LOCUS Y17812 760 bp DNA linear PLN 14-NOV-2006 DEFINITION Isoetes lacustris mitochondrial nad1 gene. ACCESSION Y17812 VERSION Y17812.1 GI:3355610 KEYWORDS nad1 gene; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1. SOURCE mitochondrion Isoetes lacustris ORGANISM Isoetes lacustris Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Lycopodiophyta; Isoetopsida; Isoetales; Isoetaceae; Isoetes. REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Malek,O. and Knoop,V. TITLE Trans-splicing group II introns in plant mitochondria: the complete set of cis-arranged homologs in ferns, fern allies, and a hornwort JOURNAL RNA 4 (12), 1599-1609 (1998) PUBMED 9848656 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 760) AUTHORS Malek,O. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (16-JUL-1998) O. Malek, Replicon GmbH, Tempelhofer Weg 11-12, D-10829 Berlin, FRG FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..760 /organism="Isoetes lacustris" /organelle="mitochondrion" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /db_xref="taxon:50271" gene <1..>760 /gene="nad1" CDS join(<1..217,738..>760) /gene="nad1" /exception="RNA editing" /codon_start=1 /product="NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1" /protein_id="CAA76866.1" /db_xref="GI:3355611" /db_xref="GOA:O79357" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR001694" /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:O79357" /translation="KSILKEPILPSSANFPPPPTALIITSMSGLVARAVISLDYGMAL PDFNVGTLHLFAIPFPGVYGIITAGRPSNPKYAFSG" exon <1..217 /gene="nad1" /number=1 misc_feature 46 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 47 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 50 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 52 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 53 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 55 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 56 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 59 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 65 /gene="nad1" /note="U to C RNA editing" by Kei Yura based on the paper misc_feature 77 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 83 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 97 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 109 /gene="nad1" /note="U to C RNA editing" by Kei Yura based on the paper misc_feature 112 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 128 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 133 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 157 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 172 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 176 /gene="nad1" /note="U to C RNA editing" by Kei Yura based on the paper misc_feature 200 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 208 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 211 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" intron 218..737 /gene="nad1" /note="group II" /number=1 exon 738..>760 /gene="nad1" /number=2 misc_feature 740 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 748 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" misc_feature 756 /gene="nad1" /note="C to U RNA editing" ORIGIN 1 aaatcaattc taaaagaacc tattttaccg agtagtgcta atttccctcc tcctccaacg 61 gctctaataa ttacatctat gtcaggtttg gttgctcggg ccgtcatatc tcttgattat 121 ggtatggcat taccagattt caatgtaggt acacttcatt tattcgccat tccttttcca 181 ggtgtttatg gaattattac ggcgggtcgg cctagtaggg cggccgtttg gtcgcctatg 241 gaaccagagg tcggtctact acttcttcta ggtgstggtt tctttcttgc tgcttgctac 301 gtacgagatg aatgaggtgc rtccacgaac aacgctgtcc cgtttcctct cctgctggga 361 ccgctcrcca acgtgaaaac aaacatattc ctagttgaga cgacatcatc tcgatttcct 421 aatactaggg gatgggagcc ataggtgata ccggcgatat ccagccagat tgttattgtt 481 ggtagtcaga ggacccatag tacccaagaa gaggttggga aaggggtcgt tttctcgact 541 gactccccgt catcattcat gttagctgct aatccctcgt gggaggaaga agaggatgtk 601 aagaagcaag ctacaacaaa cacatcacat ttccgcaagc aaggttgggg gatagagccg 661 tatgcgcggt gacgtgctcg tacggttcgg agaggactct acaccgctgg ctgtggtgga 721 tggtggtttc actctgtatc ccaaatacgc tttttcagga //