] pword [AjPStr*] Next word from the list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdWordNextName(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword) { if(acdWordNext(listwords, pword)) { if(ajStrGetCharLast(*pword) != ':') { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(*pword) == ':')/* test nocolon.acd */ acdError("Found ':' at start of word '%S'", *pword); else if(ajStrFindAnyK(*pword, ':') > 0) acdError("Expected space missing after ':' in '%S'", *pword); else acdError("Expected ':' not found after '%S'", *pword); return ajFalse; } ajStrCutEnd(pword, 1); if(!ajStrIsAlpha(*pword)) return ajFalse; ajStrFmtLower(pword); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdParseName *********************************************** ** ** Returns the next word from a list, in lower case. ** ** This must be an ACD name (alphanumeric allowed as this is not used ** for qualifier names) ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @param [w] pword [AjPStr*] Next word from the list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdParseName(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword) { if(acdWordNextLower(listwords, pword)) if(ajStrIsAlnum(*pword)) return; /* test noapplname.acd badapplname.acd */ acdError("Bad or missing %s name '%S'", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, *pword); return; } /* @funcstatic acdParseAlpha ************************************************** ** ** Returns the next word from a list, in lower case. ** ** This must be an alphabetic word, no numbers or underscores allowed. ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @param [w] pword [AjPStr*] Next word from the list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdParseAlpha(AjPList listwords, AjPStr* pword) { if(acdWordNextLower(listwords, pword)) if(ajStrIsAlpha(*pword)) return; /* test noqualname.acd badqualname.acd */ acdError("Bad or missing %s alphabetic name '%S'", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, *pword); return; } /* @funcstatic acdNotLeftB **************************************************** ** ** Tests the start of the next word in the list for '[' at the start ** ** Does not remove the '[' ** ** @param [r] listwords [const AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if start of string does not match '[' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdNotLeftB(const AjPList listwords) { char ch; AjPStr pstr = NULL; if(!ajListstrPeek(listwords, &pstr)) return ajFalse; ch = ajStrGetCharFirst(pstr); if(ch == '[') return ajFalse; /* do not delete pstr - we only peeked */ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdIsLeftB ***************************************************** ** ** Tests the start of the next word in the list for '[' at the start ** ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of words parsed from ACD file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if start of string matches '[' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsLeftB(AjPList listwords) { char ch; AjPStr teststr = NULL; AjPStr pstr = NULL; if(!ajListstrPeek(listwords, &teststr)) return ajFalse; ch = ajStrGetCharFirst(teststr); if(ch == '[') { ajStrCutStart(&teststr, 1); /* trim the leading '[' in the list */ if(!ajStrGetLen(teststr)) { /* only the '[' so remove from the list */ acdWordNext(listwords, &pstr); /* must succeed - Peeked */ ajStrDel(&pstr); /* empty - ignored - so delete */ teststr = NULL; } return ajTrue; } /* do not delete teststr - we only peeked - deleted as pstr */ return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdIsRightB **************************************************** ** ** Tests for ']' to look for ascent to a higher level of parsing. ** ** Tests the end of the current string ** If that fails, tests the start of the next word in the list. ** ** Afterwards, the value of pstr is the last word with any ']' removed ** ** @param [w] pstr [AjPStr*] String which has a trailing ']' removed if found ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of remaining words to be parsed ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if end of string matches ']' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsRightB(AjPStr* pstr, AjPList listwords) { AjPStr teststr = NULL; char ch; if(*pstr && !acdParseQuotes) { ch = ajStrGetCharLast(*pstr); if(ch == ']') /* test input pstr value for ']' at end */ { ajStrCutEnd(pstr, 1); return ajTrue; } } /* go on to the next word in the list */ if(!ajListstrPeek(listwords, &teststr)) /* leftend.acd valend.acd */ acdErrorAcd(acdNewCurr, "End of file looking for ']'"); ch = ajStrGetCharFirst(teststr); if(ch == ']') /* next word starts with ']' */ { ajStrCutStart(&teststr, 1); /* trim the word - in the list */ if(!ajStrGetLen(teststr)) /* only "]" so delete it */ { acdWordNext(listwords, &acdTmpStr); /* works - used ajListstrPeek */ teststr = NULL; } return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdParseAttributes ********************************************* ** ** Parse the attribute list for an ACD type ** ** @param [r] acd [const AcdPAcd] Acd object ** @param [u] listwords [AjPList] List of parsed words ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdParseAttributes(const AcdPAcd acd, AjPList listwords) { AjPStr strAttr = NULL; AjPStr strValue = NULL; AjPStr strFixValue = NULL; AjBool done=ajFalse; ajint i=0; if(!acdIsLeftB(listwords)) /* test noleftappl.acd noleftsec.acd */ /* noleftq.acd */ acdErrorAcd(acdNewCurr, "Failed to find '[' for %s %S\n", acdKeywords[acdCurrentStage].Name, acdStrName); acdPrettyShift(); done = acdIsRightB(&strAttr, listwords); /* could be [ ] */ /* continue parsing until we reach a true closing ']' character */ while(!done) { if(!acdWordNextName(listwords, &strAttr)) /* test: noattname.acd */ acdErrorAcd(acdNewCurr, "Bad or missing attribute name '%S'", strAttr); for (i=0;acdAttrAlias[i].OldName;i++) { if (ajStrMatchC(strAttr, acdAttrAlias[i].OldName)) { ajStrAssignC(&strAttr, acdAttrAlias[i].NewName); break; } } ajStrAssignS(&strValue, acdParseValue(listwords)); done = acdIsRightB(&strValue, listwords); /* will this be last pair? */ ajStrAssignS(&strFixValue, strValue); acdTextFormat(&strFixValue); if(acdCurrentStage == QUAL_STAGE) acdSet(acd, &strAttr, strFixValue); else acdSetKey(acd, &strAttr, strFixValue); if(done) acdWordNum--; acdPrettyWrap(ajStrGetLen(strAttr)+3, "%S: \"%S\"", strAttr, strValue); if(done) acdWordNum++; } acdPrettyUnShift(); acdPretty("]\n"); ajStrDel(&strAttr); ajStrDel(&strValue); ajStrDel(&strFixValue); return; } /* @funcstatic acdNewAppl ***************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for an application ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD application object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewAppl(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd acd; AcdPAcd qacd; AcdPAcd saveqacd = NULL; AcdPQual quals; AjPStr qname = NULL; AjPStr qtype = NULL; static ajint firstcall = 1; static ajint ikey; ajint i; if(firstcall) { ikey = acdFindKeyC("application"); firstcall = 0; } i = 0; quals = acdQualAppl; if(quals) { while(quals[i].Name) { ajStrAssignC(&qname, quals[i].Name); ajStrAssignC(&qtype, quals[i].Type); /* qacd = acdNewQual(qname, qname, &qtype, o);*/ qacd = acdNewQualQual(qname, &qtype); if(*quals[i].Default) acdSetDefC(qacd, quals[i].Default); if(!i) saveqacd = qacd; /* save the location of the first one */ i++; } } acd = acdNewAcdKey(name, name, ikey); acd->Level = ACD_APPL; if(saveqacd) acd->AssocQuals = saveqacd; ajStrDel(&qname); ajStrDel(&qtype); return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewVar ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for a variable ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD variable object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewVar(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd acd; static ajint firstcall = 1; static ajint ikey; if(firstcall) { ikey = acdFindKeyC("variable"); firstcall = 0; } acd = acdNewAcdKey(name, name, ikey); acd->Level = ACD_VAR; return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewRel ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for a relation ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD variable object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewRel(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd acd; static ajint firstcall = 1; static ajint ikey; if(firstcall) { ikey = acdFindKeyC("relation"); firstcall = 0; } acdLog("acdNewRel '%S'\n", name); acd = acdNewAcdKey(name, name, ikey); acd->Level = ACD_RELATION; return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewSec ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for a section ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD variable object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewSec(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd acd; static ajint firstcall = 1; static ajint ikey; AjPStr secname=NULL; AjPStr secfull=NULL; AjPStr secfullvalue=NULL; if(firstcall) { ikey = acdFindKeyC("section"); firstcall = 0; } acdLog("acdNewSec '%S' acdSecList length %d\n", name, ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)); acd = acdNewAcdKey(name, name, ikey); acd->Level = ACD_SEC; ajStrAssignS(&secname, name); ajListstrPush(acdSecList, secname); acdValidSectionFull(&secfull); ajStrAssignS(&secfullvalue, name); acdLog("Full section '%S'\n", secfull); if (ajTablePut(acdSecTable, secfull, secfullvalue)) acdError("Duplicate section '%S'", name); acdLog("acdNewSec acdSecList push '%S' new length %d\n", secname, ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)); return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewEndsec *************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for an end of section ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD variable object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewEndsec(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd acd; static ajint firstcall = 1; static ajint ikey; AjPStr secname=NULL; if(firstcall) { ikey = acdFindKeyC("endsection"); firstcall = 0; } acdLog("acdNewEndsec '%S' acdSecList length %d\n", name, ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)); if(!ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)) /* test endsecextra.acd */ { acdLog("Bad endsection '%S', not in a section\n", name); acdError("Bad endsection '%S', not in a section", name); } else { ajListstrPop(acdSecList, &secname); acdLog("Pop from acdSecList '%S' new length %d\n", secname, ajListstrGetLength(acdSecList)); if(!ajStrMatchS(name, secname)) /* test badendsec.acd */ { acdLog("Bad endsection '%S', current section is '%S\n'", name, secname); acdError("Bad endsection '%S', current section is '%S'", name, secname); } ajStrDel(&secname); } acd = acdNewAcdKey(name, name, ikey); acd->Level = ACD_ENDSEC; return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewQual ***************************************************** ** ** Constructor front end for a qualifier ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [u] type [AjPStr*] Type of value to be defined. Expanded to full ** type name. ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] Parameter number (zero for general qualifiers) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD parameter object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewQual(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, AjPStr* type, ajint pnum) { AcdPAcd acd; AcdPAcd qacd; AcdPAcd vacd; AcdPAcd saveqacd = NULL; AcdPQual quals; AjPStr qname = NULL; AjPStr qtype = NULL; AjPStr protName = NULL; ajint itype; ajint i; itype = acdFindType(*type); ajStrAssignC(type, acdType[itype].Name); /* do any associated qualifiers first so they are already complete when we come to the parameter later in processing */ i = 0; quals = acdType[itype].Quals; /* any associated qualifiers for itype? */ if(quals) while(quals[i].Name) { ajStrAssignC(&acdQNameTmp, quals[i].Name); ajStrAssignC(&acdQTypeTmp, quals[i].Type); qacd = acdNewQualQual(acdQNameTmp, &acdQTypeTmp); if(*quals[i].Default) acdSetDefC(qacd, quals[i].Default); if(!i) saveqacd = qacd; /* save the location of the first one */ i++; } /* ** now set up the new parameter, and link in the list of qualifiers ** (if any) from earlier */ acdTestUnknown(name, token, pnum); acd = acdNewAcd(name, token, itype); acd->Level = ACD_QUAL; if(saveqacd) acd->AssocQuals = saveqacd; ajStrDel(&qname); ajStrDel(&qtype); /* ** For the first sequence, set the sequence type variable */ if(!ajStrGetLen(acdVarAcdProtein)) if((acdType[itype].Attr == acdAttrSeq) || (acdType[itype].Attr == acdAttrSeqall) || (acdType[itype].Attr == acdAttrSeqset) || (acdType[itype].Attr == acdAttrSeqsetall)) { ajStrAssignC(&protName, "acdprotein"); ajFmtPrintS(&acdVarAcdProtein, "$(%S.protein)", name); vacd = acdNewVar(protName); acdSetVarDef(vacd, acdVarAcdProtein); ajDebug("Set acdprotein value '%S'\n", acdVarAcdProtein); ajStrDel(&protName); } return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewQualQual ************************************************* ** ** Constructor front end for an associated qualifier ACD object. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [u] type [AjPStr*] Type of value to be defined. Expanded to full ** type name. ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD parameter object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewQualQual(const AjPStr name, AjPStr* type) { AcdPAcd acd; ajint itype; itype = acdFindType(*type); ajStrAssignC(type, acdType[itype].Name); acdTestAssocUnknown(name); acd = acdNewAcd(name, name, itype); acd->Level = ACD_QUAL; acd->Assoc = ajTrue; return acd; } /* @funcstatic acdNewAcd ****************************************************** ** ** General constructor for a new ACD qualifier object. Initialises all values ** in the ACD structure as appropriate. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [r] itype [ajint] Integer type of value to be defined ** as defined in acdFindType ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD parameter object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewAcd(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint itype) { ajint i; if(acdListLast) acdListLast = AJNEW0(acdListLast->Next); else acdListLast = AJNEW0(acdList); acdListLast->LineNum = acdLineNum; ajStrAssignS(&acdListLast->Name, name); ajStrAssignS(&acdListLast->Token, token); acdListLast->Type = itype; ++(*acdType[itype].UseCount); ++(*acdType[itype].UseClassCount); /* we do NAttr and AttrStr explicitly for clarity, */ /* though they are 0 and NULL from the AJNEW0 */ switch(acdCurrentStage) { case QUAL_STAGE: acdListLast->NAttr = acdAttrCount(itype); break; default: acdListLast->NAttr = 0; break; } if(acdListLast->NAttr) { acdListLast->AttrStr = AJCALLOC(acdListLast->NAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); for(i = 0; i < acdListLast->NAttr; i++) acdListLast->AttrStr[i] = ajStrNew(); } else acdListLast->AttrStr = NULL; acdListLast->DefStr = AJCALLOC(nDefAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); for(i = 0; i < nDefAttr; i++) acdListLast->DefStr[i] = ajStrNew(); acdListLast->Defined = ajFalse; acdListLast->Assoc = ajFalse; acdListLast->ValStr = NULL; return acdListLast; } /* @funcstatic acdNewAcdKey *************************************************** ** ** General constructor for a new ACD general object. Initialises all values ** in the ACD structure as appropriate. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [r] ikey [ajint] Integer type of value to be defined ** as defined in acdFindKey ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD parameter object for name. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdNewAcdKey(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint ikey) { ajint i; if(acdListLast) acdListLast = AJNEW0(acdListLast->Next); else acdListLast = AJNEW0(acdList); acdListLast->Next = NULL; acdListLast->LineNum = acdLineNum; ajStrAssignS(&acdListLast->Name, name); ajStrAssignS(&acdListLast->Token, token); acdListLast->PNum = 0; acdListLast->Level = ACD_APPL; acdListLast->Type = ikey; switch(acdCurrentStage) { case APPL_STAGE: acdListLast->NAttr = acdAttrKeyCount(ikey); break; case VAR_STAGE: acdListLast->NAttr = acdAttrKeyCount(ikey); break; case SEC_STAGE: acdListLast->NAttr = acdAttrKeyCount(ikey); break; default: acdListLast->NAttr = 0; break; } if(acdListLast->NAttr) { acdListLast->AttrStr = AJCALLOC(acdListLast->NAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); for(i = 0; i < acdListLast->NAttr; i++) acdListLast->AttrStr[i] = ajStrNew(); } else acdListLast->AttrStr = NULL; acdListLast->DefStr = NULL; acdListLast->SAttr = 0; acdListLast->SetAttr = NULL; acdListLast->SetStr = NULL; acdListLast->Defined = ajFalse; acdListLast->Assoc = ajFalse; acdListLast->AssocQuals = NULL; acdListLast->ValStr = NULL; acdListLast->Value = NULL; return acdListLast; } /* @funcstatic acdDel ********************************************************* ** ** General destructor for any ACD object. ** ** @param [d] Pacd [AcdPAcd*] Acd object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDel(AcdPAcd *Pacd) { AcdPAcd pa = *Pacd; ajint i; if(pa->AttrStr) { for(i = 0; i < pa->NAttr; i++) ajStrDel(&pa->AttrStr[i]); AJFREE(pa->AttrStr); } if(pa->DefStr) { for(i = 0; i < nDefAttr; i++) ajStrDel(&pa->DefStr[i]); AJFREE(pa->DefStr); } if(pa->SetStr) { for(i = 0; i < pa->SAttr; i++) ajStrDel(&pa->SetStr[i]); AJFREE(pa->SetStr); } /* for variables and relations, clear the value */ /*if(pa->Level ==ACD_VAR || pa->Level == ACD_RELATION ) ajStrDel(&pa->Value); else if(!pa->PassByRef)*/ if(pa->Assoc && ajCharMatchC(acdType[pa->Type].Name,"string")) { ajStrDel((AjPStr*)&pa->Value); } else if(pa->Level == ACD_QUAL || pa->Level == ACD_PARAM) { if(!acdType[pa->Type].PassByRef) { AJFREE(pa->Value); } else if(pa->RefPassed != REF_ALL) /* pass-by-ref but never passed */ { if(pa->RefPassed == REF_NONE) { acdType[pa->Type].TypeDel(&pa->Value); } else { AJFREE(pa->Value); } } } ajStrDel(&pa->Name); ajStrDel(&pa->Token); ajStrDel(&pa->StdPrompt); ajStrDel(&pa->OrigStr); ajStrDel(&pa->ValStr); AJFREE(*Pacd); return; } /* @funcstatic acdTestUnknown ************************************************* ** ** Makes sure that a name, token and pnum do not match any ** current ACD object. ** ** Aborts the program with a fatal error in case of problems. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] alias [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] Parameter number (zero for general qualifiers) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdTestUnknown(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr alias, ajint pnum) { AcdPAcd pa; pa = acdFindAcd(name, alias, pnum); if(pa) { if(ajStrMatchS(name, alias)) { if(pnum) /* never used? */ acdErrorAcd(pa, "Name '%S%d' not unique\n", name, pnum); else /* test: dupname.acd */ acdErrorAcd(pa, "Name '%S' not unique\n", name); } else { if(pnum) /* never used? */ acdErrorAcd(pa, "Name/Alias '%S%d'/'%S%d' not unique\n", name, pnum, alias, pnum); else /* test: dupalias.acd */ acdErrorAcd(pa, "Name/Alias '%S'/'%S' not unique\n", name, alias); } } return; } /* @funcstatic acdCountType *************************************************** ** ** Counts number of qualifiers with a given type. ** ** @param [r] type [const char*] ACD type ** @return [ajint] Number of qualifiers of this type ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdCountType(const char* type) { ajint ret = 0; AcdPAcd pa; ajint itype = 0; itype = acdFindTypeC(type); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(pa->Type == itype) ret++; } return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdTestAssocUnknown ******************************************** ** ** Makes sure that a name does not match any known ACD object name or token ** for all associated qualifiers. ** ** Aborts the program with a fatal error in case of problems. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Name or token name ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdTestAssocUnknown(const AjPStr name) { AcdPAcd pa; for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if(!pa->Assoc &&(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Token, name))) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, pa->Token)) /* test: dupassoc.acd */ acdErrorAcd(pa, "Associated qualifier '%S' clashes with '%S' " "in ACD file\n", name, pa->Name); else acdErrorAcd(pa, /* test: dupassoc2.acd */ "Associated qualifier '%S' clashes with '%S'/'%S' " "in ACD file\n", name, pa->Name, pa->Token); break; } } return; } /* @funcstatic acdFindAcd ***************************************************** ** ** Locates an ACD object by name, token and parameter number. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Qualifier name to be used on command line ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] Parameter number (zero for general qualifiers) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD object or NULL if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindAcd(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr token, ajint pnum) { AcdPAcd pa; acdLog("acdFindAcd ('%S', '%S', %d)\n", name, token, pnum); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Token, token)) if(!pa->PNum || !pnum || (pa->PNum == pnum)) { acdLog("..found '%S' %d\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); return pa; } } return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindAssoc *************************************************** ** ** Locates an ACD object for an associated qualifier by name. ** ** Aborts the program with a fatal error in case of problems. ** ** Used in defining ACD objects and in processing the commandline. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for the parameter ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] noname [const AjPStr] Alternative token name (e.g. qualifier ** with "no" prefix removed) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD object for the selected qualifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr noname) { AcdPAcd pa; ajint ifound=0; AcdPAcd ret=NULL; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(pa=thys->AssocQuals; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noname)) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noname)) return pa; ifound++; ret = pa; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated associated qualifier '%S' (%S)", name, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return ret; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("Ambiguous name/token '%S' (%S)", name, ambigList); acdErrorAcd(thys, /* ambigdefattr.acd */ "Attribute or qualifier '%S' ambiguous (%S)\n", name, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdTestAssoc *************************************************** ** ** Locates an ACD object for an associated qualifier by name. ** ** Only tests silently for a possible qualifier. ** ** If this fails, we check properly later. ** ** Used in defining ACD objects and in processing the commandline. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for the parameter ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Token name to be used by applications ** @param [r] noname [const AjPStr] Alternative token name (e.g. qualifier ** with "no" prefix removed) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD object for the selected qualifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdTestAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr noname) { AcdPAcd pa; ajint ifound=0; AcdPAcd ret=NULL; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(pa=thys->AssocQuals; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noname)) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, name) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noname)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return pa; } ifound++; ret = pa; } } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated associated qualifier '%S' (%S)", name, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return ret; } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdTestQualC *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether "name" is a valid qualifier name. ** To be valid, it must begin with "-" or '/'. ** If not, it can be taken as a value for the previous qualifier ** ** Used after a boolean option to check for a possible value ** ** Should run silently - if not valid, we will test it next anyway ** ** @param [r] name [const char*] Qualifier name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTestQualC(const char *name) { static AjPStr qstr = NULL; static AjPStr qnostr = NULL; static AjPStr qmaster = NULL; AcdPAcd pa; AcdPAcd qa; AcdPAcd savepa=NULL; ajint qnum = 0; ajint i; ajint ifound=0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; acdLog("acdTestQualC '%s'\n", name); if(*name != '-' && *name != '/' && !strstr(name, "=")) return ajFalse; /* not a qualifier name */ ambigList = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&qstr, name+1); /* lose the - or / prefix */ i = ajStrFindC(qstr, "="); /* qualifier with value */ if(i > 0) ajStrKeepRange(&qstr, 0, i-1); /* strip any value and keep testing */ if(ajStrPrefixC(qstr, "no")) /* check for -no qualifiers */ ajStrAssignSubS(&qnostr, qstr, 2, -1); else ajStrAssignClear(&qnostr); acdQualParse(&qstr, &qnostr, &qmaster, &qnum); if(ajStrGetLen(qmaster)) /* master specified as -qstr_qmaster */ { for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qmaster)) { acdLog(" *master matched* '%S'\n", pa->Name); qa = acdTestAssoc(pa, qstr, qnostr); ajStrDel(&ambigList); if(qa) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } } if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qstr)) { ifound++; savepa = pa; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); } acdLog(" ifound: %d\n", ifound); if(ifound == 1) { qa = acdTestAssoc(savepa, qstr, qnostr); ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); if(qa) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if(ifound > 1) /* master should be checked earlier */ { /* ajWarn("Ambiguous associated qualifier '%s' (%S)", name, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); */ ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); return ajFalse; } } else /* just qualifier name -qstr */ { for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qstr)) { acdLog(" *matched* '%S'\n", pa->Name); ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); return ajTrue; } if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qstr)) { ifound++; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); } } acdLog(" ifound: %d\n", ifound); if(ifound == 1) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); return ajTrue; } if(ifound > 1) { /* ajWarn("Ambiguous qualifier '%s' (%S)", name, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); */ ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); return ajFalse; } } ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&qstr); ajStrDel(&qnostr); ajStrDel(&qmaster); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdFindType **************************************************** ** ** Looks for a Type by name, and returns the number in acdType ** ** @param [r] type [const AjPStr] String containing the type name ** @return [ajint] Integer representing the type (if know). Can be ** used as position in the acdType array. ** @error If not found, the return value points to the maximum position in ** acdType which is set to NULL throughout. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdFindType(const AjPStr type) { ajint i; ajint ifound=0; ajint j=0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(i=0; acdType[i].Name; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(type, acdType[i].Name)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return i; } if(ajCharPrefixS(acdType[i].Name, type)) { ifound++; j = i; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, acdType[i].Name); } } if(ifound > 1) { /* warn now with the list, fail below */ ajWarn("ambiguous type %S (%S)", type, ambigList); } if(ifound != 1) /* Fatal: but covered by other tests */ acdError("unknown type: '%S'\n", type); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return j; } /* @funcstatic acdFindTypeC *************************************************** ** ** Looks for a Type by name, and returns the number in acdType ** ** @param [r] type [const char*] Text string containing the type name ** @return [ajint] Integer representing the type (if known). Can be ** used as position in the acdType array. ** @error If not found, the return value points to the maximum position in ** acdType which is set to NULL throughout. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdFindTypeC(const char* type) { ajint i; ajint ifound=0; ajint j=-1; ajint ilen = strlen(type); AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(i=0; acdType[i].Name; i++) { if(!strcmp(type, acdType[i].Name)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return i; } if(!strncmp(acdType[i].Name, type, ilen)) { ifound++; j = i; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, acdType[i].Name); } } if(ifound > 1) { /* warn now with the list, fail below */ ajWarn("ambiguous type %s (%S)", type, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); } if(ifound != 1) /* Fatal: but covered by other tests */ acdError("unknown type: '%s'\n", type); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return j; } /* @funcstatic acdFindKeyC **************************************************** ** ** Looks for a Keyword by name, and returns the number in acdKeywords *** ** @param [r] key [const char*] Text string containing the keyword name ** @return [ajint] Integer representing the keyword (if known). Can be ** used as position in the acdKeywords array. ** @error If not found, the return value points to the maximum position in ** acdKeywords which is set to NULL throughout. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdFindKeyC(const char* key) { ajint i; ajint ifound=0; ajint j=0; ajint ilen = strlen(key); AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ajStrAssignClear(&ambigList); for(i=QUAL_STAGE+1; acdKeywords[i].Name; i++) { if(!strcmp(key, acdKeywords[i].Name)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return i; } if(strncmp(acdKeywords[i].Name, key, ilen)) { ifound++; j = i; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, acdKeywords[i].Name); } } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("ambiguous keyword %s (%S)", key, ambigList); } if(ifound != 1) /* Fatal: but strings are hardcoded */ acdError("unknown keyword: '%s'\n", key); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return j; } /*===========================================================================*/ /*======================== Talking to the User ==============================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* @funcstatic acdReplyInit *************************************************** ** ** Builds a default value for the reply first time around. Uses a default ** specially set in the ACD, or (if none) uses the default string passed in ** parameter "defval" and also sets this as the default in the ACD. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for current item. ** @param [r] defval [const char*] Default value, as a string ** @param [w] reply [AjPStr*] String containing default reply ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value in the ACD was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdReplyInit(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *defval, AjPStr* reply) { AjPStr def; if(thys->DefStr) { def = thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]; acdLog("acdReplyInit '%S' : '%S'\n", thys->Name, def); if(ajStrGetLen(def) || thys->Defined) { ajStrAssignS(reply, def); acdVarResolve(reply); return ajTrue; } } ajStrAssignC(reply, defval); ajStrAssignC(&thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT], defval); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdDefinedEmpty ************************************************ ** ** Tests for a defined ACD value of an empty string ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for current item. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value in the ACD was used but is empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdDefinedEmpty (const AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr def; if(thys->DefStr) { def = thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]; if(thys->Defined && !ajStrGetLen(def)) return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdUserGet ***************************************************** ** ** Given an ACD containing a defined prompt, a help string, ** or a default (string) value, prompts ** the user for a string value and returns it. ** ** If prompt is set, it is used. Otherwise, info can be used. ** If neither are defined, the item name and type are used to make a ** meaningful prompt. ** ** The default value is offered if it is set. ** ** The user response is returned in "reply" ** ** If -auto is in effect, fails if there is no value. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD object for current item. ** @param [w] reply [AjPStr*] The user response, or ** the default value if accepted. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if reply contains any text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdUserGet(AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* reply) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr prompt; AjPStr info; AjPStr code; AjPStr help; acdLog("acdUserGet '%S' reply '%S'\n", thys->Name, *reply); if(thys->DefStr && !acdAuto) { prompt = thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]; info = thys->DefStr[DEF_INFO]; code = thys->DefStr[DEF_CODE]; help = thys->DefStr[DEF_HELP]; ajStrAssignS(&acdUserReplyDef, *reply); if(ajStrGetLen(code)) acdCodeGet(code, &acdUserMsg); else if(ajStrGetLen(prompt)) ajStrAssignS(&acdUserMsg, prompt); else if(ajStrGetLen(info)) ajStrAssignS(&acdUserMsg, info); else if(ajStrGetLen(thys->StdPrompt)) ajStrAssignS(&acdUserMsg, thys->StdPrompt); else if(ajStrGetLen(help)) ajStrAssignS(&acdUserMsg, help); else { if(!acdCodeDef(thys, &acdUserMsg)) { ajStrAssignResC(&acdUserMsg, 512, ""); ajFmtPrintS(&acdUserMsg, "-%S : enter %s value", thys->Name, acdType[thys->Type].Name); } } acdVarResolve(&acdUserMsg); acdLog("acdUserGet '%S' replydef '%S' msg '%S'\n", thys->Name, acdUserReplyDef, acdUserMsg); if(ajStrGetLen(acdUserReplyDef)) ret = ajUserGet(reply, "%S [%S]: ", acdUserMsg, acdUserReplyDef); else ret = ajUserGet(reply, "%S: ", acdUserMsg); if(!ret) ajStrAssignS(reply, acdUserReplyDef); if(ret) thys->UserDefined = ajTrue; acdUserSavereply(thys, NULL, ret, *reply); } if(ajStrGetLen(*reply)) ret = ajTrue; ajStrDelStatic(&acdUserMsg); ajStrDelStatic(&acdUserReplyDef); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdUserGetPrompt *********************************************** ** ** Given a defined prompt, prompts ** the user for a string value and returns it. ** ** The default value is offered if it is set. ** ** The user response is returned in "reply" ** ** If -auto is in effect, fails if there is no value. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for current item ** @param [r] assocqual [const char*] Associated qualifier ** @param [r] prompt [const char*] prompt string ** @param [w] reply [AjPStr*] The user response, or ** the default value if accepted. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if reply contains any text. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdUserGetPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* assocqual, const char* prompt, AjPStr* reply) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; if(!acdAuto) { ajStrAssignS(&acdUserReplyDef, *reply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdUserReplyDef)) ret = ajUserGet(reply, " %s [%S]: ", prompt, acdUserReplyDef); else ret = ajUserGet(reply, " %s: ", prompt); if(!ret) ajStrAssignS(reply, acdUserReplyDef); acdUserSavereply(thys, assocqual, ret, *reply); } if(ajStrGetLen(*reply)) ret = ajTrue; ajStrDelStatic(&acdUserReplyDef); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdUserSavereply *********************************************** ** ** Save the reply from prompting the user ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object for current item. ** @param [r] assocqual [const char*] Associated qualifier ** @param [r] userset [AjBool] Reply set by user ** @param [r] reply [const AjPStr] Reply string ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdUserSavereply(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* assocqual, AjBool userset, const AjPStr reply) { AjPStr qualname = NULL; if(assocqual) { ajStrAssignC(&qualname, assocqual); ajStrAppendK(&qualname, '_'); ajStrAppendS(&qualname, thys->Name); } else ajStrAssignS(&qualname, thys->Name); if(ajStrMatchS(acdInputName, qualname)) ajStrTruncateLen(&acdInputSave, acdInputLen); else { ajStrAssignS(&acdInputName, qualname); acdInputLen = ajStrGetLen(acdInputSave); } if(userset) { if(acdInputLen) ajStrAppendK(&acdInputSave, '\n'); ajStrAppendK(&acdInputSave, '-'); ajStrAppendS(&acdInputSave, qualname); ajStrAppendK(&acdInputSave, ' '); if(ajStrIsWord(reply) && (ajStrFindAnyC(reply, "*?[]") < 0)) ajStrAppendS(&acdInputSave, reply); else { ajStrAppendK(&acdInputSave, '\"'); ajStrAppendS(&acdInputSave, reply); ajStrAppendK(&acdInputSave, '\"'); } } ajStrDel(&qualname); return; } /* @funcstatic acdBadRetry **************************************************** ** ** Writes a message to stderr, and kills the application. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdBadRetry(const AcdPAcd thys) { /* test acdc-retry */ ajDie("%S terminated: Bad value for '-%S' and no more retries", acdProgram, thys->Name); } /* @funcstatic acdBadVal ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a message to stderr, returns only if this is a standard value ** and we are prompting for values. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] required [AjBool] If true, prompting for the value ** was possible. ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format with ajFmt extensions ** @param [v] [...] Optional arguments ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdBadVal(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool required, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; static AjPStr msg = NULL; /* ** replaced line below with following 2 to make msg more obvious to ** the user **/ acdLog("Failure for option '%S'\n",thys->Name); ajFmtPrintS(&msg, "%s", fmt); va_start(args, fmt) ; ajVErr(ajStrGetPtr(msg), args); va_end(args) ; if(!required && !acdAuto) /* test acdc-badadvanced */ ajDie("%S terminated: Bad value for '-%S' and no prompt", acdProgram, thys->Name); if(acdAuto) /* test acdc-badauto */ ajDie("%S terminated: Bad value for '-%S' with -auto defined", acdProgram, thys->Name); return; } /* @section return ************************************************************ ** ** Returns values to the calling program. ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Get Get value ** @nam4rule GetAlign ACD alignment datatype ** @nam4rule GetArray ACD array datatype ** @nam4rule GetBoolean ACD boolean datatype ** @nam4rule GetCodon ACD codon usage datatype ** @nam4rule GetCpdb ACD clean PDB data datatype ** @nam4rule GetDatafile ACD Datafile datatype ** @nam4rule GetDirectory ACD directory datatype ** @nam4rule GetDirlist ACD directory list datatype ** @nam4rule GetDiscretestates ACD discrete states datatype ** @nam4rule GetDistances ACD distances datatype ** @nam4rule GetFeatout ACD features output datatype ** @nam4rule GetFeatures ACD features datatype ** @nam4rule GetFilelist ACD file list datatype ** @nam4rule GetFloat ACD floating point number datatype ** @nam4rule GetFrequencies ACD frequenciesdatatype ** @nam4rule GetGraph ACD graphical output datatype ** @nam4rule GetGraphxy ACD XY plot graphical output datatype ** @nam4rule GetInfile ACD input file datatype ** @nam4rule GetInt ACD integer number datatype ** @nam4rule GetList ACD list menu items datatype ** @nam4rule GetMatrix ACD integer comparison matrix datatype ** @nam4rule GetMatrixf ACD floating point comparison matrix datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutcodon ACD codon usage output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutcpdb ACD clean PDB output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutdata ACD output datafile datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutdir ACD output directory datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutdiscrete ACD discrete states output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutdistance ACD distance output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutfile ACD output file datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutfileall ACD multiple output files datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutfreq ACD frequency output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutmatrix ACD integer comparison matrix output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutmatrixf ACD floating point comparison matrix output ** datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutproperties ACD properties output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOutscop ACD SCOP output datatype ** @nam4rule GetOuttree ACD tree output datatype ** @nam4rule GetPattern ACD prosite pattern datatype ** @nam4rule GetProperties ACD properties datatype ** @nam4rule GetRange ACD position ranges datatype ** @nam4rule GetRegexp ACD regular expression datatype ** @nam4rule GetReport ACD report output datatype ** @nam4rule GetScop ACD SCOP data file datatype ** @nam4rule GetSelect ACD selection menu items datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeq ACD sequence input datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqall ACD sequence stream inputdatatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqout ACD sequence output datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqoutall ACD sequence stream output datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqoutset ACD sequence set output datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqset ACD sequence set input datatype ** @nam4rule GetSeqsetall ACD sequence sets datatype ** @nam4rule GetString ACD string datatype ** @nam4rule GetToggle ACD boolean toggle datatype ** @nam4rule GetTree ACD phylogenetic tree datatype ** @nam4rule GetValue ACD datatype string value ** @nam5rule GetValueDefault ACD datatype default value ** @nam5rule Name Name of ACD datatype value ** @nam5rule Single First in array of ACD datatype values ** @nam3rule Is Test value ** @nam4rule IsUserdefined Test value is defined by the user ** ** @argrule Get token [const char*] Token name ** @argrule Is token [const char*] Token name ** @argrule Num token [const char*] Token name ** ** @valrule Align [AjPAlign] ** @valrule Array [AjPFloat] ** @valrule Boolean [AjBool] ** @valrule Codon [AjPCod] ** @valrule Cpdb [AjPFile] ** @valrule Datafile [AjPFile] ** @valrule Directory [AjPDir] ** @valrule Dirlist [AjPList] ** @valrule Discretestates [AjPPhyloState*] ** @valrule *DiscretestatesSingle [AjPPhyloState] ** @valrule Distances [AjPPhyloDist*] ** @valrule *DistancesSingle [AjPPhyloDist] ** @valrule Featout [AjPFeattabOut] ** @valrule Features [AjPFeattable] ** @valrule Filelist [AjPList] ** @valrule Float [float] ** @valrule Frequencies [AjPPhyloFreq] ** @valrule Graph [AjPGraph] ** @valrule Graphxy [AjPGraph] ** @valrule Infile [AjPFile] ** @valrule Int [ajint] ** @valrule List [AjPStr*] ** @valrule *ListSingle [AjPStr] ** @valrule Matrix [AjPMatrix] ** @valrule Matrixf [AjPMatrixf] ** @valrule Outcodon [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outcpdb [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outdata [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outdir [AjPDirout] ** @valrule Outdiscrete [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outdistance [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outfile [AjPFile] ** @valrule Outfileall [AjPFile] ** @valrule Outfreq [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outmatrix [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outmatrixf [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outproperties [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outscop [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Outtree [AjPOutfile] ** @valrule Pattern [AjPPatlistSeq] ** @valrule Properties [AjPPhyloProp] ** @valrule Range [AjPRange] ** @valrule Regexp [AjPPatlistRegex] ** @valrule *RegexpSingle [AjPRegexp] ** @valrule Report [AjPReport] ** @valrule Scop [AjPFile] ** @valrule Select [AjPStr*] ** @valrule *SelectSingle [AjPStr] ** @valrule Seq [AjPSeq] ** @valrule Seqall [AjPSeqall] ** @valrule Seqout [AjPSeqout] ** @valrule Seqoutall [AjPSeqout] ** @valrule Seqoutset [AjPSeqout] ** @valrule Seqset [AjPSeqset] ** @valrule Seqsetall [AjPSeqset*] ** @valrule *SeqsetallSingle [AjPSeqset] ** @valrule String [AjPStr] ** @valrule Toggle [AjBool] ** @valrule Tree [AjPPhyloTree*] ** @valrule *TreeSingle [AjPPhyloTree] ** @valrule Value [const AjPStr] ** @valrule *Name [AjPStr] ** @valrule Is [AjBool] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @funcstatic acdSetXxxx ***************************************************** ** ** Dummy function to handle prompting and validation for an ACD item type. ** A similar routine is needed for any new item type. See the other acdSet ** functions for ideas on what to include. ** ** This functions knows all the attributes, defaults, associated qualifiers ** and validation rules for type Xxxx. If any attributes (etc) are added, ** this is where the processing will be done. ** ** The final value (of type Xxxx) is set in thys as Value ** and a string equivalent for easy printing is set in thys as Valstr ** ** The function does not need to return a value. It either succeeds in filling ** in all values, or aborts with a suitable error messages. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for current item (which is ** always of type Xxxx) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetXxxx(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; /* ** create storage for val if needed, e.g. with AJNEW0(val) */ val = NULL; /* set a default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReply); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { if(required) /* need to prompt? */ acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ok = ajTrue; /* test the value somehow */ } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ajStrAssignS(&val, acdReply); /* use the validated reply */ thys->Value = val; /* set the value */ ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, val); /* set the string value */ return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetAppl ***************************************************** ** ** Makes sure all application ACD item values have been set. ** ** Called when an "appl" type ACD item is checked. Should not be called ** for any other item. The "appl" item may not be the first, as there ** are some 'standard' qualifiers set in advance for debugging, help and ** so on. ** ** At present there is nothing to prompt for here, though there could ** be, for example, a report of what the program does which would appear ** before any user prompts. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for the application item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetAppl(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr appldoc = NULL; AjPStr applobsolete = NULL; acdAttrResolve(thys, "documentation", &appldoc); acdAttrResolve(thys, "obsolete", &applobsolete); if(!acdAuto && ajStrGetLen(appldoc)) { ajStrFmtWrap(&appldoc, 75); ajUserDumpS(appldoc); } ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, thys->Name); if(ajStrGetLen(applobsolete)) { acdWarnObsolete(applobsolete); } ajStrDel(&appldoc); ajStrDel(&applobsolete); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetEndsec *************************************************** ** ** Ends the current ACD section ** ** Called when an "endsection" type ACD item is checked. Should not be called ** for any other item. ** ** At present there is nothing to prompt for here, though there could ** be, for example, a blank line at the end of a section where ** something was prompted for. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for the endsection item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetEndsec(AcdPAcd thys) { if(thys->DefStr) ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]); acdVarResolve(&thys->ValStr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetSec ****************************************************** ** ** Starts a new ACD section. ** ** Called when a "section" type ACD item is checked. Should not be called ** for any other item. ** ** At present there is nothing to prompt for here, though there could ** be, for example, a prompt issued before the first prompt for the section. ** This would be stored (the 'info' attribute) and used in the standard ** prompting functions. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for the section item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSec(AcdPAcd thys) { ajint border = 1; AjPStr comment = NULL; AjPStr folder = NULL; AjPStr info = NULL; AjPStr side = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; const char* sideVal[] = {"top", "bottom", "left", "right", NULL}; const char* typeVal[] = {"frame", "page", NULL}; if(acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &type)) if(!acdVocabCheck(type, typeVal)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "section %S, bad attribute value type: %S", thys->Name, type); if(acdAttrToInt(thys, "border", 1, &border)) { if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(type, "frame")) ajWarn("section %S, border only used by type: frame", thys->Name); if(border < 1) { acdAttrToStr(thys, "border", "", &acdTmpStr); acdErrorAcd(thys, "section %S, bad attribute value type: %S", acdTmpStr); } } acdAttrToStr(thys, "comment", "", &comment); if(acdAttrToStr(thys, "folder", "", &folder)) { if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(type, "page")) ajWarn("section %S, folder only used by type: page", thys->Name); } acdAttrToStr(thys, "information", "", &info); if(acdAttrToStr(thys, "side", "", &side)) { if(!acdVocabCheck(side, sideVal)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "section %S, bad attribute value side: %S", thys->Name, side); if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(type, "frame")) ajWarn("section %S, side only used by type: frame", thys->Name); } ajStrDel(&comment); ajStrDel(&folder); ajStrDel(&info); ajStrDel(&side); ajStrDel(&type); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetVar ****************************************************** ** ** Defines an ACD variable. ** ** Called when a "variable" type ACD item is checked. Should not be called ** for any other item. ** ** At present there is nothing to prompt for here, though there could ** be, for example, a report of what the program does which would appear ** before any user prompts. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for the application item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetVar(AcdPAcd thys) { if(thys->DefStr) ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]); acdVarResolve(&thys->ValStr); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetAlign ******************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Align as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPAlign] Alignment output object. Already opened ** by ajAlignOpent so this just returns the object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPAlign ajAcdGetAlign(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "align"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetAlign **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD alignment output item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifier "-aformat" ** is applied when writing the sequences. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetAlign(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPAlign val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "aformat", &fmt); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "aextension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "aname", &name); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "adirectory", &dir); acdOutDirectory(&dir); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } acdPromptAlign(thys); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajAlignNew(); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &val->Type); acdAttrToInt(thys, "minseqs", 0, &val->Nmin); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxseqs", 0, &val->Nmax); acdAttrToBool(thys, "multiple", ajFalse, &val->Multi); acdQualToInt(thys, "awidth", 50, &val->Width, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "aglobal", ajFalse, &val->Global, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "aaccshow", ajFalse, &val->Showacc, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "adesshow", ajFalse, &val->Showdes, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "ausashow", ajFalse, &val->Showusa, &acdTmpStr); if(!ajAlignValid(val)) { /* test acdc-alignbadformat */ ajDie("Alignment option -%S: Validation failed", thys->Name); } ajStrAssignS(&acdOutFullFName, acdReply); ajFilenameReplacePathS(&acdOutFullFName, dir); ok = ajAlignOpen(val, acdOutFullFName); if(!ok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open alignment file '%S'", acdOutFullFName); ajAlignDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Alignment file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&dir); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetArray ******************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type array as defined in a named ACD item. Called by the ** application after all ACD values have been set, and simply returns ** what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFloat] Floating point array object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFloat ajAcdGetArray(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "array"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetArray **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD floating point array item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is "0.0" with a size of 1. ** ** Min and max limits, if set, are applied without comment. ** Precision is provided for logging purposes but otherwise not (yet) used. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajStrToFloat ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetArray(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFloat val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool warnrange; AjBool sumtest; float fmin; float fmax; ajint precision; ajuint size; float sum; float tolerance; float fdef; float ftol; float ftot; AjPStr deflist = NULL; ajuint i; float* array; acdAttrToFloat(thys, "minimum", -FLT_MAX, &fmin); acdLog("minimum: %e\n", fmin); acdAttrToFloat(thys, "maximum", FLT_MAX, &fmax); acdLog("maximum: %e\n", fmax); acdAttrToFloat(thys, "sum", (float)1.0, &sum); acdLog("sum: %e\n", sum); acdAttrToFloat(thys, "tolerance", (float)0.01, &tolerance); acdLog("tolerance: %e\n", tolerance); acdAttrToInt(thys, "precision", 3, &precision); acdLog("precision: %d\n", precision); acdAttrToBool(thys, "warnrange", acdDoWarnRange, &warnrange); acdLog("warnrange: %B\n", warnrange); acdAttrToBool(thys, "sumtest", ajTrue, &sumtest); acdLog("sumtest: %B\n", sumtest); acdAttrToUint(thys, "size", 1, &size); acdLog("size: %d\n", size); if(size < 1) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Array attribute size: %d less than 1", size); fdef = sum / ((float) size); for(i=0; i < size; i++) { if(i) ajStrAppendK(&deflist, ' '); ajFmtPrintAppS(&deflist, "%.*f", precision, fdef); } val = ajFloatNewL(size); /* create storage for the result */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(deflist), &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ok = ajFloatParse(acdReply, &val); if(ok && ajFloatLen(val) != size) { ajErr("Bad array value, expected %d values, found %d", size, ajFloatLen(val)); ok = ajFalse; } if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid array value '%S', please try again", acdReply); array = ajFloatFloat(val); ftot = 0.0; for(i=0; i< size; i++) { if(array[i] < fmin) { /* reset within limits */ if(warnrange) ajWarn("floating point value [%d] out of range %.*f " "less than (reset to) %.*f", i+1, precision, array[i], precision, fmin); array[i] = fmin; } if(array[i] > fmax) { if(warnrange) ajWarn("floating point value [%d] out of range %.*f " "more than (reset to) %.*f", i+1, precision, array[i], precision, fmax); array[i] = fmax; } ftot += array[i]; } ftol = (float) fabs(ftot -sum); if(sumtest && ftol > tolerance) { ajWarn("Bad total %.*f, required total is %.*f with " "tolerance %.*f", precision, ftot, precision, sum,precision, tolerance); acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid array value '%S', please try again", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajFloatStr(val, precision, &thys->ValStr); ajStrDel(&deflist); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetBoolean ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Bool as defined in a named ACD item. Called by the ** application after all ACD values have been set, and simply returns ** what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjBool] Boolean value from ACD item ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAcdGetBoolean(const char *token) { AjBool* val; val = acdGetValue(token, "boolean"); return *val; } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetBool ** @rename ajAcdGetBoolean */ __deprecated AjBool ajAcdGetBool(const char *token) { return ajAcdGetBoolean(token); } /* @funcstatic acdSetBoolean ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD boolean item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is "N" for ajFalse. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajStrToBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetBoolean(AcdPAcd thys) { AjBool* val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AJNEW0(val); /* create storage for the result */ *val = ajFalse; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "N", &acdReplyDef); acdLog("acdSetBool -%S def: %S\n", thys->Name, acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ok = ajStrToBool(acdReply, val); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajFmtPrintS(&thys->ValStr, "%B", *val); acdSetQualAppl(thys, *val); /* check special application booleans */ acdLog("acdSetBool -%S val: %B\n", thys->Name, *val); if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Name, "help")) acdHelp(); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetCodon ******************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Codon as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPCod] Codon object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPCod ajAcdGetCodon(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "codon"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetCodon **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outfile item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetCodon(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPCod val; AjPStr name = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjPStr fmt = NULL; val = ajCodNew(); /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdLog("nullok: %B\n", nullok); if (!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "format", &fmt)) ajStrAssignClear(&fmt); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(name), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptCodon(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { if(!ajCodRead(val, acdReply, fmt)) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read codon usage '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else { if(nullok) { ajCodDel(&val); } else { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Codon file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajFalse); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&fmt); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetCpdb ********************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Cpdb as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] Cpdb input file. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetCpdb(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "cpdb"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetCpdb ***************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD clean pdb file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetCpdb(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjPStr name = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjPStr fmt = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdLog("nullok: %B\n", nullok); if (!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "format", &fmt)) ajStrAssignClear(&fmt); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(name), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptCpdb(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajFileNewInNameS(acdReply); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read cleaned PDB data '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Cleaned PDB data file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&fmt); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetDatafile ***************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Datafile as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] File object. The file was already opened by ** ajDatafileNewInNameS so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetDatafile(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "datafile"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetDatafile ************************************************* ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD datafile item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value is "programname.dat" ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetDatafile(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; AjPStr datafname = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdAttrResolve(thys, "directory", &dir); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdLog("nullok: %B\n", nullok); acdDataFilename(&datafname, name, ext, nullok); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(datafname), &acdReplyDef); /* acdPromptInfile(thys);*/ ajStrDel(&datafname); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajDatafileNewInNamePathS(acdReply, dir); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open data file '%S' for input", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&dir); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetDirectory **************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type AjPDir which has been validated as a ** directory. ** ** Optionally can be forced to have a fully qualified path when returned. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPDir] Directory object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPDir ajAcdGetDirectory(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "directory"); } /* @func ajAcdGetDirectoryName ************************************************ ** ** Returns an item of type AjPStr which has been validated as a ** directory name ** ** Optionally can be forced to have a fully qualified path when returned. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr] Directory path ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajAcdGetDirectoryName(const char *token) { AjPStr ret = NULL; AjPDir dir; dir = acdGetValue(token, "directory"); ret = ajStrNewS(ajDirGetPath(dir)); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdSetDirectory ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD directory item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value is "." the current directory. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetDirectory(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPDir val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool dopath = ajFalse; AjPStr ext = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrToBool(thys, "fullpath", ajFalse, &dopath); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ".", &acdReplyDef); acdPromptDirectory(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { if(dopath) ok = ajDirnameFillPath(&acdReply); else ok = ajDirnameFixExists(&acdReply); if (ok) { val = ajDirNewPathExt(acdReply, ext); if (!val) ok = ajFalse; } if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open directory '%S'", acdReply); } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Directory path is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetDirlist ****************************************************** ** ** Returns a list of files in a given directory. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPList] List of files. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajAcdGetDirlist(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "dirlist"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetDirlist ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD directory item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value is "." the current directory. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetDirlist(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPList val; AjPStr t; AjPStr v; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool dopath; AjPStr ext = NULL; ajint n; ajint i; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "fullpath", ajFalse, &dopath); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ".", &acdReplyDef); acdPromptDirlist(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { if(dopath) ok = ajDirnameFillPath(&acdReply); else ok = ajDirnameFixExists(&acdReply); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open directories '%S' for input", acdReply); } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); val = ajListstrNew(); /* set the default value */ t = ajStrNewC("*"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(ext)) { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(ext) != '.') ajStrInsertC(&ext, 0, "."); ajStrAppendS(&t, ext); } ajFilelistAddPathWild(val, acdReply, t); /* ajFileScan(acdReply,t,&val,ajFalse,ajFalse,NULL,NULL,ajFalse,NULL); */ /* Sort list so that list of files is system-independent */ ajListSort(val, ajStrVcmp); n = ajListGetLength(val); ajDebug("acdSetDirlist '%S' listlength %d\n", acdReply, n); for(i=0;iValue = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&t); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetDiscretestates *********************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Discrete states as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloState*] Discrete states object. ** The string was already set by ** acdSetDiscretestates so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloState* ajAcdGetDiscretestates(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "discretestates"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetDiscretestatesI ** @replace ajAcdGetDiscretestatesSingle (1,2/1) */ __deprecated AjPPhyloState ajAcdGetDiscretestatesI(const char *token, ajint num) { AjPPhyloState* val; ajint i; val = acdGetValue(token, "discretestates"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(num > i) ajWarn("value %d not found for %s, last value was %d", num, token, i-1); return val[num-1]; } /* @func ajAcdGetDiscretestatesSingle ***************************************** ** ** Returns an from an array item of type Discrete states as defined in a named ** ACD item, which is an array of objects terminated by a null value. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloState] Discrete states object. The data was already set by ** acdSetDiscretestates so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloState ajAcdGetDiscretestatesSingle(const char *token) { AjPPhyloState* val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "discretestates"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @funcstatic acdSetDiscretestates ******************************************* ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD weights file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for length and maximum property character are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetDiscretestates(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPhyloState* val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; ajint size; ajint len; AjPStr statechars = NULL; ajint i; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToInt(thys, "size", 1, &size); acdAttrToInt(thys, "length", 1, &len); acdAttrToStr(thys, "characters", "", &statechars); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptInfile(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajPhyloStateRead(acdReply, statechars); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read discrete states from '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input discrete states file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); /* properties have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcDiscrete); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcDiscrete[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); if(val) { for(i=0;val[i];i++) continue; ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],val[0]->Len); /* string length */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],val[0]->Size); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[2],i); /* number of sets */ ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajDebug("acdSetDiscretestates calc len: %d size: %d sets: %d\n", val[0]->Len, val[0]->Size, i); } else { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],0); /* string length */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],0); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[2],0); /* number of sets */ ajStrAssignClear(&thys->ValStr); } ajStrDel(&statechars); thys->Value = val; return; } /* @func ajAcdGetDistances *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Distances as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloDist*] Distances object. The string was already set by ** acdSetDistances so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloDist* ajAcdGetDistances(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "distances"); } /* @func ajAcdGetDistancesSingle ********************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Distances as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloDist] Distances object. The string was already set by ** acdSetDistances so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloDist ajAcdGetDistancesSingle(const char *token) { AjPPhyloDist *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "distances"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @funcstatic acdSetDistances *********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD weights file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for length and maximum property character are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetDistances(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPhyloDist* val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; ajint size; AjBool missing; ajint i; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToInt(thys, "size", 0, &size); acdAttrToBool(thys, "missval", ajFalse, &missing); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptInfile(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajPhyloDistRead(acdReply, size, missing); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read distances file '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Distances file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); /* properties have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcDistances); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcDistances[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); if(val) { for(i=0;val[i];i++) continue; ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],i); /* matrix count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],val[0]->Size); /* string count */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[2],val[0]->HasReplicates); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[3],val[0]->HasMissing); ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); } else { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],0); /* matrix count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],0); /* string count */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[2],ajFalse); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[3],ajFalse); ajStrAssignClear(&thys->ValStr); } thys->Value = val; return; } /* @func ajAcdGetFeatout ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type FeatOut as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFeattabOut] Feature Table output object. Already opened ** by acdSetFeatout so this just returns the object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFeattabOut ajAcdGetFeatout(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "featout"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetFeatout ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD feature table item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-offormat", "-ofopenfile" ** are applied to the UFO before opening the output file. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFeatTabOutOpen ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetFeatout(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFeattabOut val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; val = NULL; if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofname", &name)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "offormat", &fmt)) ajStrAssignS(&ext, fmt); else acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); if(!ajStrGetLen(ext)) ajFeatOutFormatDefault(&ext); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); ajDebug("acdSetFeatout checking type\n"); if(!acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &type)) { ajDebug("no type, try '%S'\n", type); if(!acdInTypeFeat(&type)) ajWarn("No output type specified for '%S'", thys->Name); } required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); acdPromptFeatout(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajFeattabOutNew(); ajDebug("Type '%S' try ajFeattabOutSetType\n", type); if(!ajFeattabOutSetType(val, type)) acdError("Invalid type for feature output"); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofopenfile", &val->Filename); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofdirectory", &val->Directory); acdOutDirectory(&val->Directory); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); ok = ajFeattabOutOpen(val, acdReply); if(!ok) { if(ajStrGetLen(val->Directory)) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open features output '%S%S'", val->Directory, acdReply); else acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open features output '%S'", acdReply); ajFeattabOutDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output UFO is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&type); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetFeatures ***************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Features as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFeattable] Feature Table object. The table was already loaded by ** acdSetFeat so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFeattable ajAcdGetFeatures(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "features"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetFeat ** @rename ajAcdGetFeatures */ __deprecated AjPFeattable ajAcdGetFeat(const char *token) { return ajAcdGetFeatures(token); } /* @funcstatic acdSetFeatures ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD feature table item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-fformat", "-fopenfile" ** are applied to the UFO before reading the feature table. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-fbegin", "-fend" and "-freverse" ** are applied as appropriate, with prompting for values, ** after the feature table has been read. ** They are applied to the feature table, ** and the resulting table is what is set in the ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetFeatures(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFeattable val = NULL; AjPFeattabIn tabin = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjPStr infname = NULL; static AjPStr type = NULL; ajint fbegin = 0; ajint fend = 0; AjBool freverse = ajFalse; AjBool fprompt = ajFalse; ajint iattr; tabin = ajFeattabInNew(); /* set the default value */ acdQualToBool(thys, "fask", ajFalse, &fprompt, &acdReplyDef); if(acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &type)) { if(!ajFeattabInSetType(tabin, type)) acdError("Invalid type for feature input"); acdInTypeFeatSave(type); } else { acdInTypeFeatSave(NULL); } acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptFeatures(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fformat", &tabin->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fopenfile", &tabin->Filename); val = ajFeatUfoRead(tabin, acdReply); if(!val) { ok = ajFalse; acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read feature table '%S'", acdReply); } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(ajFeattableGetName(val), ajTrue); /* save sequence name */ /* now process the begin, end and reverse options */ ok = acdQualToInt(thys, "fbegin", 1, &fbegin, &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(fprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "fbegin", " Begin at position", &acdReply); ok = ajStrToInt(acdReply, &fbegin); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, ajTrue, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ok = acdQualToInt(thys, "fend", ajFeattableLen(val), &fend, &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(fprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "fend", " End at position", &acdReply); ok = ajStrToInt(acdReply, &fend); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, ajTrue, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ok = acdQualToBool(thys, "freverse", ajFalse, &freverse, &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(fprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "freverse", " Reverse strand", &acdReply); ok = ajStrToBool(acdReply, &freverse); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, ajTrue, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdLog("sbegin: %d, send: %d, freverse: %B\n", fbegin, fend, freverse); if(freverse) ajFeattableReverse(val); ajFeattableSetRange(val, fbegin, fend); ajFeattabInDel(&tabin); /* features tables have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcFeat); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcFeat[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); iattr = 0; ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableBegin(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableEnd(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableLen(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableIsProt(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableIsNuc(val)); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableGetName(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[iattr++], ajFeattableSize(val)); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetFilelist ***************************************************** ** ** Returns a list of files given a comma-separated list. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPList] List of files. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList ajAcdGetFilelist(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "filelist"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetFilelist ************************************************* ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD file list item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** There is no default value ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetFilelist(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPList val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; val = ajListNew(); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); acdPromptFilelist(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(!ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "File list is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ajFilelistAddListname(val, acdReply); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetFloat ******************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Float as defined in a named ACD item. Called by the ** application after all ACD values have been set, and simply returns ** what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [float] Floating point value from ACD item ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ float ajAcdGetFloat(const char *token) { float *val; val = acdGetValue(token, "float"); return *val; } /* @funcstatic acdSetFloat **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD floating point item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is "0.0". ** ** Min and max limits, if set, are applied without comment. ** Precision is provided for logging purposes but otherwise not (yet) used. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajStrToFloat ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetFloat(AcdPAcd thys) { float* val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool warnrange; float fmin; float fmax; ajint precision; acdAttrToFloat(thys, "minimum", -FLT_MAX, &fmin); acdLog("minimum: %e\n", fmin); acdAttrToFloat(thys, "maximum", FLT_MAX, &fmax); acdLog("maximum: %e\n", fmax); acdAttrToInt(thys, "precision", 3, &precision); acdLog("precision: %d\n", precision); acdAttrToBool(thys, "warnrange", acdDoWarnRange, &warnrange); acdLog("warnrange: %B\n", warnrange); AJNEW0(val); /* create storage for the result */ *val = 0.0; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "0.0", &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ok = ajStrToFloat(acdReply, val); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid decimal value '%S', please try again", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); if(*val < fmin) { /* reset within limits */ if(warnrange) ajWarn("floating point value out of range %.*f " "less than (reset to) %.*f", precision, *val, precision, fmin); *val = fmin; } if(*val > fmax) { if(warnrange) ajWarn("floating point value out of range %.*f " "more than (reset to) %.*f", precision, *val, precision, fmax); *val = fmax; } thys->Value = val; ajStrFromFloat(&thys->ValStr, *val, precision); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetFrequencies ************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Frequencies as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloFreq] Frequencies object. The string was already set by ** acdSetFrequencies so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloFreq ajAcdGetFrequencies(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "frequencies"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetFrequencies ********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD weights file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for length and maximum property character are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetFrequencies(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPhyloFreq val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool contchar = ajFalse; AjBool genedata = ajFalse; AjBool within = ajFalse; ajint size; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToInt(thys, "size", 1, &size); acdAttrToBool(thys, "continuous", ajFalse, &contchar); acdAttrToBool(thys, "genedata", ajFalse, &genedata); acdAttrToBool(thys, "within", ajFalse, &within); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptInfile(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajPhyloFreqRead(acdReply, contchar, genedata, within); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read frequencies file '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input frequencies file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); /* properties have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcFrequencies); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcFrequencies[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); if(val) { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],val->Len); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],val->Size); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[2],val->Loci); /* string count */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[3],!val->ContChar); /* genes */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[4],val->ContChar); /* contin */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[5],val->Within); /* indivs */ ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); } else { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],0); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],0); /* string count */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[2],0); /* string count */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[3],0); /* genes */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[4],0); /* contin */ ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[5],0); /* indivs */ ajStrAssignClear(&thys->ValStr); } thys->Value = val; return; } /* @func ajAcdGetGraph ******************************************************** ** ** Returns a graph object which hold user graphics options. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPGraph] Graph object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPGraph ajAcdGetGraph(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "graph"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetGraph **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD graph item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetGraph(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPGraph val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr title = NULL; AjPStr gdev = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ { if(ajNamGetValueC("GRAPHICS",&gdev)) acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(gdev), &acdReplyDef); else #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING /* X11 is available */ acdReplyInit(thys, "x11", &acdReplyDef); #else #ifdef PLD_png /* if png/gd/zlib libraries available for png driver */ acdReplyInit(thys, "png", &acdReplyDef); #else acdReplyInit(thys, "ps", &acdReplyDef); #endif #endif #else acdReplyInit(thys, "win3", &acdReplyDef); #endif } else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { if(ajNamGetValueC("GRAPHICS",&gdev)) acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(gdev), &acdReplyDef); else #ifndef WIN32 acdReplyInit(thys, "x11", &acdReplyDef); #else acdReplyInit(thys, "win3", &acdReplyDef); #endif } ajStrDel(&gdev); acdPromptGraph(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) /* valid no graph type */ { if(!val) val = ajCall("ajGraphNew"); ajCall("ajGraphSet",val, acdReply, &ok); if(!ok) { ajCall("ajGraphDumpDevices"); acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid graph value '%S'", acdReply); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Graph is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignC(&thys->ValStr, "graph definition"); if(val) { if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gdesc", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphDesc",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gsubtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSubTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gxtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphXTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gytitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphYTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "goutfile", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputFile",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gdirectory", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputDir",val,title); else { ajStrAssignClear(&title); if(acdOutDirectory(&title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputDir",val,title); } ajStrDel(&title); ajCall("ajGraphTrace",val); } return; } /* @func ajAcdGetGraphxy ****************************************************** ** ** Returns a graph object which hold user graphics options. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPGraph] Graph object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPGraph ajAcdGetGraphxy(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "xygraph"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetGraphxy ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD XY graph item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetGraphxy(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPGraph val; AjPStr gdev = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr title = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; ajint multi; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdAttrToInt(thys, "multi", 1, &multi); if(multi < 1) multi = 1; acdLog("multi: %d\n", multi); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ { if(ajNamGetValueC("GRAPHICS",&gdev)) acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(gdev), &acdReplyDef); else #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING /* X11 is available */ acdReplyInit(thys, "x11", &acdReplyDef); #else #ifdef PLD_png /* if png/gd/zlib libraries available for png driver */ acdReplyInit(thys, "png", &acdReplyDef); #else acdReplyInit(thys, "ps", &acdReplyDef); #endif #endif #else acdReplyInit(thys, "win3", &acdReplyDef); #endif } else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { if(ajNamGetValueC("GRAPHICS",&gdev)) acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(gdev), &acdReplyDef); else #ifndef WIN32 acdReplyInit(thys, "x11", &acdReplyDef); #else acdReplyInit(thys, "win3", &acdReplyDef); #endif } ajStrDel(&gdev); acdPromptGraph(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) /* valid no graph type */ { if(!val) val = ajCall("ajGraphxyNewI",multi); ajCall("ajGraphxySet",val, acdReply, &ok); if(!ok) { ajCall("ajGraphDumpDevices"); acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid XY graph value '%S'", acdReply); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Graph is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignC(&thys->ValStr, "XY graph definition"); if(val) { if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gdesc", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphDesc",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gsubtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSubTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gxtitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphXTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gytitle", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphYTitle",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "goutfile", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputFile",val,title); if(acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "gdirectory", &title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputDir",val,title); else { ajStrAssignClear(&title); if(acdOutDirectory(&title)) ajCall("ajGraphSetOutputDir",val,title); } ajStrDel(&title); ajCall("ajGraphTrace",val); } return; } /* @func ajAcdGetInfile ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type file as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetInfile so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetInfile(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "infile"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetInfile *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD infile item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if filtering is on) is "stdin", but then ** prompting is turned off. ** ** Otherwise there is no default value unless the ACD file has one. ** ** Various file naming options are defined, but not yet implemented here. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewIn ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetInfile(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool trydefault; AjPStr infname = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "trydefault", ajFalse, &trydefault); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptInfile(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajFileNewInNameS(acdReply); if(!val) { if(!nullok || !trydefault || !ajStrMatchS(acdReply, acdReplyDef)) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open file '%S' for input", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetInt ********************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type ajint as defined in a named ACD item. Called by the ** application after all ACD values have been set, and simply returns ** what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [ajint] Integer value from ACD item ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajAcdGetInt(const char *token) { ajint *val; val = acdGetValue(token, "integer"); return *val; } /* @funcstatic acdSetInt ****************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD integer item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is "0". ** ** Min and max limits, if set, are applied without comment. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajStrToInt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetInt(AcdPAcd thys) { ajint* val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool warnrange; ajint imin; ajint imax; acdAttrToInt(thys, "minimum", INT_MIN, &imin); acdLog("minimum: %d\n", imin); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maximum", INT_MAX, &imax); acdLog("maximum: %d\n", imax); acdAttrToBool(thys, "warnrange", acdDoWarnRange, &warnrange); acdLog("warnrange: %B\n", warnrange); AJNEW0(val); /* create storage for the result */ *val = 0; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "0", &acdReplyDef); acdLog("acdSetInt %S default '%S' Required: %B\n", thys->Name, acdReplyDef, required); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); acdLog(" reply: '%S' \n", acdReply); if(ajStrMatchC(acdReply, "default")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReply, "0"); ok = ajStrToInt(acdReply, val); acdLog(" modified reply: '%S' val: %d ok: %B\n", acdReply, *val, ok); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); if(*val < imin) { /* reset within limits */ if(warnrange) ajWarn("integer value out of range %d less than (reset to) %d", *val, imin); *val = imin; } if(*val > imax) { if(warnrange) ajWarn("integer value out of range %d more than (reset to) %d", *val, imax); *val = imax; } thys->Value = val; ajStrFromInt(&thys->ValStr, *val); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetList ********************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type List as defined in a named ACD item, ** which is an array of strings terminated by a null value. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr*] String array of values with NULL for last element. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr* ajAcdGetList(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "list"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetListI ** @replace ajAcdGetListSingle (1,2/1) */ __deprecated AjPStr ajAcdGetListI(const char *token, ajint num) { AjPStr *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValue(token, "list"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(num > i) ajWarn("value %d not found for %s, last value was %d", num, token, i-1); return val[num-1]; } /* @func ajAcdGetListSingle *************************************************** ** ** Returns a single item from an array of type List as defined in a named ** ACD item, which is an array of strings terminated by a null value. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, and ** simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr] String array of values with NULL for last element. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajAcdGetListSingle(const char *token) { AjPStr *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "list"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @funcstatic acdSetList ***************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outfile item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** If a value is required and not yet given, prints out a header ** and the list of options, then asks for a selection or (if max is ** more than 1) a list of selections. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetList(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr *val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; ajint i; ajint min, max; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToInt(thys, "minimum", 1, &min); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maximum", 1, &max); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) { acdListPrompt(thys); acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); } val = acdListValue(thys, min, max, acdReply); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Bad menu option '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; for(i=0; val[i]; i++) { acdLog("Storing val[%d] '%S'\n", i,val[i]); if(i) ajStrAppendC(&thys->ValStr, ";"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->ValStr, val[i]); } return; } /* @func ajAcdGetMatrix ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Matrix as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPMatrix] Matrix object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPMatrix ajAcdGetMatrix(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "matrix"); } /* @func ajAcdGetMatrixf ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Matrix as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPMatrixf] Float Matrix object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPMatrixf ajAcdGetMatrixf(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "matrixf"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetMatrix *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD matrix item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajMatrixRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetMatrix(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPMatrix val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool isprot; AjPStr infname = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrToBool(thys, "protein", ajTrue, &isprot); if(isprot) { acdAttrResolve(thys, "pname", &infname); if(!ajStrGetLen(infname)) ajStrAssignC(&infname, DEFBLOSUM); } else { acdAttrResolve(thys, "nname", &infname); if(!ajStrGetLen(infname)) ajStrAssignC(&infname, DEFDNA); } required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { if(!ajMatrixRead(&val, acdReply)) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read matrix '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Matrix is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetMatrixf ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD matrix item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajMatrixfRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetMatrixf(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPMatrixf val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool isprot; AjPStr infname = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrToBool(thys, "protein", ajTrue, &isprot); if(isprot) { acdAttrResolve(thys, "pname", &infname); if(!ajStrGetLen(infname)) ajStrAssignC(&infname, DEFBLOSUM); } else { acdAttrResolve(thys, "nname", &infname); if(!ajStrGetLen(infname)) ajStrAssignC(&infname, DEFDNA); } required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { if(!ajMatrixfRead(&val, acdReply)) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read matrix '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Matrix is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutType ************************************************** ** ** Generic definition for any of the ACD formatted output types. ** May be replaced by a specific acdSet function if additional attributes ** or qualifiers are to be processed. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for these item types. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @param [r] type [const char*] Standard output type name. ** @return [AjPOutfile] Output file object of the specified type ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPOutfile acdSetOutType(AcdPAcd thys, const char* type) { AjPOutfile val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; ajint itype = -1; ajint i; val = NULL; for (i=0; acdOuttype[i].Name; i++) { if (ajCharMatchC(acdOuttype[i].Name, type)) { itype = i; break; } } if (itype < 0) acdError("Unknown output type '%s'", type); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if (!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "oformat", &fmt)) ajStrAssignC(&fmt, acdOuttype[itype].Format); if(!acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext)) ajStrAssignS(&ext, fmt); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "odirectory", &dir); acdOutDirectory(&dir); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); if(acdOuttype[itype].Prompt) acdOuttype[itype].Prompt(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { ajStrAssignS(&acdOutFullFName, acdReply); ajFilenameReplacePathS(&acdOutFullFName, dir); val = ajOutfileNewNameS(acdOutFullFName); if(!ok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open output file '%S'", acdOutFullFName); ajOutfileClose(&val); } ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); ajStrAssignEmptyC(&val->Type, type); if(acdOuttype[itype].Outformat) { val->Format = acdOuttype[itype].Outformat(fmt); if(val->Format < 0) { /* test acdc-outbadformat */ ajDie("Output option -%S: " "Format validation failed for type '%s'", thys->Name, type); } } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&dir); return val; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutcodon ***************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outcodon as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutcodon(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outcodon"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutcodon ************************************************* ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outcodon item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutcodon(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outcodon"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutcpdb ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outcpdb as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutcpdb(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outcpdb"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutcpdb*************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outcpdb item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutcpdb(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outcpdb"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutdata ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outdata as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutdata(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outdata"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutdata ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outdata item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutdata(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outdata"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutdir ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type AjPDirout which has been validated as an output ** directory. ** ** Optionally can be forced to have a fully qualified path when returned. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPDirout] Output directory object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPDirout ajAcdGetOutdir(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outdir"); } /* @func ajAcdGetOutdirName *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type AjPStr which has been validated as an output ** directory. ** ** Optionally can be forced to have a fully qualified path when returned. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr] String containing a directory name ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajAcdGetOutdirName(const char *token) { AjPStr ret = NULL; AjPDirout dirout; dirout = acdGetValue(token, "outdir"); ret= ajStrNewS(ajDiroutGetPath(dirout)); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutdir *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD output directory item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value is "." the current directory. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutdir(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPDirout val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool dopath = ajFalse; AjPStr ext = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrToBool(thys, "fullpath", ajFalse, &dopath); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ".", &acdReplyDef); acdPromptOutdir(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { ajDebug("acdSetOutdir start reply '%S' dopath:%B ok:%B\n", acdReply, dopath,ok); if(dopath) ok = ajDirnameFillPath(&acdReply); else ok = ajDirnameFixExists(&acdReply); ajDebug("acdSetOutdir dir done reply '%S' dopath:%B ok:%B\n", acdReply, dopath,ok); if (ok) { val = ajDiroutNewPathExt(acdReply, ext); if (!val) ok = ajFalse; } if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open output directory '%S'", acdReply); } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Directory path is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutdiscrete ************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outdiscrete as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutdiscrete(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outdiscrete"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutdiscrete ********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outdiscrete item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutdiscrete(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outdiscrete"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutdistance ************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outdistance as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutdistance(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outdistance"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutdistance ********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outdistance item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutdistance(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outdistance"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutfile ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outfile as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOutfile so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetOutfile(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outfile"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutfile ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outfile item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value, if stdout or filtering is on is "stdout" for the ** first file. ** ** Otherwise an output file name is constructed. ** ** Various file naming options are defined, but not yet implemented here. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutfile(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjBool append; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "odirectory", &dir); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdAttrToBool(thys, "append", ajFalse, &append); acdOutDirectory(&dir); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); acdPromptOutfile(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ajStrAssignS(&acdOutFullFName, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { ajFilenameReplacePathS(&acdOutFullFName, dir); if(append) val = ajFileNewOutappendNameS(acdOutFullFName); else val = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdOutFullFName); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open file '%S' for output", acdOutFullFName); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&dir); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutfileall *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outfile as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOutfile so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetOutfileall(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outfileall"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutfileall *********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outfileall item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value, if stdout or filtering is on is "stdout" for the ** first file. ** ** Otherwise an output file name is constructed. ** ** Various file naming options are defined, but not yet implemented here. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutfileall(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjBool append = ajFalse; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "odirectory", &dir); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdOutDirectory(&dir); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); acdPromptOutfile(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ajStrAssignS(&acdOutFullFName, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { ajFilenameReplacePathS(&acdOutFullFName, dir); if(append) val = ajFileNewOutappendNameS(acdOutFullFName); else val = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdOutFullFName); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open file '%S' for output", acdOutFullFName); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&dir); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutfreq ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outfreq as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutfreq(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outfreq"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutfreq ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outfreq item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutfreq(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outfreq"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutmatrix **************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outmatrix as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutmatrix(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outmatrix"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutmatrix ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outmatrix item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutmatrix(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outmatrix"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutmatrixf *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outmatrixf as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutmatrixf(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outmatrixf"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutmatrixf *********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outmatrixf item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutmatrixf(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outmatrixf"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutproperties ************************************************ ** ** Returns an item of type Outproperties as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutproperties(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outproperties"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutproperties********************************************* ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outproperties item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutproperties(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "properties"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOutscop ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outscop as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOutscop(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outscop"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOutscop ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outscop item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOutscop(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outscop"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetOuttree ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Outtree as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPOutfile] File object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetOut so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPOutfile ajAcdGetOuttree(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "outtree"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetOuttree ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD outtree item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-oformat" ** are stored in the object and applied to the data on output. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetOuttree(AcdPAcd thys) { acdSetOutType(thys, "outtree"); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetPattern ****************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Pattern as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPatlistSeq] Compiled pattern list of sequence patterns. ** The original pattern string is available ** through a call to ajAcdGetValue ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPatlistSeq ajAcdGetPattern(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "pattern"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetPattern ************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence pattern item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is NULL. ** ** Attributes for minimum and maximum length are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetPattern(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPatlistSeq val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool upper; AjBool lower; ajint itry; ajint minlen; ajint maxlen; ajint maxsize; ajint len; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr patname = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; ajint mismatch = 0; AjBool isprotein = ajTrue; acdAttrToInt(thys, "minlength", 1, &minlen); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxlength", INT_MAX, &maxlen); acdAttrToBool(thys, "upper", ajFalse, &upper); acdAttrToBool(thys, "lower", ajFalse, &lower); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "protein", &type); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxsize", INT_MAX, &maxsize); acdQualToInt(thys, "pmismatch", 0, &mismatch, &acdTmpStr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "pname", &patname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "pformat", &fmt); ajStrFmtLower(&type); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(type) != 'p') isprotein = ajFalse; if(mismatch < 0) mismatch = 0; ajDebug("acdSetPattern name '%S' mismatch %d type '%S' protein %B\n", patname, mismatch, type, isprotein); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ if(val) ajPatlistSeqDel(&val); ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); len = ajStrGetLen(acdReply); if(len < minlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too short (%S) - minimum length is %d characters", thys->Name, minlen); ok = ajFalse; } if(len > maxlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too long (%S) - maximum length is %d characters", thys->Name,maxlen); ok = ajFalse; } if(ok) val = ajPatlistSeqRead(acdReply, patname, fmt, isprotein, mismatch); if(ok && !val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Bad pattern definition:\n '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ajStrDel(&patname); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&type); /* regexps have special set attributes the same as strings */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcRegexp); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcRegexp[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0], ajStrGetLen(acdReply)); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetProperties *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Properties as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloProp] Properties array. The data was already set by ** acdSetProperties so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloProp ajAcdGetProperties(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "properties"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetProperties *********************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD proerties file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for length and maximum property character are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetProperties(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPhyloProp val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; ajint size; ajint len; AjPStr propchars = NULL; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToInt(thys, "length", 0, &len); acdAttrToInt(thys, "size", 1, &size); acdAttrToStr(thys, "characters", "", &propchars); ajDebug("acdSetProperties len: %d size: %d\n", len, size); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptInfile(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajPhyloPropRead(acdReply, propchars, len, size); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read properties from '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); /* properties have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcProperties); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcProperties[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); if(val) { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],val->Len); /* string length */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],val->Size); /* string count */ ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, val->Str[0]); } else { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],0); /* string length */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],0); /* string count */ ajStrAssignClear(&thys->ValStr); } thys->Value = val; ajStrDel(&propchars); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetRange ******************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Range as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPRange] Range object. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRange ajAcdGetRange(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "range"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetRange **************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD range item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetRange(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPRange val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; ajuint imin; ajuint imax; ajuint isize; ajuint iminsize; acdAttrToUint(thys, "minimum", 1, &imin); acdLog("minimum: %d\n", imin); acdAttrToUint(thys, "maximum", UINT_MAX, &imax); acdLog("maximum: %d\n", imax); acdAttrToUint(thys, "minsize", 0, &iminsize); acdLog("minsize: %d\n", iminsize); acdAttrToUint(thys, "size", 0, &isize); acdLog("size: %d\n", isize); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); val = ajRangeGetLimits(acdReply, imin, imax, iminsize, isize); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Bad range specification '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetRegexp ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Regexp as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPatlistRegex] Compiled regular expression pattern. ** The original pattern string is available ** through a call to ajAcdGetValue ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPatlistRegex ajAcdGetRegexp(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "regexp"); } /* @func ajAcdGetRegexpSingle ************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Regexp as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPRegexp] Compiled regular expression. ** The original pattern string is available ** through a call to ajAcdGetValue ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPRegexp ajAcdGetRegexpSingle(const char *token) { AjPPatlistRegex val; AjPPatternRegex patreg = NULL; ajint i = 0; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "regexp"); while (ajPatlistRegexGetNext(val, &patreg)) i++; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return ajPatternRegexGetCompiled(patreg); } /* @funcstatic acdSetRegexp *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD regular expression item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is NULL. ** ** Attributes for minimum and maximum length are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetRegexp(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPatlistRegex val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool upper; AjBool lower; ajint itry; ajint minlen; ajint maxlen; ajint maxsize; ajint len; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr patname = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; ajint itype = 0; acdAttrToInt(thys, "minlength", 1, &minlen); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxlength", INT_MAX, &maxlen); acdAttrToBool(thys, "upper", ajFalse, &upper); acdAttrToBool(thys, "lower", ajFalse, &lower); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "string", &type); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxsize", INT_MAX, &maxsize); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "pname", &patname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "pformat", &fmt); ajStrFmtLower(&type); itype = ajPatternRegexType(type); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ if(val) ajPatlistRegexDel(&val); ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); len = ajStrGetLen(acdReply); if(len < minlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too short (%S) - minimum length is %d characters", thys->Name, minlen); ok = ajFalse; } if(len > maxlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too long (%S) - maximum length is %d characters", thys->Name,maxlen); ok = ajFalse; } /* if(upper) ajStrFmtUpper(&acdReply); if(lower) ajStrFmtLower(&acdReply); */ if(ok) val = ajPatlistRegexRead(acdReply, patname, fmt, itype, upper, lower); if(ok && !val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Bad regular expression pattern:\n '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); ajStrDel(&patname); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&type); /* regexps have special set attributes the same as strings */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcRegexp); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcRegexp[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0], ajStrGetLen(acdReply)); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetRel ****************************************************** ** ** Defines an ACD relation. ** ** Called when a "variable" type ACD item is checked. Should not be called ** for any other item. ** ** At present there is nothing to prompt for here, though there could ** be, for example, a report of what the program does which would appear ** before any user prompts. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD for the application item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetRel(AcdPAcd thys) { acdAttrToStr(thys, "relations", "", &thys->ValStr); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetReport ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Report as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPReport] Report output object. Already opened ** by ajReportOpen so this just returns the object ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPReport ajAcdGetReport(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "report"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetReport *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD report item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-rformat", "-ropenfile" ** are applied to the URO before opening the output file. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetReport(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPReport val = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; AjPStr taglist = NULL; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "rdirectory", &dir); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "rextension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "rname", &name); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "rformat", &fmt); acdOutDirectory(&dir); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } acdPromptReport(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajReportNew(); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &val->Type); acdAttrToStr(thys, "taglist", "", &taglist); acdAttrToBool(thys, "multiple", ajFalse, &val->Multi); acdAttrToInt(thys, "precision", 3, &val->Precision); acdQualToBool(thys, "raccshow", ajFalse, &val->Showacc, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "rdesshow", ajFalse, &val->Showdes, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "rscoreshow", ajTrue, &val->Showscore, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "rstrandshow", ajTrue, &val->Showstrand, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "rusashow", ajFalse, &val->Showusa, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToInt(thys, "rmaxall", ajFalse, &val->MaxHitAll, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToInt(thys, "rmaxseq", ajFalse, &val->MaxHitSeq, &acdReplyDef); /* test acdc-reportbadtaglist */ if(!ajReportSetTags(val, taglist)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad tag list for report"); /* test acdc-reportbadtags */ if(!ajReportValid(val)) ajDie("Report option -%S: Validation failed", thys->Name); ajStrAssignS(&acdOutFullFName, acdReply); ajFilenameReplacePathS(&acdOutFullFName, dir); ok = ajReportOpen(val, acdOutFullFName); if(!ok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to open report file '%S'", acdOutFullFName); ajReportDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Report file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&acdReply); ajStrDel(&acdReplyDef); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&ext); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&dir); ajStrDel(&taglist); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetScop ********************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Scop as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPFile] Scop input file. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajAcdGetScop(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "scop"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetScop ***************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD clean pdb file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetScop(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPFile val; AjPStr name = NULL; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjPStr fmt = NULL; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if (!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "format", &fmt)) ajStrAssignClear(&fmt); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(name), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptScop(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajFileNewInNameS(acdReply); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read scop data '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Scop data file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&fmt); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSelect ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Select as defined in a named ACD item, ** which is an array of strings terminated by a null value. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr*] String array of values with NULL as last element. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr* ajAcdGetSelect(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "selection"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetSelectI ** @replace ajAcdGetSelectSingle (1,2/1) */ __deprecated AjPStr ajAcdGetSelectI(const char *token, ajint num) { AjPStr* val; ajint i; val = acdGetValue(token, "select"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(num > i) ajWarn("value %d not found for %s, last value was %d", num, token, i-1); return val[num-1]; } /* @func ajAcdGetSelectSingle ************************************************* ** ** Returns one item from an array of type Select as defined in a named ** ACD item, which is an array of strings terminated by a null value. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, and ** simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr] String array of values with NULL as last element. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajAcdGetSelectSingle(const char *token) { AjPStr* val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "select"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @funcstatic acdSetSelect *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD select menu item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSelect(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr* val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; ajint i; ajint min=0, max=5; val = NULL; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToInt(thys, "minimum", 1, &min); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maximum", 1, &max); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) { acdSelectPrompt(thys); acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); } val = acdSelectValue(thys, min, max, acdReply); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Bad select option '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; for(i=0; val[i]; i++) { if(i) ajStrAppendC(&thys->ValStr, ";"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->ValStr, val[i]); } return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeq ********************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Seq as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeq] Sequence object. The sequence was already loaded by ** acdSetSeq so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeq ajAcdGetSeq(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "sequence"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeq ****************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sformat", "-sdbname", "-sopenfile", "-sid" ** are applied to the USA before reading the sequence. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-supper", "-slower" and "-sask" are applied ** after reading. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sbegin", "-send" and "-sreverse" ** are applied as appropriate, with prompting for values, ** after the sequence has been read. They are applied to the sequence, ** and the resulting sequence is what is set in the ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeq(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeq val; AjPSeqin seqin; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool okbeg = ajFalse; AjBool okend = ajFalse; AjBool okrev = ajFalse; ajint itry; ajint i; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint sbegin = 0; ajint send = 0; AjBool sreverse = ajFalse; AjBool sprompt = ajFalse; AjBool snuc = ajFalse; AjBool sprot = ajFalse; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjPStr typestr = NULL; val = ajSeqNew(); /* set the default value */ seqin = ajSeqinNew(); /* set the default value */ /* seqin->multi = ajFalse; */ /* pmr: moved to ajSeqinNew */ acdQualToBool(thys, "snucleotide", ajFalse, &snuc, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "sprotein", ajFalse, &sprot, &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptSeq(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(!ajStrGetLen(acdReply) && nullok) break; ajSeqinUsa(&seqin, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&seqin->Inputtype, typestr); acdInTypeSeqSave(seqin->Inputtype); } else acdInTypeSeqSave(NULL); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &seqin->Features); acdAttrToBool(thys, "entry", ajFalse, &seqin->Text); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sformat", &seqin->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sdbname", &seqin->Db); /* acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sopenfile", &seqin->Filename);*/ /* obsolete */ acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sid", &seqin->Entryname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ufo", &seqin->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fformat", &seqin->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fopenfile", &seqin->Ftquery->Filename); acdQualToBool(thys, "supper", ajFalse, &seqin->Upper, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "slower", ajFalse, &seqin->Lower, &acdTmpStr); okbeg = acdQualToSeqbegin(thys, "sbegin", 0, &sbegin, &acdTmpStr); okend = acdQualToSeqend(thys, "send", 0, &send, &acdTmpStr); okrev = acdQualToBool(thys, "sreverse", ajFalse, &sreverse, &acdTmpStr); if(snuc) ajSeqinSetNuc(seqin); if(sprot) ajSeqinSetProt(seqin); i = ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ufo) + ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ftquery->Formatstr) + ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ftquery->Filename); if(i && !seqin->Features) ajWarn("Feature table ignored"); if(seqin->Features) acdLog("acdSetSeq with features UFO '%S'\n", seqin->Ufo); /* (try to) read the sequence */ ok = ajSeqRead(val, seqin); if(!ok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read sequence '%S'", acdReply); } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(ajSeqGetNameS(val), ajTrue); /* save sequence name */ /* some standard options using associated qualifiers */ acdQualToBool(thys, "sask", ajFalse, &sprompt, &acdReplyDef); /* now process the begin, end and reverse options */ if(seqin->Begin) okbeg = ajTrue; for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okbeg; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "start"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sbegin", " Begin at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "start")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okbeg = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &sbegin); if(!okbeg) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid sequence position '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okbeg) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sbegin) { seqin->Begin = sbegin; val->Begin = sbegin; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "sbegin", sbegin); } if(seqin->End) okend = ajTrue; for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okend; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "end"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "send", " End at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "end")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okend = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &send); if(!okend) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid sequence position '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okend) acdBadRetry(thys); if(send) { seqin->End = send; val->End = send; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "send", send); } if(ajSeqIsNuc(val)) { if(seqin->Rev) { okrev = ajTrue; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okrev; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "N"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sreverse", " Reverse strand", &acdReplyPrompt); okrev = ajStrToBool(acdReplyPrompt, &sreverse); if(!okrev) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okrev) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sreverse) { seqin->Rev = sreverse; val->Rev = sreverse; acdSetQualDefBool(thys, "sreverse", sreverse); } } acdLog("sbegin: %d, send: %d, sreverse: %B\n", sbegin, send, sreverse); if(val->Rev) ajSeqReverseDo(val); ajSeqinDel(&seqin); /* sequences have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcSeq); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcSeq[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_BEGIN], ajSeqGetBegin(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_END], ajSeqGetEnd(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_LENGTH], ajSeqGetLen(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NUCLEIC], ajSeqIsNuc(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_PROTEIN], ajSeqIsProt(val)); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NAME], val->Name); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_USA], ajSeqGetUsaS(val)); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqall ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Seq as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqall] Sequence stream object. The sequence was already ** loaded by acdSetSeqall so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqall ajAcdGetSeqall(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqall"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqall *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sformat", "-sdbname", "-sopenfile", "-sid" ** are applied to the USA before reading the sequence. ** ** Associated qualifier "-sask" is applied ** after reading. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-supper", "-slower" are applied ** globally ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sbegin", "-send" and "-sreverse" ** are applied as appropriate, with prompting for values, ** after the sequence has been read. They are applied to the sequence, ** and the resulting sequence is what is set in the ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqall(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqall val; AjPSeqin seqin; AjPSeq seq; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool okbeg = ajFalse; AjBool okend = ajFalse; AjBool okrev = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint sbegin = 0; ajint send = 0; AjBool sreverse = ajFalse; AjBool sprompt = ajFalse; AjBool snuc = ajFalse; AjBool sprot = ajFalse; AjPStr typestr = NULL; val = ajSeqallNew(); /* set the default value */ seqin = val->Seqin; seqin->multi = ajTrue; seq = val->Seq; acdQualToBool(thys, "snucleotide", ajFalse, &snuc, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "sprotein", ajFalse, &sprot, &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptSeq(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(!ajStrGetLen(acdReply) && nullok) break; ajSeqinUsa(&seqin, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&seqin->Inputtype, typestr); acdInTypeSeqSave(seqin->Inputtype); } else acdInTypeSeqSave(NULL); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &seqin->Features); acdAttrToBool(thys, "entry", ajFalse, &seqin->Text); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sformat", &seqin->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sdbname", &seqin->Db); /* acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sopenfile", &seqin->Filename);*/ /* obsolete */ acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sid", &seqin->Entryname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ufo", &seqin->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fformat", &seqin->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fopenfile", &seqin->Ftquery->Filename); acdQualToBool(thys, "supper", ajFalse, &seqin->Upper, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "slower", ajFalse, &seqin->Lower, &acdTmpStr); okbeg = acdQualToSeqbegin(thys, "sbegin", 0, &seqin->Begin, &acdTmpStr); okend = acdQualToSeqend(thys, "send", 0, &seqin->End, &acdTmpStr); okrev = acdQualToBool(thys, "sreverse", ajFalse, &seqin->Rev, &acdTmpStr); if(snuc) ajSeqinSetNuc(seqin); if(sprot) ajSeqinSetProt(seqin); if(ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ufo)) seqin->Features = ajTrue; ok = ajSeqAllRead(seq, seqin); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read sequence '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); /* commentedout__ajSeqinDel(&seqin);*/ acdInFileSave(ajSeqallGetName(val), ajTrue); /* save sequence name */ acdQualToBool(thys, "sask", ajFalse, &sprompt, &acdReplyDef); /* now process the begin, end and reverse options */ if(seqin->Begin) { okbeg = ajTrue; val->Begin = seq->Begin = seqin->Begin; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okbeg; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "start"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sbegin", " Begin at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "start")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okbeg = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &sbegin); if(!okbeg) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okbeg) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sbegin) { seqin->Begin = sbegin; seq->Begin = sbegin; val->Begin = sbegin; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "sbegin", sbegin); } if(seqin->End) { okend = ajTrue; val->End = seq->End = seqin->End; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okend; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "end"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "send", " End at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "end")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okend = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &send); if(!okend) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okend) acdBadRetry(thys); if(send) { seqin->End = send; seq->End = send; val->End = send; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "send", send); } if(ajSeqIsNuc(seq)) { if(seqin->Rev) { okrev = ajTrue; val->Rev = seq->Rev = seqin->Rev; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okrev; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "N"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sreverse", " Reverse strand", &acdReplyPrompt); okrev = ajStrToBool(acdReplyPrompt, &sreverse); if(!okrev) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okrev) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sreverse) { seqin->Rev = sreverse; seq->Rev = sreverse; val->Rev = sreverse; acdSetQualDefBool(thys, "sreverse", sreverse); } } /* no need to reverse - it should happen in ajSeqallNext */ acdLog("sbegin: %d, send: %d, sreverse: %B\n", sbegin, send, sreverse); /* sequences have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcSeqall); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcSeqall[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_BEGIN], ajSeqallGetseqBegin(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_END], ajSeqallGetseqEnd(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_LENGTH], ajSeqGetLen(seq)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NUCLEIC], ajSeqIsNuc(seq)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_PROTEIN], ajSeqIsProt(seq)); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NAME], seq->Name); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_USA], ajSeqallGetUsa(val)); acdInFileSave(ajSeqallGetseqName(val), ajTrue); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqsetall ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sformat", "-sdbname", "-sopenfile", "-sid" ** are applied to the USA before reading the sequence. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-supper", "-slower" and "-sask" are applied ** after reading. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sbegin", "-send" and "-sreverse" ** are applied as appropriate, with prompting for values, ** after the sequence has been read. They are applied to the sequence, ** and the resulting sequence is what is set in the ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqsetall(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqset *val; AjPSeqin seqin; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool okbeg = ajFalse; AjBool okend = ajFalse; AjBool okrev = ajFalse; ajint itry; ajint iattr; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint sbegin = 0; ajint send = 0; AjBool sreverse = ajFalse; AjBool sprompt = ajFalse; AjBool snuc = ajFalse; AjBool sprot = ajFalse; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool aligned = ajFalse; AjPStr typestr = NULL; void **sets = NULL; AjPList seqlist; ajint iset = 0; ajint nsets; seqlist = ajListNew(); seqin = ajSeqinNew(); /* set the default value */ seqin->multi = ajTrue; acdQualToBool(thys, "snucleotide", ajFalse, &snuc, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "sprotein", ajFalse, &sprot, &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", ajFalse, &aligned); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptSeq(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(!ajStrGetLen(acdReply) && nullok) break;; ajSeqinUsa(&seqin, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&seqin->Inputtype, typestr); acdInTypeSeqSave(seqin->Inputtype); } else acdInTypeSeqSave(NULL); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &seqin->Features); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sformat", &seqin->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sdbname", &seqin->Db); /* acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sopenfile", &seqin->Filename);*/ /* obsolete */ acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sid", &seqin->Entryname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ufo", &seqin->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fformat", &seqin->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fopenfile", &seqin->Ftquery->Filename); acdQualToBool(thys, "supper", ajFalse, &seqin->Upper, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "slower", ajFalse, &seqin->Lower, &acdTmpStr); okbeg = acdQualToSeqbegin(thys, "sbegin", 0, &seqin->Begin, &acdTmpStr); okend = acdQualToSeqend(thys, "send", 0, &seqin->End, &acdTmpStr); okrev = acdQualToBool(thys, "sreverse", ajFalse, &seqin->Rev, &acdTmpStr); if(snuc) ajSeqinSetNuc(seqin); if(sprot) ajSeqinSetProt(seqin); if(ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ufo)) seqin->Features = ajTrue; ok = ajSeqsetallRead(seqlist, seqin); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read sequence '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); nsets = ajListToarray(seqlist,(void***) &sets); val = (AjPSeqset*) sets; ajListFree(&seqlist); acdInFileSave(ajSeqsetGetNameS(val[0]), ajTrue); /* save sequence name */ acdQualToBool(thys, "sask", ajFalse, &sprompt, &acdReplyDef); /* now process the begin, end and reverse options */ if(seqin->Begin) { okbeg = ajTrue; for(iset=0;isetBegin = seqin->Begin; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okbeg; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "start"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sbegin", " Begin at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "start")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okbeg = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &sbegin); if(!okbeg) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okbeg) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sbegin) { seqin->Begin = sbegin; for(iset=0;isetBegin = sbegin; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "sbegin", sbegin); } if(seqin->End) { okend = ajTrue; for(iset=0;isetEnd = seqin->End; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okend; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "end"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "send", " End at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "end")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okend = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &send); if(!okend) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okend) acdBadRetry(thys); if(send) { seqin->End = send; for(iset=0;isetEnd = send; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "send", send); } if(ajSeqsetIsNuc(val[0])) { if(seqin->Rev) { okrev = ajTrue; for(iset=0;isetRev = seqin->Rev; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okrev; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "N"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sreverse", " Reverse strand", &acdReplyPrompt); okrev = ajStrToBool(acdReplyPrompt, &sreverse); if(!okrev) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okrev) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sreverse) { seqin->Rev = sreverse; for(iset=0;isetRev = sreverse; acdSetQualDefBool(thys, "sreverse", sreverse); } } acdLog("sbegin: %d, send: %d, sreverse: Bs\n", sbegin, send, sreverse); if(aligned) for(iset=0;isetRev) ajSeqsetReverse(val[iset]); ajSeqinDel(&seqin); /* sequences have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcSeqsetall); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcSeqsetall[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_BEGIN], ajSeqsetGetBegin(val[0])); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_END], ajSeqsetGetEnd(val[0])); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_LENGTH], ajSeqsetGetLen(val[0])); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_PROTEIN], ajSeqsetIsProt(val[0])); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NUCLEIC], ajSeqsetIsNuc(val[0])); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NAME], val[0]->Name); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_USA], ajSeqsetGetUsa(val[0])); ajStrFromFloat(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_WEIGHT], ajSeqsetGetTotweight(val[0]), 3); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_COUNT], ajSeqsetGetSize(val[0])); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_MULTICOUNT], nsets); acdInFileSave(ajSeqsetGetNameS(val[0]), ajTrue); for(iattr=0; iattr < thys->SAttr; iattr++) ajDebug("CalcAttr %s: '%S'\n", acdCalcSeqset[iattr].Name, thys->SetStr[iattr]); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqout ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Seqout as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqout] Sequence output object. The file was already opened by ** acdSetSeqout so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqout ajAcdGetSeqout(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqout"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqout *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence output item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is "stdout". ** ** Associated qualifier "-osformat" ** is applied to the USA before opening the output file. ** ** Associated qualifiers are defined but not yet implemented. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqout(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqout val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjBool osfeat; val = NULL; if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osname", &name)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osextension", &ext)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osformat", &fmt); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&ext, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(ext)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&ext); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &osfeat); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); if(!acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr)) acdInTypeSeq(&typestr); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); acdPromptSeqout(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajSeqoutNew(); /* set the default value */ ajSeqoutClearUsa(val, acdReply); /* resets the AjPSeqout */ val->Features = osfeat; acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdirectory", &val->Directory); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdbname", &val->Setoutdb); acdOutDirectory(&val->Directory); acdLog("acdSetSeqout features: %B dir '%S'\n", val->Features, val->Directory); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Formatstr)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&val->Formatstr); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, ext); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, val->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "oufo", &val->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "offormat", &val->Ftquery->Formatstr); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Ftquery->Formatstr)) ajFeatOutFormatDefault(&val->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofname", &val->Ftquery->Filename); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofdirectory", &val->Ftquery->Directory); acdOutDirectory(&val->Ftquery->Directory); acdQualToBool(thys, "ossingle", ajFalse, &val->Single, &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&val->Outputtype, typestr); } else { if(!acdInTypeSeq(&val->Outputtype)) ajWarn("No output type specified for '%S'", thys->Name); } if(!ajSeqoutOpen(val)) { if(ajStrGetLen(val->Directory)) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S%S'", val->Directory, acdReply); else acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; ajSeqoutDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output USA is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); if (val) { acdLog("acdSetSeqout features: %B\n", val->Features); if(val->Features) acdLog("acdSetSeqout with features UFO '%S'\n", val->Ufo); } ajStrDel(&typestr); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqoutall **************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Seqoutall as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqout] Sequence output object. The file was already ** opened by acdSetSeqoutall so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqout ajAcdGetSeqoutall(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqoutall"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqoutall ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence output item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is "stdout". ** ** Associated qualifier "-osformat" ** is applied to the USA before opening the output file. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqoutall(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqout val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjBool osfeat; val = NULL; if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osname", &name)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osextension", &ext)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osformat", &fmt); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&ext, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(ext)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&ext); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &osfeat); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); if(!acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr)) acdInTypeSeq(&typestr); required = acdIsRequired(thys); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); acdPromptSeqout(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajSeqoutNew(); /* set the default value */ ajSeqoutClearUsa(val, acdReply); val->Features = osfeat; acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdirectory", &val->Directory); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdbname", &val->Setoutdb); acdOutDirectory(&val->Directory); acdLog("acdSetSeqoutall features: %B\n", val->Features); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Formatstr)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&val->Formatstr); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, ext); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, val->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "oufo", &val->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "offormat", &val->Ftquery->Formatstr); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Ftquery->Formatstr)) ajFeatOutFormatDefault(&val->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofname", &val->Ftquery->Filename); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofdirectory", &val->Ftquery->Directory); acdOutDirectory(&val->Ftquery->Directory); acdLog("acdSetSeqoutall ossingle default: %B\n", ajSeqoutstrIsFormatSingle(val->Formatstr)); acdQualToBool(thys, "ossingle", ajSeqoutstrIsFormatSingle(val->Formatstr), &val->Single, &acdTmpStr); acdLog("acdSetSeqoutall ossingle value %B '%S'\n", val->Single, acdTmpStr); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&val->Outputtype, typestr); } else { if(!acdInTypeSeq(&val->Outputtype)) ajWarn("No output type specified for '%S'", thys->Name); } if(!ajSeqoutOpen(val)) { if(ajStrGetLen(val->Directory)) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S%S'", val->Directory, acdReply); else acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; ajSeqoutDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output USA is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqoutset **************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Seqoutset as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqout] Sequence output object. The file was already ** opened by acdSetSeqoutset so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqout ajAcdGetSeqoutset(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqoutset"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqoutset ************************************************ ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence output item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is "stdout". ** ** Associated qualifier "-osformat" ** is applied to the USA before opening the output file. ** ** Associated qualifiers are defined but not yet implemented. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqoutset(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqout val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool nullok; AjBool nulldefault; ajint itry; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr ext = NULL; AjPStr fmt = NULL; AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjBool osfeat; val = NULL; if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osname", &name)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &name); if(!acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osextension", &ext)) acdAttrResolve(thys, "extension", &ext); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osformat", &fmt); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&ext, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(ext)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&ext); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &osfeat); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nulldefault", ajFalse, &nulldefault); if(!acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr)) acdInTypeSeq(&typestr); if(nullok && nulldefault) { if (acdDefinedEmpty(thys)) /* user set to empty - make default name */ acdOutFilename(&acdReplyDef, name, ext); else /* leave empty */ acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); } else { acdOutFilename(&acdTmpOutFName, name, ext); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(acdTmpOutFName), &acdReplyDef); } ajStrDel(&name); acdPromptSeqout(thys); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajSeqoutNew(); /* set the default value */ ajSeqoutClearUsa(val, acdReply); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdbname", &val->Setoutdb); val->Features = osfeat; acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "osdirectory", &val->Directory); acdOutDirectory(&val->Directory); acdLog("acdSetSeqoutset features: %B\n", val->Features); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Formatstr, fmt); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Formatstr)) ajSeqoutstrGetFormatDefault(&val->Formatstr); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, ext); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&val->Extension, val->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "oufo", &val->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "offormat", &val->Ftquery->Formatstr); if(!ajStrGetLen(val->Ftquery->Formatstr)) ajFeatOutFormatDefault(&val->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofname", &val->Ftquery->Filename); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ofdirectory", &val->Ftquery->Directory); acdOutDirectory(&val->Ftquery->Directory); acdQualToBool(thys, "ossingle", ajSeqoutstrIsFormatSingle(val->Formatstr), &val->Single, &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&val->Outputtype, typestr); } else { if(!acdInTypeSeq(&val->Outputtype)) ajWarn("No output type specified for '%S'", thys->Name); } if(!ajSeqoutOpen(val)) { if(ajStrGetLen(val->Directory)) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S%S'", val->Directory, acdReply); else acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to write sequence to '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; ajSeqoutDel(&val); } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Output USA is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); ajStrDel(&fmt); ajStrDel(&ext); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqset ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Seqset as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqset] Sequence set object. The sequence was already loaded by ** acdSetSeqset so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqset ajAcdGetSeqset(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqset"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetSeqset *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD sequence item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is a null string, which ** is invalid. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sformat", "-sdbname", "-sopenfile", "-sid" ** are applied to the USA before reading the sequence. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-supper", "-slower" and "-sask" are applied ** after reading. ** ** Associated qualifiers "-sbegin", "-send" and "-sreverse" ** are applied as appropriate, with prompting for values, ** after the sequence has been read. They are applied to the sequence, ** and the resulting sequence is what is set in the ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajSeqRead ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetSeqset(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPSeqset val; AjPSeqin seqin; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool okbeg = ajFalse; AjBool okend = ajFalse; AjBool okrev = ajFalse; AjBool aligned = ajFalse; ajint itry; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint sbegin = 0; ajint send = 0; AjBool sreverse = ajFalse; AjBool sprompt = ajFalse; AjBool snuc = ajFalse; AjBool sprot = ajFalse; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjPStr typestr = NULL; val = ajSeqsetNew(); /* set the default value */ seqin = ajSeqinNew(); /* set the default value */ seqin->multi = ajTrue; /* pmr: moved to ajSeqinNew */ /* ajb added back */ acdQualToBool(thys, "snucleotide", ajFalse, &snuc, &acdReplyDef); acdQualToBool(thys, "sprotein", ajFalse, &sprot, &acdReplyDef); acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", ajFalse, &aligned); acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &typestr); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptSeq(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(!ajStrGetLen(acdReply) && nullok) break;; ajSeqinUsa(&seqin, acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(typestr)) { ajStrAssignS(&seqin->Inputtype, typestr); acdInTypeSeqSave(seqin->Inputtype); } else acdInTypeSeqSave(NULL); acdAttrToBool(thys, "features", ajFalse, &seqin->Features); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sformat", &seqin->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sdbname", &seqin->Db); /* acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sopenfile", &seqin->Filename);*/ /* obsolete */ acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "sid", &seqin->Entryname); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "ufo", &seqin->Ufo); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fformat", &seqin->Ftquery->Formatstr); acdGetValueAssoc(thys, "fopenfile", &seqin->Ftquery->Filename); acdQualToBool(thys, "supper", ajFalse, &seqin->Upper, &acdTmpStr); acdQualToBool(thys, "slower", ajFalse, &seqin->Lower, &acdTmpStr); okbeg = acdQualToSeqbegin(thys, "sbegin", 0, &seqin->Begin, &acdTmpStr); okend = acdQualToSeqend(thys, "send", 0, &seqin->End, &acdTmpStr); okrev = acdQualToBool(thys, "sreverse", ajFalse, &seqin->Rev, &acdTmpStr); if(snuc) ajSeqinSetNuc(seqin); if(sprot) ajSeqinSetProt(seqin); if(ajStrGetLen(seqin->Ufo)) seqin->Features = ajTrue; ok = ajSeqsetRead(val, seqin); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read sequence '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(ajSeqsetGetNameS(val), ajTrue); /* save sequence name */ acdQualToBool(thys, "sask", ajFalse, &sprompt, &acdReplyDef); /* now process the begin, end and reverse options */ if(seqin->Begin) { okbeg = ajTrue; val->Begin = seqin->Begin; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okbeg; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "start"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sbegin", " Begin at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "start")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okbeg = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &sbegin); if(!okbeg) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okbeg) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sbegin) { seqin->Begin = sbegin; val->Begin = sbegin; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "sbegin", sbegin); } if(seqin->End) { okend = ajTrue; val->End = seqin->End; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okend; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "end"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "send", " End at position", &acdReplyPrompt); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(acdReplyPrompt, "end")) ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "0"); okend = ajStrToInt(acdReplyPrompt, &send); if(!okend) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid integer value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okend) acdBadRetry(thys); if(send) { seqin->End = send; val->End = send; acdSetQualDefInt(thys, "send", send); } if(ajSeqsetGetSize(val) && ajSeqsetIsNuc(val)) { if(seqin->Rev) { okrev = ajTrue; val->Rev = seqin->Rev; } for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !okrev; itry--) { ajStrAssignC(&acdReplyPrompt, "N"); if(sprompt) acdUserGetPrompt(thys, "sreverse", " Reverse strand", &acdReplyPrompt); okrev = ajStrToBool(acdReplyPrompt, &sreverse); if(!okrev) acdBadVal(thys, sprompt, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReplyPrompt); } if(!okrev) acdBadRetry(thys); if(sreverse) { seqin->Rev = sreverse; val->Rev = sreverse; acdSetQualDefBool(thys, "sreverse", sreverse); } } acdLog("sbegin: %d, send: %d, sreverse: %B\n", sbegin, send, sreverse); if(aligned) ajSeqsetFill(val); if(val->Rev) ajSeqsetReverse(val); ajSeqinDel(&seqin); /* sequences have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcSeqset); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcSeqset[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_BEGIN], ajSeqsetGetBegin(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_END], ajSeqsetGetEnd(val)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_LENGTH], ajSeqsetGetLen(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_PROTEIN], ajSeqsetIsProt(val)); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NUCLEIC], ajSeqsetIsNuc(val)); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_NAME], val->Name); ajStrAssignS(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_USA], ajSeqsetGetUsa(val)); ajStrFromFloat(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_WEIGHT], ajSeqsetGetTotweight(val), 3); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[ACD_SEQ_COUNT], ajSeqsetGetSize(val)); acdInFileSave(ajSeqsetGetNameS(val), ajTrue); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, acdReply); ajStrDel(&typestr); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqsetall **************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Seqset array as defined in a named ACD item. ** The array is terminated by a NULL. ** ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqset*] Sequence setall object. ** The sequence was already loaded by ** acdSetSeqset so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqset* ajAcdGetSeqsetall(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "seqsetall"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetSeqsetallI ** @replace ajAcdGetSeqsetallSingle (1,2/1) */ __deprecated AjPSeqset ajAcdGetSeqsetallI(const char *token, ajint num) { AjPSeqset *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValue(token, "seqsetall"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(num > i) ajWarn("value %d not found for %s, last value was %d", num, token, i-1); return val[num-1]; } /* @func ajAcdGetSeqsetallSingle ********************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Seqset as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPSeqset] Sequence set object. The sequence was already loaded by ** acdSetSeqset so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeqset ajAcdGetSeqsetallSingle(const char *token) { AjPSeqset *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "seqsetall"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @func ajAcdGetString ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type String as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPStr] String object. The string was already set by ** acdSetString so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajAcdGetString(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "string"); } /* @funcstatic acdSetString *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD string item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for minimum and maximum length are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajFileNewOut ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetString(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr pattern = NULL; AjBool upper; AjBool lower; AjBool word; ajint itry; AjPRegexp patexp = NULL; ajint minlen; ajint maxlen; ajint len; val = ajStrNew(); /* set the default value */ acdAttrToInt(thys, "minlength", 0, &minlen); acdAttrToInt(thys, "maxlength", INT_MAX, &maxlen); acdAttrToStr(thys, "pattern", "", &pattern); acdAttrToBool(thys, "upper", ajFalse, &upper); acdAttrToBool(thys, "lower", ajFalse, &lower); acdAttrToBool(thys, "word", ajFalse, &word); if(ajStrGetLen(pattern)) patexp = ajRegComp(pattern); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "", &acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); len = ajStrGetLen(acdReply); if(len < minlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too short (%S) - minimum length is %d characters", thys->Name, minlen); ok = ajFalse; } if(len > maxlen) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Too long (%S) - maximum length is %d characters", thys->Name, maxlen); ok = ajFalse; } if(patexp && !ajRegExec(patexp, acdReply)) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "String does not match pattern '%S'", pattern); ok = ajFalse; } if(word && !(ajStrIsWord(acdReply))) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "String contains disallowed whitespace characters"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); if(patexp) ajRegFree(&patexp); if(upper) ajStrFmtUpper(&val); if(lower) ajStrFmtLower(&val); /* strings have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcString); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcString[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0], ajStrGetLen(acdReply)); ajStrAssignS(&val, acdReply); thys->Value = val; ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, val); ajStrDel(&pattern); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetToggle ******************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Toggle as defined in a named ACD item. Called by the ** application after all ACD values have been set, and simply returns ** what the ACD item already has. ** ** Toggle is an AjBool that is used to switch (toggle) other ACD types. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjBool] Boolean value from ACD item ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAcdGetToggle(const char *token) { AjBool* val; val = acdGetValue(token, "toggle"); return *val; } /* @funcstatic acdSetToggle *************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD toggle item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other available) is "N" for ajFalse. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @see ajStrToBool ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetToggle(AcdPAcd thys) { AjBool* val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajint itry; AJNEW0(val); /* create storage for the result */ *val = ajFalse; /* set the default value */ required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, "N", &acdReplyDef); acdLog("acdSetToggle -%S def: %S\n", thys->Name, acdReplyDef); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); ok = ajStrToBool(acdReply, val); if(!ok) acdBadVal(thys, required, "Invalid Y/N value '%S'", acdReply); } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); thys->Value = val; ajFmtPrintS(&thys->ValStr, "%B", *val); acdLog("acdSetToggle -%S val: %B\n", thys->Name, *val); if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Name, "help")) acdHelp(); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetTree ********************************************************* ** ** Returns an item of type Tree as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloTree*] Tree object. The data was already set by ** acdSetTree so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloTree* ajAcdGetTree(const char *token) { return acdGetValueRef(token, "tree"); } /* @obsolete ajAcdGetTreeI ** @replace ajAcdGetTreeSingle (1,2/1) */ __deprecated AjPPhyloTree ajAcdGetTreeI(const char *token, ajint num) { AjPPhyloTree *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValue(token, "tree"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(num > i) ajWarn("value %d not found for %s, last value was %d", num, token, i-1); return val[num-1]; } /* @func ajAcdGetTreeSingle *************************************************** ** ** Returns an item of type Tree as defined in a named ACD item. ** Called by the application after all ACD values have been set, ** and simply returns what the ACD item already has. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjPPhyloTree] Tree object. The data was already set by ** acdSetTree so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPPhyloTree ajAcdGetTreeSingle(const char *token) { AjPPhyloTree *val; ajint i; val = acdGetValueSingle(token, "tree"); for(i=0; val[i]; i++) continue; if(i > 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, but can choose %d values", token, i); if(i < 1) ajWarn("Single list value %s, no value found: returning NULL value", token); return val[0]; } /* @funcstatic acdSetTree ***************************************************** ** ** Using the definition in the ACD file, and any values for the ** item or its associated qualifiers provided on the command line, ** prompts the user if necessary (and possible) and ** sets the actual value for an ACD tree file item. ** ** Understands all attributes and associated qualifiers for this item type. ** ** The default value (if no other is available) is an empty string. ** ** Attributes for number of trees (size) are applied with error ** messages if exceeded. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetTree(AcdPAcd thys) { AjPPhyloTree *val; AjBool required = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr infname = NULL; ajint itry; ajint i; ajint size; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; val = NULL; acdAttrToBool(thys, "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); acdAttrToInt(thys, "size", 0, &size); acdInFilename(&infname); required = acdIsRequired(thys); acdReplyInit(thys, ajStrGetPtr(infname), &acdReplyDef); acdPromptTree(thys); ajStrDel(&infname); for(itry=acdPromptTry; itry && !ok; itry--) { ok = ajTrue; /* accept the default if nothing changes */ ajStrAssignS(&acdReply, acdReplyDef); if(required) acdUserGet(thys, &acdReply); if(ajStrGetLen(acdReply)) { val = ajPhyloTreeRead(acdReply, size); if(!val) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Unable to read tree data from '%S'", acdReply); ok = ajFalse; } } else if(!nullok) { acdBadVal(thys, required, "Input file is required"); ok = ajFalse; } } if(!ok) acdBadRetry(thys); acdInFileSave(acdReply, ajTrue); /* trees have special set attributes */ thys->SAttr = acdAttrListCount(acdCalcTree); thys->SetAttr = &acdCalcTree[0]; thys->SetStr = AJCALLOC0(thys->SAttr, sizeof(AjPStr)); if(val) { for(i=0;val[i];i++) continue; ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],i); /* number of trees */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],val[0]->Size); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[2],val[0]->HasLengths); ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, val[0]->Tree); } else { ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[0],0); /* number of trees */ ajStrFromInt(&thys->SetStr[1],0); ajStrFromBool(&thys->SetStr[2],ajFalse); ajStrAssignClear(&thys->ValStr); } thys->Value = val; return; } /* @func ajAcdGetValue ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the string value of any ACD item ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [const AjPStr] String object. The string was already set by ** acdSetString so this just returns the pointer. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type aborts. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAcdGetValue(const char *token) { return acdGetValStr(token); } /* @obsolete ajAcdValue ** @rename ajAcdGetValue */ __deprecated const AjPStr ajAcdValue(const char *token) { return ajAcdGetValue(token); } /* @func ajAcdGetValueDefault ************************************************** ** ** Returns the default value of any ACD item ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [const AjPStr] Default value. ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name and type returns NULL. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAcdGetValueDefault(const char *token) { return acdGetValDefault(token); } /* @func ajAcdIsUserdefined *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether an ACD item has a value set by the user. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Text token name ** @return [AjBool] True if token is not found as an ACD object name ** ** @cre failure to find an item with the right name gives an error message ** and continues ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAcdIsUserdefined(const char *token) { AcdPAcd acd; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); acd = acdFindAcd(tmpstr, tmpstr, pnum); if(!acd) { ajErr("Qualifier '-%s' not found", token); return ajFalse; } ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return acd->UserDefined; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrCount *************************************************** ** ** Simply counts all attributes for a numbered ACD type, ** ** @param [r] itype [ajint] Numbered type as returned by acdFindType ** @return [ajint] number of attributes defined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdAttrCount(ajint itype) { AcdPAttr attr = acdType[itype].Attr; return acdAttrListCount(attr); } /* @funcstatic acdAttrKeyCount ************************************************ ** ** Simply counts all attributes for a numbered ACD keyword, ** ** @param [r] ikey [ajint] Numbered type as returned by acdFindKey ** @return [ajint] number of attributes defined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdAttrKeyCount(ajint ikey) { AcdPAttr attr = acdKeywords[ikey].Attr; return acdAttrListCount(attr); } /* @funcstatic acdAttrListCount *********************************************** ** ** Simply counts all attributes for an attribute list. ** ** @param [r] attr [const AcdPAttr] Attribute list ** @return [ajint] number of attributes defined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdAttrListCount(const AcdPAttr attr) { static ajint i; i = 0; while(attr[i].Name) i++; return i; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValue **************************************************** ** ** Picks up a token by name and tests the type. ** The value is returned as type "void*", to be cast by the calling ** routine which is supposed to know what to expect. For example, only ** ajAcdGetInt should call with a type of "integer". ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including a ** numeric suffix. ** @param [r] type [const char*] Type. ** @return [void*] Value. ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* acdGetValue(const char *token, const char* type) { void *ret; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValue '%s' (%s)\n", token, type); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); ret = acdGetValueNumS(tmpstr, type, pnum, REF_NONE); acdLog("acdGetValue '%s' result %x\n", token, ret); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValueRef ************************************************* ** ** Picks up a token by name and tests the type. ** The value is returned as type "void*", to be cast by the calling ** routine which is supposed to know what to expect. For example, only ** ajAcdGetInt should call with a type of "integer". ** ** The value reference is passed up to the original caller who now ** 'owns' the pointer. Some values will remain owned by ACD. Examples ** include integers and booleans, but also lists of options where only ** the first option is returned. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including a ** numeric suffix. ** @param [r] type [const char*] Type. ** @return [void*] Value. ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* acdGetValueRef(const char *token, const char* type) { void *ret; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValue '%s' (%s)\n", token, type); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); ret = acdGetValueNumS(tmpstr, type, pnum, REF_ALL); acdLog("acdGetValueRef '%s' result %x\n", token, ret); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValueSingle ********************************************** ** ** Picks up a token by name and tests the type. ** The value is returned as type "void*", to be cast by the calling ** routine which is supposed to know what to expect. For example, only ** ajAcdGetInt should call with a type of "integer". ** ** The value reference is passed up to the original caller who now * ** 'owns' the pointer to the first data value, but the value array will ** need to be freed on exit. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including a ** numeric suffix. ** @param [r] type [const char*] Type. ** @return [void*] Value. ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* acdGetValueSingle(const char *token, const char* type) { void *ret; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValue '%s' (%s)\n", token, type); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); ret = acdGetValueNumS(tmpstr, type, pnum, REF_SINGLE); acdLog("acdGetValueSingle '%s' result %x\n", token, ret); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValStr *************************************************** ** ** Picks up a token by name and tests the type. ** The string value is returned for any data type. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including ** a numeric suffix. ** @return [const AjPStr] String. ** ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdGetValStr(const char *token) { AcdPAcd acd; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValStr '%s' (%s)\n", token); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); acd = acdFindAcd(tmpstr, tmpstr, pnum); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); if(!acd) return NULL; return acd->ValStr; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValDefault ************************************************ ** ** Picks up a token by name and tests the type. ** The default string value is returned for any data type. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including ** a numeric suffix. ** @return [const AjPStr] String. ** ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdGetValDefault(const char *token) { AcdPAcd acd; ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValStr '%s' (%s)\n", token); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); acd = acdFindAcd(tmpstr, tmpstr, pnum); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); if(!acd) return NULL; return acd->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValueAssoc *********************************************** ** ** Picks up the value for an associated qualifier as a string. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item for the master parameter/qualifier ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name, optionally including a ** numeric suffix. ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] String for the resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if found. ** @cre Aborts if not found. ** ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdGetValueAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *token, AjPStr *result) { ajint pnum = 0; /* need to get from end of token */ AcdPAcd pa; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(token); acdLog("acdGetValueAssoc '%s' (%S)\n", token, thys->Name); acdTokenToLowerS(&tmpstr, &pnum); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); if(pnum) acdErrorAcd(thys, "associated token '%s' is numbered - not allowed\n", token); for(pa=thys->AssocQuals; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) if(ajStrMatchC(pa->Token, token)) { ajStrAssignS(result, pa->ValStr); return pa->Defined; } acdErrorAcd(thys, "Token '%s' not found\n", token); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValueNumC ************************************************ ** ** Picks up the value by name, type and number. ** ** @param [r] token [const char*] Token name ** @param [r] type [const char*] ACD type ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] parameter number, or 0 for a general qualifier. ** @param [r] reftype [ajint] Reference passing type. ** REF_NONE means ACD still owns the value, ** REF_ALL means the caller owns the value, ** REF_SINGLE means the caller owns one value, ** but ACD owns the array ** @return [void*] Value of unknown type. ** @cre Aborts if not found. ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* acdGetValueNumC(const char *token, const char* type, ajint pnum, ajint reftype) { AcdPAcd pa; AcdPAcd ret = NULL; ajint itype = 0; ajint ifound = 0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); if(type) itype = acdFindTypeC(type); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if(ajStrMatchC(pa->Token, token)) { acdLog("Found pa->Token '%S' pa->Type %d itype: %d\n", pa->Token, pa->Type, itype); if(pa->Level != ACD_QUAL && pa->Level != ACD_PARAM ) ajDie("Unknown qualifier '-%S'", pa->Token); if((itype>=0) && (pa->Type != itype)) /* program source error */ ajDie("Value for '-%S' is not of type %s", pa->Token, type); if(pa->PNum == pnum) { acdLog("found %S [%d] '%S'\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum, pa->ValStr); if(pa->Used & USED_GET) ajWarn("Value for '-%S' used more than once", pa->Token); pa->Used |= USED_GET; ajStrDel(&ambigList); pa->RefPassed = reftype; return pa->Value; } else if(!pnum) /* matches any if no number, so count them */ { ifound++; ret = pa; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Token); } } } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("Ambiguous qualifier '-%s' (%S)", token, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); } if(ifound == 1) { acdLog("found %S [%d] '%S'\n", ret->Name, ret->PNum, ret->ValStr); ret->Used |= USED_GET; if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated qualifier '%S' (%S)", token, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); ret->RefPassed = reftype; return ret->Value; } ajStrDel(&ambigList); /* program source error */ ajDie("Qualifier '-%s' not found", token); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdGetValueNumS ************************************************ ** ** Picks up the value by name, type and number. ** ** @param [r] token [const AjPStr] Token name ** @param [r] type [const char*] ACD type ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] parameter number, or 0 for a general qualifier. ** @param [r] reftype [ajint] Reference passing type. ** REF_NONE means ACD still owns the value, ** REF_ALL means the caller owns the value, ** REF_SINGLE means the caller owns one value, ** but ACD owns the array ** @return [void*] Value of unknown type. ** @cre Aborts if not found. ** ******************************************************************************/ static void* acdGetValueNumS(const AjPStr token, const char* type, ajint pnum, ajint reftype) { return acdGetValueNumC(ajStrGetPtr(token), type, pnum, reftype); } /* @funcstatic acdHelp ******************************************************** ** ** Reports on program options if acdDoHelp is set, either by ** -help on the command line or by the prefix_HELP variable.. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelp(void) { AcdPAcd pa; static AjPStr helpReq = NULL; static AjPStr helpOpt = NULL; static AjPStr helpAdv = NULL; static AjPStr helpAss = NULL; static AjPStr helpGen = NULL; static AjPStr helpStr = NULL; enum { HELP_UNK, HELP_APP, HELP_REQ, HELP_OPT, HELP_ADV, HELP_ASS, HELP_GEN } helpType; AjPStr* def; AjBool tmpBool; char hlpFlag; AjBool flagReq = ajFalse; AjBool flagOpt = ajFalse; AjPList reqlist = NULL; AjPList optlist = NULL; AjPList advlist = NULL; AjPList genlist = NULL; AjPList asslist = NULL; acdLog("acdHelp %B\n", acdDoHelp); if(!acdDoHelp) return; if(acdDoTable) { reqlist = ajListNew(); optlist = ajListNew(); advlist = ajListNew(); genlist = ajListNew(); if(acdVerbose) asslist = ajListNew(); ajUserDumpC(""); /* was #f5f5ff */ } acdLog("++ acdHelp\n"); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; hlpFlag = ' '; acdLog("++ Name %S Level %d Assoc %B AssocQuals %x\n", pa->Name, pa->Level, pa->Assoc, pa->AssocQuals); helpType = HELP_ADV; if(pa->Level == ACD_APPL) helpType = HELP_APP; else if(!acdIsQtype(pa)) continue; def = pa->DefStr; if(def && ajStrGetLen(def[DEF_ADDITIONAL])) { if(acdHelpVarResolve(&helpStr, def[DEF_ADDITIONAL])) { if(!ajStrToBool(helpStr, &tmpBool)) acdErrorAcd(pa, "Bad additional flag %S\n", def[DEF_ADDITIONAL]); } else { tmpBool = ajTrue; hlpFlag = '*'; flagOpt = ajTrue; } if(tmpBool) helpType = HELP_OPT; } if(def && ajStrGetLen(def[DEF_STANDARD])) { if(acdHelpVarResolve(&helpStr, def[DEF_STANDARD])) { if(!ajStrToBool( helpStr, &tmpBool)) acdErrorAcd(pa, "Bad standard flag %S\n", def[DEF_STANDARD]); } else { tmpBool = ajTrue; hlpFlag = '*'; flagReq = ajTrue; } if(tmpBool) helpType = HELP_REQ; } if(pa->Assoc) helpType = HELP_ASS; acdLog("++ helpType %d\n", helpType); switch(helpType) { case HELP_APP: /* application, do nothing */ break; case HELP_REQ: acdHelpAppend(pa, &helpReq, hlpFlag); acdHelpTable(pa, reqlist); break; case HELP_OPT: acdHelpAppend(pa, &helpOpt, hlpFlag); acdHelpTable(pa, optlist); break; case HELP_ADV: acdHelpAppend(pa, &helpAdv, hlpFlag); acdHelpTable(pa, advlist); break; case HELP_ASS: /* associated - process after the master */ break; case HELP_GEN: /* associated - process after the app */ break; default: acdErrorAcd(pa, "unknown qualifier type %d in acdHelp", helpType); } if(pa->AssocQuals) { if(helpType == HELP_APP) { if(acdVerbose) { acdHelpAssoc(pa, &helpGen, NULL); acdHelpAssocTable(pa, genlist); } else { acdHelpAssoc(pa, &helpGen, "help"); acdHelpAssocTable(pa, genlist); } } else { if(acdVerbose) { acdHelpAssoc(pa, &helpAss, NULL); acdHelpAssocTable(pa, asslist); } } } } if(flagReq) acdHelpShow(helpReq, "Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers " "(* if not always prompted)"); else acdHelpShow(helpReq, "Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers"); acdHelpTableShow(reqlist, "Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers"); if(flagOpt) acdHelpShow(helpOpt, "Additional (Optional) qualifiers " "(* if not always prompted)"); else acdHelpShow(helpOpt, "Additional (Optional) qualifiers"); acdHelpTableShow(optlist, "Additional (Optional) qualifiers"); acdHelpShow(helpAdv, "Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers"); acdHelpTableShow(advlist, "Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers"); if(acdVerbose) acdHelpShow (helpAss, "Associated qualifiers"); acdHelpShow(helpGen, "General qualifiers"); if(acdVerbose && acdDoTable) acdHelpTableShow(asslist, "Associated qualifiers"); if(acdVerbose && acdDoTable) acdHelpTableShow(genlist, "General qualifiers"); if(acdDoTable) ajUserDumpC("
"); ajExit(); } /* @funcstatic acdHelpAssoc *************************************************** ** ** Processes all associated qualifiers for a qualifier or for the application. ** ** If a qualifier name is given (e.g. "help") then only that qualifier ** is processed. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] Help text being built ** @param [r] name [const char*] Single name to process ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *str, const char* name) { static AjPStr line = NULL; static AjPStr qname = NULL; static AjPStr qtype = NULL; static AjPStr text = NULL; AcdPQual quals; ajint i; acdLog("++ acdHelpAssoc %S\n", thys->Name); if(thys->Level == ACD_APPL) quals = acdQualAppl; else { ajFmtPrintS(&line, "\n \"-%S\" associated qualifiers\n", thys->Name); ajStrAppendS(str, line); quals = acdType[thys->Type].Quals; } acdLog("++ type %d quals %x\n", thys->Type, quals); if(quals) { for(i=0; quals[i].Name; i++) { acdLog("++ quals[%d].Name %s\n", i, quals[i].Name); if(name && strcmp(name, quals[i].Name)) continue; if(thys->PNum) ajFmtPrintS(&qname, " -%s%d", quals[i].Name, thys->PNum); else ajFmtPrintS(&qname, " -%s", quals[i].Name); ajStrAssignC(&qtype, quals[i].Type); ajFmtPrintS(&line, " %-20S %-10S ", qname, qtype); ajStrAssignC(&text, quals[i].Help); acdTextFormat(&text); ajStrFmtWrapLeft(&text, 45, 34, 0); ajStrCutStart(&text, 34); ajStrAppendS(&line, text); ajStrAppendC(&line, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(str, line); } } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpAppend ************************************************** ** ** Appends a qualifier and its help text to a help category string. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] Help text being built ** @param [r] flag [char] Flag character. Usually blank, but an asterisk ** is used if the status (optional/required) is ** uncertain. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpAppend(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *str, char flag) { static AjPStr name = NULL; static AjPStr valstr = NULL; static AjPStr nostr = NULL; static AjPStr nullstr = NULL; static AjPStr text = NULL; static AjPStr line = NULL; static AjPStr type = NULL; AjBool boolval; AjPStr defstr; nullstr = ajStrNew(); if(ajCharMatchC("list", acdType[thys->Type].Name)) ajStrAssignC(&type, "menu"); else ajStrAssignC(&type, acdType[thys->Type].Name); if(thys->DefStr) defstr = thys->OrigStr; else defstr = nullstr; ajStrAssignClear(&nostr); if(acdIsQtype(thys) && (ajCharMatchC("boolean", acdType[thys->Type].Name) || ajCharMatchC("toggle", acdType[thys->Type].Name) )) { if(ajStrToBool(defstr, &boolval) && boolval) ajStrAssignC(&nostr, "[no]"); defstr = nullstr; } ajStrAssignS(&valstr, defstr); /* ** warning - don't try acdVarResolve here because we have not yet ** read in the data and things like calculated attributes do not exist */ if(thys->Level == ACD_PARAM) ajFmtPrintS(&name, "[-%S%S]", nostr, thys->Name); else ajFmtPrintS(&name, " -%S%S", nostr, thys->Name); ajFmtPrintS(&line, "%c %-20S %-10S ", flag, name, type); if(!acdDoTable) { acdHelpExpect(thys, ajFalse, &text); if(ajStrGetLen(text)) { ajStrInsertC(&text, 0, "["); ajStrAppendC(&text, "] "); } } acdHelpText(thys, &text); if(ajStrGetLen(text)) ajStrAppendC(&text, " "); if(!acdDoTable) acdHelpValid(thys, ajFalse, &text); ajStrRemoveWhiteSpaces(&text); acdTextFormat(&text); ajStrFmtWrapLeft(&text, 45, 34, 0); ajStrCutStart(&text, 34); ajStrAppendS(&line, text); ajStrAppendC(&line, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(str, line); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&valstr); ajStrDel(&nostr); ajStrDel(&nullstr); ajStrDel(&text); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&type); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidSeq ************************************************ ** ** Generates valid description for an input sequence type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidSeqout ********************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for an output sequence type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidOut ************************************************ ** ** Generates valid description for an outfile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidOut(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidIn ************************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for an infile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidIn(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidData *********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a datafile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidData(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidInt ************************************************ ** ** Generates valid description for an integer type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidInt(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint imin; ajint imax; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "minimum", "$", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &imin)) imin = INT_MIN; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "maximum", "$", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &imax)) imax = INT_MAX; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); else ajStrAppendC(str, " ("); if(imax != INT_MAX) { if(imin != INT_MIN) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Integer from %d to %d", imin, imax); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Integer up to %d", imax); } else { if(imin != INT_MIN) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Integer %d or more", imin); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Any integer value"); } if(!table) ajStrAppendC(str, ")"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidFloat ********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a floating point type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { float fmin; float fmax; ajint iprec; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "minimum", "$", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToFloat(acdTmpStr, &fmin)) fmin = -FLT_MAX; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "maximum", "$", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToFloat(acdTmpStr, &fmax)) fmax = FLT_MAX; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "precision", "$", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &iprec)) iprec = 3; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); else ajStrAppendC(str, " ("); if(fmax != FLT_MAX) { if(fmin != -FLT_MAX) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Number from %.*f to %.*f", iprec, fmin, iprec, fmax); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Number up to %.*f", iprec, fmax); } else { if(fmin != -FLT_MAX) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Number %.*f or more", iprec, fmin); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Any numeric value"); } if(!table) ajStrAppendC(str, ")"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidCodon ********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a codon usage table type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidCodon(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidDirlist ******************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a dirlist type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidDirlist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidFilelist ******************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for a filelist type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidFilelist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidMatrix ********************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for a comparison matrix type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidMatrix(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidFeatout ******************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a feature output type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidFeatout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidFeatures ******************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for an input feature type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidFeatures(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidRange ********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a sequence range. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidRange(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidGraph ********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a graphics device type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidGraph(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { AjPList list; AjPStr name = NULL; ajint i = 0; if(!thys) return; list = ajListstrNew(); ajCall("ajGraphListDevices", list); if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "EMBOSS has a list of known devices, including "); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, " ("); while(ajListstrPop(list, &name)) { if(i) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, ", "); ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%S", name); ajStrDel(&name); i++; } if(!table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, ")"); ajListFree(&list); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidString ********************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for a string type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidString(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint minlen; ajint maxlen; AjBool word; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "minlength", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &minlen)) minlen = 0; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "maxlength", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &maxlen)) maxlen = 0; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "word", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &word)) ajFatal("Bad boolean value"); if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); else ajStrAppendC(str, " ("); if(word) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Any string without whitespace "); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Any string "); if(maxlen > 0) { if(minlen > 0) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "from %d to %d characters", minlen, maxlen); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "up to %d characters", maxlen); } else { if(minlen > 0) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "of at least %d characters", minlen); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "is accepted"); } acdAttrValueStr(thys, "pattern", "", &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrGetLen(acdTmpStr)) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, ", matching regular expression /%S/", acdTmpStr); if(!table) ajStrAppendC(str, ")"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidRegexp ********************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for a regular expression type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidRegexp(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint minlen; ajint maxlen; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "minlength", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &minlen)) minlen = 0; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "maxlength", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &maxlen)) maxlen = 0; if(table) ajStrAssignClear(str); else ajStrAppendC(str, " ("); if(maxlen > 0) { if(minlen > 0) ajFmtPrintS(str, "A regular expression pattern from %d to " "%d characters", minlen, maxlen); else ajFmtPrintS(str, "A regular expression pattern up to %d characters", maxlen); } else { if(minlen > 0) ajFmtPrintS(str, "A regular expression pattern of at least " "%d characters", minlen); else ajStrAssignC(str, "Any regular expression pattern is accepted"); } if(!table) ajStrAppendC(str, ")"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidList *********************************************** ** ** Generates valid description for a list type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidList(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { AjPStr codedelim = NULL; AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStrTok handle; AjPStrTok codehandle; static AjPStr code = NULL; static AjPStr desc = NULL; static AjPStr line = NULL; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "delimiter", ";", &delim); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "value", "", &value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueList(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for list"); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(value, ajStrGetPtr(delim)); if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, ""); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, " (Values: "); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "codedelimiter", ":", &codedelim); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &line)) { codehandle = ajStrTokenNewC(line, ajStrGetPtr(codedelim)); ajStrTokenNextParse(&codehandle, &code); ajStrTokenNextParseC(&codehandle, ajStrGetPtr(delim), &desc); acdTextTrim(&code); acdTextTrim(&desc); if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "", code, desc); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%S (%S); ", code, desc); ajStrTokenDel(&codehandle); } if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "
%S (%S)
"); else { ajStrCutEnd(str, 2); ajStrAppendC(str, ")"); } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValidSelect ********************************************* ** ** Generates valid description for a select type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValidSelect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStrTok handle; static AjPStr desc = NULL; static const char* white = " \t\n\r"; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "delimiter", ";", &delim); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "value", "", &value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueSelect(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for selection"); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(value, ajStrGetPtr(delim)); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &desc)) { ajStrTrimC(&desc, white); if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%S
", desc); else { if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) ajStrAppendK(str, ' '); ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%S", desc); } } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpValid *************************************************** ** ** Generates help text for an ACD object using the help, info, prompt ** and code settings. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated. Only written to if ** initially empty ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpValid(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint i; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(table && ajStrGetLen(*str)) return; if(acdAttrValueStr(thys, "valid", "", &tmpstr)) { if(table) ajStrAppendS(str, tmpstr); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "(%S)", tmpstr); return; } /* special processing for sequences, outseq, outfile */ for(i=0; acdValue[i].Name; i++) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, acdValue[i].Name)) { /* Calling funclist acdValue() */ if(acdValue[i].Valid) acdValue[i].Valid(thys, table, str); break; } if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return; ajStrAppendC(str, acdType[thys->Type].Valid); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectSeq *********************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for an input sequence type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Required"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectSeqout ******************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for an output sequence type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "<*>.format"); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "."); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectOut *********************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for an outfile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectOut(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "<*>.%S", acdProgram); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "*.%S", acdProgram); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectInt *********************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for an integer type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectInt(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint i; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "default", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &i)) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%d", i); else { if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "calculated value"); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectFloat ********************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a floating point type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { float f; ajint iprec; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "default", "0.0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToFloat(acdTmpStr, &f)) f = 0.0; acdAttrValueStr (thys, "precision", "3", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &iprec)) iprec = 3; if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%.*f", iprec, f); else ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "%.*f", iprec, f); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectIn ************************************************ ** ** Generates expected value description for an infile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectIn(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintS(str, "Required"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectData ********************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for a datafile type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectData(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintS(str, "File in the data file path"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectCodon ********************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a codon usage table type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectCodon(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!thys) return; acdAttrResolve(thys, "name", &tmpstr); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { if(table) ajStrAppendS(str, tmpstr); else ajStrAppendS(str, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectDirlist ******************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a dirlist type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectDirlist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!thys) return; acdAttrResolve(thys, "default", &tmpstr); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { if(table) ajStrAppendS(str, tmpstr); else ajStrAppendS(str, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } if(table) ajStrAssignC(str, DEFDLIST); else ajStrAssignC(str, DEFDLIST); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectFilelist ****************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for a filelist type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectFilelist(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "comma-separated file list"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectMatrix ******************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for a comparison matrix type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectMatrix(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "EBLOSUM62 for protein
EDNAFULL for DNA"); else ajStrAppendC(str, "EBLOSUM62 for protein, EDNAFULL for DNA"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectFeatout ******************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a feature output type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectFeatout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "unknown.gff"); else ajStrAppendC(str, "unknown.gff"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectFeatures ****************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for an input feature type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectFeatures(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajFmtPrintAppS(str, "Required"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectRange ********************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a sequence range type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectRange(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "full sequence"); else ajStrAppendC(str, "(full sequence)"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectGraph ********************************************* ** ** Generates expected value description for a graphics device type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectGraph(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { if(!thys) return; #ifndef WIN32 if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or x11"); else ajStrAppendC(str, "$EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or x11"); #else if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or win3"); else ajStrAppendC(str, "$EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or win3"); #endif return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectRegexp ******************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for a regular expression type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectRegexp(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint minlen; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "min", "1", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &minlen)) minlen = 0; if(minlen > 0) { if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "Required"); } else { if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "An empty regular expression is accepted"); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpectString ******************************************** ** ** Generates expected value description for a string type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpectString(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint minlen; acdAttrValueStr(thys, "min", "0", &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &minlen)) minlen = 0; if(minlen > 0) { if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "Required"); } else { if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, "An empty string is accepted"); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpExpect ************************************************** ** ** Generates expected value text for an ACD object code settings. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] table [AjBool] True if writing acdtable HTML table ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpExpect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool table, AjPStr* str) { ajint i; if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return; if(!thys->AssocQuals) if(acdAttrValueStr(thys, "expected", "", str)) return; if(acdAttrValueStr(thys, "default", "", str)) return; /* special processing for sequences, outseq, outfile */ for(i=0; acdValue[i].Name; i++) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, acdValue[i].Name)) { /* Calling funclist acdValue() */ if(acdValue[i].Expect) acdValue[i].Expect(thys, table, str); break; } if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return; ajStrAppendS(str, thys->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]); if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return; if(table) ajStrAppendC(str, " "); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpText **************************************************** ** ** Generates help text for an ACD object using the help, info, prompt ** and code settings. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Help text (if any) generated ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpText(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* str) { AjPStr prompt; AjPStr info; AjPStr code; AjPStr help; static AjPStr msg = NULL; if(thys->DefStr) { prompt = thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]; info = thys->DefStr[DEF_INFO]; code = thys->DefStr[DEF_CODE]; help = thys->DefStr[DEF_HELP]; if(ajStrGetLen(help)) ajStrAssignS(&msg, help); else if(ajStrGetLen(code)) acdCodeGet(code, &msg); else if(ajStrGetLen(info)) ajStrAssignS(&msg, info); else if(ajStrGetLen(prompt)) ajStrAssignS(&msg, prompt); else if(acdType[thys->Type].HelpSet) acdType[thys->Type].HelpSet(thys, &msg); else { if(!acdHelpCodeDef(thys, &msg)) { ajStrAssignResC(&msg, 512, ""); if(thys->Assoc) ajFmtPrintS(&msg, "%s value", acdType[thys->Type].Name); else ajFmtPrintS(&msg, "(no help text) %s value", acdType[thys->Type].Name); } } acdVarResolve(&msg); ajStrAppendS(str, msg); ajStrDel(&msg); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpShow **************************************************** ** ** Prints the qualifier category and the help for any ** qualifiers in that category (or "(none)" if there are none). ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Help text (if any) ** @param [r] title [const char*] Title line for this call ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpShow(const AjPStr str, const char* title) { if(acdDoTable) return; if(!ajStrGetLen(str)) { ajUser(" %s: (none)", title); return; } ajUser(" %s:", title); ajUserDumpS(str); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpTableShow *********************************************** ** ** Prints the qualifier category and the help for any ** qualifiers in that category (or "(none)" if there are none). ** ** @param [r] tablist [const AjPList] Help text (if any). ** @param [r] title [const char*] Title line for this call ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpTableShow(const AjPList tablist, const char* title) { AcdPTableItem item; AjIList iter = NULL; if(!acdDoTable) return; ajUserDumpC(""); /* was #FFFFD0 */ ajUser("%s", title); ajUserDumpC("Allowed values"); ajUserDumpC("Default"); ajUserDumpC("\n"); if(!ajListGetLength(tablist)) { ajUserDumpC(""); ajUserDumpC("(none)"); ajUserDumpC("\n"); } else { iter = ajListIterNewread(tablist); while((item = ajListIterGet(iter))) { acdTextTrim(&item->Help); ajUserDumpC(""); ajUser("%S", item->Qual); ajUser("%S", item->Help); ajUser("%S", item->Valid); ajUser("%S", item->Expect); ajUserDumpC("\n"); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpAssocTable ********************************************** ** ** Appends an associated qualifier and its help text to the table list. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [u] tablist [AjPList] Help text list being built ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpAssocTable(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPList tablist) { AcdPTableItem item; static AjPStr line = NULL; static AjPStr qname = NULL; static AjPStr qtype = NULL; AcdPQual quals; ajint i; AcdPAcd pa; if(!acdDoTable) return; acdLog("++ acdHelpAssoc %S\n", thys->Name); if(thys->Level == ACD_APPL) quals = acdQualAppl; else { ajFmtPrintS(&line, " \"-%S\" related qualifiers\n", thys->Name); quals = acdType[thys->Type].Quals; } acdLog("++ type %d quals %x\n", thys->Type, quals); i=0; for(pa=thys->AssocQuals; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) { acdLog("++ assoc[%d].Name %S\n", i, pa->Name); AJNEW0(item); if(thys->PNum) ajFmtPrintS(&item->Qual, " -%S%d", pa->Name, pa->PNum); else ajFmtPrintS(&item->Qual, " -%S", pa->Name); ajFmtPrintS(&line, " %-20S %-10S ", qname, qtype); acdHelpText(pa, &item->Help); acdHelpValid(pa, ajTrue, &item->Valid); acdHelpExpect(pa, ajTrue, &item->Expect); ajListPushAppend(tablist, item); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpTable *************************************************** ** ** Appends a qualifier and its help text to the table list. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [u] tablist [AjPList] Help text list being built ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpTable(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPList tablist) { AcdPTableItem item; static AjPStr nostr = NULL; static AjPStr nullstr = NULL; static AjPStr type = NULL; AjBool boolval; AjPStr defstr; if(!acdDoTable) return; AJNEW0(item); if(!nullstr) nullstr = ajStrNew(); if(thys->DefStr) defstr = thys->OrigStr; else defstr = nullstr; ajStrAssignClear(&nostr); if(acdIsQtype(thys) && (ajCharMatchC("boolean", acdType[thys->Type].Name) || ajCharMatchC("toggle", acdType[thys->Type].Name) )) { if(ajStrToBool(defstr, &boolval)) { if(boolval) ajStrAssignC(&nostr, "[no]"); ajFmtPrintS(&item->Expect, "%B", boolval); } else if(!ajStrGetLen(defstr)) ajFmtPrintS(&item->Expect, "%B", ajFalse); defstr = nullstr; } if(thys->Level == ACD_PARAM) ajFmtPrintS(&item->Qual, "[-%S%S]
(Parameter %d)", nostr, thys->Name, thys->PNum); else ajFmtPrintS(&item->Qual, "-%S%S", nostr, thys->Name); ajStrAssignC(&type, acdType[thys->Type].Name); acdHelpExpect(thys, ajTrue, &item->Expect); /* ** warning - don't try acdVarResolve here because we have not yet ** read in the data and things like calculated attributes do not exist */ acdHelpValid(thys, ajTrue, &item->Valid); acdHelpText(thys, &item->Help); ajListPushAppend(tablist, item); return; } /* @funcstatic acdListReport ************************************************** ** ** Reports the current status of the ACD internal structures, converting ** values to a printable form as appropriate. ** ** @param [r] title [const char*] Title line for this call ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdListReport(const char* title) { AcdPAcd pa; ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; char underline[256]; if(!acdDoLog) return; j = strlen(title); if(j > 255) j = 255; memset(underline, '=', j); underline[j] = '\0'; acdLog("\n"); acdLog("%s\n", title); acdLog("%s\n", underline); acdLog("\n"); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { acdLog("ACD %d\n", i); if(pa->PNum) { acdLog(" Name: '%S[%d]'\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); acdLog(" Token: '%S[%d]'\n", pa->Token, pa->PNum); } else { acdLog(" Name: '%S'\n", pa->Name); acdLog(" Token: '%S'\n", pa->Token); } acdLog(" Param: %d\n", pa->PNum); acdLog(" Level: %d (%s)\n", pa->Level, acdLevel[pa->Level]); if(acdIsQtype(pa)) acdLog(" Qual Type: %d (%s)\n", pa->Type, acdType[pa->Type].Name); else acdLog(" Key Type: %d (%s)\n", pa->Type, acdKeywords[pa->Type].Name); acdLog(" NAttr: %d\n", pa->NAttr); acdLog(" Assoc: %B\n", pa->Assoc); if(pa->AssocQuals) acdLog(" AssocQuals: %S\n", pa->AssocQuals->Name); else acdLog(" AssocQuals: \n"); acdLog(" Defined: %B\n", pa->Defined); acdLog(" Userdefined: %B\n", pa->UserDefined); acdLog("Orig. Value: '%S'\n", pa->OrigStr); if(pa->ValStr) acdLog(" Value: '%S'\n", pa->ValStr); else acdLog(" Value: \n"); acdLog("\n"); if(pa->DefStr) { acdLog(" Default Attributes:\n"); acdListAttr(acdAttrDef, pa->DefStr, nDefAttr); acdLog("\n"); } acdLog(" Attributes:\n"); if(acdIsQtype(pa)) acdListAttr(acdType[pa->Type].Attr, pa->AttrStr, pa->NAttr); else acdListAttr(acdKeywords[pa->Type].Attr, pa->AttrStr, pa->NAttr); acdLog("\n"); i++; } return; } /* @funcstatic acdListAttr **************************************************** ** ** Reports all attributes for an ACD attribute list. ** ** @param [r] attr [const AcdPAttr] Attribute list ** @param [r] valstr [const AjPPStr] Array of string attribute values ** @param [r] nattr [ajint] Number of attributes in list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdListAttr(const AcdPAttr attr, const AjPPStr valstr, ajint nattr) { ajint i; if(!valstr) return; for(i=0; i < nattr; i++) { if(valstr[i]) acdLog(" %15.15s: '%S'\n", attr[i].Name, valstr[i] ); else acdLog(" %15.15s: \n", attr[i].Name); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdSet ********************************************************* ** ** Sets an attribute or associated qualifier value for an ACD item. ** ** All attributes, of whatever type, are treated as strings at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @param [u] attrib [AjPStr*] Attribute name - converted to full name ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Attribute value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if attribute is valid. ** @cre Aborts if attribute is not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSet(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* attrib, const AjPStr value) { ajint iattr = -1; ajint idef = -1; AcdPAttr attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; AjPStr *attrstr = thys->AttrStr; AcdPAcd aqual; acdLog("acdSet attr '%S' val '%S' type '%S'\n", thys->Name, *attrib, value); /* recursion with associated qualifiers */ aqual = NULL; if(thys->AssocQuals) aqual = acdFindAssoc(thys, *attrib, NULL); iattr = acdFindAttr(attr, *attrib); if(thys->DefStr) /* try again with default attributes */ idef = acdFindAttr(acdAttrDef, *attrib); if(iattr >= 0 && idef >= 0) /* should never happen */ acdErrorAcd(thys, "Duplicate type and default attribute '%S'", *attrib); if(aqual) { if(iattr >= 0) acdErrorAcd(thys, /* no known case */ "'%S' matches attribute '%s' and " "associated qualifier '%S'", *attrib, attr[iattr].Name, aqual->Name); if(idef >= 0) acdErrorAcd(thys, /* no known case */ "'%S' matches default attribute '%s' and " "associated qualifier '%S'", *attrib, acdAttrDef[idef].Name, aqual->Name); } if(iattr >= 0) { ajStrAssignC(attrib, attr[iattr].Name); ajStrAssignS(&attrstr[iattr], value); return ajTrue; } if(idef >= 0) { ajStrAssignC(attrib, acdAttrDef[idef].Name); ajStrAssignS(&thys->DefStr[idef], value); return ajTrue; } if(aqual) return acdDef(aqual, value); /* test: wrongattr.acd */ acdErrorAcd(thys, "Attribute '%S' unknown\n", *attrib ); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdSetKey ****************************************************** ** ** Sets an attribute for an ACD key item. ** ** All attributes, of whatever type, are treated as strings at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item. ** @param [u] attrib [AjPStr*] Attribute name, converted to full name ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Attribute value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if attribute is valid. ** @cre Aborts if attribute is not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetKey(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* attrib, const AjPStr value) { ajint iattr = -1; AcdPAttr attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; AjPStr* attrstr = thys->AttrStr; AcdPAcd aqual; /* recursion with associated qualifiers - e.g.for application */ aqual = NULL; if(thys->AssocQuals) aqual = acdFindAssoc(thys, *attrib, NULL); iattr = acdFindAttr(attr, *attrib); if(aqual) if(iattr >= 0) acdErrorAcd(thys, /* no known case */ "'%S' matches attribute '%s' and qualifier '%S'", *attrib, attr[iattr].Name, aqual->Name); if(iattr >= 0) { ajStrAssignC(attrib, attr[iattr].Name); ajStrAssignS(&attrstr[iattr], value); return ajTrue; } if(aqual) return acdDef(aqual, value); /* test: wrongattr.acd */ acdErrorAcd(thys, "Attribute '%S' unknown\n", *attrib ); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdDef ********************************************************* ** ** Sets the default value for an ACD item, and flags in thys as Defined. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @see acdSetDef ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value) { AjPStr* attrstr = thys->DefStr; acdLog("acdDef %S '%S' %x\n", thys->Name, value, attrstr); acdSetDef(thys, value); thys->Defined = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdSetDef ****************************************************** ** ** Sets the default value for an ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value) { AjPStr* attrstr = thys->DefStr; acdLog("acdSetDef %S '%S' %x\n", thys->Name, value, attrstr); if(!thys->DefStr) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignS(&attrstr[DEF_DEFAULT], value); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdSetDefC ***************************************************** ** ** Sets the default value for an ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] value [const char *] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetDefC(AcdPAcd thys, const char* value) { AjPStr *attrstr = thys->DefStr; acdLog("acdSetDefC %S '%s' %x\n", thys->Name, value, attrstr); if(!thys->DefStr) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignC(&attrstr[DEF_DEFAULT], value); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdSetQualDefBool ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default value for an ACD item or one of its associated qualifiers ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] name [const char *] Qualifier name ** @param [r] value [AjBool] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetQualDefBool(AcdPAcd thys, const char* name, AjBool value) { AjPStr *attrstr; AjPStr qname = NULL; AcdPAcd acd; ajStrAssignC(&qname, name); acd = acdFindQualAssoc(thys, qname, NULL, 0); ajStrDel(&qname); if(!acd) return ajFalse; attrstr = acd->DefStr; acdLog("acdSetQualDefBool %S [%d] '%s' %B\n", thys->Name, thys->PNum, name, value); if(!thys->DefStr) return ajFalse; ajFmtPrintS(&attrstr[DEF_DEFAULT], "%b", value); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdSetQualDefInt *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default value for an ACD item or one of its associated qualifiers ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] name [const char *] Qualifier name ** @param [r] value [ajint] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetQualDefInt(AcdPAcd thys, const char* name, ajint value) { AjPStr *attrstr; AjPStr qname = NULL; AcdPAcd acd; ajStrAssignC(&qname, name); acd = acdFindQualAssoc(thys, qname, NULL, 0); if(!acd) return ajFalse; attrstr = acd->DefStr; acdLog("acdSetQualDefInt %S [%d] '%s' %S [%d] %d\n", thys->Name, thys->PNum, name, acd->Name, acd->PNum, value); if(!thys->DefStr) return ajFalse; ajFmtPrintS(&attrstr[DEF_DEFAULT], "%d", value); ajStrDel(&qname); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdSetVarDef *************************************************** ** ** Sets the default value for a variable ACD item. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Default value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue always. ** @@ ** ** Note: we have to set the ValStr directly as variables have no defstr. ** Variable references are resolved later by acdSetVar ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetVarDef(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr value) { acdLog("acdSetVarDef %S '%S' %x\n", thys->Name, value, thys->ValStr); ajStrAssignS(&thys->ValStr, value); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdFindAttr **************************************************** ** ** Locates an attribute by name in an attribute list. ** ** @param [r] attr [const AcdPAttr] Attribute list ** @param [r] attrib [const AjPStr] Attribute name to be found ** @return [ajint] offset in "attr" if found ** @error -1 if not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdFindAttr(const AcdPAttr attr, const AjPStr attrib) { static ajint i; static ajint j; ajint ifound = 0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(i=0; attr[i].Name; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(attrib, attr[i].Name)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return i; } if(ajCharPrefixS(attr[i].Name, attrib)) { ifound++; j = i; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, attr[i].Name); } } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated attribute '%S' (%S)", attrib, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return j; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("Ambiguous attribute %S (%S)", attrib, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdFindAttrC *************************************************** ** ** Locates an attribute by name in an attribute list. ** ** @param [r] attr [const AcdPAttr] Attribute list ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name to be found ** @return [ajint] offset in "attr" if found ** @error -1 if not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdFindAttrC(const AcdPAttr attr, const char* attrib) { static ajint i; static ajint j; ajint k; ajint ifound = 0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; k = strlen(attrib); ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(i=0; attr[i].Name; i++) if(!strncmp(attr[i].Name, attrib, k)) { if(!strcmp(attr[i].Name, attrib)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return i; } ifound++; j = i; acdAmbigAppC(&ambigList, attr[i].Name); } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated attribute '%s', %S", attrib, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return j; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("ambiguous attribute %s (%S)", attrib, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdProcess ***************************************************** ** ** Steps through all the ACD items, filling in missing information. ** Parameters are defined in the default attributes. The parameter ** number is generated here in the order they are found. ** ** Associated qualifiers (if any) also get a copy of the parameter number. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdProcess(void) { AcdPAcd pa; AcdPAcd qa = NULL; AjPStr reqstr = NULL; AjPStr yesstr = NULL; AjBool isreq; AjBool isparam; if(!reqstr) { ajStrAssignC(&reqstr, "standard"); ajStrAssignC(&yesstr, "Y"); } for(acdProcCurr=acdList; acdProcCurr; acdProcCurr=acdProcCurr->Next) { pa = acdProcCurr; if(pa->DefStr) ajStrAssignS(&pa->OrigStr, pa->DefStr[DEF_DEFAULT]); acdLog("acdProcess '%S' defstr '%x' test parameter\n", pa->Name, pa->DefStr); if(pa->DefStr && acdAttrToBoolTest(pa, "parameter", ajFalse, &isparam)) { if(isparam) { acdNParam++; pa->PNum = acdNParam; pa->Level = ACD_PARAM; acdLog("acdProcess '%S' required\n", pa->Name); /* no unresolvable variables */ if(!(acdVarTest(acdAttrValue(pa, "standard")))) { if(!(acdAttrToBool(pa, "standard", ajFalse, &isreq))) { acdSet(pa, &reqstr, yesstr); } } qa = pa->AssocQuals; if(qa) while(qa->Assoc) { qa->PNum = acdNParam; qa = qa->Next; } } } } ajStrDel(&reqstr); ajStrDel(&yesstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetAll ****************************************************** ** ** Steps through all the ACD items, calling the acdSet... function ** for each in turn to prompt the user for any missing values and ** to check that all is OK. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSetAll(void) { AcdPAcd pa; AjBool isstd; AjBool isadd; const char* stdstring = "std"; const char* addstring = "opt"; const char* advstring = " "; const char* nostring = " "; const char* level = NULL; ajint iendsec = 0; if (acdDoTrace) { iendsec = acdFindKeyC("endsection"); ajUserDumpC("Trace:"); ajUserDumpC("Trace: Line Std ACD_Type Name and 'value'"); ajUserDumpC("Trace: ---- --- --------------- ----------------"); } for(acdSetCurr=acdList; acdSetCurr; acdSetCurr = acdSetCurr->Next) { pa = acdSetCurr; if(!pa->Assoc) acdMasterQual = pa; if(acdIsStype(pa)) ; else if (acdIsQtype(pa)) acdType[pa->Type].TypeSet(pa); else acdKeywords[pa->Type].KeySet(pa); if (acdDoTrace) { if(acdIsQtype(pa)) { acdAttrToBool(pa, "standard", ajFalse, &isstd); acdAttrToBool(pa, "parameter", isstd, &isstd); acdAttrToBool(pa, "additional", ajFalse, &isadd); if (isstd) level = stdstring; else if (isadd) level = addstring; else level = advstring; if (pa->Assoc) continue; else ajUser("Trace: %4d %s %15s: %S '%S'", pa->LineNum, level, acdType[pa->Type].Name, pa->Name, pa->ValStr); } else if(acdIsStype(pa)) { ajUser("Trace: %4d %s %15s: %S", pa->LineNum, level, acdKeywords[pa->Type].Name, pa->Name); if (pa->Type == iendsec) ajUserDumpC("Trace:"); } else { ajUser("Trace: %4d %s %15s: %S '%S'", pa->LineNum, nostring, acdKeywords[pa->Type].Name, pa->Name, pa->ValStr); } } } return; } /* @funcstatic acdQualToBool ************************************************** ** ** Converts an associated qualifier value into a boolean. ** Any variable references are resolved at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item of master parameter or qualifier. ** @param [r] qual [const char*]Qualifier name ** @param [r] defval [AjBool] default value ** @param [w] result [AjBool*] Resulting value. ** @param [w] valstr [AjPStr*] Resulting value as a string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdQualToBool(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, AjBool defval, AjBool *result, AjPStr* valstr) { AjBool ret; ret = acdGetValueAssoc(thys, qual, valstr); acdLog("acdQualToBool item: %S qual: %s defval: %B str: '%S', ret: %B\n", thys->Name, qual, defval, *valstr, ret); if(ret) { acdVarResolve(valstr); acdLog("resolved to: '%S'\n", *valstr); if(ajStrGetLen(*valstr)) { if(!ajStrToBool(*valstr, result)) { acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad associated qualifier " "boolean value -%s = %S\n", thys->Name , qual, *valstr) ; } return ajTrue; } } *result = defval; ajFmtPrintS(valstr, "%b", defval); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdQualToFloat ************************************************* ** ** Converts an associated qualifier value into a floating point number. ** Any variable references are resolved at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item of master parameter or qualifier. ** @param [r] qual [const char*]Qualifier name ** @param [r] defval [float] default value ** @param [r] precision [ajint] floating point precision ** @param [w] result [float*] Resulting value. ** @param [w] valstr [AjPStr*] Resulting value as a string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdQualToFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, float defval, ajint precision, float *result, AjPStr* valstr) { AjBool ret; ret = acdGetValueAssoc(thys, qual, valstr); acdLog("acdQualToFloat item: %S qual: %s defval: %.3f " "str: '%S' ret: %B\n", thys->Name, qual, defval, *valstr, ret); if(ret) { acdVarResolve(valstr); acdLog("resolved to: '%S'\n", *valstr); if(ajStrGetLen(*valstr)) { if(!ajStrToFloat(*valstr, result)) { acdErrorAcd(thys, "%S: Bad associated qualifier " "float value -%s = %S\n", qual, *valstr) ; } return ajTrue; } } *result = defval; ajStrFromFloat(valstr, defval, precision); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdQualToInt *************************************************** ** ** Converts an associated qualifier value into an integer. ** Any variable references are resolved at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item of master parameter or qualifier. ** @param [r] qual [const char*] Qualifier name ** @param [r] defval [ajint] default value ** @param [w] result [ajint*] Resulting value. ** @param [w] valstr [AjPStr*] Qualifier value as a string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdQualToInt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr) { AjBool ret; ret = acdGetValueAssoc(thys, qual, valstr); acdLog("acdQualToInt item: %S qual: %s defval: %d str: '%S' ret: %B\n", thys->Name, qual, defval, *valstr, ret); if(ret) { acdVarResolve(valstr); acdLog("resolved to: '%S'\n", *valstr); if(ajStrGetLen(*valstr)) { if(ajStrMatchC(*valstr, "default")) ajStrAssignC(valstr, "0"); if(!ajStrToInt(*valstr, result)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "%S: Bad associated qualifier " "integer value -%s = %S\n", qual, *valstr); return ajTrue; } } *result = defval; ajStrFromInt(valstr, defval); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdQualToSeqbegin ********************************************** ** ** Converts an associated qualifier value into an integer, or the ** string "start". ** ** Any variable references are resolved at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item of master parameter or qualifier. ** @param [r] qual [const char*] Qualifier name ** @param [r] defval [ajint] default value ** @param [w] result [ajint*] Resulting value. ** @param [w] valstr [AjPStr*] Qualifier value as a string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdQualToSeqbegin(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr) { AjBool ret; ret = acdGetValueAssoc(thys, qual, valstr); acdLog("acdQualToSeqpos item: %S qual: %s defval: %d str: '%S' ret: %B\n", thys->Name, qual, defval, *valstr, ret); if(ret) { acdVarResolve(valstr); acdLog("resolved to: '%S'\n", *valstr); if(ajStrGetLen(*valstr)) { if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(*valstr, "default")) if(!ajStrToInt(*valstr, result)) { acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad associated qualifier " "integer value -%s = %S\n", qual, *valstr); } acdLog("return value %B '%S'\n", ajTrue, *valstr); return ajTrue; } } *result = defval; if(!defval) ajStrAssignC(valstr, "start"); else ajStrFromInt(valstr, defval); acdLog("return default %B '%S'\n", ajFalse, *valstr); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdQualToSeqend ************************************************ ** ** Converts an associated qualifier value into an integer, or the ** string "end". ** ** Any variable references are resolved at this stage. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item of master parameter or qualifier. ** @param [r] qual [const char*] Qualifier name ** @param [r] defval [ajint] default value ** @param [w] result [ajint*] Resulting value. ** @param [w] valstr [AjPStr*] Qualifier value as a string ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdQualToSeqend(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *qual, ajint defval, ajint *result, AjPStr* valstr) { AjBool ret; ret = acdGetValueAssoc(thys, qual, valstr); acdLog("acdQualToSeqpos item: %S qual: %s defval: %d str: '%S' ret: %B\n", thys->Name, qual, defval, *valstr, ret); if(ret) { acdVarResolve(valstr); acdLog("resolved to: '%S'\n", *valstr); if(ajStrGetLen(*valstr)) { if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(*valstr, "default")) if(!ajStrToInt(*valstr, result)) { acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad associated qualifier " "integer value -%s = %S\n", qual, *valstr); } acdLog("return value %B '%S'\n", ajTrue, *valstr); return ajTrue; } } *result = defval; if(!defval) ajStrAssignC(valstr, "end"); else ajStrFromInt(valstr, defval); acdLog("return default %B '%S'\n", ajFalse, *valstr); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToBoolTest ********************************************** ** ** Resolves and tests an attribute string. If it has a boolean value, returns ** true and sets the value. Otherwise returns false and the default value. ** ** Has to take care to test for variables, as their values are not yet ** set when this is called. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [AjBool] Default value ** @param [w] result [AjBool*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToBoolTest(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjBool defval, AjBool *result) { if(acdVarTest(acdAttrValue(thys, attr))) /* test calcparam.acd */ acdErrorAcd(thys, "'%s' attribute cannot use a variable. " "It is used to define " "the command line before values have been set", attr); return acdAttrToBool(thys, attr, defval, result); } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToBool ************************************************** ** ** Resolves and tests an attribute string. If it has a boolean value, returns ** true and sets the value. Otherwise returns false and the default value. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [AjBool] Default value ** @param [w] result [AjBool*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToBool(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjBool defval, AjBool *result) { ajint i; acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, &acdAttrValTmp); if(ajStrGetLen(acdAttrValTmp)) { if(ajStrToBool(acdAttrValTmp, result)) { ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajTrue; } if(ajStrToInt(acdAttrValTmp, &i)) { if(i) *result = ajTrue; else *result = ajFalse; ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajTrue; } else { acdErrorAcd(thys, "%S: Bad attribute boolean value %s = %S\n", thys->Name, attr, acdAttrValTmp); } } *result = defval; ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToFloat ************************************************* ** ** Resolves and tests an attribute string. If it has a float value, returns ** true and sets the value. Otherwise returns false and the default value. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [float] Default value ** @param [w] result [float*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToFloat(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, float defval, float *result) { acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, &acdAttrValTmp); if(ajStrGetLen(acdAttrValTmp)) { if(ajStrToFloat(acdAttrValTmp, result)) { ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajTrue; } else { acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad attribute float value %s = %S\n", attr, acdAttrValTmp); } } *result = defval; ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToInt *************************************************** ** ** Resolves and tests an attribute string. If it has an integer value, returns ** true and sets the value. Otherwise returns false and the default value. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [ajint] Default value ** @param [w] result [ajint*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToInt(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, ajint defval, ajint *result) { acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, &acdAttrValTmp); if(ajStrGetLen(acdAttrValTmp)) { if(ajStrToInt(acdAttrValTmp, result)) { ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajTrue; } else acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad attribute integer value %s = %S\n", attr, acdAttrValTmp); } *result = defval; ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToStr *************************************************** ** ** Resolves an attribute to a string with translation of variable name(s). ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [const char*] Default value ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToStr(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, const char* defval, AjPStr *result) { if(acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, result)) return ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(result, defval); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToChar ************************************************** ** ** Resolves an attribute to a character with translation of variable name(s). ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [char] Default value ** @param [w] result [char*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToChar(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, char defval, char* result) { static AjPStr str = NULL; acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, &str); if(ajStrGetLen(str)) { *result = ajStrGetCharFirst(str); return ajTrue; } *result = defval; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrToUint ************************************************** ** ** Resolves and tests an attribute string. If it has an integer value, returns ** true and sets the value. Otherwise returns false and the default value. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] defval [ajuint] Default value ** @param [w] result [ajuint*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ajFalse if the ** default value was used. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrToUint(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, ajuint defval, ajuint *result) { acdAttrResolve(thys, attr, &acdAttrValTmp); if(ajStrGetLen(acdAttrValTmp)) { if(ajStrToUint(acdAttrValTmp, result)) { ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajTrue; } else acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad attribute unsigned integer value %s = %S\n", attr, acdAttrValTmp); } *result = defval; ajStrDelStatic(&acdAttrValTmp); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrResolve ************************************************* ** ** Resolves an attribute to a string with translation of variable name(s). ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attr [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Resulting value. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was defined, ** ajFalse if an empty string is returned. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrResolve(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attr, AjPStr *result) { ajStrAssignS(result, acdAttrValue(thys, attr)); acdVarResolve(result); if(ajStrGetLen(*result)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdVarTest ***************************************************** ** ** tests for any variable (but not function) references in a string. ** ** Used to check whether variables might be used before we have set ** their values.. ** ** @param [r] var [const AjPStr] String value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a variable was found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVarTest(const AjPStr var) { if(!acdRegVarTest) acdRegVarTest = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\$\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\)"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegVarTest, var)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdVarTestValid ************************************************ ** ** Tests for any variable (but not function) references in a string. ** ** Used by acdvalid to check for dependencies that are too complex ** ** @param [r] var [const AjPStr] String value ** @param [w] toggle [AjBool*] ajTrue if the value is a simple true or false ** test of a toggle variable ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a variable was found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVarTestValid(const AjPStr var, AjBool* toggle) { static AjPRegexp varexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp toggleexp = NULL; AjPStr varref = NULL; AjPStr varname = NULL; AcdPAcd acd = NULL; if(!varexp) varexp = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\$\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\\)"); if(!toggleexp) toggleexp = ajRegCompC("^(@\\([!])?(\\$\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\\))\\)?$"); *toggle = ajFalse; if(!ajRegExec(varexp, var)) return ajFalse; /* ** A variable - is it a simple (toggle) dependency? ** Toggles can be $(varname) or \@($(varname)) or \@(!$(varname)) ** Also allowed is automatic variable acdprotein */ acdLog("acdVarTestValid variable '%S'\n", var); if(ajRegExec(toggleexp, var)) { ajRegSubI(toggleexp, 2, &varref); /* returns $(varname) */ if(acdVarSimple(varref, &varname)) { acd = acdFindAcd(varname, varname, 0); if (acd) { acdLog("acdVarTestValid varname %S acd %S type %s\n", varname, acd->Name, acdType[acd->Type].Name); if(!strcmp(acdType[acd->Type].Name, "toggle")) *toggle = ajTrue; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(varname, "acdprotein")) *toggle = ajTrue; } else acdLog("acdVarTestValid varname %S not found\n", varname); } acdLog("varname '%S' toggle %B\n", varname, *toggle); ajStrDel(&varref); ajStrDel(&varname); } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdVarSimple ************************************************** ** ** Tests a variable reference is non recursive ** ** @param [w] var [AjPStr] String value to be tested ** @param [w] varname [AjPStr*] Variable name if found, else unchanged ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if no further variable or function is found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVarSimple(AjPStr var, AjPStr* varname) { static AjPStr attrname = NULL; static AjPStr result = NULL; static AjPStr token = NULL; static AjPRegexp varexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp funexp = NULL; static AjPStr newvar = NULL; static AjPStr restvar = NULL; if(!varexp) varexp = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\$\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\)"); if(!funexp) funexp = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\@\\(([^()]+)\\)"); if(ajRegExec(varexp, var)) { ajRegSubI(varexp, 2, &token); /* variable name */ acdVarSplit(token, varname, &attrname); if(!ajStrGetLen(attrname)) ajStrAssignC(&attrname, "default"); if(!acdGetAttr(&result, *varname, attrname)) { acdLog("acdVarSimple failed to resolve '%S.%S\n", *varname, attrname); ajStrAssignClear(&result); } ajRegSubI(varexp, 1, &newvar); ajStrAppendS(&newvar, result); if(ajRegPost(varexp, &restvar)) /* any more? */ ajStrAppendS(&newvar, restvar); acdLog("acdVarSimple name %S resolaved to '%S'\n", *varname, newvar); if(ajRegExec(varexp, newvar)) return ajFalse; if(ajRegExec(funexp, newvar)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* else no variable reference at found */ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdVarResolve ************************************************** ** ** Resolves any variable or function references in a string. ** ** First resolves variables in the form $(name) or $(name.attribute). ** This cunningly resolves internal () pairs. ** ** Then looks for function references and resolves them. ** ** @param [w] var [AjPStr*] String value ** @return [AjBool] Always ajTrue so far ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVarResolve(AjPStr* var) { AjPStr varname = NULL; AjPStr attrname = NULL; AjPStr result = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr newvar = NULL; AjPStr restvar = NULL; AjPStr savein = NULL; ajint ivar = 0; ajint ifun = 0; if(!acdRegResolveVar) acdRegResolveVar = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\$\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\)"); if(!acdRegResolveFun) acdRegResolveFun = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\@\\(([^()]+)\\)"); /* resolve variable references first to resolve internal parentheses */ if(!var) { ajStrAssignClear(var); return ajTrue; } if(!ajStrGetLen(*var)) return ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&savein, *var); acdLog("acdVarResolve '%S'\n", savein); while(ajRegExec(acdRegResolveVar, *var)) { ivar++; ajRegSubI(acdRegResolveVar, 2, &token); /* variable name */ acdVarSplit(token, &varname, &attrname); if(!acdGetAttr(&result, varname, attrname)) ajStrAssignClear(&result); ajRegSubI(acdRegResolveVar, 1, &newvar); ajStrAppendS(&newvar, result); if(ajRegPost(acdRegResolveVar, &restvar)) /* any more? */ ajStrAppendS(&newvar, restvar); ajStrAssignS(var, newvar); acdLog("... name %S resolved to '%S'\n", varname, newvar); } /* now resolve any function */ while(ajRegExec(acdRegResolveFun, *var)) { ifun++; ajRegSubI(acdRegResolveFun, 2, &token); /* function statement */ acdFunResolve(&result, token); ajRegSubI(acdRegResolveFun, 1, &newvar); ajStrAppendS(&newvar, result); if(ajRegPost(acdRegResolveFun, &restvar)) /* any more? */ ajStrAppendS(&newvar, restvar); ajStrAssignS(var, newvar); acdLog("... function %S resolved to '%S'\n", token, newvar); } if(ivar > 1) acdLog("Recursive variables in '%S'\n", savein); if(ifun > 1) acdLog("Recursive expressions in '%S'\n", savein); if (acdDoTrace) { if (ifun || ivar) ajUser("Trace: resolved '%S' => '%S'", savein, *var); } ajStrDel(&savein); ajStrDel(&token); ajStrDel(&result); ajStrDel(&attrname); ajStrDel(&varname); ajStrDel(&newvar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpVarResolve ********************************************** ** ** Resolves any variable or function references in a string if clearly ** defined, otherwise returns ajFalse and sets the string to "". For ** use with strings that cannot be resolved in help processing ** because of functions, variable dependencies etc. ** ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] String value ** @param [r] var [const AjPStr] Source string value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if it could be resolved cleanly ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdHelpVarResolve(AjPStr* str, const AjPStr var) { static AjPRegexp varexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp funexp = NULL; if(!varexp) varexp = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\$\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\)"); if(!funexp) funexp = ajRegCompC("^(.*)\\@\\(([^()]+)\\)"); if(!var) { ajStrAssignClear(str); return ajTrue; } /* reject variable references first to resolve internal parentheses */ if(ajRegExec(varexp, var)) { ajStrAssignClear(str); return ajFalse; } /* reject any function */ if(ajRegExec(funexp, var)) { ajStrAssignClear(str); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignS(str, var); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdFunResolve ************************************************** ** ** Resolves a function reference. ** ** Has a list of all accepted function syntax. ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Result returned ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Function statement input ** @return [AjBool] Always ajTrue so far ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdFunResolve(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint i; acdLog("acdFunResolve '%S'\n", str); for(i = 0; explist[i].Name; i++) { /* Calling funclist acdexplist() */ if(explist[i].Func(result, str)) { acdLog("resolved '%S' using '%s'\n", str, explist[i].Name); acdLog(" result '%S'\n", *result); return ajTrue; } } ajWarn("ACD expression invalid @(%S)", str); acdLog("@(%S) *failed**\n", str); ajStrAssignS(result, str); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpPlus ***************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num + num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpPlus(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia, ib; double da, db; if(!acdRegExpPlusI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpPlusI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[+][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpPlusI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpPlusI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpPlusI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpPlusI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%d", ia+ib); acdLog("ia: %d + ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpPlusD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpPlusD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[+][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpPlusD, str)) { acdLog("dexp matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpPlusD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpPlusD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%f", da+db); acdLog("da: %f + db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpMinus **************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num - num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpMinus(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia, ib; double da, db; if(!acdRegExpMinusI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpMinusI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[-][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpMinusI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpMinusI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpMinusI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpMinusI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%d", ia-ib); acdLog("ia: %d - ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpMinusD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpMinusD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[-][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpMinusD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpMinusD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpMinusD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpMinusD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%f", da-db); acdLog("da: %f - db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpStar ***************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num * num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpStar(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia, ib; double da, db; if(!acdRegExpStarI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpStarI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[*][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpStarI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpStarI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpStarI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpStarI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%d", ia*ib); acdLog("ia: %d * ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpStarD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpStarD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[*][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpStarD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpStarD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpStarD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpStarD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%f", da*db); acdLog("da: %f * db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpDiv ****************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num / num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpDiv(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; if(!acdRegExpDivI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpDivI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[/][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpDivI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpDivI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpDivI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpDivI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%d", ia/ib); acdLog("ia: %d / ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpDivD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpDivD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[/][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpDivD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpDivD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpDivD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpDivD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); ajFmtPrintS(result, "%f", da/db); acdLog("da: %f / db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpNot ****************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@(! bool ) or \@(NOT bool) ** or \@(not bool). An invalid bool value is treated as false, ** so it will return a true value. ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpNot(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ba; if(!acdRegExpNot) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpNot = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*(!|[Nn][Oo][Tt])" "[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpNot, str)) { acdLog("nexp matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNot, 2, &acdTmpStr); if(!ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &ba)) { acdLog("invalid bool value '%S' in acdExpNot\n", acdTmpStr); ba = ajFalse; } if(ba) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); acdLog("ta: ! '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpEqual **************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num == num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpEqual(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; if(!acdRegExpEqualI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpEqualI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[=][=][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpEqualI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpEqualI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia == ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d == ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpEqualD) /* float == float */ acdRegExpEqualD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[=][=][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpEqualD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpEqualD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da == db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f == db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpEqualT) /* string == string */ acdRegExpEqualT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[=][=][ \t]*" "([^ \t{}]+)[ \t]*$"); /* for {} see acdExpOneof */ if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpEqualT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpEqualT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpEqualT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); if(ajStrMatchCaseS(acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2)) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' == tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpNotEqual ************************************************* ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num != num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpNotEqual(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; if(!acdRegExpNeI) /* int != int */ acdRegExpNeI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[!][=][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpNeI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpNeI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia != ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d != ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpNeD) /* float != float */ acdRegExpNeD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[!][=][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpNeD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpNeD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da != db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f != db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpNeT) /* string != string*/ acdRegExpNeT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[!][=][ \t]*" "([^ \t{}]+)[ \t]*$"); /* for {} see acdExpOneof */ if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpNeT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpNeT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpNeT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); if(!ajStrMatchCaseS(acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2)) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' != tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpGreater ************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num > num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpGreater(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; if(!acdRegExpGtI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpGtI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[>][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpGtI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpGtI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia > ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d > ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpGtD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpGtD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[>][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpGtD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpGtD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da > db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f > db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpGtT) /* float + float */ acdRegExpGtT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[>][ \t]*" "([^ \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpGtT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpGtT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpGtT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); if(0 > ajStrCmpCaseS(acdTmpStr2, acdTmpStr)) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' > tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpLesser *************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num < num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpLesser(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; if(!acdRegExpLtI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpLtI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[<][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpLtI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpLtI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia < ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d < ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpLtD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpLtD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[<][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpLtD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpLtD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da < db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f < db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpLtT) /* float + float */ acdRegExpLtT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[<][ \t]*" "([^ \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpLtT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpLtT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpLtT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); if(0 < ajStrCmpCaseS(acdTmpStr2, acdTmpStr)) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' < tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpOr ******************************************************* ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num | num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpOr(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; AjBool ba; AjBool bb; if(!acdRegExpOrI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpOrI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[|][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpOrI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpOrI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia || ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d | ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpOrD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpOrD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[|][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpOrD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpOrD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da || db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f | db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpOrT) /* char + char */ acdRegExpOrT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[|][ \t]*" "([^ \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpOrT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpOrT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOrT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr2,&ba); ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &bb); if( ba || bb ) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' | tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpAnd ****************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( num & num ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpAnd(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ia; ajint ib; double da; double db; AjBool ba; AjBool bb; if(!acdRegExpAndI) /* ajint + ajint */ acdRegExpAndI = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[&][ \t]*" "([0-9+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpAndI, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpAndI matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndI, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ia); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndI, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToInt(acdTmpStr, &ib); if(ia && ib) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ia: %d & ib: %d = '%S'\n", ia, ib, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpAndD) /* float + float */ acdRegExpAndD = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*[&][ \t]*" "([0-9.+-]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpAndD, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpAndD matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndD, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &da); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndD, 2, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToDouble(acdTmpStr, &db); if(da && db) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("da: %f & db: %f = '%S'\n", da, db, *result); return ajTrue; } if(!acdRegExpAndT) /* char + char */ acdRegExpAndT = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*[&][ \t]*" "([^ \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpAndT, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpAndT matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndT, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpAndT, 2, &acdTmpStr2); ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr2,&ba); ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &bb); if( ba && bb ) ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajTrue); else ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", ajFalse); acdLog("ta: '%S' & tb: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, acdTmpStr2, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpCond ***************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression \@( bool ? trueval : falseval ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpCond(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { AjBool ba; if(!acdRegExpCond) /* bool ? iftrue : iffalse */ acdRegExpCond = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([.A-Za-z0-9+-]*)[ \t]*[?]" "[ \t]*([^: \t]+)[ \t]*[:]" "[ \t]*([^: \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpCond, str)) { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCond, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrToBool(acdTmpStr, &ba); if(ba) ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCond, 2, result); else ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCond, 3, result); acdLog("ba: %B = '%S'\n", ba, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpOneof **************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression as a test for a list of values ** \@( var == { vala | valb | valc } ) ** \@( var != { vala | valb | valc } ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpOneof(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { AjBool todo; AjPStr testvar = NULL; AjPStr notvar = NULL; AjPStr restvar = NULL; AjPStr elsevar = NULL; if(!acdRegExpOneofCase) /* value = ( vala | valb | valc} ) */ acdRegExpOneofCase = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9+-]+)[ \t]*" "([!=])[=][ \t]*[{]"); if(!acdRegExpOneofList) /* case : value */ acdRegExpOneofList = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^| \t]+)[ \t]*[|}]"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpOneofCase, str)) { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOneofCase, 1, &testvar); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOneofCase, 2, ¬var); /* "!" or empty */ if(!ajRegPost(acdRegExpOneofCase, &restvar)) /* any more? */ { ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(¬var); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignClear(&elsevar); todo = ajTrue; while(todo && ajRegExec(acdRegExpOneofList, restvar)) { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpOneofList, 1, &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrMatchS(acdTmpStr, testvar)) /* match, but did we want to find it? */ { if (ajStrGetCharFirst(notvar) == '=') ajStrAssignC(result, "Y"); else ajStrAssignC(result, "N"); ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(¬var); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } todo = ajRegPost(acdRegExpOneofList, &restvar); } /* no match, but did we not want to find it? */ if (ajStrGetCharFirst(notvar) == '=') ajStrAssignC(result, "N"); else ajStrAssignC(result, "Y"); ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(¬var); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(¬var); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpCase ***************************************************** ** ** Looks for and resolves an expression as a switch/case statement ** \@( var = casea : vala, caseb: valb else: val ) ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpCase(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { ajint ifound; AjBool todo; static AjPStr testvar = NULL; static AjPStr restvar = NULL; static AjPStr elsevar = NULL; if(!acdRegExpCaseCase) /* value = (case : value, ...) */ acdRegExpCaseCase = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9+-]+)[ \t]*[=]"); if(!acdRegExpCaseList) /* case : value */ acdRegExpCaseList = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*([^: \t]+)[ \t]*[:]+" "[ \t]*([^: \t,]+)[ \t,]*"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpCaseCase, str)) { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCaseCase, 1, &testvar); if(!ajRegPost(acdRegExpCaseCase, &restvar)) /* any more? */ { ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignClear(&elsevar); todo = ajTrue; ifound = 0; while(todo && ajRegExec(acdRegExpCaseList, restvar)) { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCaseList, 1, &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrMatchC(acdTmpStr, "else")) /* default */ ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCaseList, 2, &elsevar); if(ajStrMatchS(acdTmpStr, testvar)) /* match, take the value */ { ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCaseList, 2, result); acdLog("%S == %S : '%S'\n", testvar, acdTmpStr, *result); ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } if(ajStrPrefixS(testvar, acdTmpStr)) { ifound++; ajRegSubI(acdRegExpCaseList, 2, result); } todo = ajRegPost(acdRegExpCaseList, &restvar); } if(ifound) /* let ambiguous matches through */ { if(ifound > 1) { acdLog("@(=) ambiguous match, last match accepted %S\n", testvar); acdLog("@(=) ambiguous match, last match accepted %S\n", testvar); } acdLog("%S ~= %S : '%S'\n", testvar, acdTmpStr, *result); if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Ambiguous case expression '%S' (%S)", testvar, *result); ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } if(ifound == 0) { ajStrAssignS(result, elsevar); acdLog("%S != else : '%S'\n", testvar, *result); ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajTrue; } } ajStrDel(&testvar); ajStrDel(&elsevar); ajStrDel(&restvar); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpFilename ************************************************* ** ** Looks for an expression \@(file: string) and returns a trimmed ** lower case file name prefix or suffix. ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpFilename(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { if(!acdRegExpFilename) /* file: name */ acdRegExpFilename = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]:[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpFilename, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpFilename matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpFilename, 1, &acdTmpStr); ajStrAssignS(result, acdTmpStr); ajFilenameTrimAll(result); ajStrFmtLower(result); acdLog("file: %S = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdExpExists *************************************************** ** ** Looks for an expression \@(is string) and returns ajTrue ** if there is a value, and ajFalse if there is none ** ** @param [w] result [AjPStr*] Expression result ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] String with possible expression ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully resolved ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdExpExists(AjPStr* result, const AjPStr str) { AjBool test; if(!acdRegExpFileExists) /* file: name */ acdRegExpFileExists = ajRegCompC("^[ \t]*[Ii][Ss]:[ \t]*([^ \t]*)[ \t]*$"); if(ajRegExec(acdRegExpFileExists, str)) { acdLog("acdRegExpFileExists matched '%S'\n", str); ajRegSubI(acdRegExpFileExists, 1, &acdTmpStr); if(ajStrGetLen(acdTmpStr)) test = ajTrue; else test = ajFalse; ajFmtPrintS(result, "%b", test); acdLog("test: '%S' = '%S'\n", acdTmpStr, *result); return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdVarSplit **************************************************** ** ** Splits a variable reference into name and attribute. ** Attribute is "default" if not specified ** ** @param [r] var [const AjPStr] Variable reference ** @param [w] name [AjPStr*] Variable name ** @param [w] pattrname [AjPStr*] Attribute name, or "default" if not set. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successfully split ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVarSplit(const AjPStr var, AjPStr* name, AjPStr* pattrname) { ajint i; ajStrAssignS(name, var); i = ajStrFindC(*name, "."); /* qualifier with value */ if(i > 0) { ajStrAssignS(pattrname, var); ajStrKeepRange(name, 0, i-1); /* strip any value and keep testing */ ajStrCutStart(pattrname, i+1); } else ajStrDelStatic(pattrname); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrTest *************************************************** ** ** Tests for the existence of a named attribute ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the named attribute exists ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrTest(const AcdPAcd thys,const char *attrib) { AcdPAttr attr; AcdPAttr defattr = acdAttrDef; ajint i; if(acdIsQtype(thys)) attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; else attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttrC(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) return ajTrue; if(thys->DefStr) { i = acdFindAttrC(defattr, attrib); if(i >= 0) return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrTestDefined ********************************************* ** ** Tests for the existence of a named attribute with a value ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the named attribute exists ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrTestDefined(const AcdPAcd thys,const char *attrib) { AcdPAttr attr; AjPStr *attrstr; AcdPAttr defattr = acdAttrDef; AjPStr *defstr; ajint i; attrstr = thys->AttrStr; defstr = thys->DefStr; if(acdIsQtype(thys)) attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; else attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttrC(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { if (ajStrGetLen(attrstr[i])) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if(thys->DefStr) { i = acdFindAttrC(defattr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { if (ajStrGetLen(defstr[i])) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrTestValue *********************************************** ** ** Tests for the existence of a named attribute with a simple value ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the named attribute exists ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrTestValue(const AcdPAcd thys,const char *attrib) { AcdPAttr attr; AjPStr *attrstr; AcdPAttr defattr = acdAttrDef; AjPStr *defstr; ajint i; attrstr = thys->AttrStr; defstr = thys->DefStr; if(acdIsQtype(thys)) attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; else attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttrC(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { if (ajStrGetLen(attrstr[i]) && ajStrFindAnyK(attrstr[i], '$') < 0) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if(thys->DefStr) { i = acdFindAttrC(defattr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { if (ajStrGetLen(defstr[i]) && ajStrFindAnyK(defstr[i], '$') < 0) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrValue *************************************************** ** ** Returns the string value for a named attribute ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name ** @return [const AjPStr] Attribute value. ** @cre Aborts if attribute is not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdAttrValue(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib) { AcdPAttr attr; AjPStr *attrstr; AcdPAttr defattr; AjPStr *defstr; ajint i; attrstr = thys->AttrStr; defattr = acdAttrDef; defstr = thys->DefStr; if(acdIsQtype(thys)) attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; else attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttrC(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) return attrstr[i]; if(thys->DefStr) { i = acdFindAttrC(defattr, attrib); if(i >= 0) return defstr[i]; } if(i < 0) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Unknown attribute '%s'\n", attrib); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdAttrValueStr ************************************************ ** ** Returns the string value for a named attribute ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @param [r] attrib [const char*] Attribute name ** @param [r] def [const char*] Default value ** @param [w] str [AjPStr*] Attribute value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if success. ** @cre Aborts if attribute is not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdAttrValueStr(const AcdPAcd thys, const char *attrib, const char* def, AjPStr *str) { AcdPAttr attr; AjPStr *attrstr; AcdPAttr defattr; AjPStr *defstr; ajint i; attrstr = thys->AttrStr; defattr = acdAttrDef; defstr = thys->DefStr; if(acdIsQtype(thys)) attr = acdType[thys->Type].Attr; else attr = acdKeywords[thys->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttrC(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignS(str, attrstr[i]); if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(str, def); return ajFalse; } if(thys->DefStr) { i = acdFindAttrC(defattr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignS(str, defstr[i]); if(ajStrGetLen(*str)) return ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(str, def); return ajFalse; } } if(i < 0) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Unknown attribute %s\n", attrib); return ajFalse; } /* @section internals ********************************************************* ** ** Sets internal values ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Set Set an internal value ** @nam4rule SetControl Set a control variable ** ** @argrule SetControl optionName [const char*] Control variable name ** ** @valrule * [AjBool] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdSetControl ****************************************************** ** ** Sets special qualifiers which were originally provided via the ** command line. ** ** Sets special internal variables to reflect their presence. ** ** Currently these are "acdlog", "acdpretty", "acdtable", "acdtrace" and ** "acdvalid" ** ** @param [r] optionName [const char*] option name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if option was recognised ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAcdSetControl(const char* optionName) { if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdlog")) { acdDoLog = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdpretty")) { acdDoPretty = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdtable")) { acdDoTable = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdtrace")) { acdDoTrace = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdvalid")) { acdDoValid = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdhelp")) { acdDoHelp = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdverbose")) { acdVerbose = ajTrue; return ajTrue; } if(!ajCharCmpCase(optionName, "acdnocommandline")) { acdCommandLine = ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* program source error */ ajDie("Unknown ajAcdSetControl control option '%s'", optionName); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdArgsScan **************************************************** ** ** Steps through the command line and checks for special qualifiers. ** Sets special internal variables to reflect their presence. ** ** Currently these are "-debug", "-stdout", "-filter", "-options" ** "-help" and "-auto", plus the message controls ** "-warning", "-error", "-fatal", "-die" ** ** @param [r] argc [ajint] Number of arguments ** @param [r] argv [char* const[]] Actual arguments as a text array. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdArgsScan(ajint argc, char * const argv[]) { ajint i; char* cp; for(i=0; i < argc; i++) { cp = argv[i]; if(*cp && strchr("-/", *cp)) /* first character vs. qualifier starts */ { cp++; if(*cp == '-') /* allow --qualifier */ cp++; } else continue; if(!*cp) continue; if(!strcmp(cp, "debug")) { acdDebug = ajTrue; acdDebugSet = ajTrue; } if(!strcmp(cp, "nodebug")) { acdDebug = ajFalse; acdDebugSet = ajTrue; } if(!strcmp(cp, "stdout")) acdStdout = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "filter")) acdFilter = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "options")) acdOptions = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "verbose")) acdVerbose = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "help")) acdDoHelp = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "auto")) acdAuto = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "warning")) AjErrorLevel.warning = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "nowarning")) AjErrorLevel.warning = ajFalse; if(!strcmp(cp, "error")) AjErrorLevel.error = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "noerror")) AjErrorLevel.error = ajFalse; if(!strcmp(cp, "-fatal")) AjErrorLevel.fatal = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "nofatal")) AjErrorLevel.fatal = ajFalse; if(!strcmp(cp, "die")) AjErrorLevel.die = ajTrue; if(!strcmp(cp, "nodie")) AjErrorLevel.die = ajFalse; if(!strcmp(cp, "help")) acdLog("acdArgsScan -help argv[%d]\n", i); } acdLog("acdArgsScan acdDebug %B acdDoHelp %B\n", acdDebug, acdDoHelp); return; } /* @funcstatic acdArgsParse *************************************************** ** ** Steps through the command line and compares to the stored command structure. ** Capable of cunning tricks such as matching values to qualifiers if they fit, ** and otherwise treating them as parameters. ** ** @param [r] argc [ajint] Number of arguments ** @param [r] argv [char* const[]] Actual arguments as a text array. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdArgsParse(ajint argc, char * const argv[]) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint number; ajint iparam = 0; /* expected next param */ ajint jparam = 0; /* param found */ ajint itestparam = 0; ajint jtestparam = 0; AcdPAcd acd; AcdPAcd acd2; const char *cp; const char *cq; AjPStr qual = NULL; AjPStr noqual = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStr param = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr master = NULL; AjPStr argvalstr = NULL; acdLog("ArgsParse\n=========\n"); acdLog("\n"); acdMasterQual = NULL; /* acdQualTestSkip = ajFalse; */ i = 1; while(i < argc) { acdLog("%s ", argv[i]); i++; } acdLog("\n"); acdLog("\n"); i = 1; /* skip the program name */ while(i < argc) { cp = argv[i]; if((i+1) < argc) cq = argv[i+1]; else cq = NULL; if(acdArgSave) ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '\n'); acdLog("\n"); acdLog("argv[%d] <%s>", i, cp); if(cq) acdLog(" + argv[%d] <%s>", i+1, cq); acdLog("\n"); jparam = 0; if((j = acdIsQual(cp, cq, &jparam, &qual, &noqual, &value, &number, &master, &acd))) { if(jparam) { acdLog("Parameter (%d) ", jparam); acdParamSet[jparam-1] = ajTrue; if(iparam == (jparam-1)) { iparam = acdNextParam(iparam); acdLog("reset iparam = %d\n", iparam); } else acdLog("keep iparam = %d\n", iparam); } else acdLog("Qualifier "); acdLog("-%S ", noqual); if(number) acdLog("[%d] ", number); if(ajStrGetLen(value)) acdLog("= '%S'", value); acdLog("\n"); /* ** acdFindQualDetail dies (Unknown qualifier) if acd is not set, ** so we are safe here */ acdDef(acd, value); acdLog("set qualifier -%S[%d] (param %d) = %S\n", acd->Name, acd->PNum, jparam, value); /* loop over any associated qualifiers for the rest */ acdLog("number: %d jparam: %d acd->PNum: %d acdNParam: %d\n", number, jparam, acd->PNum, acdNParam); if(!number && !jparam && acd->PNum) { for(itestparam = acd->PNum+1; itestparam <= acdNParam; itestparam++) { acdLog("test [%d] '%S'\n", itestparam, qual); acd2 = acdFindQualDetail(qual, NULL, NULL, itestparam, &jtestparam); if(acd2) { acdDef(acd2, value); acdLog("set next qualifier -%S[%d] (param %d) = %S\n", acd2->Name, acd2->PNum, jparam, value); } else acdLog("no -%S[%d]\n", qual, itestparam); } } acd->UserDefined = ajTrue; ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '-'); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, noqual); if(number) ajFmtPrintAppS(&acdArgSave, "%d", number); else if(ajStrGetLen(master)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&acdArgSave, "_%S", master); if(j==2) { i++; } ajStrAssignS(&argvalstr, value); if(!strcmp(acdType[acd->Type].Name, "boolean") || !strcmp(acdType[acd->Type].Name, "toggle")) { if(ajStrMatchS(qual, noqual)) /* -boolqual */ { if(ajStrMatchC(value, "Y")) ajStrAssignClear(&argvalstr); } else if(ajStrMatchC(value, "N")) /* -noboolqual */ ajStrAssignClear(&argvalstr); if(ajStrGetLen(argvalstr)) /* non-trivial boolean values */ { ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, ' '); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, argvalstr); } } else if(ajStrIsWord(value) && (ajStrFindAnyC(value, "*?[]") < 0)) { ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, ' '); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, value); } else if(ajStrMatchS(qual, noqual)) /* not -nomissfile */ { ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, ' '); ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '\"'); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, value); ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '\"'); } } else /* not a qualifier - assume a parameter */ { iparam = acdNextParam(0); /* first free parameter */ acdIsParam(cp, ¶m, &iparam, &acd); /* die if too many */ acd->UserDefined = ajTrue; ajStrAppendC(&acdArgSave, "[-"); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, acd->Name); ajStrAppendC(&acdArgSave, "] "); if(acdIsParamValue(param)) { acdLog("Parameter %d: %S = %S\n", iparam, acd->Name, param); acdDef(acd, param); acdParamSet[iparam-1] = ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(&argvalstr, cp); if(ajStrIsWord(argvalstr) && (ajStrFindAnyC(argvalstr, "*?[]") < 0)) ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, argvalstr); else { ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '\"'); ajStrAppendS(&acdArgSave, argvalstr); ajStrAppendK(&acdArgSave, '\"'); } } else /* missing value "." or "" ignored */ { acdLog("Parameter %d: %S = '%S' ** missing value **\n", iparam, acd->Name, param); ajStrAssignClear(¶m); acdDef(acd, param); acdParamSet[iparam-1] = ajTrue; ajStrAppendC(&acdArgSave, "\"\""); } } i++; } ajStrDel(&qual); ajStrDel(&noqual); ajStrDel(&value); ajStrDel(¶m); ajStrDel(&token); ajStrDel(&argvalstr); return; } /* @section provenance ******************************************************* ** ** Functions providing information about the run-time environment ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Get Return data as a string ** @nam4rule GetCmdline Return the full commandline equivalent ** @nam4rule GetInputs Return the full commandline equivalent ** @nam4rule GetProgram Return the program name ** ** @valrule * [const AjPStr] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdGetCmdline ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the original command line as qualifiers and values with newline ** delimiters ** ** @return [const AjPStr] Commandline with newlines between qualifiers ** and parameters ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAcdGetCmdline (void) { return acdArgSave; } /* @func ajAcdGetInputs ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the user non-default inputs in commandline form ** ** @return [const AjPStr] Commandline with newlines between qualifiers ** and parameters ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAcdGetInputs (void) { return acdInputSave; } /* @funcstatic acdIsParamValue ************************************************ ** ** Tests whether a parameter value is 'missing', in which case ** it will be ignored for now. ** ** @param [r] pval [const AjPStr] Parameter value ** ** @return [AjBool] ajFalse for a missing value. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsParamValue(const AjPStr pval) { if(ajStrMatchC(pval, ".")) return ajFalse; if(!ajStrGetLen(pval)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdNextParam *************************************************** ** ** Returns the next unknown parameter. Used for cases where parameters ** are specified by qualifier before their turn on the command line ** ** @param [r] pnum [ajint] Current parameter number ** ** @return [ajint] next undefined parameter ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdNextParam(ajint pnum) { ajint i; if(pnum > acdNParam) return pnum+1; /* all done */ for(i=pnum;i= acdNParam) /* test acdc-toomanyparam */ { ajErr("Argument '%s' : Too many parameters %d/%d", arg, (*iparam), acdNParam); ajExitBad(); } (*iparam)++; *acd = acdFindParam(*iparam); if(!strcmp(cp, ".")) /* missing value */ { ajStrAssignClear(param); /* clear the parameter */ return ajTrue; } ajStrAssignC(param, arg); /* copy the argument value */ if(*acd) { if((*acd)->AssocQuals) { acdLog("acdMasterQual [param] set to -%S\n", (*acd)->Name); acdMasterQual = *acd; } else if(acdMasterQual) { acdLog("acdMasterQual cleared, was -%S\n", acdMasterQual->Name); acdMasterQual = NULL; } return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdIsQual ****************************************************** ** ** Tests an argument to see whether it is a qualifier ** Qualifiers start with "-". ** Qualifiers are assumed to take a value, which is either ** delimited by an "=" sign or is the next argument. ** Qualifiers can also have a numbered suffix if matching one of the parameters ** or a specific master qualifier as a suffix after an underscore. ** ** @param [r] arg [const char*] Argument ** @param [r] arg2 [const char*] Next argument ** @param [w] iparam [ajint*] Parameter number ** @param [w] pqual [AjPStr*] Qualifier name copied on success ** @param [w] pnoqual [AjPStr*] Qualifier name with possible 'no' prefix ** @param [w] pvalue [AjPStr*] Qualifier value copied on success ** @param [w] number [ajint*] Qualifier number ** @param [w] pmaster [AjPStr*] Named master qualifier ** @param [w] acd [AcdPAcd*] Qualifier data ** @return [ajint] Number of arguments consumed ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdIsQual(const char* arg, const char* arg2, ajint *iparam, AjPStr *pqual, AjPStr *pnoqual, AjPStr *pvalue, ajint* number, AjPStr *pmaster, AcdPAcd* acd) { ajint ret=0; const char *cp; ajint i; AjBool gotvalue = ajFalse; AjBool ismissing = ajFalse; AjBool qstart = ajFalse; AjBool nullok = ajFalse; AjBool attrok = ajFalse; AjPStr noqual = NULL; acdLog("acdIsQual '%s' '%s'\n", arg, arg2); cp = arg; *number = 0; *acd = NULL; ajStrDel(pmaster); if(!strcmp(cp, "-")) /* stdin or stdout parameter */ return 0; if(!strcmp(cp, ".")) /* dummy parameter */ return 0; if(!strcmp(cp, "--")) /* special -- to turn off processing */ { /* acdQualTestSkip = ajTrue; */ return 0; } if(*cp && strchr("-/", *cp)) /* first character vs. qualifier starts */ { cp++; qstart = ajTrue; if(*cp == '-') /* allow --qualifier */ { cp++; } } ajStrAssignClear(pqual); ajStrAssignClear(pnoqual); if(!*cp) return 0; /* qualifier: now play hunt the value */ ret = 1; ajStrAssignC(pqual, cp); /* qualifier with '-' or '/' removed */ /* ** pqual could be ** qualname (unless boolean, look for next arg as the value) ** qualname=value (value as part of arg) ** noqualname (boolean negative, or nullok set to empty string */ /* ** First check whether we have a value (set gotvalue) in the first arg */ i = ajStrFindC(*pqual, "="); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignSubS(pvalue, *pqual, (i+1), -1); acdLog("qualifier value '%S' '%S' %d .. %d\n", *pvalue, *pqual, (i+1), -1); ajStrKeepRange(pqual, 0, (i-1)); gotvalue = ajTrue; } else { if(!qstart) /* no start, no "=" assume it's a parameter */ return 0; if(!ajStrIsAlnum(*pqual)) /* funny characters, fail */ return 0; } acdQualParse(pqual, &noqual, pmaster, number); if(ajStrGetLen(*pmaster)) /* specific master, turn off auto processing */ acdMasterQual = NULL; /* pmaster resets this in acdFindQualDetail */ if(acdMasterQual) /* we are still working with a master */ { acdLog("(a) master, try associated with acdFindQualAssoc\n"); *acd = acdFindQualAssoc(acdMasterQual, *pqual, noqual, *number); if(!*acd) { acdLog("acdMasterQual cleared, was -%S\n", acdMasterQual->Name); acdMasterQual = NULL; } else { *number = acdMasterQual->PNum; acdLog("Qualifier -%S associated with -%S\n", *pqual, acdMasterQual->Name); } } if(!acdMasterQual) { acdLog("(b) no master, general test with acdFindQualDetail\n"); *acd = acdFindQualDetail(*pqual, noqual, *pmaster, *number, iparam); } if(!*acd) /* test acdc-badqual */ ajDie("Unknown qualifier %s", arg); ajStrAssignS(pqual, (*acd)->Name); ajStrAssignS(pnoqual, (*acd)->Name); if((*acd)->AssocQuals) /* this one is a new master */ { acdLog("acdMasterQual set to -%S\n", (*acd)->Name); acdMasterQual = *acd; } if(gotvalue) { /* test acdc-noprefixvalue */ if(ajStrPrefixS((*acd)->Name, noqual)) ajDie("'no' prefix used with value for '%s'", arg); } else { acdLog("testing for a value\n"); /* ** Bool qualifiers can have no value ** or can be followed by a valid Bool value */ if(ajStrPrefixS((*acd)->Name, noqual)) { /* we have a -noqual matched */ acdLog("we matched with -no\n"); ajStrAssignC(pnoqual, "no"); ajStrAppendS(pnoqual, (*acd)->Name); if(!strcmp(acdType[acdListCurr->Type].Name, "boolean") || !strcmp(acdType[acdListCurr->Type].Name, "toggle")) { acdLog("-no%S=N boolean or toggle accepted\n", noqual); gotvalue = ajTrue; ret = 1; ajStrAssignC(pvalue, "N"); ajStrDel(&noqual); return ret; } if(acdAttrTest(*acd, "nullok")) { if(acdAttrTestValue(*acd, "nullok")) attrok = acdAttrToBool(*acd, /* -no for null value */ "nullok", ajFalse, &nullok); else /* assume it can be true */ { attrok = ajTrue; nullok = ajTrue; } acdLog("check for nullok, found:%B value:%B\n", attrok, nullok); } else nullok = ajFalse; if(nullok) { acdLog("-no%S='' nullOK accepted\n", noqual); gotvalue = ajTrue; ret = 1; ajStrAssignClear(pvalue); ajStrDel(&noqual); return ret; } else /* test acdc-noprefixbad acdc-noprefixbad2 */ ajDie("'no' prefix invalid for '%s'", arg); } /* ** just the qualifier name with no value */ if(!strcmp(acdType[acdListCurr->Type].Name, "boolean") || !strcmp(acdType[acdListCurr->Type].Name, "toggle")) { if(acdValIsBool(arg2)) /* bool value, accept */ { acdLog("acdValIsBool -%s '%s'\n", arg, arg2); gotvalue = ajTrue; ret = 2; ajStrAssignC(pvalue, arg2); } else /* we must mean true */ ajStrAssignC(pvalue, "Y"); } else { if(!arg2) /* no value - can be missing? */ { ajStrToBool((*acd)->DefStr[DEF_MISSING], &ismissing); if(!ismissing) /* test acdc-novalue */ ajDie("Value required for '%s'", arg); } /* test for known qualifiers */ else { if(*arg2 == '-') { if(!acdTestQualC(arg2)) /* not known qualifier */ /* must be value */ gotvalue = ajTrue; else { ajStrToBool((*acd)->DefStr[DEF_MISSING], &ismissing); if(!ismissing) /* test acdc-novalue2 */ ajDie("Value required for '%s' before '%s'", arg, arg2); } } else gotvalue = ajTrue; } if(gotvalue) { ret = 2; ajStrAssignC(pvalue, arg2); } else ajStrAssignClear(pvalue); } } ajStrDel(&noqual); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdValIsBool *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether a value on the command line is a valid Boolean value ** ** @param [r] arg [const char*] COmmand live argument value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the value is boolean, ** but not whether it is true or false. ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdValIsBool(const char* arg) { if(!arg) return ajFalse; switch(*arg) { case 'n': case 'N': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "no"); case 'y': case 'Y': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "yes"); case 't': case 'T': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "true"); case 'f': case 'F': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "false"); case '0': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "0"); case '1': if(!arg[1]) return ajTrue; return ajCharMatchCaseC(arg, "1"); default: break; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdFindItem **************************************************** ** ** Returns the ACD definition for a named item and ** (optionally) a given qualifier number. If the qualifier number ** is given, it is checked. If not, the first hit is used. ** ** Section and Endsection do not count ** ** @param [r] item [const AjPStr] Item name ** @param [r] number [ajint] Item number (zero if a general item) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item required ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindItem(const AjPStr item, ajint number) { AcdPAcd ret = NULL; AcdPAcd pa; AjBool found = ajFalse; ajint ifound = 0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; found = ajFalse; if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, item)) if(!number || number == pa->PNum) found = ajTrue; if(found) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, item)) { ajStrDel(&ambigList); return pa; } ifound++; ret = pa; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); } } if(ifound == 1) { if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated item '%S' (%S)", item, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return ret; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("ambiguous item %S (%S)", item, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindQual **************************************************** ** ** Finds a qualifier by name, and returns the full name ** ** @param [u] pqual [AjPStr*] Qualifier name ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item for qualifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindQual(AjPStr *pqual) { AcdPAcd ret = NULL; AcdPAcd pa; ajint ifound = 0; AjBool found = ajFalse; if(!ajStrGetLen(*pqual)) return NULL; for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { found = ajFalse; if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; found = ajFalse; if(pa->Level == ACD_QUAL || pa->Level == ACD_PARAM) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, *pqual)) found = ajTrue; if(found) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, *pqual)) return pa; ifound++; ret = pa; } } } if(ifound == 1) { ajStrAssignS(pqual, ret->Name); return ret; } return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindQualDetail ********************************************** ** ** Returns the parameter definition for a named qualifier and ** (optionally) a given qualifier number. If the qualifier number ** is given, it is checked. If not, the current parameter number is checked. ** General qualifiers have no specified number and can match at any time. ** ** @param [r] qual [const AjPStr] Qualifier name ** @param [r] noqual [const AjPStr] Alternative qualifier name ** (qual with "no" prefix removed, or empty, or NULL) ** @param [rN] master [const AjPStr] Master qualifier name ** @param [r] PNum [ajint] Qualifier number (zero if a general qualifier) ** @param [u] iparam [ajint*] Current parameter number ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item for qualifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindQualDetail(const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, const AjPStr master, ajint PNum, ajint *iparam) { /* test for match of parameter number and type */ /* PNum : number encoded in qualifier name ==> forced match */ /* iparam : current parameter number ==> possible match */ /* when both are zero, could be a generic match, like "-begin" for all sequences. Just return the first and let caller find the rest */ AcdPAcd ret = NULL; AcdPAcd pa; AjBool found = ajFalse; AjBool isparam = ajFalse; ajint ifound = 0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; if(ajStrGetLen(master)) { *iparam = 0; return acdFindQualMaster(qual, noqual, master, PNum); } ambigList = ajStrNew(); acdLog("acdFindQualMaster '%S' (%S) PNum: %d iparam: %d\n", qual, noqual, PNum, *iparam); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; found = ajFalse; if(pa->Level == ACD_QUAL) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdLog("..matched qualifier '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); if(PNum) /* -begin2 forces match to #2 */ { if(PNum == pa->PNum) { acdLog("..matched PNum '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); found = ajTrue; } } else if(pa->PNum) /* defined for parameter pa->PNum */ { acdLog("..hit PNum '%S' [%d] (ambigList '%S')\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum, ambigList); if(!ifound || !ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, ambigList)) found = ajTrue; } else /* general match */ found = ajTrue; if(found) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdListCurr = pa; ajStrDel(&ambigList); return pa; } acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); ifound++; ret = pa; acdLog("..prefix only '%S', ifound %d\n", pa->Name, ifound); } } } else if(pa->Level == ACD_PARAM) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdLog("..matched param '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdListCurr = pa; *iparam = pa->PNum; ajStrDel(&ambigList); return pa; } acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); ifound++; isparam = ajTrue; ret = pa; acdLog("..prefix only '%S', ifound %d\n", pa->Name, ifound); } } } if(ifound == 1) { acdListCurr = ret; if(isparam) *iparam = ret->PNum; if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated qualifier '%S' (%S)", qual, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return ret; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("ambiguous qualifier '%S' (%S)", qual, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindQualMaster ********************************************** ** ** Returns the parameter definition for a named qualifier and ** (optionally) a given qualifier number. If the qualifier number ** is given, it is checked. If not, the current parameter number is checked. ** General qualifiers have no specified number and can match at any time. ** ** @param [r] qual [const AjPStr] Qualifier name ** @param [r] noqual [const AjPStr] Alternative qualifier name ** (qual with "no" prefix removed, or empty, or NULL) ** @param [rN] master [const AjPStr] Master qualifier name ** @param [r] PNum [ajint] Qualifier number (zero if a general qualifier) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item for qualifier ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindQualMaster(const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, const AjPStr master, ajint PNum) { /* test for match of parameter number and type */ /* ** PNum : number encoded in qualifier name ==> forced match ** iparam : current parameter number ==> possible match ** when both are zero, could be a generic match, like "-begin" for ** all sequences. Just return the first and let caller find the rest */ AcdPAcd ret = NULL; AcdPAcd pa; AjBool found = ajFalse; ajint ifound =0; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); acdLog("acdFindQualMaster '%S_%S' (%S) PNum: %d\n", qual, master, noqual, PNum); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; found = ajFalse; if(pa->Level == ACD_QUAL) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, master)) { acdLog("..matched qualifier '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); if(PNum) /* -begin2 forces match to #2 */ { if(PNum == pa->PNum) { acdLog("..matched PNum '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); found = ajTrue; } } else if(pa->PNum) /* defined for parameter pa->PNum */ { acdLog("..hit PNum '%S' [%d] (ambigList '%S')\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum, ambigList); if(!ifound || !ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, ambigList)) found = ajTrue; } else /* general match */ found = ajTrue; if(found) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, master)) { ret = pa; ifound = 1; break; } acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); ifound++; ret = pa; acdLog("..prefix only, ifound %d\n", ifound); } } } else if(pa->Level == ACD_PARAM) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, master)) { acdLog("..matched param '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, master)) { ret = pa; ifound = 1; break; } acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); ifound++; ret = pa; acdLog("..prefix only, ifound %d\n", ifound); } } } if(ifound > 1) { acdLog("..ambiguous master qualifier for %S_%S (%S)", qual, master, ambigList); ajWarn("Ambiguous master qualifier '%S' in %S_%S (%S)", master, qual, master, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } if(!ifound) { acdLog("..master qualifier for %S_%S not found\n", qual, master); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } acdLog("..master qualifier found '%S' %d\n", ret->Name, ret->PNum); ifound = 0; for(pa=ret->AssocQuals; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) { found = ajFalse; if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdLog("..matched qualifier '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); if(PNum) /* -begin2 forces match to #2 */ { if(PNum == pa->PNum) { acdLog("..matched PNum '%S' [%d]\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum); found = ajTrue; } } else if(pa->PNum) /* defined for parameter pa->PNum */ { acdLog("..hit PNum '%S' [%d] (ambigList '%S')\n", pa->Name, pa->PNum, ambigList); if(!ifound || !ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, ambigList)) { found = ajTrue; } } else /* general match */ found = ajTrue; if(found) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noqual)) { acdListCurr = pa; ajStrDel(&ambigList); return pa; } acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); ifound++; ret = pa; acdLog("..prefix only, ifound %d\n", ifound); } } } if(ifound == 1) { acdListCurr = ret; if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated associated qualifier '%S_%S' (%S)", qual, master, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return ret; } if(ifound > 1) { acdLog("..ambiguous associated qualifier %S_%S (%S)", qual, master, ambigList); ajWarn("ambiguous associated qualifier %S_%S (%S)", qual, master, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); acdLog("..associated qualifier %S_%S not found", qual, master); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindQualAssoc *********************************************** ** ** Returns the definition for a named associated qualifier. ** If the qualifier number ** is given, it is checked. If not, the current parameter number is checked. ** General qualifiers have no specified number and can match at any time. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Master ACD item ** @param [r] qual [const AjPStr] Qualifier name ** @param [r] noqual [const AjPStr] Alternative qualifier name ** (qual with "no" prefix removed, or empty, or NULL) ** @param [r] PNum [ajint] Qualifier number (zero if a general qualifier) ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item for associated qualifier ** @error NULL returned if not found. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindQualAssoc(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr qual, const AjPStr noqual, ajint PNum) { /* test for match of parameter number and type */ /* ** PNum : number encoded in qualifier name ==> forced match ** iparam : current parameter number ==> possible match ** when both are zero, could be a generic match, like "-sbegin" for ** all sequences. Just return the first and let caller find the rest */ AcdPAcd pa = thys->AssocQuals; ajint ifound = 0; AcdPAcd ret = NULL; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; /* acdLog("acdFindQualAssoc '%S' pnum: %d\n", qual, pnum); */ if(PNum && (pa->PNum != PNum)) /* must be for same number (if any) */ return NULL; ambigList = ajStrNew(); for(; pa && pa->Assoc; pa=pa->Next) { if(ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrPrefixS(pa->Name, noqual)) { if(ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, qual) || ajStrMatchS(pa->Name, noqual)) { /* acdLog(" *matched* '%S'\n", pa->Name); */ acdListCurr = pa; ajStrDel(&ambigList); return acdListCurr; } ifound++; ret = pa; acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, pa->Name); } } /* acdLog(" ifound: %d\n", ifound); */ if(ifound == 1) { acdListCurr = ret; if (acdDoValid) acdWarn("Abbreviated associated qualifier '%S' (%S)", qual, ambigList); ajStrDel(&ambigList); return acdListCurr; } if(ifound > 1) { ajWarn("ambiguous qualifier %S (%S)", qual, ambigList); } ajStrDel(&ambigList); return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdFindParam *************************************************** ** ** Returns the paremeter definition for a given parameter number ** ** @param [r] PNum [ajint] Parameter number ** @return [AcdPAcd] ACD item for parameter number PNum ** @error NULL if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AcdPAcd acdFindParam(ajint PNum) { /* test for match of parameter number and type */ AcdPAcd pa; for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(acdIsStype(pa)) continue; if((pa->Level == ACD_PARAM) && (pa->PNum == PNum)) { acdListCurr = pa; return pa; } } return NULL; } /* @funcstatic acdGetAttr ***************************************************** ** ** Pick up a defined attribute for variable handling. ** The ACD item must be defined (already processed). ** Attributes include any specially calculated by the acdSet function ** for that type. ** ** @param [u] presult [AjPStr*] Resulting attribute value ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] ACD item name ** @param [r] attrib [const AjPStr] attribute name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdGetAttr(AjPStr* presult, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr attrib) { const char *cp; const char *cq; ajint ilen; ajint number = 0; AjPStr tempstr=NULL; AcdPAcd pa = NULL; AcdPAttr attr = NULL; ajint i; acdLog("acdGetAttr name '%S' attrib '%S'\n", name, attrib); ajStrDelStatic(presult); ajStrAssignS(&tempstr, name); ajStrFmtLower(&tempstr); cp = ajStrGetPtr(tempstr); cq = &cp[ajStrGetLen(tempstr)]; if(isdigit((ajint)*--cq)) { while(isdigit((ajint)*--cq)); ++cq; number = (ajint) strtol(cq, NULL, 0); ilen = cq - cp - 1; ajStrKeepRange(&tempstr, 0, ilen); } pa = acdFindItem(tempstr, number); if(!pa) /* test ambigvar.acd */ acdError("Failed to resolve variable '%S'\n", name); ajStrDel(&tempstr); if(!pa->ValStr) { if (!acdDoValid) { if(!acdDoHelp) /* test undefvar.acd */ acdError("Variable '%S' not yet defined\n", name); ajStrAssignC(presult, "..."); /* only for help - patch it up */ return ajTrue; } } if(!ajStrGetLen(attrib)) /* just use valstr */ { if (!acdDoValid) { ajStrAssignS(presult, pa->ValStr); acdLog("no attribute name, use valstr for %S '%S'\n", pa->Name, *presult); pa->Used |= USED_ACD; return ajTrue; } } if(pa->DefStr) { attr = acdAttrDef; i = acdFindAttr(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignS(presult, pa->DefStr[i]); acdLog("default attribute %S found for %S '%S'\n", attrib, pa->Name, *presult); return ajTrue; } } if(pa->NAttr) { attr = acdType[pa->Type].Attr; i = acdFindAttr(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignS(presult, pa->AttrStr[i]); acdLog("type attribute %S found for %S '%S'\n", attrib, pa->Name, *presult); return ajTrue; } } if(pa->SAttr) { acdLog("++calc++ Testing SAttr %d\n", pa->SAttr); attr = pa->SetAttr; for(i=0; i < pa->SAttr; i++) acdLog("calcattr[%d] '%s'\n", i, attr[i].Name); i = acdFindAttr(attr, attrib); if(i >= 0) { ajStrAssignS(presult, pa->SetStr[i]); acdLog("calculated attribute %S found for %S '%S'\n", attrib, pa->Name, *presult); return ajTrue; } } if(ajStrMatchCaseC(attrib, "isdefined")) { acdLog("++isdefined++ Testing\n"); if (ajStrGetLen(pa->ValStr)) { ajStrAssignC(presult, "Y"); } else { ajStrAssignC(presult, "N"); } acdLog("isdefined attribute found for %S '%S'\n", pa->Name, *presult); return ajTrue; } acdLog("*attribute %S not found for %S*\n", attrib, pa->Name); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdQualParse *************************************************** ** ** Converts a qualifier name to lower case and looks for a ** master qualifier name and a trailing number. ** ** @param [w] pqual [AjPStr*] Qualifier name set to lower case ** with number suffix removed ** @param [w] pnoqual [AjPStr*] Qualifier name as pqual, with "no" prefix ** removed, or empty string id pqual doesn't start with "no" ** @param [w] pqmaster [AjPStr*] Master name for associated qualifier ** @param [w] number [ajint*] Qualifier number suffix if any ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdQualParse(AjPStr* pqual, AjPStr* pnoqual, AjPStr* pqmaster, ajint* number) { if(!acdRegQualParse) acdRegQualParse = ajRegCompC("^([a-z]+)(_([a-z]+))?([0-9]+)?$"); ajStrFmtLower(pqual); ajStrAssignS(&acdQualNameTmp, *pqual); if(!ajRegExec(acdRegQualParse, acdQualNameTmp)) { ajStrAssignClear(pqual); ajStrAssignClear(pnoqual); ajStrAssignClear(pqmaster); *number = 0; return; } ajRegSubI(acdRegQualParse, 1, pqual); ajRegSubI(acdRegQualParse, 3, pqmaster); ajRegSubI(acdRegQualParse, 4, &acdQualNumTmp); if(ajStrPrefixC(*pqual, "no")) ajStrAssignSubS(pnoqual, *pqual, 2, -1); else ajStrAssignClear(pnoqual); *number = 0; if(ajStrGetLen(acdQualNumTmp)) ajStrToInt(acdQualNumTmp, number); if(ajStrGetLen(*pqmaster)) acdFindQual(pqmaster); return; } /* @funcstatic acdTokenToLowerS *********************************************** ** ** Converts a token name to lower case and looks for a trailing number. ** ** @param [u] ptoken [AjPStr*] Qualifier name set to lower case ** with number suffix removed ** @param [w] number [ajint*] Qualifier number suffix if any. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdTokenToLowerS(AjPStr *ptoken, ajint* number) { const char *cp; const char *cq; ajint ilen; ajStrFmtLower(ptoken); cp = ajStrGetPtr(*ptoken); cq = cp+ajStrGetLen(*ptoken); if(!isdigit((ajint)*--cq)) { *number = 0; return; } while(isdigit((ajint)*--cq)) ; ++cq; *number = (ajint) strtol(cq, NULL, 0); ilen = cq - cp; ajStrCutEnd(ptoken, ajStrGetLen(*ptoken) - ilen); return; } /* @funcstatic acdIsRequired ************************************************** ** ** Returns true if an ACD item is required but not yet defined. ** Required means the standard attribute is set (which it is by ** default for a parameter), ** or the additional flag is set and -options was specified. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD item ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if "thys" is required but no value set yet. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsRequired(const AcdPAcd thys) { AjPStr *def = thys->DefStr; AjBool required = ajFalse; if (thys->DefStr) acdLog("acdIsRequired '%S' Defined %B DefStr '%x' std '%S' add '%S' def '%S'\n", thys->Name, thys->Defined, thys->DefStr, def[DEF_STANDARD], def[DEF_ADDITIONAL], def[DEF_DEFAULT]); else acdLog("acdIsRequired '%S' Defined %B\n", thys->Name, thys->Defined); if(thys->Defined) return ajFalse; if(!thys->DefStr) return ajFalse; if(ajStrGetLen(def[DEF_STANDARD])) { acdVarResolve(&def[DEF_STANDARD]); if(!ajStrToBool(def[DEF_STANDARD], &required)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad standard flag %S\n", def[DEF_STANDARD]); return required; } if(acdOptions && ajStrGetLen(def[DEF_ADDITIONAL])) { acdVarResolve(&def[DEF_ADDITIONAL]); if(!ajStrToBool(def[DEF_ADDITIONAL], &required)) acdErrorAcd(thys, "Bad additional flag %S\n", def[DEF_ADDITIONAL]); return required; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdTestDebug *************************************************** ** ** Tests whether debug messages are required by checking ** internal variable 'acdDebug' ** ** @return [AjBool] Debugging status. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTestDebug(void) { ajDebug("acdDebug returning %B\n", acdDebug); return acdDebug; } /* @obsolete ajAcdDebug ** @remove No longer public */ __deprecated AjBool ajAcdDebug(void) { return acdTestDebug(); } /* @funcstatic acdTestDebugIsSet ********************************************** ** ** Tests whether the command line switch for debug messages has been set ** by testing internal variable 'acdDebugSet' ** ** @return [AjBool] Debugging status. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTestDebugIsSet(void) { ajDebug("acdTestDebugIsSet returning %B\n", acdDebugSet); return acdDebugSet; } /* @obsolete ajAcdDebugIsSet ** @remove No longer public */ __deprecated AjBool ajAcdDebugIsSet(void) { return acdTestDebugIsSet(); } /* @funcstatic acdTestFilter ************************************************** ** ** Tests whether input and output use stdin and stdout as a filter ** by returning internal variable 'acdFilter' ** ** @return [AjBool] Filter status. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTestFilter(void) { return acdFilter; } /* @obsolete ajAcdFilter ** @remove No longer public */ __deprecated AjBool ajAcdFilter(void) { return acdTestFilter(); } /* @funcstatic acdTestStdout ************************************************** ** ** Tests whether output uses stdout for output by default ** by returning internal variable 'acdStdout' ** ** @return [AjBool] Stdout status. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTestStdout(void) { return acdStdout; } /* @obsolete ajAcdStdout ** @remove No longer public */ __deprecated AjBool ajAcdStdout(void) { return acdTestStdout(); } /* @obsolete ajAcdProgramS ** @remove Use ajAcdGetProgram */ __deprecated void ajAcdProgramS(AjPStr* pgm) { ajStrAssignS(pgm, acdProgram); return; } /* @func ajAcdGetProgram ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the application (program) name from the ACD definition. ** ** @return [const AjPStr] Program name ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAcdGetProgram(void) { return acdProgram; } /* @obsolete ajAcdProgram ** @remove Use ajAcdGetProgram */ __deprecated const char* ajAcdProgram(void) { return ajStrGetPtr(acdProgram); } /* @funcstatic acdPromptCodon ************************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a codon usage file ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptCodon(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "Codon usage file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptDirectory ******************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a directory ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptDirectory(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " directory")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " directory"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "Directory of input files", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptDirlist *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a dirlist ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptDirlist(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " directories")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " directories"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "Directories with files", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptFilelist ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a filelist ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptFilelist(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file list")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file list"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "Comma-separated file list", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptFeatures ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a feature table ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptFeatures(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " features")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " features"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "input features", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptCpdb ************************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a clean PDB file ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptCpdb(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "clean PDB file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptScop ************************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a scop entry ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptScop(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "Scop entry vile", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpTextSeq ************************************************* ** ** Sets the help text for this ACD object to be a sequence ** description with the type included. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Help text ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpTextSeq(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* Pstr) { const AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjPStr tmptype = NULL; AjBool gaps = AJFALSE; typestr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); ajSeqTypeSummary(typestr, &tmptype, &gaps); ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); if(ajStrGetLen(tmptype)) { ajStrAssignS(Pstr, tmptype); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " "); ajStrDel(&tmptype); } ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "sequence"); if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset")) { acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", gaps, &gaps); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " set"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall")) { acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", gaps, &gaps); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " set(s)"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall")) { ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "(s)"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(gapped) "); } else { if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(gapped) "); } ajStrFmtTitle(Pstr); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " filename and optional format, or reference (input USA)"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpTextSeqout ********************************************** ** ** Sets the help text for this ACD object to be an output sequence ** description with the type included. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] Help text ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdHelpTextSeqout(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* Pstr) { const AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjPStr tmptype = NULL; AjBool gaps = AJFALSE; typestr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); ajSeqTypeSummary(typestr, &tmptype, &gaps); ajStrAssignClear(Pstr); if(ajStrGetLen(tmptype)) { ajStrAssignS(Pstr, tmptype); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " "); ajStrDel(&tmptype); } ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "sequence"); if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutset")) { ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " set"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutall")) { ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " set(s)"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(aligned) "); } else { if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(Pstr, 0, "(gapped) "); } ajStrFmtTitle(Pstr); ajStrAppendC(Pstr, " filename and optional format (output USA)"); return; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptSeq *************************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a sequence ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptSeq(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; AjPStr tmptype = NULL; AjBool gaps = AJFALSE; AjPStr seqPrompt = NULL; AjPStr seqPromptAlt = NULL; const AjPStr knowntype; const AjPStr type = NULL; AjBool aligned=ajFalse; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); type = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(ajCharPrefixC(acdType[thys->Type].Name,"seqset")) acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", ajFalse, &aligned); ajSeqTypeSummary(type, &tmptype, &gaps); seqPrompt = ajStrNewRes(32); seqPromptAlt = ajStrNewRes(32); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "%S ", knowntype); if(ajStrGetLen(tmptype)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "%S ", tmptype); ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "sequence"); if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, " set"); if(aligned) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, " set(s)"); if(aligned) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, "(s)"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(gapped) "); } else { if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(gapped) "); } ajFmtPrintS(&seqPrompt, "Input %S", seqPromptAlt); if(knowntype) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, seqPromptAlt); } else acdPromptStandardAlt(thys, ajStrGetPtr(seqPrompt), ajStrGetPtr(seqPromptAlt), &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); ajStrDel(&tmptype); ajStrDel(&seqPrompt); ajStrDel(&seqPromptAlt); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptTree ************************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a tree file ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptTree(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandardAlt(thys, "Input tree file", "tree file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptGraph ************************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a sequence ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptGraph(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " graph")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " graph"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "graph type", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptFeatout *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a features output ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptFeatout(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " features")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " features"); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "features output", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptAlign ************************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a report output ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptAlign(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " output")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " alignment"); else acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output alignment"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output alignment", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptReport ************************************************ ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a report output ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptReport(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " output")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " report"); else acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output report"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output report", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptSeqout ************************************************ ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a sequence output ** prompt with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptSeqout(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; AjPStr tmptype = NULL; AjBool gaps = AJFALSE; AjPStr seqPrompt = NULL; AjPStr seqPromptAlt = NULL; const AjPStr knowntype; const AjPStr type = NULL; AjBool aligned=ajFalse; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); type = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(ajCharPrefixC(acdType[thys->Type].Name,"seqoutset")) acdAttrToBool(thys, "aligned", ajFalse, &aligned); ajSeqTypeSummary(type, &tmptype, &gaps); seqPrompt = ajStrNewRes(32); seqPromptAlt = ajStrNewRes(32); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "%S ", knowntype); if(ajStrGetLen(tmptype)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "%S ", tmptype); ajFmtPrintAppS(&seqPromptAlt, "output sequence"); if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutset")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, " set"); if(aligned) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutsetall")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, " set(s)"); if(aligned) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(aligned) "); } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutall")) { ajStrAppendC(&seqPromptAlt, "(s)"); if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(gapped) "); } else { if(gaps) ajStrInsertC(&seqPromptAlt, 0, "(gapped) "); } ajFmtPrintS(&seqPrompt, "%S", seqPromptAlt); if(knowntype) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, seqPromptAlt); } else acdPromptStandardAlt(thys, ajStrGetPtr(seqPrompt), ajStrGetPtr(seqPromptAlt), &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); ajStrDel(&tmptype); ajStrDel(&seqPrompt); ajStrDel(&seqPromptAlt); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutcodon ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutcodon(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "codon usage output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutcpdb ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutcpdb(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "clean PDB output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutdata ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdata(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output data file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutdir ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdir(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output directory"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output directory", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutdiscrete ******************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdiscrete(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output discrete data file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "discrete data output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutdistance ******************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutdistance(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " distance data output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output distance data file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutfreq ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfreq(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " frequency data output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "frequency data output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutmatrix ********************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutmatrix(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " matrix output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "matrix output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutproperties ***************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutproperties(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " properties data output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "properties data output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutscop ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutscop(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " scop output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "scop output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOuttree ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a simple ** prompt with "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOuttree(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count=0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " tree output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "tree output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptStandard ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an output ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [r] type [const char*] Data type for prompt ** @param [w] count [ajint*] count for number of calls ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPromptStandard(AcdPAcd thys, const char* type, ajint* count) { AjPStr *prompt; (*count)++; acdLog("acdPromptStandard '%s' count %d\n", type, *count); if(!thys->DefStr) { acdLog("acdPromptStandard '%s' thys->DefStr NULL\n", type); return; } prompt = &thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]; if(ajStrGetLen(*prompt)) { acdLog("acdPromptStandard '%s' found thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT] '%S'\n", type, *prompt); /*ajStrTrace(*prompt);*/ /*ajStrTrace(thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]);*/ return; } switch(*count) { case 1: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%s", type); ajStrFmtTitle(&thys->StdPrompt); break; case 2: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "Second %s", type); break; case 3: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "Third %s", type); break; case 11: case 12: case 13: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dth %s", count, type); break; default: switch(*count % 10) { case 1: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dst %s", count, type); break; case 2: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dnd %s", count, type); break; case 3: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%drd %s", count, type); break; default: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dth %s", count, type); break; } break; } return; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptStandardAlt ******************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to as specified, with ** "second", "third" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [r] firsttype [const char*] Data type for prompt first time ** @param [r] type [const char*] Data type for prompt subsequent times ** @param [w] count [ajint*] count for number of calls ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPromptStandardAlt(AcdPAcd thys, const char* firsttype, const char* type, ajint* count) { AjPStr *prompt; (*count)++; acdLog("acdPromptStandardAlt '%s' count %d\n", type, *count); if(!thys->DefStr) { acdLog("acdPromptStandardAlt '%s' thys->DefStr NULL\n", type); return; } prompt = &thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]; if(ajStrGetLen(*prompt)) { acdLog("acdPromptStandardAlt '%s' " "found thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT] '%S'\n", type, *prompt); /*ajStrTrace(*prompt);*/ /*ajStrTrace(thys->DefStr[DEF_PROMPT]);*/ return; } switch(*count) { case 1: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%s", firsttype); break; case 2: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "Second %s", type); break; case 3: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "Third %s", type); break; case 11: case 12: case 13: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dth %s", count, type); break; default: switch(*count % 10) { case 1: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dst %s", count, type); break; case 2: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dnd %s", count, type); break; case 3: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%drd %s", count, type); break; default: ajFmtPrintS(&thys->StdPrompt, "%dth %s", count, type); break; } break; } return; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptStandardAppend **************************************** ** ** Appends to the default prompt for this ACD object ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [r] str[const char*] Suffix to append to prompt ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPromptStandardAppend(AcdPAcd thys, const char* str) { ajStrAppendC(&thys->StdPrompt, str); } /* @funcstatic acdPromptStandardS **************************************** ** ** Appends to the default prompt for this ACD object ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Data type for prompt ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPromptStandardS(AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr str) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->StdPrompt, str); } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutfile *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an output ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfile(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " output")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); else acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptOutfileall ******************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a set of output ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptOutfileall(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " output")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file(s)"); else acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " output file(s)"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "output file(s)", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptInfile ************************************************ ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptInfile(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "input file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptDatafile ********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input data ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptDatafile(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " data")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); else acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " data file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "data file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptMatrix ************************************************* ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input data ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptMatrix(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; AjBool protein = ajFalse; const AjPStr knowntype; acdAttrToBool(thys, "protein", ajFalse, &protein); knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else { if(acdDoValid) acdPromptStandard(thys, "comparison matrix file", &count); else { if(protein) acdPromptStandard(thys, "(protein) comparison matrix file", &count); else acdPromptStandard(thys, "(nucleotide) comparison matrix file", &count); } } if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptDiscretestates **************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input discrete states ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptDiscretestates(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "discrete states file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptDistances **************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input distances ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptDistances(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "distances file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptFrequencies **************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input frequencies ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptFrequencies(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "frequencies file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptProperties **************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be an input properties ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptProperties(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; const AjPStr knowntype; knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " file")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " file"); } else acdPromptStandard(thys, "properties file", &count); if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptPattern *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a pattern string or ** file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptPattern(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; AjPStr type = NULL; const AjPStr knowntype; acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &type); knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " pattern")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " pattern"); } else { if(ajStrPrefixCaseC(type, "p")) acdPromptStandard(thys, "protein pattern string or @file", &count); else if(ajStrPrefixCaseC(type, "n")) acdPromptStandard(thys, "nucleotide pattern string or @file", &count); else acdPromptStandard(thys, "pattern string or @file", &count); } if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdPromptRegexp ************************************************ ** ** Sets the default prompt for this ACD object to be a regular expression ** string or file with "first", "second" etc. added. ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] Current ACD object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Generated standard prompt ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdPromptRegexp(AcdPAcd thys) { static ajint count = 0; AjPStr type = NULL; const AjPStr knowntype; acdAttrToStr(thys, "type", "", &type); knowntype = acdKnowntypeDesc(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) { count++; acdPromptStandardS(thys, knowntype); if(!ajStrSuffixC(knowntype, " regular expression")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " regular expression"); } else { if(ajStrPrefixCaseC(type, "p")) acdPromptStandard(thys, "protein regular expression string or @file", &count); else if(ajStrPrefixCaseC(type, "n")) acdPromptStandard(thys, "nucleotide regular expression string or @file", &count); else acdPromptStandard(thys, "regular expression string or @file", &count); } if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) acdPromptStandardAppend(thys, " (optional)"); return thys->StdPrompt; } /* @funcstatic acdCodeGet ***************************************************** ** ** Translates a code into a message text using the code table ** for the current language. ** ** @param [r] code [const AjPStr] Code name ** @param [w] msg [AjPStr*] Message text for this code in current language ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdCodeGet(const AjPStr code, AjPStr *msg) { AjPStr value; /* not static - copy of a table text */ static AjPStr tmpcode = NULL; AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdCodeGet ('%S')\n", code); if(!acdCodeSet) acdCodeInit(); ajStrAssignS(&tmpcode, code); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpcode); value = ajTableFetch(acdCodeTable, tmpcode); if(value) { ajStrAssignS(msg, value); acdLog("%S value '%S'\n", code, *msg); ret = ajTrue; } ajStrDel(&tmpcode); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdCodeDef ***************************************************** ** ** Generates a default code name of 'def' + qualifier type. ** Translates into a message text using the code table ** for the current language. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Current ACD object ** @param [w] msg [AjPStr*] Message text for default message ** in current language ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdCodeDef(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *msg) { AjPStr code = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdCodeDef '%s'\n", acdType[thys->Type].Name); if(!acdCodeSet) acdCodeInit(); code = ajStrNewC("def"); ajStrAppendC(&code, acdType[thys->Type].Name); ajStrFmtLower(&code); acdLog("look for defcode '%S'\n", code); if(acdCodeGet(code, &value)) { ajFmtPrintS(msg, "-%S : %S", thys->Name, value); ajStrDel(&value); ret = ajTrue; } else acdLog("defcode not found '%S'\n", code); ajStrDel(&code); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdHelpCodeDef ************************************************* ** ** Generates a default code name of 'help' + qualifier type. ** Translates into a message text using the code table ** for the current language. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Current ACD object ** @param [w] msg [AjPStr*] Help text in current language ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdHelpCodeDef(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr *msg) { AjPStr code = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdHelpCodeDef '%s'\n", acdType[thys->Type].Name); if(!acdCodeSet) acdCodeInit(); code = ajStrNewC("help"); ajStrAppendC(&code, acdType[thys->Type].Name); ajStrFmtLower(&code); acdLog("look for helpcode '%S'\n", code); if(acdCodeGet(code, &value)) { ajFmtPrintS(msg, "%S", value); ajStrDel(&value); ret = ajTrue; } else acdLog("helpcode not found '%S'\n", code); ajStrDel(&code); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdCodeInit **************************************************** ** ** Sets up the code file data for the current language when needed ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdCodeInit(void) { AjPFile codeFile = NULL; AjPStr codeFName = NULL; AjPStr codeRoot = NULL; AjPStr codeRootInst = NULL; AjPStr codePack = NULL; AjPStr codeCode = NULL; AjPStr codeValue = NULL; AjPStr codeLine = NULL; AjPStr codeText = NULL; AjPStr codeLanguage = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPRegexp codexp = NULL; if(acdCodeSet) return; ajStrAssignS(&codePack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(&codeRootInst,ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&codeRootInst); if(!ajNamGetValueC("language", &codeLanguage)) ajStrAssignC(&codeLanguage, "english"); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", &codeRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&codeRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&codeFName, "%Scodes.%S", codeRoot, codeLanguage); codeFile = ajFileNewInNameS(codeFName); acdLog("Code file in acdroot: '%S'\n", codeFName); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&codeFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/codes.%S", codeRootInst, codePack, codeLanguage); acdLog("Code file installed: '%S'\n", codeFName); codeFile = ajFileNewInNameS(codeFName); if(!codeFile) { acdLog("Code file '%S' not opened\n", codeFName); ajStrAssignS(&codeRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(&codeRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&codeFName, "%Sacd/codes.%S", codeRoot, codeLanguage); acdLog("Code file from source dir: '%S'\n", codeFName); codeFile = ajFileNewInNameS(codeFName); } } if(!codeFile) /* test acdc-codemissing */ ajWarn("Code file %S not found", codeFName); else acdLog("Code file %F used\n", codeFile); codeText = ajStrNew(); /* fix by Nicolas Joly */ while(codeFile && ajReadlineTrim(codeFile, &codeLine)) if(ajStrCutComments(&codeLine)) { ajStrAppendS(&codeText, codeLine); ajStrAppendC(&codeText, " "); } ajFileClose(&codeFile); ajStrDel(&codeLine); acdCodeTable = ajTablestrNew(); codexp = ajRegCompC("^ *([^ ]+) +\"([^\"]*)\""); while(ajRegExec(codexp, codeText)) { codeCode = codeValue = NULL; /* need to save in table each time */ ajRegSubI(codexp, 1, &codeCode); ajRegSubI(codexp, 2, &codeValue); ajStrFmtLower(&codeCode); ajTablePut(acdCodeTable, codeCode, codeValue); acdLog("add to table %S '%S'\n", codeCode, codeValue); ajRegPost(codexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&codeText, tmpstr); } if(!ajStrIsWhite(codeText)) /* test acdc-codebad */ ajDie("Bad format in codes file %S after '%S \"%S\"'", codeFName, codeCode, codeValue); codeCode = codeValue = NULL; /* saved in the table */ ajRegFree(&codexp); ajStrDel(&codeText); ajStrDel(&codeFName); ajStrDel(&codeRoot); ajStrDel(&codeRootInst); ajStrDel(&codePack); ajStrDel(&codeLanguage); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); acdCodeSet = ajTrue; return; } /* @funcstatic acdKnowntypeInit *********************************************** ** ** Sets up the known type data ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdKnowntypeInit(void) { if(acdKnowntypeSet) return; acdReadKnowntype(&acdKnowntypeDescTable, &acdKnowntypeTypeTable); acdKnowntypeSet = ajTrue; return; } /* @funcstatic acdSetQualAppl ************************************************* ** ** Sets internal variables for the application booleans -debug etc. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] val [AjBool] Value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if this was an application-wide variable. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdSetQualAppl(const AcdPAcd thys, AjBool val) { ajint i = 0; AjBool setval; AjPStr setstr = NULL; static AjPStr valstr = NULL; static AjPStr bufstr = NULL; acdLog("acdSetQualAppl '%S'\n", thys->Name); for(i=0; acdQualAppl[i].Name; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Name, acdQualAppl[i].Name)) { if(thys->Defined) /* User put it on the command line */ { setval = val; acdLog("Appl qualifier defined %S = %b\n", thys->Name, setval); } else /* look for a variable */ { ajFmtPrintS(&setstr, "%S", thys->Name); if(ajNamGetValue(setstr, &valstr)) { ajStrToBool(valstr, &setval); acdLog("Appl qualifier variable %S = %b\n", setstr, setval); } else /* nothing found, use the default value */ setval = val; ajStrDel(&setstr); } switch(i) /* see acdQualAppl for the correct order */ { case 0: acdAuto = setval; break; case 1: acdStdout = setval; break; case 2: acdFilter = setval; if(acdFilter) { acdAuto = ajTrue; acdStdout = ajTrue; } break; case 3: acdOptions = setval; break; case 4: acdDebug = setval; /* acdLog("acdSetQualAppl acdDebug %B\n", acdDebug); */ acdDebugSet = ajTrue; if(ajNamGetValueC("debugbuffer", &bufstr)) { ajStrToBool(bufstr, &acdDebugBuffer); } break; case 5: acdVerbose = setval; break; case 6: acdDoHelp = setval; break; case 7: AjErrorLevel.warning = setval; break; case 8: AjErrorLevel.error = setval; break; case 9: AjErrorLevel.fatal = setval; break; case 10: AjErrorLevel.die = setval; break; } return ajTrue; } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdSelectPrompt ************************************************ ** ** Present the options as a simple numbered list ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdSelectPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys) { const AjPStr hdrstr; AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStrTok handle; AjPStr line = NULL; static const char* white = " \t\n\r"; ajint i = 0; if(acdAuto) return; hdrstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "header"); if(ajStrGetLen(hdrstr)) ajUserDumpS(hdrstr); ajStrAssignS(&delim,acdAttrValue(thys, "delimiter")); if(!ajStrGetLen(delim)) ajStrAssignC(&delim, ";"); ajStrAssignS(&value, acdAttrValue(thys, "values")); acdVarResolve(&value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueSelect(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for selection"); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(value, ajStrGetPtr(delim)); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &line)) { ajStrTrimC(&line, white); ajUser(" %5d : %S", ++i, line); } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&value); ajStrDel(&delim); return; } /* @funcstatic acdListPrompt ************************************************** ** ** Present the options as a list with option codes selectable by the user ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdListPrompt(const AcdPAcd thys) { const AjPStr hdrstr; AjPStr codedelim = NULL; AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStrTok handle; AjPStrTok codehandle; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr code = NULL; AjPStr desc = NULL; ajuint margin = 8; static const char* white = " \t\n\r"; if(acdAuto) return; hdrstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "header"); if(ajStrGetLen(hdrstr)) ajUserDumpS(hdrstr); ajStrAssignS(&delim,acdAttrValue(thys, "delimiter")); if(!ajStrGetLen(delim)) { ajStrAssignC(&delim, ";"); } ajStrAssignS(&codedelim,acdAttrValue(thys, "codedelimiter")); if(!ajStrGetLen(codedelim)) { ajStrAssignC(&codedelim, ":"); } ajStrAssignS(&value, acdAttrValue(thys, "values")); acdVarResolve(&value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueList(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for list"); handle = ajStrTokenNewS(value, delim); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &line)) { codehandle = ajStrTokenNewS(line, codedelim); ajStrTokenNextParse(&codehandle, &code); ajStrTrimC(&code, white); if(ajStrGetLen(code) > margin) margin = ajStrGetLen(code); ajStrTokenDel(&codehandle); } ajStrTokenAssignS(&handle, value, delim); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &line)) { codehandle = ajStrTokenNewS(line, codedelim); ajStrTokenNextParse(&codehandle, &code); ajStrTokenNextParseS(&codehandle, delim, &desc); ajStrTrimC(&code, white); ajStrTrimC(&desc, white); ajUser(" %*S : %S", margin, code, desc); ajStrTokenDel(&codehandle); } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&code); ajStrDel(&desc); ajStrDel(&delim); ajStrDel(&codedelim); ajStrDel(&value); return; } /* @funcstatic acdListValue *************************************************** ** ** Checks the user setting against the menu list of codes and descriptions. ** ** An unambiguous match to the codes counts as valid. ** If this fails, an unambiguous match to the descriptions counts. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD Object ** @param [r] min [ajint] Minimum number of values required ** @param [r] max [ajint] Maximum number of values required ** @param [r] reply [const AjPStr] Default value ** @return [AjPStr*] Array of accepted matches, ending with a NULL. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr* acdListValue(const AcdPAcd thys, ajint min, ajint max, const AjPStr reply) { AjPStr* val = NULL; AjPStr codedelim = NULL; AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool exactcase; AjPStrTok handle; AjPStrTok rephandle; AjPStrTok codehandle; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr code = NULL; AjPStr desc = NULL; AjPList list = NULL; AjPStr repstr = NULL; AjPStr hitstr = NULL; AjPStr validstr = NULL; AjPStr hitstr1 = NULL; AjPStr hitstr2 = NULL; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; AjPStr repdelim = NULL; static const char* white = " \t\n\r"; ajint k = 0; ajint ifound = 0; ajint jfound = 0; ajint ilen; ajint itoken = 0; AjBool ok = ajTrue; list = ajListstrNew(); acdAttrToBool(thys, "casesensitive", ajFalse, &exactcase); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "delimiter", ";", &delim); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "codedelimiter", ":", &codedelim); if(!repdelim) { repdelim = ajStrNewRes(10); ajStrAssignC(&repdelim, ","); } ajStrAssignS(&value,acdAttrValue(thys, "values")); acdVarResolve(&value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueList(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for list"); ambigList = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignClear(&validstr); rephandle = ajStrTokenNewS(reply, repdelim); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&rephandle, &repstr)) { itoken++; acdLog("testing '%S'\n", repstr); handle = ajStrTokenNewS(value, delim); ifound = jfound = 0; ajStrAssignClear(&validstr); while(ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &line)) { codehandle = ajStrTokenNewS(line, codedelim); ajStrTokenNextParse(&codehandle, &code); ajStrTokenNextParseS(&codehandle, delim, &desc); ajStrTrimC(&code, white); ajStrTrimC(&desc, white); if(ajStrGetLen(validstr)) ajStrAppendK(&validstr, ','); ajStrAppendS(&validstr, code); if(ajStrMatchS(code, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrMatchCaseS(code, repstr))) { ifound = 1; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr1, code); break; } if(ajStrMatchS(desc, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrMatchCaseS(desc, repstr))) { jfound = 1; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr2, code); break; } if(ajStrPrefixS(code, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrPrefixCaseS(code, repstr))) { ifound++; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr1, code); acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, code); } if(ajStrPrefixS(desc, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrPrefixCaseS(desc, repstr))) { jfound++; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr2, code); acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, desc); } ajStrTokenDel(&codehandle); codehandle = NULL; } /* end of while */ ajStrTokenDel(&codehandle); if(ifound == 1) { ajStrAssignS(&hitstr,hitstr1); ajListstrPushAppend(list, hitstr); hitstr = NULL; } else if(jfound == 1) { ajStrAssignS(&hitstr, hitstr2); ajListstrPushAppend(list, hitstr); hitstr = NULL; } else { if(ifound || jfound) /* test acdc-listambig1 acdc-listambig2 */ ajErr("'%S' is ambiguous (%S)", repstr, ambigList); else /* test acdc-listbad */ ajErr("'%S' is not a valid menu option\n" "Accepted short codes are: %S", repstr, validstr); ok = ajFalse; break; } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); } ajStrTokenDel(&rephandle); ajStrDel(&repstr); ilen = ajListstrGetLength(list); acdLog("Found %d matches OK: %b min: %d max: %d\n", ilen, ok, min, max); if(ok) { if(ilen < min) { /* test acdc-listmin */ if(min <= 1) ajErr("Menu needs %d value", min); else ajErr("Menu needs %d values", min); ok = ajFalse; } if(ilen > max) /* test acdc-listmax */ { if(max <= 1) ajErr("Menu allows no more than %d value", max); else ajErr("Menu allows no more than %d values", max); ok = ajFalse; } } if(ok) { AJCNEW0(val, ilen+1); for(k = 0; k < ilen; k++) { ajListstrPop(list, &val[k]); acdLog("Accept[%d]: '%S'\n", k,val[k]); } } acdLog("Found %d matches\n", ilen); acdLog("Menu length now %d\n", ajListstrGetLength(list)); if(ok) acdLog("Before return val[0] '%S'\n", val[0]); ajListstrFreeData(&list); ajStrDel(&delim); ajStrDel(&codedelim); ajStrDel(&repdelim); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&code); ajStrDel(&desc); ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&hitstr1); ajStrDel(&hitstr2); ajStrDel(&repstr); ajStrDel(&validstr); ajStrDel(&value); if(!ok) return NULL; return val; } /* @funcstatic acdSelectValue ************************************************* ** ** Checks the user setting against the selection list set of codes ** ** An unambiguous match to the codes counts as valid. ** If this fails, an unambiguous match to the descriptions counts. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD Object ** @param [r] min [ajint] Minimum number of values required ** @param [r] max [ajint] Maximum number of values required ** @param [r] reply [const AjPStr] Default value ** @return [AjPStr*] Array of accepted matches, ending with a NULL. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr* acdSelectValue(const AcdPAcd thys, ajint min, ajint max, const AjPStr reply) { AjPStr *val = NULL; AjPStr delim=NULL; const AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool exactcase; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; AjPStrTok rephandle = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr code = NULL; AjPStr desc = NULL; AjPList list = NULL; AjPStr repstr = NULL; AjPStr hitstr = NULL; AjPStr validstr = NULL; AjPStr hitstr2 = NULL; AjPStr ambigList = NULL; AjPStr repdelim = NULL; static const char* white = " \t\n\r"; ajint i = 0; ajint k = 0; ajint jfound = 0; ajint icnt = 0; ajint ilen; ajint itoken = 0; AjBool ok = ajTrue; list = ajListstrNew(); acdAttrToBool(thys, "casesensitive", ajFalse, &exactcase); tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "delimiter"); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) ajStrAssignS(&delim, tmpstr); else ajStrAssignC(&delim, ";"); if(!repdelim) { repdelim = ajStrNewRes(10); ajStrAssignC(&repdelim, ","); } ajStrAssignS(&value, acdAttrValue(thys, "values")); acdVarResolve(&value); if(!ajStrGetLen(value)) if(!acdKnownValueSelect(thys, &value)) acdError("No value defined for selection"); ajStrAssignClear(&ambigList); ajStrAssignClear(&validstr); rephandle = ajStrTokenNewC(reply, ajStrGetPtr(repdelim)); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(&rephandle, &repstr)) { itoken++; acdLog("testing '%S'\n", repstr); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(value, ajStrGetPtr(delim)); i = jfound = 0; for(icnt = 1; ajStrTokenNextFind(&handle, &desc); icnt++) { ajStrTrimC(&desc, white); if(itoken == 1) { if(ajStrGetLen(validstr)) ajStrAppendK(&validstr, ','); ajStrAppendS(&validstr, desc); } if(ajStrMatchS(desc, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrMatchCaseS(desc, repstr))) { jfound = 1; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr2, desc); break; } if(ajStrPrefixS(desc, repstr) || (!exactcase && ajStrPrefixCaseS(desc,repstr))) { jfound++; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr2, desc); acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, desc); } if(ajStrToInt(repstr, &i) && i == icnt) { jfound++; ajStrAssignS(&hitstr2, desc); acdAmbigApp(&ambigList, repstr); } } /* end of while */ if(jfound == 1) { ajStrAssignS(&hitstr, hitstr2); ajListstrPushAppend(list, hitstr); hitstr = NULL; } else { if(jfound) /* test acdc-selectambig */ ajErr("'%S' is ambiguous (%S)", repstr, ambigList); else /* test acdc-selectbad */ ajErr("'%S' is not a valid selection list option\n" "Accepted values are: %S", repstr, validstr); ok = ajFalse; break; } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); } ajStrTokenDel(&rephandle); ajStrDel(&repstr); ilen = ajListstrGetLength(list); if(ok) { if(ilen < min) /* test acdc-selectmin */ { if(min <= 1) ajErr("Selection list needs %d value", min); else ajErr("Selection list needs %d values", min); ok = ajFalse; } if(ilen > max) /* test acdc-selectmax */ { if(max <= 1) ajErr("Selection list allows no more than %d value", max); else ajErr("Selection list allows no more than %d values", max); ok = ajFalse; } } if(ok) { AJCNEW0(val, ilen+1); for(k = 0; k < ilen; k++) ajListstrPop(list, &val[k]); } acdLog("Found %d matches\n", ilen); ajListstrFreeData(&list); ajStrDel(&value); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&code); ajStrDel(&desc); ajStrDel(&ambigList); ajStrDel(&hitstr2); ajStrDel(&delim); ajStrDel(&repdelim); ajStrDel(&validstr); if(!ok) return NULL; return val; } /* @funcstatic acdAmbigApp **************************************************** ** ** Appends a token to a list, with commas as delimiters. Used to ** build a list of ambiguous matches for messages. ** ** @param [w] pambigList [AjPStr*] List of tokens with ',' delimiter ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Latest token to add ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdAmbigApp(AjPStr* pambigList, const AjPStr str) { if(ajStrGetLen(*pambigList)) ajStrAppendC(pambigList, ","); ajStrAppendS(pambigList, str); } /* @funcstatic acdAmbigAppC *************************************************** ** ** Appends a token to a list, with commas as delimiters. Used to ** build a list of ambiguous matches for messages. ** ** @param [w] pambigList [AjPStr*] List of tokens with ',' delimiter ** @param [r] txt [const char*] Latest token to add ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdAmbigAppC(AjPStr* pambigList, const char* txt) { if(ajStrGetLen(*pambigList)) ajStrAppendC(pambigList, ","); ajStrAppendC(pambigList, txt); } /* @funcstatic acdDataFilename ************************************************ ** ** Sets a default data file name. If no values are provided, it will be ** programname.dat ** ** @param [w] infname [AjPStr*] Resulting file name ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Ffile name ** @param [r] ext [const AjPStr] File extension ** @param [r] nullok [AjBool] Can set as an empty string if true ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a name was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdDataFilename(AjPStr* infname, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext, AjBool nullok) { AjBool ret = ajTrue; if(ajStrGetLen(name)) ajStrAssignS(infname, name); else if (!nullok) ajStrAssignS(infname, acdProgram); else ajStrAssignClear(infname); if(ajStrGetLen(ext)) ajFilenameReplaceExtS(infname, ext); else if (!nullok) ajFilenameReplaceExtC(infname, "dat"); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdInFilename ************************************************** ** ** Sets a default input file name. If filtering is on, this will be stdin. ** Otherwise it is blank. ** ** @param [w] infname [AjPStr*] Input file name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a name was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInFilename(AjPStr* infname) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; if(!acdInFile && acdFilter) { ajStrAssignC(infname, "stdin"); ret = ajTrue; } else ajStrAssignClear(infname); acdInFile++; return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdOutDirectory ************************************************ ** ** Sets a default output file directory. Uses the _OUTDIRECTORY variable ** as a default value, but any input string overrides it. ** ** The recommendation is that the directory should always be provided ** in the emboss.defaults file or by an environment variable. ** ** As for all associated qualifiers, it is also possible to set a value ** in the ACD file. ** ** @param [w] dir [AjPStr*] Specified directory ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a directory was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdOutDirectory(AjPStr* dir) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; AjPStr mydir = NULL; acdLog("acdOutDirectory ('%S')\n", *dir); if(!acdDirectoryDef) if(!ajNamGetValueC("outdirectory", &acdDirectoryDef)) ajStrAssignClear(&acdDirectoryDef); if(dir && ajStrGetLen(*dir)) ajStrAssignS(&mydir, *dir); else ajStrAssignS(&mydir, acdDirectoryDef); if(ajStrGetLen(mydir)) { ajDirnameFix(&mydir); ajStrAssignS(dir, mydir); ret = ajTrue; } else { ajStrAssignClear(dir); ret = ajFalse; } acdLog(". . . dir '%S' ret: %B\n", *dir, ret); ajStrDel(&mydir); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFilename ************************************************* ** ** Sets a default output file name. If stdout or filtering are on, ** this will be stdout for the first output file. ** Otherwise it is built from the defaults provided. ** ** The base file name is usually specified in the ACD file as name: ** and passed in by the calling acdSet function. The default will ** be the base file name saved from the first input file, or "outfile" ** ** The extension is usually specified in the ACD file as extension: ** and passed in by the calling acdSet function. The default will ** be the program name for the first file, and "out2", "out3" and so ** on for later files. ** ** The recommendation is that the extension should always be provided ** in the ACD file, but that the base file name should be taken from ** the input file in most cases. ** ** @param [w] outfname [AjPStr*] Input file name ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Specified base file name ** @param [r] ext [const AjPStr] Specified extension ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a name was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdOutFilename(AjPStr* outfname, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr ext) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdOutFilename ('%S', '%S', '%S') acdStdout: %B\n", *outfname, name, ext, acdStdout); if(!acdOutFile && acdStdout) /* first outfile, running as a filter */ { ajStrAssignC(outfname, "stdout"); acdLog("outfile '%S'\n", *outfname); acdOutFile++; return ajTrue; } ajStrAssignEmptyS(&acdOutFName, name); /* use name if given */ ajStrAssignEmptyS(&acdOutFName, acdInFName); /* else use saved name */ ajStrAssignEmptyC(&acdOutFName, "outfile"); /* all else fails, use "outfile" */ ajStrAssignEmptyS(&acdOutFExt, ext); /* use extension if given */ if(!acdOutFile) ajStrAssignEmptyS(&acdOutFExt, acdProgram); /* else try program name for first file */ if(!ajStrGetLen(acdOutFExt)) /* if all else fails, use out2 etc. */ ajFmtPrintS(&acdOutFExt, "out%d", acdOutFile+1); acdLog(". . . acdOutFName '%S', acdOutFExt '%S'\n", acdOutFName, acdOutFExt); if(ext && ajStrGetLen(acdOutFExt)) /* NULL ext means add no extension */ ajFmtPrintS(outfname, "%S.%S", acdOutFName, acdOutFExt); else ajStrAppendS(outfname, acdOutFName); acdOutFile++; acdLog("outfile %d %S.%S\n", acdOutFile, acdOutFName, acdOutFExt); ajStrDelStatic(&acdOutFName); ajStrDelStatic(&acdOutFExt); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdInFileSave ************************************************** ** ** For the first call, saves the input filename for use in building output ** file name(s). ** ** @param [r] infname [const AjPStr] Input file name ** @param [r] reset [AjBool] Reset the saved name if this is the first time ** a true value has been passed. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a name was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInFileSave(const AjPStr infname, AjBool reset) { if(acdInFileSet) /* already have a name */ return ajFalse; if(!reset && ajStrGetLen(acdInFName)) /* have a name, no reset forced */ return ajFalse; acdLog("acdInFileSave (%S) reset: %B saved name '%S\n", infname, reset, acdInFName); if(!ajStrGetLen(infname)) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignS(&acdInFName, infname); ajFilenameTrimAll(&acdInFName); ajStrFmtLower(&acdInFName); if(reset) acdInFileSet = ajTrue; acdLog("acdInFileSave (%S) input file set to '%S'\n", infname, acdInFName); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdInTypeSeqSave *********************************************** ** ** For the first call, saves the input filename for use in building output ** file name(s). ** ** @param [r] intype [const AjPStr] Input sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a type was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInTypeSeqSave(const AjPStr intype) { if(acdInTypeSeqName) return ajFalse; acdLog("acdInTypeSeqSave (%S)\n", intype); if(!ajStrGetLen(intype)) { ajStrAssignClear(&acdInTypeSeqName); acdLog("Input sequence type defaults to ''\n", acdInTypeSeqName); acdInTypeFeatSave(NULL); } else { ajStrAssignS(&acdInTypeSeqName, intype); ajStrFmtLower(&acdInTypeSeqName); if(ajSeqTypeIsAny(intype)) acdInTypeFeatSaveC(""); else if(ajSeqTypeIsProt(intype)) acdInTypeFeatSaveC("protein"); else if(ajSeqTypeIsNuc(intype)) acdInTypeFeatSaveC("nucleotide"); else acdInTypeFeatSaveC(""); } acdLog("acdInTypeSeqSave (%S) input type set to '%S'\n", intype, acdInTypeSeqName); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdInTypeSeq ************************************************** ** ** Returns the input sequence type (if known) ** ** @param [w] typename [AjPStr*] Input sequence type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a type was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInTypeSeq(AjPStr* typename) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdInTypeSeq saved acdInTypeSeqName '%S'\n", acdInTypeSeqName); if(acdInTypeSeqName) /* could be an empty string */ { ajStrAssignS(typename, acdInTypeSeqName); ret = ajTrue; } else { ajStrAssignClear(typename); /* allow anything, return ajFalse */ ret = ajFalse; } return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdInTypeFeatSave ********************************************** ** ** Saves the input feature type for use in setting the default output type ** ** @param [r] intype [const AjPStr] Input feature type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a type was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInTypeFeatSave(const AjPStr intype) { if(acdInTypeFeatName) return ajFalse; acdLog("acdInTypeFeatSave (%S)\n", intype); if(!ajStrGetLen(intype)) { ajStrAssignClear(&acdInTypeFeatName); acdLog("Input feature type defaults to '%S'\n", acdInTypeFeatName); } else ajStrAssignS(&acdInTypeFeatName, intype); ajStrFmtLower(&acdInTypeFeatName); acdLog("acdInTypeFeatSave (%S) input feature type set to '%S'\n", intype, acdInTypeFeatName); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdInTypeFeatSaveC ********************************************* ** ** Saves the input feature type for use in setting the default output type ** ** @param [r] intype [const char*] Input feature type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a type was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInTypeFeatSaveC(const char* intype) { AjBool ret; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNewC(intype); ret = acdInTypeFeatSave(tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdInTypeFeat ************************************************** ** ** Returns the input feature type (if known) ** ** @param [w] typename [AjPStr*] Input feature type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a type was successfully set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdInTypeFeat(AjPStr* typename) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; acdLog("acdInTypeFeat saved acdInTypeFeatName '%S'\n", acdInTypeFeatName); if(acdInTypeFeatName) /* could be an empty string */ { ajStrAssignS(typename, acdInTypeFeatName); ret = ajTrue; } else { ajStrAssignClear(typename); /* allow anything, return ajFalse */ ret = ajFalse; } return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdLog ********************************************************* ** ** Writes a message to the .acdlog file ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format with ajFmt extensions ** @param [v] [...] Optional arguments ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdLog(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if(!acdDoLog) return; if(!acdLogFName) { ajFmtPrintS(&acdLogFName, "%S.acdlog", acdProgram); acdLogFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdLogFName); ajFileSetUnbuffer(acdLogFile); } va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintF(acdLogFile, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; return; } /* @funcstatic acdPretty ****************************************************** ** ** Writes a pretty formatted version of the .acd syntax ** message to the .acdpretty file ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format with ajFmt extensions ** @param [v] [...] Optional arguments ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPretty(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args ; static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajint *icword = NULL; ajint *icpos = NULL; AjPStr cmtstr = NULL; ajint lastword; ajint wordcount; ajuint ipos; ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; ajint ccnt=0; if(!acdDoPretty) return; if(!acdPrettyFName) { if(acdStdout) acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewFromCfile(stdout); else { ajFmtPrintS(&acdPrettyFName, "%S.acdpretty", acdProgram); acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdPrettyFName); ajFileSetUnbuffer(acdPrettyFile); ajFmtPrint("Created %S\n", acdPrettyFName); } } va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintS(&tmpstr, fmt, args); va_end(args); /* ** test for comment block before this line */ while(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && (acdCmtWord <= acdWordSave)) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPeek(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); acdCmtWord = *icword; if((acdCmtWord == acdWordSave && !*icpos) || (acdCmtWord<=acdWordSave)) { if(!ajStrGetLen(cmtstr)) ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "\n"); ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); acdPrettyComment(cmtstr); ajStrDel(&cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); ccnt++; } } if(ccnt && ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpstr) != '\n') ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "\n"); while(ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpstr) == '\n') { ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "\n"); ajStrCutStart(&tmpstr, 1); } wordcount = ajStrParseCount(tmpstr); lastword = acdWordSave + wordcount; /* ** now check for inline comment on this line of text */ if(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && (acdCmtWord <= lastword)) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPeek(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); acdCmtWord = *icword; if((acdCmtWord == lastword && *icpos) | (acdCmtWord < lastword)) { ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&cmtstr); if(!ajStrPrefixC(cmtstr, "#")) ajStrInsertC(&cmtstr, 0, "#"); if((ajStrGetLen(cmtstr) > 1) && !ajStrPrefixC(cmtstr, "# ")) ajStrInsertC(&cmtstr, 1, " "); i=0; while(ajStrGetCharLast(tmpstr) == '\n') { ajStrCutEnd(&tmpstr, 1); i++; } ipos = 50; if(ajStrGetLen(cmtstr) > (79 - ipos)) ipos = 79 - ajStrGetLen(cmtstr); if(ipos <= (ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)+acdPrettyMargin)) ipos = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)+acdPrettyMargin+1; j = ipos-ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)-acdPrettyMargin; ajStrAppendCountK(&tmpstr, ' ', j); ajStrAppendS(&tmpstr, cmtstr); if(i) ajStrAppendCountK(&tmpstr, '\n', i); ajStrDel(&cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); } } if(acdPrettyMargin) ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "%.*s", acdPrettyMargin, " "); ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "%S", tmpstr); acdWordSave += wordcount; return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrettyClose ************************************************* ** ** Writes any remaining comments and closes the pretty output file ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrettyClose(void) { ajint *icword = NULL; ajint *icpos = NULL; AjPStr cmtstr = NULL; if(!acdDoPretty) return; if(!acdPrettyFName) { if(acdStdout) acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewFromCfile(stdout); else { ajFmtPrintS(&acdPrettyFName, "%S.acdpretty", acdProgram); acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdPrettyFName); ajFileSetUnbuffer(acdPrettyFile); ajFmtPrint("Created %S\n", acdPrettyFName); } } while(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && (acdCmtWord <= acdWordSave)) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); acdCmtWord = *icword; if(acdCmtWord <= acdWordSave) { if(!ajStrGetLen(cmtstr)) ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "\n"); ajStrDel(&cmtstr); ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); acdPrettyComment(cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); } } ajStrDel(&cmtstr); ajFileClose(&acdPrettyFile); return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrettyComment *********************************************** ** ** Writes an indented one-line comment ** ** @param [r] comment [const AjPStr] OComment to be printer ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrettyComment(const AjPStr comment) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!acdDoPretty) return; if(!acdPrettyFName) { if(acdStdout) acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewFromCfile(stdout); else { ajFmtPrintS(&acdPrettyFName, "%S.acdpretty", acdProgram); acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdPrettyFName); ajFileSetUnbuffer(acdPrettyFile); ajFmtPrint("Created %S\n", acdPrettyFName); } } ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, comment); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&tmpstr); if(!ajStrPrefixC(tmpstr, "#")) ajStrInsertC(&tmpstr, 0, "#"); if((ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > 1) && !ajStrPrefixC(tmpstr, "# ")) ajStrInsertC(&tmpstr, 1, " "); /* ** margin is set for attributes ** reduce by 2 to align with definitions */ if(acdPrettyMargin) ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "%.*s", acdPrettyMargin, " "); ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "%S\n", tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrettyWrap ************************************************** ** ** Writes a pretty formatted version of the .acd syntax ** line to the .acdpretty file ** ** @param [r] left [ajint] Extra left margin for follow-on lines ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format with ajFmt extensions ** @param [v] [...] Optional arguments ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrettyWrap(ajint left, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajint leftmargin = left + acdPrettyMargin; ajint width = 78 - leftmargin; ajint *icword = NULL; ajint *icpos = NULL; AjPStr cmtstr = NULL; ajint lastword; ajint wordcount; ajuint ipos; ajint ccnt = 0; ajint jpos; ajint kpos; ajuint ilen; AjIList itercmt; AjIList iterpos; AjIList iterword; if(!acdDoPretty) return; if(!acdPrettyFName) { if(acdStdout) acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewFromCfile(stdout); else { ajFmtPrintS(&acdPrettyFName, "%S.acdpretty", acdProgram); acdPrettyFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(acdPrettyFName); ajFileSetUnbuffer(acdPrettyFile); } } /* ** whole line comments before wrapped text */ while(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && (acdCmtWord <= acdWordSave)) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); acdCmtWord = *icword; if(acdCmtWord <= acdWordSave) { if(!ajStrGetLen(cmtstr)) ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "\n"); ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); acdPrettyComment(cmtstr); ajStrDel(&cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); } } va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintS(&tmpstr, fmt, args); va_end(args); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, " \\ ", " \\\n"); /* force newlines at '\' */ wordcount = ajStrParseCount(tmpstr); lastword = acdWordSave + wordcount; /* ** Now check for inline comments in these lines of text */ /* ** First iterate to get comment max length */ ipos = 50; if(ajListGetLength(acdListCommentsCount) && (acdCmtWord <= lastword)) { ajListPeek(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); acdCmtWord = *icword; itercmt = ajListIterNewread(acdListComments); iterpos = ajListIterNewread(acdListCommentsColumn); iterword = ajListIterNewread(acdListCommentsCount); while(!ajListIterDone(iterword) && (*icword <= lastword)) { icword = ajListIterGet(iterword); icpos = ajListIterGet(iterpos); cmtstr = ajListIterGet(itercmt); if(*icword <= lastword && *icpos > (acdPrettyMargin+3)) { ccnt++; if(ajStrGetLen(cmtstr) > (79 - ipos)) ipos = 79 - ajStrGetLen(cmtstr); /*if(*icpos < (ajint) ipos) ipos = *icpos;*/ } } ajListIterDel(&itercmt); ajListIterDel(&iterpos); ajListIterDel(&iterword); } if((ajint) ipos <= (leftmargin + 20)) ipos = leftmargin + 20; width = ipos - leftmargin - 1; ajStrFmtWrapLeft(&tmpstr, width, acdPrettyMargin, left); /* ** Insert any comments at ends of lines */ jpos=-1; while(ccnt--) { ajListPop(acdListCommentsCount, (void**) &icword); ajListPop(acdListCommentsColumn, (void**) &icpos); ajListstrPop(acdListComments, &cmtstr); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&cmtstr); if(!ajStrPrefixC(cmtstr, "#")) ajStrInsertC(&cmtstr, 0, "#"); if((ajStrGetLen(cmtstr) > 1) && !ajStrPrefixC(cmtstr, "# ")) ajStrInsertC(&cmtstr, 1, " "); kpos = ajStrFindNextK(tmpstr, jpos+1, '\n'); if(kpos < 0) { if(jpos == (ajint) ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, '\n'); ilen = 0; } else ilen = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - jpos - 1; while(ilen < ipos) { ajStrAppendK(&tmpstr, ' '); ilen++; } ajStrAppendS(&tmpstr, cmtstr); jpos = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); } else { ilen = kpos - jpos - 1; jpos = kpos; while(ilen < ipos) { ajStrInsertK(&tmpstr, jpos, ' '); ilen++; jpos++; } ajStrInsertS(&tmpstr, jpos, cmtstr); jpos += ajStrGetLen(cmtstr); } ajStrDel(&cmtstr); AJFREE(icword); AJFREE(icpos); } ajFmtPrintF(acdPrettyFile, "%S\n", tmpstr); acdWordSave += wordcount; return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrettyShift ************************************************* ** ** Right shifts (indents) acdpretty printing ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrettyShift(void) { acdPrettyMargin += acdPrettyIndent; return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrettyUnShift *********************************************** ** ** Left shifts acdpretty printing ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrettyUnShift(void) { acdPrettyMargin -= acdPrettyIndent; if(acdPrettyMargin < 0) { ajWarn("acdpretty printing indent error - too many left shifts"); acdPrettyMargin = 0; } return; } /* @funcstatic acdIsQtype ***************************************************** ** ** Tests whether an ACD object is a qualifier or parameter type. If not we ** assume it is a keyword type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the object is a qualifier or parameter ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsQtype(const AcdPAcd thys) { if((thys->Level == ACD_QUAL) || (thys->Level == ACD_PARAM)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdIsStype ***************************************************** ** ** Tests whether an ACD object is a section or endsection type. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the object is a qualifier or parameter ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdIsStype(const AcdPAcd thys) { if((thys->Level == ACD_SEC) || (thys->Level == ACD_ENDSEC)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdTextFormat ************************************************** ** ** Converts backslash codes in a string into special characters ** ** @param [u] text [AjPStr*] Text with backslash codes ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successful ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdTextFormat(AjPStr* text) { ajStrExchangeCC(text, " \\ ", "\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdTextTrim************************************************** ** ** Trims white space. For HTML output, replaces angled brackets ** ** @param [u] text [AjPStr*] Text to be processed ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdTextTrim(AjPStr* text) { ajStrTrimC(text, " \t\n\r"); if(acdDoTable) { ajStrExchangeCC(text, "<", "<"); ajStrExchangeCC(text, ">", ">"); } return; } /* @section print ************************************************************* ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** Print internal details for use by entrails ** ** @nam3rule Print Print internal details ** @nam4rule PrintAppl Print details of ACD application attributes ** @nam4rule PrintQual Print details of ACD datatype known qualifiers ** @nam4rule PrintType Print details of ACD datatypes ** ** @argrule Print outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @argrule Print full [AjBool] Print full details ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdPrintAppl ******************************************************* ** ** Report details of all known ACD attributes for all applications. ** For use by EMBOSS entrails. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report - currently no extra details printed ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdPrintAppl(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajint i; AcdPAttr attr; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajuint maxtmp = 0; if(full) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# ACD Application Attributes\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Attribute Type Default Helptext\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "AttrAppl {\n"); for(i=0; acdAttrAppl[i].Name; i++) { attr = &acdAttrAppl[i]; ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-15s", attr->Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", acdValNames[attr->Type]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", attr->Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", attr->Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); if(maxtmp > 12) ajWarn("ajAcdPrintAppl max tmpstr len %d", maxtmp); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAcdPrintQual ******************************************************* ** ** Report details of all known ACD qualifiers for all applications. ** For use by EMBOSS entrails. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report - currently no extra details printed ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdPrintQual(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajint i; AcdPQual qual; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajuint maxtmp = 0; if(full) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# ACD Application Qualifiers\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Qualifier Type Default Helptext\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "QualAppl {\n"); for(i=0; acdQualAppl[i].Name; i++) { qual = &acdQualAppl[i]; ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-15s", qual->Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", qual->Type); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, " \"%s\"", qual->Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", qual->Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); if(maxtmp > 12) ajWarn("ajAcdPrintQual max tmpstr len %d", maxtmp); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAcdPrintType ******************************************************* ** ** Report details of all known ACD types. ** For use by EMBOSS entrails. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdPrintType(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { AcdPType pat; AcdPAttr attr; AcdPQual qual; ajint i; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajuint maxtmp = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# ACD Types\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Group Description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Attribute Type " "Default Comment\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Qualifier Type " "Default Helptext\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "AcdType {\n"); for(i=0; acdType[i].Name; i++) { pat = &acdType[i]; ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-14s", pat->Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", pat->Group); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", pat->Valid); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); if(full && pat->Attr) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " attributes {\n"); for(attr=pat->Attr; attr->Name; attr++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-15s", attr->Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", acdValNames[attr->Type]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", attr->Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", attr->Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " }\n"); } if(pat->Quals) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " qualifiers {\n"); for(qual=pat->Quals; qual->Name; qual++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-15s", qual->Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", qual->Type); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", qual->Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", qual->Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " }\n"); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# ACD Default attributes\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Type Default Comment\n"); for(i=0; acdAttrDef[i].Name; i++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-15s", acdAttrDef[i].Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", acdValNames[acdAttrDef[i].Type]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", acdAttrDef[i].Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", acdAttrDef[i].Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# ACD Calculated attributes\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Attribute Type " "Default Comment\n"); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "distances", acdCalcDistances); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "features", acdCalcFeat); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "frequencies", acdCalcFrequencies); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "properties", acdCalcProperties); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "regexp", acdCalcRegexp); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "sequence", acdCalcSeq); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "seqall", acdCalcSeqall); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "seqset", acdCalcSeqset); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "seqsetall", acdCalcSeqsetall); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "string", acdCalcString); acdPrintCalcattr(outf, "tree", acdCalcTree); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); if(maxtmp > 12) ajWarn("ajAcdPrintType max tmpstr len %d", maxtmp); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrintCalcattr *********************************************** ** ** Report calculated attributes set ** For use by EMBOSS entrails. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] acdtype [const char*] ACD type name ** @param [r] calcattr [const AcdOAttr[]] Acd calculated attributes ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrintCalcattr(AjPFile outf, const char* acdtype, const AcdOAttr calcattr[]) { ajint i; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajuint maxtmp = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %s",acdtype); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " attributes {\n"); for(i=0; calcattr[i].Name; i++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-14s", calcattr[i].Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-10s", acdValNames[calcattr[i].Type]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "\"%s\"", calcattr[i].Default); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) > maxtmp) maxtmp = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-20S", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \"%s\"", calcattr[i].Help); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " }\n"); if(maxtmp > 20) ajWarn("acdPrintCalcAttr max tmpstr len %d", maxtmp); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdVocabCheck ************************************************** ** ** Checks for a string in a controlled vocabulary of character strings, ** ended with a NULL. ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Test string ** @param [r] vocab [const char**] Controlled vocabulary ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the string matched on of the words ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdVocabCheck(const AjPStr str, const char** vocab) { ajint i = 0; while(vocab[i]) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(str, vocab[i])) return ajTrue; i++; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdError ******************************************************* ** ** Formatted write as an error message, then exits with ajExitBad ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn static void acdError(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args ; AjPStr errstr = NULL; ajint linenum; acdErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; if(acdLineNum > 0) linenum = acdLineNum; else if(acdSetCurr) linenum = acdSetCurr->LineNum; else if(acdProcCurr) linenum = acdProcCurr->LineNum; else if(acdListCurr) linenum = acdListCurr->LineNum; else linenum = 0; ajErr("File %S line %d: %S", acdFName, linenum, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); ajExitBad(); } /* @funcstatic acdErrorValid ************************************************** ** ** Formatted write as an error message, then continues (acdError exits) ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdErrorValid(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; AjPStr errstr=NULL; ajint linenum; acdErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; if(acdLineNum > 0) linenum = acdLineNum; else if(acdSetCurr) linenum = acdSetCurr->LineNum; else if(acdProcCurr) linenum = acdProcCurr->LineNum; else if(acdListCurr) linenum = acdListCurr->LineNum; else linenum = 0; ajErr("File %S line %d: %S", acdFName, linenum, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdWarnObsolete ************************************************* ** ** Warning about obsolete status of an application ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Format string ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdWarnObsolete(const AjPStr str) { AjPStr outstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjBool warnobsolete = ajTrue; if(ajNamGetValueC("warnobsolete", &tmpstr)) ajStrToBool(tmpstr, &warnobsolete); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); if(!warnobsolete) return; ajFmtPrintS(&outstr, "Application %S is marked as obsolete.\n%S", acdProgram, str); ajStrFmtWrap(&outstr, 70); ajWarn("%S", outstr); ajStrDel(&outstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdWarn ******************************************************* ** ** Formatted write as an error message. ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdWarn(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; AjPStr errstr = NULL; ajint linenum; acdErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; if(acdLineNum > 0) linenum = acdLineNum; else if(acdSetCurr) linenum = acdSetCurr->LineNum; else if(acdProcCurr) linenum = acdProcCurr->LineNum; else if(acdListCurr) linenum = acdListCurr->LineNum; else linenum = 0; ajWarn("File %S line %d: %S", acdFName, linenum, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); return; } /* @funcstatic acdErrorAcd **************************************************** ** ** Formatted write as an error message, for a specified ACD object ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] Format string ** @param [v] [...] Format arguments. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ __noreturn static void acdErrorAcd(const AcdPAcd thys, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; AjPStr errstr = NULL; acdErrorCount++; va_start(args, fmt) ; ajFmtVPrintS(&errstr, fmt, args); va_end(args) ; ajErr("File %S line %d: (%S) %S", acdFName, thys->LineNum, thys->Name, errstr); ajStrDel(&errstr); ajExitBad(); } /* @section exit ************************************************************** ** ** Functions called on exit ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Exit Cleanup of internals when program exits ** ** @argrule Exit silent [AjBool] If false, produce warnings for unused ** ACD datatype definitions ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdExit ************************************************************ ** ** Reports any unused ACD values ** ** Cleans up ACD processing internal memory ** ** @param [r] silent [AjBool] Turn off messages (used when some messages ** are expected but can be ignored). ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdExit(AjBool silent) { AcdPAcd pa; static AjBool staySilent = AJFALSE; AjPFile cmdlogfile = NULL; AjPStr cmdlog = NULL; AjPStr cmdstr = NULL; if(silent) staySilent = ajTrue; if(acdDoHelp) staySilent = ajTrue; if(acdDoPretty) staySilent = ajTrue; if(!staySilent) { /* turn off the warnings for now ... comment out this line to ** enable them. ** the problem is that some programs have conditionals around the ** ajAcdGet calls so they can sometimes fail to use values, even where ** the test cases say they are fine. ** also some ACD files (showdb for example) use values, ** but in some cases (showdb with all booleans on the command line) ** the value is not needed */ /* ajDebug("ajAcdExit Name................ Assoc Level Used\n");*/ for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { /*ajDebug("ajAcdExit %20S %3B %3d %3B\n", pa->Name, pa->Assoc, pa->Level, pa->Used); */ if(pa->Assoc) continue; if(pa->Level != ACD_PARAM && pa->Level != ACD_QUAL) continue; if(!pa->Used) acdLog("ACD qualifier never used: %S = '%S' (assoc %B)", pa->Name, pa->ValStr, pa->Assoc); } } /* report the command line to a log if requested. ** added mainly to log command lines for the QA tests ** so they can also be used in memory leak tests ** ** Need to test acdProgram is still set - acdc calls this twice */ if(acdCommandLine && ajStrGetLen(acdProgram) && ajNamGetValueC("acdcommandlinelog", &cmdlog)) { cmdlogfile = ajFileNewOutappendNameS(cmdlog); ajStrAssignS(&cmdstr, acdArgSave); if(ajStrGetLen(acdInputSave)) { ajStrAppendK(&cmdstr, ' '); ajStrAppendS(&cmdstr, acdInputSave); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&cmdstr); ajFmtPrintF(cmdlogfile, "%S %S\n", acdProgram, cmdstr); ajFileClose(&cmdlogfile); ajStrDel(&cmdlog); ajStrDel(&cmdstr); } /* ** clean up memory: ** */ acdReset(); return; } /* @funcstatic acdPrintUsed *************************************************** ** ** Quick printoout of all qualifiers believed to have been used ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdPrintUsed(void) { AcdPAcd pa; ajUserDumpS(acdArgSave); for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=pa->Next) { if(pa->UserDefined) ajUser("ACD qual defined: '%S'", pa->Name); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdReset ******************************************************* ** ** Cleans up all memory allocated to ACD internals. ** ** All ACD objects are assumed to have been passed to the calling program ** and are no longer "owned" by ACD. ** ** In future, we could consider removing them once they have been fetched. ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdReset(void) { AcdPAcd pa; AcdPAcd qa = NULL; /* acdPrintUsed(); */ for(pa=acdList; pa; pa=qa) { qa = pa->Next; acdDel(&pa); } ajTablestrFree(&acdKnowntypeTypeTable); ajTablestrFree(&acdKnowntypeDescTable); ajTablestrFree(&acdCodeTable); ajTablestrFree(&acdGrpTable); ajStrDel(&acdTmpStr); ajStrDel(&acdTmpStr2); ajStrDel(&acdArgSave); ajStrDel(&acdInputSave); ajStrDel(&acdInputName); ajStrDel(&acdInFName); ajStrDel(&acdOutFName); ajStrDel(&acdOutFExt); ajStrDel(&acdInTypeFeatName); ajStrDel(&acdInTypeSeqName); ajStrDel(&acdTmpOutFName); ajStrDel(&acdLogFName); ajFileClose(&acdLogFile); ajListstrFreeData(&acdSecList); ajTablestrFree(&acdSecTable); ajStrDel(&acdPrettyFName); ajFileClose(&acdPrettyFile); ajStrDel(&acdFName); ajStrDel(&acdOutFullFName); ajStrDel(&acdVarAcdProtein); acdParseQuotes = ajFalse; ajStrDel(&acdParseReturn); ajStrDel(&acdReply); ajStrDel(&acdReplyDef); ajStrDel(&acdReplyPrompt); ajStrDel(&acdUserMsg); ajStrDel(&acdUserReplyDef); ajStrDel(&acdDirectoryDef); ajStrDel(&acdQNameTmp); ajStrDel(&acdQTypeTmp); ajStrDel(&acdAttrValTmp); ajStrDel(&acdQualNameTmp); ajStrDel(&acdQualNumTmp); ajRegFree(&acdRegQualParse); ajRegFree(&acdRegVarTest); ajRegFree(&acdRegResolveVar); ajRegFree(&acdRegResolveFun); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpPlusI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpPlusD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpMinusI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpMinusD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpStarI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpStarD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpDivI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpDivD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpEqualI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpEqualD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpEqualT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpNeI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpNeD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpNeT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpGtI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpGtD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpGtT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpLtI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpLtD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpLtT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpOrI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpOrD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpOrT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpAndI); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpAndD); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpAndT); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpCond); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpNot); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpOneofCase); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpOneofList); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpCaseCase); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpCaseList); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpFilename); ajRegFree(&acdRegExpFileExists); ajListFreeData(&acdListCommentsCount); ajListFreeData(&acdListCommentsColumn); ajListstrFreeData(&acdListComments); ajStrDel(&acdProgram); AJFREE(acdParamSet); acdDoHelp = AJFALSE; acdDoLog = AJFALSE; acdDoWarnRange =AJTRUE; acdDoPretty = AJFALSE; acdDoTable = AJFALSE; acdDoValid = AJFALSE; acdVerbose = AJFALSE; acdAuto = AJFALSE; acdFilter = AJFALSE; acdOptions = AJFALSE; acdStdout = AJFALSE; acdCodeSet = AJFALSE; acdKnowntypeSet = AJFALSE; /* acdQualTestSkip = AJFALSE; */ acdInFile = 0; acdInFileSet = AJFALSE; acdOutFile = 0; acdPromptTry = 2; acdPrettyMargin = 0; acdPrettyIndent = 2; acdLineNum = 0; acdWordNum = 0; acdErrorCount = 0; acdUseData = 0; acdUseFeatures = 0; acdUseInfile = 0; acdUseSeq = 0; acdUseAlign = 0; acdUseFeatout = 0; acdUseOutfile = 0; acdUseReport = 0; acdUseSeqout = 0; acdUseGraph = 0; acdUseMisc = 0; acdCurrentStage = NO_STAGE; acdNParam=0; acdNewCurr = NULL; acdMasterQual = NULL; acdList = NULL; acdListLast = NULL; acdListCurr = NULL; acdProcCurr = NULL; acdSetCurr = NULL; return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidAppl *************************************************** ** ** Validation for an application definition ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidAppl(const AcdPAcd thys) { ajint i; ajuint idocmax = 70; /* maximum length of documentation string */ if(!acdDoValid) return; /* must have a documentation attribute */ i = acdFindAttrC(acdAttrAppl, "documentation"); if(!ajStrGetLen(thys->AttrStr[i])) acdErrorValid("Application has no documentation defined"); else { if(!isupper((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(thys->AttrStr[i]))) { if (islower((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(thys->AttrStr[i]))) acdWarn("Documentation string starts in lower case"); else acdWarn("Documentation string starts non-alphabetic"); } if (ajStrGetLen(thys->AttrStr[i]) > idocmax) acdWarn("Documentation string %d exceeds %d characters", ajStrGetLen(thys->AttrStr[i]), idocmax); } /* must have a group attribute */ i = acdFindAttrC(acdAttrAppl, "groups"); if(!ajStrGetLen(thys->AttrStr[i])) acdErrorValid("Application has no groups defined"); /* group must be a known group (and subgroup) */ acdValidApplGroup(thys->AttrStr[i]); i = acdFindAttrC(acdAttrAppl, "keywords"); acdValidApplKeywords(thys->AttrStr[i]); return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidRelation *********************************************** ** ** Validation for a relation definition ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidRelation(const AcdPAcd thys) { const AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!acdDoValid) return; tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "relations"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) return; return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidSection ************************************************ ** ** Validation for a section definition ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidSection(const AcdPAcd thys) { static AjPTable typeTable = NULL; static AjPTable infoTable = NULL; static ajint sectLevel = 0; static ajint sectNumber= -1; AjPStr sectType = NULL; /* string from table - no delete */ AjPStr sectInfo = NULL; /* string from table - no delete */ const AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; static AjPStr sectNameTop; ajint i; if(!acdDoValid) return; if(!typeTable) acdReadSections(&typeTable, &infoTable); if(ajCharMatchC(acdKeywords[thys->Type].Name, "endsection")) { --sectLevel; if(sectLevel < 0) acdErrorValid("Too many endsections"); return; } ++sectLevel; if(sectLevel == 1) { ajStrAssignS(§NameTop, thys->Name); for(i=0; acdSections[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(thys->Name, acdSections[i]->Name)) { if(i < sectNumber) acdWarn("Section '%S' follows section '%s'", thys->Name, acdSections[sectNumber]->Name); else sectNumber = i; break; } } if(!acdSections[i]) acdWarn("No defined order for primary section '%S'", thys->Name); } /* should have a known name */ sectType = ajTableFetch(typeTable, thys->Name); tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(!sectType) { if(sectLevel == 1) acdErrorValid("Section '%S' not defined in sections.standard file", thys->Name); else acdWarn("Sub level section '%S' not defined in " "sections.standard file", thys->Name); /* if unknown, must be distinctive - check for common words? */ return; } else { /* if known, must have a standard type */ if(sectLevel == 1) { if(!ajStrMatchC(tmpstr, "page")) acdErrorValid("Top level section '%S' not of type 'page'", thys->Name); else if(!ajStrMatchC(sectType, "page")) acdErrorValid("Top level section '%S' defined as " "sub type of '%S' in sections.standard", thys->Name, sectType); } else { if(ajStrMatchC(tmpstr, "page")) acdErrorValid("Sub level section '%S' not of type 'frame'", thys->Name); else if(ajStrPrefixC(sectType, "page")) acdErrorValid("Sub level section '%S' not defined " "as type 'frame' in sections.standard", thys->Name); else if(!ajStrMatchS(sectType, sectNameTop)) acdErrorValid("Sub level section '%S' should be under '%S'", thys->Name, sectType); } } sectInfo = ajTableFetch(infoTable, thys->Name); tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "information"); /* must have an information attribute */ if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("Section has no information string"); /* if known, must have a standard info string */ else { if(!ajStrMatchS(sectInfo, tmpstr)) { if(ajStrMatchCaseS(sectInfo, tmpstr)) acdWarn("Section info '%S' expected, case mismatch", sectInfo); else acdErrorValid("Section info '%S' expected, found '%S'", sectInfo, tmpstr); } } return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidQual ************************************************ ** ** Validation for a qualifier definition ** ** @param [u] thys [AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidQual(AcdPAcd thys) { ajint itype; AjBool isparam = ajFalse; AjBool boolval; AjBool toggle; AjBool isParameter = ajFalse; AjBool isStandard = ajFalse; AjBool isAdditional = ajFalse; AjBool isToggle = ajFalse; static AjPStr secname = NULL; const AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; const AjPStr tmpinfo = NULL; const AjPStr tmpprompt = NULL; const AjPStr tmphelp = NULL; const AjPStr tmpstandard = NULL; static ajint qualCountSeq = 0; static ajint qualCountSeqout = 0; static ajint qualCountInfile = 0; static ajint qualCountOutfile = 0; static ajint qualCountIn = 0; static ajint qualCountOut = 0; static ajint qualCountFeat = 0; static ajint qualCountFeatout = 0; static AjPStr qualName = NULL; static AjPStr qualSeqFirst = NULL; static AjPStr qualSeqoutFirst = NULL; static AjPStr seqTypeIn = NULL; static AjPStr qualFeatFirst = NULL; static AjPStr qualFeatoutFirst = NULL; static AjBool seqMulti = AJFALSE; static AjBool seqoutMulti = AJFALSE; static AjBool featMulti = AJFALSE; static AjBool featoutMulti = AJFALSE; if(!acdDoValid) return; if(ajListGetLength(acdSecList)) { acdValidSectionFull(&secname); } else { acdErrorValid("No section defined for qualifier '%S'", thys->Name); ajStrAssignC(&secname, ""); } if (acdType[thys->Type].Section) { if (!acdValidSectionMatch(acdType[thys->Type].Section->Name)) acdErrorValid("Qualifier '%S' type '%s' not in section '%s'", thys->Name, acdType[thys->Type].Name, acdType[thys->Type].Section->Name); } if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "toggle")) isToggle = ajTrue; /* parameter, standard, additional only once, with 'Y' */ itype = 0; tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "parameter"); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { itype++; if(acdVarTestValid(tmpstr, &toggle)) { isParameter = ajTrue; acdErrorValid("Calculated parameter value for '%S'", thys->Name); } else { if(ajStrToBool(tmpstr,&isparam)) { if(isparam) { isParameter = ajTrue; } else { acdErrorValid("Parameter defined as false '%S'", tmpstr); itype--; } } } } tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "standard"); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { itype++; if(acdVarTestValid(tmpstr, &toggle)) { isStandard = ajTrue; if (!toggle) acdWarn("Calculated standard value for '%S'", thys->Name); if (acdValidSectionMatch("advanced")) acdWarn("Calculated standard value for qualifier '%S' " "in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } else { if(ajStrToBool(tmpstr,&boolval)) { if(boolval) { isStandard = ajTrue; } else { acdErrorValid("Standard defined as false '%S'", tmpstr); itype--; } } } } tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "additional"); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { itype++; if(acdVarTestValid(tmpstr, &toggle)) { isAdditional = ajTrue; if (!toggle) acdWarn("Calculated additional value for '%S'", thys->Name); if (acdValidSectionMatch("advanced")) acdWarn("Calculated additional value for qualifier '%S' " "in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } else { if(ajStrToBool(tmpstr,&boolval)) { if(boolval) { isAdditional = ajTrue; } else { acdErrorValid("Additional defined as false '%S'", tmpstr); itype--; } } } } if(itype > 1) acdErrorValid("Multiple definition of parameter/standard/additional"); if (isParameter) { if (acdValidSectionMatch("advanced") || acdValidSectionMatch("additional")) acdErrorValid("Parameter '%S' in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } else if (isStandard) { if (acdValidSectionMatch("advanced") || acdValidSectionMatch("additional")) acdWarn("Standard qualifier '%S' " "in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } else if (isAdditional) { if (acdValidSectionMatch("advanced") || (!isToggle && acdValidSectionMatch("required"))) acdWarn("Additional qualifier '%S' " "in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } else /* must be advanced */ { if (!isToggle) { if (acdValidSectionMatch("additional") || acdValidSectionMatch("required")) acdWarn("Advanced qualifier '%S' " "in section '%S'", thys->Name, secname); } } tmpinfo = acdAttrValue(thys, "information"); tmpprompt = acdAttrValue(thys, "prompt"); tmphelp = acdAttrValue(thys, "help"); if(acdType[thys->Type].Prompt) { tmpstandard = acdType[thys->Type].Prompt(thys); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstandard) && acdKnowntypeDesc(thys)) { if(ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo)) { if(!ajStrMatchS(tmpinfo, tmpstandard)) acdWarn("Information string for '%S' not standard '%S'", thys->Name, tmpstandard); } else { acdWarn("Missing standard information '%S' expected '%S'", thys->Name, tmpstandard); } } /* else if(ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo)) { acdWarn("Standard prompt for '%S' is '%S' information '%S'", thys->Name, tmpstandard, tmpinfo); } */ } if(ajStrGetLen(tmpprompt) && !ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo)) acdErrorValid("Prompt specified but no information"); if (ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo) && !isupper((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpinfo))) { if (islower((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpinfo))) acdWarn("Information string for '%S' starts in lower case", thys->Name); else acdWarn("Information string for '%S' starts non-alphabetic", thys->Name); } if (ajStrGetLen(tmpprompt) && !isupper((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpprompt))) { if (islower((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmpprompt))) acdWarn("Prompt string for '%S' starts in lower case", thys->Name); else acdWarn("Prompt string for '%S' starts non-alphabetic", thys->Name); } if (ajStrGetLen(tmphelp) && !isupper((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmphelp))) { if (islower((int)ajStrGetCharFirst(tmphelp))) acdWarn("Help string for '%S' starts in lower case", thys->Name); else acdWarn("Help string for '%S' starts non-alphabetic", thys->Name); } /* ** if known, must have a standard info string ** but we can make allowances for possibly confusing 2nd occurrence ** and beyond ** and also allow for those with a default value that are usually not ** prompted for */ if(acdType[thys->Type].Stdprompt && (ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo) || ajStrGetLen(tmpprompt)) && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "knowntype") && *acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) { acdWarn("Unexpected information value for type '%s'", acdType[thys->Type].Name); } /* else it must have an info attribute or a knowntype */ if(!acdType[thys->Type].Stdprompt && !ajStrGetLen(tmpinfo) && !ajStrGetLen(tmpprompt) && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "knowntype")) { acdErrorValid("Missing information value for type '%s'", acdType[thys->Type].Name); } /* if known, must have a standard type */ /* expected types should have a known name */ /* sequence seqset seqall see below - need to do seqout, infile, outfile */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "sequence") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First sequence input '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent sequence input '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountIn++; qualCountSeq++; if(qualCountSeq == 1) ajStrAssignS(&qualSeqFirst, thys->Token); ajFmtPrintS(&qualName, "%csequence", (char) ('a' - 1 + qualCountSeq)); if(!(ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequence") || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "seqall")) || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequences")) || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequences")) )) { if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall")) acdWarn("Sequence qualifier '%S' is not 'sequence' " "or '*sequence' or 'seqall'" "(should be '%Ssequence')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset")) acdWarn("Sequence qualifier '%S' is not 'sequence' " "or '*sequence' or 'sequences'" "(should be '%Ssequence')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall")) acdWarn("Sequence qualifier '%S' is not 'sequence' " "or '*sequence' or 'sequences'" "(should be '%Ssequence')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else acdWarn("Sequence qualifier '%S' is not 'sequence' " "or '*sequence'" "(should be '%Ssequence')", thys->Token, thys->Token); } else { if((qualCountSeq > 1) || !(ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "sequence") || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "seqall")) || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequences")) || (ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset") && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequences")) )) seqMulti = ajTrue; if(seqMulti) if ((ajStrGetLen(thys->Token) == ajStrGetLen(qualName)) && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "sequence")) { if(!ajStrMatchS(thys->Token, qualName)) acdWarn("Expected sequence qualifier is '%S' " "found '%S'", qualName, thys->Token); } } tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdErrorValid("No type specified for input sequence"); else if(qualCountSeq == 1) ajStrAssignS(&seqTypeIn, tmpstr); if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall")) { if(!acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "aligned")) acdErrorValid("Sequence set '%S' has no 'aligned' attribute", thys->Token); } } if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "feature")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First feature input '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent feature input '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountFeat++; if(qualCountFeat == 1) ajStrAssignS(&qualFeatFirst, thys->Token); ajFmtPrintS(&qualName, "%cfeature", (char) ('a' - 1 + qualCountFeat)); if(!(ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "feature"))) { acdWarn("Feature qualifier '%S' is not 'feature' " "or '*feature'" "(should be '%Sfeature')", thys->Token, thys->Token); } else { if((qualCountFeat > 1) || !(ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "feature"))) featMulti = ajTrue; if(featMulti) if ((ajStrGetLen(thys->Token) == ajStrGetLen(qualName)) && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "feature")) { if(!ajStrMatchS(thys->Token, qualName)) acdWarn("Expected feature qualifier is '%S' " "found '%S'", qualName, thys->Token); } } /* still to do - check for type */ tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) && !ajStrGetLen(seqTypeIn)) acdErrorValid("No type specified for input feature, " "and no input sequence type as a default"); } /* infile - assume parameter -infile */ /* check for type */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "infile") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "filelist") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "directory") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "dirlist")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "directory") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "dirlist")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First input directory '%S' is not a " "parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent input directory '%S' is not a " "parameter", thys->Token); } else { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First input file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent input file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } } qualCountIn++; qualCountInfile++; if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "infile")) { if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "file")) acdWarn("Infile qualifier '%S' is not 'infile' or '*file'" "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountIn == 1) && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "infile") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "file")) acdWarn("First input file qualifier '%S' is not " "'infile' or '*file'" "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); } } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "filelist")) { if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "files")) acdWarn("Filelist qualifier '%S' is not '*files'", thys->Token); /* no fixed qualifier name for first input filelist */ } else if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "directory") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "dirlist")) { if(ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outdir")) acdWarn("Directory qualifier '%S' has outdir style name " "'*outdir'", thys->Token); else if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "dir") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "path") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "directory")) acdWarn("Directory qualifier '%S' is not '*directory or *dir'" " or *path'" "(should be '%Sdir')", thys->Token, thys->Token); /* no fixed qualifier name for first input directory */ } tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("No knowntype specified for input file"); } /* datafile - no standard qualifier name yet */ /* check for knowntype */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "datafile")) { tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("No knowntype specified for data file"); } /* outfile - assume parameter unless default is stdout -outfile */ /* check for type */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outfile")) { /* Skip this test - there is a good default for output files */ /* if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First output file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent output file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } */ qualCountOut++; qualCountOutfile++; if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outfile") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "file")) acdWarn("Outfile qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile' or '*file' " "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountOut == 1) && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfile")) { acdWarn("First output file qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile'", thys->Token); } } /* still to do - check for type */ tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("No knowntype specified for output file"); } /* outdirectory - assume parameter unless default is stdout -outfile */ /* check for type */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdir")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First output directory '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent output directory '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountOut++; qualCountOutfile++; if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdir") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outdir")) acdWarn("Outdir qualifier '%S' is not 'outdir' or '*outdir'", thys->Token); else { if((qualCountOut == 1) && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outdir") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outdir")) acdWarn("First output directory qualifier '%S' " "is not 'outdir' or '*outdir'" "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); } /* still to do - check for type */ tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("No knowntype specified for output directory"); } /* align - as for outfile? */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "align")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First alignment file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent alignment file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountOut++; qualCountOutfile++; if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "file")) acdWarn("Align qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile' or '*file'" "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountOut == 1) && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfile")) acdWarn("First alignment file qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile'", thys->Token); } } /* report - as for outfile? */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "report")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First report file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent report file '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountOut++; qualCountOutfile++; if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "file")) acdWarn("Report qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile' or '*file'" "(should be '%Sfile')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountOut == 1) && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfile")) acdWarn("First report file qualifier '%S' is not 'outfile'", thys->Token); } } /* seqout* - assume parameter - what names? -outseq? */ /* type only if there is no sequence input */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqout") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutall") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutset")) { /* skip this test - there is a good default for sequence output */ /* if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First sequence output '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent sequence output '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } */ qualCountOut++; qualCountSeqout++; if(qualCountSeqout == 1) ajStrAssignS(&qualSeqoutFirst, thys->Token); ajFmtPrintS(&qualName, "%coutseq", (char) ('a' - 1 + qualCountSeqout)); if(!ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outseq") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outfile")) acdWarn("Sequence output qualifier '%S' is not 'outseq' " "or '*outseq' or '*outfile'" "(should be '%Soutseq')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountOut > 1) || (!ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outseq") && !ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfile"))) seqoutMulti = ajTrue; if(seqoutMulti) { if ((ajStrGetLen(thys->Token) == ajStrGetLen(qualName)) && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outseq")) { if(!ajStrMatchS(thys->Token, qualName)) acdWarn("Expected sequence output qualifier is '%S' " "found '%S'", qualName, thys->Token); } } } /* still to do - check for type */ tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) && !ajStrGetLen(seqTypeIn)) acdErrorValid("No type specified for output sequence, " "and no input sequence type as a default"); } /* featout - assume parameter - what names? -outfeat? */ /* type only if there is no sequence input */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "featout")) { if(!isparam && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "default") && !acdAttrTestDefined(thys, "nullok")) { if(*acdType[thys->Type].UseClassCount == 1) acdErrorValid("First feature output '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); else acdWarn("Subsequent feature output '%S' is not a parameter", thys->Token); } qualCountFeatout++; if(qualCountFeatout == 1) ajStrAssignS(&qualFeatoutFirst, thys->Token); ajFmtPrintS(&qualName, "%coutfeat", (char) ('a' - 1 + qualCountFeatout)); if(!ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfeat") && !ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outfeat")) acdWarn("Feature output qualifier '%S' is not 'outfeat' " "or '*outfeat'" "(should be '%Soutfeat')", thys->Token, thys->Token); else { if((qualCountFeatout > 1) || (!ajStrMatchC(thys->Token, "outfeat"))) featoutMulti = ajTrue; if(featoutMulti) { if ((ajStrGetLen(thys->Token) == ajStrGetLen(qualName)) && ajStrSuffixC(thys->Token, "outfeat")) { if(!ajStrMatchS(thys->Token, qualName)) acdWarn("Expected feature output qualifier is '%S' " "found '%S'", qualName, thys->Token); } } } /* still to do - check for type */ tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "type"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) && !ajStrGetLen(seqTypeIn)) acdErrorValid("No type specified for output feature, " "and no input sequence type as a default"); } /* string - we don't ask much, but we do prefer strings to have a known type that does not suggest some other datatype can be used */ if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "string")) { tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { tmpstr = acdAttrValue(thys, "pattern"); if (!ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) acdWarn("No knowntype specified for string"); else acdWarn("Pattern but no knowntype specified for string"); } } acdValidKnowntype(thys); return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidKnowntype ********************************************** ** ** Validation for Known type ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Current ACD object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidKnowntype(const AcdPAcd thys) { const AjPStr typestr = NULL; AjPStr acdKnownType = NULL; static AjPStr defType = NULL; AjBool typeok = ajFalse; if(!acdDoValid) return; typestr = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if (!ajStrGetLen(typestr)) return; if (!defType) ajFmtPrintS(&defType, "%S output", acdProgram); acdKnownType = ajTableFetch(acdKnowntypeTypeTable, typestr); if (!acdKnownType) { if(ajStrFindAnyK(typestr, '_') >= 0) { acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' replace underscore(s) with spaces", typestr); } else { if (!ajStrMatchS(typestr, defType)) acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' not defined in knowntypes.standard", typestr); } return; } if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "file")) { if (!ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "infile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "datafile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "directory") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "dirlist") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outfile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdir") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "filelist")) { acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' defined for type '%S', used for '%s'", typestr, acdKnownType, acdType[thys->Type].Name); } } else if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "sequence")) { if (!ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "sequence") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqall") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqset") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqsetall") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqout") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutall") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutset") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "seqoutsetall")) { acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' defined for type '%S', used for '%s'", typestr, acdKnownType, acdType[thys->Type].Name); } } else if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "codon") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "cpdb") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "matrix") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "discretestates") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "distances") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "frequencies") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "properties") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "scop") || ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "tree")) { typeok = ajFalse; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "codon")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "codon") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outcodon")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "cpdb")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "cpdb") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outcpdb")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "discretestates")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "discretestates") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdiscrete")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "distances")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "distances") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdistances")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "frequencies")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "frequencies") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outfreq")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "properties")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "properties") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outproperties")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "scop")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "scop") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outscop")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "tree")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "tree") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outtree")) typeok = ajTrue; if (ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, "matrix")) if(ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "matrix") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "matrixf") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outmatrix") || ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outmatrixf")) typeok = ajTrue; if (!ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "infile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "datafile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "directory") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "dirlist") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outfile") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "outdir") && !ajCharMatchC(acdType[thys->Type].Name, "filelist")) { if(!typeok) acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' defined for type '%S', used for '%s'", typestr, acdKnownType, acdType[thys->Type].Name); } } else if (!ajStrMatchC(acdKnownType, acdType[thys->Type].Name)) { acdWarn("Knowntype '%S' defined for type '%S', used for '%s'", typestr, acdKnownType, acdType[thys->Type].Name); } return; } /* @funcstatic acdKnowntypeDesc *********************************************** ** ** Return description of known type ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] Acd object ** @return [const AjPStr] Known type description or NULL if not defined. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr acdKnowntypeDesc(const AcdPAcd thys) { const AjPStr knowntype = NULL; const AjPStr knowndesc; knowntype = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!ajStrGetLen(knowntype)) return NULL; knowndesc = ajTableFetch(acdKnowntypeDescTable, knowntype); return knowndesc; } /* @funcstatic acdReadKnowntype *********************************************** ** ** Read standard file of ACD sections and store in new AjPTable objects ** ** @param [wN] desctable [AjPTable*] String table of section names and types ** @param [wN] typetable [AjPTable*] String table of section names and ** descriptions ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdReadKnowntype(AjPTable* desctable, AjPTable* typetable) { AjPFile knownFile = NULL; AjPStr knownFName = NULL; AjPStr knownRoot = NULL; AjPStr knownRootInst = NULL; AjPStr knownPack = NULL; AjPStr knownLine = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjPStr knownName = NULL; AjPStr knownName2 = NULL; AjPStr knownType = NULL; AjPStr knownDesc = NULL; AjPStr knownRest = NULL; ajint iline = 0; ajStrAssignS(&knownPack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(&knownRootInst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&knownRootInst); *desctable = ajTablestrNewCase(); *typetable = ajTablestrNewCase(); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", &knownRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&knownRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&knownFName, "%Sknowntypes.standard", knownRoot); knownFile = ajFileNewInNameS(knownFName); acdLog("Knowntypes file in acdroot: '%S'\n", knownFName); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&knownFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/knowntypes.standard", knownRootInst, knownPack); acdLog("Knowntypes file installed: '%S'\n", knownFName); knownFile = ajFileNewInNameS(knownFName); if(!knownFile) { acdLog("Knowntypes file '%S' not opened\n", knownFName); ajStrAssignS(&knownRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(&knownRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&knownFName, "%Sacd/knowntypes.standard", knownRoot); acdLog("Knowntypes file from source dir: '%S'\n", knownFName); knownFile = ajFileNewInNameS(knownFName); } } if(!knownFile) /* test acdc-knownmissing */ ajDie("Knowntypes file %S not found", knownFName); else acdLog("Knowntypes file %F used\n", knownFile); while(knownFile && ajReadlineTrim(knownFile, &knownLine)) { iline++; if(ajStrCutComments(&knownLine)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&knownLine); ok = ajStrExtractWord(knownLine, &knownRest, &knownName); if(ok) ok = ajStrExtractWord(knownRest, &knownDesc, &knownType); if(ok) { ajStrExchangeKK(&knownName, '_', ' '); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(knownType, "infile") || ajStrMatchCaseC(knownType, "filelist") || ajStrMatchCaseC(knownType, "datafile") || ajStrMatchCaseC(knownType, "outfile")) { ajWarn("Knowntype '%S' in file %S line %d - use 'file'", knownType, knownFName, iline); } if(ajTablePut(*typetable, knownName, knownType)) ajWarn("Duplicate knowntype name '%S' in file %S line %d", knownName, knownFName, iline); ajStrAssignS(&knownName2, knownName); ajTablePut(*desctable, knownName2, knownDesc); knownName = NULL; knownName2 = NULL; knownType = NULL; knownDesc = NULL; } else ajErr("Bad record in file %S:\n%S", knownFName, knownLine); } } ajFileClose(&knownFile); ajStrDel(&knownFName); ajStrDel(&knownRoot); ajStrDel(&knownRootInst); ajStrDel(&knownPack); ajStrDel(&knownLine); ajStrDel(&knownName); ajStrDel(&knownType); ajStrDel(&knownDesc); ajStrDel(&knownRest); return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidApplGroup ********************************************** ** ** Validation for application groups ** ** @param [r] groups [const AjPStr] Group name(s) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidApplGroup(const AjPStr groups) { AjPRegexp grpexp = NULL; AjPStr tmpGroups = NULL; AjPStr grpName = NULL; AjPStr grpDesc = NULL; if(!acdDoValid) return; acdGrpTable = acdReadGroups(); ajStrAssignS(&tmpGroups, groups); /* step through each group */ grpexp = ajRegCompC("([^,]+),?"); while(ajRegExec(grpexp, tmpGroups)) { ajRegSubI(grpexp, 1, &grpName); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&grpName); grpDesc = ajTableFetch(acdGrpTable, grpName); if(!grpDesc) acdErrorValid("Unknown group '%S' for application", grpName); ajRegPost(grpexp, &tmpGroups); } ajStrDel(&grpName); ajStrDel(&tmpGroups); ajRegFree(&grpexp); return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidApplKeywords ******************************************* ** ** Validation for application keywords ** ** @param [r] keys [const AjPStr] Keyword(s) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidApplKeywords(const AjPStr keys) { static AjPTable keyTable = NULL; AjPRegexp keyexp = NULL; AjPStr tmpKeys = NULL; AjPStr keyName = NULL; AjPStr keyDesc = NULL; if(!acdDoValid) return; keyTable = acdReadKeywords(); ajStrAssignS(&tmpKeys, keys); /* step through each group */ keyexp = ajRegCompC("([^,]+),?"); while(ajRegExec(keyexp, tmpKeys)) { ajRegSubI(keyexp, 1, &keyName); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&keyName); keyDesc = ajTableFetch(keyTable, keyName); if(!keyDesc) acdErrorValid("Unknown keyword '%S' for application", keyName); ajRegPost(keyexp, &tmpKeys); } ajStrDel(&keyName); ajStrDel(&tmpKeys); ajRegFree(&keyexp); return; } /* @funcstatic acdReadGroups ************************************************** ** ** Read standard table of application groups ** ** @return [AjPTable] String table of group names and descriptions ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPTable acdReadGroups(void) { AjPTable ret = ajTablestrNewCaseLen(50); AjPFile grpFile = NULL; AjPStr grpFName = NULL; AjPStr grpRoot = NULL; AjPStr grpRootInst = NULL; AjPStr grpPack = NULL; AjPStr grpLine = NULL; AjPRegexp grpxp = NULL; AjPStr grpName = NULL; AjPStr grpDesc = NULL; ajStrAssignS(&grpPack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(&grpRootInst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&grpRootInst); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", &grpRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&grpRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&grpFName, "%Sgroups.standard", grpRoot); grpFile = ajFileNewInNameS(grpFName); acdLog("Group file in acdroot: '%S'\n", grpFName); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&grpFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/groups.standard", grpRootInst, grpPack); acdLog("Group file installed: '%S'\n", grpFName); grpFile = ajFileNewInNameS(grpFName); if(!grpFile) { acdLog("Grp file '%S' not opened\n", grpFName); ajStrAssignS(&grpRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(&grpRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&grpFName, "%Sacd/groups.standard", grpRoot); acdLog("Grp file from source dir: '%S'\n", grpFName); grpFile = ajFileNewInNameS(grpFName); } } if(!grpFile) /* test acdc-grpmissing */ ajDie("Group file %S not found", grpFName); else acdLog("Group file %F used\n", grpFile); grpxp = ajRegCompC("([^ ]+) +([^ ].*)"); while(grpFile && ajReadlineTrim(grpFile, &grpLine)) { if(ajStrCutComments(&grpLine)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&grpLine); if(ajRegExec(grpxp, grpLine)) { ajRegSubI(grpxp, 1, &grpName); ajRegSubI(grpxp, 2, &grpDesc); ajStrExchangeKK(&grpName, '_', ' '); if(ajTablePut(ret, grpName, grpDesc)) ajWarn("Duplicate group name in file %S", grpFName); grpName = NULL; grpDesc = NULL; } else ajErr("Bad record in file %S:\n%S", grpFName, grpLine); } } ajFileClose(&grpFile); ajStrDel(&grpFName); ajStrDel(&grpRoot); ajStrDel(&grpRootInst); ajStrDel(&grpPack); ajStrDel(&grpLine); ajStrDel(&grpName); ajStrDel(&grpDesc); ajRegFree(&grpxp); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdReadKeywords ************************************************ ** ** Read standard table of application keywords ** ** @return [AjPTable] String table of keyword names and descriptions ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPTable acdReadKeywords(void) { AjPTable ret = ajTablestrNewCaseLen(50); AjPFile keyFile = NULL; AjPStr keyFName = NULL; AjPStr keyRoot = NULL; AjPStr keyRootInst = NULL; AjPStr keyPack = NULL; AjPStr keyLine = NULL; AjPRegexp keyxp = NULL; AjPStr keyName = NULL; AjPStr keyDesc = NULL; if(!acdGrpTable) acdGrpTable = acdReadGroups(); ajStrAssignS(&keyPack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(&keyRootInst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&keyRootInst); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", &keyRoot)) { ajDirnameFix(&keyRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&keyFName, "%Skeywords.standard", keyRoot); keyFile = ajFileNewInNameS(keyFName); acdLog("Keyword file in acdroot: '%S'\n", keyFName); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&keyFName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/keywords.standard", keyRootInst, keyPack); acdLog("Keyword file installed: '%S'\n", keyFName); keyFile = ajFileNewInNameS(keyFName); if(!keyFile) { acdLog("keyword file '%S' not opened\n", keyFName); ajStrAssignS(&keyRoot, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(&keyRoot); ajFmtPrintS(&keyFName, "%Sacd/keywords.standard", keyRoot); acdLog("Keywords file from source dir: '%S'\n", keyFName); keyFile = ajFileNewInNameS(keyFName); } } if(!keyFile) /* test acdc-keymissing */ ajDie("Keyword file %S not found", keyFName); else acdLog("Keyword file %F used\n", keyFile); keyxp = ajRegCompC("([^ ]+) +([^ ].*)"); while(keyFile && ajReadlineTrim(keyFile, &keyLine)) { if(ajStrCutComments(&keyLine)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&keyLine); if(ajRegExec(keyxp, keyLine)) { ajRegSubI(keyxp, 1, &keyName); ajRegSubI(keyxp, 2, &keyDesc); ajStrExchangeKK(&keyName, '_', ' '); if(ajTableFetch(acdGrpTable, keyName)) ajWarn("Keyword %S in file %S is a known group", keyName, keyFName); if(ajTablePut(ret, keyName, keyDesc)) ajWarn("Duplicate keyword in file %S", keyFName); keyName = NULL; keyDesc = NULL; } else ajErr("Bad record in file %S:\n%S", keyFName, keyLine); } } ajFileClose(&keyFile); ajStrDel(&keyFName); ajStrDel(&keyRoot); ajStrDel(&keyRootInst); ajStrDel(&keyPack); ajStrDel(&keyLine); ajStrDel(&keyName); ajStrDel(&keyDesc); ajRegFree(&keyxp); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdReadSections ************************************************ ** ** Read standard file of ACD sections and store in AjPTable objects ** ** @param [wN] typetable [AjPTable*] String table of section names and types ** @param [wN] infotable [AjPTable*] String table of section names and ** descriptions ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void acdReadSections(AjPTable* typetable, AjPTable* infotable) { AjPFile sectFile = NULL; AjPStr sectFName = NULL; AjPStr sectRoot = NULL; AjPStr sectRootInst = NULL; AjPStr sectPack = NULL; AjPStr sectLine = NULL; AjPRegexp sectxp = NULL; AjPStr sectName = NULL; AjPStr sectType = NULL; AjPStr sectDesc = NULL; ajStrAssignS(§Pack, ajNamValuePackage()); ajStrAssignS(§RootInst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(§RootInst); *typetable = ajTablestrNewCaseLen(50); *infotable = ajTablestrNewCaseLen(50); if(ajNamGetValueC("acdroot", §Root)) { ajDirnameFix(§Root); ajFmtPrintS(§FName, "%Ssections.standard", sectRoot); sectFile = ajFileNewInNameS(sectFName); acdLog("Section file in acdroot: '%S'\n", sectFName); } else { ajFmtPrintS(§FName, "%Sshare/%S/acd/sections.standard", sectRootInst, sectPack); acdLog("Section file installed: '%S'\n", sectFName); sectFile = ajFileNewInNameS(sectFName); if(!sectFile) { acdLog("Sect file '%S' not opened\n", sectFName); ajStrAssignS(§Root, ajNamValueRootdir()); ajDirnameFix(§Root); ajFmtPrintS(§FName, "%Sacd/sections.standard", sectRoot); acdLog("Sect file from source dir: '%S'\n", sectFName); sectFile = ajFileNewInNameS(sectFName); } } if(!sectFile) /* test acdc-sectmissing */ ajDie("Section file %S not found", sectFName); else acdLog("Section file %F used\n", sectFile); sectxp = ajRegCompC("([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ].*)"); while(sectFile && ajReadlineTrim(sectFile, §Line)) { if(ajStrCutComments(§Line)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(§Line); if(ajRegExec(sectxp, sectLine)) { ajRegSubI(sectxp, 1, §Name); ajRegSubI(sectxp, 2, §Type); ajRegSubI(sectxp, 3, §Desc); ajStrExchangeKK(§Name, '_', ' '); if(ajTablePut(*typetable, sectName, sectType)) ajWarn("Duplicate section name in file %S", sectFName); if(ajTablePut(*infotable, sectName, sectDesc)) ajWarn("Duplicate section name in file %S", sectFName); sectName = NULL; sectType = NULL; sectDesc = NULL; } else ajErr("Bad record in file %S:\n%S", sectFName, sectLine); } } ajFileClose(§File); ajStrDel(§FName); ajStrDel(§Root); ajStrDel(§RootInst); ajStrDel(§Pack); ajStrDel(§Line); ajStrDel(§Name); ajStrDel(§Type); ajStrDel(§Desc); ajRegFree(§xp); return; } /* @funcstatic acdValidSectionMatch ******************************************* ** ** Tests whether a named section appears in the current section list ** ** @param [r] secname [const char*] Section name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the named section was found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdValidSectionMatch(const char* secname) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPStr listsecname; AjBool ret = ajFalse; if(!ajListGetLength(acdSecList)) return ajFalse; iter = ajListIterNewread(acdSecList); while (!ajListIterDone(iter)) { listsecname = ajListIterGet(iter); if(ajStrMatchC(listsecname, secname)) { ret = ajTrue; break; } } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ret; } /* @funcstatic acdValidSectionFull ******************************************* ** ** Returns the full section name with the top level and any frame ** sub-sections ** ** @param [w] secname [AjPStr*] Section name ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdValidSectionFull(AjPStr* secname) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPStr listsecname; ajStrAssignClear(secname); if(!ajListGetLength(acdSecList)) return; iter = ajListIterNewread(acdSecList); while (!ajListIterDone(iter)) { listsecname = ajListIterGet(iter); if (ajStrGetLen(*secname)) ajStrAppendK(secname,':'); ajStrAppendS(secname, listsecname); } ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatCpdb ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outcpdb ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatCpdb(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "cpdb", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatData ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an out ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatData(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "text", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatDiscrete ******************************************* ** ** Tests the output format for an out ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatDiscrete(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "phylip", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatDistance ******************************************* ** ** Tests the output format for an outdistance ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatDistance(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "phylip", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatFreq ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outfreq ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatFreq(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "phylip", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatMatrix ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outmatrix ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatMatrix(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "emboss", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatMatrixf ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outmatrixf ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatMatrixf(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "emboss", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatProperties ***************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outproperties ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatProperties(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "phylip", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatScop ******************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outscop ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatScop(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "scop", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) return i; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdOutFormatTree *********************************************** ** ** Tests the output format for an outtree ACD type ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Format name ** @return [ajint] Internal format index, of -1 if not found ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint acdOutFormatTree(const AjPStr name) { ajint i; const char* format[] = { "phylip", "newick", NULL }; for (i=0; format[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(name, format[i])) { ajDebug("acdOutFormatTree found %d %S = %s\n", i, name, format[i]); return i; } } ajDebug("acdOutFormatTree %S not found\n", name); return -1; } /* @funcstatic acdKnownValueList ********************************************** ** ** Finds a list value associated with a known type ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [w] value [AjPStr*] Standard value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdKnownValueList(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* value) { const AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr resource = NULL; AjPStr list = NULL; ajint i; type = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!type) return ajFalse; for(i=0; acdResource[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(type, acdResource[i])) { resource = ajStrNewS(type); ajStrExchangeKK(&resource, ' ', '_'); if(ajNamRsListValue(resource, &list)) { if(acdResourceList(thys, list, value)) return ajTrue; } } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdKnownValueSelect ******************************************** ** ** Finds a selection value associated with a known type ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [w] value [AjPStr*] Standard value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdKnownValueSelect(const AcdPAcd thys, AjPStr* value) { const AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr resource = NULL; AjPStr list = NULL; ajint i; type = acdAttrValue(thys, "knowntype"); if(!type) return ajFalse; for(i=0; acdResource[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(type, acdResource[i])) { resource = ajStrNewS(type); ajStrExchangeKK(&resource, ' ', '_'); if(ajNamRsListValue(resource, &list)) { if(acdResourceList(thys, list, value)) return ajTrue; } } } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic acdResourceList ********************************************** ** ** Finds a list value associated with a known type ** ** @param [r] thys [const AcdPAcd] ACD object ** @param [r] list [const AjPStr] Resource value ** @param [w] value [AjPStr*] Standard list value ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if a value was set ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool acdResourceList(const AcdPAcd thys, const AjPStr list, AjPStr* value) { AjPStr delim = NULL; AjPStr codedelim = NULL; AjPFile infile = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr tok1 = NULL; AjPStr tok2 = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; AjPStr liststr = NULL; if (!ajStrGetLen(list)) return ajFalse; liststr = ajStrNewS(list); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "delimiter", ";", &delim); acdAttrValueStr(thys, "codedelimiter", ":", &codedelim); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(list) == '@') { ajStrAssignClear(value); ajStrCutStart(&liststr, 1); infile = ajDatafileNewInNameS(liststr); if(!infile) return ajFalse; while(ajReadlineTrim(infile, &line)) { ajStrTrimWhite(&line); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(line) == '#') continue; ajStrTokenAssignC(&handle, line, " "); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &tok1); ajStrTokenRestParse(&handle, &tok2); if(ajStrGetLen(*value)) ajStrAppendS(value, delim); ajStrAppendS(value, tok1); ajStrAppendS(value, codedelim); ajStrAppendS(value, tok2); } ajFileClose(&infile); return ajTrue; } /* value will use : and ; as delimiters */ ajStrAssignS(value, liststr); ajStrExchangeKK(value, ';', '\1'); ajStrExchangeKK(value, ':', '\2'); ajStrExchangeKK(value, '\1', ajStrGetCharFirst(delim)); ajStrExchangeKK(value, '\2', ajStrGetCharFirst(codedelim)); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic acdDelAlign **************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD alignment data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelAlign(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajAlignDel((AjPAlign*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelCod ****************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD codon usage data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelCod(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajCodDel((AjPCod*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelDir ****************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD directory data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelDir(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajDirDel((AjPDir*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelDirout *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD directory data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelDirout(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajDiroutDel((AjPDirout*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelFeattable ************************************************ ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD feature table data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelFeattable(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajFeattableDel((AjPFeattable*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelFeattabOut *********************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD output feature table data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelFeattabOut(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajFeattabOutDel((AjPFeattabOut*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelFile ***************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD input file data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelFile(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajFileClose((AjPFile*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelFloat **************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD floating point array data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelFloat(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajFloatDel((AjPFloat*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelList ***************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD list/selection data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelList(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajListstrFreeData((AjPList*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelMatrix *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD integer comparison matrix data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelMatrix(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajMatrixDel((AjPMatrix*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelMatrixf ************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD floating point comparison ** matrix data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelMatrixf(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajMatrixfDel((AjPMatrixf*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelOutfile ************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD output file data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelOutfile(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajOutfileClose((AjPOutfile*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPatlist ************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD pattern list data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPatlist(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPatlistSeqDel((AjPPatlistSeq*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPhyloDist ************************************************ ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD phylogenetic distance data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPhyloDist(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPhyloDistDel((AjPPhyloDist*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPhyloFreq ************************************************ ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD phylogenetic frequency data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPhyloFreq(void** PPval) { ajUser("acdDelPhyloFreq '%x'", *PPval); if(!*PPval) return; ajPhyloFreqDel((AjPPhyloFreq*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPhyloProp ************************************************ ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD phylogenetic properties data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPhyloProp(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPhyloPropDel((AjPPhyloProp*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPhyloState *********************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD phylogenetic state data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPhyloState(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPhyloStateDel((AjPPhyloState*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelPhyloTree ************************************************ ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD phylogenetic tree data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelPhyloTree(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPhyloTreeDelarray((AjPPhyloTree**)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelRange **************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD range data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelRange(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajRangeDel((AjPRange*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelReg ****************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD regular expression data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelReg(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajPatlistRegexDel((AjPPatlistRegex*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelReport *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD report data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelReport(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajReportDel((AjPReport*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelSeq ****************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD sequence data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelSeq(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajSeqDel((AjPSeq*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelSeqall *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD sequence stream data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelSeqall(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajSeqallDel((AjPSeqall*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelSeqout *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD sequence output data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelSeqout(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajSeqoutDel((AjPSeqout*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelSeqset *************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD sequence set data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelSeqset(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajSeqsetDel((AjPSeqset*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelSeqsetArray ********************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD sequence sets data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelSeqsetArray(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajSeqsetDelarray((AjPSeqset**)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelStr ****************************************************** ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD string data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelStr(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajStrDel((AjPStr*)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdDelStrArray ************************************************* ** ** Function with void** prototype to delete ACD string array data ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdDelStrArray(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; ajStrDelarray((AjPStr**)PPval); return; } /* @funcstatic acdFree ******************************************************** ** ** Function to delete ACD data using the standard free function ** ** @param [d] PPval [void**] Value to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void acdFree(void** PPval) { if(!*PPval) return; AJFREE(*PPval); return; } /* @section unused ************************************************************ ** ** @fdata [none] ** ** @nam3rule Unused Contains dummy calls to unused functions to keep ** compilers happy ** ** @valrule * [void] ** @fcategory misc ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func ajAcdUnused ********************************************************** ** ** Dummy function to catch all unused functions defined in the ajacd ** source file. ** ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ void ajAcdUnused(void) { AjPStr ajpstr=NULL; AcdPAcd acdpacd=NULL; float f=0.0; char c; acdSetXxxx(acdpacd); /* template function for acdSet */ acdAttrToChar(acdpacd, "attr", '.', &c); acdQualToFloat(acdpacd, "", 0.0, 0, &f, &ajpstr); acdCountType("outfile"); acdPrintUsed(); return; }